/* Threads.c -- multithreading library 2021-04-25 : Igor Pavlov : Public domain */ #include "Precomp.h" #ifdef _WIN32 #ifndef UNDER_CE #include <process.h> #endif #include "Threads.h" static WRes GetError() { DWORD res = GetLastError(); return res ? (WRes)res : 1; } static WRes HandleToWRes(HANDLE h) { return (h != NULL) ? 0 : GetError(); } static WRes BOOLToWRes(BOOL v) { return v ? 0 : GetError(); } WRes HandlePtr_Close(HANDLE *p) { if (*p != NULL) { if (!CloseHandle(*p)) return GetError(); *p = NULL; } return 0; } WRes Handle_WaitObject(HANDLE h) { DWORD dw = WaitForSingleObject(h, INFINITE); /* (dw) result: WAIT_OBJECT_0 // 0 WAIT_ABANDONED // 0x00000080 : is not compatible with Win32 Error space WAIT_TIMEOUT // 0x00000102 : is compatible with Win32 Error space WAIT_FAILED // 0xFFFFFFFF */ if (dw == WAIT_FAILED) { dw = GetLastError(); if (dw == 0) return WAIT_FAILED; } return (WRes)dw; } #define Thread_Wait(p) Handle_WaitObject(*(p)) WRes Thread_Wait_Close(CThread *p) { WRes res = Thread_Wait(p); WRes res2 = Thread_Close(p); return (res != 0 ? res : res2); } WRes Thread_Create(CThread *p, THREAD_FUNC_TYPE func, LPVOID param) { /* Windows Me/98/95: threadId parameter may not be NULL in _beginthreadex/CreateThread functions */ #ifdef UNDER_CE DWORD threadId; *p = CreateThread(0, 0, func, param, 0, &threadId); #else unsigned threadId; *p = (HANDLE)(_beginthreadex(NULL, 0, func, param, 0, &threadId)); #endif /* maybe we must use errno here, but probably GetLastError() is also OK. */ return HandleToWRes(*p); } WRes Thread_Create_With_Affinity(CThread *p, THREAD_FUNC_TYPE func, LPVOID param, CAffinityMask affinity) { #ifdef UNDER_CE UNUSED_VAR(affinity) return Thread_Create(p, func, param); #else /* Windows Me/98/95: threadId parameter may not be NULL in _beginthreadex/CreateThread functions */ HANDLE h; WRes wres; unsigned threadId; h = (HANDLE)(_beginthreadex(NULL, 0, func, param, CREATE_SUSPENDED, &threadId)); *p = h; wres = HandleToWRes(h); if (h) { { // DWORD_PTR prevMask = SetThreadAffinityMask(h, (DWORD_PTR)affinity); /* if (prevMask == 0) { // affinity change is non-critical error, so we can ignore it // wres = GetError(); } */ } { DWORD prevSuspendCount = ResumeThread(h); /* ResumeThread() returns: 0 : was_not_suspended 1 : was_resumed -1 : error */ if (prevSuspendCount == (DWORD)-1) wres = GetError(); } } /* maybe we must use errno here, but probably GetLastError() is also OK. */ return wres; #endif } static WRes Event_Create(CEvent *p, BOOL manualReset, int signaled) { *p = CreateEvent(NULL, manualReset, (signaled ? TRUE : FALSE), NULL); return HandleToWRes(*p); } WRes Event_Set(CEvent *p) { return BOOLToWRes(SetEvent(*p)); } WRes Event_Reset(CEvent *p) { return BOOLToWRes(ResetEvent(*p)); } WRes ManualResetEvent_Create(CManualResetEvent *p, int signaled) { return Event_Create(p, TRUE, signaled); } WRes AutoResetEvent_Create(CAutoResetEvent *p, int signaled) { return Event_Create(p, FALSE, signaled); } WRes ManualResetEvent_CreateNotSignaled(CManualResetEvent *p) { return ManualResetEvent_Create(p, 0); } WRes AutoResetEvent_CreateNotSignaled(CAutoResetEvent *p) { return AutoResetEvent_Create(p, 0); } WRes Semaphore_Create(CSemaphore *p, UInt32 initCount, UInt32 maxCount) { // negative ((LONG)maxCount) is not supported in WIN32::CreateSemaphore() *p = CreateSemaphore(NULL, (LONG)initCount, (LONG)maxCount, NULL); return HandleToWRes(*p); } static WRes Semaphore_Release(CSemaphore *p, LONG releaseCount, LONG *previousCount) { return BOOLToWRes(ReleaseSemaphore(*p, releaseCount, previousCount)); } WRes Semaphore_ReleaseN(CSemaphore *p, UInt32 num) { return Semaphore_Release(p, (LONG)num, NULL); } WRes Semaphore_Release1(CSemaphore *p) { return Semaphore_ReleaseN(p, 1); } WRes CriticalSection_Init(CCriticalSection *p) { /* InitializeCriticalSection can raise only STATUS_NO_MEMORY exception */ #ifdef _MSC_VER __try #endif { InitializeCriticalSection(p); /* InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount(p, 0); */ } #ifdef _MSC_VER __except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { return 1; } #endif return 0; } #else // _WIN32 // ---------- POSIX ---------- #ifndef __APPLE__ #ifndef _7ZIP_AFFINITY_DISABLE // _GNU_SOURCE can be required for pthread_setaffinity_np() / CPU_ZERO / CPU_SET #define _GNU_SOURCE #endif #endif #include "Threads.h" #include <errno.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #ifdef _7ZIP_AFFINITY_SUPPORTED // #include <sched.h> #endif // #include <stdio.h> // #define PRF(p) p #define PRF(p) #define Print(s) PRF(printf("\n%s\n", s)) // #include <stdio.h> WRes Thread_Create_With_CpuSet(CThread *p, THREAD_FUNC_TYPE func, LPVOID param, const CCpuSet *cpuSet) { // new thread in Posix probably inherits affinity from parrent thread Print("Thread_Create_With_CpuSet"); pthread_attr_t attr; int ret; // int ret2; p->_created = 0; RINOK(pthread_attr_init(&attr)); ret = pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&attr, PTHREAD_CREATE_JOINABLE); if (!ret) { if (cpuSet) { #ifdef _7ZIP_AFFINITY_SUPPORTED /* printf("\n affinity :"); unsigned i; for (i = 0; i < sizeof(*cpuSet) && i < 8; i++) { Byte b = *((const Byte *)cpuSet + i); char temp[32]; #define GET_HEX_CHAR(t) ((char)(((t < 10) ? ('0' + t) : ('A' + (t - 10))))) temp[0] = GET_HEX_CHAR((b & 0xF)); temp[1] = GET_HEX_CHAR((b >> 4)); // temp[0] = GET_HEX_CHAR((b >> 4)); // big-endian // temp[1] = GET_HEX_CHAR((b & 0xF)); // big-endian temp[2] = 0; printf("%s", temp); } printf("\n"); */ // ret2 = pthread_attr_setaffinity_np(&attr, sizeof(*cpuSet), cpuSet); // if (ret2) ret = ret2; #endif } ret = pthread_create(&p->_tid, &attr, func, param); if (!ret) { p->_created = 1; /* if (cpuSet) { // ret2 = pthread_setaffinity_np(p->_tid, sizeof(*cpuSet), cpuSet); // if (ret2) ret = ret2; } */ } } // ret2 = pthread_attr_destroy(&attr); // if (ret2 != 0) ret = ret2; return ret; } WRes Thread_Create(CThread *p, THREAD_FUNC_TYPE func, LPVOID param) { return Thread_Create_With_CpuSet(p, func, param, NULL); } WRes Thread_Create_With_Affinity(CThread *p, THREAD_FUNC_TYPE func, LPVOID param, CAffinityMask affinity) { Print("Thread_Create_WithAffinity"); CCpuSet cs; unsigned i; CpuSet_Zero(&cs); for (i = 0; i < sizeof(affinity) * 8; i++) { if (affinity == 0) break; if (affinity & 1) { CpuSet_Set(&cs, i); } affinity >>= 1; } return Thread_Create_With_CpuSet(p, func, param, &cs); } WRes Thread_Close(CThread *p) { // Print("Thread_Close"); int ret; if (!p->_created) return 0; ret = pthread_detach(p->_tid); p->_tid = 0; p->_created = 0; return ret; } WRes Thread_Wait_Close(CThread *p) { // Print("Thread_Wait_Close"); void *thread_return; int ret; if (!p->_created) return EINVAL; ret = pthread_join(p->_tid, &thread_return); // probably we can't use that (_tid) after pthread_join(), so we close thread here p->_created = 0; p->_tid = 0; return ret; } static WRes Event_Create(CEvent *p, int manualReset, int signaled) { RINOK(pthread_mutex_init(&p->_mutex, NULL)); RINOK(pthread_cond_init(&p->_cond, NULL)); p->_manual_reset = manualReset; p->_state = (signaled ? True : False); p->_created = 1; return 0; } WRes ManualResetEvent_Create(CManualResetEvent *p, int signaled) { return Event_Create(p, True, signaled); } WRes ManualResetEvent_CreateNotSignaled(CManualResetEvent *p) { return ManualResetEvent_Create(p, 0); } WRes AutoResetEvent_Create(CAutoResetEvent *p, int signaled) { return Event_Create(p, False, signaled); } WRes AutoResetEvent_CreateNotSignaled(CAutoResetEvent *p) { return AutoResetEvent_Create(p, 0); } WRes Event_Set(CEvent *p) { RINOK(pthread_mutex_lock(&p->_mutex)); p->_state = True; int res1 = pthread_cond_broadcast(&p->_cond); int res2 = pthread_mutex_unlock(&p->_mutex); return (res2 ? res2 : res1); } WRes Event_Reset(CEvent *p) { RINOK(pthread_mutex_lock(&p->_mutex)); p->_state = False; return pthread_mutex_unlock(&p->_mutex); } WRes Event_Wait(CEvent *p) { RINOK(pthread_mutex_lock(&p->_mutex)); while (p->_state == False) { // ETIMEDOUT // ret = pthread_cond_wait(&p->_cond, &p->_mutex); // if (ret != 0) break; } if (p->_manual_reset == False) { p->_state = False; } return pthread_mutex_unlock(&p->_mutex); } WRes Event_Close(CEvent *p) { if (!p->_created) return 0; p->_created = 0; { int res1 = pthread_mutex_destroy(&p->_mutex); int res2 = pthread_cond_destroy(&p->_cond); return (res1 ? res1 : res2); } } WRes Semaphore_Create(CSemaphore *p, UInt32 initCount, UInt32 maxCount) { if (initCount > maxCount || maxCount < 1) return EINVAL; RINOK(pthread_mutex_init(&p->_mutex, NULL)); RINOK(pthread_cond_init(&p->_cond, NULL)); p->_count = initCount; p->_maxCount = maxCount; p->_created = 1; return 0; } WRes Semaphore_ReleaseN(CSemaphore *p, UInt32 releaseCount) { UInt32 newCount; int ret; if (releaseCount < 1) return EINVAL; RINOK(pthread_mutex_lock(&p->_mutex)); newCount = p->_count + releaseCount; if (newCount > p->_maxCount) ret = ERROR_TOO_MANY_POSTS; // EINVAL; else { p->_count = newCount; ret = pthread_cond_broadcast(&p->_cond); } RINOK(pthread_mutex_unlock(&p->_mutex)); return ret; } WRes Semaphore_Wait(CSemaphore *p) { RINOK(pthread_mutex_lock(&p->_mutex)); while (p->_count < 1) { pthread_cond_wait(&p->_cond, &p->_mutex); } p->_count--; return pthread_mutex_unlock(&p->_mutex); } WRes Semaphore_Close(CSemaphore *p) { if (!p->_created) return 0; p->_created = 0; { int res1 = pthread_mutex_destroy(&p->_mutex); int res2 = pthread_cond_destroy(&p->_cond); return (res1 ? res1 : res2); } } WRes CriticalSection_Init(CCriticalSection *p) { // Print("CriticalSection_Init"); if (!p) return EINTR; return pthread_mutex_init(&p->_mutex, NULL); } void CriticalSection_Enter(CCriticalSection *p) { // Print("CriticalSection_Enter"); if (p) { // int ret = pthread_mutex_lock(&p->_mutex); } } void CriticalSection_Leave(CCriticalSection *p) { // Print("CriticalSection_Leave"); if (p) { // int ret = pthread_mutex_unlock(&p->_mutex); } } void CriticalSection_Delete(CCriticalSection *p) { // Print("CriticalSection_Delete"); if (p) { // int ret = pthread_mutex_destroy(&p->_mutex); } } LONG InterlockedIncrement(LONG volatile *addend) { // Print("InterlockedIncrement"); #ifdef USE_HACK_UNSAFE_ATOMIC LONG val = *addend + 1; *addend = val; return val; #else return __sync_add_and_fetch(addend, 1); #endif } #endif // _WIN32