/** * Author......: See docs/credits.txt * License.....: MIT */ #include "common.h" #include "types.h" #include "event.h" #include "bitops.h" #include "convert.h" #include "backend.h" #include "thread.h" #include "selftest.h" static int selftest (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, hc_device_param_t *device_param) { hashconfig_t *hashconfig = hashcat_ctx->hashconfig; hashes_t *hashes = hashcat_ctx->hashes; module_ctx_t *module_ctx = hashcat_ctx->module_ctx; status_ctx_t *status_ctx = hashcat_ctx->status_ctx; user_options_t *user_options = hashcat_ctx->user_options; user_options_extra_t *user_options_extra = hashcat_ctx->user_options_extra; if (hashconfig->st_hash == NULL) return 0; // init : replace hashes with selftest hash if (device_param->is_cuda == true) { device_param->kernel_params[15] = &device_param->cuda_d_st_digests_buf; device_param->kernel_params[17] = &device_param->cuda_d_st_salts_buf; device_param->kernel_params[18] = &device_param->cuda_d_st_esalts_buf; } if (device_param->is_opencl == true) { device_param->kernel_params[15] = &device_param->opencl_d_st_digests_buf; device_param->kernel_params[17] = &device_param->opencl_d_st_salts_buf; device_param->kernel_params[18] = &device_param->opencl_d_st_esalts_buf; } device_param->kernel_params_buf32[31] = 1; device_param->kernel_params_buf32[32] = 0; // password : move the known password into a fake buffer const u32 module_opts_type = module_ctx->module_opts_type (hashconfig, user_options, user_options_extra); pw_t tmp; memset (&tmp, 0, sizeof (tmp)); char *tmp_ptr = (char *) &tmp.i; const size_t tmp_len = strlen (hashconfig->st_pass); if (module_opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_PT_HEX) { tmp.pw_len = hex_decode ((const u8 *) hashconfig->st_pass, (const int) tmp_len, (u8 *) tmp_ptr); } else { memcpy (tmp_ptr, hashconfig->st_pass, tmp_len); tmp.pw_len = (u32) tmp_len; } u32 highest_pw_len = 0; if (user_options->slow_candidates == true) { if (hashconfig->attack_exec == ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL) { device_param->kernel_params_buf32[30] = 1; } pw_t pw; memset (&pw, 0, sizeof (pw)); char *pw_ptr = (char *) &pw.i; const size_t pw_len = tmp.pw_len; memcpy (pw_ptr, tmp_ptr, pw_len); pw.pw_len = (u32) pw_len; if (device_param->is_cuda == true) { if (hc_cuMemcpyHtoD (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_d_pws_buf, &pw, 1 * sizeof (pw_t)) == -1) return -1; } if (device_param->is_opencl == true) { if (hc_clEnqueueWriteBuffer (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_command_queue, device_param->opencl_d_pws_buf, CL_TRUE, 0, 1 * sizeof (pw_t), &pw, 0, NULL, NULL) == -1) return -1; } } else { if (hashconfig->attack_exec == ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL) { if (user_options_extra->attack_kern == ATTACK_KERN_STRAIGHT) { device_param->kernel_params_buf32[30] = 1; pw_t pw; memset (&pw, 0, sizeof (pw)); char *pw_ptr = (char *) &pw.i; const size_t pw_len = tmp.pw_len; memcpy (pw_ptr, tmp_ptr, pw_len); pw.pw_len = (u32) pw_len; if (hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_PT_UPPER) { uppercase ((u8 *) pw_ptr, pw.pw_len); } if (device_param->is_cuda == true) { if (hc_cuMemcpyHtoD (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_d_pws_buf, &pw, 1 * sizeof (pw_t)) == -1) return -1; } if (device_param->is_opencl == true) { if (hc_clEnqueueWriteBuffer (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_command_queue, device_param->opencl_d_pws_buf, CL_TRUE, 0, 1 * sizeof (pw_t), &pw, 0, NULL, NULL) == -1) return -1; } } else if (user_options_extra->attack_kern == ATTACK_KERN_COMBI) { device_param->kernel_params_buf32[30] = 1; device_param->kernel_params_buf32[33] = COMBINATOR_MODE_BASE_LEFT; pw_t pw; memset (&pw, 0, sizeof (pw)); char *pw_ptr = (char *) &pw.i; const size_t pw_len = tmp.pw_len; memcpy (pw_ptr, tmp_ptr, pw_len - 1); pw.pw_len = (u32) pw_len - 1; if (hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_PT_UPPER) { uppercase ((u8 *) pw_ptr, pw.pw_len); } pw_t comb; memset (&comb, 0, sizeof (comb)); char *comb_ptr = (char *) &comb.i; memcpy (comb_ptr, tmp_ptr + pw_len - 1, 1); comb.pw_len = 1; if (hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_PT_UPPER) { uppercase ((u8 *) comb_ptr, comb.pw_len); } if (hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADD01) { comb_ptr[comb.pw_len] = 0x01; } if (hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADD06) { comb_ptr[comb.pw_len] = 0x06; } if (hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADD80) { comb_ptr[comb.pw_len] = 0x80; } if (device_param->is_cuda == true) { if (hc_cuMemcpyHtoD (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_d_combs_c, &comb, 1 * sizeof (pw_t)) == -1) return -1; if (hc_cuMemcpyHtoD (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_d_pws_buf, &pw, 1 * sizeof (pw_t)) == -1) return -1; } if (device_param->is_opencl == true) { if (hc_clEnqueueWriteBuffer (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_command_queue, device_param->opencl_d_combs_c, CL_TRUE, 0, 1 * sizeof (pw_t), &comb, 0, NULL, NULL) == -1) return -1; if (hc_clEnqueueWriteBuffer (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_command_queue, device_param->opencl_d_pws_buf, CL_TRUE, 0, 1 * sizeof (pw_t), &pw, 0, NULL, NULL) == -1) return -1; } } else if (user_options_extra->attack_kern == ATTACK_KERN_BF) { device_param->kernel_params_buf32[30] = 1; if (hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_PT_BITSLICE) { pw_t pw; memset (&pw, 0, sizeof (pw)); char *pw_ptr = (char *) &pw.i; const size_t pw_len = tmp.pw_len; memcpy (pw_ptr, tmp_ptr, pw_len); if (hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_PT_UPPER) { uppercase ((u8 *) pw_ptr, pw_len); } pw.pw_len = (u32) pw_len; if (device_param->is_cuda == true) { if (hc_cuMemcpyHtoD (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_d_pws_buf, &pw, 1 * sizeof (pw_t)) == -1) return -1; } if (device_param->is_opencl == true) { if (hc_clEnqueueWriteBuffer (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_command_queue, device_param->opencl_d_pws_buf, CL_TRUE, 0, 1 * sizeof (pw_t), &pw, 0, NULL, NULL) == -1) return -1; } } else { bf_t bf; memset (&bf, 0, sizeof (bf)); char *bf_ptr = (char *) &bf.i; memcpy (bf_ptr, tmp_ptr, 1); if (hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_PT_UTF16LE) { memset (bf_ptr, 0, 4); for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < 1; i += 1, j += 2) { bf_ptr[j + 0] = tmp_ptr[i]; bf_ptr[j + 1] = 0; } } else if (hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_PT_UTF16BE) { memset (bf_ptr, 0, 4); for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < 1; i += 1, j += 2) { bf_ptr[j + 0] = 0; bf_ptr[j + 1] = tmp_ptr[i]; } } if (hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_PT_UPPER) { uppercase ((u8 *) bf_ptr, 4); } if (hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_BE) { bf.i = byte_swap_32 (bf.i); } if (device_param->is_cuda == true) { if (hc_cuMemcpyHtoD (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_d_bfs_c, &bf, 1 * sizeof (bf_t)) == -1) return -1; } if (device_param->is_opencl == true) { if (hc_clEnqueueWriteBuffer (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_command_queue, device_param->opencl_d_bfs_c, CL_TRUE, 0, 1 * sizeof (bf_t), &bf, 0, NULL, NULL) == -1) return -1; } pw_t pw; memset (&pw, 0, sizeof (pw)); char *pw_ptr = (char *) &pw.i; const size_t pw_len = tmp.pw_len; memcpy (pw_ptr + 1, tmp_ptr + 1, pw_len - 1); size_t new_pass_len = pw_len; if (hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_PT_UTF16LE) { memset (pw_ptr, 0, pw_len); for (size_t i = 1, j = 2; i < new_pass_len; i += 1, j += 2) { pw_ptr[j + 0] = tmp_ptr[i]; pw_ptr[j + 1] = 0; } new_pass_len *= 2; } else if (hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_PT_UTF16BE) { memset (pw_ptr, 0, pw_len); for (size_t i = 1, j = 2; i < new_pass_len; i += 1, j += 2) { pw_ptr[j + 0] = 0; pw_ptr[j + 1] = tmp_ptr[i]; } new_pass_len *= 2; } if (hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_PT_UPPER) { uppercase ((u8 *) pw_ptr, new_pass_len); } if (hashconfig->opti_type & OPTI_TYPE_SINGLE_HASH) { if (hashconfig->opti_type & OPTI_TYPE_APPENDED_SALT) { memcpy (pw_ptr + new_pass_len, (char *) hashes->st_salts_buf[0].salt_buf, 64 - new_pass_len); new_pass_len += hashes->st_salts_buf[0].salt_len; } } pw.pw_len = (u32) new_pass_len; if (hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADD01) { pw_ptr[new_pass_len] = 0x01; } if (hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADD06) { pw_ptr[new_pass_len] = 0x06; } if (hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADD80) { pw_ptr[new_pass_len] = 0x80; } if (hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADDBITS14) { pw.i[14] = (u32) new_pass_len * 8; pw.i[15] = 0; } if (hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADDBITS15) { pw.i[14] = 0; pw.i[15] = (u32) new_pass_len * 8; } if (hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_BE) { for (int i = 0; i < 14; i++) pw.i[i] = byte_swap_32 (pw.i[i]); } if (device_param->is_cuda == true) { if (hc_cuMemcpyHtoD (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_d_pws_buf, &pw, 1 * sizeof (pw_t)) == -1) return -1; } if (device_param->is_opencl == true) { if (hc_clEnqueueWriteBuffer (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_command_queue, device_param->opencl_d_pws_buf, CL_TRUE, 0, 1 * sizeof (pw_t), &pw, 0, NULL, NULL) == -1) return -1; } highest_pw_len = pw.pw_len; } } } else { pw_t pw; memset (&pw, 0, sizeof (pw)); char *pw_ptr = (char *) &pw.i; const size_t pw_len = tmp.pw_len; memcpy (pw_ptr, tmp_ptr, pw_len); pw.pw_len = (u32) pw_len; if (device_param->is_cuda == true) { if (hc_cuMemcpyHtoD (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_d_pws_buf, &pw, 1 * sizeof (pw_t)) == -1) return -1; } if (device_param->is_opencl == true) { if (hc_clEnqueueWriteBuffer (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_command_queue, device_param->opencl_d_pws_buf, CL_TRUE, 0, 1 * sizeof (pw_t), &pw, 0, NULL, NULL) == -1) return -1; } } } // main : run the kernel const double spin_damp_sav = device_param->spin_damp; device_param->spin_damp = 0; if (hashconfig->attack_exec == ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL) { if (hashconfig->opti_type & OPTI_TYPE_OPTIMIZED_KERNEL) { if (highest_pw_len < 16) { if (run_kernel (hashcat_ctx, device_param, KERN_RUN_1, 1, false, 0) == -1) return -1; } else if (highest_pw_len < 32) { if (run_kernel (hashcat_ctx, device_param, KERN_RUN_2, 1, false, 0) == -1) return -1; } else { if (run_kernel (hashcat_ctx, device_param, KERN_RUN_3, 1, false, 0) == -1) return -1; } } else { if (run_kernel (hashcat_ctx, device_param, KERN_RUN_4, 1, false, 0) == -1) return -1; } } else { // missing handling hooks if (run_kernel (hashcat_ctx, device_param, KERN_RUN_1, 1, false, 0) == -1) return -1; if (hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_HOOK12) { if (run_kernel (hashcat_ctx, device_param, KERN_RUN_12, 1, false, 0) == -1) return -1; if (device_param->is_cuda == true) { if (hc_cuMemcpyDtoH (hashcat_ctx, device_param->hooks_buf, device_param->cuda_d_hooks, device_param->size_hooks) == -1) return -1; } if (device_param->is_opencl == true) { if (hc_clEnqueueReadBuffer (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_command_queue, device_param->opencl_d_hooks, CL_TRUE, 0, device_param->size_hooks, device_param->hooks_buf, 0, NULL, NULL) == -1) return -1; } module_ctx->module_hook12 (device_param, hashes->st_hook_salts_buf, 0, 1); if (device_param->is_cuda == true) { if (hc_cuMemcpyHtoD (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_d_hooks, device_param->hooks_buf, device_param->size_hooks) == -1) return -1; } if (device_param->is_opencl == true) { if (hc_clEnqueueWriteBuffer (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_command_queue, device_param->opencl_d_hooks, CL_TRUE, 0, device_param->size_hooks, device_param->hooks_buf, 0, NULL, NULL) == -1) return -1; } } const u32 salt_pos = 0; salt_t *salt_buf = &hashes->st_salts_buf[salt_pos]; const u32 loop_step = hashconfig->kernel_loops_min + ((hashconfig->kernel_loops_max - hashconfig->kernel_loops_min) / 32); const u32 iter = salt_buf->salt_iter; for (u32 loop_pos = 0; loop_pos < iter; loop_pos += loop_step) { u32 loop_left = iter - loop_pos; loop_left = MIN (loop_left, loop_step); device_param->kernel_params_buf32[28] = loop_pos; device_param->kernel_params_buf32[29] = loop_left; if (run_kernel (hashcat_ctx, device_param, KERN_RUN_2, 1, false, 0) == -1) return -1; } if (hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_HOOK23) { if (run_kernel (hashcat_ctx, device_param, KERN_RUN_23, 1, false, 0) == -1) return -1; if (device_param->is_cuda == true) { if (hc_cuMemcpyDtoH (hashcat_ctx, device_param->hooks_buf, device_param->cuda_d_hooks, device_param->size_hooks) == -1) return -1; } if (device_param->is_opencl == true) { if (hc_clEnqueueReadBuffer (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_command_queue, device_param->opencl_d_hooks, CL_TRUE, 0, device_param->size_hooks, device_param->hooks_buf, 0, NULL, NULL) == -1) return -1; } module_ctx->module_hook23 (device_param, hashes->st_hook_salts_buf, 0, 1); if (device_param->is_cuda == true) { if (hc_cuMemcpyHtoD (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_d_hooks, device_param->hooks_buf, device_param->size_hooks) == -1) return -1; } if (device_param->is_opencl == true) { if (hc_clEnqueueWriteBuffer (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_command_queue, device_param->opencl_d_hooks, CL_TRUE, 0, device_param->size_hooks, device_param->hooks_buf, 0, NULL, NULL) == -1) return -1; } } if (hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_INIT2) { if (run_kernel (hashcat_ctx, device_param, KERN_RUN_INIT2, 1, false, 0) == -1) return -1; } if (hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_LOOP2) { const u32 iter2 = salt_buf->salt_iter2; for (u32 loop_pos = 0; loop_pos < iter2; loop_pos += loop_step) { u32 loop_left = iter2 - loop_pos; loop_left = MIN (loop_left, loop_step); device_param->kernel_params_buf32[28] = loop_pos; device_param->kernel_params_buf32[29] = loop_left; if (run_kernel (hashcat_ctx, device_param, KERN_RUN_LOOP2, 1, false, 0) == -1) return -1; } } if (hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_DEEP_COMP_KERNEL) { device_param->kernel_params_buf32[28] = 0; device_param->kernel_params_buf32[29] = 1; if (hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_AUX1) { if (run_kernel (hashcat_ctx, device_param, KERN_RUN_AUX1, 1, false, 0) == -1) return -1; } else if (hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_AUX2) { if (run_kernel (hashcat_ctx, device_param, KERN_RUN_AUX2, 1, false, 0) == -1) return -1; } else if (hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_AUX3) { if (run_kernel (hashcat_ctx, device_param, KERN_RUN_AUX3, 1, false, 0) == -1) return -1; } else { if (run_kernel (hashcat_ctx, device_param, KERN_RUN_3, 1, false, 0) == -1) return -1; } } else { if (run_kernel (hashcat_ctx, device_param, KERN_RUN_3, 1, false, 0) == -1) return -1; } } device_param->spin_damp = spin_damp_sav; // check : check if cracked u32 num_cracked; if (device_param->is_cuda == true) { if (hc_cuMemcpyDtoH (hashcat_ctx, &num_cracked, device_param->cuda_d_result, sizeof (u32)) == -1) return -1; } if (device_param->is_opencl == true) { if (hc_clEnqueueReadBuffer (hashcat_ctx, device_param->opencl_command_queue, device_param->opencl_d_result, CL_TRUE, 0, sizeof (u32), &num_cracked, 0, NULL, NULL) == -1) return -1; } // finish : cleanup and restore device_param->kernel_params_buf32[27] = 0; device_param->kernel_params_buf32[28] = 0; device_param->kernel_params_buf32[29] = 0; device_param->kernel_params_buf32[30] = 0; device_param->kernel_params_buf32[31] = 0; device_param->kernel_params_buf32[32] = 0; device_param->kernel_params_buf32[33] = 0; device_param->kernel_params_buf64[34] = 0; if (device_param->is_cuda == true) { device_param->kernel_params[15] = &device_param->cuda_d_digests_buf; device_param->kernel_params[17] = &device_param->cuda_d_salt_bufs; device_param->kernel_params[18] = &device_param->cuda_d_esalt_bufs; if (run_cuda_kernel_bzero (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->cuda_d_pws_buf, device_param->size_pws) == -1) return -1; if (run_cuda_kernel_bzero (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->cuda_d_tmps, device_param->size_tmps) == -1) return -1; if (run_cuda_kernel_bzero (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->cuda_d_hooks, device_param->size_hooks) == -1) return -1; if (run_cuda_kernel_bzero (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->cuda_d_plain_bufs, device_param->size_plains) == -1) return -1; if (run_cuda_kernel_bzero (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->cuda_d_digests_shown, device_param->size_shown) == -1) return -1; if (run_cuda_kernel_bzero (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->cuda_d_result, device_param->size_results) == -1) return -1; } if (device_param->is_opencl == true) { device_param->kernel_params[15] = &device_param->opencl_d_digests_buf; device_param->kernel_params[17] = &device_param->opencl_d_salt_bufs; device_param->kernel_params[18] = &device_param->opencl_d_esalt_bufs; if (run_opencl_kernel_bzero (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->opencl_d_pws_buf, device_param->size_pws) == -1) return -1; if (run_opencl_kernel_bzero (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->opencl_d_tmps, device_param->size_tmps) == -1) return -1; if (run_opencl_kernel_bzero (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->opencl_d_hooks, device_param->size_hooks) == -1) return -1; if (run_opencl_kernel_bzero (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->opencl_d_plain_bufs, device_param->size_plains) == -1) return -1; if (run_opencl_kernel_bzero (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->opencl_d_digests_shown, device_param->size_shown) == -1) return -1; if (run_opencl_kernel_bzero (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->opencl_d_result, device_param->size_results) == -1) return -1; } if (user_options->slow_candidates == true) { if (device_param->is_cuda == true) { if (run_cuda_kernel_bzero (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->cuda_d_rules_c, device_param->size_rules_c) == -1) return -1; } if (device_param->is_opencl == true) { if (run_opencl_kernel_bzero (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->opencl_d_rules_c, device_param->size_rules_c) == -1) return -1; } } else { if (user_options_extra->attack_kern == ATTACK_KERN_STRAIGHT) { if (device_param->is_cuda == true) { if (run_cuda_kernel_bzero (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->cuda_d_rules_c, device_param->size_rules_c) == -1) return -1; } if (device_param->is_opencl == true) { if (run_opencl_kernel_bzero (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->opencl_d_rules_c, device_param->size_rules_c) == -1) return -1; } } else if (user_options_extra->attack_kern == ATTACK_KERN_COMBI) { if (device_param->is_cuda == true) { if (run_cuda_kernel_bzero (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->cuda_d_combs_c, device_param->size_combs) == -1) return -1; } if (device_param->is_opencl == true) { if (run_opencl_kernel_bzero (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->opencl_d_combs_c, device_param->size_combs) == -1) return -1; } } else if (user_options_extra->attack_kern == ATTACK_KERN_BF) { if (device_param->is_cuda == true) { if (run_cuda_kernel_bzero (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->cuda_d_bfs_c, device_param->size_bfs) == -1) return -1; } if (device_param->is_opencl == true) { if (run_opencl_kernel_bzero (hashcat_ctx, device_param, device_param->opencl_d_bfs_c, device_param->size_bfs) == -1) return -1; } } } // check return if (num_cracked == 0) { hc_thread_mutex_lock (status_ctx->mux_display); if (device_param->is_opencl == true) { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "* Device #%u: ATTENTION! OpenCL kernel self-test failed.", device_param->device_id + 1); } if (device_param->is_cuda == true) { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "* Device #%u: ATTENTION! CUDA kernel self-test failed.", device_param->device_id + 1); } event_log_warning (hashcat_ctx, "Your device driver installation is probably broken."); event_log_warning (hashcat_ctx, "See also: https://hashcat.net/faq/wrongdriver"); event_log_warning (hashcat_ctx, NULL); hc_thread_mutex_unlock (status_ctx->mux_display); return -1; } return 0; } HC_API_CALL void *thread_selftest (void *p) { thread_param_t *thread_param = (thread_param_t *) p; hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx = thread_param->hashcat_ctx; backend_ctx_t *backend_ctx = hashcat_ctx->backend_ctx; if (backend_ctx->enabled == false) return NULL; user_options_t *user_options = hashcat_ctx->user_options; if (user_options->self_test_disable == true) return NULL; hc_device_param_t *device_param = backend_ctx->devices_param + thread_param->tid; if (device_param->skipped == true) return NULL; if (device_param->skipped_warning == true) return NULL; if (device_param->is_cuda == true) { if (hc_cuCtxSetCurrent (hashcat_ctx, device_param->cuda_context) == -1) return NULL; } const int rc_selftest = selftest (hashcat_ctx, device_param); if (user_options->benchmark == true) { device_param->st_status = ST_STATUS_IGNORED; } else { if (rc_selftest == 0) { device_param->st_status = ST_STATUS_PASSED; } else { device_param->st_status = ST_STATUS_FAILED; } } return NULL; }