# # Find the right -n value for your GPU: # ===================================== # # 1. For example, to find the value for 27700, first create a valid hash for 27700 as follows: # # $ ./hashcat --example-hashes -m 27700 | grep Example.Hash | grep -v Format | cut -b 25- > tmp.hash.27700 # # 2. Now let it iterate through all -n values to a certain point. In this case, I'm using 200, but in general it's a value that is at least twice that of the multiprocessor. If you don't mind you can just leave it as it is, it just runs a little longer. # # $ export i=1; while [ $i -ne 201 ]; do echo $i; ./hashcat --quiet tmp.hash.27700 --keep-guessing --self-test-disable --markov-disable --restore-disable --outfile-autohex-disable --wordlist-autohex-disable --potfile-disable --logfile-disable --hwmon-disable --status --status-timer 1 --runtime 28 --machine-readable --optimized-kernel-enable --workload-profile 3 --hash-type 27700 --attack-mode 3 ?b?b?b?b?b?b?b --backend-devices 1 --force -n $i; i=$(($i+1)); done | tee x # # 3. Determine the highest measured H/s speed. But don't just use the highest value. Instead, use the number that seems most stable, usually at the beginning. # # $ grep "$(printf 'STATUS\t3')" x | cut -f4 -d$'\t' | sort -n | tail # # 4. To match the speed you have chosen to the correct value in the 'x' file, simply search for it in it. Then go up a little on the block where you found him. The value -n is the single value that begins before the block start. If you have multiple blocks at the same speed, choose the lowest value for -n #Device Attack Hash Vector Kernel Kernel #Name Mode Type Width Accel Loops DEVICE_TYPE_CPU * 27700 1 N A DEVICE_TYPE_GPU * 27700 1 N A GeForce_GTX_980 * 27700 1 29 A GeForce_GTX_1080 * 27700 1 15 A GeForce_RTX_2080_Ti * 27700 1 68 A GeForce_RTX_3060_Ti * 27700 1 51 A GeForce_RTX_3070 * 27700 1 46 A GeForce_RTX_3090 * 27700 1 82 A GeForce_RTX_3090_Ti * 27700 1 84 A NVS_510 * 27700 1 12 A ALIAS_AMD_RX480 * 27700 1 15 A ALIAS_AMD_Vega64 * 27700 1 30 A ALIAS_AMD_MI100 * 27700 1 79 A ALIAS_AMD_RX6900XT * 27700 1 123 A ALIAS_AMD_RX7900XTX * 27700 1 171 A ALIAS_AMD_W5700X * 27700 1 4 A