/** * Author......: See docs/credits.txt * License.....: MIT */ #if defined (__APPLE__) #include #endif #include "common.h" #include "types.h" #include "bitops.h" #include "memory.h" #include "convert.h" #include "logging.h" #include "inc_hash_constants.h" #include "cpu_aes.h" #include "cpu_crc32.h" #include "cpu_des.h" #include "cpu_md5.h" #include "cpu_sha1.h" #include "cpu_sha256.h" #include "interface.h" static const char OPTI_STR_ZERO_BYTE[] = "Zero-Byte"; static const char OPTI_STR_PRECOMPUTE_INIT[] = "Precompute-Init"; static const char OPTI_STR_PRECOMPUTE_MERKLE[] = "Precompute-Merkle-Demgard"; static const char OPTI_STR_PRECOMPUTE_PERMUT[] = "Precompute-Final-Permutation"; static const char OPTI_STR_MEET_IN_MIDDLE[] = "Meet-In-The-Middle"; static const char OPTI_STR_EARLY_SKIP[] = "Early-Skip"; static const char OPTI_STR_NOT_SALTED[] = "Not-Salted"; static const char OPTI_STR_NOT_ITERATED[] = "Not-Iterated"; static const char OPTI_STR_PREPENDED_SALT[] = "Prepended-Salt"; static const char OPTI_STR_APPENDED_SALT[] = "Appended-Salt"; static const char OPTI_STR_SINGLE_HASH[] = "Single-Hash"; static const char OPTI_STR_SINGLE_SALT[] = "Single-Salt"; static const char OPTI_STR_BRUTE_FORCE[] = "Brute-Force"; static const char OPTI_STR_RAW_HASH[] = "Raw-Hash"; static const char OPTI_STR_SLOW_HASH_SIMD[] = "Slow-Hash-SIMD"; static const char OPTI_STR_USES_BITS_8[] = "Uses-8-Bit"; static const char OPTI_STR_USES_BITS_16[] = "Uses-16-Bit"; static const char OPTI_STR_USES_BITS_32[] = "Uses-32-Bit"; static const char OPTI_STR_USES_BITS_64[] = "Uses-64-Bit"; static const char PA_000[] = "OK"; static const char PA_001[] = "Ignored due to comment"; static const char PA_002[] = "Ignored due to zero length"; static const char PA_003[] = "Line-length exception"; static const char PA_004[] = "Hash-length exception"; static const char PA_005[] = "Hash-value exception"; static const char PA_006[] = "Salt-length exception"; static const char PA_007[] = "Salt-value exception"; static const char PA_008[] = "Salt-iteration count exception"; static const char PA_009[] = "Separator unmatched"; static const char PA_010[] = "Signature unmatched"; static const char PA_011[] = "Invalid hccap filesize"; static const char PA_012[] = "Invalid eapol size"; static const char PA_013[] = "Invalid psafe2 filesize"; static const char PA_014[] = "Invalid psafe3 filesize"; static const char PA_015[] = "Invalid truecrypt filesize"; static const char PA_016[] = "Invalid veracrypt filesize"; //static const char PA_017[] = "Invalid SIP directive, only MD5 is supported"; static const char PA_255[] = "Unknown error"; static const char HT_00000[] = "MD5"; static const char HT_00010[] = "md5($pass.$salt)"; static const char HT_00020[] = "md5($salt.$pass)"; static const char HT_00030[] = "md5(unicode($pass).$salt)"; static const char HT_00040[] = "md5($salt.unicode($pass))"; static const char HT_00050[] = "HMAC-MD5 (key = $pass)"; static const char HT_00060[] = "HMAC-MD5 (key = $salt)"; static const char HT_00100[] = "SHA1"; static const char HT_00110[] = "sha1($pass.$salt)"; static const char HT_00120[] = "sha1($salt.$pass)"; static const char HT_00130[] = "sha1(unicode($pass).$salt)"; static const char HT_00140[] = "sha1($salt.unicode($pass))"; static const char HT_00150[] = "HMAC-SHA1 (key = $pass)"; static const char HT_00160[] = "HMAC-SHA1 (key = $salt)"; static const char HT_00200[] = "MySQL323"; static const char HT_00300[] = "MySQL4.1/MySQL5"; static const char HT_00400[] = "phpass, MD5(Wordpress), MD5(phpBB3), MD5(Joomla)"; static const char HT_00500[] = "md5crypt, MD5(Unix), FreeBSD MD5, Cisco-IOS MD5"; static const char HT_00501[] = "Juniper IVE"; static const char HT_00900[] = "MD4"; static const char HT_00910[] = "md4($pass.$salt)"; static const char HT_01000[] = "NTLM"; static const char HT_01100[] = "Domain Cached Credentials (DCC), MS Cache"; static const char HT_01400[] = "SHA256"; static const char HT_01410[] = "sha256($pass.$salt)"; static const char HT_01420[] = "sha256($salt.$pass)"; static const char HT_01430[] = "sha256(unicode($pass).$salt)"; static const char HT_01440[] = "sha256($salt.$pass)"; static const char HT_01450[] = "HMAC-SHA256 (key = $pass)"; static const char HT_01460[] = "HMAC-SHA256 (key = $salt)"; static const char HT_01500[] = "descrypt, DES(Unix), Traditional DES"; static const char HT_01600[] = "md5apr1, MD5(APR), Apache MD5"; static const char HT_01700[] = "SHA512"; static const char HT_01710[] = "sha512($pass.$salt)"; static const char HT_01720[] = "sha512($salt.$pass)"; static const char HT_01730[] = "sha512(unicode($pass).$salt)"; static const char HT_01740[] = "sha512($salt.unicode($pass))"; static const char HT_01750[] = "HMAC-SHA512 (key = $pass)"; static const char HT_01760[] = "HMAC-SHA512 (key = $salt)"; static const char HT_01800[] = "sha512crypt, SHA512(Unix)"; static const char HT_02100[] = "Domain Cached Credentials 2 (DCC2), MS Cache 2"; static const char HT_02400[] = "Cisco-PIX MD5"; static const char HT_02410[] = "Cisco-ASA MD5"; static const char HT_02500[] = "WPA/WPA2"; static const char HT_02600[] = "Double MD5"; static const char HT_03000[] = "LM"; static const char HT_03100[] = "Oracle H: Type (Oracle 7+)"; static const char HT_03200[] = "bcrypt, Blowfish(OpenBSD)"; static const char HT_03710[] = "md5($salt.md5($pass))"; static const char HT_03711[] = "Mediawiki B type"; static const char HT_03800[] = "md5($salt.$pass.$salt)"; static const char HT_04300[] = "md5(strtoupper(md5($pass)))"; static const char HT_04400[] = "md5(sha1($pass))"; static const char HT_04500[] = "Double SHA1"; static const char HT_04700[] = "sha1(md5($pass))"; static const char HT_04800[] = "MD5(Chap), iSCSI CHAP authentication"; static const char HT_04900[] = "sha1($salt.$pass.$salt)"; static const char HT_05000[] = "SHA-3(Keccak)"; static const char HT_05100[] = "Half MD5"; static const char HT_05200[] = "Password Safe v3"; static const char HT_05300[] = "IKE-PSK MD5"; static const char HT_05400[] = "IKE-PSK SHA1"; static const char HT_05500[] = "NetNTLMv1-VANILLA / NetNTLMv1+ESS"; static const char HT_05600[] = "NetNTLMv2"; static const char HT_05700[] = "Cisco-IOS SHA256"; static const char HT_05800[] = "Android PIN"; static const char HT_06000[] = "RipeMD160"; static const char HT_06100[] = "Whirlpool"; static const char HT_06300[] = "AIX {smd5}"; static const char HT_06400[] = "AIX {ssha256}"; static const char HT_06500[] = "AIX {ssha512}"; static const char HT_06600[] = "1Password, agilekeychain"; static const char HT_06700[] = "AIX {ssha1}"; static const char HT_06800[] = "Lastpass"; static const char HT_06900[] = "GOST R 34.11-94"; static const char HT_07100[] = "OSX v10.8+"; static const char HT_07200[] = "GRUB 2"; static const char HT_07300[] = "IPMI2 RAKP HMAC-SHA1"; static const char HT_07400[] = "sha256crypt, SHA256(Unix)"; static const char HT_07500[] = "Kerberos 5 AS-REQ Pre-Auth etype 23"; static const char HT_07600[] = "Redmine Project Management Web App"; static const char HT_07700[] = "SAP CODVN B (BCODE)"; static const char HT_07800[] = "SAP CODVN F/G (PASSCODE)"; static const char HT_07900[] = "Drupal7"; static const char HT_08000[] = "Sybase ASE"; static const char HT_08100[] = "Citrix NetScaler"; static const char HT_08200[] = "1Password, cloudkeychain"; static const char HT_08300[] = "DNSSEC (NSEC3)"; static const char HT_08400[] = "WBB3, Woltlab Burning Board 3"; static const char HT_08500[] = "RACF"; static const char HT_08600[] = "Lotus Notes/Domino 5"; static const char HT_08700[] = "Lotus Notes/Domino 6"; static const char HT_08800[] = "Android FDE <= 4.3"; static const char HT_08900[] = "scrypt"; static const char HT_09000[] = "Password Safe v2"; static const char HT_09100[] = "Lotus Notes/Domino 8"; static const char HT_09200[] = "Cisco $8$"; static const char HT_09300[] = "Cisco $9$"; static const char HT_09400[] = "Office 2007"; static const char HT_09500[] = "Office 2010"; static const char HT_09600[] = "Office 2013"; static const char HT_09700[] = "MS Office <= 2003 MD5 + RC4, oldoffice$0, oldoffice$1"; static const char HT_09710[] = "MS Office <= 2003 MD5 + RC4, collision-mode #1"; static const char HT_09720[] = "MS Office <= 2003 MD5 + RC4, collision-mode #2"; static const char HT_09800[] = "MS Office <= 2003 SHA1 + RC4, oldoffice$3, oldoffice$4"; static const char HT_09810[] = "MS Office <= 2003 SHA1 + RC4, collision-mode #1"; static const char HT_09820[] = "MS Office <= 2003 SHA1 + RC4, collision-mode #2"; static const char HT_09900[] = "Radmin2"; static const char HT_10000[] = "Django (PBKDF2-SHA256)"; static const char HT_10100[] = "SipHash"; static const char HT_10200[] = "Cram MD5"; static const char HT_10300[] = "SAP CODVN H (PWDSALTEDHASH) iSSHA-1"; static const char HT_10400[] = "PDF 1.1 - 1.3 (Acrobat 2 - 4)"; static const char HT_10410[] = "PDF 1.1 - 1.3 (Acrobat 2 - 4) + collider-mode #1"; static const char HT_10420[] = "PDF 1.1 - 1.3 (Acrobat 2 - 4) + collider-mode #2"; static const char HT_10500[] = "PDF 1.4 - 1.6 (Acrobat 5 - 8)"; static const char HT_10600[] = "PDF 1.7 Level 3 (Acrobat 9)"; static const char HT_10700[] = "PDF 1.7 Level 8 (Acrobat 10 - 11)"; static const char HT_10800[] = "SHA384"; static const char HT_10900[] = "PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA256"; static const char HT_11000[] = "PrestaShop"; static const char HT_11100[] = "PostgreSQL Challenge-Response Authentication (MD5)"; static const char HT_11200[] = "MySQL Challenge-Response Authentication (SHA1)"; static const char HT_11300[] = "Bitcoin/Litecoin wallet.dat"; static const char HT_11400[] = "SIP digest authentication (MD5)"; static const char HT_11500[] = "CRC32"; static const char HT_11600[] = "7-Zip"; static const char HT_11700[] = "GOST R 34.11-2012 (Streebog) 256-bit"; static const char HT_11800[] = "GOST R 34.11-2012 (Streebog) 512-bit"; static const char HT_11900[] = "PBKDF2-HMAC-MD5"; static const char HT_12000[] = "PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA1"; static const char HT_12100[] = "PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA512"; static const char HT_12200[] = "eCryptfs"; static const char HT_12300[] = "Oracle T: Type (Oracle 12+)"; static const char HT_12400[] = "BSDiCrypt, Extended DES"; static const char HT_12500[] = "RAR3-hp"; static const char HT_12600[] = "ColdFusion 10+"; static const char HT_12700[] = "Blockchain, My Wallet"; static const char HT_12800[] = "MS-AzureSync PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA256"; static const char HT_12900[] = "Android FDE (Samsung DEK)"; static const char HT_13000[] = "RAR5"; static const char HT_13100[] = "Kerberos 5 TGS-REP etype 23"; static const char HT_13200[] = "AxCrypt"; static const char HT_13300[] = "AxCrypt in memory SHA1"; static const char HT_13400[] = "Keepass 1 (AES/Twofish) and Keepass 2 (AES)"; static const char HT_13500[] = "PeopleSoft PS_TOKEN"; static const char HT_13600[] = "WinZip"; static const char HT_13800[] = "Windows 8+ phone PIN/Password"; static const char HT_13900[] = "OpenCart"; static const char HT_14000[] = "DES (PT = $salt, key = $pass)"; static const char HT_14100[] = "3DES (PT = $salt, key = $pass)"; static const char HT_00011[] = "Joomla < 2.5.18"; static const char HT_00012[] = "PostgreSQL"; static const char HT_00021[] = "osCommerce, xt:Commerce"; static const char HT_00022[] = "Juniper Netscreen/SSG (ScreenOS)"; static const char HT_00023[] = "Skype"; static const char HT_00101[] = "SHA-1(Base64), nsldap, Netscape LDAP SHA"; static const char HT_00111[] = "SSHA-1(Base64), nsldaps, Netscape LDAP SSHA"; static const char HT_00112[] = "Oracle S: Type (Oracle 11+)"; static const char HT_00121[] = "SMF > v1.1"; static const char HT_00122[] = "OSX v10.4, v10.5, v10.6"; static const char HT_00124[] = "Django (SHA-1)"; static const char HT_00125[] = "ArubaOS"; static const char HT_00131[] = "MSSQL(2000)"; static const char HT_00132[] = "MSSQL(2005)"; static const char HT_00133[] = "PeopleSoft"; static const char HT_00141[] = "EPiServer 6.x < v4"; static const char HT_01421[] = "hMailServer"; static const char HT_01441[] = "EPiServer 6.x > v4"; static const char HT_01711[] = "SSHA-512(Base64), LDAP {SSHA512}"; static const char HT_01722[] = "OSX v10.7"; static const char HT_01731[] = "MSSQL(2012)"; static const char HT_02611[] = "vBulletin < v3.8.5"; static const char HT_02612[] = "PHPS"; static const char HT_02711[] = "vBulletin > v3.8.5"; static const char HT_02811[] = "IPB2+, MyBB1.2+"; static const char HT_06211[] = "TrueCrypt PBKDF2-HMAC-RipeMD160 + XTS 512 bit"; static const char HT_06212[] = "TrueCrypt PBKDF2-HMAC-RipeMD160 + XTS 1024 bit"; static const char HT_06213[] = "TrueCrypt PBKDF2-HMAC-RipeMD160 + XTS 1536 bit"; static const char HT_06221[] = "TrueCrypt PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA512 + XTS 512 bit"; static const char HT_06222[] = "TrueCrypt PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA512 + XTS 1024 bit"; static const char HT_06223[] = "TrueCrypt PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA512 + XTS 1536 bit"; static const char HT_06231[] = "TrueCrypt PBKDF2-HMAC-Whirlpool + XTS 512 bit"; static const char HT_06232[] = "TrueCrypt PBKDF2-HMAC-Whirlpool + XTS 1024 bit"; static const char HT_06233[] = "TrueCrypt PBKDF2-HMAC-Whirlpool + XTS 1536 bit"; static const char HT_06241[] = "TrueCrypt PBKDF2-HMAC-RipeMD160 + XTS 512 bit + boot-mode"; static const char HT_06242[] = "TrueCrypt PBKDF2-HMAC-RipeMD160 + XTS 1024 bit + boot-mode"; static const char HT_06243[] = "TrueCrypt PBKDF2-HMAC-RipeMD160 + XTS 1536 bit + boot-mode"; static const char HT_13711[] = "VeraCrypt PBKDF2-HMAC-RipeMD160 + XTS 512 bit"; static const char HT_13712[] = "VeraCrypt PBKDF2-HMAC-RipeMD160 + XTS 1024 bit"; static const char HT_13713[] = "VeraCrypt PBKDF2-HMAC-RipeMD160 + XTS 1536 bit"; static const char HT_13721[] = "VeraCrypt PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA512 + XTS 512 bit"; static const char HT_13722[] = "VeraCrypt PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA512 + XTS 1024 bit"; static const char HT_13723[] = "VeraCrypt PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA512 + XTS 1536 bit"; static const char HT_13731[] = "VeraCrypt PBKDF2-HMAC-Whirlpool + XTS 512 bit"; static const char HT_13732[] = "VeraCrypt PBKDF2-HMAC-Whirlpool + XTS 1024 bit"; static const char HT_13733[] = "VeraCrypt PBKDF2-HMAC-Whirlpool + XTS 1536 bit"; static const char HT_13741[] = "VeraCrypt PBKDF2-HMAC-RipeMD160 + XTS 512 bit + boot-mode"; static const char HT_13742[] = "VeraCrypt PBKDF2-HMAC-RipeMD160 + XTS 1024 bit + boot-mode"; static const char HT_13743[] = "VeraCrypt PBKDF2-HMAC-RipeMD160 + XTS 1536 bit + boot-mode"; static const char HT_13751[] = "VeraCrypt PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA256 + XTS 512 bit"; static const char HT_13752[] = "VeraCrypt PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA256 + XTS 1024 bit"; static const char HT_13753[] = "VeraCrypt PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA256 + XTS 1536 bit"; static const char HT_13761[] = "VeraCrypt PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA256 + XTS 512 bit + boot-mode"; static const char HT_13762[] = "VeraCrypt PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA256 + XTS 1024 bit + boot-mode"; static const char HT_13763[] = "VeraCrypt PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA256 + XTS 1536 bit + boot-mode"; static const char SIGNATURE_ANDROIDFDE[] = "$fde$"; static const char SIGNATURE_AXCRYPT[] = "$axcrypt$*1"; static const char SIGNATURE_AXCRYPT_SHA1[] = "$axcrypt_sha1"; static const char SIGNATURE_BCRYPT1[] = "$2a$"; static const char SIGNATURE_BCRYPT2[] = "$2b$"; static const char SIGNATURE_BCRYPT3[] = "$2x$"; static const char SIGNATURE_BCRYPT4[] = "$2y$"; static const char SIGNATURE_BITCOIN_WALLET[] = "$bitcoin$"; static const char SIGNATURE_BSDICRYPT[] = "_"; static const char SIGNATURE_CISCO8[] = "$8$"; static const char SIGNATURE_CISCO9[] = "$9$"; static const char SIGNATURE_CRAM_MD5[] = "$cram_md5$"; static const char SIGNATURE_DCC2[] = "$DCC2$"; static const char SIGNATURE_DJANGOPBKDF2[] = "pbkdf2_sha256$"; static const char SIGNATURE_DJANGOSHA1[] = "sha1$"; static const char SIGNATURE_DRUPAL7[] = "$S$"; static const char SIGNATURE_ECRYPTFS[] = "$ecryptfs$"; static const char SIGNATURE_EPISERVER4[] = "$episerver$*1*"; static const char SIGNATURE_EPISERVER[] = "$episerver$*0*"; static const char SIGNATURE_KEEPASS[] = "$keepass$"; static const char SIGNATURE_KRB5PA[] = "$krb5pa$23"; static const char SIGNATURE_KRB5TGS[] = "$krb5tgs$23"; static const char SIGNATURE_MD5AIX[] = "{smd5}"; static const char SIGNATURE_MD5APR1[] = "$apr1$"; static const char SIGNATURE_MD5CRYPT[] = "$1$"; static const char SIGNATURE_MEDIAWIKI_B[] = "$B$"; static const char SIGNATURE_MS_DRSR[] = "v1;PPH1_MD4"; static const char SIGNATURE_MSSQL[] = "0x0100"; static const char SIGNATURE_MSSQL2012[] = "0x0200"; static const char SIGNATURE_MYSQL_AUTH[] = "$mysqlna$"; static const char SIGNATURE_MYWALLET[] = "$blockchain$"; static const char SIGNATURE_NETSCALER[] = "1"; static const char SIGNATURE_OFFICE2007[] = "$office$"; static const char SIGNATURE_OFFICE2010[] = "$office$"; static const char SIGNATURE_OFFICE2013[] = "$office$"; static const char SIGNATURE_OLDOFFICE0[] = "$oldoffice$0"; static const char SIGNATURE_OLDOFFICE1[] = "$oldoffice$1"; static const char SIGNATURE_OLDOFFICE3[] = "$oldoffice$3"; static const char SIGNATURE_OLDOFFICE4[] = "$oldoffice$4"; static const char SIGNATURE_PBKDF2_MD5[] = "md5:"; static const char SIGNATURE_PBKDF2_SHA1[] = "sha1:"; static const char SIGNATURE_PBKDF2_SHA256[] = "sha256:"; static const char SIGNATURE_PBKDF2_SHA512[] = "sha512:"; static const char SIGNATURE_PDF[] = "$pdf$"; static const char SIGNATURE_PHPASS1[] = "$P$"; static const char SIGNATURE_PHPASS2[] = "$H$"; static const char SIGNATURE_PHPS[] = "$PHPS$"; static const char SIGNATURE_POSTGRESQL_AUTH[] = "$postgres$"; static const char SIGNATURE_PSAFE3[] = "PWS3"; static const char SIGNATURE_RACF[] = "$racf$"; static const char SIGNATURE_RAR3[] = "$RAR3$"; static const char SIGNATURE_RAR5[] = "$rar5$"; static const char SIGNATURE_SAPH_SHA1[] = "{x-issha, "; static const char SIGNATURE_SCRYPT[] = "SCRYPT"; static const char SIGNATURE_SEVEN_ZIP[] = "$7z$"; static const char SIGNATURE_SHA1AIX[] = "{ssha1}"; static const char SIGNATURE_SHA1B64[] = "{SHA}"; static const char SIGNATURE_SHA256AIX[] = "{ssha256}"; static const char SIGNATURE_SHA256CRYPT[] = "$5$"; static const char SIGNATURE_SHA512AIX[] = "{ssha512}"; static const char SIGNATURE_SHA512B64S[] = "{SSHA512}"; static const char SIGNATURE_SHA512CRYPT[] = "$6$"; static const char SIGNATURE_SHA512GRUB[] = "grub.pbkdf2.sha512."; static const char SIGNATURE_SHA512OSX[] = "$ml$"; static const char SIGNATURE_SIP_AUTH[] = "$sip$*"; static const char SIGNATURE_SSHA1B64_lower[] = "{ssha}"; static const char SIGNATURE_SSHA1B64_upper[] = "{SSHA}"; static const char SIGNATURE_SYBASEASE[] = "0xc007"; //static const char SIGNATURE_TRUECRYPT[] = "TRUE"; static const char SIGNATURE_ZIP2_START[] = "$zip2$"; static const char SIGNATURE_ZIP2_STOP[] = "$/zip2$"; /** * decoder / encoder */ static void juniper_decrypt_hash (char *in, char *out) { // base64 decode u8 base64_buf[100] = { 0 }; base64_decode (base64_to_int, (const u8 *) in, DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_501, base64_buf); // iv stuff u32 juniper_iv[4] = { 0 }; memcpy (juniper_iv, base64_buf, 12); memcpy (out, juniper_iv, 12); // reversed key u32 juniper_key[4] = { 0 }; juniper_key[0] = byte_swap_32 (0xa6707a7e); juniper_key[1] = byte_swap_32 (0x8df91059); juniper_key[2] = byte_swap_32 (0xdea70ae5); juniper_key[3] = byte_swap_32 (0x2f9c2442); // AES decrypt u32 *in_ptr = (u32 *) (base64_buf + 12); u32 *out_ptr = (u32 *) (out + 12); AES128_decrypt_cbc (juniper_key, juniper_iv, in_ptr, out_ptr); } static void phpass_decode (u8 digest[16], u8 buf[22]) { int l; l = itoa64_to_int (buf[ 0]) << 0; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[ 1]) << 6; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[ 2]) << 12; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[ 3]) << 18; digest[ 0] = (l >> 0) & 0xff; digest[ 1] = (l >> 8) & 0xff; digest[ 2] = (l >> 16) & 0xff; l = itoa64_to_int (buf[ 4]) << 0; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[ 5]) << 6; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[ 6]) << 12; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[ 7]) << 18; digest[ 3] = (l >> 0) & 0xff; digest[ 4] = (l >> 8) & 0xff; digest[ 5] = (l >> 16) & 0xff; l = itoa64_to_int (buf[ 8]) << 0; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[ 9]) << 6; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[10]) << 12; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[11]) << 18; digest[ 6] = (l >> 0) & 0xff; digest[ 7] = (l >> 8) & 0xff; digest[ 8] = (l >> 16) & 0xff; l = itoa64_to_int (buf[12]) << 0; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[13]) << 6; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[14]) << 12; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[15]) << 18; digest[ 9] = (l >> 0) & 0xff; digest[10] = (l >> 8) & 0xff; digest[11] = (l >> 16) & 0xff; l = itoa64_to_int (buf[16]) << 0; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[17]) << 6; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[18]) << 12; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[19]) << 18; digest[12] = (l >> 0) & 0xff; digest[13] = (l >> 8) & 0xff; digest[14] = (l >> 16) & 0xff; l = itoa64_to_int (buf[20]) << 0; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[21]) << 6; digest[15] = (l >> 0) & 0xff; } static void phpass_encode (u8 digest[16], u8 buf[22]) { int l; l = (digest[ 0] << 0) | (digest[ 1] << 8) | (digest[ 2] << 16); buf[ 0] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[ 1] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[ 2] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[ 3] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l = (digest[ 3] << 0) | (digest[ 4] << 8) | (digest[ 5] << 16); buf[ 4] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[ 5] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[ 6] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[ 7] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l = (digest[ 6] << 0) | (digest[ 7] << 8) | (digest[ 8] << 16); buf[ 8] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[ 9] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[10] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[11] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l = (digest[ 9] << 0) | (digest[10] << 8) | (digest[11] << 16); buf[12] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[13] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[14] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[15] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l = (digest[12] << 0) | (digest[13] << 8) | (digest[14] << 16); buf[16] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[17] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[18] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[19] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l = (digest[15] << 0); buf[20] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[21] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); } static void md5crypt_decode (u8 digest[16], u8 buf[22]) { int l; l = itoa64_to_int (buf[ 0]) << 0; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[ 1]) << 6; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[ 2]) << 12; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[ 3]) << 18; digest[ 0] = (l >> 16) & 0xff; digest[ 6] = (l >> 8) & 0xff; digest[12] = (l >> 0) & 0xff; l = itoa64_to_int (buf[ 4]) << 0; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[ 5]) << 6; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[ 6]) << 12; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[ 7]) << 18; digest[ 1] = (l >> 16) & 0xff; digest[ 7] = (l >> 8) & 0xff; digest[13] = (l >> 0) & 0xff; l = itoa64_to_int (buf[ 8]) << 0; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[ 9]) << 6; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[10]) << 12; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[11]) << 18; digest[ 2] = (l >> 16) & 0xff; digest[ 8] = (l >> 8) & 0xff; digest[14] = (l >> 0) & 0xff; l = itoa64_to_int (buf[12]) << 0; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[13]) << 6; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[14]) << 12; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[15]) << 18; digest[ 3] = (l >> 16) & 0xff; digest[ 9] = (l >> 8) & 0xff; digest[15] = (l >> 0) & 0xff; l = itoa64_to_int (buf[16]) << 0; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[17]) << 6; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[18]) << 12; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[19]) << 18; digest[ 4] = (l >> 16) & 0xff; digest[10] = (l >> 8) & 0xff; digest[ 5] = (l >> 0) & 0xff; l = itoa64_to_int (buf[20]) << 0; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[21]) << 6; digest[11] = (l >> 0) & 0xff; } static void md5crypt_encode (u8 digest[16], u8 buf[22]) { int l; l = (digest[ 0] << 16) | (digest[ 6] << 8) | (digest[12] << 0); buf[ 0] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[ 1] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[ 2] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[ 3] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; l = (digest[ 1] << 16) | (digest[ 7] << 8) | (digest[13] << 0); buf[ 4] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[ 5] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[ 6] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[ 7] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; l = (digest[ 2] << 16) | (digest[ 8] << 8) | (digest[14] << 0); buf[ 8] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[ 9] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[10] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[11] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; l = (digest[ 3] << 16) | (digest[ 9] << 8) | (digest[15] << 0); buf[12] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[13] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[14] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[15] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; l = (digest[ 4] << 16) | (digest[10] << 8) | (digest[ 5] << 0); buf[16] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[17] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[18] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[19] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; l = (digest[11] << 0); buf[20] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[21] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; } static void sha512crypt_decode (u8 digest[64], u8 buf[86]) { int l; l = itoa64_to_int (buf[ 0]) << 0; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[ 1]) << 6; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[ 2]) << 12; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[ 3]) << 18; digest[ 0] = (l >> 16) & 0xff; digest[21] = (l >> 8) & 0xff; digest[42] = (l >> 0) & 0xff; l = itoa64_to_int (buf[ 4]) << 0; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[ 5]) << 6; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[ 6]) << 12; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[ 7]) << 18; digest[22] = (l >> 16) & 0xff; digest[43] = (l >> 8) & 0xff; digest[ 1] = (l >> 0) & 0xff; l = itoa64_to_int (buf[ 8]) << 0; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[ 9]) << 6; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[10]) << 12; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[11]) << 18; digest[44] = (l >> 16) & 0xff; digest[ 2] = (l >> 8) & 0xff; digest[23] = (l >> 0) & 0xff; l = itoa64_to_int (buf[12]) << 0; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[13]) << 6; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[14]) << 12; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[15]) << 18; digest[ 3] = (l >> 16) & 0xff; digest[24] = (l >> 8) & 0xff; digest[45] = (l >> 0) & 0xff; l = itoa64_to_int (buf[16]) << 0; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[17]) << 6; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[18]) << 12; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[19]) << 18; digest[25] = (l >> 16) & 0xff; digest[46] = (l >> 8) & 0xff; digest[ 4] = (l >> 0) & 0xff; l = itoa64_to_int (buf[20]) << 0; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[21]) << 6; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[22]) << 12; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[23]) << 18; digest[47] = (l >> 16) & 0xff; digest[ 5] = (l >> 8) & 0xff; digest[26] = (l >> 0) & 0xff; l = itoa64_to_int (buf[24]) << 0; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[25]) << 6; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[26]) << 12; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[27]) << 18; digest[ 6] = (l >> 16) & 0xff; digest[27] = (l >> 8) & 0xff; digest[48] = (l >> 0) & 0xff; l = itoa64_to_int (buf[28]) << 0; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[29]) << 6; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[30]) << 12; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[31]) << 18; digest[28] = (l >> 16) & 0xff; digest[49] = (l >> 8) & 0xff; digest[ 7] = (l >> 0) & 0xff; l = itoa64_to_int (buf[32]) << 0; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[33]) << 6; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[34]) << 12; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[35]) << 18; digest[50] = (l >> 16) & 0xff; digest[ 8] = (l >> 8) & 0xff; digest[29] = (l >> 0) & 0xff; l = itoa64_to_int (buf[36]) << 0; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[37]) << 6; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[38]) << 12; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[39]) << 18; digest[ 9] = (l >> 16) & 0xff; digest[30] = (l >> 8) & 0xff; digest[51] = (l >> 0) & 0xff; l = itoa64_to_int (buf[40]) << 0; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[41]) << 6; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[42]) << 12; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[43]) << 18; digest[31] = (l >> 16) & 0xff; digest[52] = (l >> 8) & 0xff; digest[10] = (l >> 0) & 0xff; l = itoa64_to_int (buf[44]) << 0; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[45]) << 6; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[46]) << 12; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[47]) << 18; digest[53] = (l >> 16) & 0xff; digest[11] = (l >> 8) & 0xff; digest[32] = (l >> 0) & 0xff; l = itoa64_to_int (buf[48]) << 0; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[49]) << 6; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[50]) << 12; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[51]) << 18; digest[12] = (l >> 16) & 0xff; digest[33] = (l >> 8) & 0xff; digest[54] = (l >> 0) & 0xff; l = itoa64_to_int (buf[52]) << 0; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[53]) << 6; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[54]) << 12; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[55]) << 18; digest[34] = (l >> 16) & 0xff; digest[55] = (l >> 8) & 0xff; digest[13] = (l >> 0) & 0xff; l = itoa64_to_int (buf[56]) << 0; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[57]) << 6; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[58]) << 12; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[59]) << 18; digest[56] = (l >> 16) & 0xff; digest[14] = (l >> 8) & 0xff; digest[35] = (l >> 0) & 0xff; l = itoa64_to_int (buf[60]) << 0; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[61]) << 6; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[62]) << 12; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[63]) << 18; digest[15] = (l >> 16) & 0xff; digest[36] = (l >> 8) & 0xff; digest[57] = (l >> 0) & 0xff; l = itoa64_to_int (buf[64]) << 0; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[65]) << 6; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[66]) << 12; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[67]) << 18; digest[37] = (l >> 16) & 0xff; digest[58] = (l >> 8) & 0xff; digest[16] = (l >> 0) & 0xff; l = itoa64_to_int (buf[68]) << 0; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[69]) << 6; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[70]) << 12; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[71]) << 18; digest[59] = (l >> 16) & 0xff; digest[17] = (l >> 8) & 0xff; digest[38] = (l >> 0) & 0xff; l = itoa64_to_int (buf[72]) << 0; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[73]) << 6; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[74]) << 12; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[75]) << 18; digest[18] = (l >> 16) & 0xff; digest[39] = (l >> 8) & 0xff; digest[60] = (l >> 0) & 0xff; l = itoa64_to_int (buf[76]) << 0; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[77]) << 6; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[78]) << 12; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[79]) << 18; digest[40] = (l >> 16) & 0xff; digest[61] = (l >> 8) & 0xff; digest[19] = (l >> 0) & 0xff; l = itoa64_to_int (buf[80]) << 0; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[81]) << 6; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[82]) << 12; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[83]) << 18; digest[62] = (l >> 16) & 0xff; digest[20] = (l >> 8) & 0xff; digest[41] = (l >> 0) & 0xff; l = itoa64_to_int (buf[84]) << 0; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[85]) << 6; digest[63] = (l >> 0) & 0xff; } static void sha512crypt_encode (u8 digest[64], u8 buf[86]) { int l; l = (digest[ 0] << 16) | (digest[21] << 8) | (digest[42] << 0); buf[ 0] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[ 1] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[ 2] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[ 3] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; l = (digest[22] << 16) | (digest[43] << 8) | (digest[ 1] << 0); buf[ 4] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[ 5] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[ 6] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[ 7] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; l = (digest[44] << 16) | (digest[ 2] << 8) | (digest[23] << 0); buf[ 8] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[ 9] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[10] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[11] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; l = (digest[ 3] << 16) | (digest[24] << 8) | (digest[45] << 0); buf[12] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[13] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[14] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[15] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; l = (digest[25] << 16) | (digest[46] << 8) | (digest[ 4] << 0); buf[16] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[17] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[18] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[19] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; l = (digest[47] << 16) | (digest[ 5] << 8) | (digest[26] << 0); buf[20] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[21] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[22] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[23] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; l = (digest[ 6] << 16) | (digest[27] << 8) | (digest[48] << 0); buf[24] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[25] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[26] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[27] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; l = (digest[28] << 16) | (digest[49] << 8) | (digest[ 7] << 0); buf[28] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[29] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[30] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[31] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; l = (digest[50] << 16) | (digest[ 8] << 8) | (digest[29] << 0); buf[32] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[33] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[34] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[35] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; l = (digest[ 9] << 16) | (digest[30] << 8) | (digest[51] << 0); buf[36] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[37] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[38] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[39] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; l = (digest[31] << 16) | (digest[52] << 8) | (digest[10] << 0); buf[40] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[41] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[42] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[43] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; l = (digest[53] << 16) | (digest[11] << 8) | (digest[32] << 0); buf[44] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[45] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[46] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[47] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; l = (digest[12] << 16) | (digest[33] << 8) | (digest[54] << 0); buf[48] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[49] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[50] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[51] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; l = (digest[34] << 16) | (digest[55] << 8) | (digest[13] << 0); buf[52] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[53] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[54] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[55] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; l = (digest[56] << 16) | (digest[14] << 8) | (digest[35] << 0); buf[56] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[57] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[58] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[59] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; l = (digest[15] << 16) | (digest[36] << 8) | (digest[57] << 0); buf[60] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[61] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[62] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[63] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; l = (digest[37] << 16) | (digest[58] << 8) | (digest[16] << 0); buf[64] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[65] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[66] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[67] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; l = (digest[59] << 16) | (digest[17] << 8) | (digest[38] << 0); buf[68] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[69] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[70] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[71] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; l = (digest[18] << 16) | (digest[39] << 8) | (digest[60] << 0); buf[72] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[73] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[74] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[75] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; l = (digest[40] << 16) | (digest[61] << 8) | (digest[19] << 0); buf[76] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[77] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[78] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[79] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; l = (digest[62] << 16) | (digest[20] << 8) | (digest[41] << 0); buf[80] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[81] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[82] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[83] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; l = 0 | 0 | (digest[63] << 0); buf[84] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[85] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; } static void sha1aix_decode (u8 digest[20], u8 buf[27]) { int l; l = itoa64_to_int (buf[ 0]) << 0; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[ 1]) << 6; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[ 2]) << 12; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[ 3]) << 18; digest[ 2] = (l >> 0) & 0xff; digest[ 1] = (l >> 8) & 0xff; digest[ 0] = (l >> 16) & 0xff; l = itoa64_to_int (buf[ 4]) << 0; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[ 5]) << 6; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[ 6]) << 12; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[ 7]) << 18; digest[ 5] = (l >> 0) & 0xff; digest[ 4] = (l >> 8) & 0xff; digest[ 3] = (l >> 16) & 0xff; l = itoa64_to_int (buf[ 8]) << 0; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[ 9]) << 6; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[10]) << 12; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[11]) << 18; digest[ 8] = (l >> 0) & 0xff; digest[ 7] = (l >> 8) & 0xff; digest[ 6] = (l >> 16) & 0xff; l = itoa64_to_int (buf[12]) << 0; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[13]) << 6; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[14]) << 12; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[15]) << 18; digest[11] = (l >> 0) & 0xff; digest[10] = (l >> 8) & 0xff; digest[ 9] = (l >> 16) & 0xff; l = itoa64_to_int (buf[16]) << 0; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[17]) << 6; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[18]) << 12; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[19]) << 18; digest[14] = (l >> 0) & 0xff; digest[13] = (l >> 8) & 0xff; digest[12] = (l >> 16) & 0xff; l = itoa64_to_int (buf[20]) << 0; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[21]) << 6; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[22]) << 12; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[23]) << 18; digest[17] = (l >> 0) & 0xff; digest[16] = (l >> 8) & 0xff; digest[15] = (l >> 16) & 0xff; l = itoa64_to_int (buf[24]) << 0; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[25]) << 6; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[26]) << 12; digest[19] = (l >> 8) & 0xff; digest[18] = (l >> 16) & 0xff; } static void sha1aix_encode (u8 digest[20], u8 buf[27]) { int l; l = (digest[ 2] << 0) | (digest[ 1] << 8) | (digest[ 0] << 16); buf[ 0] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[ 1] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[ 2] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[ 3] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l = (digest[ 5] << 0) | (digest[ 4] << 8) | (digest[ 3] << 16); buf[ 4] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[ 5] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[ 6] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[ 7] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l = (digest[ 8] << 0) | (digest[ 7] << 8) | (digest[ 6] << 16); buf[ 8] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[ 9] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[10] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[11] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l = (digest[11] << 0) | (digest[10] << 8) | (digest[ 9] << 16); buf[12] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[13] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[14] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[15] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l = (digest[14] << 0) | (digest[13] << 8) | (digest[12] << 16); buf[16] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[17] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[18] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[19] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l = (digest[17] << 0) | (digest[16] << 8) | (digest[15] << 16); buf[20] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[21] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[22] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[23] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l = 0 | (digest[19] << 8) | (digest[18] << 16); buf[24] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[25] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[26] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); } static void sha256aix_decode (u8 digest[32], u8 buf[43]) { int l; l = itoa64_to_int (buf[ 0]) << 0; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[ 1]) << 6; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[ 2]) << 12; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[ 3]) << 18; digest[ 2] = (l >> 0) & 0xff; digest[ 1] = (l >> 8) & 0xff; digest[ 0] = (l >> 16) & 0xff; l = itoa64_to_int (buf[ 4]) << 0; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[ 5]) << 6; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[ 6]) << 12; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[ 7]) << 18; digest[ 5] = (l >> 0) & 0xff; digest[ 4] = (l >> 8) & 0xff; digest[ 3] = (l >> 16) & 0xff; l = itoa64_to_int (buf[ 8]) << 0; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[ 9]) << 6; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[10]) << 12; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[11]) << 18; digest[ 8] = (l >> 0) & 0xff; digest[ 7] = (l >> 8) & 0xff; digest[ 6] = (l >> 16) & 0xff; l = itoa64_to_int (buf[12]) << 0; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[13]) << 6; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[14]) << 12; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[15]) << 18; digest[11] = (l >> 0) & 0xff; digest[10] = (l >> 8) & 0xff; digest[ 9] = (l >> 16) & 0xff; l = itoa64_to_int (buf[16]) << 0; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[17]) << 6; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[18]) << 12; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[19]) << 18; digest[14] = (l >> 0) & 0xff; digest[13] = (l >> 8) & 0xff; digest[12] = (l >> 16) & 0xff; l = itoa64_to_int (buf[20]) << 0; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[21]) << 6; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[22]) << 12; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[23]) << 18; digest[17] = (l >> 0) & 0xff; digest[16] = (l >> 8) & 0xff; digest[15] = (l >> 16) & 0xff; l = itoa64_to_int (buf[24]) << 0; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[25]) << 6; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[26]) << 12; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[27]) << 18; digest[20] = (l >> 0) & 0xff; digest[19] = (l >> 8) & 0xff; digest[18] = (l >> 16) & 0xff; l = itoa64_to_int (buf[28]) << 0; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[29]) << 6; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[30]) << 12; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[31]) << 18; digest[23] = (l >> 0) & 0xff; digest[22] = (l >> 8) & 0xff; digest[21] = (l >> 16) & 0xff; l = itoa64_to_int (buf[32]) << 0; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[33]) << 6; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[34]) << 12; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[35]) << 18; digest[26] = (l >> 0) & 0xff; digest[25] = (l >> 8) & 0xff; digest[24] = (l >> 16) & 0xff; l = itoa64_to_int (buf[36]) << 0; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[37]) << 6; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[38]) << 12; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[39]) << 18; digest[29] = (l >> 0) & 0xff; digest[28] = (l >> 8) & 0xff; digest[27] = (l >> 16) & 0xff; l = itoa64_to_int (buf[40]) << 0; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[41]) << 6; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[42]) << 12; //digest[32] = (l >> 0) & 0xff; digest[31] = (l >> 8) & 0xff; digest[30] = (l >> 16) & 0xff; } static void sha256aix_encode (u8 digest[32], u8 buf[43]) { int l; l = (digest[ 2] << 0) | (digest[ 1] << 8) | (digest[ 0] << 16); buf[ 0] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[ 1] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[ 2] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[ 3] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l = (digest[ 5] << 0) | (digest[ 4] << 8) | (digest[ 3] << 16); buf[ 4] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[ 5] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[ 6] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[ 7] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l = (digest[ 8] << 0) | (digest[ 7] << 8) | (digest[ 6] << 16); buf[ 8] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[ 9] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[10] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[11] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l = (digest[11] << 0) | (digest[10] << 8) | (digest[ 9] << 16); buf[12] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[13] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[14] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[15] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l = (digest[14] << 0) | (digest[13] << 8) | (digest[12] << 16); buf[16] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[17] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[18] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[19] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l = (digest[17] << 0) | (digest[16] << 8) | (digest[15] << 16); buf[20] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[21] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[22] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[23] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l = (digest[20] << 0) | (digest[19] << 8) | (digest[18] << 16); buf[24] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[25] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[26] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[27] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l = (digest[23] << 0) | (digest[22] << 8) | (digest[21] << 16); buf[28] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[29] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[30] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[31] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l = (digest[26] << 0) | (digest[25] << 8) | (digest[24] << 16); buf[32] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[33] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[34] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[35] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l = (digest[29] << 0) | (digest[28] << 8) | (digest[27] << 16); buf[36] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[37] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[38] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[39] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l = 0 | (digest[31] << 8) | (digest[30] << 16); buf[40] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[41] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[42] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); } static void sha512aix_decode (u8 digest[64], u8 buf[86]) { int l; l = itoa64_to_int (buf[ 0]) << 0; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[ 1]) << 6; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[ 2]) << 12; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[ 3]) << 18; digest[ 2] = (l >> 0) & 0xff; digest[ 1] = (l >> 8) & 0xff; digest[ 0] = (l >> 16) & 0xff; l = itoa64_to_int (buf[ 4]) << 0; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[ 5]) << 6; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[ 6]) << 12; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[ 7]) << 18; digest[ 5] = (l >> 0) & 0xff; digest[ 4] = (l >> 8) & 0xff; digest[ 3] = (l >> 16) & 0xff; l = itoa64_to_int (buf[ 8]) << 0; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[ 9]) << 6; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[10]) << 12; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[11]) << 18; digest[ 8] = (l >> 0) & 0xff; digest[ 7] = (l >> 8) & 0xff; digest[ 6] = (l >> 16) & 0xff; l = itoa64_to_int (buf[12]) << 0; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[13]) << 6; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[14]) << 12; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[15]) << 18; digest[11] = (l >> 0) & 0xff; digest[10] = (l >> 8) & 0xff; digest[ 9] = (l >> 16) & 0xff; l = itoa64_to_int (buf[16]) << 0; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[17]) << 6; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[18]) << 12; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[19]) << 18; digest[14] = (l >> 0) & 0xff; digest[13] = (l >> 8) & 0xff; digest[12] = (l >> 16) & 0xff; l = itoa64_to_int (buf[20]) << 0; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[21]) << 6; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[22]) << 12; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[23]) << 18; digest[17] = (l >> 0) & 0xff; digest[16] = (l >> 8) & 0xff; digest[15] = (l >> 16) & 0xff; l = itoa64_to_int (buf[24]) << 0; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[25]) << 6; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[26]) << 12; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[27]) << 18; digest[20] = (l >> 0) & 0xff; digest[19] = (l >> 8) & 0xff; digest[18] = (l >> 16) & 0xff; l = itoa64_to_int (buf[28]) << 0; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[29]) << 6; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[30]) << 12; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[31]) << 18; digest[23] = (l >> 0) & 0xff; digest[22] = (l >> 8) & 0xff; digest[21] = (l >> 16) & 0xff; l = itoa64_to_int (buf[32]) << 0; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[33]) << 6; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[34]) << 12; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[35]) << 18; digest[26] = (l >> 0) & 0xff; digest[25] = (l >> 8) & 0xff; digest[24] = (l >> 16) & 0xff; l = itoa64_to_int (buf[36]) << 0; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[37]) << 6; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[38]) << 12; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[39]) << 18; digest[29] = (l >> 0) & 0xff; digest[28] = (l >> 8) & 0xff; digest[27] = (l >> 16) & 0xff; l = itoa64_to_int (buf[40]) << 0; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[41]) << 6; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[42]) << 12; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[43]) << 18; digest[32] = (l >> 0) & 0xff; digest[31] = (l >> 8) & 0xff; digest[30] = (l >> 16) & 0xff; l = itoa64_to_int (buf[44]) << 0; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[45]) << 6; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[46]) << 12; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[47]) << 18; digest[35] = (l >> 0) & 0xff; digest[34] = (l >> 8) & 0xff; digest[33] = (l >> 16) & 0xff; l = itoa64_to_int (buf[48]) << 0; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[49]) << 6; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[50]) << 12; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[51]) << 18; digest[38] = (l >> 0) & 0xff; digest[37] = (l >> 8) & 0xff; digest[36] = (l >> 16) & 0xff; l = itoa64_to_int (buf[52]) << 0; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[53]) << 6; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[54]) << 12; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[55]) << 18; digest[41] = (l >> 0) & 0xff; digest[40] = (l >> 8) & 0xff; digest[39] = (l >> 16) & 0xff; l = itoa64_to_int (buf[56]) << 0; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[57]) << 6; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[58]) << 12; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[59]) << 18; digest[44] = (l >> 0) & 0xff; digest[43] = (l >> 8) & 0xff; digest[42] = (l >> 16) & 0xff; l = itoa64_to_int (buf[60]) << 0; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[61]) << 6; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[62]) << 12; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[63]) << 18; digest[47] = (l >> 0) & 0xff; digest[46] = (l >> 8) & 0xff; digest[45] = (l >> 16) & 0xff; l = itoa64_to_int (buf[64]) << 0; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[65]) << 6; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[66]) << 12; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[67]) << 18; digest[50] = (l >> 0) & 0xff; digest[49] = (l >> 8) & 0xff; digest[48] = (l >> 16) & 0xff; l = itoa64_to_int (buf[68]) << 0; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[69]) << 6; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[70]) << 12; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[71]) << 18; digest[53] = (l >> 0) & 0xff; digest[52] = (l >> 8) & 0xff; digest[51] = (l >> 16) & 0xff; l = itoa64_to_int (buf[72]) << 0; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[73]) << 6; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[74]) << 12; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[75]) << 18; digest[56] = (l >> 0) & 0xff; digest[55] = (l >> 8) & 0xff; digest[54] = (l >> 16) & 0xff; l = itoa64_to_int (buf[76]) << 0; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[77]) << 6; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[78]) << 12; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[79]) << 18; digest[59] = (l >> 0) & 0xff; digest[58] = (l >> 8) & 0xff; digest[57] = (l >> 16) & 0xff; l = itoa64_to_int (buf[80]) << 0; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[81]) << 6; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[82]) << 12; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[83]) << 18; digest[62] = (l >> 0) & 0xff; digest[61] = (l >> 8) & 0xff; digest[60] = (l >> 16) & 0xff; l = itoa64_to_int (buf[84]) << 0; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[85]) << 6; digest[63] = (l >> 16) & 0xff; } static void sha512aix_encode (u8 digest[64], u8 buf[86]) { int l; l = (digest[ 2] << 0) | (digest[ 1] << 8) | (digest[ 0] << 16); buf[ 0] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[ 1] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[ 2] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[ 3] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l = (digest[ 5] << 0) | (digest[ 4] << 8) | (digest[ 3] << 16); buf[ 4] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[ 5] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[ 6] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[ 7] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l = (digest[ 8] << 0) | (digest[ 7] << 8) | (digest[ 6] << 16); buf[ 8] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[ 9] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[10] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[11] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l = (digest[11] << 0) | (digest[10] << 8) | (digest[ 9] << 16); buf[12] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[13] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[14] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[15] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l = (digest[14] << 0) | (digest[13] << 8) | (digest[12] << 16); buf[16] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[17] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[18] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[19] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l = (digest[17] << 0) | (digest[16] << 8) | (digest[15] << 16); buf[20] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[21] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[22] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[23] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l = (digest[20] << 0) | (digest[19] << 8) | (digest[18] << 16); buf[24] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[25] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[26] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[27] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l = (digest[23] << 0) | (digest[22] << 8) | (digest[21] << 16); buf[28] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[29] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[30] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[31] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l = (digest[26] << 0) | (digest[25] << 8) | (digest[24] << 16); buf[32] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[33] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[34] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[35] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l = (digest[29] << 0) | (digest[28] << 8) | (digest[27] << 16); buf[36] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[37] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[38] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[39] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l = (digest[32] << 0) | (digest[31] << 8) | (digest[30] << 16); buf[40] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[41] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[42] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[43] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l = (digest[35] << 0) | (digest[34] << 8) | (digest[33] << 16); buf[44] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[45] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[46] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[47] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l = (digest[38] << 0) | (digest[37] << 8) | (digest[36] << 16); buf[48] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[49] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[50] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[51] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l = (digest[41] << 0) | (digest[40] << 8) | (digest[39] << 16); buf[52] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[53] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[54] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[55] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l = (digest[44] << 0) | (digest[43] << 8) | (digest[42] << 16); buf[56] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[57] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[58] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[59] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l = (digest[47] << 0) | (digest[46] << 8) | (digest[45] << 16); buf[60] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[61] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[62] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[63] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l = (digest[50] << 0) | (digest[49] << 8) | (digest[48] << 16); buf[64] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[65] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[66] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[67] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l = (digest[53] << 0) | (digest[52] << 8) | (digest[51] << 16); buf[68] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[69] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[70] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[71] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l = (digest[56] << 0) | (digest[55] << 8) | (digest[54] << 16); buf[72] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[73] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[74] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[75] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l = (digest[59] << 0) | (digest[58] << 8) | (digest[57] << 16); buf[76] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[77] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[78] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[79] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l = (digest[62] << 0) | (digest[61] << 8) | (digest[60] << 16); buf[80] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[81] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[82] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[83] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l = 0 | 0 | (digest[63] << 16); buf[84] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[85] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; } static void sha256crypt_decode (u8 digest[32], u8 buf[43]) { int l; l = itoa64_to_int (buf[ 0]) << 0; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[ 1]) << 6; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[ 2]) << 12; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[ 3]) << 18; digest[ 0] = (l >> 16) & 0xff; digest[10] = (l >> 8) & 0xff; digest[20] = (l >> 0) & 0xff; l = itoa64_to_int (buf[ 4]) << 0; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[ 5]) << 6; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[ 6]) << 12; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[ 7]) << 18; digest[21] = (l >> 16) & 0xff; digest[ 1] = (l >> 8) & 0xff; digest[11] = (l >> 0) & 0xff; l = itoa64_to_int (buf[ 8]) << 0; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[ 9]) << 6; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[10]) << 12; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[11]) << 18; digest[12] = (l >> 16) & 0xff; digest[22] = (l >> 8) & 0xff; digest[ 2] = (l >> 0) & 0xff; l = itoa64_to_int (buf[12]) << 0; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[13]) << 6; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[14]) << 12; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[15]) << 18; digest[ 3] = (l >> 16) & 0xff; digest[13] = (l >> 8) & 0xff; digest[23] = (l >> 0) & 0xff; l = itoa64_to_int (buf[16]) << 0; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[17]) << 6; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[18]) << 12; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[19]) << 18; digest[24] = (l >> 16) & 0xff; digest[ 4] = (l >> 8) & 0xff; digest[14] = (l >> 0) & 0xff; l = itoa64_to_int (buf[20]) << 0; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[21]) << 6; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[22]) << 12; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[23]) << 18; digest[15] = (l >> 16) & 0xff; digest[25] = (l >> 8) & 0xff; digest[ 5] = (l >> 0) & 0xff; l = itoa64_to_int (buf[24]) << 0; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[25]) << 6; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[26]) << 12; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[27]) << 18; digest[ 6] = (l >> 16) & 0xff; digest[16] = (l >> 8) & 0xff; digest[26] = (l >> 0) & 0xff; l = itoa64_to_int (buf[28]) << 0; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[29]) << 6; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[30]) << 12; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[31]) << 18; digest[27] = (l >> 16) & 0xff; digest[ 7] = (l >> 8) & 0xff; digest[17] = (l >> 0) & 0xff; l = itoa64_to_int (buf[32]) << 0; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[33]) << 6; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[34]) << 12; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[35]) << 18; digest[18] = (l >> 16) & 0xff; digest[28] = (l >> 8) & 0xff; digest[ 8] = (l >> 0) & 0xff; l = itoa64_to_int (buf[36]) << 0; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[37]) << 6; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[38]) << 12; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[39]) << 18; digest[ 9] = (l >> 16) & 0xff; digest[19] = (l >> 8) & 0xff; digest[29] = (l >> 0) & 0xff; l = itoa64_to_int (buf[40]) << 0; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[41]) << 6; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[42]) << 12; digest[31] = (l >> 8) & 0xff; digest[30] = (l >> 0) & 0xff; } static void sha256crypt_encode (u8 digest[32], u8 buf[43]) { int l; l = (digest[ 0] << 16) | (digest[10] << 8) | (digest[20] << 0); buf[ 0] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[ 1] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[ 2] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[ 3] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; l = (digest[21] << 16) | (digest[ 1] << 8) | (digest[11] << 0); buf[ 4] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[ 5] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[ 6] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[ 7] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; l = (digest[12] << 16) | (digest[22] << 8) | (digest[ 2] << 0); buf[ 8] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[ 9] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[10] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[11] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; l = (digest[ 3] << 16) | (digest[13] << 8) | (digest[23] << 0); buf[12] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[13] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[14] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[15] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; l = (digest[24] << 16) | (digest[ 4] << 8) | (digest[14] << 0); buf[16] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[17] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[18] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[19] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; l = (digest[15] << 16) | (digest[25] << 8) | (digest[ 5] << 0); buf[20] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[21] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[22] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[23] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; l = (digest[ 6] << 16) | (digest[16] << 8) | (digest[26] << 0); buf[24] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[25] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[26] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[27] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; l = (digest[27] << 16) | (digest[ 7] << 8) | (digest[17] << 0); buf[28] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[29] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[30] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[31] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; l = (digest[18] << 16) | (digest[28] << 8) | (digest[ 8] << 0); buf[32] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[33] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[34] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[35] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; l = (digest[ 9] << 16) | (digest[19] << 8) | (digest[29] << 0); buf[36] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[37] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[38] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[39] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; l = 0 | (digest[31] << 8) | (digest[30] << 0); buf[40] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[41] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[42] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); } static void drupal7_decode (u8 digest[64], u8 buf[44]) { int l; l = itoa64_to_int (buf[ 0]) << 0; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[ 1]) << 6; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[ 2]) << 12; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[ 3]) << 18; digest[ 0] = (l >> 0) & 0xff; digest[ 1] = (l >> 8) & 0xff; digest[ 2] = (l >> 16) & 0xff; l = itoa64_to_int (buf[ 4]) << 0; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[ 5]) << 6; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[ 6]) << 12; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[ 7]) << 18; digest[ 3] = (l >> 0) & 0xff; digest[ 4] = (l >> 8) & 0xff; digest[ 5] = (l >> 16) & 0xff; l = itoa64_to_int (buf[ 8]) << 0; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[ 9]) << 6; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[10]) << 12; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[11]) << 18; digest[ 6] = (l >> 0) & 0xff; digest[ 7] = (l >> 8) & 0xff; digest[ 8] = (l >> 16) & 0xff; l = itoa64_to_int (buf[12]) << 0; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[13]) << 6; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[14]) << 12; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[15]) << 18; digest[ 9] = (l >> 0) & 0xff; digest[10] = (l >> 8) & 0xff; digest[11] = (l >> 16) & 0xff; l = itoa64_to_int (buf[16]) << 0; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[17]) << 6; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[18]) << 12; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[19]) << 18; digest[12] = (l >> 0) & 0xff; digest[13] = (l >> 8) & 0xff; digest[14] = (l >> 16) & 0xff; l = itoa64_to_int (buf[20]) << 0; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[21]) << 6; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[22]) << 12; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[23]) << 18; digest[15] = (l >> 0) & 0xff; digest[16] = (l >> 8) & 0xff; digest[17] = (l >> 16) & 0xff; l = itoa64_to_int (buf[24]) << 0; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[25]) << 6; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[26]) << 12; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[27]) << 18; digest[18] = (l >> 0) & 0xff; digest[19] = (l >> 8) & 0xff; digest[20] = (l >> 16) & 0xff; l = itoa64_to_int (buf[28]) << 0; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[29]) << 6; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[30]) << 12; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[31]) << 18; digest[21] = (l >> 0) & 0xff; digest[22] = (l >> 8) & 0xff; digest[23] = (l >> 16) & 0xff; l = itoa64_to_int (buf[32]) << 0; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[33]) << 6; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[34]) << 12; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[35]) << 18; digest[24] = (l >> 0) & 0xff; digest[25] = (l >> 8) & 0xff; digest[26] = (l >> 16) & 0xff; l = itoa64_to_int (buf[36]) << 0; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[37]) << 6; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[38]) << 12; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[39]) << 18; digest[27] = (l >> 0) & 0xff; digest[28] = (l >> 8) & 0xff; digest[29] = (l >> 16) & 0xff; l = itoa64_to_int (buf[40]) << 0; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[41]) << 6; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[42]) << 12; l |= itoa64_to_int (buf[43]) << 18; digest[30] = (l >> 0) & 0xff; digest[31] = (l >> 8) & 0xff; digest[32] = (l >> 16) & 0xff; digest[33] = 0; digest[34] = 0; digest[35] = 0; digest[36] = 0; digest[37] = 0; digest[38] = 0; digest[39] = 0; digest[40] = 0; digest[41] = 0; digest[42] = 0; digest[43] = 0; digest[44] = 0; digest[45] = 0; digest[46] = 0; digest[47] = 0; digest[48] = 0; digest[49] = 0; digest[50] = 0; digest[51] = 0; digest[52] = 0; digest[53] = 0; digest[54] = 0; digest[55] = 0; digest[56] = 0; digest[57] = 0; digest[58] = 0; digest[59] = 0; digest[60] = 0; digest[61] = 0; digest[62] = 0; digest[63] = 0; } static void drupal7_encode (u8 digest[64], u8 buf[43]) { int l; l = (digest[ 0] << 0) | (digest[ 1] << 8) | (digest[ 2] << 16); buf[ 0] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[ 1] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[ 2] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[ 3] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l = (digest[ 3] << 0) | (digest[ 4] << 8) | (digest[ 5] << 16); buf[ 4] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[ 5] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[ 6] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[ 7] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l = (digest[ 6] << 0) | (digest[ 7] << 8) | (digest[ 8] << 16); buf[ 8] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[ 9] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[10] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[11] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l = (digest[ 9] << 0) | (digest[10] << 8) | (digest[11] << 16); buf[12] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[13] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[14] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[15] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l = (digest[12] << 0) | (digest[13] << 8) | (digest[14] << 16); buf[16] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[17] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[18] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[19] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l = (digest[15] << 0) | (digest[16] << 8) | (digest[17] << 16); buf[20] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[21] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[22] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[23] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l = (digest[18] << 0) | (digest[19] << 8) | (digest[20] << 16); buf[24] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[25] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[26] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[27] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l = (digest[21] << 0) | (digest[22] << 8) | (digest[23] << 16); buf[28] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[29] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[30] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[31] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l = (digest[24] << 0) | (digest[25] << 8) | (digest[26] << 16); buf[32] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[33] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[34] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[35] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l = (digest[27] << 0) | (digest[28] << 8) | (digest[29] << 16); buf[36] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[37] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[38] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[39] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l = (digest[30] << 0) | (digest[31] << 8) | (digest[32] << 16); buf[40] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[41] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; buf[42] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); l >>= 6; //buf[43] = int_to_itoa64 (l & 0x3f); } /** * parser */ static uint parse_and_store_salt (char *out, char *in, uint salt_len, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { u8 tmp[256] = { 0 }; if (salt_len > sizeof (tmp)) { return UINT_MAX; } memcpy (tmp, in, salt_len); if (hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_ST_HEX) { if ((salt_len % 2) == 0) { u32 new_salt_len = salt_len / 2; for (uint i = 0, j = 0; i < new_salt_len; i += 1, j += 2) { u8 p0 = tmp[j + 0]; u8 p1 = tmp[j + 1]; tmp[i] = hex_convert (p1) << 0; tmp[i] |= hex_convert (p0) << 4; } salt_len = new_salt_len; } else { return UINT_MAX; } } else if (hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_ST_BASE64) { salt_len = base64_decode (base64_to_int, (const u8 *) in, salt_len, (u8 *) tmp); } memset (tmp + salt_len, 0, sizeof (tmp) - salt_len); if (hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_ST_UNICODE) { if (salt_len < 20) { u32 *tmp_uint = (u32 *) tmp; tmp_uint[9] = ((tmp_uint[4] >> 8) & 0x00FF0000) | ((tmp_uint[4] >> 16) & 0x000000FF); tmp_uint[8] = ((tmp_uint[4] << 8) & 0x00FF0000) | ((tmp_uint[4] >> 0) & 0x000000FF); tmp_uint[7] = ((tmp_uint[3] >> 8) & 0x00FF0000) | ((tmp_uint[3] >> 16) & 0x000000FF); tmp_uint[6] = ((tmp_uint[3] << 8) & 0x00FF0000) | ((tmp_uint[3] >> 0) & 0x000000FF); tmp_uint[5] = ((tmp_uint[2] >> 8) & 0x00FF0000) | ((tmp_uint[2] >> 16) & 0x000000FF); tmp_uint[4] = ((tmp_uint[2] << 8) & 0x00FF0000) | ((tmp_uint[2] >> 0) & 0x000000FF); tmp_uint[3] = ((tmp_uint[1] >> 8) & 0x00FF0000) | ((tmp_uint[1] >> 16) & 0x000000FF); tmp_uint[2] = ((tmp_uint[1] << 8) & 0x00FF0000) | ((tmp_uint[1] >> 0) & 0x000000FF); tmp_uint[1] = ((tmp_uint[0] >> 8) & 0x00FF0000) | ((tmp_uint[0] >> 16) & 0x000000FF); tmp_uint[0] = ((tmp_uint[0] << 8) & 0x00FF0000) | ((tmp_uint[0] >> 0) & 0x000000FF); salt_len = salt_len * 2; } else { return UINT_MAX; } } if (hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_ST_LOWER) { lowercase (tmp, salt_len); } if (hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_ST_UPPER) { uppercase (tmp, salt_len); } u32 len = salt_len; if (hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_ST_ADD80) { tmp[len++] = 0x80; } if (hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_ST_ADD01) { tmp[len++] = 0x01; } if (hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_ST_GENERATE_LE) { u32 *tmp_uint = (uint *) tmp; u32 max = len / 4; if (len % 4) max++; for (u32 i = 0; i < max; i++) { tmp_uint[i] = byte_swap_32 (tmp_uint[i]); } // Important: we may need to increase the length of memcpy since // we don't want to "loose" some swapped bytes (could happen if // they do not perfectly fit in the 4-byte blocks) // Memcpy does always copy the bytes in the BE order, but since // we swapped them, some important bytes could be in positions // we normally skip with the original len if (len % 4) len += 4 - (len % 4); } memcpy (out, tmp, len); return (salt_len); } #pragma GCC diagnostic push #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-parameter" int bcrypt_parse_hash (char *input_buf, uint input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_3200) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_3200)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); if ((memcmp (SIGNATURE_BCRYPT1, input_buf, 4)) && (memcmp (SIGNATURE_BCRYPT2, input_buf, 4)) && (memcmp (SIGNATURE_BCRYPT3, input_buf, 4)) && (memcmp (SIGNATURE_BCRYPT4, input_buf, 4))) return (PARSER_SIGNATURE_UNMATCHED); u32 *digest = (u32 *) hash_buf->digest; salt_t *salt = hash_buf->salt; memcpy ((char *) salt->salt_sign, input_buf, 6); char *iter_pos = input_buf + 4; salt->salt_iter = 1u << atoi (iter_pos); char *salt_pos = strchr (iter_pos, '$'); if (salt_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); salt_pos++; uint salt_len = 16; salt->salt_len = salt_len; u8 tmp_buf[100] = { 0 }; base64_decode (bf64_to_int, (const u8 *) salt_pos, 22, tmp_buf); char *salt_buf_ptr = (char *) salt->salt_buf; memcpy (salt_buf_ptr, tmp_buf, 16); salt->salt_buf[0] = byte_swap_32 (salt->salt_buf[0]); salt->salt_buf[1] = byte_swap_32 (salt->salt_buf[1]); salt->salt_buf[2] = byte_swap_32 (salt->salt_buf[2]); salt->salt_buf[3] = byte_swap_32 (salt->salt_buf[3]); char *hash_pos = salt_pos + 22; memset (tmp_buf, 0, sizeof (tmp_buf)); base64_decode (bf64_to_int, (const u8 *) hash_pos, 31, tmp_buf); memcpy (digest, tmp_buf, 24); digest[0] = byte_swap_32 (digest[0]); digest[1] = byte_swap_32 (digest[1]); digest[2] = byte_swap_32 (digest[2]); digest[3] = byte_swap_32 (digest[3]); digest[4] = byte_swap_32 (digest[4]); digest[5] = byte_swap_32 (digest[5]); digest[5] &= ~0xffu; // its just 23 not 24 ! return (PARSER_OK); } int cisco4_parse_hash (char *input_buf, uint input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_5700) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_5700)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); u32 *digest = (u32 *) hash_buf->digest; u8 tmp_buf[100] = { 0 }; base64_decode (itoa64_to_int, (const u8 *) input_buf, 43, tmp_buf); memcpy (digest, tmp_buf, 32); digest[0] = byte_swap_32 (digest[0]); digest[1] = byte_swap_32 (digest[1]); digest[2] = byte_swap_32 (digest[2]); digest[3] = byte_swap_32 (digest[3]); digest[4] = byte_swap_32 (digest[4]); digest[5] = byte_swap_32 (digest[5]); digest[6] = byte_swap_32 (digest[6]); digest[7] = byte_swap_32 (digest[7]); digest[0] -= SHA256M_A; digest[1] -= SHA256M_B; digest[2] -= SHA256M_C; digest[3] -= SHA256M_D; digest[4] -= SHA256M_E; digest[5] -= SHA256M_F; digest[6] -= SHA256M_G; digest[7] -= SHA256M_H; return (PARSER_OK); } int lm_parse_hash (char *input_buf, uint input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_3000) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_3000)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); u32 *digest = (u32 *) hash_buf->digest; digest[0] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[ 0]); digest[1] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[ 8]); digest[0] = byte_swap_32 (digest[0]); digest[1] = byte_swap_32 (digest[1]); uint tt; IP (digest[0], digest[1], tt); digest[0] = digest[0]; digest[1] = digest[1]; digest[2] = 0; digest[3] = 0; return (PARSER_OK); } int arubaos_parse_hash (char *input_buf, uint input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_125) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_125)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); if ((input_buf[8] != '0') || (input_buf[9] != '1')) return (PARSER_SIGNATURE_UNMATCHED); u32 *digest = (u32 *) hash_buf->digest; salt_t *salt = hash_buf->salt; char *hash_pos = input_buf + 10; digest[0] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &hash_pos[ 0]); digest[1] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &hash_pos[ 8]); digest[2] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &hash_pos[16]); digest[3] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &hash_pos[24]); digest[4] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &hash_pos[32]); digest[0] -= SHA1M_A; digest[1] -= SHA1M_B; digest[2] -= SHA1M_C; digest[3] -= SHA1M_D; digest[4] -= SHA1M_E; uint salt_len = 10; char *salt_buf_ptr = (char *) salt->salt_buf; salt_len = parse_and_store_salt (salt_buf_ptr, input_buf, salt_len, hashconfig); if (salt_len == UINT_MAX) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); salt->salt_len = salt_len; return (PARSER_OK); } int osx1_parse_hash (char *input_buf, uint input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_122) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_122)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); u32 *digest = (u32 *) hash_buf->digest; salt_t *salt = hash_buf->salt; char *hash_pos = input_buf + 8; digest[0] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &hash_pos[ 0]); digest[1] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &hash_pos[ 8]); digest[2] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &hash_pos[16]); digest[3] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &hash_pos[24]); digest[4] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &hash_pos[32]); digest[0] -= SHA1M_A; digest[1] -= SHA1M_B; digest[2] -= SHA1M_C; digest[3] -= SHA1M_D; digest[4] -= SHA1M_E; uint salt_len = 8; char *salt_buf_ptr = (char *) salt->salt_buf; salt_len = parse_and_store_salt (salt_buf_ptr, input_buf, salt_len, hashconfig); if (salt_len == UINT_MAX) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); salt->salt_len = salt_len; return (PARSER_OK); } int osx512_parse_hash (char *input_buf, uint input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_1722) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_1722)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); u64 *digest = (u64 *) hash_buf->digest; salt_t *salt = hash_buf->salt; char *hash_pos = input_buf + 8; digest[0] = hex_to_u64 ((const u8 *) &hash_pos[ 0]); digest[1] = hex_to_u64 ((const u8 *) &hash_pos[ 16]); digest[2] = hex_to_u64 ((const u8 *) &hash_pos[ 32]); digest[3] = hex_to_u64 ((const u8 *) &hash_pos[ 48]); digest[4] = hex_to_u64 ((const u8 *) &hash_pos[ 64]); digest[5] = hex_to_u64 ((const u8 *) &hash_pos[ 80]); digest[6] = hex_to_u64 ((const u8 *) &hash_pos[ 96]); digest[7] = hex_to_u64 ((const u8 *) &hash_pos[112]); digest[0] -= SHA512M_A; digest[1] -= SHA512M_B; digest[2] -= SHA512M_C; digest[3] -= SHA512M_D; digest[4] -= SHA512M_E; digest[5] -= SHA512M_F; digest[6] -= SHA512M_G; digest[7] -= SHA512M_H; uint salt_len = 8; char *salt_buf_ptr = (char *) salt->salt_buf; salt_len = parse_and_store_salt (salt_buf_ptr, input_buf, salt_len, hashconfig); if (salt_len == UINT_MAX) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); salt->salt_len = salt_len; return (PARSER_OK); } int osc_parse_hash (char *input_buf, uint input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { if (hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_ST_HEX) { if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_21H) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_21H)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); } else { if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_21) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_21)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); } u32 *digest = (u32 *) hash_buf->digest; salt_t *salt = hash_buf->salt; digest[0] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[ 0]); digest[1] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[ 8]); digest[2] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[16]); digest[3] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[24]); digest[0] = byte_swap_32 (digest[0]); digest[1] = byte_swap_32 (digest[1]); digest[2] = byte_swap_32 (digest[2]); digest[3] = byte_swap_32 (digest[3]); digest[0] -= MD5M_A; digest[1] -= MD5M_B; digest[2] -= MD5M_C; digest[3] -= MD5M_D; if (input_buf[32] != hashconfig->separator) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); uint salt_len = input_len - 32 - 1; char *salt_buf = input_buf + 32 + 1; char *salt_buf_ptr = (char *) salt->salt_buf; salt_len = parse_and_store_salt (salt_buf_ptr, salt_buf, salt_len, hashconfig); if (salt_len == UINT_MAX) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); salt->salt_len = salt_len; return (PARSER_OK); } int netscreen_parse_hash (char *input_buf, uint input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { if (hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_ST_HEX) { if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_22H) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_22H)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); } else { if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_22) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_22)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); } // unscramble char clean_input_buf[32] = { 0 }; char sig[6] = { 'n', 'r', 'c', 's', 't', 'n' }; int pos[6] = { 0, 6, 12, 17, 23, 29 }; for (int i = 0, j = 0, k = 0; i < 30; i++) { if (i == pos[j]) { if (sig[j] != input_buf[i]) return (PARSER_SIGNATURE_UNMATCHED); j++; } else { clean_input_buf[k] = input_buf[i]; k++; } } // base64 decode u32 *digest = (u32 *) hash_buf->digest; salt_t *salt = hash_buf->salt; u32 a, b, c, d, e, f; a = base64_to_int (clean_input_buf[ 0] & 0x7f); b = base64_to_int (clean_input_buf[ 1] & 0x7f); c = base64_to_int (clean_input_buf[ 2] & 0x7f); d = base64_to_int (clean_input_buf[ 3] & 0x7f); e = base64_to_int (clean_input_buf[ 4] & 0x7f); f = base64_to_int (clean_input_buf[ 5] & 0x7f); digest[0] = (((a << 12) | (b << 6) | (c)) << 16) | (((d << 12) | (e << 6) | (f)) << 0); a = base64_to_int (clean_input_buf[ 6] & 0x7f); b = base64_to_int (clean_input_buf[ 7] & 0x7f); c = base64_to_int (clean_input_buf[ 8] & 0x7f); d = base64_to_int (clean_input_buf[ 9] & 0x7f); e = base64_to_int (clean_input_buf[10] & 0x7f); f = base64_to_int (clean_input_buf[11] & 0x7f); digest[1] = (((a << 12) | (b << 6) | (c)) << 16) | (((d << 12) | (e << 6) | (f)) << 0); a = base64_to_int (clean_input_buf[12] & 0x7f); b = base64_to_int (clean_input_buf[13] & 0x7f); c = base64_to_int (clean_input_buf[14] & 0x7f); d = base64_to_int (clean_input_buf[15] & 0x7f); e = base64_to_int (clean_input_buf[16] & 0x7f); f = base64_to_int (clean_input_buf[17] & 0x7f); digest[2] = (((a << 12) | (b << 6) | (c)) << 16) | (((d << 12) | (e << 6) | (f)) << 0); a = base64_to_int (clean_input_buf[18] & 0x7f); b = base64_to_int (clean_input_buf[19] & 0x7f); c = base64_to_int (clean_input_buf[20] & 0x7f); d = base64_to_int (clean_input_buf[21] & 0x7f); e = base64_to_int (clean_input_buf[22] & 0x7f); f = base64_to_int (clean_input_buf[23] & 0x7f); digest[3] = (((a << 12) | (b << 6) | (c)) << 16) | (((d << 12) | (e << 6) | (f)) << 0); digest[0] = byte_swap_32 (digest[0]); digest[1] = byte_swap_32 (digest[1]); digest[2] = byte_swap_32 (digest[2]); digest[3] = byte_swap_32 (digest[3]); digest[0] -= MD5M_A; digest[1] -= MD5M_B; digest[2] -= MD5M_C; digest[3] -= MD5M_D; if (input_buf[30] != ':') return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); uint salt_len = input_len - 30 - 1; char *salt_buf = input_buf + 30 + 1; char *salt_buf_ptr = (char *) salt->salt_buf; salt_len = parse_and_store_salt (salt_buf_ptr, salt_buf, salt_len, hashconfig); // max. salt length: 55 (max for MD5) - 22 (":Administration Tools:") - 1 (0x80) = 32 // 32 - 4 bytes (to fit w0lr for all attack modes) = 28 if (salt_len > 28) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); salt->salt_len = salt_len; memcpy (salt_buf_ptr + salt_len, ":Administration Tools:", 22); salt->salt_len += 22; return (PARSER_OK); } int smf_parse_hash (char *input_buf, uint input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { if (hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_ST_HEX) { if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_121H) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_121H)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); } else { if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_121) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_121)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); } u32 *digest = (u32 *) hash_buf->digest; salt_t *salt = hash_buf->salt; digest[0] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[ 0]); digest[1] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[ 8]); digest[2] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[16]); digest[3] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[24]); digest[4] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[32]); digest[0] -= SHA1M_A; digest[1] -= SHA1M_B; digest[2] -= SHA1M_C; digest[3] -= SHA1M_D; digest[4] -= SHA1M_E; if (input_buf[40] != hashconfig->separator) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); uint salt_len = input_len - 40 - 1; char *salt_buf = input_buf + 40 + 1; char *salt_buf_ptr = (char *) salt->salt_buf; salt_len = parse_and_store_salt (salt_buf_ptr, salt_buf, salt_len, hashconfig); if (salt_len == UINT_MAX) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); salt->salt_len = salt_len; return (PARSER_OK); } int dcc2_parse_hash (char *input_buf, uint input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { if (hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_ST_HEX) { if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_2100H) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_2100H)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); } else { if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_2100) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_2100)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); } if (memcmp (SIGNATURE_DCC2, input_buf, 6)) return (PARSER_SIGNATURE_UNMATCHED); char *iter_pos = input_buf + 6; salt_t *salt = hash_buf->salt; uint iter = atoi (iter_pos); if (iter < 1) { iter = ROUNDS_DCC2; } salt->salt_iter = iter - 1; char *salt_pos = strchr (iter_pos, '#'); if (salt_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); salt_pos++; char *digest_pos = strchr (salt_pos, '#'); if (digest_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); digest_pos++; uint salt_len = digest_pos - salt_pos - 1; u32 *digest = (u32 *) hash_buf->digest; digest[0] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &digest_pos[ 0]); digest[1] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &digest_pos[ 8]); digest[2] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &digest_pos[16]); digest[3] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &digest_pos[24]); char *salt_buf_ptr = (char *) salt->salt_buf; salt_len = parse_and_store_salt (salt_buf_ptr, salt_pos, salt_len, hashconfig); if (salt_len == UINT_MAX) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); salt->salt_len = salt_len; return (PARSER_OK); } int wpa_parse_hash (char *input_buf, uint input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { u32 *digest = (u32 *) hash_buf->digest; salt_t *salt = hash_buf->salt; wpa_t *wpa = (wpa_t *) hash_buf->esalt; hccap_t in; memcpy (&in, input_buf, input_len); if (in.eapol_size < 1 || in.eapol_size > 255) return (PARSER_HCCAP_EAPOL_SIZE); memcpy (digest, in.keymic, 16); /* http://www.one-net.eu/jsw/j_sec/m_ptype.html The phrase "Pairwise key expansion" Access Point Address (referred to as Authenticator Address AA) Supplicant Address (referred to as Supplicant Address SA) Access Point Nonce (referred to as Authenticator Anonce) Wireless Device Nonce (referred to as Supplicant Nonce Snonce) */ uint salt_len = strlen (in.essid); if (salt_len > 36) { log_info ("WARNING: The ESSID length is too long, the hccap file may be invalid or corrupted"); return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); } memcpy (salt->salt_buf, in.essid, salt_len); salt->salt_len = salt_len; salt->salt_iter = ROUNDS_WPA2 - 1; unsigned char *pke_ptr = (unsigned char *) wpa->pke; memcpy (pke_ptr, "Pairwise key expansion", 23); if (memcmp (in.mac1, in.mac2, 6) < 0) { memcpy (pke_ptr + 23, in.mac1, 6); memcpy (pke_ptr + 29, in.mac2, 6); } else { memcpy (pke_ptr + 23, in.mac2, 6); memcpy (pke_ptr + 29, in.mac1, 6); } if (memcmp (in.nonce1, in.nonce2, 32) < 0) { memcpy (pke_ptr + 35, in.nonce1, 32); memcpy (pke_ptr + 67, in.nonce2, 32); } else { memcpy (pke_ptr + 35, in.nonce2, 32); memcpy (pke_ptr + 67, in.nonce1, 32); } for (int i = 0; i < 25; i++) { wpa->pke[i] = byte_swap_32 (wpa->pke[i]); } memcpy (wpa->orig_mac1, in.mac1, 6); memcpy (wpa->orig_mac2, in.mac2, 6); memcpy (wpa->orig_nonce1, in.nonce1, 32); memcpy (wpa->orig_nonce2, in.nonce2, 32); wpa->keyver = in.keyver; if (wpa->keyver > 255) { log_info ("ATTENTION!"); log_info (" The WPA/WPA2 key version in your .hccap file is invalid!"); log_info (" This could be due to a recent aircrack-ng bug."); log_info (" The key version was automatically reset to a reasonable value."); log_info (""); wpa->keyver &= 0xff; } wpa->eapol_size = in.eapol_size; unsigned char *eapol_ptr = (unsigned char *) wpa->eapol; memcpy (eapol_ptr, in.eapol, wpa->eapol_size); memset (eapol_ptr + wpa->eapol_size, 0, 256 - wpa->eapol_size); eapol_ptr[wpa->eapol_size] = (unsigned char) 0x80; if (wpa->keyver == 1) { // nothing to do } else { digest[0] = byte_swap_32 (digest[0]); digest[1] = byte_swap_32 (digest[1]); digest[2] = byte_swap_32 (digest[2]); digest[3] = byte_swap_32 (digest[3]); for (int i = 0; i < 64; i++) { wpa->eapol[i] = byte_swap_32 (wpa->eapol[i]); } } uint32_t *p0 = (uint32_t *) in.essid; uint32_t c0 = 0; uint32_t c1 = 0; for (uint i = 0; i < sizeof (in.essid) / sizeof (uint32_t); i++) c0 ^= *p0++; for (uint i = 0; i < sizeof (wpa->pke) / sizeof (wpa->pke[0]); i++) c1 ^= wpa->pke[i]; salt->salt_buf[10] = c0; salt->salt_buf[11] = c1; return (PARSER_OK); } int psafe2_parse_hash (char *input_buf, uint input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { u32 *digest = (u32 *) hash_buf->digest; salt_t *salt = hash_buf->salt; if (input_len == 0) { log_error ("Password Safe v2 container not specified"); exit (-1); } FILE *fp = fopen (input_buf, "rb"); if (fp == NULL) { log_error ("%s: %s", input_buf, strerror (errno)); exit (-1); } psafe2_hdr buf; memset (&buf, 0, sizeof (psafe2_hdr)); int n = fread (&buf, sizeof (psafe2_hdr), 1, fp); fclose (fp); if (n != 1) return (PARSER_PSAFE2_FILE_SIZE); salt->salt_buf[0] = buf.random[0]; salt->salt_buf[1] = buf.random[1]; salt->salt_len = 8; salt->salt_iter = 1000; digest[0] = byte_swap_32 (buf.hash[0]); digest[1] = byte_swap_32 (buf.hash[1]); digest[2] = byte_swap_32 (buf.hash[2]); digest[3] = byte_swap_32 (buf.hash[3]); digest[4] = byte_swap_32 (buf.hash[4]); return (PARSER_OK); } int psafe3_parse_hash (char *input_buf, uint input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { u32 *digest = (u32 *) hash_buf->digest; salt_t *salt = hash_buf->salt; if (input_len == 0) { log_error (".psafe3 not specified"); exit (-1); } FILE *fp = fopen (input_buf, "rb"); if (fp == NULL) { log_error ("%s: %s", input_buf, strerror (errno)); exit (-1); } psafe3_t in; int n = fread (&in, sizeof (psafe3_t), 1, fp); fclose (fp); if (memcmp (SIGNATURE_PSAFE3, in.signature, 4)) return (PARSER_SIGNATURE_UNMATCHED); if (n != 1) return (PARSER_PSAFE3_FILE_SIZE); salt->salt_iter = in.iterations + 1; salt->salt_buf[0] = in.salt_buf[0]; salt->salt_buf[1] = in.salt_buf[1]; salt->salt_buf[2] = in.salt_buf[2]; salt->salt_buf[3] = in.salt_buf[3]; salt->salt_buf[4] = in.salt_buf[4]; salt->salt_buf[5] = in.salt_buf[5]; salt->salt_buf[6] = in.salt_buf[6]; salt->salt_buf[7] = in.salt_buf[7]; salt->salt_len = 32; digest[0] = in.hash_buf[0]; digest[1] = in.hash_buf[1]; digest[2] = in.hash_buf[2]; digest[3] = in.hash_buf[3]; digest[4] = in.hash_buf[4]; digest[5] = in.hash_buf[5]; digest[6] = in.hash_buf[6]; digest[7] = in.hash_buf[7]; digest[0] = byte_swap_32 (digest[0]); digest[1] = byte_swap_32 (digest[1]); digest[2] = byte_swap_32 (digest[2]); digest[3] = byte_swap_32 (digest[3]); digest[4] = byte_swap_32 (digest[4]); digest[5] = byte_swap_32 (digest[5]); digest[6] = byte_swap_32 (digest[6]); digest[7] = byte_swap_32 (digest[7]); return (PARSER_OK); } int phpass_parse_hash (char *input_buf, uint input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_400) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_400)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); if ((memcmp (SIGNATURE_PHPASS1, input_buf, 3)) && (memcmp (SIGNATURE_PHPASS2, input_buf, 3))) return (PARSER_SIGNATURE_UNMATCHED); u32 *digest = (u32 *) hash_buf->digest; salt_t *salt = hash_buf->salt; char *iter_pos = input_buf + 3; uint salt_iter = 1u << itoa64_to_int (iter_pos[0]); if (salt_iter > 0x80000000) return (PARSER_SALT_ITERATION); memcpy ((char *) salt->salt_sign, input_buf, 4); salt->salt_iter = salt_iter; char *salt_pos = iter_pos + 1; uint salt_len = 8; memcpy ((char *) salt->salt_buf, salt_pos, salt_len); salt->salt_len = salt_len; char *hash_pos = salt_pos + salt_len; phpass_decode ((unsigned char *) digest, (unsigned char *) hash_pos); return (PARSER_OK); } int md5crypt_parse_hash (char *input_buf, uint input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { if (input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_500) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); if (memcmp (SIGNATURE_MD5CRYPT, input_buf, 3)) return (PARSER_SIGNATURE_UNMATCHED); u32 *digest = (u32 *) hash_buf->digest; salt_t *salt = hash_buf->salt; char *salt_pos = input_buf + 3; uint iterations_len = 0; if (memcmp (salt_pos, "rounds=", 7) == 0) { salt_pos += 7; for (iterations_len = 0; salt_pos[0] >= '0' && salt_pos[0] <= '9' && iterations_len < 7; iterations_len++, salt_pos += 1) continue; if (iterations_len == 0 ) return (PARSER_SALT_ITERATION); if (salt_pos[0] != '$') return (PARSER_SIGNATURE_UNMATCHED); salt_pos[0] = 0x0; salt->salt_iter = atoi (salt_pos - iterations_len); salt_pos += 1; iterations_len += 8; } else { salt->salt_iter = ROUNDS_MD5CRYPT; } if (input_len > (DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_500 + iterations_len)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); char *hash_pos = strchr (salt_pos, '$'); if (hash_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); uint salt_len = hash_pos - salt_pos; if (salt_len > 8) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); memcpy ((char *) salt->salt_buf, salt_pos, salt_len); salt->salt_len = salt_len; hash_pos++; uint hash_len = input_len - 3 - iterations_len - salt_len - 1; if (hash_len != 22) return (PARSER_HASH_LENGTH); md5crypt_decode ((unsigned char *) digest, (unsigned char *) hash_pos); return (PARSER_OK); } int md5apr1_parse_hash (char *input_buf, uint input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { if (memcmp (SIGNATURE_MD5APR1, input_buf, 6)) return (PARSER_SIGNATURE_UNMATCHED); u32 *digest = (u32 *) hash_buf->digest; salt_t *salt = hash_buf->salt; char *salt_pos = input_buf + 6; uint iterations_len = 0; if (memcmp (salt_pos, "rounds=", 7) == 0) { salt_pos += 7; for (iterations_len = 0; salt_pos[0] >= '0' && salt_pos[0] <= '9' && iterations_len < 7; iterations_len++, salt_pos += 1) continue; if (iterations_len == 0 ) return (PARSER_SALT_ITERATION); if (salt_pos[0] != '$') return (PARSER_SIGNATURE_UNMATCHED); salt_pos[0] = 0x0; salt->salt_iter = atoi (salt_pos - iterations_len); salt_pos += 1; iterations_len += 8; } else { salt->salt_iter = ROUNDS_MD5CRYPT; } if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_1600) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_1600 + iterations_len)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); char *hash_pos = strchr (salt_pos, '$'); if (hash_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); uint salt_len = hash_pos - salt_pos; if (salt_len > 8) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); memcpy ((char *) salt->salt_buf, salt_pos, salt_len); salt->salt_len = salt_len; hash_pos++; md5crypt_decode ((unsigned char *) digest, (unsigned char *) hash_pos); return (PARSER_OK); } int episerver_parse_hash (char *input_buf, uint input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_141) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_141)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); if (memcmp (SIGNATURE_EPISERVER, input_buf, 14)) return (PARSER_SIGNATURE_UNMATCHED); u32 *digest = (u32 *) hash_buf->digest; salt_t *salt = hash_buf->salt; char *salt_pos = input_buf + 14; char *hash_pos = strchr (salt_pos, '*'); if (hash_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); hash_pos++; uint salt_len = hash_pos - salt_pos - 1; char *salt_buf_ptr = (char *) salt->salt_buf; salt_len = parse_and_store_salt (salt_buf_ptr, salt_pos, salt_len, hashconfig); if (salt_len == UINT_MAX) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); salt->salt_len = salt_len; u8 tmp_buf[100] = { 0 }; base64_decode (base64_to_int, (const u8 *) hash_pos, 27, tmp_buf); memcpy (digest, tmp_buf, 20); digest[0] = byte_swap_32 (digest[0]); digest[1] = byte_swap_32 (digest[1]); digest[2] = byte_swap_32 (digest[2]); digest[3] = byte_swap_32 (digest[3]); digest[4] = byte_swap_32 (digest[4]); digest[0] -= SHA1M_A; digest[1] -= SHA1M_B; digest[2] -= SHA1M_C; digest[3] -= SHA1M_D; digest[4] -= SHA1M_E; return (PARSER_OK); } int descrypt_parse_hash (char *input_buf, uint input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_1500) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_1500)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); unsigned char c12 = itoa64_to_int (input_buf[12]); if (c12 & 3) return (PARSER_HASH_VALUE); u32 *digest = (u32 *) hash_buf->digest; salt_t *salt = hash_buf->salt; // for ascii_digest salt->salt_sign[0] = input_buf[0]; salt->salt_sign[1] = input_buf[1]; salt->salt_buf[0] = itoa64_to_int (input_buf[0]) | itoa64_to_int (input_buf[1]) << 6; salt->salt_len = 2; u8 tmp_buf[100] = { 0 }; base64_decode (itoa64_to_int, (const u8 *) input_buf + 2, 11, tmp_buf); memcpy (digest, tmp_buf, 8); uint tt; IP (digest[0], digest[1], tt); digest[2] = 0; digest[3] = 0; return (PARSER_OK); } int md4_parse_hash (char *input_buf, uint input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_900) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_900)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); u32 *digest = (u32 *) hash_buf->digest; digest[0] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[ 0]); digest[1] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[ 8]); digest[2] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[16]); digest[3] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[24]); digest[0] = byte_swap_32 (digest[0]); digest[1] = byte_swap_32 (digest[1]); digest[2] = byte_swap_32 (digest[2]); digest[3] = byte_swap_32 (digest[3]); digest[0] -= MD4M_A; digest[1] -= MD4M_B; digest[2] -= MD4M_C; digest[3] -= MD4M_D; return (PARSER_OK); } int md4s_parse_hash (char *input_buf, uint input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { if (hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_ST_HEX) { if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_910H) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_910H)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); } else { if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_910) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_910)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); } u32 *digest = (u32 *) hash_buf->digest; salt_t *salt = hash_buf->salt; digest[0] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[ 0]); digest[1] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[ 8]); digest[2] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[16]); digest[3] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[24]); digest[0] = byte_swap_32 (digest[0]); digest[1] = byte_swap_32 (digest[1]); digest[2] = byte_swap_32 (digest[2]); digest[3] = byte_swap_32 (digest[3]); digest[0] -= MD4M_A; digest[1] -= MD4M_B; digest[2] -= MD4M_C; digest[3] -= MD4M_D; if (input_buf[32] != hashconfig->separator) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); uint salt_len = input_len - 32 - 1; char *salt_buf = input_buf + 32 + 1; char *salt_buf_ptr = (char *) salt->salt_buf; salt_len = parse_and_store_salt (salt_buf_ptr, salt_buf, salt_len, hashconfig); if (salt_len == UINT_MAX) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); salt->salt_len = salt_len; return (PARSER_OK); } int md5_parse_hash (char *input_buf, uint input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_0) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_0)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); u32 *digest = (u32 *) hash_buf->digest; digest[0] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[ 0]); digest[1] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[ 8]); digest[2] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[16]); digest[3] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[24]); digest[0] = byte_swap_32 (digest[0]); digest[1] = byte_swap_32 (digest[1]); digest[2] = byte_swap_32 (digest[2]); digest[3] = byte_swap_32 (digest[3]); digest[0] -= MD5M_A; digest[1] -= MD5M_B; digest[2] -= MD5M_C; digest[3] -= MD5M_D; return (PARSER_OK); } int md5half_parse_hash (char *input_buf, uint input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_5100) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_5100)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); u32 *digest = (u32 *) hash_buf->digest; digest[0] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[0]); digest[1] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[8]); digest[2] = 0; digest[3] = 0; digest[0] = byte_swap_32 (digest[0]); digest[1] = byte_swap_32 (digest[1]); return (PARSER_OK); } int md5s_parse_hash (char *input_buf, uint input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { if (hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_ST_HEX) { if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_10H) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_10H)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); } else { if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_10) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_10)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); } u32 *digest = (u32 *) hash_buf->digest; salt_t *salt = hash_buf->salt; digest[0] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[ 0]); digest[1] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[ 8]); digest[2] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[16]); digest[3] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[24]); digest[0] = byte_swap_32 (digest[0]); digest[1] = byte_swap_32 (digest[1]); digest[2] = byte_swap_32 (digest[2]); digest[3] = byte_swap_32 (digest[3]); digest[0] -= MD5M_A; digest[1] -= MD5M_B; digest[2] -= MD5M_C; digest[3] -= MD5M_D; if (input_buf[32] != hashconfig->separator) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); uint salt_len = input_len - 32 - 1; char *salt_buf = input_buf + 32 + 1; char *salt_buf_ptr = (char *) salt->salt_buf; salt_len = parse_and_store_salt (salt_buf_ptr, salt_buf, salt_len, hashconfig); if (salt_len == UINT_MAX) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); salt->salt_len = salt_len; return (PARSER_OK); } int md5pix_parse_hash (char *input_buf, uint input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_2400) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_2400)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); u32 *digest = (u32 *) hash_buf->digest; digest[0] = itoa64_to_int (input_buf[ 0]) << 0 | itoa64_to_int (input_buf[ 1]) << 6 | itoa64_to_int (input_buf[ 2]) << 12 | itoa64_to_int (input_buf[ 3]) << 18; digest[1] = itoa64_to_int (input_buf[ 4]) << 0 | itoa64_to_int (input_buf[ 5]) << 6 | itoa64_to_int (input_buf[ 6]) << 12 | itoa64_to_int (input_buf[ 7]) << 18; digest[2] = itoa64_to_int (input_buf[ 8]) << 0 | itoa64_to_int (input_buf[ 9]) << 6 | itoa64_to_int (input_buf[10]) << 12 | itoa64_to_int (input_buf[11]) << 18; digest[3] = itoa64_to_int (input_buf[12]) << 0 | itoa64_to_int (input_buf[13]) << 6 | itoa64_to_int (input_buf[14]) << 12 | itoa64_to_int (input_buf[15]) << 18; digest[0] -= MD5M_A; digest[1] -= MD5M_B; digest[2] -= MD5M_C; digest[3] -= MD5M_D; digest[0] &= 0x00ffffff; digest[1] &= 0x00ffffff; digest[2] &= 0x00ffffff; digest[3] &= 0x00ffffff; return (PARSER_OK); } int md5asa_parse_hash (char *input_buf, uint input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { if (hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_ST_HEX) { if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_2410H) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_2410H)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); } else { if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_2410) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_2410)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); } u32 *digest = (u32 *) hash_buf->digest; salt_t *salt = hash_buf->salt; digest[0] = itoa64_to_int (input_buf[ 0]) << 0 | itoa64_to_int (input_buf[ 1]) << 6 | itoa64_to_int (input_buf[ 2]) << 12 | itoa64_to_int (input_buf[ 3]) << 18; digest[1] = itoa64_to_int (input_buf[ 4]) << 0 | itoa64_to_int (input_buf[ 5]) << 6 | itoa64_to_int (input_buf[ 6]) << 12 | itoa64_to_int (input_buf[ 7]) << 18; digest[2] = itoa64_to_int (input_buf[ 8]) << 0 | itoa64_to_int (input_buf[ 9]) << 6 | itoa64_to_int (input_buf[10]) << 12 | itoa64_to_int (input_buf[11]) << 18; digest[3] = itoa64_to_int (input_buf[12]) << 0 | itoa64_to_int (input_buf[13]) << 6 | itoa64_to_int (input_buf[14]) << 12 | itoa64_to_int (input_buf[15]) << 18; digest[0] -= MD5M_A; digest[1] -= MD5M_B; digest[2] -= MD5M_C; digest[3] -= MD5M_D; digest[0] &= 0x00ffffff; digest[1] &= 0x00ffffff; digest[2] &= 0x00ffffff; digest[3] &= 0x00ffffff; if (input_buf[16] != hashconfig->separator) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); uint salt_len = input_len - 16 - 1; char *salt_buf = input_buf + 16 + 1; char *salt_buf_ptr = (char *) salt->salt_buf; salt_len = parse_and_store_salt (salt_buf_ptr, salt_buf, salt_len, hashconfig); if (salt_len == UINT_MAX) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); salt->salt_len = salt_len; return (PARSER_OK); } static void transform_netntlmv1_key (const u8 *nthash, u8 *key) { key[0] = (nthash[0] >> 0); key[1] = (nthash[0] << 7) | (nthash[1] >> 1); key[2] = (nthash[1] << 6) | (nthash[2] >> 2); key[3] = (nthash[2] << 5) | (nthash[3] >> 3); key[4] = (nthash[3] << 4) | (nthash[4] >> 4); key[5] = (nthash[4] << 3) | (nthash[5] >> 5); key[6] = (nthash[5] << 2) | (nthash[6] >> 6); key[7] = (nthash[6] << 1); key[0] |= 0x01; key[1] |= 0x01; key[2] |= 0x01; key[3] |= 0x01; key[4] |= 0x01; key[5] |= 0x01; key[6] |= 0x01; key[7] |= 0x01; } int netntlmv1_parse_hash (char *input_buf, uint input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_5500) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_5500)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); u32 *digest = (u32 *) hash_buf->digest; salt_t *salt = hash_buf->salt; netntlm_t *netntlm = (netntlm_t *) hash_buf->esalt; /** * parse line */ char *user_pos = input_buf; char *unused_pos = strchr (user_pos, ':'); if (unused_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); uint user_len = unused_pos - user_pos; if (user_len > 60) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); unused_pos++; char *domain_pos = strchr (unused_pos, ':'); if (domain_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); uint unused_len = domain_pos - unused_pos; if (unused_len != 0) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); domain_pos++; char *srvchall_pos = strchr (domain_pos, ':'); if (srvchall_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); uint domain_len = srvchall_pos - domain_pos; if (domain_len > 45) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); srvchall_pos++; char *hash_pos = strchr (srvchall_pos, ':'); if (hash_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); uint srvchall_len = hash_pos - srvchall_pos; // if (srvchall_len != 0) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); hash_pos++; char *clichall_pos = strchr (hash_pos, ':'); if (clichall_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); uint hash_len = clichall_pos - hash_pos; if (hash_len != 48) return (PARSER_HASH_LENGTH); clichall_pos++; uint clichall_len = input_len - user_len - 1 - unused_len - 1 - domain_len - 1 - srvchall_len - 1 - hash_len - 1; if (clichall_len != 16) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); /** * store some data for later use */ netntlm->user_len = user_len * 2; netntlm->domain_len = domain_len * 2; netntlm->srvchall_len = srvchall_len / 2; netntlm->clichall_len = clichall_len / 2; char *userdomain_ptr = (char *) netntlm->userdomain_buf; char *chall_ptr = (char *) netntlm->chall_buf; /** * handle username and domainname */ for (uint i = 0; i < user_len; i++) { *userdomain_ptr++ = user_pos[i]; *userdomain_ptr++ = 0; } for (uint i = 0; i < domain_len; i++) { *userdomain_ptr++ = domain_pos[i]; *userdomain_ptr++ = 0; } /** * handle server challenge encoding */ for (uint i = 0; i < srvchall_len; i += 2) { const char p0 = srvchall_pos[i + 0]; const char p1 = srvchall_pos[i + 1]; *chall_ptr++ = hex_convert (p1) << 0 | hex_convert (p0) << 4; } /** * handle client challenge encoding */ for (uint i = 0; i < clichall_len; i += 2) { const char p0 = clichall_pos[i + 0]; const char p1 = clichall_pos[i + 1]; *chall_ptr++ = hex_convert (p1) << 0 | hex_convert (p0) << 4; } /** * store data */ char *salt_buf_ptr = (char *) salt->salt_buf; uint salt_len = parse_and_store_salt (salt_buf_ptr, clichall_pos, clichall_len, hashconfig); if (salt_len == UINT_MAX) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); salt->salt_len = salt_len; digest[0] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &hash_pos[ 0]); digest[1] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &hash_pos[ 8]); digest[2] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &hash_pos[16]); digest[3] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &hash_pos[24]); digest[0] = byte_swap_32 (digest[0]); digest[1] = byte_swap_32 (digest[1]); digest[2] = byte_swap_32 (digest[2]); digest[3] = byte_swap_32 (digest[3]); /* special case, last 8 byte do not need to be checked since they are brute-forced next */ uint digest_tmp[2] = { 0 }; digest_tmp[0] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &hash_pos[32]); digest_tmp[1] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &hash_pos[40]); digest_tmp[0] = byte_swap_32 (digest_tmp[0]); digest_tmp[1] = byte_swap_32 (digest_tmp[1]); /* special case 2: ESS */ if (srvchall_len == 48) { if ((netntlm->chall_buf[2] == 0) && (netntlm->chall_buf[3] == 0) && (netntlm->chall_buf[4] == 0) && (netntlm->chall_buf[5] == 0)) { uint w[16] = { 0 }; w[ 0] = netntlm->chall_buf[6]; w[ 1] = netntlm->chall_buf[7]; w[ 2] = netntlm->chall_buf[0]; w[ 3] = netntlm->chall_buf[1]; w[ 4] = 0x80; w[14] = 16 * 8; uint dgst[4] = { 0 }; dgst[0] = MD5M_A; dgst[1] = MD5M_B; dgst[2] = MD5M_C; dgst[3] = MD5M_D; md5_64 (w, dgst); salt->salt_buf[0] = dgst[0]; salt->salt_buf[1] = dgst[1]; } } /* precompute netntlmv1 exploit start */ for (uint i = 0; i < 0x10000; i++) { uint key_md4[2] = { i, 0 }; uint key_des[2] = { 0, 0 }; transform_netntlmv1_key ((u8 *) key_md4, (u8 *) key_des); uint Kc[16] = { 0 }; uint Kd[16] = { 0 }; _des_keysetup (key_des, Kc, Kd); uint data3[2] = { salt->salt_buf[0], salt->salt_buf[1] }; _des_encrypt (data3, Kc, Kd); if (data3[0] != digest_tmp[0]) continue; if (data3[1] != digest_tmp[1]) continue; salt->salt_buf[2] = i; salt->salt_len = 24; break; } salt->salt_buf_pc[0] = digest_tmp[0]; salt->salt_buf_pc[1] = digest_tmp[1]; /* precompute netntlmv1 exploit stop */ u32 tt; IP (digest[0], digest[1], tt); IP (digest[2], digest[3], tt); digest[0] = rotr32 (digest[0], 29); digest[1] = rotr32 (digest[1], 29); digest[2] = rotr32 (digest[2], 29); digest[3] = rotr32 (digest[3], 29); IP (salt->salt_buf[0], salt->salt_buf[1], tt); salt->salt_buf[0] = rotl32 (salt->salt_buf[0], 3); salt->salt_buf[1] = rotl32 (salt->salt_buf[1], 3); return (PARSER_OK); } int netntlmv2_parse_hash (char *input_buf, uint input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_5600) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_5600)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); u32 *digest = (u32 *) hash_buf->digest; salt_t *salt = hash_buf->salt; netntlm_t *netntlm = (netntlm_t *) hash_buf->esalt; /** * parse line */ char *user_pos = input_buf; char *unused_pos = strchr (user_pos, ':'); if (unused_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); uint user_len = unused_pos - user_pos; if (user_len > 60) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); unused_pos++; char *domain_pos = strchr (unused_pos, ':'); if (domain_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); uint unused_len = domain_pos - unused_pos; if (unused_len != 0) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); domain_pos++; char *srvchall_pos = strchr (domain_pos, ':'); if (srvchall_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); uint domain_len = srvchall_pos - domain_pos; if (domain_len > 45) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); srvchall_pos++; char *hash_pos = strchr (srvchall_pos, ':'); if (hash_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); uint srvchall_len = hash_pos - srvchall_pos; if (srvchall_len != 16) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); hash_pos++; char *clichall_pos = strchr (hash_pos, ':'); if (clichall_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); uint hash_len = clichall_pos - hash_pos; if (hash_len != 32) return (PARSER_HASH_LENGTH); clichall_pos++; uint clichall_len = input_len - user_len - 1 - unused_len - 1 - domain_len - 1 - srvchall_len - 1 - hash_len - 1; if (clichall_len > 1024) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); if (clichall_len % 2) return (PARSER_SALT_VALUE); /** * store some data for later use */ netntlm->user_len = user_len * 2; netntlm->domain_len = domain_len * 2; netntlm->srvchall_len = srvchall_len / 2; netntlm->clichall_len = clichall_len / 2; char *userdomain_ptr = (char *) netntlm->userdomain_buf; char *chall_ptr = (char *) netntlm->chall_buf; /** * handle username and domainname */ for (uint i = 0; i < user_len; i++) { *userdomain_ptr++ = toupper (user_pos[i]); *userdomain_ptr++ = 0; } for (uint i = 0; i < domain_len; i++) { *userdomain_ptr++ = domain_pos[i]; *userdomain_ptr++ = 0; } *userdomain_ptr++ = 0x80; /** * handle server challenge encoding */ for (uint i = 0; i < srvchall_len; i += 2) { const char p0 = srvchall_pos[i + 0]; const char p1 = srvchall_pos[i + 1]; *chall_ptr++ = hex_convert (p1) << 0 | hex_convert (p0) << 4; } /** * handle client challenge encoding */ for (uint i = 0; i < clichall_len; i += 2) { const char p0 = clichall_pos[i + 0]; const char p1 = clichall_pos[i + 1]; *chall_ptr++ = hex_convert (p1) << 0 | hex_convert (p0) << 4; } *chall_ptr++ = 0x80; /** * handle hash itself */ digest[0] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &hash_pos[ 0]); digest[1] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &hash_pos[ 8]); digest[2] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &hash_pos[16]); digest[3] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &hash_pos[24]); digest[0] = byte_swap_32 (digest[0]); digest[1] = byte_swap_32 (digest[1]); digest[2] = byte_swap_32 (digest[2]); digest[3] = byte_swap_32 (digest[3]); /** * reuse challange data as salt_buf, its the buffer that is most likely unique */ salt->salt_buf[0] = 0; salt->salt_buf[1] = 0; salt->salt_buf[2] = 0; salt->salt_buf[3] = 0; salt->salt_buf[4] = 0; salt->salt_buf[5] = 0; salt->salt_buf[6] = 0; salt->salt_buf[7] = 0; uint *uptr; uptr = (uint *) netntlm->userdomain_buf; for (uint i = 0; i < 16; i += 16) { md5_64 (uptr, salt->salt_buf); } uptr = (uint *) netntlm->chall_buf; for (uint i = 0; i < 256; i += 16) { md5_64 (uptr, salt->salt_buf); } salt->salt_len = 16; return (PARSER_OK); } int joomla_parse_hash (char *input_buf, uint input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { if (hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_ST_HEX) { if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_11H) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_11H)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); } else { if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_11) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_11)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); } u32 *digest = (u32 *) hash_buf->digest; salt_t *salt = hash_buf->salt; digest[0] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[ 0]); digest[1] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[ 8]); digest[2] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[16]); digest[3] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[24]); digest[0] = byte_swap_32 (digest[0]); digest[1] = byte_swap_32 (digest[1]); digest[2] = byte_swap_32 (digest[2]); digest[3] = byte_swap_32 (digest[3]); digest[0] -= MD5M_A; digest[1] -= MD5M_B; digest[2] -= MD5M_C; digest[3] -= MD5M_D; if (input_buf[32] != hashconfig->separator) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); uint salt_len = input_len - 32 - 1; char *salt_buf = input_buf + 32 + 1; char *salt_buf_ptr = (char *) salt->salt_buf; salt_len = parse_and_store_salt (salt_buf_ptr, salt_buf, salt_len, hashconfig); if (salt_len == UINT_MAX) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); salt->salt_len = salt_len; return (PARSER_OK); } int postgresql_parse_hash (char *input_buf, uint input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { if (hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_ST_HEX) { if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_12H) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_12H)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); } else { if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_12) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_12)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); } u32 *digest = (u32 *) hash_buf->digest; salt_t *salt = hash_buf->salt; digest[0] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[ 0]); digest[1] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[ 8]); digest[2] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[16]); digest[3] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[24]); digest[0] = byte_swap_32 (digest[0]); digest[1] = byte_swap_32 (digest[1]); digest[2] = byte_swap_32 (digest[2]); digest[3] = byte_swap_32 (digest[3]); digest[0] -= MD5M_A; digest[1] -= MD5M_B; digest[2] -= MD5M_C; digest[3] -= MD5M_D; if (input_buf[32] != hashconfig->separator) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); uint salt_len = input_len - 32 - 1; char *salt_buf = input_buf + 32 + 1; char *salt_buf_ptr = (char *) salt->salt_buf; salt_len = parse_and_store_salt (salt_buf_ptr, salt_buf, salt_len, hashconfig); if (salt_len == UINT_MAX) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); salt->salt_len = salt_len; return (PARSER_OK); } int md5md5_parse_hash (char *input_buf, uint input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_2600) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_2600)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); u32 *digest = (u32 *) hash_buf->digest; salt_t *salt = hash_buf->salt; digest[0] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[ 0]); digest[1] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[ 8]); digest[2] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[16]); digest[3] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[24]); digest[0] = byte_swap_32 (digest[0]); digest[1] = byte_swap_32 (digest[1]); digest[2] = byte_swap_32 (digest[2]); digest[3] = byte_swap_32 (digest[3]); digest[0] -= MD5M_A; digest[1] -= MD5M_B; digest[2] -= MD5M_C; digest[3] -= MD5M_D; /** * This is a virtual salt. While the algorithm is basically not salted * we can exploit the salt buffer to set the 0x80 and the w[14] value. * This way we can save a special md5md5 kernel and reuse the one from vbull. */ char *salt_buf_ptr = (char *) salt->salt_buf; uint salt_len = parse_and_store_salt (salt_buf_ptr, (char *) "", 0, hashconfig); if (salt_len == UINT_MAX) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); salt->salt_len = salt_len; return (PARSER_OK); } int vb3_parse_hash (char *input_buf, uint input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { if (hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_ST_HEX) { if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_2611H) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_2611H)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); } else { if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_2611) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_2611)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); } u32 *digest = (u32 *) hash_buf->digest; salt_t *salt = hash_buf->salt; digest[0] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[ 0]); digest[1] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[ 8]); digest[2] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[16]); digest[3] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[24]); digest[0] = byte_swap_32 (digest[0]); digest[1] = byte_swap_32 (digest[1]); digest[2] = byte_swap_32 (digest[2]); digest[3] = byte_swap_32 (digest[3]); digest[0] -= MD5M_A; digest[1] -= MD5M_B; digest[2] -= MD5M_C; digest[3] -= MD5M_D; if (input_buf[32] != hashconfig->separator) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); uint salt_len = input_len - 32 - 1; char *salt_buf = input_buf + 32 + 1; char *salt_buf_ptr = (char *) salt->salt_buf; salt_len = parse_and_store_salt (salt_buf_ptr, salt_buf, salt_len, hashconfig); if (salt_len == UINT_MAX) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); salt->salt_len = salt_len; return (PARSER_OK); } int vb30_parse_hash (char *input_buf, uint input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { if (hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_ST_HEX) { if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_2711H) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_2711H)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); } else { if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_2711) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_2711)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); } u32 *digest = (u32 *) hash_buf->digest; salt_t *salt = hash_buf->salt; digest[0] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[ 0]); digest[1] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[ 8]); digest[2] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[16]); digest[3] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[24]); digest[0] = byte_swap_32 (digest[0]); digest[1] = byte_swap_32 (digest[1]); digest[2] = byte_swap_32 (digest[2]); digest[3] = byte_swap_32 (digest[3]); if (input_buf[32] != hashconfig->separator) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); uint salt_len = input_len - 32 - 1; char *salt_buf = input_buf + 32 + 1; char *salt_buf_ptr = (char *) salt->salt_buf; salt_len = parse_and_store_salt (salt_buf_ptr, salt_buf, salt_len, hashconfig); if (salt_len == UINT_MAX) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); salt->salt_len = salt_len; return (PARSER_OK); } int dcc_parse_hash (char *input_buf, uint input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { if (hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_ST_HEX) { if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_1100H) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_1100H)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); } else { if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_1100) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_1100)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); } u32 *digest = (u32 *) hash_buf->digest; salt_t *salt = hash_buf->salt; digest[0] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[ 0]); digest[1] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[ 8]); digest[2] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[16]); digest[3] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[24]); digest[0] = byte_swap_32 (digest[0]); digest[1] = byte_swap_32 (digest[1]); digest[2] = byte_swap_32 (digest[2]); digest[3] = byte_swap_32 (digest[3]); digest[0] -= MD4M_A; digest[1] -= MD4M_B; digest[2] -= MD4M_C; digest[3] -= MD4M_D; if (input_buf[32] != hashconfig->separator) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); uint salt_len = input_len - 32 - 1; char *salt_buf = input_buf + 32 + 1; char *salt_buf_ptr = (char *) salt->salt_buf; salt_len = parse_and_store_salt (salt_buf_ptr, salt_buf, salt_len, hashconfig); if (salt_len == UINT_MAX) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); salt->salt_len = salt_len; return (PARSER_OK); } int ipb2_parse_hash (char *input_buf, uint input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { if (hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_ST_HEX) { if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_2811H) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_2811H)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); } else { if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_2811) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_2811)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); } u32 *digest = (u32 *) hash_buf->digest; salt_t *salt = hash_buf->salt; digest[0] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[ 0]); digest[1] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[ 8]); digest[2] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[16]); digest[3] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[24]); digest[0] = byte_swap_32 (digest[0]); digest[1] = byte_swap_32 (digest[1]); digest[2] = byte_swap_32 (digest[2]); digest[3] = byte_swap_32 (digest[3]); if (input_buf[32] != hashconfig->separator) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); uint salt_len = input_len - 32 - 1; char *salt_buf = input_buf + 32 + 1; uint salt_pc_block[16] = { 0 }; char *salt_pc_block_ptr = (char *) salt_pc_block; salt_len = parse_and_store_salt (salt_pc_block_ptr, salt_buf, salt_len, hashconfig); if (salt_len == UINT_MAX) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); salt_pc_block_ptr[salt_len] = (unsigned char) 0x80; salt_pc_block[14] = salt_len * 8; uint salt_pc_digest[4] = { MD5M_A, MD5M_B, MD5M_C, MD5M_D }; md5_64 (salt_pc_block, salt_pc_digest); salt_pc_digest[0] = byte_swap_32 (salt_pc_digest[0]); salt_pc_digest[1] = byte_swap_32 (salt_pc_digest[1]); salt_pc_digest[2] = byte_swap_32 (salt_pc_digest[2]); salt_pc_digest[3] = byte_swap_32 (salt_pc_digest[3]); u8 *salt_buf_ptr = (u8 *) salt->salt_buf; memcpy (salt_buf_ptr, salt_buf, salt_len); u8 *salt_buf_pc_ptr = (u8 *) salt->salt_buf_pc; bin_to_hex_lower (salt_pc_digest[0], salt_buf_pc_ptr + 0); bin_to_hex_lower (salt_pc_digest[1], salt_buf_pc_ptr + 8); bin_to_hex_lower (salt_pc_digest[2], salt_buf_pc_ptr + 16); bin_to_hex_lower (salt_pc_digest[3], salt_buf_pc_ptr + 24); salt->salt_len = 32; // changed, was salt_len before -- was a bug? 32 should be correct return (PARSER_OK); } int sha1_parse_hash (char *input_buf, uint input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_100) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_100)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); u32 *digest = (u32 *) hash_buf->digest; digest[0] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[ 0]); digest[1] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[ 8]); digest[2] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[16]); digest[3] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[24]); digest[4] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[32]); digest[0] -= SHA1M_A; digest[1] -= SHA1M_B; digest[2] -= SHA1M_C; digest[3] -= SHA1M_D; digest[4] -= SHA1M_E; return (PARSER_OK); } int sha1axcrypt_parse_hash (char *input_buf, uint input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_13300) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_13300)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); if (memcmp (SIGNATURE_AXCRYPT_SHA1, input_buf, 13)) return (PARSER_SIGNATURE_UNMATCHED); u32 *digest = (u32 *) hash_buf->digest; input_buf += 14; digest[0] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[ 0]); digest[1] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[ 8]); digest[2] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[16]); digest[3] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[24]); digest[4] = 0; return (PARSER_OK); } int sha1s_parse_hash (char *input_buf, uint input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { if (hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_ST_HEX) { if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_110H) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_110H)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); } else { if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_110) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_110)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); } u32 *digest = (u32 *) hash_buf->digest; salt_t *salt = hash_buf->salt; digest[0] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[ 0]); digest[1] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[ 8]); digest[2] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[16]); digest[3] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[24]); digest[4] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[32]); digest[0] -= SHA1M_A; digest[1] -= SHA1M_B; digest[2] -= SHA1M_C; digest[3] -= SHA1M_D; digest[4] -= SHA1M_E; if (input_buf[40] != hashconfig->separator) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); uint salt_len = input_len - 40 - 1; char *salt_buf = input_buf + 40 + 1; char *salt_buf_ptr = (char *) salt->salt_buf; salt_len = parse_and_store_salt (salt_buf_ptr, salt_buf, salt_len, hashconfig); if (salt_len == UINT_MAX) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); salt->salt_len = salt_len; return (PARSER_OK); } int pstoken_parse_hash (char *input_buf, uint input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_13500) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_13500)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); u32 *digest = (u32 *) hash_buf->digest; salt_t *salt = hash_buf->salt; pstoken_t *pstoken = (pstoken_t *) hash_buf->esalt; digest[0] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[ 0]); digest[1] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[ 8]); digest[2] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[16]); digest[3] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[24]); digest[4] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[32]); if (input_buf[40] != hashconfig->separator) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); uint salt_len = input_len - 40 - 1; char *salt_buf = input_buf + 40 + 1; if (salt_len == UINT_MAX || salt_len % 2 != 0) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); u8 *pstoken_ptr = (u8 *) pstoken->salt_buf; for (uint i = 0, j = 0; i < salt_len; i += 2, j += 1) { pstoken_ptr[j] = hex_to_u8 ((const u8 *) &salt_buf[i]); } pstoken->salt_len = salt_len / 2; /* some fake salt for the sorting mechanisms */ salt->salt_buf[0] = pstoken->salt_buf[0]; salt->salt_buf[1] = pstoken->salt_buf[1]; salt->salt_buf[2] = pstoken->salt_buf[2]; salt->salt_buf[3] = pstoken->salt_buf[3]; salt->salt_buf[4] = pstoken->salt_buf[4]; salt->salt_buf[5] = pstoken->salt_buf[5]; salt->salt_buf[6] = pstoken->salt_buf[6]; salt->salt_buf[7] = pstoken->salt_buf[7]; salt->salt_len = 32; /* we need to check if we can precompute some of the data -- this is possible since the scheme is badly designed */ pstoken->pc_digest[0] = SHA1M_A; pstoken->pc_digest[1] = SHA1M_B; pstoken->pc_digest[2] = SHA1M_C; pstoken->pc_digest[3] = SHA1M_D; pstoken->pc_digest[4] = SHA1M_E; pstoken->pc_offset = 0; for (int i = 0; i < (int) pstoken->salt_len - 63; i += 64) { uint w[16]; w[ 0] = byte_swap_32 (pstoken->salt_buf[pstoken->pc_offset + 0]); w[ 1] = byte_swap_32 (pstoken->salt_buf[pstoken->pc_offset + 1]); w[ 2] = byte_swap_32 (pstoken->salt_buf[pstoken->pc_offset + 2]); w[ 3] = byte_swap_32 (pstoken->salt_buf[pstoken->pc_offset + 3]); w[ 4] = byte_swap_32 (pstoken->salt_buf[pstoken->pc_offset + 4]); w[ 5] = byte_swap_32 (pstoken->salt_buf[pstoken->pc_offset + 5]); w[ 6] = byte_swap_32 (pstoken->salt_buf[pstoken->pc_offset + 6]); w[ 7] = byte_swap_32 (pstoken->salt_buf[pstoken->pc_offset + 7]); w[ 8] = byte_swap_32 (pstoken->salt_buf[pstoken->pc_offset + 8]); w[ 9] = byte_swap_32 (pstoken->salt_buf[pstoken->pc_offset + 9]); w[10] = byte_swap_32 (pstoken->salt_buf[pstoken->pc_offset + 10]); w[11] = byte_swap_32 (pstoken->salt_buf[pstoken->pc_offset + 11]); w[12] = byte_swap_32 (pstoken->salt_buf[pstoken->pc_offset + 12]); w[13] = byte_swap_32 (pstoken->salt_buf[pstoken->pc_offset + 13]); w[14] = byte_swap_32 (pstoken->salt_buf[pstoken->pc_offset + 14]); w[15] = byte_swap_32 (pstoken->salt_buf[pstoken->pc_offset + 15]); sha1_64 (w, pstoken->pc_digest); pstoken->pc_offset += 16; } return (PARSER_OK); } int sha1b64_parse_hash (char *input_buf, uint input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_101) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_101)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); if (memcmp (SIGNATURE_SHA1B64, input_buf, 5)) return (PARSER_SIGNATURE_UNMATCHED); u32 *digest = (u32 *) hash_buf->digest; u8 tmp_buf[100] = { 0 }; base64_decode (base64_to_int, (const u8 *) input_buf + 5, input_len - 5, tmp_buf); memcpy (digest, tmp_buf, 20); digest[0] = byte_swap_32 (digest[0]); digest[1] = byte_swap_32 (digest[1]); digest[2] = byte_swap_32 (digest[2]); digest[3] = byte_swap_32 (digest[3]); digest[4] = byte_swap_32 (digest[4]); digest[0] -= SHA1M_A; digest[1] -= SHA1M_B; digest[2] -= SHA1M_C; digest[3] -= SHA1M_D; digest[4] -= SHA1M_E; return (PARSER_OK); } int sha1b64s_parse_hash (char *input_buf, uint input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_111) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_111)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); if (memcmp (SIGNATURE_SSHA1B64_lower, input_buf, 6) && memcmp (SIGNATURE_SSHA1B64_upper, input_buf, 6)) return (PARSER_SIGNATURE_UNMATCHED); u32 *digest = (u32 *) hash_buf->digest; salt_t *salt = hash_buf->salt; u8 tmp_buf[100] = { 0 }; int tmp_len = base64_decode (base64_to_int, (const u8 *) input_buf + 6, input_len - 6, tmp_buf); if (tmp_len < 20) return (PARSER_HASH_LENGTH); memcpy (digest, tmp_buf, 20); int salt_len = tmp_len - 20; if (salt_len < 0) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); salt->salt_len = salt_len; memcpy (salt->salt_buf, tmp_buf + 20, salt->salt_len); if (hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_ST_ADD80) { char *ptr = (char *) salt->salt_buf; ptr[salt->salt_len] = 0x80; } digest[0] = byte_swap_32 (digest[0]); digest[1] = byte_swap_32 (digest[1]); digest[2] = byte_swap_32 (digest[2]); digest[3] = byte_swap_32 (digest[3]); digest[4] = byte_swap_32 (digest[4]); digest[0] -= SHA1M_A; digest[1] -= SHA1M_B; digest[2] -= SHA1M_C; digest[3] -= SHA1M_D; digest[4] -= SHA1M_E; return (PARSER_OK); } int mssql2000_parse_hash (char *input_buf, uint input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_131) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_131)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); if (memcmp (SIGNATURE_MSSQL, input_buf, 6)) return (PARSER_SIGNATURE_UNMATCHED); u32 *digest = (u32 *) hash_buf->digest; salt_t *salt = hash_buf->salt; char *salt_buf = input_buf + 6; uint salt_len = 8; char *salt_buf_ptr = (char *) salt->salt_buf; salt_len = parse_and_store_salt (salt_buf_ptr, salt_buf, salt_len, hashconfig); if (salt_len == UINT_MAX) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); salt->salt_len = salt_len; char *hash_pos = input_buf + 6 + 8 + 40; digest[0] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &hash_pos[ 0]); digest[1] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &hash_pos[ 8]); digest[2] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &hash_pos[16]); digest[3] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &hash_pos[24]); digest[4] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &hash_pos[32]); digest[0] -= SHA1M_A; digest[1] -= SHA1M_B; digest[2] -= SHA1M_C; digest[3] -= SHA1M_D; digest[4] -= SHA1M_E; return (PARSER_OK); } int mssql2005_parse_hash (char *input_buf, uint input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_132) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_132)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); if (memcmp (SIGNATURE_MSSQL, input_buf, 6)) return (PARSER_SIGNATURE_UNMATCHED); u32 *digest = (u32 *) hash_buf->digest; salt_t *salt = hash_buf->salt; char *salt_buf = input_buf + 6; uint salt_len = 8; char *salt_buf_ptr = (char *) salt->salt_buf; salt_len = parse_and_store_salt (salt_buf_ptr, salt_buf, salt_len, hashconfig); if (salt_len == UINT_MAX) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); salt->salt_len = salt_len; char *hash_pos = input_buf + 6 + 8; digest[0] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &hash_pos[ 0]); digest[1] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &hash_pos[ 8]); digest[2] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &hash_pos[16]); digest[3] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &hash_pos[24]); digest[4] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &hash_pos[32]); digest[0] -= SHA1M_A; digest[1] -= SHA1M_B; digest[2] -= SHA1M_C; digest[3] -= SHA1M_D; digest[4] -= SHA1M_E; return (PARSER_OK); } int mssql2012_parse_hash (char *input_buf, uint input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_1731) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_1731)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); if (memcmp (SIGNATURE_MSSQL2012, input_buf, 6)) return (PARSER_SIGNATURE_UNMATCHED); u64 *digest = (u64 *) hash_buf->digest; salt_t *salt = hash_buf->salt; char *salt_buf = input_buf + 6; uint salt_len = 8; char *salt_buf_ptr = (char *) salt->salt_buf; salt_len = parse_and_store_salt (salt_buf_ptr, salt_buf, salt_len, hashconfig); if (salt_len == UINT_MAX) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); salt->salt_len = salt_len; char *hash_pos = input_buf + 6 + 8; digest[0] = hex_to_u64 ((const u8 *) &hash_pos[ 0]); digest[1] = hex_to_u64 ((const u8 *) &hash_pos[ 16]); digest[2] = hex_to_u64 ((const u8 *) &hash_pos[ 32]); digest[3] = hex_to_u64 ((const u8 *) &hash_pos[ 48]); digest[4] = hex_to_u64 ((const u8 *) &hash_pos[ 64]); digest[5] = hex_to_u64 ((const u8 *) &hash_pos[ 80]); digest[6] = hex_to_u64 ((const u8 *) &hash_pos[ 96]); digest[7] = hex_to_u64 ((const u8 *) &hash_pos[112]); digest[0] -= SHA512M_A; digest[1] -= SHA512M_B; digest[2] -= SHA512M_C; digest[3] -= SHA512M_D; digest[4] -= SHA512M_E; digest[5] -= SHA512M_F; digest[6] -= SHA512M_G; digest[7] -= SHA512M_H; return (PARSER_OK); } int oracleh_parse_hash (char *input_buf, uint input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { if (hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_ST_HEX) { if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_3100H) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_3100H)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); } else { if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_3100) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_3100)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); } u32 *digest = (u32 *) hash_buf->digest; salt_t *salt = hash_buf->salt; digest[0] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[ 0]); digest[1] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[ 8]); digest[2] = 0; digest[3] = 0; digest[0] = byte_swap_32 (digest[0]); digest[1] = byte_swap_32 (digest[1]); if (input_buf[16] != hashconfig->separator) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); uint salt_len = input_len - 16 - 1; char *salt_buf = input_buf + 16 + 1; char *salt_buf_ptr = (char *) salt->salt_buf; salt_len = parse_and_store_salt (salt_buf_ptr, salt_buf, salt_len, hashconfig); if (salt_len == UINT_MAX) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); salt->salt_len = salt_len; return (PARSER_OK); } int oracles_parse_hash (char *input_buf, uint input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_112) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_112)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); u32 *digest = (u32 *) hash_buf->digest; salt_t *salt = hash_buf->salt; digest[0] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[ 0]); digest[1] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[ 8]); digest[2] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[16]); digest[3] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[24]); digest[4] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[32]); digest[0] -= SHA1M_A; digest[1] -= SHA1M_B; digest[2] -= SHA1M_C; digest[3] -= SHA1M_D; digest[4] -= SHA1M_E; if (input_buf[40] != hashconfig->separator) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); uint salt_len = input_len - 40 - 1; char *salt_buf = input_buf + 40 + 1; char *salt_buf_ptr = (char *) salt->salt_buf; salt_len = parse_and_store_salt (salt_buf_ptr, salt_buf, salt_len, hashconfig); if (salt_len == UINT_MAX) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); salt->salt_len = salt_len; return (PARSER_OK); } int oraclet_parse_hash (char *input_buf, uint input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_12300) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_12300)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); u32 *digest = (u32 *) hash_buf->digest; salt_t *salt = hash_buf->salt; char *hash_pos = input_buf; digest[ 0] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &hash_pos[ 0]); digest[ 1] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &hash_pos[ 8]); digest[ 2] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &hash_pos[ 16]); digest[ 3] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &hash_pos[ 24]); digest[ 4] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &hash_pos[ 32]); digest[ 5] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &hash_pos[ 40]); digest[ 6] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &hash_pos[ 48]); digest[ 7] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &hash_pos[ 56]); digest[ 8] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &hash_pos[ 64]); digest[ 9] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &hash_pos[ 72]); digest[10] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &hash_pos[ 80]); digest[11] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &hash_pos[ 88]); digest[12] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &hash_pos[ 96]); digest[13] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &hash_pos[104]); digest[14] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &hash_pos[112]); digest[15] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &hash_pos[120]); char *salt_pos = input_buf + 128; salt->salt_buf[0] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &salt_pos[ 0]); salt->salt_buf[1] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &salt_pos[ 8]); salt->salt_buf[2] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &salt_pos[16]); salt->salt_buf[3] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &salt_pos[24]); salt->salt_iter = ROUNDS_ORACLET - 1; salt->salt_len = 16; return (PARSER_OK); } int sha256_parse_hash (char *input_buf, uint input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_1400) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_1400)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); u32 *digest = (u32 *) hash_buf->digest; digest[0] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[ 0]); digest[1] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[ 8]); digest[2] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[16]); digest[3] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[24]); digest[4] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[32]); digest[5] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[40]); digest[6] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[48]); digest[7] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[56]); digest[0] -= SHA256M_A; digest[1] -= SHA256M_B; digest[2] -= SHA256M_C; digest[3] -= SHA256M_D; digest[4] -= SHA256M_E; digest[5] -= SHA256M_F; digest[6] -= SHA256M_G; digest[7] -= SHA256M_H; return (PARSER_OK); } int sha256s_parse_hash (char *input_buf, uint input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { if (hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_ST_HEX) { if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_1410H) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_1410H)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); } else { if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_1410) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_1410)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); } u32 *digest = (u32 *) hash_buf->digest; salt_t *salt = hash_buf->salt; digest[0] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[ 0]); digest[1] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[ 8]); digest[2] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[16]); digest[3] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[24]); digest[4] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[32]); digest[5] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[40]); digest[6] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[48]); digest[7] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[56]); digest[0] -= SHA256M_A; digest[1] -= SHA256M_B; digest[2] -= SHA256M_C; digest[3] -= SHA256M_D; digest[4] -= SHA256M_E; digest[5] -= SHA256M_F; digest[6] -= SHA256M_G; digest[7] -= SHA256M_H; if (input_buf[64] != hashconfig->separator) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); uint salt_len = input_len - 64 - 1; char *salt_buf = input_buf + 64 + 1; char *salt_buf_ptr = (char *) salt->salt_buf; salt_len = parse_and_store_salt (salt_buf_ptr, salt_buf, salt_len, hashconfig); if (salt_len == UINT_MAX) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); salt->salt_len = salt_len; return (PARSER_OK); } int sha384_parse_hash (char *input_buf, uint input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_10800) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_10800)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); u64 *digest = (u64 *) hash_buf->digest; digest[0] = hex_to_u64 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[ 0]); digest[1] = hex_to_u64 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[ 16]); digest[2] = hex_to_u64 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[ 32]); digest[3] = hex_to_u64 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[ 48]); digest[4] = hex_to_u64 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[ 64]); digest[5] = hex_to_u64 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[ 80]); digest[6] = 0; digest[7] = 0; digest[0] -= SHA384M_A; digest[1] -= SHA384M_B; digest[2] -= SHA384M_C; digest[3] -= SHA384M_D; digest[4] -= SHA384M_E; digest[5] -= SHA384M_F; digest[6] -= 0; digest[7] -= 0; return (PARSER_OK); } int sha512_parse_hash (char *input_buf, uint input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_1700) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_1700)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); u64 *digest = (u64 *) hash_buf->digest; digest[0] = hex_to_u64 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[ 0]); digest[1] = hex_to_u64 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[ 16]); digest[2] = hex_to_u64 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[ 32]); digest[3] = hex_to_u64 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[ 48]); digest[4] = hex_to_u64 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[ 64]); digest[5] = hex_to_u64 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[ 80]); digest[6] = hex_to_u64 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[ 96]); digest[7] = hex_to_u64 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[112]); digest[0] -= SHA512M_A; digest[1] -= SHA512M_B; digest[2] -= SHA512M_C; digest[3] -= SHA512M_D; digest[4] -= SHA512M_E; digest[5] -= SHA512M_F; digest[6] -= SHA512M_G; digest[7] -= SHA512M_H; return (PARSER_OK); } int sha512s_parse_hash (char *input_buf, uint input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { if (hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_ST_HEX) { if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_1710H) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_1710H)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); } else { if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_1710) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_1710)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); } u64 *digest = (u64 *) hash_buf->digest; salt_t *salt = hash_buf->salt; digest[0] = hex_to_u64 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[ 0]); digest[1] = hex_to_u64 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[ 16]); digest[2] = hex_to_u64 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[ 32]); digest[3] = hex_to_u64 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[ 48]); digest[4] = hex_to_u64 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[ 64]); digest[5] = hex_to_u64 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[ 80]); digest[6] = hex_to_u64 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[ 96]); digest[7] = hex_to_u64 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[112]); digest[0] -= SHA512M_A; digest[1] -= SHA512M_B; digest[2] -= SHA512M_C; digest[3] -= SHA512M_D; digest[4] -= SHA512M_E; digest[5] -= SHA512M_F; digest[6] -= SHA512M_G; digest[7] -= SHA512M_H; if (input_buf[128] != hashconfig->separator) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); uint salt_len = input_len - 128 - 1; char *salt_buf = input_buf + 128 + 1; char *salt_buf_ptr = (char *) salt->salt_buf; salt_len = parse_and_store_salt (salt_buf_ptr, salt_buf, salt_len, hashconfig); if (salt_len == UINT_MAX) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); salt->salt_len = salt_len; return (PARSER_OK); } int sha512crypt_parse_hash (char *input_buf, uint input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { if (memcmp (SIGNATURE_SHA512CRYPT, input_buf, 3)) return (PARSER_SIGNATURE_UNMATCHED); u64 *digest = (u64 *) hash_buf->digest; salt_t *salt = hash_buf->salt; char *salt_pos = input_buf + 3; uint iterations_len = 0; if (memcmp (salt_pos, "rounds=", 7) == 0) { salt_pos += 7; for (iterations_len = 0; salt_pos[0] >= '0' && salt_pos[0] <= '9' && iterations_len < 7; iterations_len++, salt_pos += 1) continue; if (iterations_len == 0 ) return (PARSER_SALT_ITERATION); if (salt_pos[0] != '$') return (PARSER_SIGNATURE_UNMATCHED); salt_pos[0] = 0x0; salt->salt_iter = atoi (salt_pos - iterations_len); salt_pos += 1; iterations_len += 8; } else { salt->salt_iter = ROUNDS_SHA512CRYPT; } if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_1800) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_1800 + iterations_len)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); char *hash_pos = strchr (salt_pos, '$'); if (hash_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); uint salt_len = hash_pos - salt_pos; if (salt_len > 16) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); memcpy ((char *) salt->salt_buf, salt_pos, salt_len); salt->salt_len = salt_len; hash_pos++; sha512crypt_decode ((unsigned char *) digest, (unsigned char *) hash_pos); return (PARSER_OK); } int keccak_parse_hash (char *input_buf, uint input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_5000) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_5000)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); if (input_len % 16) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); u64 *digest = (u64 *) hash_buf->digest; salt_t *salt = hash_buf->salt; uint keccak_mdlen = input_len / 2; for (uint i = 0; i < keccak_mdlen / 8; i++) { digest[i] = hex_to_u64 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[i * 16]); digest[i] = byte_swap_64 (digest[i]); } salt->keccak_mdlen = keccak_mdlen; return (PARSER_OK); } int ikepsk_md5_parse_hash (char *input_buf, uint input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_5300) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_5300)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); u32 *digest = (u32 *) hash_buf->digest; salt_t *salt = hash_buf->salt; ikepsk_t *ikepsk = (ikepsk_t *) hash_buf->esalt; /** * Parse that strange long line */ char *in_off[9]; size_t in_len[9] = { 0 }; in_off[0] = strtok (input_buf, ":"); if (in_off[0] == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); in_len[0] = strlen (in_off[0]); size_t i; for (i = 1; i < 9; i++) { in_off[i] = strtok (NULL, ":"); if (in_off[i] == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); in_len[i] = strlen (in_off[i]); } char *ptr = (char *) ikepsk->msg_buf; for (i = 0; i < in_len[0]; i += 2) *ptr++ = hex_to_u8 ((const u8 *) in_off[0] + i); for (i = 0; i < in_len[1]; i += 2) *ptr++ = hex_to_u8 ((const u8 *) in_off[1] + i); for (i = 0; i < in_len[2]; i += 2) *ptr++ = hex_to_u8 ((const u8 *) in_off[2] + i); for (i = 0; i < in_len[3]; i += 2) *ptr++ = hex_to_u8 ((const u8 *) in_off[3] + i); for (i = 0; i < in_len[4]; i += 2) *ptr++ = hex_to_u8 ((const u8 *) in_off[4] + i); for (i = 0; i < in_len[5]; i += 2) *ptr++ = hex_to_u8 ((const u8 *) in_off[5] + i); *ptr = 0x80; ikepsk->msg_len = (in_len[0] + in_len[1] + in_len[2] + in_len[3] + in_len[4] + in_len[5]) / 2; ptr = (char *) ikepsk->nr_buf; for (i = 0; i < in_len[6]; i += 2) *ptr++ = hex_to_u8 ((const u8 *) in_off[6] + i); for (i = 0; i < in_len[7]; i += 2) *ptr++ = hex_to_u8 ((const u8 *) in_off[7] + i); *ptr = 0x80; ikepsk->nr_len = (in_len[6] + in_len[7]) / 2; /** * Store to database */ ptr = in_off[8]; digest[0] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &ptr[ 0]); digest[1] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &ptr[ 8]); digest[2] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &ptr[16]); digest[3] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &ptr[24]); digest[0] = byte_swap_32 (digest[0]); digest[1] = byte_swap_32 (digest[1]); digest[2] = byte_swap_32 (digest[2]); digest[3] = byte_swap_32 (digest[3]); salt->salt_len = 32; salt->salt_buf[0] = ikepsk->nr_buf[0]; salt->salt_buf[1] = ikepsk->nr_buf[1]; salt->salt_buf[2] = ikepsk->nr_buf[2]; salt->salt_buf[3] = ikepsk->nr_buf[3]; salt->salt_buf[4] = ikepsk->nr_buf[4]; salt->salt_buf[5] = ikepsk->nr_buf[5]; salt->salt_buf[6] = ikepsk->nr_buf[6]; salt->salt_buf[7] = ikepsk->nr_buf[7]; return (PARSER_OK); } int ikepsk_sha1_parse_hash (char *input_buf, uint input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_5400) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_5400)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); u32 *digest = (u32 *) hash_buf->digest; salt_t *salt = hash_buf->salt; ikepsk_t *ikepsk = (ikepsk_t *) hash_buf->esalt; /** * Parse that strange long line */ char *in_off[9]; size_t in_len[9] = { 0 }; in_off[0] = strtok (input_buf, ":"); if (in_off[0] == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); in_len[0] = strlen (in_off[0]); size_t i; for (i = 1; i < 9; i++) { in_off[i] = strtok (NULL, ":"); if (in_off[i] == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); in_len[i] = strlen (in_off[i]); } char *ptr = (char *) ikepsk->msg_buf; for (i = 0; i < in_len[0]; i += 2) *ptr++ = hex_to_u8 ((const u8 *) in_off[0] + i); for (i = 0; i < in_len[1]; i += 2) *ptr++ = hex_to_u8 ((const u8 *) in_off[1] + i); for (i = 0; i < in_len[2]; i += 2) *ptr++ = hex_to_u8 ((const u8 *) in_off[2] + i); for (i = 0; i < in_len[3]; i += 2) *ptr++ = hex_to_u8 ((const u8 *) in_off[3] + i); for (i = 0; i < in_len[4]; i += 2) *ptr++ = hex_to_u8 ((const u8 *) in_off[4] + i); for (i = 0; i < in_len[5]; i += 2) *ptr++ = hex_to_u8 ((const u8 *) in_off[5] + i); *ptr = 0x80; ikepsk->msg_len = (in_len[0] + in_len[1] + in_len[2] + in_len[3] + in_len[4] + in_len[5]) / 2; ptr = (char *) ikepsk->nr_buf; for (i = 0; i < in_len[6]; i += 2) *ptr++ = hex_to_u8 ((const u8 *) in_off[6] + i); for (i = 0; i < in_len[7]; i += 2) *ptr++ = hex_to_u8 ((const u8 *) in_off[7] + i); *ptr = 0x80; ikepsk->nr_len = (in_len[6] + in_len[7]) / 2; /** * Store to database */ ptr = in_off[8]; digest[0] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &ptr[ 0]); digest[1] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &ptr[ 8]); digest[2] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &ptr[16]); digest[3] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &ptr[24]); digest[4] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &ptr[32]); salt->salt_len = 32; salt->salt_buf[0] = ikepsk->nr_buf[0]; salt->salt_buf[1] = ikepsk->nr_buf[1]; salt->salt_buf[2] = ikepsk->nr_buf[2]; salt->salt_buf[3] = ikepsk->nr_buf[3]; salt->salt_buf[4] = ikepsk->nr_buf[4]; salt->salt_buf[5] = ikepsk->nr_buf[5]; salt->salt_buf[6] = ikepsk->nr_buf[6]; salt->salt_buf[7] = ikepsk->nr_buf[7]; return (PARSER_OK); } int ripemd160_parse_hash (char *input_buf, uint input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_6000) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_6000)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); u32 *digest = (u32 *) hash_buf->digest; digest[0] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[ 0]); digest[1] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[ 8]); digest[2] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[16]); digest[3] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[24]); digest[4] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[32]); digest[0] = byte_swap_32 (digest[0]); digest[1] = byte_swap_32 (digest[1]); digest[2] = byte_swap_32 (digest[2]); digest[3] = byte_swap_32 (digest[3]); digest[4] = byte_swap_32 (digest[4]); return (PARSER_OK); } int whirlpool_parse_hash (char *input_buf, uint input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_6100) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_6100)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); u32 *digest = (u32 *) hash_buf->digest; digest[ 0] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[ 0]); digest[ 1] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[ 8]); digest[ 2] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[ 16]); digest[ 3] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[ 24]); digest[ 4] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[ 32]); digest[ 5] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[ 40]); digest[ 6] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[ 48]); digest[ 7] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[ 56]); digest[ 8] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[ 64]); digest[ 9] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[ 72]); digest[10] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[ 80]); digest[11] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[ 88]); digest[12] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[ 96]); digest[13] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[104]); digest[14] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[112]); digest[15] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[120]); return (PARSER_OK); } int androidpin_parse_hash (char *input_buf, uint input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_5800) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_5800)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); u32 *digest = (u32 *) hash_buf->digest; salt_t *salt = hash_buf->salt; digest[0] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[ 0]); digest[1] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[ 8]); digest[2] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[16]); digest[3] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[24]); digest[4] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[32]); if (input_buf[40] != hashconfig->separator) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); uint salt_len = input_len - 40 - 1; char *salt_buf = input_buf + 40 + 1; char *salt_buf_ptr = (char *) salt->salt_buf; salt_len = parse_and_store_salt (salt_buf_ptr, salt_buf, salt_len, hashconfig); if (salt_len == UINT_MAX) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); salt->salt_len = salt_len; salt->salt_iter = ROUNDS_ANDROIDPIN - 1; return (PARSER_OK); } int truecrypt_parse_hash_1k (char *input_buf, uint input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { u32 *digest = (u32 *) hash_buf->digest; salt_t *salt = hash_buf->salt; tc_t *tc = (tc_t *) hash_buf->esalt; if (input_len == 0) { log_error ("TrueCrypt container not specified"); exit (-1); } FILE *fp = fopen (input_buf, "rb"); if (fp == NULL) { log_error ("%s: %s", input_buf, strerror (errno)); exit (-1); } char buf[512] = { 0 }; int n = fread (buf, 1, sizeof (buf), fp); fclose (fp); if (n != 512) return (PARSER_TC_FILE_SIZE); memcpy (tc->salt_buf, buf, 64); memcpy (tc->data_buf, buf + 64, 512 - 64); salt->salt_buf[0] = tc->salt_buf[0]; salt->salt_len = 4; salt->salt_iter = ROUNDS_TRUECRYPT_1K - 1; tc->signature = 0x45555254; // "TRUE" digest[0] = tc->data_buf[0]; return (PARSER_OK); } int truecrypt_parse_hash_2k (char *input_buf, uint input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { u32 *digest = (u32 *) hash_buf->digest; salt_t *salt = hash_buf->salt; tc_t *tc = (tc_t *) hash_buf->esalt; if (input_len == 0) { log_error ("TrueCrypt container not specified"); exit (-1); } FILE *fp = fopen (input_buf, "rb"); if (fp == NULL) { log_error ("%s: %s", input_buf, strerror (errno)); exit (-1); } char buf[512] = { 0 }; int n = fread (buf, 1, sizeof (buf), fp); fclose (fp); if (n != 512) return (PARSER_TC_FILE_SIZE); memcpy (tc->salt_buf, buf, 64); memcpy (tc->data_buf, buf + 64, 512 - 64); salt->salt_buf[0] = tc->salt_buf[0]; salt->salt_len = 4; salt->salt_iter = ROUNDS_TRUECRYPT_2K - 1; tc->signature = 0x45555254; // "TRUE" digest[0] = tc->data_buf[0]; return (PARSER_OK); } int veracrypt_parse_hash_200000 (char *input_buf, uint input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { u32 *digest = (u32 *) hash_buf->digest; salt_t *salt = hash_buf->salt; tc_t *tc = (tc_t *) hash_buf->esalt; if (input_len == 0) { log_error ("VeraCrypt container not specified"); exit (-1); } FILE *fp = fopen (input_buf, "rb"); if (fp == NULL) { log_error ("%s: %s", input_buf, strerror (errno)); exit (-1); } char buf[512] = { 0 }; int n = fread (buf, 1, sizeof (buf), fp); fclose (fp); if (n != 512) return (PARSER_VC_FILE_SIZE); memcpy (tc->salt_buf, buf, 64); memcpy (tc->data_buf, buf + 64, 512 - 64); salt->salt_buf[0] = tc->salt_buf[0]; salt->salt_len = 4; salt->salt_iter = ROUNDS_VERACRYPT_200000 - 1; tc->signature = 0x41524556; // "VERA" digest[0] = tc->data_buf[0]; return (PARSER_OK); } int veracrypt_parse_hash_500000 (char *input_buf, uint input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { u32 *digest = (u32 *) hash_buf->digest; salt_t *salt = hash_buf->salt; tc_t *tc = (tc_t *) hash_buf->esalt; if (input_len == 0) { log_error ("VeraCrypt container not specified"); exit (-1); } FILE *fp = fopen (input_buf, "rb"); if (fp == NULL) { log_error ("%s: %s", input_buf, strerror (errno)); exit (-1); } char buf[512] = { 0 }; int n = fread (buf, 1, sizeof (buf), fp); fclose (fp); if (n != 512) return (PARSER_VC_FILE_SIZE); memcpy (tc->salt_buf, buf, 64); memcpy (tc->data_buf, buf + 64, 512 - 64); salt->salt_buf[0] = tc->salt_buf[0]; salt->salt_len = 4; salt->salt_iter = ROUNDS_VERACRYPT_500000 - 1; tc->signature = 0x41524556; // "VERA" digest[0] = tc->data_buf[0]; return (PARSER_OK); } int veracrypt_parse_hash_327661 (char *input_buf, uint input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { u32 *digest = (u32 *) hash_buf->digest; salt_t *salt = hash_buf->salt; tc_t *tc = (tc_t *) hash_buf->esalt; if (input_len == 0) { log_error ("VeraCrypt container not specified"); exit (-1); } FILE *fp = fopen (input_buf, "rb"); if (fp == NULL) { log_error ("%s: %s", input_buf, strerror (errno)); exit (-1); } char buf[512] = { 0 }; int n = fread (buf, 1, sizeof (buf), fp); fclose (fp); if (n != 512) return (PARSER_VC_FILE_SIZE); memcpy (tc->salt_buf, buf, 64); memcpy (tc->data_buf, buf + 64, 512 - 64); salt->salt_buf[0] = tc->salt_buf[0]; salt->salt_len = 4; salt->salt_iter = ROUNDS_VERACRYPT_327661 - 1; tc->signature = 0x41524556; // "VERA" digest[0] = tc->data_buf[0]; return (PARSER_OK); } int veracrypt_parse_hash_655331 (char *input_buf, uint input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { u32 *digest = (u32 *) hash_buf->digest; salt_t *salt = hash_buf->salt; tc_t *tc = (tc_t *) hash_buf->esalt; if (input_len == 0) { log_error ("VeraCrypt container not specified"); exit (-1); } FILE *fp = fopen (input_buf, "rb"); if (fp == NULL) { log_error ("%s: %s", input_buf, strerror (errno)); exit (-1); } char buf[512] = { 0 }; int n = fread (buf, 1, sizeof (buf), fp); fclose (fp); if (n != 512) return (PARSER_VC_FILE_SIZE); memcpy (tc->salt_buf, buf, 64); memcpy (tc->data_buf, buf + 64, 512 - 64); salt->salt_buf[0] = tc->salt_buf[0]; salt->salt_len = 4; salt->salt_iter = ROUNDS_VERACRYPT_655331 - 1; tc->signature = 0x41524556; // "VERA" digest[0] = tc->data_buf[0]; return (PARSER_OK); } int md5aix_parse_hash (char *input_buf, uint input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_6300) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_6300)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); if (memcmp (SIGNATURE_MD5AIX, input_buf, 6)) return (PARSER_SIGNATURE_UNMATCHED); u32 *digest = (u32 *) hash_buf->digest; salt_t *salt = hash_buf->salt; char *salt_pos = input_buf + 6; char *hash_pos = strchr (salt_pos, '$'); if (hash_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); uint salt_len = hash_pos - salt_pos; if (salt_len < 8) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); memcpy ((char *) salt->salt_buf, salt_pos, salt_len); salt->salt_len = salt_len; salt->salt_iter = 1000; hash_pos++; md5crypt_decode ((unsigned char *) digest, (unsigned char *) hash_pos); return (PARSER_OK); } int sha1aix_parse_hash (char *input_buf, uint input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_6700) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_6700)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); if (memcmp (SIGNATURE_SHA1AIX, input_buf, 7)) return (PARSER_SIGNATURE_UNMATCHED); u32 *digest = (u32 *) hash_buf->digest; salt_t *salt = hash_buf->salt; char *iter_pos = input_buf + 7; char *salt_pos = strchr (iter_pos, '$'); if (salt_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); salt_pos++; char *hash_pos = strchr (salt_pos, '$'); if (hash_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); uint salt_len = hash_pos - salt_pos; if (salt_len < 16) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); memcpy ((char *) salt->salt_buf, salt_pos, salt_len); salt->salt_len = salt_len; char salt_iter[3] = { iter_pos[0], iter_pos[1], 0 }; salt->salt_sign[0] = atoi (salt_iter); salt->salt_iter = (1u << atoi (salt_iter)) - 1; hash_pos++; sha1aix_decode ((unsigned char *) digest, (unsigned char *) hash_pos); digest[0] = byte_swap_32 (digest[0]); digest[1] = byte_swap_32 (digest[1]); digest[2] = byte_swap_32 (digest[2]); digest[3] = byte_swap_32 (digest[3]); digest[4] = byte_swap_32 (digest[4]); return (PARSER_OK); } int sha256aix_parse_hash (char *input_buf, uint input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_6400) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_6400)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); if (memcmp (SIGNATURE_SHA256AIX, input_buf, 9)) return (PARSER_SIGNATURE_UNMATCHED); u32 *digest = (u32 *) hash_buf->digest; salt_t *salt = hash_buf->salt; char *iter_pos = input_buf + 9; char *salt_pos = strchr (iter_pos, '$'); if (salt_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); salt_pos++; char *hash_pos = strchr (salt_pos, '$'); if (hash_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); uint salt_len = hash_pos - salt_pos; if (salt_len < 16) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); memcpy ((char *) salt->salt_buf, salt_pos, salt_len); salt->salt_len = salt_len; char salt_iter[3] = { iter_pos[0], iter_pos[1], 0 }; salt->salt_sign[0] = atoi (salt_iter); salt->salt_iter = (1u << atoi (salt_iter)) - 1; hash_pos++; sha256aix_decode ((unsigned char *) digest, (unsigned char *) hash_pos); digest[0] = byte_swap_32 (digest[0]); digest[1] = byte_swap_32 (digest[1]); digest[2] = byte_swap_32 (digest[2]); digest[3] = byte_swap_32 (digest[3]); digest[4] = byte_swap_32 (digest[4]); digest[5] = byte_swap_32 (digest[5]); digest[6] = byte_swap_32 (digest[6]); digest[7] = byte_swap_32 (digest[7]); return (PARSER_OK); } int sha512aix_parse_hash (char *input_buf, uint input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_6500) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_6500)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); if (memcmp (SIGNATURE_SHA512AIX, input_buf, 9)) return (PARSER_SIGNATURE_UNMATCHED); u64 *digest = (u64 *) hash_buf->digest; salt_t *salt = hash_buf->salt; char *iter_pos = input_buf + 9; char *salt_pos = strchr (iter_pos, '$'); if (salt_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); salt_pos++; char *hash_pos = strchr (salt_pos, '$'); if (hash_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); uint salt_len = hash_pos - salt_pos; if (salt_len < 16) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); memcpy ((char *) salt->salt_buf, salt_pos, salt_len); salt->salt_len = salt_len; char salt_iter[3] = { iter_pos[0], iter_pos[1], 0 }; salt->salt_sign[0] = atoi (salt_iter); salt->salt_iter = (1u << atoi (salt_iter)) - 1; hash_pos++; sha512aix_decode ((unsigned char *) digest, (unsigned char *) hash_pos); digest[0] = byte_swap_64 (digest[0]); digest[1] = byte_swap_64 (digest[1]); digest[2] = byte_swap_64 (digest[2]); digest[3] = byte_swap_64 (digest[3]); digest[4] = byte_swap_64 (digest[4]); digest[5] = byte_swap_64 (digest[5]); digest[6] = byte_swap_64 (digest[6]); digest[7] = byte_swap_64 (digest[7]); return (PARSER_OK); } int agilekey_parse_hash (char *input_buf, uint input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_6600) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_6600)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); u32 *digest = (u32 *) hash_buf->digest; salt_t *salt = hash_buf->salt; agilekey_t *agilekey = (agilekey_t *) hash_buf->esalt; /** * parse line */ char *iterations_pos = input_buf; char *saltbuf_pos = strchr (iterations_pos, ':'); if (saltbuf_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); uint iterations_len = saltbuf_pos - iterations_pos; if (iterations_len > 6) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); saltbuf_pos++; char *cipherbuf_pos = strchr (saltbuf_pos, ':'); if (cipherbuf_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); uint saltbuf_len = cipherbuf_pos - saltbuf_pos; if (saltbuf_len != 16) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); uint cipherbuf_len = input_len - iterations_len - 1 - saltbuf_len - 1; if (cipherbuf_len != 2080) return (PARSER_HASH_LENGTH); cipherbuf_pos++; /** * pbkdf2 iterations */ salt->salt_iter = atoi (iterations_pos) - 1; /** * handle salt encoding */ char *saltbuf_ptr = (char *) salt->salt_buf; for (uint i = 0; i < saltbuf_len; i += 2) { const char p0 = saltbuf_pos[i + 0]; const char p1 = saltbuf_pos[i + 1]; *saltbuf_ptr++ = hex_convert (p1) << 0 | hex_convert (p0) << 4; } salt->salt_len = saltbuf_len / 2; /** * handle cipher encoding */ uint *tmp = (uint *) mymalloc (32); char *cipherbuf_ptr = (char *) tmp; for (uint i = 2016; i < cipherbuf_len; i += 2) { const char p0 = cipherbuf_pos[i + 0]; const char p1 = cipherbuf_pos[i + 1]; *cipherbuf_ptr++ = hex_convert (p1) << 0 | hex_convert (p0) << 4; } // iv is stored at salt_buf 4 (length 16) // data is stored at salt_buf 8 (length 16) salt->salt_buf[ 4] = byte_swap_32 (tmp[0]); salt->salt_buf[ 5] = byte_swap_32 (tmp[1]); salt->salt_buf[ 6] = byte_swap_32 (tmp[2]); salt->salt_buf[ 7] = byte_swap_32 (tmp[3]); salt->salt_buf[ 8] = byte_swap_32 (tmp[4]); salt->salt_buf[ 9] = byte_swap_32 (tmp[5]); salt->salt_buf[10] = byte_swap_32 (tmp[6]); salt->salt_buf[11] = byte_swap_32 (tmp[7]); myfree (tmp); for (uint i = 0, j = 0; i < 1040; i += 1, j += 2) { const char p0 = cipherbuf_pos[j + 0]; const char p1 = cipherbuf_pos[j + 1]; agilekey->cipher[i] = hex_convert (p1) << 0 | hex_convert (p0) << 4; } /** * digest buf */ digest[0] = 0x10101010; digest[1] = 0x10101010; digest[2] = 0x10101010; digest[3] = 0x10101010; return (PARSER_OK); } int lastpass_parse_hash (char *input_buf, uint input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_6800) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_6800)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); u32 *digest = (u32 *) hash_buf->digest; salt_t *salt = hash_buf->salt; char *hashbuf_pos = input_buf; char *iterations_pos = strchr (hashbuf_pos, ':'); if (iterations_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); uint hash_len = iterations_pos - hashbuf_pos; if ((hash_len != 32) && (hash_len != 64)) return (PARSER_HASH_LENGTH); iterations_pos++; char *saltbuf_pos = strchr (iterations_pos, ':'); if (saltbuf_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); uint iterations_len = saltbuf_pos - iterations_pos; saltbuf_pos++; uint salt_len = input_len - hash_len - 1 - iterations_len - 1; if (salt_len > 32) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); char *salt_buf_ptr = (char *) salt->salt_buf; salt_len = parse_and_store_salt (salt_buf_ptr, saltbuf_pos, salt_len, hashconfig); if (salt_len == UINT_MAX) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); salt->salt_len = salt_len; salt->salt_iter = atoi (iterations_pos) - 1; digest[0] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &hashbuf_pos[ 0]); digest[1] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &hashbuf_pos[ 8]); digest[2] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &hashbuf_pos[16]); digest[3] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &hashbuf_pos[24]); return (PARSER_OK); } int gost_parse_hash (char *input_buf, uint input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_6900) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_6900)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); u32 *digest = (u32 *) hash_buf->digest; digest[0] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[ 0]); digest[1] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[ 8]); digest[2] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[16]); digest[3] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[24]); digest[4] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[32]); digest[5] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[40]); digest[6] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[48]); digest[7] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[56]); digest[0] = byte_swap_32 (digest[0]); digest[1] = byte_swap_32 (digest[1]); digest[2] = byte_swap_32 (digest[2]); digest[3] = byte_swap_32 (digest[3]); digest[4] = byte_swap_32 (digest[4]); digest[5] = byte_swap_32 (digest[5]); digest[6] = byte_swap_32 (digest[6]); digest[7] = byte_swap_32 (digest[7]); return (PARSER_OK); } int sha256crypt_parse_hash (char *input_buf, uint input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { if (memcmp (SIGNATURE_SHA256CRYPT, input_buf, 3)) return (PARSER_SIGNATURE_UNMATCHED); u32 *digest = (u32 *) hash_buf->digest; salt_t *salt = hash_buf->salt; char *salt_pos = input_buf + 3; uint iterations_len = 0; if (memcmp (salt_pos, "rounds=", 7) == 0) { salt_pos += 7; for (iterations_len = 0; salt_pos[0] >= '0' && salt_pos[0] <= '9' && iterations_len < 7; iterations_len++, salt_pos += 1) continue; if (iterations_len == 0 ) return (PARSER_SALT_ITERATION); if (salt_pos[0] != '$') return (PARSER_SIGNATURE_UNMATCHED); salt_pos[0] = 0x0; salt->salt_iter = atoi (salt_pos - iterations_len); salt_pos += 1; iterations_len += 8; } else { salt->salt_iter = ROUNDS_SHA256CRYPT; } if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_7400) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_7400 + iterations_len)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); char *hash_pos = strchr (salt_pos, '$'); if (hash_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); uint salt_len = hash_pos - salt_pos; if (salt_len > 16) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); memcpy ((char *) salt->salt_buf, salt_pos, salt_len); salt->salt_len = salt_len; hash_pos++; sha256crypt_decode ((unsigned char *) digest, (unsigned char *) hash_pos); return (PARSER_OK); } int sha512osx_parse_hash (char *input_buf, uint input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { uint max_len = DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_7100 + (2 * 128); if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_7100) || (input_len > max_len)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); if (memcmp (SIGNATURE_SHA512OSX, input_buf, 4)) return (PARSER_SIGNATURE_UNMATCHED); u64 *digest = (u64 *) hash_buf->digest; salt_t *salt = hash_buf->salt; pbkdf2_sha512_t *pbkdf2_sha512 = (pbkdf2_sha512_t *) hash_buf->esalt; char *iter_pos = input_buf + 4; char *salt_pos = strchr (iter_pos, '$'); if (salt_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); salt_pos++; char *hash_pos = strchr (salt_pos, '$'); if (hash_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); if (((input_len - (hash_pos - input_buf) - 1) % 128) != 0) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); hash_pos++; digest[0] = hex_to_u64 ((const u8 *) &hash_pos[ 0]); digest[1] = hex_to_u64 ((const u8 *) &hash_pos[ 16]); digest[2] = hex_to_u64 ((const u8 *) &hash_pos[ 32]); digest[3] = hex_to_u64 ((const u8 *) &hash_pos[ 48]); digest[4] = hex_to_u64 ((const u8 *) &hash_pos[ 64]); digest[5] = hex_to_u64 ((const u8 *) &hash_pos[ 80]); digest[6] = hex_to_u64 ((const u8 *) &hash_pos[ 96]); digest[7] = hex_to_u64 ((const u8 *) &hash_pos[112]); uint salt_len = hash_pos - salt_pos - 1; if ((salt_len % 2) != 0) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); salt->salt_len = salt_len / 2; pbkdf2_sha512->salt_buf[0] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &salt_pos[ 0]); pbkdf2_sha512->salt_buf[1] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &salt_pos[ 8]); pbkdf2_sha512->salt_buf[2] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &salt_pos[16]); pbkdf2_sha512->salt_buf[3] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &salt_pos[24]); pbkdf2_sha512->salt_buf[4] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &salt_pos[32]); pbkdf2_sha512->salt_buf[5] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &salt_pos[40]); pbkdf2_sha512->salt_buf[6] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &salt_pos[48]); pbkdf2_sha512->salt_buf[7] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &salt_pos[56]); pbkdf2_sha512->salt_buf[0] = byte_swap_32 (pbkdf2_sha512->salt_buf[0]); pbkdf2_sha512->salt_buf[1] = byte_swap_32 (pbkdf2_sha512->salt_buf[1]); pbkdf2_sha512->salt_buf[2] = byte_swap_32 (pbkdf2_sha512->salt_buf[2]); pbkdf2_sha512->salt_buf[3] = byte_swap_32 (pbkdf2_sha512->salt_buf[3]); pbkdf2_sha512->salt_buf[4] = byte_swap_32 (pbkdf2_sha512->salt_buf[4]); pbkdf2_sha512->salt_buf[5] = byte_swap_32 (pbkdf2_sha512->salt_buf[5]); pbkdf2_sha512->salt_buf[6] = byte_swap_32 (pbkdf2_sha512->salt_buf[6]); pbkdf2_sha512->salt_buf[7] = byte_swap_32 (pbkdf2_sha512->salt_buf[7]); pbkdf2_sha512->salt_buf[8] = 0x01000000; pbkdf2_sha512->salt_buf[9] = 0x80; salt->salt_buf[0] = pbkdf2_sha512->salt_buf[0]; salt->salt_iter = atoi (iter_pos) - 1; return (PARSER_OK); } int episerver4_parse_hash (char *input_buf, uint input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_1441) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_1441)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); if (memcmp (SIGNATURE_EPISERVER4, input_buf, 14)) return (PARSER_SIGNATURE_UNMATCHED); u32 *digest = (u32 *) hash_buf->digest; salt_t *salt = hash_buf->salt; char *salt_pos = input_buf + 14; char *hash_pos = strchr (salt_pos, '*'); if (hash_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); hash_pos++; uint salt_len = hash_pos - salt_pos - 1; char *salt_buf_ptr = (char *) salt->salt_buf; salt_len = parse_and_store_salt (salt_buf_ptr, salt_pos, salt_len, hashconfig); if (salt_len == UINT_MAX) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); salt->salt_len = salt_len; u8 tmp_buf[100] = { 0 }; base64_decode (base64_to_int, (const u8 *) hash_pos, 43, tmp_buf); memcpy (digest, tmp_buf, 32); digest[0] = byte_swap_32 (digest[0]); digest[1] = byte_swap_32 (digest[1]); digest[2] = byte_swap_32 (digest[2]); digest[3] = byte_swap_32 (digest[3]); digest[4] = byte_swap_32 (digest[4]); digest[5] = byte_swap_32 (digest[5]); digest[6] = byte_swap_32 (digest[6]); digest[7] = byte_swap_32 (digest[7]); digest[0] -= SHA256M_A; digest[1] -= SHA256M_B; digest[2] -= SHA256M_C; digest[3] -= SHA256M_D; digest[4] -= SHA256M_E; digest[5] -= SHA256M_F; digest[6] -= SHA256M_G; digest[7] -= SHA256M_H; return (PARSER_OK); } int sha512grub_parse_hash (char *input_buf, uint input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { uint max_len = DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_7200 + (8 * 128); if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_7200) || (input_len > max_len)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); if (memcmp (SIGNATURE_SHA512GRUB, input_buf, 19)) return (PARSER_SIGNATURE_UNMATCHED); u64 *digest = (u64 *) hash_buf->digest; salt_t *salt = hash_buf->salt; pbkdf2_sha512_t *pbkdf2_sha512 = (pbkdf2_sha512_t *) hash_buf->esalt; char *iter_pos = input_buf + 19; char *salt_pos = strchr (iter_pos, '.'); if (salt_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); salt_pos++; char *hash_pos = strchr (salt_pos, '.'); if (hash_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); if (((input_len - (hash_pos - input_buf) - 1) % 128) != 0) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); hash_pos++; digest[0] = hex_to_u64 ((const u8 *) &hash_pos[ 0]); digest[1] = hex_to_u64 ((const u8 *) &hash_pos[ 16]); digest[2] = hex_to_u64 ((const u8 *) &hash_pos[ 32]); digest[3] = hex_to_u64 ((const u8 *) &hash_pos[ 48]); digest[4] = hex_to_u64 ((const u8 *) &hash_pos[ 64]); digest[5] = hex_to_u64 ((const u8 *) &hash_pos[ 80]); digest[6] = hex_to_u64 ((const u8 *) &hash_pos[ 96]); digest[7] = hex_to_u64 ((const u8 *) &hash_pos[112]); uint salt_len = hash_pos - salt_pos - 1; salt_len /= 2; char *salt_buf_ptr = (char *) pbkdf2_sha512->salt_buf; uint i; for (i = 0; i < salt_len; i++) { salt_buf_ptr[i] = hex_to_u8 ((const u8 *) &salt_pos[i * 2]); } salt_buf_ptr[salt_len + 3] = 0x01; salt_buf_ptr[salt_len + 4] = 0x80; salt->salt_buf[0] = pbkdf2_sha512->salt_buf[0]; salt->salt_len = salt_len; salt->salt_iter = atoi (iter_pos) - 1; return (PARSER_OK); } int sha512b64s_parse_hash (char *input_buf, uint input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_1711) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_1711)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); if (memcmp (SIGNATURE_SHA512B64S, input_buf, 9)) return (PARSER_SIGNATURE_UNMATCHED); u64 *digest = (u64 *) hash_buf->digest; salt_t *salt = hash_buf->salt; u8 tmp_buf[120] = { 0 }; int tmp_len = base64_decode (base64_to_int, (const u8 *) input_buf + 9, input_len - 9, tmp_buf); if (tmp_len < 64) return (PARSER_HASH_LENGTH); memcpy (digest, tmp_buf, 64); digest[0] = byte_swap_64 (digest[0]); digest[1] = byte_swap_64 (digest[1]); digest[2] = byte_swap_64 (digest[2]); digest[3] = byte_swap_64 (digest[3]); digest[4] = byte_swap_64 (digest[4]); digest[5] = byte_swap_64 (digest[5]); digest[6] = byte_swap_64 (digest[6]); digest[7] = byte_swap_64 (digest[7]); digest[0] -= SHA512M_A; digest[1] -= SHA512M_B; digest[2] -= SHA512M_C; digest[3] -= SHA512M_D; digest[4] -= SHA512M_E; digest[5] -= SHA512M_F; digest[6] -= SHA512M_G; digest[7] -= SHA512M_H; int salt_len = tmp_len - 64; if (salt_len < 0) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); salt->salt_len = salt_len; memcpy (salt->salt_buf, tmp_buf + 64, salt->salt_len); if (hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_ST_ADD80) { char *ptr = (char *) salt->salt_buf; ptr[salt->salt_len] = 0x80; } return (PARSER_OK); } int hmacmd5_parse_hash (char *input_buf, uint input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { if (hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_ST_HEX) { if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_50H) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_50H)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); } else { if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_50) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_50)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); } u32 *digest = (u32 *) hash_buf->digest; salt_t *salt = hash_buf->salt; digest[0] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[ 0]); digest[1] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[ 8]); digest[2] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[16]); digest[3] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[24]); digest[0] = byte_swap_32 (digest[0]); digest[1] = byte_swap_32 (digest[1]); digest[2] = byte_swap_32 (digest[2]); digest[3] = byte_swap_32 (digest[3]); if (input_buf[32] != hashconfig->separator) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); uint salt_len = input_len - 32 - 1; char *salt_buf = input_buf + 32 + 1; char *salt_buf_ptr = (char *) salt->salt_buf; salt_len = parse_and_store_salt (salt_buf_ptr, salt_buf, salt_len, hashconfig); if (salt_len == UINT_MAX) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); salt->salt_len = salt_len; return (PARSER_OK); } int hmacsha1_parse_hash (char *input_buf, uint input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { if (hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_ST_HEX) { if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_150H) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_150H)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); } else { if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_150) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_150)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); } u32 *digest = (u32 *) hash_buf->digest; salt_t *salt = hash_buf->salt; digest[0] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[ 0]); digest[1] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[ 8]); digest[2] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[16]); digest[3] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[24]); digest[4] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[32]); if (input_buf[40] != hashconfig->separator) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); uint salt_len = input_len - 40 - 1; char *salt_buf = input_buf + 40 + 1; char *salt_buf_ptr = (char *) salt->salt_buf; salt_len = parse_and_store_salt (salt_buf_ptr, salt_buf, salt_len, hashconfig); if (salt_len == UINT_MAX) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); salt->salt_len = salt_len; return (PARSER_OK); } int hmacsha256_parse_hash (char *input_buf, uint input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { if (hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_ST_HEX) { if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_1450H) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_1450H)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); } else { if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_1450) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_1450)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); } u32 *digest = (u32 *) hash_buf->digest; salt_t *salt = hash_buf->salt; digest[0] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[ 0]); digest[1] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[ 8]); digest[2] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[16]); digest[3] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[24]); digest[4] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[32]); digest[5] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[40]); digest[6] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[48]); digest[7] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[56]); if (input_buf[64] != hashconfig->separator) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); uint salt_len = input_len - 64 - 1; char *salt_buf = input_buf + 64 + 1; char *salt_buf_ptr = (char *) salt->salt_buf; salt_len = parse_and_store_salt (salt_buf_ptr, salt_buf, salt_len, hashconfig); if (salt_len == UINT_MAX) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); salt->salt_len = salt_len; return (PARSER_OK); } int hmacsha512_parse_hash (char *input_buf, uint input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { if (hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_ST_HEX) { if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_1750H) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_1750H)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); } else { if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_1750) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_1750)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); } u64 *digest = (u64 *) hash_buf->digest; salt_t *salt = hash_buf->salt; digest[0] = hex_to_u64 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[ 0]); digest[1] = hex_to_u64 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[ 16]); digest[2] = hex_to_u64 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[ 32]); digest[3] = hex_to_u64 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[ 48]); digest[4] = hex_to_u64 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[ 64]); digest[5] = hex_to_u64 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[ 80]); digest[6] = hex_to_u64 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[ 96]); digest[7] = hex_to_u64 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[112]); if (input_buf[128] != hashconfig->separator) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); uint salt_len = input_len - 128 - 1; char *salt_buf = input_buf + 128 + 1; char *salt_buf_ptr = (char *) salt->salt_buf; salt_len = parse_and_store_salt (salt_buf_ptr, salt_buf, salt_len, hashconfig); if (salt_len == UINT_MAX) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); salt->salt_len = salt_len; return (PARSER_OK); } int krb5pa_parse_hash (char *input_buf, uint input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_7500) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_7500)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); if (memcmp (SIGNATURE_KRB5PA, input_buf, 10)) return (PARSER_SIGNATURE_UNMATCHED); u32 *digest = (u32 *) hash_buf->digest; salt_t *salt = hash_buf->salt; krb5pa_t *krb5pa = (krb5pa_t *) hash_buf->esalt; /** * parse line */ char *user_pos = input_buf + 10 + 1; char *realm_pos = strchr (user_pos, '$'); if (realm_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); uint user_len = realm_pos - user_pos; if (user_len >= 64) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); realm_pos++; char *salt_pos = strchr (realm_pos, '$'); if (salt_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); uint realm_len = salt_pos - realm_pos; if (realm_len >= 64) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); salt_pos++; char *data_pos = strchr (salt_pos, '$'); if (data_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); uint salt_len = data_pos - salt_pos; if (salt_len >= 128) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); data_pos++; uint data_len = input_len - 10 - 1 - user_len - 1 - realm_len - 1 - salt_len - 1; if (data_len != ((36 + 16) * 2)) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); /** * copy data */ memcpy (krb5pa->user, user_pos, user_len); memcpy (krb5pa->realm, realm_pos, realm_len); memcpy (krb5pa->salt, salt_pos, salt_len); char *timestamp_ptr = (char *) krb5pa->timestamp; for (uint i = 0; i < (36 * 2); i += 2) { const char p0 = data_pos[i + 0]; const char p1 = data_pos[i + 1]; *timestamp_ptr++ = hex_convert (p1) << 0 | hex_convert (p0) << 4; } char *checksum_ptr = (char *) krb5pa->checksum; for (uint i = (36 * 2); i < ((36 + 16) * 2); i += 2) { const char p0 = data_pos[i + 0]; const char p1 = data_pos[i + 1]; *checksum_ptr++ = hex_convert (p1) << 0 | hex_convert (p0) << 4; } /** * copy some data to generic buffers to make sorting happy */ salt->salt_buf[0] = krb5pa->timestamp[0]; salt->salt_buf[1] = krb5pa->timestamp[1]; salt->salt_buf[2] = krb5pa->timestamp[2]; salt->salt_buf[3] = krb5pa->timestamp[3]; salt->salt_buf[4] = krb5pa->timestamp[4]; salt->salt_buf[5] = krb5pa->timestamp[5]; salt->salt_buf[6] = krb5pa->timestamp[6]; salt->salt_buf[7] = krb5pa->timestamp[7]; salt->salt_buf[8] = krb5pa->timestamp[8]; salt->salt_len = 36; digest[0] = krb5pa->checksum[0]; digest[1] = krb5pa->checksum[1]; digest[2] = krb5pa->checksum[2]; digest[3] = krb5pa->checksum[3]; return (PARSER_OK); } int sapb_parse_hash (char *input_buf, uint input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_7700) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_7700)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); u32 *digest = (u32 *) hash_buf->digest; salt_t *salt = hash_buf->salt; /** * parse line */ char *salt_pos = input_buf; char *hash_pos = strchr (salt_pos, '$'); if (hash_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); uint salt_len = hash_pos - salt_pos; if (salt_len >= 40) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); hash_pos++; uint hash_len = input_len - 1 - salt_len; if (hash_len != 16) return (PARSER_HASH_LENGTH); /** * valid some data */ uint user_len = 0; for (uint i = 0; i < salt_len; i++) { if (salt_pos[i] == ' ') continue; user_len++; } // SAP user names cannot be longer than 12 characters if (user_len > 12) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); // SAP user name cannot start with ! or ? if (salt_pos[0] == '!' || salt_pos[0] == '?') return (PARSER_SALT_VALUE); /** * copy data */ char *salt_buf_ptr = (char *) salt->salt_buf; salt_len = parse_and_store_salt (salt_buf_ptr, salt_pos, salt_len, hashconfig); if (salt_len == UINT_MAX) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); salt->salt_len = salt_len; digest[0] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &hash_pos[0]); digest[1] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &hash_pos[8]); digest[2] = 0; digest[3] = 0; digest[0] = byte_swap_32 (digest[0]); digest[1] = byte_swap_32 (digest[1]); return (PARSER_OK); } int sapg_parse_hash (char *input_buf, uint input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_7800) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_7800)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); u32 *digest = (u32 *) hash_buf->digest; salt_t *salt = hash_buf->salt; /** * parse line */ char *salt_pos = input_buf; char *hash_pos = strchr (salt_pos, '$'); if (hash_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); uint salt_len = hash_pos - salt_pos; if (salt_len >= 40) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); hash_pos++; uint hash_len = input_len - 1 - salt_len; if (hash_len != 40) return (PARSER_HASH_LENGTH); /** * valid some data */ uint user_len = 0; for (uint i = 0; i < salt_len; i++) { if (salt_pos[i] == ' ') continue; user_len++; } // SAP user names cannot be longer than 12 characters // this is kinda buggy. if the username is in utf the length can be up to length 12*3 // so far nobody complained so we stay with this because it helps in optimization // final string can have a max size of 32 (password) + (10 * 5) = lengthMagicArray + 12 (max salt) + 1 (the 0x80) if (user_len > 12) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); // SAP user name cannot start with ! or ? if (salt_pos[0] == '!' || salt_pos[0] == '?') return (PARSER_SALT_VALUE); /** * copy data */ char *salt_buf_ptr = (char *) salt->salt_buf; salt_len = parse_and_store_salt (salt_buf_ptr, salt_pos, salt_len, hashconfig); if (salt_len == UINT_MAX) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); salt->salt_len = salt_len; digest[0] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &hash_pos[ 0]); digest[1] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &hash_pos[ 8]); digest[2] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &hash_pos[16]); digest[3] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &hash_pos[24]); digest[4] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &hash_pos[32]); return (PARSER_OK); } int drupal7_parse_hash (char *input_buf, uint input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_7900) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_7900)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); if (memcmp (SIGNATURE_DRUPAL7, input_buf, 3)) return (PARSER_SIGNATURE_UNMATCHED); u64 *digest = (u64 *) hash_buf->digest; salt_t *salt = hash_buf->salt; char *iter_pos = input_buf + 3; uint salt_iter = 1u << itoa64_to_int (iter_pos[0]); if (salt_iter > 0x80000000) return (PARSER_SALT_ITERATION); memcpy ((char *) salt->salt_sign, input_buf, 4); salt->salt_iter = salt_iter; char *salt_pos = iter_pos + 1; uint salt_len = 8; memcpy ((char *) salt->salt_buf, salt_pos, salt_len); salt->salt_len = salt_len; char *hash_pos = salt_pos + salt_len; drupal7_decode ((unsigned char *) digest, (unsigned char *) hash_pos); // ugly hack start char *tmp = (char *) salt->salt_buf_pc; tmp[0] = hash_pos[42]; // ugly hack end digest[ 0] = byte_swap_64 (digest[ 0]); digest[ 1] = byte_swap_64 (digest[ 1]); digest[ 2] = byte_swap_64 (digest[ 2]); digest[ 3] = byte_swap_64 (digest[ 3]); digest[ 4] = 0; digest[ 5] = 0; digest[ 6] = 0; digest[ 7] = 0; return (PARSER_OK); } int sybasease_parse_hash (char *input_buf, uint input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_8000) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_8000)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); if (memcmp (SIGNATURE_SYBASEASE, input_buf, 6)) return (PARSER_SIGNATURE_UNMATCHED); u32 *digest = (u32 *) hash_buf->digest; salt_t *salt = hash_buf->salt; char *salt_buf = input_buf + 6; uint salt_len = 16; char *salt_buf_ptr = (char *) salt->salt_buf; salt_len = parse_and_store_salt (salt_buf_ptr, salt_buf, salt_len, hashconfig); if (salt_len == UINT_MAX) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); salt->salt_len = salt_len; char *hash_pos = input_buf + 6 + 16; digest[0] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &hash_pos[ 0]); digest[1] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &hash_pos[ 8]); digest[2] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &hash_pos[16]); digest[3] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &hash_pos[24]); digest[4] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &hash_pos[32]); digest[5] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &hash_pos[40]); digest[6] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &hash_pos[48]); digest[7] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &hash_pos[56]); return (PARSER_OK); } int mysql323_parse_hash (char *input_buf, uint input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_200) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_200)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); u32 *digest = (u32 *) hash_buf->digest; digest[0] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[ 0]); digest[1] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[ 8]); digest[2] = 0; digest[3] = 0; return (PARSER_OK); } int rakp_parse_hash (char *input_buf, uint input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_7300) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_7300)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); u32 *digest = (u32 *) hash_buf->digest; salt_t *salt = hash_buf->salt; rakp_t *rakp = (rakp_t *) hash_buf->esalt; char *saltbuf_pos = input_buf; char *hashbuf_pos = strchr (saltbuf_pos, ':'); if (hashbuf_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); uint saltbuf_len = hashbuf_pos - saltbuf_pos; if (saltbuf_len < 64) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); if (saltbuf_len > 512) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); if (saltbuf_len & 1) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); // muss gerade sein wegen hex hashbuf_pos++; uint hashbuf_len = input_len - saltbuf_len - 1; if (hashbuf_len != 40) return (PARSER_HASH_LENGTH); char *salt_ptr = (char *) saltbuf_pos; char *rakp_ptr = (char *) rakp->salt_buf; uint i; uint j; for (i = 0, j = 0; i < saltbuf_len; i += 2, j += 1) { rakp_ptr[j] = hex_to_u8 ((const u8 *) &salt_ptr[i]); } rakp_ptr[j] = 0x80; rakp->salt_len = j; for (i = 0; i < 64; i++) { rakp->salt_buf[i] = byte_swap_32 (rakp->salt_buf[i]); } salt->salt_buf[0] = rakp->salt_buf[0]; salt->salt_buf[1] = rakp->salt_buf[1]; salt->salt_buf[2] = rakp->salt_buf[2]; salt->salt_buf[3] = rakp->salt_buf[3]; salt->salt_buf[4] = rakp->salt_buf[4]; salt->salt_buf[5] = rakp->salt_buf[5]; salt->salt_buf[6] = rakp->salt_buf[6]; salt->salt_buf[7] = rakp->salt_buf[7]; salt->salt_len = 32; // muss min. 32 haben digest[0] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &hashbuf_pos[ 0]); digest[1] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &hashbuf_pos[ 8]); digest[2] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &hashbuf_pos[16]); digest[3] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &hashbuf_pos[24]); digest[4] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &hashbuf_pos[32]); return (PARSER_OK); } int netscaler_parse_hash (char *input_buf, uint input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_8100) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_8100)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); u32 *digest = (u32 *) hash_buf->digest; salt_t *salt = hash_buf->salt; if (memcmp (SIGNATURE_NETSCALER, input_buf, 1)) return (PARSER_SIGNATURE_UNMATCHED); char *salt_pos = input_buf + 1; memcpy (salt->salt_buf, salt_pos, 8); salt->salt_buf[0] = byte_swap_32 (salt->salt_buf[0]); salt->salt_buf[1] = byte_swap_32 (salt->salt_buf[1]); salt->salt_len = 8; char *hash_pos = salt_pos + 8; digest[0] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &hash_pos[ 0]); digest[1] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &hash_pos[ 8]); digest[2] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &hash_pos[16]); digest[3] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &hash_pos[24]); digest[4] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &hash_pos[32]); digest[0] -= SHA1M_A; digest[1] -= SHA1M_B; digest[2] -= SHA1M_C; digest[3] -= SHA1M_D; digest[4] -= SHA1M_E; return (PARSER_OK); } int chap_parse_hash (char *input_buf, uint input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_4800) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_4800)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); u32 *digest = (u32 *) hash_buf->digest; salt_t *salt = hash_buf->salt; digest[0] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[ 0]); digest[1] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[ 8]); digest[2] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[16]); digest[3] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[24]); digest[0] = byte_swap_32 (digest[0]); digest[1] = byte_swap_32 (digest[1]); digest[2] = byte_swap_32 (digest[2]); digest[3] = byte_swap_32 (digest[3]); digest[0] -= MD5M_A; digest[1] -= MD5M_B; digest[2] -= MD5M_C; digest[3] -= MD5M_D; if (input_buf[32] != hashconfig->separator) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); char *salt_buf_ptr = input_buf + 32 + 1; u32 *salt_buf = salt->salt_buf; salt_buf[0] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &salt_buf_ptr[ 0]); salt_buf[1] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &salt_buf_ptr[ 8]); salt_buf[2] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &salt_buf_ptr[16]); salt_buf[3] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &salt_buf_ptr[24]); salt_buf[0] = byte_swap_32 (salt_buf[0]); salt_buf[1] = byte_swap_32 (salt_buf[1]); salt_buf[2] = byte_swap_32 (salt_buf[2]); salt_buf[3] = byte_swap_32 (salt_buf[3]); salt->salt_len = 16 + 1; if (input_buf[65] != hashconfig->separator) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); char *idbyte_buf_ptr = input_buf + 32 + 1 + 32 + 1; salt_buf[4] = hex_to_u8 ((const u8 *) &idbyte_buf_ptr[0]) & 0xff; return (PARSER_OK); } int cloudkey_parse_hash (char *input_buf, uint input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_8200) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_8200)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); u32 *digest = (u32 *) hash_buf->digest; salt_t *salt = hash_buf->salt; cloudkey_t *cloudkey = (cloudkey_t *) hash_buf->esalt; /** * parse line */ char *hashbuf_pos = input_buf; char *saltbuf_pos = strchr (hashbuf_pos, ':'); if (saltbuf_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); const uint hashbuf_len = saltbuf_pos - hashbuf_pos; if (hashbuf_len != 64) return (PARSER_HASH_LENGTH); saltbuf_pos++; char *iteration_pos = strchr (saltbuf_pos, ':'); if (iteration_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); const uint saltbuf_len = iteration_pos - saltbuf_pos; if (saltbuf_len != 32) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); iteration_pos++; char *databuf_pos = strchr (iteration_pos, ':'); if (databuf_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); const uint iteration_len = databuf_pos - iteration_pos; if (iteration_len < 1) return (PARSER_SALT_ITERATION); if (iteration_len > 8) return (PARSER_SALT_ITERATION); const uint databuf_len = input_len - hashbuf_len - 1 - saltbuf_len - 1 - iteration_len - 1; if (databuf_len < 1) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); if (databuf_len > 2048) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); databuf_pos++; // digest digest[0] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &hashbuf_pos[ 0]); digest[1] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &hashbuf_pos[ 8]); digest[2] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &hashbuf_pos[16]); digest[3] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &hashbuf_pos[24]); digest[4] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &hashbuf_pos[32]); digest[5] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &hashbuf_pos[40]); digest[6] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &hashbuf_pos[48]); digest[7] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &hashbuf_pos[56]); // salt char *saltbuf_ptr = (char *) salt->salt_buf; for (uint i = 0; i < saltbuf_len; i += 2) { const char p0 = saltbuf_pos[i + 0]; const char p1 = saltbuf_pos[i + 1]; *saltbuf_ptr++ = hex_convert (p1) << 0 | hex_convert (p0) << 4; } salt->salt_buf[4] = 0x01000000; salt->salt_buf[5] = 0x80; salt->salt_len = saltbuf_len / 2; // iteration salt->salt_iter = atoi (iteration_pos) - 1; // data char *databuf_ptr = (char *) cloudkey->data_buf; for (uint i = 0; i < databuf_len; i += 2) { const char p0 = databuf_pos[i + 0]; const char p1 = databuf_pos[i + 1]; *databuf_ptr++ = hex_convert (p1) << 0 | hex_convert (p0) << 4; } *databuf_ptr++ = 0x80; for (uint i = 0; i < 512; i++) { cloudkey->data_buf[i] = byte_swap_32 (cloudkey->data_buf[i]); } cloudkey->data_len = databuf_len / 2; return (PARSER_OK); } int nsec3_parse_hash (char *input_buf, uint input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_8300) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_8300)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); u32 *digest = (u32 *) hash_buf->digest; salt_t *salt = hash_buf->salt; /** * parse line */ char *hashbuf_pos = input_buf; char *domainbuf_pos = strchr (hashbuf_pos, ':'); if (domainbuf_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); const uint hashbuf_len = domainbuf_pos - hashbuf_pos; if (hashbuf_len != 32) return (PARSER_HASH_LENGTH); domainbuf_pos++; if (domainbuf_pos[0] != '.') return (PARSER_SALT_VALUE); char *saltbuf_pos = strchr (domainbuf_pos, ':'); if (saltbuf_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); const uint domainbuf_len = saltbuf_pos - domainbuf_pos; if (domainbuf_len >= 32) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); saltbuf_pos++; char *iteration_pos = strchr (saltbuf_pos, ':'); if (iteration_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); const uint saltbuf_len = iteration_pos - saltbuf_pos; if (saltbuf_len >= 28) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); // 28 = 32 - 4; 4 = length if ((domainbuf_len + saltbuf_len) >= 48) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); iteration_pos++; const uint iteration_len = input_len - hashbuf_len - 1 - domainbuf_len - 1 - saltbuf_len - 1; if (iteration_len < 1) return (PARSER_SALT_ITERATION); if (iteration_len > 5) return (PARSER_SALT_ITERATION); // ok, the plan for this algorithm is the following: // we have 2 salts here, the domain-name and a random salt // while both are used in the initial transformation, // only the random salt is used in the following iterations // so we create two buffer, one that includes domain-name (stored into salt_buf_pc[]) // and one that includes only the real salt (stored into salt_buf[]). // the domain-name length is put into array position 7 of salt_buf_pc[] since there is not salt_pc_len u8 tmp_buf[100] = { 0 }; base32_decode (itoa32_to_int, (const u8 *) hashbuf_pos, 32, tmp_buf); memcpy (digest, tmp_buf, 20); digest[0] = byte_swap_32 (digest[0]); digest[1] = byte_swap_32 (digest[1]); digest[2] = byte_swap_32 (digest[2]); digest[3] = byte_swap_32 (digest[3]); digest[4] = byte_swap_32 (digest[4]); // domain char *salt_buf_pc_ptr = (char *) salt->salt_buf_pc; memcpy (salt_buf_pc_ptr, domainbuf_pos, domainbuf_len); char *len_ptr = NULL; for (uint i = 0; i < domainbuf_len; i++) { if (salt_buf_pc_ptr[i] == '.') { len_ptr = &salt_buf_pc_ptr[i]; *len_ptr = 0; } else { *len_ptr += 1; } } salt->salt_buf_pc[7] = domainbuf_len; // "real" salt char *salt_buf_ptr = (char *) salt->salt_buf; const uint salt_len = parse_and_store_salt (salt_buf_ptr, saltbuf_pos, saltbuf_len, hashconfig); if (salt_len == UINT_MAX) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); salt->salt_len = salt_len; // iteration salt->salt_iter = atoi (iteration_pos); return (PARSER_OK); } int wbb3_parse_hash (char *input_buf, uint input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_8400) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_8400)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); u32 *digest = (u32 *) hash_buf->digest; salt_t *salt = hash_buf->salt; digest[0] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[ 0]); digest[1] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[ 8]); digest[2] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[16]); digest[3] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[24]); digest[4] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[32]); if (input_buf[40] != hashconfig->separator) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); uint salt_len = input_len - 40 - 1; char *salt_buf = input_buf + 40 + 1; char *salt_buf_ptr = (char *) salt->salt_buf; salt_len = parse_and_store_salt (salt_buf_ptr, salt_buf, salt_len, hashconfig); if (salt_len == UINT_MAX) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); salt->salt_len = salt_len; return (PARSER_OK); } int opencart_parse_hash (char *input_buf, uint input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_13900) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_13900)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); u32 *digest = (u32 *) hash_buf->digest; salt_t *salt = hash_buf->salt; digest[0] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[ 0]); digest[1] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[ 8]); digest[2] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[16]); digest[3] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[24]); digest[4] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[32]); if (input_buf[40] != hashconfig->separator) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); uint salt_len = input_len - 40 - 1; char *salt_buf = input_buf + 40 + 1; char *salt_buf_ptr = (char *) salt->salt_buf; salt_len = parse_and_store_salt (salt_buf_ptr, salt_buf, salt_len, hashconfig); if ((salt_len != 9) || (salt_len == UINT_MAX)) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); salt->salt_len = salt_len; return (PARSER_OK); } int racf_parse_hash (char *input_buf, uint input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { const u8 ascii_to_ebcdic[] = { 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x37, 0x2d, 0x2e, 0x2f, 0x16, 0x05, 0x25, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f, 0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x3c, 0x3d, 0x32, 0x26, 0x18, 0x19, 0x3f, 0x27, 0x1c, 0x1d, 0x1e, 0x1f, 0x40, 0x4f, 0x7f, 0x7b, 0x5b, 0x6c, 0x50, 0x7d, 0x4d, 0x5d, 0x5c, 0x4e, 0x6b, 0x60, 0x4b, 0x61, 0xf0, 0xf1, 0xf2, 0xf3, 0xf4, 0xf5, 0xf6, 0xf7, 0xf8, 0xf9, 0x7a, 0x5e, 0x4c, 0x7e, 0x6e, 0x6f, 0x7c, 0xc1, 0xc2, 0xc3, 0xc4, 0xc5, 0xc6, 0xc7, 0xc8, 0xc9, 0xd1, 0xd2, 0xd3, 0xd4, 0xd5, 0xd6, 0xd7, 0xd8, 0xd9, 0xe2, 0xe3, 0xe4, 0xe5, 0xe6, 0xe7, 0xe8, 0xe9, 0x4a, 0xe0, 0x5a, 0x5f, 0x6d, 0x79, 0x81, 0x82, 0x83, 0x84, 0x85, 0x86, 0x87, 0x88, 0x89, 0x91, 0x92, 0x93, 0x94, 0x95, 0x96, 0x97, 0x98, 0x99, 0xa2, 0xa3, 0xa4, 0xa5, 0xa6, 0xa7, 0xa8, 0xa9, 0xc0, 0x6a, 0xd0, 0xa1, 0x07, 0x20, 0x21, 0x22, 0x23, 0x24, 0x15, 0x06, 0x17, 0x28, 0x29, 0x2a, 0x2b, 0x2c, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x1b, 0x30, 0x31, 0x1a, 0x33, 0x34, 0x35, 0x36, 0x08, 0x38, 0x39, 0x3a, 0x3b, 0x04, 0x14, 0x3e, 0xe1, 0x41, 0x42, 0x43, 0x44, 0x45, 0x46, 0x47, 0x48, 0x49, 0x51, 0x52, 0x53, 0x54, 0x55, 0x56, 0x57, 0x58, 0x59, 0x62, 0x63, 0x64, 0x65, 0x66, 0x67, 0x68, 0x69, 0x70, 0x71, 0x72, 0x73, 0x74, 0x75, 0x76, 0x77, 0x78, 0x80, 0x8a, 0x8b, 0x8c, 0x8d, 0x8e, 0x8f, 0x90, 0x9a, 0x9b, 0x9c, 0x9d, 0x9e, 0x9f, 0xa0, 0xaa, 0xab, 0xac, 0xad, 0xae, 0xaf, 0xb0, 0xb1, 0xb2, 0xb3, 0xb4, 0xb5, 0xb6, 0xb7, 0xb8, 0xb9, 0xba, 0xbb, 0xbc, 0xbd, 0xbe, 0xbf, 0xca, 0xcb, 0xcc, 0xcd, 0xce, 0xcf, 0xda, 0xdb, 0xdc, 0xdd, 0xde, 0xdf, 0xea, 0xeb, 0xec, 0xed, 0xee, 0xef, 0xfa, 0xfb, 0xfc, 0xfd, 0xfe, 0xff, }; if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_8500) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_8500)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); if (memcmp (SIGNATURE_RACF, input_buf, 6)) return (PARSER_SIGNATURE_UNMATCHED); u32 *digest = (u32 *) hash_buf->digest; salt_t *salt = hash_buf->salt; char *salt_pos = input_buf + 6 + 1; char *digest_pos = strchr (salt_pos, '*'); if (digest_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); uint salt_len = digest_pos - salt_pos; if (salt_len > 8) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); uint hash_len = input_len - 1 - salt_len - 1 - 6; if (hash_len != 16) return (PARSER_HASH_LENGTH); digest_pos++; char *salt_buf_ptr = (char *) salt->salt_buf; char *salt_buf_pc_ptr = (char *) salt->salt_buf_pc; salt_len = parse_and_store_salt (salt_buf_ptr, salt_pos, salt_len, hashconfig); if (salt_len == UINT_MAX) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); salt->salt_len = salt_len; for (uint i = 0; i < salt_len; i++) { salt_buf_pc_ptr[i] = ascii_to_ebcdic[(int) salt_buf_ptr[i]]; } for (uint i = salt_len; i < 8; i++) { salt_buf_pc_ptr[i] = 0x40; } uint tt; IP (salt->salt_buf_pc[0], salt->salt_buf_pc[1], tt); salt->salt_buf_pc[0] = rotl32 (salt->salt_buf_pc[0], 3u); salt->salt_buf_pc[1] = rotl32 (salt->salt_buf_pc[1], 3u); digest[0] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &digest_pos[ 0]); digest[1] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &digest_pos[ 8]); digest[0] = byte_swap_32 (digest[0]); digest[1] = byte_swap_32 (digest[1]); IP (digest[0], digest[1], tt); digest[0] = rotr32 (digest[0], 29); digest[1] = rotr32 (digest[1], 29); digest[2] = 0; digest[3] = 0; return (PARSER_OK); } int des_parse_hash (char *input_buf, uint input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_14000) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_14000)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); u32 *digest = (u32 *) hash_buf->digest; salt_t *salt = hash_buf->salt; char *digest_pos = input_buf; char *salt_pos = strchr (digest_pos, ':'); if (input_buf[16] != hashconfig->separator) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); uint salt_len = salt_pos - digest_pos; if (salt_len != 16) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); uint hash_len = input_len - 1 - salt_len; if (hash_len != 16) return (PARSER_HASH_LENGTH); salt_pos++; char *salt_buf_ptr = (char *) salt->salt_buf; salt_len = parse_and_store_salt (salt_buf_ptr, salt_pos, salt_len, hashconfig); if (salt_len == UINT_MAX) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); salt->salt_len = salt_len; uint tt; salt->salt_buf_pc[0] = byte_swap_32 (salt->salt_buf[0]); salt->salt_buf_pc[1] = byte_swap_32 (salt->salt_buf[1]); IP (salt->salt_buf_pc[0], salt->salt_buf_pc[1], tt); digest[0] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &digest_pos[ 0]); digest[1] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &digest_pos[ 8]); digest[0] = byte_swap_32 (digest[0]); digest[1] = byte_swap_32 (digest[1]); IP (digest[0], digest[1], tt); digest[0] = digest[0]; digest[1] = digest[1]; digest[2] = 0; digest[3] = 0; return (PARSER_OK); } int lotus5_parse_hash (char *input_buf, uint input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_8600) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_8600)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); u32 *digest = (u32 *) hash_buf->digest; digest[0] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[ 0]); digest[1] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[ 8]); digest[2] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[16]); digest[3] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[24]); digest[0] = byte_swap_32 (digest[0]); digest[1] = byte_swap_32 (digest[1]); digest[2] = byte_swap_32 (digest[2]); digest[3] = byte_swap_32 (digest[3]); return (PARSER_OK); } int lotus6_parse_hash (char *input_buf, uint input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_8700) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_8700)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); if ((input_buf[0] != '(') || (input_buf[1] != 'G') || (input_buf[21] != ')')) return (PARSER_SIGNATURE_UNMATCHED); u32 *digest = (u32 *) hash_buf->digest; salt_t *salt = hash_buf->salt; u8 tmp_buf[120] = { 0 }; base64_decode (lotus64_to_int, (const u8 *) input_buf + 2, input_len - 3, tmp_buf); tmp_buf[3] += -4; // dont ask! memcpy (salt->salt_buf, tmp_buf, 5); salt->salt_len = 5; memcpy (digest, tmp_buf + 5, 9); // yes, only 9 byte are needed to crack, but 10 to display salt->salt_buf_pc[7] = input_buf[20]; return (PARSER_OK); } int lotus8_parse_hash (char *input_buf, uint input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_9100) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_9100)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); if ((input_buf[0] != '(') || (input_buf[1] != 'H') || (input_buf[DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_9100 - 1] != ')')) return (PARSER_SIGNATURE_UNMATCHED); u32 *digest = (u32 *) hash_buf->digest; salt_t *salt = hash_buf->salt; u8 tmp_buf[120] = { 0 }; base64_decode (lotus64_to_int, (const u8 *) input_buf + 2, input_len - 3, tmp_buf); tmp_buf[3] += -4; // dont ask! // salt memcpy (salt->salt_buf, tmp_buf, 16); salt->salt_len = 16; // Attention: in theory we have 2 salt_len, one for the -m 8700 part (len: 8), 2nd for the 9100 part (len: 16) // iteration char tmp_iter_buf[11] = { 0 }; memcpy (tmp_iter_buf, tmp_buf + 16, 10); tmp_iter_buf[10] = 0; salt->salt_iter = atoi (tmp_iter_buf); if (salt->salt_iter < 1) // well, the limit hopefully is much higher { return (PARSER_SALT_ITERATION); } salt->salt_iter--; // first round in init // 2 additional bytes for display only salt->salt_buf_pc[0] = tmp_buf[26]; salt->salt_buf_pc[1] = tmp_buf[27]; // digest memcpy (digest, tmp_buf + 28, 8); digest[0] = byte_swap_32 (digest[0]); digest[1] = byte_swap_32 (digest[1]); digest[2] = 0; digest[3] = 0; return (PARSER_OK); } int hmailserver_parse_hash (char *input_buf, uint input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_1421) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_1421)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); u32 *digest = (u32 *) hash_buf->digest; salt_t *salt = hash_buf->salt; char *salt_buf_pos = input_buf; char *hash_buf_pos = salt_buf_pos + 6; digest[0] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &hash_buf_pos[ 0]); digest[1] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &hash_buf_pos[ 8]); digest[2] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &hash_buf_pos[16]); digest[3] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &hash_buf_pos[24]); digest[4] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &hash_buf_pos[32]); digest[5] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &hash_buf_pos[40]); digest[6] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &hash_buf_pos[48]); digest[7] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &hash_buf_pos[56]); digest[0] -= SHA256M_A; digest[1] -= SHA256M_B; digest[2] -= SHA256M_C; digest[3] -= SHA256M_D; digest[4] -= SHA256M_E; digest[5] -= SHA256M_F; digest[6] -= SHA256M_G; digest[7] -= SHA256M_H; char *salt_buf_ptr = (char *) salt->salt_buf; const uint salt_len = parse_and_store_salt (salt_buf_ptr, salt_buf_pos, 6, hashconfig); if (salt_len == UINT_MAX) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); salt->salt_len = salt_len; return (PARSER_OK); } int phps_parse_hash (char *input_buf, uint input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_2612) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_2612)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); u32 *digest = (u32 *) hash_buf->digest; if (memcmp (SIGNATURE_PHPS, input_buf, 6)) return (PARSER_SIGNATURE_UNMATCHED); salt_t *salt = hash_buf->salt; char *salt_buf = input_buf + 6; char *digest_buf = strchr (salt_buf, '$'); if (digest_buf == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); uint salt_len = digest_buf - salt_buf; digest_buf++; // skip the '$' symbol char *salt_buf_ptr = (char *) salt->salt_buf; salt_len = parse_and_store_salt (salt_buf_ptr, salt_buf, salt_len, hashconfig); if (salt_len == UINT_MAX) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); salt->salt_len = salt_len; digest[0] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &digest_buf[ 0]); digest[1] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &digest_buf[ 8]); digest[2] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &digest_buf[16]); digest[3] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &digest_buf[24]); digest[0] = byte_swap_32 (digest[0]); digest[1] = byte_swap_32 (digest[1]); digest[2] = byte_swap_32 (digest[2]); digest[3] = byte_swap_32 (digest[3]); digest[0] -= MD5M_A; digest[1] -= MD5M_B; digest[2] -= MD5M_C; digest[3] -= MD5M_D; return (PARSER_OK); } int mediawiki_b_parse_hash (char *input_buf, uint input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_3711) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_3711)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); if (memcmp (SIGNATURE_MEDIAWIKI_B, input_buf, 3)) return (PARSER_SIGNATURE_UNMATCHED); u32 *digest = (u32 *) hash_buf->digest; salt_t *salt = hash_buf->salt; char *salt_buf = input_buf + 3; char *digest_buf = strchr (salt_buf, '$'); if (digest_buf == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); uint salt_len = digest_buf - salt_buf; digest_buf++; // skip the '$' symbol char *salt_buf_ptr = (char *) salt->salt_buf; salt_len = parse_and_store_salt (salt_buf_ptr, salt_buf, salt_len, hashconfig); if (salt_len == UINT_MAX) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); salt_buf_ptr[salt_len] = 0x2d; salt->salt_len = salt_len + 1; digest[0] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &digest_buf[ 0]); digest[1] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &digest_buf[ 8]); digest[2] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &digest_buf[16]); digest[3] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &digest_buf[24]); digest[0] = byte_swap_32 (digest[0]); digest[1] = byte_swap_32 (digest[1]); digest[2] = byte_swap_32 (digest[2]); digest[3] = byte_swap_32 (digest[3]); digest[0] -= MD5M_A; digest[1] -= MD5M_B; digest[2] -= MD5M_C; digest[3] -= MD5M_D; return (PARSER_OK); } int peoplesoft_parse_hash (char *input_buf, uint input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_133) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_133)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); u32 *digest = (u32 *) hash_buf->digest; salt_t *salt = hash_buf->salt; u8 tmp_buf[100] = { 0 }; base64_decode (base64_to_int, (const u8 *) input_buf, input_len, tmp_buf); memcpy (digest, tmp_buf, 20); digest[0] = byte_swap_32 (digest[0]); digest[1] = byte_swap_32 (digest[1]); digest[2] = byte_swap_32 (digest[2]); digest[3] = byte_swap_32 (digest[3]); digest[4] = byte_swap_32 (digest[4]); digest[0] -= SHA1M_A; digest[1] -= SHA1M_B; digest[2] -= SHA1M_C; digest[3] -= SHA1M_D; digest[4] -= SHA1M_E; salt->salt_buf[0] = 0x80; salt->salt_len = 0; return (PARSER_OK); } int skype_parse_hash (char *input_buf, uint input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_23) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_23)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); u32 *digest = (u32 *) hash_buf->digest; salt_t *salt = hash_buf->salt; digest[0] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[ 0]); digest[1] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[ 8]); digest[2] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[16]); digest[3] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[24]); digest[0] = byte_swap_32 (digest[0]); digest[1] = byte_swap_32 (digest[1]); digest[2] = byte_swap_32 (digest[2]); digest[3] = byte_swap_32 (digest[3]); digest[0] -= MD5M_A; digest[1] -= MD5M_B; digest[2] -= MD5M_C; digest[3] -= MD5M_D; if (input_buf[32] != ':') return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); uint salt_len = input_len - 32 - 1; char *salt_buf = input_buf + 32 + 1; char *salt_buf_ptr = (char *) salt->salt_buf; salt_len = parse_and_store_salt (salt_buf_ptr, salt_buf, salt_len, hashconfig); if (salt_len == UINT_MAX) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); /* * add static "salt" part */ memcpy (salt_buf_ptr + salt_len, "\nskyper\n", 8); salt_len += 8; salt->salt_len = salt_len; return (PARSER_OK); } int androidfde_parse_hash (char *input_buf, uint input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_8800) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_8800)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); if (memcmp (SIGNATURE_ANDROIDFDE, input_buf, 5)) return (PARSER_SIGNATURE_UNMATCHED); u32 *digest = (u32 *) hash_buf->digest; salt_t *salt = hash_buf->salt; androidfde_t *androidfde = (androidfde_t *) hash_buf->esalt; /** * parse line */ char *saltlen_pos = input_buf + 1 + 3 + 1; char *saltbuf_pos = strchr (saltlen_pos, '$'); if (saltbuf_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); uint saltlen_len = saltbuf_pos - saltlen_pos; if (saltlen_len != 2) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); saltbuf_pos++; char *keylen_pos = strchr (saltbuf_pos, '$'); if (keylen_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); uint saltbuf_len = keylen_pos - saltbuf_pos; if (saltbuf_len != 32) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); keylen_pos++; char *keybuf_pos = strchr (keylen_pos, '$'); if (keybuf_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); uint keylen_len = keybuf_pos - keylen_pos; if (keylen_len != 2) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); keybuf_pos++; char *databuf_pos = strchr (keybuf_pos, '$'); if (databuf_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); uint keybuf_len = databuf_pos - keybuf_pos; if (keybuf_len != 32) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); databuf_pos++; uint data_len = input_len - 1 - 3 - 1 - saltlen_len - 1 - saltbuf_len - 1 - keylen_len - 1 - keybuf_len - 1; if (data_len != 3072) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); /** * copy data */ digest[0] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &keybuf_pos[ 0]); digest[1] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &keybuf_pos[ 8]); digest[2] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &keybuf_pos[16]); digest[3] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &keybuf_pos[24]); salt->salt_buf[0] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &saltbuf_pos[ 0]); salt->salt_buf[1] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &saltbuf_pos[ 8]); salt->salt_buf[2] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &saltbuf_pos[16]); salt->salt_buf[3] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &saltbuf_pos[24]); salt->salt_buf[0] = byte_swap_32 (salt->salt_buf[0]); salt->salt_buf[1] = byte_swap_32 (salt->salt_buf[1]); salt->salt_buf[2] = byte_swap_32 (salt->salt_buf[2]); salt->salt_buf[3] = byte_swap_32 (salt->salt_buf[3]); salt->salt_len = 16; salt->salt_iter = ROUNDS_ANDROIDFDE - 1; for (uint i = 0, j = 0; i < 3072; i += 8, j += 1) { androidfde->data[j] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &databuf_pos[i]); } return (PARSER_OK); } int scrypt_parse_hash (char *input_buf, uint input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_8900) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_8900)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); if (memcmp (SIGNATURE_SCRYPT, input_buf, 6)) return (PARSER_SIGNATURE_UNMATCHED); u32 *digest = (u32 *) hash_buf->digest; salt_t *salt = hash_buf->salt; /** * parse line */ // first is the N salt parameter char *N_pos = input_buf + 6; if (N_pos[0] != ':') return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); N_pos++; salt->scrypt_N = atoi (N_pos); // r char *r_pos = strchr (N_pos, ':'); if (r_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); r_pos++; salt->scrypt_r = atoi (r_pos); // p char *p_pos = strchr (r_pos, ':'); if (p_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); p_pos++; salt->scrypt_p = atoi (p_pos); // salt char *saltbuf_pos = strchr (p_pos, ':'); if (saltbuf_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); saltbuf_pos++; char *hash_pos = strchr (saltbuf_pos, ':'); if (hash_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); hash_pos++; // base64 decode int salt_len_base64 = hash_pos - saltbuf_pos; if (salt_len_base64 > 45) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); u8 tmp_buf[33] = { 0 }; int tmp_len = base64_decode (base64_to_int, (const u8 *) saltbuf_pos, salt_len_base64, tmp_buf); char *salt_buf_ptr = (char *) salt->salt_buf; memcpy (salt_buf_ptr, tmp_buf, tmp_len); salt->salt_len = tmp_len; salt->salt_iter = 1; // digest - base64 decode memset (tmp_buf, 0, sizeof (tmp_buf)); tmp_len = input_len - (hash_pos - input_buf); if (tmp_len != 44) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); base64_decode (base64_to_int, (const u8 *) hash_pos, tmp_len, tmp_buf); memcpy (digest, tmp_buf, 32); return (PARSER_OK); } int juniper_parse_hash (char *input_buf, uint input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_501) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_501)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); u32 *digest = (u32 *) hash_buf->digest; salt_t *salt = hash_buf->salt; /** * parse line */ char decrypted[76] = { 0 }; // iv + hash juniper_decrypt_hash (input_buf, decrypted); char *md5crypt_hash = decrypted + 12; if (memcmp (md5crypt_hash, "$1$danastre$", 12)) return (PARSER_SALT_VALUE); salt->salt_iter = ROUNDS_MD5CRYPT; char *salt_pos = md5crypt_hash + 3; char *hash_pos = strchr (salt_pos, '$'); // or simply salt_pos + 8 salt->salt_len = hash_pos - salt_pos; // should be 8 memcpy ((char *) salt->salt_buf, salt_pos, salt->salt_len); hash_pos++; md5crypt_decode ((unsigned char *) digest, (unsigned char *) hash_pos); return (PARSER_OK); } int cisco8_parse_hash (char *input_buf, uint input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_9200) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_9200)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); if (memcmp (SIGNATURE_CISCO8, input_buf, 3)) return (PARSER_SIGNATURE_UNMATCHED); u32 *digest = (u32 *) hash_buf->digest; salt_t *salt = hash_buf->salt; pbkdf2_sha256_t *pbkdf2_sha256 = (pbkdf2_sha256_t *) hash_buf->esalt; /** * parse line */ // first is *raw* salt char *salt_pos = input_buf + 3; char *hash_pos = strchr (salt_pos, '$'); if (hash_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); uint salt_len = hash_pos - salt_pos; if (salt_len != 14) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); hash_pos++; char *salt_buf_ptr = (char *) pbkdf2_sha256->salt_buf; memcpy (salt_buf_ptr, salt_pos, 14); salt_buf_ptr[17] = 0x01; salt_buf_ptr[18] = 0x80; // add some stuff to normal salt to make sorted happy salt->salt_buf[0] = pbkdf2_sha256->salt_buf[0]; salt->salt_buf[1] = pbkdf2_sha256->salt_buf[1]; salt->salt_buf[2] = pbkdf2_sha256->salt_buf[2]; salt->salt_buf[3] = pbkdf2_sha256->salt_buf[3]; salt->salt_len = salt_len; salt->salt_iter = ROUNDS_CISCO8 - 1; // base64 decode hash u8 tmp_buf[100] = { 0 }; uint hash_len = input_len - 3 - salt_len - 1; int tmp_len = base64_decode (itoa64_to_int, (const u8 *) hash_pos, hash_len, tmp_buf); if (tmp_len != 32) return (PARSER_HASH_LENGTH); memcpy (digest, tmp_buf, 32); digest[0] = byte_swap_32 (digest[0]); digest[1] = byte_swap_32 (digest[1]); digest[2] = byte_swap_32 (digest[2]); digest[3] = byte_swap_32 (digest[3]); digest[4] = byte_swap_32 (digest[4]); digest[5] = byte_swap_32 (digest[5]); digest[6] = byte_swap_32 (digest[6]); digest[7] = byte_swap_32 (digest[7]); return (PARSER_OK); } int cisco9_parse_hash (char *input_buf, uint input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_9300) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_9300)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); if (memcmp (SIGNATURE_CISCO9, input_buf, 3)) return (PARSER_SIGNATURE_UNMATCHED); u32 *digest = (u32 *) hash_buf->digest; salt_t *salt = hash_buf->salt; /** * parse line */ // first is *raw* salt char *salt_pos = input_buf + 3; char *hash_pos = strchr (salt_pos, '$'); if (hash_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); uint salt_len = hash_pos - salt_pos; if (salt_len != 14) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); salt->salt_len = salt_len; hash_pos++; char *salt_buf_ptr = (char *) salt->salt_buf; memcpy (salt_buf_ptr, salt_pos, salt_len); salt_buf_ptr[salt_len] = 0; // base64 decode hash u8 tmp_buf[100] = { 0 }; uint hash_len = input_len - 3 - salt_len - 1; int tmp_len = base64_decode (itoa64_to_int, (const u8 *) hash_pos, hash_len, tmp_buf); if (tmp_len != 32) return (PARSER_HASH_LENGTH); memcpy (digest, tmp_buf, 32); // fixed: salt->scrypt_N = 16384; salt->scrypt_r = 1; salt->scrypt_p = 1; salt->salt_iter = 1; return (PARSER_OK); } int office2007_parse_hash (char *input_buf, uint input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_9400) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_9400)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); if (memcmp (SIGNATURE_OFFICE2007, input_buf, 8)) return (PARSER_SIGNATURE_UNMATCHED); u32 *digest = (u32 *) hash_buf->digest; salt_t *salt = hash_buf->salt; office2007_t *office2007 = (office2007_t *) hash_buf->esalt; /** * parse line */ char *version_pos = input_buf + 8 + 1; char *verifierHashSize_pos = strchr (version_pos, '*'); if (verifierHashSize_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); u32 version_len = verifierHashSize_pos - version_pos; if (version_len != 4) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); verifierHashSize_pos++; char *keySize_pos = strchr (verifierHashSize_pos, '*'); if (keySize_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); u32 verifierHashSize_len = keySize_pos - verifierHashSize_pos; if (verifierHashSize_len != 2) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); keySize_pos++; char *saltSize_pos = strchr (keySize_pos, '*'); if (saltSize_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); u32 keySize_len = saltSize_pos - keySize_pos; if (keySize_len != 3) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); saltSize_pos++; char *osalt_pos = strchr (saltSize_pos, '*'); if (osalt_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); u32 saltSize_len = osalt_pos - saltSize_pos; if (saltSize_len != 2) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); osalt_pos++; char *encryptedVerifier_pos = strchr (osalt_pos, '*'); if (encryptedVerifier_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); u32 osalt_len = encryptedVerifier_pos - osalt_pos; if (osalt_len != 32) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); encryptedVerifier_pos++; char *encryptedVerifierHash_pos = strchr (encryptedVerifier_pos, '*'); if (encryptedVerifierHash_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); u32 encryptedVerifier_len = encryptedVerifierHash_pos - encryptedVerifier_pos; if (encryptedVerifier_len != 32) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); encryptedVerifierHash_pos++; u32 encryptedVerifierHash_len = input_len - 8 - 1 - version_len - 1 - verifierHashSize_len - 1 - keySize_len - 1 - saltSize_len - 1 - osalt_len - 1 - encryptedVerifier_len - 1; if (encryptedVerifierHash_len != 40) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); const uint version = atoi (version_pos); if (version != 2007) return (PARSER_SALT_VALUE); const uint verifierHashSize = atoi (verifierHashSize_pos); if (verifierHashSize != 20) return (PARSER_SALT_VALUE); const uint keySize = atoi (keySize_pos); if ((keySize != 128) && (keySize != 256)) return (PARSER_SALT_VALUE); office2007->keySize = keySize; const uint saltSize = atoi (saltSize_pos); if (saltSize != 16) return (PARSER_SALT_VALUE); /** * salt */ salt->salt_len = 16; salt->salt_iter = ROUNDS_OFFICE2007; salt->salt_buf[0] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &osalt_pos[ 0]); salt->salt_buf[1] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &osalt_pos[ 8]); salt->salt_buf[2] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &osalt_pos[16]); salt->salt_buf[3] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &osalt_pos[24]); /** * esalt */ office2007->encryptedVerifier[0] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &encryptedVerifier_pos[ 0]); office2007->encryptedVerifier[1] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &encryptedVerifier_pos[ 8]); office2007->encryptedVerifier[2] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &encryptedVerifier_pos[16]); office2007->encryptedVerifier[3] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &encryptedVerifier_pos[24]); office2007->encryptedVerifierHash[0] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &encryptedVerifierHash_pos[ 0]); office2007->encryptedVerifierHash[1] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &encryptedVerifierHash_pos[ 8]); office2007->encryptedVerifierHash[2] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &encryptedVerifierHash_pos[16]); office2007->encryptedVerifierHash[3] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &encryptedVerifierHash_pos[24]); office2007->encryptedVerifierHash[4] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &encryptedVerifierHash_pos[32]); /** * digest */ digest[0] = office2007->encryptedVerifierHash[0]; digest[1] = office2007->encryptedVerifierHash[1]; digest[2] = office2007->encryptedVerifierHash[2]; digest[3] = office2007->encryptedVerifierHash[3]; return (PARSER_OK); } int office2010_parse_hash (char *input_buf, uint input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_9500) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_9500)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); if (memcmp (SIGNATURE_OFFICE2010, input_buf, 8)) return (PARSER_SIGNATURE_UNMATCHED); u32 *digest = (u32 *) hash_buf->digest; salt_t *salt = hash_buf->salt; office2010_t *office2010 = (office2010_t *) hash_buf->esalt; /** * parse line */ char *version_pos = input_buf + 8 + 1; char *spinCount_pos = strchr (version_pos, '*'); if (spinCount_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); u32 version_len = spinCount_pos - version_pos; if (version_len != 4) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); spinCount_pos++; char *keySize_pos = strchr (spinCount_pos, '*'); if (keySize_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); u32 spinCount_len = keySize_pos - spinCount_pos; if (spinCount_len != 6) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); keySize_pos++; char *saltSize_pos = strchr (keySize_pos, '*'); if (saltSize_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); u32 keySize_len = saltSize_pos - keySize_pos; if (keySize_len != 3) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); saltSize_pos++; char *osalt_pos = strchr (saltSize_pos, '*'); if (osalt_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); u32 saltSize_len = osalt_pos - saltSize_pos; if (saltSize_len != 2) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); osalt_pos++; char *encryptedVerifier_pos = strchr (osalt_pos, '*'); if (encryptedVerifier_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); u32 osalt_len = encryptedVerifier_pos - osalt_pos; if (osalt_len != 32) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); encryptedVerifier_pos++; char *encryptedVerifierHash_pos = strchr (encryptedVerifier_pos, '*'); if (encryptedVerifierHash_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); u32 encryptedVerifier_len = encryptedVerifierHash_pos - encryptedVerifier_pos; if (encryptedVerifier_len != 32) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); encryptedVerifierHash_pos++; u32 encryptedVerifierHash_len = input_len - 8 - 1 - version_len - 1 - spinCount_len - 1 - keySize_len - 1 - saltSize_len - 1 - osalt_len - 1 - encryptedVerifier_len - 1; if (encryptedVerifierHash_len != 64) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); const uint version = atoi (version_pos); if (version != 2010) return (PARSER_SALT_VALUE); const uint spinCount = atoi (spinCount_pos); if (spinCount != 100000) return (PARSER_SALT_VALUE); const uint keySize = atoi (keySize_pos); if (keySize != 128) return (PARSER_SALT_VALUE); const uint saltSize = atoi (saltSize_pos); if (saltSize != 16) return (PARSER_SALT_VALUE); /** * salt */ salt->salt_len = 16; salt->salt_iter = spinCount; salt->salt_buf[0] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &osalt_pos[ 0]); salt->salt_buf[1] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &osalt_pos[ 8]); salt->salt_buf[2] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &osalt_pos[16]); salt->salt_buf[3] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &osalt_pos[24]); /** * esalt */ office2010->encryptedVerifier[0] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &encryptedVerifier_pos[ 0]); office2010->encryptedVerifier[1] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &encryptedVerifier_pos[ 8]); office2010->encryptedVerifier[2] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &encryptedVerifier_pos[16]); office2010->encryptedVerifier[3] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &encryptedVerifier_pos[24]); office2010->encryptedVerifierHash[0] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &encryptedVerifierHash_pos[ 0]); office2010->encryptedVerifierHash[1] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &encryptedVerifierHash_pos[ 8]); office2010->encryptedVerifierHash[2] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &encryptedVerifierHash_pos[16]); office2010->encryptedVerifierHash[3] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &encryptedVerifierHash_pos[24]); office2010->encryptedVerifierHash[4] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &encryptedVerifierHash_pos[32]); office2010->encryptedVerifierHash[5] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &encryptedVerifierHash_pos[40]); office2010->encryptedVerifierHash[6] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &encryptedVerifierHash_pos[48]); office2010->encryptedVerifierHash[7] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &encryptedVerifierHash_pos[56]); /** * digest */ digest[0] = office2010->encryptedVerifierHash[0]; digest[1] = office2010->encryptedVerifierHash[1]; digest[2] = office2010->encryptedVerifierHash[2]; digest[3] = office2010->encryptedVerifierHash[3]; return (PARSER_OK); } int office2013_parse_hash (char *input_buf, uint input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_9600) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_9600)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); if (memcmp (SIGNATURE_OFFICE2013, input_buf, 8)) return (PARSER_SIGNATURE_UNMATCHED); u32 *digest = (u32 *) hash_buf->digest; salt_t *salt = hash_buf->salt; office2013_t *office2013 = (office2013_t *) hash_buf->esalt; /** * parse line */ char *version_pos = input_buf + 8 + 1; char *spinCount_pos = strchr (version_pos, '*'); if (spinCount_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); u32 version_len = spinCount_pos - version_pos; if (version_len != 4) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); spinCount_pos++; char *keySize_pos = strchr (spinCount_pos, '*'); if (keySize_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); u32 spinCount_len = keySize_pos - spinCount_pos; if (spinCount_len != 6) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); keySize_pos++; char *saltSize_pos = strchr (keySize_pos, '*'); if (saltSize_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); u32 keySize_len = saltSize_pos - keySize_pos; if (keySize_len != 3) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); saltSize_pos++; char *osalt_pos = strchr (saltSize_pos, '*'); if (osalt_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); u32 saltSize_len = osalt_pos - saltSize_pos; if (saltSize_len != 2) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); osalt_pos++; char *encryptedVerifier_pos = strchr (osalt_pos, '*'); if (encryptedVerifier_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); u32 osalt_len = encryptedVerifier_pos - osalt_pos; if (osalt_len != 32) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); encryptedVerifier_pos++; char *encryptedVerifierHash_pos = strchr (encryptedVerifier_pos, '*'); if (encryptedVerifierHash_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); u32 encryptedVerifier_len = encryptedVerifierHash_pos - encryptedVerifier_pos; if (encryptedVerifier_len != 32) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); encryptedVerifierHash_pos++; u32 encryptedVerifierHash_len = input_len - 8 - 1 - version_len - 1 - spinCount_len - 1 - keySize_len - 1 - saltSize_len - 1 - osalt_len - 1 - encryptedVerifier_len - 1; if (encryptedVerifierHash_len != 64) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); const uint version = atoi (version_pos); if (version != 2013) return (PARSER_SALT_VALUE); const uint spinCount = atoi (spinCount_pos); if (spinCount != 100000) return (PARSER_SALT_VALUE); const uint keySize = atoi (keySize_pos); if (keySize != 256) return (PARSER_SALT_VALUE); const uint saltSize = atoi (saltSize_pos); if (saltSize != 16) return (PARSER_SALT_VALUE); /** * salt */ salt->salt_len = 16; salt->salt_iter = spinCount; salt->salt_buf[0] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &osalt_pos[ 0]); salt->salt_buf[1] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &osalt_pos[ 8]); salt->salt_buf[2] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &osalt_pos[16]); salt->salt_buf[3] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &osalt_pos[24]); /** * esalt */ office2013->encryptedVerifier[0] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &encryptedVerifier_pos[ 0]); office2013->encryptedVerifier[1] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &encryptedVerifier_pos[ 8]); office2013->encryptedVerifier[2] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &encryptedVerifier_pos[16]); office2013->encryptedVerifier[3] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &encryptedVerifier_pos[24]); office2013->encryptedVerifierHash[0] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &encryptedVerifierHash_pos[ 0]); office2013->encryptedVerifierHash[1] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &encryptedVerifierHash_pos[ 8]); office2013->encryptedVerifierHash[2] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &encryptedVerifierHash_pos[16]); office2013->encryptedVerifierHash[3] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &encryptedVerifierHash_pos[24]); office2013->encryptedVerifierHash[4] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &encryptedVerifierHash_pos[32]); office2013->encryptedVerifierHash[5] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &encryptedVerifierHash_pos[40]); office2013->encryptedVerifierHash[6] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &encryptedVerifierHash_pos[48]); office2013->encryptedVerifierHash[7] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &encryptedVerifierHash_pos[56]); /** * digest */ digest[0] = office2013->encryptedVerifierHash[0]; digest[1] = office2013->encryptedVerifierHash[1]; digest[2] = office2013->encryptedVerifierHash[2]; digest[3] = office2013->encryptedVerifierHash[3]; return (PARSER_OK); } int oldoffice01_parse_hash (char *input_buf, uint input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_9700) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_9700)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); if ((memcmp (SIGNATURE_OLDOFFICE0, input_buf, 12)) && (memcmp (SIGNATURE_OLDOFFICE1, input_buf, 12))) return (PARSER_SIGNATURE_UNMATCHED); u32 *digest = (u32 *) hash_buf->digest; salt_t *salt = hash_buf->salt; oldoffice01_t *oldoffice01 = (oldoffice01_t *) hash_buf->esalt; /** * parse line */ char *version_pos = input_buf + 11; char *osalt_pos = strchr (version_pos, '*'); if (osalt_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); u32 version_len = osalt_pos - version_pos; if (version_len != 1) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); osalt_pos++; char *encryptedVerifier_pos = strchr (osalt_pos, '*'); if (encryptedVerifier_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); u32 osalt_len = encryptedVerifier_pos - osalt_pos; if (osalt_len != 32) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); encryptedVerifier_pos++; char *encryptedVerifierHash_pos = strchr (encryptedVerifier_pos, '*'); if (encryptedVerifierHash_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); u32 encryptedVerifier_len = encryptedVerifierHash_pos - encryptedVerifier_pos; if (encryptedVerifier_len != 32) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); encryptedVerifierHash_pos++; u32 encryptedVerifierHash_len = input_len - 11 - version_len - 1 - osalt_len - 1 - encryptedVerifier_len - 1; if (encryptedVerifierHash_len != 32) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); const uint version = *version_pos - 0x30; if (version != 0 && version != 1) return (PARSER_SALT_VALUE); /** * esalt */ oldoffice01->version = version; oldoffice01->encryptedVerifier[0] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &encryptedVerifier_pos[ 0]); oldoffice01->encryptedVerifier[1] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &encryptedVerifier_pos[ 8]); oldoffice01->encryptedVerifier[2] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &encryptedVerifier_pos[16]); oldoffice01->encryptedVerifier[3] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &encryptedVerifier_pos[24]); oldoffice01->encryptedVerifier[0] = byte_swap_32 (oldoffice01->encryptedVerifier[0]); oldoffice01->encryptedVerifier[1] = byte_swap_32 (oldoffice01->encryptedVerifier[1]); oldoffice01->encryptedVerifier[2] = byte_swap_32 (oldoffice01->encryptedVerifier[2]); oldoffice01->encryptedVerifier[3] = byte_swap_32 (oldoffice01->encryptedVerifier[3]); oldoffice01->encryptedVerifierHash[0] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &encryptedVerifierHash_pos[ 0]); oldoffice01->encryptedVerifierHash[1] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &encryptedVerifierHash_pos[ 8]); oldoffice01->encryptedVerifierHash[2] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &encryptedVerifierHash_pos[16]); oldoffice01->encryptedVerifierHash[3] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &encryptedVerifierHash_pos[24]); oldoffice01->encryptedVerifierHash[0] = byte_swap_32 (oldoffice01->encryptedVerifierHash[0]); oldoffice01->encryptedVerifierHash[1] = byte_swap_32 (oldoffice01->encryptedVerifierHash[1]); oldoffice01->encryptedVerifierHash[2] = byte_swap_32 (oldoffice01->encryptedVerifierHash[2]); oldoffice01->encryptedVerifierHash[3] = byte_swap_32 (oldoffice01->encryptedVerifierHash[3]); /** * salt */ salt->salt_len = 16; salt->salt_buf[0] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &osalt_pos[ 0]); salt->salt_buf[1] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &osalt_pos[ 8]); salt->salt_buf[2] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &osalt_pos[16]); salt->salt_buf[3] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &osalt_pos[24]); salt->salt_buf[0] = byte_swap_32 (salt->salt_buf[0]); salt->salt_buf[1] = byte_swap_32 (salt->salt_buf[1]); salt->salt_buf[2] = byte_swap_32 (salt->salt_buf[2]); salt->salt_buf[3] = byte_swap_32 (salt->salt_buf[3]); // this is a workaround as office produces multiple documents with the same salt salt->salt_len += 32; salt->salt_buf[ 4] = oldoffice01->encryptedVerifier[0]; salt->salt_buf[ 5] = oldoffice01->encryptedVerifier[1]; salt->salt_buf[ 6] = oldoffice01->encryptedVerifier[2]; salt->salt_buf[ 7] = oldoffice01->encryptedVerifier[3]; salt->salt_buf[ 8] = oldoffice01->encryptedVerifierHash[0]; salt->salt_buf[ 9] = oldoffice01->encryptedVerifierHash[1]; salt->salt_buf[10] = oldoffice01->encryptedVerifierHash[2]; salt->salt_buf[11] = oldoffice01->encryptedVerifierHash[3]; /** * digest */ digest[0] = oldoffice01->encryptedVerifierHash[0]; digest[1] = oldoffice01->encryptedVerifierHash[1]; digest[2] = oldoffice01->encryptedVerifierHash[2]; digest[3] = oldoffice01->encryptedVerifierHash[3]; return (PARSER_OK); } int oldoffice01cm1_parse_hash (char *input_buf, uint input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { return oldoffice01_parse_hash (input_buf, input_len, hash_buf, hashconfig); } int oldoffice01cm2_parse_hash (char *input_buf, uint input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_9720) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_9720)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); if ((memcmp (SIGNATURE_OLDOFFICE0, input_buf, 12)) && (memcmp (SIGNATURE_OLDOFFICE1, input_buf, 12))) return (PARSER_SIGNATURE_UNMATCHED); u32 *digest = (u32 *) hash_buf->digest; salt_t *salt = hash_buf->salt; oldoffice01_t *oldoffice01 = (oldoffice01_t *) hash_buf->esalt; /** * parse line */ char *version_pos = input_buf + 11; char *osalt_pos = strchr (version_pos, '*'); if (osalt_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); u32 version_len = osalt_pos - version_pos; if (version_len != 1) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); osalt_pos++; char *encryptedVerifier_pos = strchr (osalt_pos, '*'); if (encryptedVerifier_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); u32 osalt_len = encryptedVerifier_pos - osalt_pos; if (osalt_len != 32) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); encryptedVerifier_pos++; char *encryptedVerifierHash_pos = strchr (encryptedVerifier_pos, '*'); if (encryptedVerifierHash_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); u32 encryptedVerifier_len = encryptedVerifierHash_pos - encryptedVerifier_pos; if (encryptedVerifier_len != 32) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); encryptedVerifierHash_pos++; char *rc4key_pos = strchr (encryptedVerifierHash_pos, ':'); if (rc4key_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); u32 encryptedVerifierHash_len = rc4key_pos - encryptedVerifierHash_pos; if (encryptedVerifierHash_len != 32) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); rc4key_pos++; u32 rc4key_len = input_len - 11 - version_len - 1 - osalt_len - 1 - encryptedVerifier_len - 1 - encryptedVerifierHash_len - 1; if (rc4key_len != 10) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); const uint version = *version_pos - 0x30; if (version != 0 && version != 1) return (PARSER_SALT_VALUE); /** * esalt */ oldoffice01->version = version; oldoffice01->encryptedVerifier[0] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &encryptedVerifier_pos[ 0]); oldoffice01->encryptedVerifier[1] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &encryptedVerifier_pos[ 8]); oldoffice01->encryptedVerifier[2] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &encryptedVerifier_pos[16]); oldoffice01->encryptedVerifier[3] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &encryptedVerifier_pos[24]); oldoffice01->encryptedVerifier[0] = byte_swap_32 (oldoffice01->encryptedVerifier[0]); oldoffice01->encryptedVerifier[1] = byte_swap_32 (oldoffice01->encryptedVerifier[1]); oldoffice01->encryptedVerifier[2] = byte_swap_32 (oldoffice01->encryptedVerifier[2]); oldoffice01->encryptedVerifier[3] = byte_swap_32 (oldoffice01->encryptedVerifier[3]); oldoffice01->encryptedVerifierHash[0] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &encryptedVerifierHash_pos[ 0]); oldoffice01->encryptedVerifierHash[1] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &encryptedVerifierHash_pos[ 8]); oldoffice01->encryptedVerifierHash[2] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &encryptedVerifierHash_pos[16]); oldoffice01->encryptedVerifierHash[3] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &encryptedVerifierHash_pos[24]); oldoffice01->encryptedVerifierHash[0] = byte_swap_32 (oldoffice01->encryptedVerifierHash[0]); oldoffice01->encryptedVerifierHash[1] = byte_swap_32 (oldoffice01->encryptedVerifierHash[1]); oldoffice01->encryptedVerifierHash[2] = byte_swap_32 (oldoffice01->encryptedVerifierHash[2]); oldoffice01->encryptedVerifierHash[3] = byte_swap_32 (oldoffice01->encryptedVerifierHash[3]); oldoffice01->rc4key[1] = 0; oldoffice01->rc4key[0] = 0; oldoffice01->rc4key[0] |= hex_convert (rc4key_pos[0]) << 28; oldoffice01->rc4key[0] |= hex_convert (rc4key_pos[1]) << 24; oldoffice01->rc4key[0] |= hex_convert (rc4key_pos[2]) << 20; oldoffice01->rc4key[0] |= hex_convert (rc4key_pos[3]) << 16; oldoffice01->rc4key[0] |= hex_convert (rc4key_pos[4]) << 12; oldoffice01->rc4key[0] |= hex_convert (rc4key_pos[5]) << 8; oldoffice01->rc4key[0] |= hex_convert (rc4key_pos[6]) << 4; oldoffice01->rc4key[0] |= hex_convert (rc4key_pos[7]) << 0; oldoffice01->rc4key[1] |= hex_convert (rc4key_pos[8]) << 28; oldoffice01->rc4key[1] |= hex_convert (rc4key_pos[9]) << 24; oldoffice01->rc4key[0] = byte_swap_32 (oldoffice01->rc4key[0]); oldoffice01->rc4key[1] = byte_swap_32 (oldoffice01->rc4key[1]); /** * salt */ salt->salt_len = 16; salt->salt_buf[0] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &osalt_pos[ 0]); salt->salt_buf[1] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &osalt_pos[ 8]); salt->salt_buf[2] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &osalt_pos[16]); salt->salt_buf[3] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &osalt_pos[24]); salt->salt_buf[0] = byte_swap_32 (salt->salt_buf[0]); salt->salt_buf[1] = byte_swap_32 (salt->salt_buf[1]); salt->salt_buf[2] = byte_swap_32 (salt->salt_buf[2]); salt->salt_buf[3] = byte_swap_32 (salt->salt_buf[3]); // this is a workaround as office produces multiple documents with the same salt salt->salt_len += 32; salt->salt_buf[ 4] = oldoffice01->encryptedVerifier[0]; salt->salt_buf[ 5] = oldoffice01->encryptedVerifier[1]; salt->salt_buf[ 6] = oldoffice01->encryptedVerifier[2]; salt->salt_buf[ 7] = oldoffice01->encryptedVerifier[3]; salt->salt_buf[ 8] = oldoffice01->encryptedVerifierHash[0]; salt->salt_buf[ 9] = oldoffice01->encryptedVerifierHash[1]; salt->salt_buf[10] = oldoffice01->encryptedVerifierHash[2]; salt->salt_buf[11] = oldoffice01->encryptedVerifierHash[3]; /** * digest */ digest[0] = oldoffice01->rc4key[0]; digest[1] = oldoffice01->rc4key[1]; digest[2] = 0; digest[3] = 0; return (PARSER_OK); } int oldoffice34_parse_hash (char *input_buf, uint input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_9800) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_9800)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); if ((memcmp (SIGNATURE_OLDOFFICE3, input_buf, 12)) && (memcmp (SIGNATURE_OLDOFFICE4, input_buf, 12))) return (PARSER_SIGNATURE_UNMATCHED); u32 *digest = (u32 *) hash_buf->digest; salt_t *salt = hash_buf->salt; oldoffice34_t *oldoffice34 = (oldoffice34_t *) hash_buf->esalt; /** * parse line */ char *version_pos = input_buf + 11; char *osalt_pos = strchr (version_pos, '*'); if (osalt_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); u32 version_len = osalt_pos - version_pos; if (version_len != 1) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); osalt_pos++; char *encryptedVerifier_pos = strchr (osalt_pos, '*'); if (encryptedVerifier_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); u32 osalt_len = encryptedVerifier_pos - osalt_pos; if (osalt_len != 32) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); encryptedVerifier_pos++; char *encryptedVerifierHash_pos = strchr (encryptedVerifier_pos, '*'); if (encryptedVerifierHash_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); u32 encryptedVerifier_len = encryptedVerifierHash_pos - encryptedVerifier_pos; if (encryptedVerifier_len != 32) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); encryptedVerifierHash_pos++; u32 encryptedVerifierHash_len = input_len - 11 - version_len - 1 - osalt_len - 1 - encryptedVerifier_len - 1; if (encryptedVerifierHash_len != 40) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); const uint version = *version_pos - 0x30; if (version != 3 && version != 4) return (PARSER_SALT_VALUE); /** * esalt */ oldoffice34->version = version; oldoffice34->encryptedVerifier[0] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &encryptedVerifier_pos[ 0]); oldoffice34->encryptedVerifier[1] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &encryptedVerifier_pos[ 8]); oldoffice34->encryptedVerifier[2] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &encryptedVerifier_pos[16]); oldoffice34->encryptedVerifier[3] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &encryptedVerifier_pos[24]); oldoffice34->encryptedVerifier[0] = byte_swap_32 (oldoffice34->encryptedVerifier[0]); oldoffice34->encryptedVerifier[1] = byte_swap_32 (oldoffice34->encryptedVerifier[1]); oldoffice34->encryptedVerifier[2] = byte_swap_32 (oldoffice34->encryptedVerifier[2]); oldoffice34->encryptedVerifier[3] = byte_swap_32 (oldoffice34->encryptedVerifier[3]); oldoffice34->encryptedVerifierHash[0] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &encryptedVerifierHash_pos[ 0]); oldoffice34->encryptedVerifierHash[1] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &encryptedVerifierHash_pos[ 8]); oldoffice34->encryptedVerifierHash[2] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &encryptedVerifierHash_pos[16]); oldoffice34->encryptedVerifierHash[3] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &encryptedVerifierHash_pos[24]); oldoffice34->encryptedVerifierHash[4] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &encryptedVerifierHash_pos[32]); oldoffice34->encryptedVerifierHash[0] = byte_swap_32 (oldoffice34->encryptedVerifierHash[0]); oldoffice34->encryptedVerifierHash[1] = byte_swap_32 (oldoffice34->encryptedVerifierHash[1]); oldoffice34->encryptedVerifierHash[2] = byte_swap_32 (oldoffice34->encryptedVerifierHash[2]); oldoffice34->encryptedVerifierHash[3] = byte_swap_32 (oldoffice34->encryptedVerifierHash[3]); oldoffice34->encryptedVerifierHash[4] = byte_swap_32 (oldoffice34->encryptedVerifierHash[4]); /** * salt */ salt->salt_len = 16; salt->salt_buf[0] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &osalt_pos[ 0]); salt->salt_buf[1] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &osalt_pos[ 8]); salt->salt_buf[2] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &osalt_pos[16]); salt->salt_buf[3] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &osalt_pos[24]); // this is a workaround as office produces multiple documents with the same salt salt->salt_len += 32; salt->salt_buf[ 4] = oldoffice34->encryptedVerifier[0]; salt->salt_buf[ 5] = oldoffice34->encryptedVerifier[1]; salt->salt_buf[ 6] = oldoffice34->encryptedVerifier[2]; salt->salt_buf[ 7] = oldoffice34->encryptedVerifier[3]; salt->salt_buf[ 8] = oldoffice34->encryptedVerifierHash[0]; salt->salt_buf[ 9] = oldoffice34->encryptedVerifierHash[1]; salt->salt_buf[10] = oldoffice34->encryptedVerifierHash[2]; salt->salt_buf[11] = oldoffice34->encryptedVerifierHash[3]; /** * digest */ digest[0] = oldoffice34->encryptedVerifierHash[0]; digest[1] = oldoffice34->encryptedVerifierHash[1]; digest[2] = oldoffice34->encryptedVerifierHash[2]; digest[3] = oldoffice34->encryptedVerifierHash[3]; return (PARSER_OK); } int oldoffice34cm1_parse_hash (char *input_buf, uint input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { if (memcmp (SIGNATURE_OLDOFFICE3, input_buf, 12)) return (PARSER_SIGNATURE_UNMATCHED); return oldoffice34_parse_hash (input_buf, input_len, hash_buf, hashconfig); } int oldoffice34cm2_parse_hash (char *input_buf, uint input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_9820) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_9820)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); if (memcmp (SIGNATURE_OLDOFFICE3, input_buf, 12)) return (PARSER_SIGNATURE_UNMATCHED); u32 *digest = (u32 *) hash_buf->digest; salt_t *salt = hash_buf->salt; oldoffice34_t *oldoffice34 = (oldoffice34_t *) hash_buf->esalt; /** * parse line */ char *version_pos = input_buf + 11; char *osalt_pos = strchr (version_pos, '*'); if (osalt_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); u32 version_len = osalt_pos - version_pos; if (version_len != 1) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); osalt_pos++; char *encryptedVerifier_pos = strchr (osalt_pos, '*'); if (encryptedVerifier_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); u32 osalt_len = encryptedVerifier_pos - osalt_pos; if (osalt_len != 32) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); encryptedVerifier_pos++; char *encryptedVerifierHash_pos = strchr (encryptedVerifier_pos, '*'); if (encryptedVerifierHash_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); u32 encryptedVerifier_len = encryptedVerifierHash_pos - encryptedVerifier_pos; if (encryptedVerifier_len != 32) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); encryptedVerifierHash_pos++; char *rc4key_pos = strchr (encryptedVerifierHash_pos, ':'); if (rc4key_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); u32 encryptedVerifierHash_len = rc4key_pos - encryptedVerifierHash_pos; if (encryptedVerifierHash_len != 40) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); rc4key_pos++; u32 rc4key_len = input_len - 11 - version_len - 1 - osalt_len - 1 - encryptedVerifier_len - 1 - encryptedVerifierHash_len - 1; if (rc4key_len != 10) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); const uint version = *version_pos - 0x30; if (version != 3 && version != 4) return (PARSER_SALT_VALUE); /** * esalt */ oldoffice34->version = version; oldoffice34->encryptedVerifier[0] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &encryptedVerifier_pos[ 0]); oldoffice34->encryptedVerifier[1] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &encryptedVerifier_pos[ 8]); oldoffice34->encryptedVerifier[2] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &encryptedVerifier_pos[16]); oldoffice34->encryptedVerifier[3] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &encryptedVerifier_pos[24]); oldoffice34->encryptedVerifier[0] = byte_swap_32 (oldoffice34->encryptedVerifier[0]); oldoffice34->encryptedVerifier[1] = byte_swap_32 (oldoffice34->encryptedVerifier[1]); oldoffice34->encryptedVerifier[2] = byte_swap_32 (oldoffice34->encryptedVerifier[2]); oldoffice34->encryptedVerifier[3] = byte_swap_32 (oldoffice34->encryptedVerifier[3]); oldoffice34->encryptedVerifierHash[0] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &encryptedVerifierHash_pos[ 0]); oldoffice34->encryptedVerifierHash[1] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &encryptedVerifierHash_pos[ 8]); oldoffice34->encryptedVerifierHash[2] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &encryptedVerifierHash_pos[16]); oldoffice34->encryptedVerifierHash[3] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &encryptedVerifierHash_pos[24]); oldoffice34->encryptedVerifierHash[4] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &encryptedVerifierHash_pos[32]); oldoffice34->encryptedVerifierHash[0] = byte_swap_32 (oldoffice34->encryptedVerifierHash[0]); oldoffice34->encryptedVerifierHash[1] = byte_swap_32 (oldoffice34->encryptedVerifierHash[1]); oldoffice34->encryptedVerifierHash[2] = byte_swap_32 (oldoffice34->encryptedVerifierHash[2]); oldoffice34->encryptedVerifierHash[3] = byte_swap_32 (oldoffice34->encryptedVerifierHash[3]); oldoffice34->encryptedVerifierHash[4] = byte_swap_32 (oldoffice34->encryptedVerifierHash[4]); oldoffice34->rc4key[1] = 0; oldoffice34->rc4key[0] = 0; oldoffice34->rc4key[0] |= hex_convert (rc4key_pos[0]) << 28; oldoffice34->rc4key[0] |= hex_convert (rc4key_pos[1]) << 24; oldoffice34->rc4key[0] |= hex_convert (rc4key_pos[2]) << 20; oldoffice34->rc4key[0] |= hex_convert (rc4key_pos[3]) << 16; oldoffice34->rc4key[0] |= hex_convert (rc4key_pos[4]) << 12; oldoffice34->rc4key[0] |= hex_convert (rc4key_pos[5]) << 8; oldoffice34->rc4key[0] |= hex_convert (rc4key_pos[6]) << 4; oldoffice34->rc4key[0] |= hex_convert (rc4key_pos[7]) << 0; oldoffice34->rc4key[1] |= hex_convert (rc4key_pos[8]) << 28; oldoffice34->rc4key[1] |= hex_convert (rc4key_pos[9]) << 24; oldoffice34->rc4key[0] = byte_swap_32 (oldoffice34->rc4key[0]); oldoffice34->rc4key[1] = byte_swap_32 (oldoffice34->rc4key[1]); /** * salt */ salt->salt_len = 16; salt->salt_buf[0] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &osalt_pos[ 0]); salt->salt_buf[1] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &osalt_pos[ 8]); salt->salt_buf[2] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &osalt_pos[16]); salt->salt_buf[3] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &osalt_pos[24]); // this is a workaround as office produces multiple documents with the same salt salt->salt_len += 32; salt->salt_buf[ 4] = oldoffice34->encryptedVerifier[0]; salt->salt_buf[ 5] = oldoffice34->encryptedVerifier[1]; salt->salt_buf[ 6] = oldoffice34->encryptedVerifier[2]; salt->salt_buf[ 7] = oldoffice34->encryptedVerifier[3]; salt->salt_buf[ 8] = oldoffice34->encryptedVerifierHash[0]; salt->salt_buf[ 9] = oldoffice34->encryptedVerifierHash[1]; salt->salt_buf[10] = oldoffice34->encryptedVerifierHash[2]; salt->salt_buf[11] = oldoffice34->encryptedVerifierHash[3]; /** * digest */ digest[0] = oldoffice34->rc4key[0]; digest[1] = oldoffice34->rc4key[1]; digest[2] = 0; digest[3] = 0; return (PARSER_OK); } int radmin2_parse_hash (char *input_buf, uint input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_9900) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_9900)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); u32 *digest = (u32 *) hash_buf->digest; digest[0] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[ 0]); digest[1] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[ 8]); digest[2] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[16]); digest[3] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[24]); digest[0] = byte_swap_32 (digest[0]); digest[1] = byte_swap_32 (digest[1]); digest[2] = byte_swap_32 (digest[2]); digest[3] = byte_swap_32 (digest[3]); return (PARSER_OK); } int djangosha1_parse_hash (char *input_buf, uint input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_124) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_124)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); if ((memcmp (SIGNATURE_DJANGOSHA1, input_buf, 5)) && (memcmp (SIGNATURE_DJANGOSHA1, input_buf, 5))) return (PARSER_SIGNATURE_UNMATCHED); u32 *digest = (u32 *) hash_buf->digest; salt_t *salt = hash_buf->salt; char *signature_pos = input_buf; char *salt_pos = strchr (signature_pos, '$'); if (salt_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); u32 signature_len = salt_pos - signature_pos; if (signature_len != 4) return (PARSER_SIGNATURE_UNMATCHED); salt_pos++; char *hash_pos = strchr (salt_pos, '$'); if (hash_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); u32 salt_len = hash_pos - salt_pos; if (salt_len > 32) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); hash_pos++; u32 hash_len = input_len - signature_len - 1 - salt_len - 1; if (hash_len != 40) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); digest[0] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &hash_pos[ 0]); digest[1] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &hash_pos[ 8]); digest[2] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &hash_pos[16]); digest[3] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &hash_pos[24]); digest[4] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &hash_pos[32]); digest[0] -= SHA1M_A; digest[1] -= SHA1M_B; digest[2] -= SHA1M_C; digest[3] -= SHA1M_D; digest[4] -= SHA1M_E; char *salt_buf_ptr = (char *) salt->salt_buf; memcpy (salt_buf_ptr, salt_pos, salt_len); salt->salt_len = salt_len; return (PARSER_OK); } int djangopbkdf2_parse_hash (char *input_buf, uint input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_10000) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_10000)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); if (memcmp (SIGNATURE_DJANGOPBKDF2, input_buf, 14)) return (PARSER_SIGNATURE_UNMATCHED); u32 *digest = (u32 *) hash_buf->digest; salt_t *salt = hash_buf->salt; pbkdf2_sha256_t *pbkdf2_sha256 = (pbkdf2_sha256_t *) hash_buf->esalt; /** * parse line */ char *iter_pos = input_buf + 14; const int iter = atoi (iter_pos); if (iter < 1) return (PARSER_SALT_ITERATION); salt->salt_iter = iter - 1; char *salt_pos = strchr (iter_pos, '$'); if (salt_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); salt_pos++; char *hash_pos = strchr (salt_pos, '$'); if (hash_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); const uint salt_len = hash_pos - salt_pos; hash_pos++; char *salt_buf_ptr = (char *) pbkdf2_sha256->salt_buf; memcpy (salt_buf_ptr, salt_pos, salt_len); salt->salt_len = salt_len; salt_buf_ptr[salt_len + 3] = 0x01; salt_buf_ptr[salt_len + 4] = 0x80; // add some stuff to normal salt to make sorted happy salt->salt_buf[0] = pbkdf2_sha256->salt_buf[0]; salt->salt_buf[1] = pbkdf2_sha256->salt_buf[1]; salt->salt_buf[2] = pbkdf2_sha256->salt_buf[2]; salt->salt_buf[3] = pbkdf2_sha256->salt_buf[3]; salt->salt_buf[4] = salt->salt_iter; // base64 decode hash u8 tmp_buf[100] = { 0 }; uint hash_len = input_len - (hash_pos - input_buf); if (hash_len != 44) return (PARSER_HASH_LENGTH); base64_decode (base64_to_int, (const u8 *) hash_pos, hash_len, tmp_buf); memcpy (digest, tmp_buf, 32); digest[0] = byte_swap_32 (digest[0]); digest[1] = byte_swap_32 (digest[1]); digest[2] = byte_swap_32 (digest[2]); digest[3] = byte_swap_32 (digest[3]); digest[4] = byte_swap_32 (digest[4]); digest[5] = byte_swap_32 (digest[5]); digest[6] = byte_swap_32 (digest[6]); digest[7] = byte_swap_32 (digest[7]); return (PARSER_OK); } int siphash_parse_hash (char *input_buf, uint input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_10100) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_10100)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); u32 *digest = (u32 *) hash_buf->digest; salt_t *salt = hash_buf->salt; digest[0] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[ 0]); digest[1] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[ 8]); digest[2] = 0; digest[3] = 0; digest[0] = byte_swap_32 (digest[0]); digest[1] = byte_swap_32 (digest[1]); if (input_buf[16] != hashconfig->separator) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); if (input_buf[18] != hashconfig->separator) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); if (input_buf[20] != hashconfig->separator) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); char iter_c = input_buf[17]; char iter_d = input_buf[19]; // atm only defaults, let's see if there's more request if (iter_c != '2') return (PARSER_SALT_ITERATION); if (iter_d != '4') return (PARSER_SALT_ITERATION); char *salt_buf = input_buf + 16 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1; salt->salt_buf[0] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &salt_buf[ 0]); salt->salt_buf[1] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &salt_buf[ 8]); salt->salt_buf[2] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &salt_buf[16]); salt->salt_buf[3] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &salt_buf[24]); salt->salt_buf[0] = byte_swap_32 (salt->salt_buf[0]); salt->salt_buf[1] = byte_swap_32 (salt->salt_buf[1]); salt->salt_buf[2] = byte_swap_32 (salt->salt_buf[2]); salt->salt_buf[3] = byte_swap_32 (salt->salt_buf[3]); salt->salt_len = 16; return (PARSER_OK); } int crammd5_parse_hash (char *input_buf, uint input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_10200) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_10200)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); if (memcmp (SIGNATURE_CRAM_MD5, input_buf, 10)) return (PARSER_SIGNATURE_UNMATCHED); u32 *digest = (u32 *) hash_buf->digest; cram_md5_t *cram_md5 = (cram_md5_t *) hash_buf->esalt; salt_t *salt = hash_buf->salt; char *salt_pos = input_buf + 10; char *hash_pos = strchr (salt_pos, '$'); if (hash_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); uint salt_len = hash_pos - salt_pos; hash_pos++; uint hash_len = input_len - 10 - salt_len - 1; // base64 decode salt if (salt_len > 133) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); u8 tmp_buf[100] = { 0 }; salt_len = base64_decode (base64_to_int, (const u8 *) salt_pos, salt_len, tmp_buf); if (salt_len > 55) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); tmp_buf[salt_len] = 0x80; memcpy (&salt->salt_buf, tmp_buf, salt_len + 1); salt->salt_len = salt_len; // base64 decode hash if (hash_len > 133) return (PARSER_HASH_LENGTH); memset (tmp_buf, 0, sizeof (tmp_buf)); hash_len = base64_decode (base64_to_int, (const u8 *) hash_pos, hash_len, tmp_buf); if (hash_len < 32 + 1) return (PARSER_HASH_LENGTH); uint user_len = hash_len - 32; const u8 *tmp_hash = tmp_buf + user_len; user_len--; // skip the trailing space digest[0] = hex_to_u32 (&tmp_hash[ 0]); digest[1] = hex_to_u32 (&tmp_hash[ 8]); digest[2] = hex_to_u32 (&tmp_hash[16]); digest[3] = hex_to_u32 (&tmp_hash[24]); digest[0] = byte_swap_32 (digest[0]); digest[1] = byte_swap_32 (digest[1]); digest[2] = byte_swap_32 (digest[2]); digest[3] = byte_swap_32 (digest[3]); // store username for host only (output hash if cracked) memset (cram_md5->user, 0, sizeof (cram_md5->user)); memcpy (cram_md5->user, tmp_buf, user_len); return (PARSER_OK); } int saph_sha1_parse_hash (char *input_buf, uint input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_10300) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_10300)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); if (memcmp (SIGNATURE_SAPH_SHA1, input_buf, 10)) return (PARSER_SIGNATURE_UNMATCHED); u32 *digest = (u32 *) hash_buf->digest; salt_t *salt = hash_buf->salt; char *iter_pos = input_buf + 10; u32 iter = atoi (iter_pos); if (iter < 1) { return (PARSER_SALT_ITERATION); } iter--; // first iteration is special salt->salt_iter = iter; char *base64_pos = strchr (iter_pos, '}'); if (base64_pos == NULL) { return (PARSER_SIGNATURE_UNMATCHED); } base64_pos++; // base64 decode salt u32 base64_len = input_len - (base64_pos - input_buf); u8 tmp_buf[100] = { 0 }; u32 decoded_len = base64_decode (base64_to_int, (const u8 *) base64_pos, base64_len, tmp_buf); if (decoded_len < 24) { return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); } // copy the salt uint salt_len = decoded_len - 20; if (salt_len < 4) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); if (salt_len > 16) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); memcpy (&salt->salt_buf, tmp_buf + 20, salt_len); salt->salt_len = salt_len; // set digest u32 *digest_ptr = (u32*) tmp_buf; digest[0] = byte_swap_32 (digest_ptr[0]); digest[1] = byte_swap_32 (digest_ptr[1]); digest[2] = byte_swap_32 (digest_ptr[2]); digest[3] = byte_swap_32 (digest_ptr[3]); digest[4] = byte_swap_32 (digest_ptr[4]); return (PARSER_OK); } int redmine_parse_hash (char *input_buf, uint input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_7600) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_7600)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); u32 *digest = (u32 *) hash_buf->digest; salt_t *salt = hash_buf->salt; digest[0] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[ 0]); digest[1] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[ 8]); digest[2] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[16]); digest[3] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[24]); digest[4] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[32]); if (input_buf[40] != hashconfig->separator) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); uint salt_len = input_len - 40 - 1; char *salt_buf = input_buf + 40 + 1; char *salt_buf_ptr = (char *) salt->salt_buf; salt_len = parse_and_store_salt (salt_buf_ptr, salt_buf, salt_len, hashconfig); if (salt_len != 32) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); salt->salt_len = salt_len; return (PARSER_OK); } int pdf11_parse_hash (char *input_buf, uint input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_10400) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_10400)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); if ((memcmp (SIGNATURE_PDF, input_buf, 5)) && (memcmp (SIGNATURE_PDF, input_buf, 5))) return (PARSER_SIGNATURE_UNMATCHED); u32 *digest = (u32 *) hash_buf->digest; salt_t *salt = hash_buf->salt; pdf_t *pdf = (pdf_t *) hash_buf->esalt; /** * parse line */ char *V_pos = input_buf + 5; char *R_pos = strchr (V_pos, '*'); if (R_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); u32 V_len = R_pos - V_pos; R_pos++; char *bits_pos = strchr (R_pos, '*'); if (bits_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); u32 R_len = bits_pos - R_pos; bits_pos++; char *P_pos = strchr (bits_pos, '*'); if (P_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); u32 bits_len = P_pos - bits_pos; P_pos++; char *enc_md_pos = strchr (P_pos, '*'); if (enc_md_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); u32 P_len = enc_md_pos - P_pos; enc_md_pos++; char *id_len_pos = strchr (enc_md_pos, '*'); if (id_len_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); u32 enc_md_len = id_len_pos - enc_md_pos; id_len_pos++; char *id_buf_pos = strchr (id_len_pos, '*'); if (id_buf_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); u32 id_len_len = id_buf_pos - id_len_pos; id_buf_pos++; char *u_len_pos = strchr (id_buf_pos, '*'); if (u_len_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); u32 id_buf_len = u_len_pos - id_buf_pos; if (id_buf_len != 32) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); u_len_pos++; char *u_buf_pos = strchr (u_len_pos, '*'); if (u_buf_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); u32 u_len_len = u_buf_pos - u_len_pos; u_buf_pos++; char *o_len_pos = strchr (u_buf_pos, '*'); if (o_len_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); u32 u_buf_len = o_len_pos - u_buf_pos; if (u_buf_len != 64) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); o_len_pos++; char *o_buf_pos = strchr (o_len_pos, '*'); if (o_buf_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); u32 o_len_len = o_buf_pos - o_len_pos; o_buf_pos++; u32 o_buf_len = input_len - 5 - V_len - 1 - R_len - 1 - bits_len - 1 - P_len - 1 - enc_md_len - 1 - id_len_len - 1 - id_buf_len - 1 - u_len_len - 1 - u_buf_len - 1 - o_len_len - 1; if (o_buf_len != 64) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); // validate data const int V = atoi (V_pos); const int R = atoi (R_pos); const int P = atoi (P_pos); if (V != 1) return (PARSER_SALT_VALUE); if (R != 2) return (PARSER_SALT_VALUE); const int enc_md = atoi (enc_md_pos); if ((enc_md != 0) && (enc_md != 1)) return (PARSER_SALT_VALUE); const int id_len = atoi (id_len_pos); const int u_len = atoi (u_len_pos); const int o_len = atoi (o_len_pos); if (id_len != 16) return (PARSER_SALT_VALUE); if (u_len != 32) return (PARSER_SALT_VALUE); if (o_len != 32) return (PARSER_SALT_VALUE); const int bits = atoi (bits_pos); if (bits != 40) return (PARSER_SALT_VALUE); // copy data to esalt pdf->V = V; pdf->R = R; pdf->P = P; pdf->enc_md = enc_md; pdf->id_buf[0] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &id_buf_pos[ 0]); pdf->id_buf[1] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &id_buf_pos[ 8]); pdf->id_buf[2] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &id_buf_pos[16]); pdf->id_buf[3] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &id_buf_pos[24]); pdf->id_len = id_len; pdf->u_buf[0] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &u_buf_pos[ 0]); pdf->u_buf[1] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &u_buf_pos[ 8]); pdf->u_buf[2] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &u_buf_pos[16]); pdf->u_buf[3] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &u_buf_pos[24]); pdf->u_buf[4] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &u_buf_pos[32]); pdf->u_buf[5] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &u_buf_pos[40]); pdf->u_buf[6] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &u_buf_pos[48]); pdf->u_buf[7] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &u_buf_pos[56]); pdf->u_len = u_len; pdf->o_buf[0] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &o_buf_pos[ 0]); pdf->o_buf[1] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &o_buf_pos[ 8]); pdf->o_buf[2] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &o_buf_pos[16]); pdf->o_buf[3] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &o_buf_pos[24]); pdf->o_buf[4] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &o_buf_pos[32]); pdf->o_buf[5] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &o_buf_pos[40]); pdf->o_buf[6] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &o_buf_pos[48]); pdf->o_buf[7] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &o_buf_pos[56]); pdf->o_len = o_len; pdf->id_buf[0] = byte_swap_32 (pdf->id_buf[0]); pdf->id_buf[1] = byte_swap_32 (pdf->id_buf[1]); pdf->id_buf[2] = byte_swap_32 (pdf->id_buf[2]); pdf->id_buf[3] = byte_swap_32 (pdf->id_buf[3]); pdf->u_buf[0] = byte_swap_32 (pdf->u_buf[0]); pdf->u_buf[1] = byte_swap_32 (pdf->u_buf[1]); pdf->u_buf[2] = byte_swap_32 (pdf->u_buf[2]); pdf->u_buf[3] = byte_swap_32 (pdf->u_buf[3]); pdf->u_buf[4] = byte_swap_32 (pdf->u_buf[4]); pdf->u_buf[5] = byte_swap_32 (pdf->u_buf[5]); pdf->u_buf[6] = byte_swap_32 (pdf->u_buf[6]); pdf->u_buf[7] = byte_swap_32 (pdf->u_buf[7]); pdf->o_buf[0] = byte_swap_32 (pdf->o_buf[0]); pdf->o_buf[1] = byte_swap_32 (pdf->o_buf[1]); pdf->o_buf[2] = byte_swap_32 (pdf->o_buf[2]); pdf->o_buf[3] = byte_swap_32 (pdf->o_buf[3]); pdf->o_buf[4] = byte_swap_32 (pdf->o_buf[4]); pdf->o_buf[5] = byte_swap_32 (pdf->o_buf[5]); pdf->o_buf[6] = byte_swap_32 (pdf->o_buf[6]); pdf->o_buf[7] = byte_swap_32 (pdf->o_buf[7]); // we use ID for salt, maybe needs to change, we will see... salt->salt_buf[0] = pdf->id_buf[0]; salt->salt_buf[1] = pdf->id_buf[1]; salt->salt_buf[2] = pdf->id_buf[2]; salt->salt_buf[3] = pdf->id_buf[3]; salt->salt_len = pdf->id_len; digest[0] = pdf->u_buf[0]; digest[1] = pdf->u_buf[1]; digest[2] = pdf->u_buf[2]; digest[3] = pdf->u_buf[3]; return (PARSER_OK); } int pdf11cm1_parse_hash (char *input_buf, uint input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { return pdf11_parse_hash (input_buf, input_len, hash_buf, hashconfig); } int pdf11cm2_parse_hash (char *input_buf, uint input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_10420) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_10420)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); if ((memcmp (SIGNATURE_PDF, input_buf, 5)) && (memcmp (SIGNATURE_PDF, input_buf, 5))) return (PARSER_SIGNATURE_UNMATCHED); u32 *digest = (u32 *) hash_buf->digest; salt_t *salt = hash_buf->salt; pdf_t *pdf = (pdf_t *) hash_buf->esalt; /** * parse line */ char *V_pos = input_buf + 5; char *R_pos = strchr (V_pos, '*'); if (R_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); u32 V_len = R_pos - V_pos; R_pos++; char *bits_pos = strchr (R_pos, '*'); if (bits_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); u32 R_len = bits_pos - R_pos; bits_pos++; char *P_pos = strchr (bits_pos, '*'); if (P_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); u32 bits_len = P_pos - bits_pos; P_pos++; char *enc_md_pos = strchr (P_pos, '*'); if (enc_md_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); u32 P_len = enc_md_pos - P_pos; enc_md_pos++; char *id_len_pos = strchr (enc_md_pos, '*'); if (id_len_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); u32 enc_md_len = id_len_pos - enc_md_pos; id_len_pos++; char *id_buf_pos = strchr (id_len_pos, '*'); if (id_buf_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); u32 id_len_len = id_buf_pos - id_len_pos; id_buf_pos++; char *u_len_pos = strchr (id_buf_pos, '*'); if (u_len_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); u32 id_buf_len = u_len_pos - id_buf_pos; if (id_buf_len != 32) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); u_len_pos++; char *u_buf_pos = strchr (u_len_pos, '*'); if (u_buf_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); u32 u_len_len = u_buf_pos - u_len_pos; u_buf_pos++; char *o_len_pos = strchr (u_buf_pos, '*'); if (o_len_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); u32 u_buf_len = o_len_pos - u_buf_pos; if (u_buf_len != 64) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); o_len_pos++; char *o_buf_pos = strchr (o_len_pos, '*'); if (o_buf_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); u32 o_len_len = o_buf_pos - o_len_pos; o_buf_pos++; char *rc4key_pos = strchr (o_buf_pos, ':'); if (rc4key_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); u32 o_buf_len = rc4key_pos - o_buf_pos; if (o_buf_len != 64) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); rc4key_pos++; u32 rc4key_len = input_len - 5 - V_len - 1 - R_len - 1 - bits_len - 1 - P_len - 1 - enc_md_len - 1 - id_len_len - 1 - id_buf_len - 1 - u_len_len - 1 - u_buf_len - 1 - o_len_len - 1 - o_buf_len - 1; if (rc4key_len != 10) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); // validate data const int V = atoi (V_pos); const int R = atoi (R_pos); const int P = atoi (P_pos); if (V != 1) return (PARSER_SALT_VALUE); if (R != 2) return (PARSER_SALT_VALUE); const int enc_md = atoi (enc_md_pos); if ((enc_md != 0) && (enc_md != 1)) return (PARSER_SALT_VALUE); const int id_len = atoi (id_len_pos); const int u_len = atoi (u_len_pos); const int o_len = atoi (o_len_pos); if (id_len != 16) return (PARSER_SALT_VALUE); if (u_len != 32) return (PARSER_SALT_VALUE); if (o_len != 32) return (PARSER_SALT_VALUE); const int bits = atoi (bits_pos); if (bits != 40) return (PARSER_SALT_VALUE); // copy data to esalt pdf->V = V; pdf->R = R; pdf->P = P; pdf->enc_md = enc_md; pdf->id_buf[0] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &id_buf_pos[ 0]); pdf->id_buf[1] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &id_buf_pos[ 8]); pdf->id_buf[2] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &id_buf_pos[16]); pdf->id_buf[3] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &id_buf_pos[24]); pdf->id_len = id_len; pdf->u_buf[0] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &u_buf_pos[ 0]); pdf->u_buf[1] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &u_buf_pos[ 8]); pdf->u_buf[2] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &u_buf_pos[16]); pdf->u_buf[3] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &u_buf_pos[24]); pdf->u_buf[4] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &u_buf_pos[32]); pdf->u_buf[5] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &u_buf_pos[40]); pdf->u_buf[6] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &u_buf_pos[48]); pdf->u_buf[7] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &u_buf_pos[56]); pdf->u_len = u_len; pdf->o_buf[0] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &o_buf_pos[ 0]); pdf->o_buf[1] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &o_buf_pos[ 8]); pdf->o_buf[2] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &o_buf_pos[16]); pdf->o_buf[3] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &o_buf_pos[24]); pdf->o_buf[4] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &o_buf_pos[32]); pdf->o_buf[5] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &o_buf_pos[40]); pdf->o_buf[6] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &o_buf_pos[48]); pdf->o_buf[7] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &o_buf_pos[56]); pdf->o_len = o_len; pdf->id_buf[0] = byte_swap_32 (pdf->id_buf[0]); pdf->id_buf[1] = byte_swap_32 (pdf->id_buf[1]); pdf->id_buf[2] = byte_swap_32 (pdf->id_buf[2]); pdf->id_buf[3] = byte_swap_32 (pdf->id_buf[3]); pdf->u_buf[0] = byte_swap_32 (pdf->u_buf[0]); pdf->u_buf[1] = byte_swap_32 (pdf->u_buf[1]); pdf->u_buf[2] = byte_swap_32 (pdf->u_buf[2]); pdf->u_buf[3] = byte_swap_32 (pdf->u_buf[3]); pdf->u_buf[4] = byte_swap_32 (pdf->u_buf[4]); pdf->u_buf[5] = byte_swap_32 (pdf->u_buf[5]); pdf->u_buf[6] = byte_swap_32 (pdf->u_buf[6]); pdf->u_buf[7] = byte_swap_32 (pdf->u_buf[7]); pdf->o_buf[0] = byte_swap_32 (pdf->o_buf[0]); pdf->o_buf[1] = byte_swap_32 (pdf->o_buf[1]); pdf->o_buf[2] = byte_swap_32 (pdf->o_buf[2]); pdf->o_buf[3] = byte_swap_32 (pdf->o_buf[3]); pdf->o_buf[4] = byte_swap_32 (pdf->o_buf[4]); pdf->o_buf[5] = byte_swap_32 (pdf->o_buf[5]); pdf->o_buf[6] = byte_swap_32 (pdf->o_buf[6]); pdf->o_buf[7] = byte_swap_32 (pdf->o_buf[7]); pdf->rc4key[1] = 0; pdf->rc4key[0] = 0; pdf->rc4key[0] |= hex_convert (rc4key_pos[0]) << 28; pdf->rc4key[0] |= hex_convert (rc4key_pos[1]) << 24; pdf->rc4key[0] |= hex_convert (rc4key_pos[2]) << 20; pdf->rc4key[0] |= hex_convert (rc4key_pos[3]) << 16; pdf->rc4key[0] |= hex_convert (rc4key_pos[4]) << 12; pdf->rc4key[0] |= hex_convert (rc4key_pos[5]) << 8; pdf->rc4key[0] |= hex_convert (rc4key_pos[6]) << 4; pdf->rc4key[0] |= hex_convert (rc4key_pos[7]) << 0; pdf->rc4key[1] |= hex_convert (rc4key_pos[8]) << 28; pdf->rc4key[1] |= hex_convert (rc4key_pos[9]) << 24; pdf->rc4key[0] = byte_swap_32 (pdf->rc4key[0]); pdf->rc4key[1] = byte_swap_32 (pdf->rc4key[1]); // we use ID for salt, maybe needs to change, we will see... salt->salt_buf[0] = pdf->id_buf[0]; salt->salt_buf[1] = pdf->id_buf[1]; salt->salt_buf[2] = pdf->id_buf[2]; salt->salt_buf[3] = pdf->id_buf[3]; salt->salt_buf[4] = pdf->u_buf[0]; salt->salt_buf[5] = pdf->u_buf[1]; salt->salt_buf[6] = pdf->o_buf[0]; salt->salt_buf[7] = pdf->o_buf[1]; salt->salt_len = pdf->id_len + 16; digest[0] = pdf->rc4key[0]; digest[1] = pdf->rc4key[1]; digest[2] = 0; digest[3] = 0; return (PARSER_OK); } int pdf14_parse_hash (char *input_buf, uint input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_10500) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_10500)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); if ((memcmp (SIGNATURE_PDF, input_buf, 5)) && (memcmp (SIGNATURE_PDF, input_buf, 5))) return (PARSER_SIGNATURE_UNMATCHED); u32 *digest = (u32 *) hash_buf->digest; salt_t *salt = hash_buf->salt; pdf_t *pdf = (pdf_t *) hash_buf->esalt; /** * parse line */ char *V_pos = input_buf + 5; char *R_pos = strchr (V_pos, '*'); if (R_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); u32 V_len = R_pos - V_pos; R_pos++; char *bits_pos = strchr (R_pos, '*'); if (bits_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); u32 R_len = bits_pos - R_pos; bits_pos++; char *P_pos = strchr (bits_pos, '*'); if (P_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); u32 bits_len = P_pos - bits_pos; P_pos++; char *enc_md_pos = strchr (P_pos, '*'); if (enc_md_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); u32 P_len = enc_md_pos - P_pos; enc_md_pos++; char *id_len_pos = strchr (enc_md_pos, '*'); if (id_len_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); u32 enc_md_len = id_len_pos - enc_md_pos; id_len_pos++; char *id_buf_pos = strchr (id_len_pos, '*'); if (id_buf_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); u32 id_len_len = id_buf_pos - id_len_pos; id_buf_pos++; char *u_len_pos = strchr (id_buf_pos, '*'); if (u_len_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); u32 id_buf_len = u_len_pos - id_buf_pos; if ((id_buf_len != 32) && (id_buf_len != 64)) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); u_len_pos++; char *u_buf_pos = strchr (u_len_pos, '*'); if (u_buf_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); u32 u_len_len = u_buf_pos - u_len_pos; u_buf_pos++; char *o_len_pos = strchr (u_buf_pos, '*'); if (o_len_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); u32 u_buf_len = o_len_pos - u_buf_pos; if (u_buf_len != 64) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); o_len_pos++; char *o_buf_pos = strchr (o_len_pos, '*'); if (o_buf_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); u32 o_len_len = o_buf_pos - o_len_pos; o_buf_pos++; u32 o_buf_len = input_len - 5 - V_len - 1 - R_len - 1 - bits_len - 1 - P_len - 1 - enc_md_len - 1 - id_len_len - 1 - id_buf_len - 1 - u_len_len - 1 - u_buf_len - 1 - o_len_len - 1; if (o_buf_len != 64) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); // validate data const int V = atoi (V_pos); const int R = atoi (R_pos); const int P = atoi (P_pos); int vr_ok = 0; if ((V == 2) && (R == 3)) vr_ok = 1; if ((V == 4) && (R == 4)) vr_ok = 1; if (vr_ok == 0) return (PARSER_SALT_VALUE); const int id_len = atoi (id_len_pos); const int u_len = atoi (u_len_pos); const int o_len = atoi (o_len_pos); if ((id_len != 16) && (id_len != 32)) return (PARSER_SALT_VALUE); if (u_len != 32) return (PARSER_SALT_VALUE); if (o_len != 32) return (PARSER_SALT_VALUE); const int bits = atoi (bits_pos); if (bits != 128) return (PARSER_SALT_VALUE); int enc_md = 1; if (R >= 4) { enc_md = atoi (enc_md_pos); } // copy data to esalt pdf->V = V; pdf->R = R; pdf->P = P; pdf->enc_md = enc_md; pdf->id_buf[0] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &id_buf_pos[ 0]); pdf->id_buf[1] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &id_buf_pos[ 8]); pdf->id_buf[2] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &id_buf_pos[16]); pdf->id_buf[3] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &id_buf_pos[24]); if (id_len == 32) { pdf->id_buf[4] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &id_buf_pos[32]); pdf->id_buf[5] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &id_buf_pos[40]); pdf->id_buf[6] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &id_buf_pos[48]); pdf->id_buf[7] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &id_buf_pos[56]); } pdf->id_len = id_len; pdf->u_buf[0] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &u_buf_pos[ 0]); pdf->u_buf[1] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &u_buf_pos[ 8]); pdf->u_buf[2] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &u_buf_pos[16]); pdf->u_buf[3] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &u_buf_pos[24]); pdf->u_buf[4] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &u_buf_pos[32]); pdf->u_buf[5] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &u_buf_pos[40]); pdf->u_buf[6] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &u_buf_pos[48]); pdf->u_buf[7] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &u_buf_pos[56]); pdf->u_len = u_len; pdf->o_buf[0] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &o_buf_pos[ 0]); pdf->o_buf[1] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &o_buf_pos[ 8]); pdf->o_buf[2] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &o_buf_pos[16]); pdf->o_buf[3] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &o_buf_pos[24]); pdf->o_buf[4] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &o_buf_pos[32]); pdf->o_buf[5] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &o_buf_pos[40]); pdf->o_buf[6] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &o_buf_pos[48]); pdf->o_buf[7] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &o_buf_pos[56]); pdf->o_len = o_len; pdf->id_buf[0] = byte_swap_32 (pdf->id_buf[0]); pdf->id_buf[1] = byte_swap_32 (pdf->id_buf[1]); pdf->id_buf[2] = byte_swap_32 (pdf->id_buf[2]); pdf->id_buf[3] = byte_swap_32 (pdf->id_buf[3]); if (id_len == 32) { pdf->id_buf[4] = byte_swap_32 (pdf->id_buf[4]); pdf->id_buf[5] = byte_swap_32 (pdf->id_buf[5]); pdf->id_buf[6] = byte_swap_32 (pdf->id_buf[6]); pdf->id_buf[7] = byte_swap_32 (pdf->id_buf[7]); } pdf->u_buf[0] = byte_swap_32 (pdf->u_buf[0]); pdf->u_buf[1] = byte_swap_32 (pdf->u_buf[1]); pdf->u_buf[2] = byte_swap_32 (pdf->u_buf[2]); pdf->u_buf[3] = byte_swap_32 (pdf->u_buf[3]); pdf->u_buf[4] = byte_swap_32 (pdf->u_buf[4]); pdf->u_buf[5] = byte_swap_32 (pdf->u_buf[5]); pdf->u_buf[6] = byte_swap_32 (pdf->u_buf[6]); pdf->u_buf[7] = byte_swap_32 (pdf->u_buf[7]); pdf->o_buf[0] = byte_swap_32 (pdf->o_buf[0]); pdf->o_buf[1] = byte_swap_32 (pdf->o_buf[1]); pdf->o_buf[2] = byte_swap_32 (pdf->o_buf[2]); pdf->o_buf[3] = byte_swap_32 (pdf->o_buf[3]); pdf->o_buf[4] = byte_swap_32 (pdf->o_buf[4]); pdf->o_buf[5] = byte_swap_32 (pdf->o_buf[5]); pdf->o_buf[6] = byte_swap_32 (pdf->o_buf[6]); pdf->o_buf[7] = byte_swap_32 (pdf->o_buf[7]); // precompute rc4 data for later use uint padding[8] = { 0x5e4ebf28, 0x418a754e, 0x564e0064, 0x0801faff, 0xb6002e2e, 0x803e68d0, 0xfea90c2f, 0x7a695364 }; // md5 uint salt_pc_block[32] = { 0 }; char *salt_pc_ptr = (char *) salt_pc_block; memcpy (salt_pc_ptr, padding, 32); memcpy (salt_pc_ptr + 32, pdf->id_buf, pdf->id_len); uint salt_pc_digest[4] = { 0 }; md5_complete_no_limit (salt_pc_digest, salt_pc_block, 32 + pdf->id_len); pdf->rc4data[0] = salt_pc_digest[0]; pdf->rc4data[1] = salt_pc_digest[1]; // we use ID for salt, maybe needs to change, we will see... salt->salt_buf[0] = pdf->id_buf[0]; salt->salt_buf[1] = pdf->id_buf[1]; salt->salt_buf[2] = pdf->id_buf[2]; salt->salt_buf[3] = pdf->id_buf[3]; salt->salt_buf[4] = pdf->u_buf[0]; salt->salt_buf[5] = pdf->u_buf[1]; salt->salt_buf[6] = pdf->o_buf[0]; salt->salt_buf[7] = pdf->o_buf[1]; salt->salt_len = pdf->id_len + 16; salt->salt_iter = ROUNDS_PDF14; digest[0] = pdf->u_buf[0]; digest[1] = pdf->u_buf[1]; digest[2] = 0; digest[3] = 0; return (PARSER_OK); } int pdf17l3_parse_hash (char *input_buf, uint input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { int ret = pdf17l8_parse_hash (input_buf, input_len, hash_buf, hashconfig); if (ret != PARSER_OK) { return ret; } u32 *digest = (u32 *) hash_buf->digest; salt_t *salt = hash_buf->salt; digest[0] -= SHA256M_A; digest[1] -= SHA256M_B; digest[2] -= SHA256M_C; digest[3] -= SHA256M_D; digest[4] -= SHA256M_E; digest[5] -= SHA256M_F; digest[6] -= SHA256M_G; digest[7] -= SHA256M_H; salt->salt_buf[2] = 0x80; return (PARSER_OK); } int pdf17l8_parse_hash (char *input_buf, uint input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_10600) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_10600)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); if ((memcmp (SIGNATURE_PDF, input_buf, 5)) && (memcmp (SIGNATURE_PDF, input_buf, 5))) return (PARSER_SIGNATURE_UNMATCHED); u32 *digest = (u32 *) hash_buf->digest; salt_t *salt = hash_buf->salt; pdf_t *pdf = (pdf_t *) hash_buf->esalt; /** * parse line */ char *V_pos = input_buf + 5; char *R_pos = strchr (V_pos, '*'); if (R_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); u32 V_len = R_pos - V_pos; R_pos++; char *bits_pos = strchr (R_pos, '*'); if (bits_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); u32 R_len = bits_pos - R_pos; bits_pos++; char *P_pos = strchr (bits_pos, '*'); if (P_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); u32 bits_len = P_pos - bits_pos; P_pos++; char *enc_md_pos = strchr (P_pos, '*'); if (enc_md_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); u32 P_len = enc_md_pos - P_pos; enc_md_pos++; char *id_len_pos = strchr (enc_md_pos, '*'); if (id_len_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); u32 enc_md_len = id_len_pos - enc_md_pos; id_len_pos++; char *id_buf_pos = strchr (id_len_pos, '*'); if (id_buf_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); u32 id_len_len = id_buf_pos - id_len_pos; id_buf_pos++; char *u_len_pos = strchr (id_buf_pos, '*'); if (u_len_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); u32 id_buf_len = u_len_pos - id_buf_pos; u_len_pos++; char *u_buf_pos = strchr (u_len_pos, '*'); if (u_buf_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); u32 u_len_len = u_buf_pos - u_len_pos; u_buf_pos++; char *o_len_pos = strchr (u_buf_pos, '*'); if (o_len_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); u32 u_buf_len = o_len_pos - u_buf_pos; o_len_pos++; char *o_buf_pos = strchr (o_len_pos, '*'); if (o_buf_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); u32 o_len_len = o_buf_pos - o_len_pos; o_buf_pos++; char *last = strchr (o_buf_pos, '*'); if (last == NULL) last = input_buf + input_len; u32 o_buf_len = last - o_buf_pos; // validate data const int V = atoi (V_pos); const int R = atoi (R_pos); int vr_ok = 0; if ((V == 5) && (R == 5)) vr_ok = 1; if ((V == 5) && (R == 6)) vr_ok = 1; if (vr_ok == 0) return (PARSER_SALT_VALUE); const int bits = atoi (bits_pos); if (bits != 256) return (PARSER_SALT_VALUE); int enc_md = atoi (enc_md_pos); if ((enc_md != 0) && (enc_md != 1)) return (PARSER_SALT_VALUE); const uint id_len = atoi (id_len_pos); const uint u_len = atoi (u_len_pos); const uint o_len = atoi (o_len_pos); if (V_len > 6) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); if (R_len > 6) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); if (P_len > 6) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); if (id_len_len > 6) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); if (u_len_len > 6) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); if (o_len_len > 6) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); if (bits_len > 6) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); if (enc_md_len > 6) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); if ((id_len * 2) != id_buf_len) return (PARSER_SALT_VALUE); if ((u_len * 2) != u_buf_len) return (PARSER_SALT_VALUE); if ((o_len * 2) != o_buf_len) return (PARSER_SALT_VALUE); // copy data to esalt if (u_len < 40) return (PARSER_SALT_VALUE); for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < 8 + 2; i += 1, j += 8) { pdf->u_buf[i] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &u_buf_pos[j]); } salt->salt_buf[0] = pdf->u_buf[8]; salt->salt_buf[1] = pdf->u_buf[9]; salt->salt_buf[0] = byte_swap_32 (salt->salt_buf[0]); salt->salt_buf[1] = byte_swap_32 (salt->salt_buf[1]); salt->salt_len = 8; salt->salt_iter = ROUNDS_PDF17L8; digest[0] = pdf->u_buf[0]; digest[1] = pdf->u_buf[1]; digest[2] = pdf->u_buf[2]; digest[3] = pdf->u_buf[3]; digest[4] = pdf->u_buf[4]; digest[5] = pdf->u_buf[5]; digest[6] = pdf->u_buf[6]; digest[7] = pdf->u_buf[7]; return (PARSER_OK); } int pbkdf2_sha256_parse_hash (char *input_buf, uint input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_10900) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_10900)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); if (memcmp (SIGNATURE_PBKDF2_SHA256, input_buf, 7)) return (PARSER_SIGNATURE_UNMATCHED); u32 *digest = (u32 *) hash_buf->digest; salt_t *salt = hash_buf->salt; pbkdf2_sha256_t *pbkdf2_sha256 = (pbkdf2_sha256_t *) hash_buf->esalt; /** * parse line */ // iterations char *iter_pos = input_buf + 7; u32 iter = atoi (iter_pos); if (iter < 1) return (PARSER_SALT_ITERATION); if (iter > 999999) return (PARSER_SALT_ITERATION); // first is *raw* salt char *salt_pos = strchr (iter_pos, ':'); if (salt_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); salt_pos++; char *hash_pos = strchr (salt_pos, ':'); if (hash_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); u32 salt_len = hash_pos - salt_pos; if (salt_len > 64) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); hash_pos++; u32 hash_b64_len = input_len - (hash_pos - input_buf); if (hash_b64_len > 88) return (PARSER_HASH_LENGTH); // decode salt char *salt_buf_ptr = (char *) pbkdf2_sha256->salt_buf; salt_len = parse_and_store_salt (salt_buf_ptr, salt_pos, salt_len, hashconfig); if (salt_len == UINT_MAX) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); salt_buf_ptr[salt_len + 3] = 0x01; salt_buf_ptr[salt_len + 4] = 0x80; salt->salt_len = salt_len; salt->salt_iter = iter - 1; // decode hash u8 tmp_buf[100] = { 0 }; int hash_len = base64_decode (base64_to_int, (const u8 *) hash_pos, hash_b64_len, tmp_buf); if (hash_len < 16) return (PARSER_HASH_LENGTH); memcpy (digest, tmp_buf, 16); digest[0] = byte_swap_32 (digest[0]); digest[1] = byte_swap_32 (digest[1]); digest[2] = byte_swap_32 (digest[2]); digest[3] = byte_swap_32 (digest[3]); // add some stuff to normal salt to make sorted happy salt->salt_buf[0] = pbkdf2_sha256->salt_buf[0]; salt->salt_buf[1] = pbkdf2_sha256->salt_buf[1]; salt->salt_buf[2] = pbkdf2_sha256->salt_buf[2]; salt->salt_buf[3] = pbkdf2_sha256->salt_buf[3]; salt->salt_buf[4] = salt->salt_iter; return (PARSER_OK); } int prestashop_parse_hash (char *input_buf, uint input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_11000) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_11000)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); u32 *digest = (u32 *) hash_buf->digest; salt_t *salt = hash_buf->salt; digest[0] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[ 0]); digest[1] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[ 8]); digest[2] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[16]); digest[3] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[24]); digest[0] = byte_swap_32 (digest[0]); digest[1] = byte_swap_32 (digest[1]); digest[2] = byte_swap_32 (digest[2]); digest[3] = byte_swap_32 (digest[3]); if (input_buf[32] != hashconfig->separator) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); uint salt_len = input_len - 32 - 1; char *salt_buf = input_buf + 32 + 1; char *salt_buf_ptr = (char *) salt->salt_buf; salt_len = parse_and_store_salt (salt_buf_ptr, salt_buf, salt_len, hashconfig); if (salt_len == UINT_MAX) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); salt->salt_len = salt_len; return (PARSER_OK); } int postgresql_auth_parse_hash (char *input_buf, uint input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_11100) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_11100)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); if (memcmp (SIGNATURE_POSTGRESQL_AUTH, input_buf, 10)) return (PARSER_SIGNATURE_UNMATCHED); u32 *digest = (u32 *) hash_buf->digest; salt_t *salt = hash_buf->salt; char *user_pos = input_buf + 10; char *salt_pos = strchr (user_pos, '*'); if (salt_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); salt_pos++; char *hash_pos = strchr (salt_pos, '*'); hash_pos++; uint hash_len = input_len - (hash_pos - input_buf); if (hash_len != 32) return (PARSER_HASH_LENGTH); uint user_len = salt_pos - user_pos - 1; uint salt_len = hash_pos - salt_pos - 1; if (salt_len != 8) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); /* * store digest */ digest[0] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &hash_pos[ 0]); digest[1] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &hash_pos[ 8]); digest[2] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &hash_pos[16]); digest[3] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &hash_pos[24]); digest[0] = byte_swap_32 (digest[0]); digest[1] = byte_swap_32 (digest[1]); digest[2] = byte_swap_32 (digest[2]); digest[3] = byte_swap_32 (digest[3]); digest[0] -= MD5M_A; digest[1] -= MD5M_B; digest[2] -= MD5M_C; digest[3] -= MD5M_D; /* * store salt */ char *salt_buf_ptr = (char *) salt->salt_buf; // first 4 bytes are the "challenge" salt_buf_ptr[0] = hex_to_u8 ((const u8 *) &salt_pos[0]); salt_buf_ptr[1] = hex_to_u8 ((const u8 *) &salt_pos[2]); salt_buf_ptr[2] = hex_to_u8 ((const u8 *) &salt_pos[4]); salt_buf_ptr[3] = hex_to_u8 ((const u8 *) &salt_pos[6]); // append the user name user_len = parse_and_store_salt (salt_buf_ptr + 4, user_pos, user_len, hashconfig); salt->salt_len = 4 + user_len; return (PARSER_OK); } int mysql_auth_parse_hash (char *input_buf, uint input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_11200) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_11200)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); if (memcmp (SIGNATURE_MYSQL_AUTH, input_buf, 9)) return (PARSER_SIGNATURE_UNMATCHED); u32 *digest = (u32 *) hash_buf->digest; salt_t *salt = hash_buf->salt; char *salt_pos = input_buf + 9; char *hash_pos = strchr (salt_pos, '*'); if (hash_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); hash_pos++; uint hash_len = input_len - (hash_pos - input_buf); if (hash_len != 40) return (PARSER_HASH_LENGTH); uint salt_len = hash_pos - salt_pos - 1; if (salt_len != 40) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); /* * store digest */ digest[0] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &hash_pos[ 0]); digest[1] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &hash_pos[ 8]); digest[2] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &hash_pos[16]); digest[3] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &hash_pos[24]); digest[4] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &hash_pos[32]); /* * store salt */ char *salt_buf_ptr = (char *) salt->salt_buf; salt_len = parse_and_store_salt (salt_buf_ptr, salt_pos, salt_len, hashconfig); salt->salt_len = salt_len; return (PARSER_OK); } int bitcoin_wallet_parse_hash (char *input_buf, uint input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_11300) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_11300)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); if (memcmp (SIGNATURE_BITCOIN_WALLET, input_buf, 9)) return (PARSER_SIGNATURE_UNMATCHED); u32 *digest = (u32 *) hash_buf->digest; salt_t *salt = hash_buf->salt; bitcoin_wallet_t *bitcoin_wallet = (bitcoin_wallet_t *) hash_buf->esalt; /** * parse line */ char *cry_master_len_pos = input_buf + 9; char *cry_master_buf_pos = strchr (cry_master_len_pos, '$'); if (cry_master_buf_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); u32 cry_master_len_len = cry_master_buf_pos - cry_master_len_pos; cry_master_buf_pos++; char *cry_salt_len_pos = strchr (cry_master_buf_pos, '$'); if (cry_salt_len_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); u32 cry_master_buf_len = cry_salt_len_pos - cry_master_buf_pos; cry_salt_len_pos++; char *cry_salt_buf_pos = strchr (cry_salt_len_pos, '$'); if (cry_salt_buf_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); u32 cry_salt_len_len = cry_salt_buf_pos - cry_salt_len_pos; cry_salt_buf_pos++; char *cry_rounds_pos = strchr (cry_salt_buf_pos, '$'); if (cry_rounds_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); u32 cry_salt_buf_len = cry_rounds_pos - cry_salt_buf_pos; cry_rounds_pos++; char *ckey_len_pos = strchr (cry_rounds_pos, '$'); if (ckey_len_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); u32 cry_rounds_len = ckey_len_pos - cry_rounds_pos; ckey_len_pos++; char *ckey_buf_pos = strchr (ckey_len_pos, '$'); if (ckey_buf_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); u32 ckey_len_len = ckey_buf_pos - ckey_len_pos; ckey_buf_pos++; char *public_key_len_pos = strchr (ckey_buf_pos, '$'); if (public_key_len_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); u32 ckey_buf_len = public_key_len_pos - ckey_buf_pos; public_key_len_pos++; char *public_key_buf_pos = strchr (public_key_len_pos, '$'); if (public_key_buf_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); u32 public_key_len_len = public_key_buf_pos - public_key_len_pos; public_key_buf_pos++; u32 public_key_buf_len = input_len - 1 - 7 - 1 - cry_master_len_len - 1 - cry_master_buf_len - 1 - cry_salt_len_len - 1 - cry_salt_buf_len - 1 - cry_rounds_len - 1 - ckey_len_len - 1 - ckey_buf_len - 1 - public_key_len_len - 1; const uint cry_master_len = atoi (cry_master_len_pos); const uint cry_salt_len = atoi (cry_salt_len_pos); const uint ckey_len = atoi (ckey_len_pos); const uint public_key_len = atoi (public_key_len_pos); if (cry_master_buf_len != cry_master_len) return (PARSER_SALT_VALUE); if (cry_salt_buf_len != cry_salt_len) return (PARSER_SALT_VALUE); if (ckey_buf_len != ckey_len) return (PARSER_SALT_VALUE); if (public_key_buf_len != public_key_len) return (PARSER_SALT_VALUE); for (uint i = 0, j = 0; j < cry_master_len; i += 1, j += 8) { bitcoin_wallet->cry_master_buf[i] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &cry_master_buf_pos[j]); bitcoin_wallet->cry_master_buf[i] = byte_swap_32 (bitcoin_wallet->cry_master_buf[i]); } for (uint i = 0, j = 0; j < ckey_len; i += 1, j += 8) { bitcoin_wallet->ckey_buf[i] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &ckey_buf_pos[j]); bitcoin_wallet->ckey_buf[i] = byte_swap_32 (bitcoin_wallet->ckey_buf[i]); } for (uint i = 0, j = 0; j < public_key_len; i += 1, j += 8) { bitcoin_wallet->public_key_buf[i] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &public_key_buf_pos[j]); bitcoin_wallet->public_key_buf[i] = byte_swap_32 (bitcoin_wallet->public_key_buf[i]); } bitcoin_wallet->cry_master_len = cry_master_len / 2; bitcoin_wallet->ckey_len = ckey_len / 2; bitcoin_wallet->public_key_len = public_key_len / 2; /* * store digest (should be unique enought, hopefully) */ digest[0] = bitcoin_wallet->cry_master_buf[0]; digest[1] = bitcoin_wallet->cry_master_buf[1]; digest[2] = bitcoin_wallet->cry_master_buf[2]; digest[3] = bitcoin_wallet->cry_master_buf[3]; /* * store salt */ if (cry_rounds_len >= 7) return (PARSER_SALT_VALUE); const uint cry_rounds = atoi (cry_rounds_pos); salt->salt_iter = cry_rounds - 1; char *salt_buf_ptr = (char *) salt->salt_buf; const uint salt_len = parse_and_store_salt (salt_buf_ptr, cry_salt_buf_pos, cry_salt_buf_len, hashconfig); salt->salt_len = salt_len; return (PARSER_OK); } int sip_auth_parse_hash (char *input_buf, uint input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_11400) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_11400)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); if (memcmp (SIGNATURE_SIP_AUTH, input_buf, 6)) return (PARSER_SIGNATURE_UNMATCHED); u32 *digest = (u32 *) hash_buf->digest; salt_t *salt = hash_buf->salt; sip_t *sip = (sip_t *) hash_buf->esalt; // work with a temporary copy of input_buf (s.t. we can manipulate it directly) char *temp_input_buf = (char *) mymalloc (input_len + 1); memcpy (temp_input_buf, input_buf, input_len); // URI_server: char *URI_server_pos = temp_input_buf + 6; char *URI_client_pos = strchr (URI_server_pos, '*'); if (URI_client_pos == NULL) { myfree (temp_input_buf); return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); } URI_client_pos[0] = 0; URI_client_pos++; uint URI_server_len = strlen (URI_server_pos); if (URI_server_len > 512) { myfree (temp_input_buf); return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); } // URI_client: char *user_pos = strchr (URI_client_pos, '*'); if (user_pos == NULL) { myfree (temp_input_buf); return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); } user_pos[0] = 0; user_pos++; uint URI_client_len = strlen (URI_client_pos); if (URI_client_len > 512) { myfree (temp_input_buf); return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); } // user: char *realm_pos = strchr (user_pos, '*'); if (realm_pos == NULL) { myfree (temp_input_buf); return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); } realm_pos[0] = 0; realm_pos++; uint user_len = strlen (user_pos); if (user_len > 116) { myfree (temp_input_buf); return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); } // realm: char *method_pos = strchr (realm_pos, '*'); if (method_pos == NULL) { myfree (temp_input_buf); return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); } method_pos[0] = 0; method_pos++; uint realm_len = strlen (realm_pos); if (realm_len > 116) { myfree (temp_input_buf); return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); } // method: char *URI_prefix_pos = strchr (method_pos, '*'); if (URI_prefix_pos == NULL) { myfree (temp_input_buf); return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); } URI_prefix_pos[0] = 0; URI_prefix_pos++; uint method_len = strlen (method_pos); if (method_len > 246) { myfree (temp_input_buf); return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); } // URI_prefix: char *URI_resource_pos = strchr (URI_prefix_pos, '*'); if (URI_resource_pos == NULL) { myfree (temp_input_buf); return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); } URI_resource_pos[0] = 0; URI_resource_pos++; uint URI_prefix_len = strlen (URI_prefix_pos); if (URI_prefix_len > 245) { myfree (temp_input_buf); return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); } // URI_resource: char *URI_suffix_pos = strchr (URI_resource_pos, '*'); if (URI_suffix_pos == NULL) { myfree (temp_input_buf); return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); } URI_suffix_pos[0] = 0; URI_suffix_pos++; uint URI_resource_len = strlen (URI_resource_pos); if (URI_resource_len < 1 || URI_resource_len > 246) { myfree (temp_input_buf); return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); } // URI_suffix: char *nonce_pos = strchr (URI_suffix_pos, '*'); if (nonce_pos == NULL) { myfree (temp_input_buf); return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); } nonce_pos[0] = 0; nonce_pos++; uint URI_suffix_len = strlen (URI_suffix_pos); if (URI_suffix_len > 245) { myfree (temp_input_buf); return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); } // nonce: char *nonce_client_pos = strchr (nonce_pos, '*'); if (nonce_client_pos == NULL) { myfree (temp_input_buf); return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); } nonce_client_pos[0] = 0; nonce_client_pos++; uint nonce_len = strlen (nonce_pos); if (nonce_len < 1 || nonce_len > 50) { myfree (temp_input_buf); return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); } // nonce_client: char *nonce_count_pos = strchr (nonce_client_pos, '*'); if (nonce_count_pos == NULL) { myfree (temp_input_buf); return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); } nonce_count_pos[0] = 0; nonce_count_pos++; uint nonce_client_len = strlen (nonce_client_pos); if (nonce_client_len > 50) { myfree (temp_input_buf); return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); } // nonce_count: char *qop_pos = strchr (nonce_count_pos, '*'); if (qop_pos == NULL) { myfree (temp_input_buf); return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); } qop_pos[0] = 0; qop_pos++; uint nonce_count_len = strlen (nonce_count_pos); if (nonce_count_len > 50) { myfree (temp_input_buf); return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); } // qop: char *directive_pos = strchr (qop_pos, '*'); if (directive_pos == NULL) { myfree (temp_input_buf); return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); } directive_pos[0] = 0; directive_pos++; uint qop_len = strlen (qop_pos); if (qop_len > 50) { myfree (temp_input_buf); return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); } // directive char *digest_pos = strchr (directive_pos, '*'); if (digest_pos == NULL) { myfree (temp_input_buf); return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); } digest_pos[0] = 0; digest_pos++; uint directive_len = strlen (directive_pos); if (directive_len != 3) { myfree (temp_input_buf); return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); } if (memcmp (directive_pos, "MD5", 3)) { log_info ("ERROR: Only the MD5 directive is currently supported\n"); myfree (temp_input_buf); return (PARSER_SIP_AUTH_DIRECTIVE); } /* * first (pre-)compute: HA2 = md5 ($method . ":" . $uri) */ uint md5_len = 0; uint md5_max_len = 4 * 64; uint md5_remaining_len = md5_max_len; uint tmp_md5_buf[64] = { 0 }; char *tmp_md5_ptr = (char *) tmp_md5_buf; snprintf (tmp_md5_ptr, md5_remaining_len, "%s:", method_pos); md5_len += method_len + 1; tmp_md5_ptr += method_len + 1; if (URI_prefix_len > 0) { md5_remaining_len = md5_max_len - md5_len; snprintf (tmp_md5_ptr, md5_remaining_len + 1, "%s:", URI_prefix_pos); md5_len += URI_prefix_len + 1; tmp_md5_ptr += URI_prefix_len + 1; } md5_remaining_len = md5_max_len - md5_len; snprintf (tmp_md5_ptr, md5_remaining_len + 1, "%s", URI_resource_pos); md5_len += URI_resource_len; tmp_md5_ptr += URI_resource_len; if (URI_suffix_len > 0) { md5_remaining_len = md5_max_len - md5_len; snprintf (tmp_md5_ptr, md5_remaining_len + 1, ":%s", URI_suffix_pos); md5_len += 1 + URI_suffix_len; } uint tmp_digest[4] = { 0 }; md5_complete_no_limit (tmp_digest, tmp_md5_buf, md5_len); tmp_digest[0] = byte_swap_32 (tmp_digest[0]); tmp_digest[1] = byte_swap_32 (tmp_digest[1]); tmp_digest[2] = byte_swap_32 (tmp_digest[2]); tmp_digest[3] = byte_swap_32 (tmp_digest[3]); /* * esalt */ char *esalt_buf_ptr = (char *) sip->esalt_buf; uint esalt_len = 0; uint max_esalt_len = sizeof (sip->esalt_buf); // 151 = (64 + 64 + 55) - 32, where 32 is the hexadecimal MD5 HA1 hash // there are 2 possibilities for the esalt: if ((strcmp (qop_pos, "auth") == 0) || (strcmp (qop_pos, "auth-int") == 0)) { esalt_len = 1 + nonce_len + 1 + nonce_count_len + 1 + nonce_client_len + 1 + qop_len + 1 + 32; if (esalt_len > max_esalt_len) { myfree (temp_input_buf); return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); } snprintf (esalt_buf_ptr, max_esalt_len, ":%s:%s:%s:%s:%08x%08x%08x%08x", nonce_pos, nonce_count_pos, nonce_client_pos, qop_pos, tmp_digest[0], tmp_digest[1], tmp_digest[2], tmp_digest[3]); } else { esalt_len = 1 + nonce_len + 1 + 32; if (esalt_len > max_esalt_len) { myfree (temp_input_buf); return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); } snprintf (esalt_buf_ptr, max_esalt_len, ":%s:%08x%08x%08x%08x", nonce_pos, tmp_digest[0], tmp_digest[1], tmp_digest[2], tmp_digest[3]); } // add 0x80 to esalt esalt_buf_ptr[esalt_len] = 0x80; sip->esalt_len = esalt_len; /* * actual salt */ char *sip_salt_ptr = (char *) sip->salt_buf; uint salt_len = user_len + 1 + realm_len + 1; uint max_salt_len = 119; if (salt_len > max_salt_len) { myfree (temp_input_buf); return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); } snprintf (sip_salt_ptr, max_salt_len + 1, "%s:%s:", user_pos, realm_pos); sip->salt_len = salt_len; /* * fake salt (for sorting) */ char *salt_buf_ptr = (char *) salt->salt_buf; max_salt_len = 55; uint fake_salt_len = salt_len; if (fake_salt_len > max_salt_len) { fake_salt_len = max_salt_len; } snprintf (salt_buf_ptr, max_salt_len + 1, "%s:%s:", user_pos, realm_pos); salt->salt_len = fake_salt_len; /* * digest */ digest[0] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &digest_pos[ 0]); digest[1] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &digest_pos[ 8]); digest[2] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &digest_pos[16]); digest[3] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &digest_pos[24]); digest[0] = byte_swap_32 (digest[0]); digest[1] = byte_swap_32 (digest[1]); digest[2] = byte_swap_32 (digest[2]); digest[3] = byte_swap_32 (digest[3]); myfree (temp_input_buf); return (PARSER_OK); } int crc32_parse_hash (char *input_buf, uint input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_11500) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_11500)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); if (input_buf[8] != hashconfig->separator) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); u32 *digest = (u32 *) hash_buf->digest; salt_t *salt = hash_buf->salt; // digest char *digest_pos = input_buf; digest[0] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &digest_pos[0]); digest[1] = 0; digest[2] = 0; digest[3] = 0; // salt char *salt_buf = input_buf + 8 + 1; uint salt_len = 8; char *salt_buf_ptr = (char *) salt->salt_buf; salt_len = parse_and_store_salt (salt_buf_ptr, salt_buf, salt_len, hashconfig); if (salt_len == UINT_MAX) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); salt->salt_len = salt_len; return (PARSER_OK); } int seven_zip_parse_hash (char *input_buf, uint input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_11600) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_11600)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); if (memcmp (SIGNATURE_SEVEN_ZIP, input_buf, 4)) return (PARSER_SIGNATURE_UNMATCHED); u32 *digest = (u32 *) hash_buf->digest; salt_t *salt = hash_buf->salt; seven_zip_t *seven_zip = (seven_zip_t *) hash_buf->esalt; /** * parse line */ char *p_buf_pos = input_buf + 4; char *NumCyclesPower_pos = strchr (p_buf_pos, '$'); if (NumCyclesPower_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); u32 p_buf_len = NumCyclesPower_pos - p_buf_pos; NumCyclesPower_pos++; char *salt_len_pos = strchr (NumCyclesPower_pos, '$'); if (salt_len_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); u32 NumCyclesPower_len = salt_len_pos - NumCyclesPower_pos; salt_len_pos++; char *salt_buf_pos = strchr (salt_len_pos, '$'); if (salt_buf_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); u32 salt_len_len = salt_buf_pos - salt_len_pos; salt_buf_pos++; char *iv_len_pos = strchr (salt_buf_pos, '$'); if (iv_len_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); u32 salt_buf_len = iv_len_pos - salt_buf_pos; iv_len_pos++; char *iv_buf_pos = strchr (iv_len_pos, '$'); if (iv_buf_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); u32 iv_len_len = iv_buf_pos - iv_len_pos; iv_buf_pos++; char *crc_buf_pos = strchr (iv_buf_pos, '$'); if (crc_buf_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); u32 iv_buf_len = crc_buf_pos - iv_buf_pos; crc_buf_pos++; char *data_len_pos = strchr (crc_buf_pos, '$'); if (data_len_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); u32 crc_buf_len = data_len_pos - crc_buf_pos; data_len_pos++; char *unpack_size_pos = strchr (data_len_pos, '$'); if (unpack_size_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); u32 data_len_len = unpack_size_pos - data_len_pos; unpack_size_pos++; char *data_buf_pos = strchr (unpack_size_pos, '$'); if (data_buf_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); u32 unpack_size_len = data_buf_pos - unpack_size_pos; data_buf_pos++; u32 data_buf_len = input_len - 1 - 2 - 1 - p_buf_len - 1 - NumCyclesPower_len - 1 - salt_len_len - 1 - salt_buf_len - 1 - iv_len_len - 1 - iv_buf_len - 1 - crc_buf_len - 1 - data_len_len - 1 - unpack_size_len - 1; const uint iter = atoi (NumCyclesPower_pos); const uint crc = atoi (crc_buf_pos); const uint p_buf = atoi (p_buf_pos); const uint salt_len = atoi (salt_len_pos); const uint iv_len = atoi (iv_len_pos); const uint unpack_size = atoi (unpack_size_pos); const uint data_len = atoi (data_len_pos); /** * verify some data */ if (p_buf != 0) return (PARSER_SALT_VALUE); if (salt_len != 0) return (PARSER_SALT_VALUE); if ((data_len * 2) != data_buf_len) return (PARSER_SALT_VALUE); if (data_len > 384) return (PARSER_SALT_VALUE); if (unpack_size > data_len) return (PARSER_SALT_VALUE); /** * store data */ seven_zip->iv_buf[0] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &iv_buf_pos[ 0]); seven_zip->iv_buf[1] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &iv_buf_pos[ 8]); seven_zip->iv_buf[2] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &iv_buf_pos[16]); seven_zip->iv_buf[3] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &iv_buf_pos[24]); seven_zip->iv_len = iv_len; memcpy (seven_zip->salt_buf, salt_buf_pos, salt_buf_len); // we just need that for later ascii_digest() seven_zip->salt_len = 0; seven_zip->crc = crc; for (uint i = 0, j = 0; j < data_buf_len; i += 1, j += 8) { seven_zip->data_buf[i] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &data_buf_pos[j]); seven_zip->data_buf[i] = byte_swap_32 (seven_zip->data_buf[i]); } seven_zip->data_len = data_len; seven_zip->unpack_size = unpack_size; // real salt salt->salt_buf[0] = seven_zip->data_buf[0]; salt->salt_buf[1] = seven_zip->data_buf[1]; salt->salt_buf[2] = seven_zip->data_buf[2]; salt->salt_buf[3] = seven_zip->data_buf[3]; salt->salt_len = 16; salt->salt_sign[0] = iter; salt->salt_iter = 1u << iter; /** * digest */ digest[0] = crc; digest[1] = 0; digest[2] = 0; digest[3] = 0; return (PARSER_OK); } int gost2012sbog_256_parse_hash (char *input_buf, uint input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_11700) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_11700)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); u32 *digest = (u32 *) hash_buf->digest; digest[0] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[ 0]); digest[1] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[ 8]); digest[2] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[16]); digest[3] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[24]); digest[4] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[32]); digest[5] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[40]); digest[6] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[48]); digest[7] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[56]); digest[0] = byte_swap_32 (digest[0]); digest[1] = byte_swap_32 (digest[1]); digest[2] = byte_swap_32 (digest[2]); digest[3] = byte_swap_32 (digest[3]); digest[4] = byte_swap_32 (digest[4]); digest[5] = byte_swap_32 (digest[5]); digest[6] = byte_swap_32 (digest[6]); digest[7] = byte_swap_32 (digest[7]); return (PARSER_OK); } int gost2012sbog_512_parse_hash (char *input_buf, uint input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_11800) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_11800)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); u32 *digest = (u32 *) hash_buf->digest; digest[ 0] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[ 0]); digest[ 1] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[ 8]); digest[ 2] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[ 16]); digest[ 3] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[ 24]); digest[ 4] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[ 32]); digest[ 5] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[ 40]); digest[ 6] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[ 48]); digest[ 7] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[ 56]); digest[ 8] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[ 64]); digest[ 9] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[ 72]); digest[10] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[ 80]); digest[11] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[ 88]); digest[12] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[ 96]); digest[13] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[104]); digest[14] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[112]); digest[15] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[120]); digest[ 0] = byte_swap_32 (digest[ 0]); digest[ 1] = byte_swap_32 (digest[ 1]); digest[ 2] = byte_swap_32 (digest[ 2]); digest[ 3] = byte_swap_32 (digest[ 3]); digest[ 4] = byte_swap_32 (digest[ 4]); digest[ 5] = byte_swap_32 (digest[ 5]); digest[ 6] = byte_swap_32 (digest[ 6]); digest[ 7] = byte_swap_32 (digest[ 7]); digest[ 8] = byte_swap_32 (digest[ 8]); digest[ 9] = byte_swap_32 (digest[ 9]); digest[10] = byte_swap_32 (digest[10]); digest[11] = byte_swap_32 (digest[11]); digest[12] = byte_swap_32 (digest[12]); digest[13] = byte_swap_32 (digest[13]); digest[14] = byte_swap_32 (digest[14]); digest[15] = byte_swap_32 (digest[15]); return (PARSER_OK); } int pbkdf2_md5_parse_hash (char *input_buf, uint input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_11900) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_11900)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); if (memcmp (SIGNATURE_PBKDF2_MD5, input_buf, 4)) return (PARSER_SIGNATURE_UNMATCHED); u32 *digest = (u32 *) hash_buf->digest; salt_t *salt = hash_buf->salt; pbkdf2_md5_t *pbkdf2_md5 = (pbkdf2_md5_t *) hash_buf->esalt; /** * parse line */ // iterations char *iter_pos = input_buf + 4; u32 iter = atoi (iter_pos); if (iter < 1) return (PARSER_SALT_ITERATION); if (iter > 999999) return (PARSER_SALT_ITERATION); // first is *raw* salt char *salt_pos = strchr (iter_pos, ':'); if (salt_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); salt_pos++; char *hash_pos = strchr (salt_pos, ':'); if (hash_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); u32 salt_len = hash_pos - salt_pos; if (salt_len > 64) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); hash_pos++; u32 hash_b64_len = input_len - (hash_pos - input_buf); if (hash_b64_len > 88) return (PARSER_HASH_LENGTH); // decode salt char *salt_buf_ptr = (char *) pbkdf2_md5->salt_buf; salt_len = parse_and_store_salt (salt_buf_ptr, salt_pos, salt_len, hashconfig); if (salt_len == UINT_MAX) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); salt_buf_ptr[salt_len + 3] = 0x01; salt_buf_ptr[salt_len + 4] = 0x80; salt->salt_len = salt_len; salt->salt_iter = iter - 1; // decode hash u8 tmp_buf[100] = { 0 }; int hash_len = base64_decode (base64_to_int, (const u8 *) hash_pos, hash_b64_len, tmp_buf); if (hash_len < 16) return (PARSER_HASH_LENGTH); memcpy (digest, tmp_buf, 16); // add some stuff to normal salt to make sorted happy salt->salt_buf[0] = pbkdf2_md5->salt_buf[0]; salt->salt_buf[1] = pbkdf2_md5->salt_buf[1]; salt->salt_buf[2] = pbkdf2_md5->salt_buf[2]; salt->salt_buf[3] = pbkdf2_md5->salt_buf[3]; salt->salt_buf[4] = salt->salt_iter; return (PARSER_OK); } int pbkdf2_sha1_parse_hash (char *input_buf, uint input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_12000) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_12000)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); if (memcmp (SIGNATURE_PBKDF2_SHA1, input_buf, 5)) return (PARSER_SIGNATURE_UNMATCHED); u32 *digest = (u32 *) hash_buf->digest; salt_t *salt = hash_buf->salt; pbkdf2_sha1_t *pbkdf2_sha1 = (pbkdf2_sha1_t *) hash_buf->esalt; /** * parse line */ // iterations char *iter_pos = input_buf + 5; u32 iter = atoi (iter_pos); if (iter < 1) return (PARSER_SALT_ITERATION); if (iter > 999999) return (PARSER_SALT_ITERATION); // first is *raw* salt char *salt_pos = strchr (iter_pos, ':'); if (salt_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); salt_pos++; char *hash_pos = strchr (salt_pos, ':'); if (hash_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); u32 salt_len = hash_pos - salt_pos; if (salt_len > 64) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); hash_pos++; u32 hash_b64_len = input_len - (hash_pos - input_buf); if (hash_b64_len > 88) return (PARSER_HASH_LENGTH); // decode salt char *salt_buf_ptr = (char *) pbkdf2_sha1->salt_buf; salt_len = parse_and_store_salt (salt_buf_ptr, salt_pos, salt_len, hashconfig); if (salt_len == UINT_MAX) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); salt_buf_ptr[salt_len + 3] = 0x01; salt_buf_ptr[salt_len + 4] = 0x80; salt->salt_len = salt_len; salt->salt_iter = iter - 1; // decode hash u8 tmp_buf[100] = { 0 }; int hash_len = base64_decode (base64_to_int, (const u8 *) hash_pos, hash_b64_len, tmp_buf); if (hash_len < 16) return (PARSER_HASH_LENGTH); memcpy (digest, tmp_buf, 16); digest[0] = byte_swap_32 (digest[0]); digest[1] = byte_swap_32 (digest[1]); digest[2] = byte_swap_32 (digest[2]); digest[3] = byte_swap_32 (digest[3]); // add some stuff to normal salt to make sorted happy salt->salt_buf[0] = pbkdf2_sha1->salt_buf[0]; salt->salt_buf[1] = pbkdf2_sha1->salt_buf[1]; salt->salt_buf[2] = pbkdf2_sha1->salt_buf[2]; salt->salt_buf[3] = pbkdf2_sha1->salt_buf[3]; salt->salt_buf[4] = salt->salt_iter; return (PARSER_OK); } int pbkdf2_sha512_parse_hash (char *input_buf, uint input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_12100) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_12100)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); if (memcmp (SIGNATURE_PBKDF2_SHA512, input_buf, 7)) return (PARSER_SIGNATURE_UNMATCHED); u64 *digest = (u64 *) hash_buf->digest; salt_t *salt = hash_buf->salt; pbkdf2_sha512_t *pbkdf2_sha512 = (pbkdf2_sha512_t *) hash_buf->esalt; /** * parse line */ // iterations char *iter_pos = input_buf + 7; u32 iter = atoi (iter_pos); if (iter < 1) return (PARSER_SALT_ITERATION); if (iter > 999999) return (PARSER_SALT_ITERATION); // first is *raw* salt char *salt_pos = strchr (iter_pos, ':'); if (salt_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); salt_pos++; char *hash_pos = strchr (salt_pos, ':'); if (hash_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); u32 salt_len = hash_pos - salt_pos; if (salt_len > 64) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); hash_pos++; u32 hash_b64_len = input_len - (hash_pos - input_buf); if (hash_b64_len > 88) return (PARSER_HASH_LENGTH); // decode salt char *salt_buf_ptr = (char *) pbkdf2_sha512->salt_buf; salt_len = parse_and_store_salt (salt_buf_ptr, salt_pos, salt_len, hashconfig); if (salt_len == UINT_MAX) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); salt_buf_ptr[salt_len + 3] = 0x01; salt_buf_ptr[salt_len + 4] = 0x80; salt->salt_len = salt_len; salt->salt_iter = iter - 1; // decode hash u8 tmp_buf[100] = { 0 }; int hash_len = base64_decode (base64_to_int, (const u8 *) hash_pos, hash_b64_len, tmp_buf); if (hash_len < 16) return (PARSER_HASH_LENGTH); memcpy (digest, tmp_buf, 64); digest[0] = byte_swap_64 (digest[0]); digest[1] = byte_swap_64 (digest[1]); digest[2] = byte_swap_64 (digest[2]); digest[3] = byte_swap_64 (digest[3]); digest[4] = byte_swap_64 (digest[4]); digest[5] = byte_swap_64 (digest[5]); digest[6] = byte_swap_64 (digest[6]); digest[7] = byte_swap_64 (digest[7]); // add some stuff to normal salt to make sorted happy salt->salt_buf[0] = pbkdf2_sha512->salt_buf[0]; salt->salt_buf[1] = pbkdf2_sha512->salt_buf[1]; salt->salt_buf[2] = pbkdf2_sha512->salt_buf[2]; salt->salt_buf[3] = pbkdf2_sha512->salt_buf[3]; salt->salt_buf[4] = salt->salt_iter; return (PARSER_OK); } int ecryptfs_parse_hash (char *input_buf, uint input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_12200) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_12200)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); if (memcmp (SIGNATURE_ECRYPTFS, input_buf, 10)) return (PARSER_SIGNATURE_UNMATCHED); uint *digest = (uint *) hash_buf->digest; salt_t *salt = hash_buf->salt; /** * parse line */ char *salt_pos = input_buf + 10 + 2 + 2; // skip over "0$" and "1$" char *hash_pos = strchr (salt_pos, '$'); if (hash_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); u32 salt_len = hash_pos - salt_pos; if (salt_len != 16) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); hash_pos++; u32 hash_len = input_len - 10 - 2 - 2 - salt_len - 1; if (hash_len != 16) return (PARSER_HASH_LENGTH); // decode hash digest[ 0] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &hash_pos[0]); digest[ 1] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &hash_pos[8]); digest[ 2] = 0; digest[ 3] = 0; digest[ 4] = 0; digest[ 5] = 0; digest[ 6] = 0; digest[ 7] = 0; digest[ 8] = 0; digest[ 9] = 0; digest[10] = 0; digest[11] = 0; digest[12] = 0; digest[13] = 0; digest[14] = 0; digest[15] = 0; // decode salt salt->salt_buf[0] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &salt_pos[0]); salt->salt_buf[1] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &salt_pos[8]); salt->salt_iter = ROUNDS_ECRYPTFS; salt->salt_len = 8; return (PARSER_OK); } int bsdicrypt_parse_hash (char *input_buf, uint input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_12400) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_12400)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); if (memcmp (SIGNATURE_BSDICRYPT, input_buf, 1)) return (PARSER_SIGNATURE_UNMATCHED); unsigned char c19 = itoa64_to_int (input_buf[19]); if (c19 & 3) return (PARSER_HASH_VALUE); salt_t *salt = hash_buf->salt; u32 *digest = (u32 *) hash_buf->digest; // iteration count salt->salt_iter = itoa64_to_int (input_buf[1]) | itoa64_to_int (input_buf[2]) << 6 | itoa64_to_int (input_buf[3]) << 12 | itoa64_to_int (input_buf[4]) << 18; // set salt salt->salt_buf[0] = itoa64_to_int (input_buf[5]) | itoa64_to_int (input_buf[6]) << 6 | itoa64_to_int (input_buf[7]) << 12 | itoa64_to_int (input_buf[8]) << 18; salt->salt_len = 4; u8 tmp_buf[100] = { 0 }; base64_decode (itoa64_to_int, (const u8 *) input_buf + 9, 11, tmp_buf); memcpy (digest, tmp_buf, 8); uint tt; IP (digest[0], digest[1], tt); digest[0] = rotr32 (digest[0], 31); digest[1] = rotr32 (digest[1], 31); digest[2] = 0; digest[3] = 0; return (PARSER_OK); } int rar3hp_parse_hash (char *input_buf, uint input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_12500) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_12500)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); if (memcmp (SIGNATURE_RAR3, input_buf, 6)) return (PARSER_SIGNATURE_UNMATCHED); u32 *digest = (u32 *) hash_buf->digest; salt_t *salt = hash_buf->salt; /** * parse line */ char *type_pos = input_buf + 6 + 1; char *salt_pos = strchr (type_pos, '*'); if (salt_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); u32 type_len = salt_pos - type_pos; if (type_len != 1) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); salt_pos++; char *crypted_pos = strchr (salt_pos, '*'); if (crypted_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); u32 salt_len = crypted_pos - salt_pos; if (salt_len != 16) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); crypted_pos++; u32 crypted_len = input_len - 6 - 1 - type_len - 1 - salt_len - 1; if (crypted_len != 32) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); /** * copy data */ salt->salt_buf[0] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &salt_pos[0]); salt->salt_buf[1] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &salt_pos[8]); salt->salt_buf[0] = byte_swap_32 (salt->salt_buf[0]); salt->salt_buf[1] = byte_swap_32 (salt->salt_buf[1]); salt->salt_buf[2] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &crypted_pos[ 0]); salt->salt_buf[3] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &crypted_pos[ 8]); salt->salt_buf[4] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &crypted_pos[16]); salt->salt_buf[5] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &crypted_pos[24]); salt->salt_len = 24; salt->salt_iter = ROUNDS_RAR3; // there's no hash for rar3. the data which is in crypted_pos is some encrypted data and // if it matches the value \xc4\x3d\x7b\x00\x40\x07\x00 after decrypt we know that we successfully cracked it. digest[0] = 0xc43d7b00; digest[1] = 0x40070000; digest[2] = 0; digest[3] = 0; return (PARSER_OK); } int rar5_parse_hash (char *input_buf, uint input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_13000) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_13000)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); if (memcmp (SIGNATURE_RAR5, input_buf, 1 + 4 + 1)) return (PARSER_SIGNATURE_UNMATCHED); u32 *digest = (u32 *) hash_buf->digest; salt_t *salt = hash_buf->salt; rar5_t *rar5 = (rar5_t *) hash_buf->esalt; /** * parse line */ char *param0_pos = input_buf + 1 + 4 + 1; char *param1_pos = strchr (param0_pos, '$'); if (param1_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); u32 param0_len = param1_pos - param0_pos; param1_pos++; char *param2_pos = strchr (param1_pos, '$'); if (param2_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); u32 param1_len = param2_pos - param1_pos; param2_pos++; char *param3_pos = strchr (param2_pos, '$'); if (param3_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); u32 param2_len = param3_pos - param2_pos; param3_pos++; char *param4_pos = strchr (param3_pos, '$'); if (param4_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); u32 param3_len = param4_pos - param3_pos; param4_pos++; char *param5_pos = strchr (param4_pos, '$'); if (param5_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); u32 param4_len = param5_pos - param4_pos; param5_pos++; u32 param5_len = input_len - 1 - 4 - 1 - param0_len - 1 - param1_len - 1 - param2_len - 1 - param3_len - 1 - param4_len - 1; char *salt_buf = param1_pos; char *iv = param3_pos; char *pswcheck = param5_pos; const uint salt_len = atoi (param0_pos); const uint iterations = atoi (param2_pos); const uint pswcheck_len = atoi (param4_pos); /** * verify some data */ if (param1_len != 32) return (PARSER_SALT_VALUE); if (param3_len != 32) return (PARSER_SALT_VALUE); if (param5_len != 16) return (PARSER_SALT_VALUE); if (salt_len != 16) return (PARSER_SALT_VALUE); if (iterations == 0) return (PARSER_SALT_VALUE); if (pswcheck_len != 8) return (PARSER_SALT_VALUE); /** * store data */ salt->salt_buf[0] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &salt_buf[ 0]); salt->salt_buf[1] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &salt_buf[ 8]); salt->salt_buf[2] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &salt_buf[16]); salt->salt_buf[3] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &salt_buf[24]); rar5->iv[0] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &iv[ 0]); rar5->iv[1] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &iv[ 8]); rar5->iv[2] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &iv[16]); rar5->iv[3] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &iv[24]); salt->salt_len = 16; salt->salt_sign[0] = iterations; salt->salt_iter = ((1u << iterations) + 32) - 1; /** * digest buf */ digest[0] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &pswcheck[ 0]); digest[1] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &pswcheck[ 8]); digest[2] = 0; digest[3] = 0; return (PARSER_OK); } int krb5tgs_parse_hash (char *input_buf, uint input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_13100) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_13100)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); if (memcmp (SIGNATURE_KRB5TGS, input_buf, 11)) return (PARSER_SIGNATURE_UNMATCHED); u32 *digest = (u32 *) hash_buf->digest; salt_t *salt = hash_buf->salt; krb5tgs_t *krb5tgs = (krb5tgs_t *) hash_buf->esalt; /** * parse line */ /* Skip '$' */ char *account_pos = input_buf + 11 + 1; char *data_pos; uint data_len; if (account_pos[0] == '*') { account_pos++; data_pos = strchr (account_pos, '*'); /* Skip '*' */ data_pos++; if (data_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); uint account_len = data_pos - account_pos + 1; if (account_len >= 512) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); /* Skip '$' */ data_pos++; data_len = input_len - 11 - 1 - account_len - 2; memcpy (krb5tgs->account_info, account_pos - 1, account_len); } else { /* assume $krb5tgs$23$checksum$edata2 */ data_pos = account_pos; memcpy (krb5tgs->account_info, "**", 3); data_len = input_len - 11 - 1 - 1; } if (data_len < ((16 + 32) * 2)) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); char *checksum_ptr = (char *) krb5tgs->checksum; for (uint i = 0; i < 16 * 2; i += 2) { const char p0 = data_pos[i + 0]; const char p1 = data_pos[i + 1]; *checksum_ptr++ = hex_convert (p1) << 0 | hex_convert (p0) << 4; } char *edata_ptr = (char *) krb5tgs->edata2; krb5tgs->edata2_len = (data_len - 32) / 2 ; /* skip '$' */ for (uint i = 16 * 2 + 1; i < (krb5tgs->edata2_len * 2) + (16 * 2 + 1); i += 2) { const char p0 = data_pos[i + 0]; const char p1 = data_pos[i + 1]; *edata_ptr++ = hex_convert (p1) << 0 | hex_convert (p0) << 4; } /* this is needed for hmac_md5 */ *edata_ptr++ = 0x80; salt->salt_buf[0] = krb5tgs->checksum[0]; salt->salt_buf[1] = krb5tgs->checksum[1]; salt->salt_buf[2] = krb5tgs->checksum[2]; salt->salt_buf[3] = krb5tgs->checksum[3]; salt->salt_len = 32; digest[0] = krb5tgs->checksum[0]; digest[1] = krb5tgs->checksum[1]; digest[2] = krb5tgs->checksum[2]; digest[3] = krb5tgs->checksum[3]; return (PARSER_OK); } int axcrypt_parse_hash (char *input_buf, uint input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_13200) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_13200)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); if (memcmp (SIGNATURE_AXCRYPT, input_buf, 11)) return (PARSER_SIGNATURE_UNMATCHED); u32 *digest = (u32 *) hash_buf->digest; salt_t *salt = hash_buf->salt; /** * parse line */ /* Skip '*' */ char *wrapping_rounds_pos = input_buf + 11 + 1; char *salt_pos; char *wrapped_key_pos; char *data_pos; salt->salt_iter = atoi (wrapping_rounds_pos); salt_pos = strchr (wrapping_rounds_pos, '*'); if (salt_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); uint wrapping_rounds_len = salt_pos - wrapping_rounds_pos; /* Skip '*' */ salt_pos++; data_pos = salt_pos; wrapped_key_pos = strchr (salt_pos, '*'); if (wrapped_key_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); uint salt_len = wrapped_key_pos - salt_pos; if (salt_len != 32) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); /* Skip '*' */ wrapped_key_pos++; uint wrapped_key_len = input_len - 11 - 1 - wrapping_rounds_len - 1 - salt_len - 1; if (wrapped_key_len != 48) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); salt->salt_buf[0] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &data_pos[ 0]); salt->salt_buf[1] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &data_pos[ 8]); salt->salt_buf[2] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &data_pos[16]); salt->salt_buf[3] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &data_pos[24]); data_pos += 33; salt->salt_buf[4] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &data_pos[ 0]); salt->salt_buf[5] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &data_pos[ 8]); salt->salt_buf[6] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &data_pos[16]); salt->salt_buf[7] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &data_pos[24]); salt->salt_buf[8] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &data_pos[32]); salt->salt_buf[9] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &data_pos[40]); salt->salt_len = 40; digest[0] = salt->salt_buf[0]; digest[1] = salt->salt_buf[1]; digest[2] = salt->salt_buf[2]; digest[3] = salt->salt_buf[3]; return (PARSER_OK); } int keepass_parse_hash (char *input_buf, uint input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_13400) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_13400)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); if (memcmp (SIGNATURE_KEEPASS, input_buf, 9)) return (PARSER_SIGNATURE_UNMATCHED); u32 *digest = (u32 *) hash_buf->digest; salt_t *salt = hash_buf->salt; keepass_t *keepass = (keepass_t *) hash_buf->esalt; /** * parse line */ char *version_pos; char *rounds_pos; char *algorithm_pos; char *final_random_seed_pos; u32 final_random_seed_len; char *transf_random_seed_pos; u32 transf_random_seed_len; char *enc_iv_pos; u32 enc_iv_len; /* default is no keyfile provided */ char *keyfile_len_pos; u32 keyfile_len = 0; u32 is_keyfile_present = 0; char *keyfile_inline_pos; char *keyfile_pos; /* specific to version 1 */ char *contents_len_pos; u32 contents_len; char *contents_pos; /* specific to version 2 */ char *expected_bytes_pos; u32 expected_bytes_len; char *contents_hash_pos; u32 contents_hash_len; version_pos = input_buf + 8 + 1 + 1; keepass->version = atoi (version_pos); rounds_pos = strchr (version_pos, '*'); if (rounds_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); rounds_pos++; salt->salt_iter = (atoi (rounds_pos)); algorithm_pos = strchr (rounds_pos, '*'); if (algorithm_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); algorithm_pos++; keepass->algorithm = atoi (algorithm_pos); final_random_seed_pos = strchr (algorithm_pos, '*'); if (final_random_seed_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); final_random_seed_pos++; keepass->final_random_seed[0] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &final_random_seed_pos[ 0]); keepass->final_random_seed[1] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &final_random_seed_pos[ 8]); keepass->final_random_seed[2] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &final_random_seed_pos[16]); keepass->final_random_seed[3] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &final_random_seed_pos[24]); if (keepass->version == 2) { keepass->final_random_seed[4] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &final_random_seed_pos[32]); keepass->final_random_seed[5] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &final_random_seed_pos[40]); keepass->final_random_seed[6] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &final_random_seed_pos[48]); keepass->final_random_seed[7] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &final_random_seed_pos[56]); } transf_random_seed_pos = strchr (final_random_seed_pos, '*'); if (transf_random_seed_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); final_random_seed_len = transf_random_seed_pos - final_random_seed_pos; if (keepass->version == 1 && final_random_seed_len != 32) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); if (keepass->version == 2 && final_random_seed_len != 64) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); transf_random_seed_pos++; keepass->transf_random_seed[0] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &transf_random_seed_pos[ 0]); keepass->transf_random_seed[1] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &transf_random_seed_pos[ 8]); keepass->transf_random_seed[2] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &transf_random_seed_pos[16]); keepass->transf_random_seed[3] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &transf_random_seed_pos[24]); keepass->transf_random_seed[4] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &transf_random_seed_pos[32]); keepass->transf_random_seed[5] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &transf_random_seed_pos[40]); keepass->transf_random_seed[6] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &transf_random_seed_pos[48]); keepass->transf_random_seed[7] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &transf_random_seed_pos[56]); enc_iv_pos = strchr (transf_random_seed_pos, '*'); if (enc_iv_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); transf_random_seed_len = enc_iv_pos - transf_random_seed_pos; if (transf_random_seed_len != 64) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); enc_iv_pos++; keepass->enc_iv[0] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &enc_iv_pos[ 0]); keepass->enc_iv[1] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &enc_iv_pos[ 8]); keepass->enc_iv[2] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &enc_iv_pos[16]); keepass->enc_iv[3] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &enc_iv_pos[24]); if (keepass->version == 1) { contents_hash_pos = strchr (enc_iv_pos, '*'); if (contents_hash_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); enc_iv_len = contents_hash_pos - enc_iv_pos; if (enc_iv_len != 32) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); contents_hash_pos++; keepass->contents_hash[0] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &contents_hash_pos[ 0]); keepass->contents_hash[1] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &contents_hash_pos[ 8]); keepass->contents_hash[2] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &contents_hash_pos[16]); keepass->contents_hash[3] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &contents_hash_pos[24]); keepass->contents_hash[4] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &contents_hash_pos[32]); keepass->contents_hash[5] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &contents_hash_pos[40]); keepass->contents_hash[6] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &contents_hash_pos[48]); keepass->contents_hash[7] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &contents_hash_pos[56]); /* get length of contents following */ char *inline_flag_pos = strchr (contents_hash_pos, '*'); if (inline_flag_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); contents_hash_len = inline_flag_pos - contents_hash_pos; if (contents_hash_len != 64) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); inline_flag_pos++; u32 inline_flag = atoi (inline_flag_pos); if (inline_flag != 1) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); contents_len_pos = strchr (inline_flag_pos, '*'); if (contents_len_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); contents_len_pos++; contents_len = atoi (contents_len_pos); if (contents_len > 50000) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); contents_pos = strchr (contents_len_pos, '*'); if (contents_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); contents_pos++; u32 i; keepass->contents_len = contents_len; contents_len = contents_len / 4; keyfile_inline_pos = strchr (contents_pos, '*'); u32 real_contents_len; if (keyfile_inline_pos == NULL) real_contents_len = input_len - (contents_pos - input_buf); else { real_contents_len = keyfile_inline_pos - contents_pos; keyfile_inline_pos++; is_keyfile_present = 1; } if (real_contents_len != keepass->contents_len * 2) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); for (i = 0; i < contents_len; i++) keepass->contents[i] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &contents_pos[i * 8]); } else if (keepass->version == 2) { expected_bytes_pos = strchr (enc_iv_pos, '*'); if (expected_bytes_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); enc_iv_len = expected_bytes_pos - enc_iv_pos; if (enc_iv_len != 32) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); expected_bytes_pos++; keepass->expected_bytes[0] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &expected_bytes_pos[ 0]); keepass->expected_bytes[1] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &expected_bytes_pos[ 8]); keepass->expected_bytes[2] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &expected_bytes_pos[16]); keepass->expected_bytes[3] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &expected_bytes_pos[24]); keepass->expected_bytes[4] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &expected_bytes_pos[32]); keepass->expected_bytes[5] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &expected_bytes_pos[40]); keepass->expected_bytes[6] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &expected_bytes_pos[48]); keepass->expected_bytes[7] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &expected_bytes_pos[56]); contents_hash_pos = strchr (expected_bytes_pos, '*'); if (contents_hash_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); expected_bytes_len = contents_hash_pos - expected_bytes_pos; if (expected_bytes_len != 64) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); contents_hash_pos++; keepass->contents_hash[0] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &contents_hash_pos[ 0]); keepass->contents_hash[1] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &contents_hash_pos[ 8]); keepass->contents_hash[2] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &contents_hash_pos[16]); keepass->contents_hash[3] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &contents_hash_pos[24]); keepass->contents_hash[4] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &contents_hash_pos[32]); keepass->contents_hash[5] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &contents_hash_pos[40]); keepass->contents_hash[6] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &contents_hash_pos[48]); keepass->contents_hash[7] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &contents_hash_pos[56]); keyfile_inline_pos = strchr (contents_hash_pos, '*'); if (keyfile_inline_pos == NULL) contents_hash_len = input_len - (int) (contents_hash_pos - input_buf); else { contents_hash_len = keyfile_inline_pos - contents_hash_pos; keyfile_inline_pos++; is_keyfile_present = 1; } if (contents_hash_len != 64) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); } if (is_keyfile_present != 0) { keyfile_len_pos = strchr (keyfile_inline_pos, '*'); keyfile_len_pos++; keyfile_len = atoi (keyfile_len_pos); keepass->keyfile_len = keyfile_len; if (keyfile_len != 64) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); keyfile_pos = strchr (keyfile_len_pos, '*'); if (keyfile_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); keyfile_pos++; u32 real_keyfile_len = input_len - (keyfile_pos - input_buf); if (real_keyfile_len != 64) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); keepass->keyfile[0] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &keyfile_pos[ 0]); keepass->keyfile[1] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &keyfile_pos[ 8]); keepass->keyfile[2] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &keyfile_pos[16]); keepass->keyfile[3] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &keyfile_pos[24]); keepass->keyfile[4] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &keyfile_pos[32]); keepass->keyfile[5] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &keyfile_pos[40]); keepass->keyfile[6] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &keyfile_pos[48]); keepass->keyfile[7] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &keyfile_pos[56]); } digest[0] = keepass->enc_iv[0]; digest[1] = keepass->enc_iv[1]; digest[2] = keepass->enc_iv[2]; digest[3] = keepass->enc_iv[3]; salt->salt_buf[0] = keepass->transf_random_seed[0]; salt->salt_buf[1] = keepass->transf_random_seed[1]; salt->salt_buf[2] = keepass->transf_random_seed[2]; salt->salt_buf[3] = keepass->transf_random_seed[3]; salt->salt_buf[4] = keepass->transf_random_seed[4]; salt->salt_buf[5] = keepass->transf_random_seed[5]; salt->salt_buf[6] = keepass->transf_random_seed[6]; salt->salt_buf[7] = keepass->transf_random_seed[7]; return (PARSER_OK); } int cf10_parse_hash (char *input_buf, uint input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_12600) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_12600)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); u32 *digest = (u32 *) hash_buf->digest; salt_t *salt = hash_buf->salt; digest[0] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[ 0]); digest[1] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[ 8]); digest[2] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[16]); digest[3] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[24]); digest[4] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[32]); digest[5] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[40]); digest[6] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[48]); digest[7] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[56]); if (input_buf[64] != hashconfig->separator) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); uint salt_len = input_len - 64 - 1; char *salt_buf = input_buf + 64 + 1; char *salt_buf_ptr = (char *) salt->salt_buf; salt_len = parse_and_store_salt (salt_buf_ptr, salt_buf, salt_len, hashconfig); if (salt_len == UINT_MAX) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); salt->salt_len = salt_len; /** * we can precompute the first sha256 transform */ uint w[16] = { 0 }; w[ 0] = byte_swap_32 (salt->salt_buf[ 0]); w[ 1] = byte_swap_32 (salt->salt_buf[ 1]); w[ 2] = byte_swap_32 (salt->salt_buf[ 2]); w[ 3] = byte_swap_32 (salt->salt_buf[ 3]); w[ 4] = byte_swap_32 (salt->salt_buf[ 4]); w[ 5] = byte_swap_32 (salt->salt_buf[ 5]); w[ 6] = byte_swap_32 (salt->salt_buf[ 6]); w[ 7] = byte_swap_32 (salt->salt_buf[ 7]); w[ 8] = byte_swap_32 (salt->salt_buf[ 8]); w[ 9] = byte_swap_32 (salt->salt_buf[ 9]); w[10] = byte_swap_32 (salt->salt_buf[10]); w[11] = byte_swap_32 (salt->salt_buf[11]); w[12] = byte_swap_32 (salt->salt_buf[12]); w[13] = byte_swap_32 (salt->salt_buf[13]); w[14] = byte_swap_32 (salt->salt_buf[14]); w[15] = byte_swap_32 (salt->salt_buf[15]); uint pc256[8] = { SHA256M_A, SHA256M_B, SHA256M_C, SHA256M_D, SHA256M_E, SHA256M_F, SHA256M_G, SHA256M_H }; sha256_64 (w, pc256); salt->salt_buf_pc[0] = pc256[0]; salt->salt_buf_pc[1] = pc256[1]; salt->salt_buf_pc[2] = pc256[2]; salt->salt_buf_pc[3] = pc256[3]; salt->salt_buf_pc[4] = pc256[4]; salt->salt_buf_pc[5] = pc256[5]; salt->salt_buf_pc[6] = pc256[6]; salt->salt_buf_pc[7] = pc256[7]; digest[0] -= pc256[0]; digest[1] -= pc256[1]; digest[2] -= pc256[2]; digest[3] -= pc256[3]; digest[4] -= pc256[4]; digest[5] -= pc256[5]; digest[6] -= pc256[6]; digest[7] -= pc256[7]; return (PARSER_OK); } int mywallet_parse_hash (char *input_buf, uint input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_12700) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_12700)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); if (memcmp (SIGNATURE_MYWALLET, input_buf, 12)) return (PARSER_SIGNATURE_UNMATCHED); u32 *digest = (u32 *) hash_buf->digest; salt_t *salt = hash_buf->salt; /** * parse line */ char *data_len_pos = input_buf + 1 + 10 + 1; char *data_buf_pos = strchr (data_len_pos, '$'); if (data_buf_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); u32 data_len_len = data_buf_pos - data_len_pos; if (data_len_len < 1) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); if (data_len_len > 5) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); data_buf_pos++; u32 data_buf_len = input_len - 1 - 10 - 1 - data_len_len - 1; if (data_buf_len < 64) return (PARSER_HASH_LENGTH); if (data_buf_len % 16) return (PARSER_HASH_LENGTH); u32 data_len = atoi (data_len_pos); if ((data_len * 2) != data_buf_len) return (PARSER_HASH_LENGTH); /** * salt */ char *salt_pos = data_buf_pos; salt->salt_buf[0] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &salt_pos[ 0]); salt->salt_buf[1] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &salt_pos[ 8]); salt->salt_buf[2] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &salt_pos[16]); salt->salt_buf[3] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &salt_pos[24]); // this is actually the CT, which is also the hash later (if matched) salt->salt_buf[4] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &salt_pos[32]); salt->salt_buf[5] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &salt_pos[40]); salt->salt_buf[6] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &salt_pos[48]); salt->salt_buf[7] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &salt_pos[56]); salt->salt_len = 32; // note we need to fix this to 16 in kernel salt->salt_iter = 10 - 1; /** * digest buf */ digest[0] = salt->salt_buf[4]; digest[1] = salt->salt_buf[5]; digest[2] = salt->salt_buf[6]; digest[3] = salt->salt_buf[7]; return (PARSER_OK); } int ms_drsr_parse_hash (char *input_buf, uint input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_12800) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_12800)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); if (memcmp (SIGNATURE_MS_DRSR, input_buf, 11)) return (PARSER_SIGNATURE_UNMATCHED); u32 *digest = (u32 *) hash_buf->digest; salt_t *salt = hash_buf->salt; /** * parse line */ char *salt_pos = input_buf + 11 + 1; char *iter_pos = strchr (salt_pos, ','); if (iter_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); u32 salt_len = iter_pos - salt_pos; if (salt_len != 20) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); iter_pos++; char *hash_pos = strchr (iter_pos, ','); if (hash_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); u32 iter_len = hash_pos - iter_pos; if (iter_len > 5) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); hash_pos++; u32 hash_len = input_len - 11 - 1 - salt_len - 1 - iter_len - 1; if (hash_len != 64) return (PARSER_HASH_LENGTH); /** * salt */ salt->salt_buf[0] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &salt_pos[ 0]); salt->salt_buf[1] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &salt_pos[ 8]); salt->salt_buf[2] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &salt_pos[16]) & 0xffff0000; salt->salt_buf[3] = 0x00018000; salt->salt_buf[0] = byte_swap_32 (salt->salt_buf[0]); salt->salt_buf[1] = byte_swap_32 (salt->salt_buf[1]); salt->salt_buf[2] = byte_swap_32 (salt->salt_buf[2]); salt->salt_buf[3] = byte_swap_32 (salt->salt_buf[3]); salt->salt_len = salt_len / 2; salt->salt_iter = atoi (iter_pos) - 1u; /** * digest buf */ digest[0] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &hash_pos[ 0]); digest[1] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &hash_pos[ 8]); digest[2] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &hash_pos[16]); digest[3] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &hash_pos[24]); digest[4] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &hash_pos[32]); digest[5] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &hash_pos[40]); digest[6] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &hash_pos[48]); digest[7] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &hash_pos[56]); return (PARSER_OK); } int androidfde_samsung_parse_hash (char *input_buf, uint input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_12900) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_12900)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); u32 *digest = (u32 *) hash_buf->digest; salt_t *salt = hash_buf->salt; /** * parse line */ char *hash_pos = input_buf + 64; char *salt1_pos = input_buf + 128; char *salt2_pos = input_buf; /** * salt */ salt->salt_buf[ 0] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &salt1_pos[ 0]); salt->salt_buf[ 1] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &salt1_pos[ 8]); salt->salt_buf[ 2] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &salt1_pos[16]); salt->salt_buf[ 3] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &salt1_pos[24]); salt->salt_buf[ 4] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &salt2_pos[ 0]); salt->salt_buf[ 5] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &salt2_pos[ 8]); salt->salt_buf[ 6] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &salt2_pos[16]); salt->salt_buf[ 7] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &salt2_pos[24]); salt->salt_buf[ 8] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &salt2_pos[32]); salt->salt_buf[ 9] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &salt2_pos[40]); salt->salt_buf[10] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &salt2_pos[48]); salt->salt_buf[11] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &salt2_pos[56]); salt->salt_len = 48; salt->salt_iter = ROUNDS_ANDROIDFDE_SAMSUNG - 1; /** * digest buf */ digest[0] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &hash_pos[ 0]); digest[1] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &hash_pos[ 8]); digest[2] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &hash_pos[16]); digest[3] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &hash_pos[24]); digest[4] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &hash_pos[32]); digest[5] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &hash_pos[40]); digest[6] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &hash_pos[48]); digest[7] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &hash_pos[56]); return (PARSER_OK); } int zip2_parse_hash (char *input_buf, uint input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_13600) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_13600)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); if (memcmp (SIGNATURE_ZIP2_START, input_buf , 6)) return (PARSER_SIGNATURE_UNMATCHED); if (memcmp (SIGNATURE_ZIP2_STOP , input_buf + input_len - 7, 7)) return (PARSER_SIGNATURE_UNMATCHED); u32 *digest = (u32 *) hash_buf->digest; salt_t *salt = hash_buf->salt; zip2_t *zip2 = (zip2_t *) hash_buf->esalt; /** * parse line */ char *param0_pos = input_buf + 6 + 1; char *param1_pos = strchr (param0_pos, '*'); if (param1_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); u32 param0_len = param1_pos - param0_pos; param1_pos++; char *param2_pos = strchr (param1_pos, '*'); if (param2_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); u32 param1_len = param2_pos - param1_pos; param2_pos++; char *param3_pos = strchr (param2_pos, '*'); if (param3_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); u32 param2_len = param3_pos - param2_pos; param3_pos++; char *param4_pos = strchr (param3_pos, '*'); if (param4_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); u32 param3_len = param4_pos - param3_pos; param4_pos++; char *param5_pos = strchr (param4_pos, '*'); if (param5_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); u32 param4_len = param5_pos - param4_pos; param5_pos++; char *param6_pos = strchr (param5_pos, '*'); if (param6_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); u32 param5_len = param6_pos - param5_pos; param6_pos++; char *param7_pos = strchr (param6_pos, '*'); if (param7_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); u32 param6_len = param7_pos - param6_pos; param7_pos++; char *param8_pos = strchr (param7_pos, '*'); if (param8_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); u32 param7_len = param8_pos - param7_pos; param8_pos++; const uint type = atoi (param0_pos); const uint mode = atoi (param1_pos); const uint magic = atoi (param2_pos); char *salt_buf = param3_pos; uint verify_bytes; sscanf (param4_pos, "%4x*", &verify_bytes); const uint compress_length = atoi (param5_pos); char *data_buf = param6_pos; char *auth = param7_pos; /** * verify some data */ if (param0_len != 1) return (PARSER_SALT_VALUE); if (param1_len != 1) return (PARSER_SALT_VALUE); if (param2_len != 1) return (PARSER_SALT_VALUE); if ((param3_len != 16) && (param3_len != 24) && (param3_len != 32)) return (PARSER_SALT_VALUE); if (param4_len >= 5) return (PARSER_SALT_VALUE); if (param5_len >= 5) return (PARSER_SALT_VALUE); if (param6_len >= 8192) return (PARSER_SALT_VALUE); if (param6_len & 1) return (PARSER_SALT_VALUE); if (param7_len != 20) return (PARSER_SALT_VALUE); if (type != 0) return (PARSER_SALT_VALUE); if ((mode != 1) && (mode != 2) && (mode != 3)) return (PARSER_SALT_VALUE); if (magic != 0) return (PARSER_SALT_VALUE); if (verify_bytes >= 0x10000) return (PARSER_SALT_VALUE); /** * store data */ zip2->type = type; zip2->mode = mode; zip2->magic = magic; if (mode == 1) { zip2->salt_buf[0] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &salt_buf[ 0]); zip2->salt_buf[1] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &salt_buf[ 8]); zip2->salt_buf[2] = 0; zip2->salt_buf[3] = 0; zip2->salt_len = 8; } else if (mode == 2) { zip2->salt_buf[0] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &salt_buf[ 0]); zip2->salt_buf[1] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &salt_buf[ 8]); zip2->salt_buf[2] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &salt_buf[16]); zip2->salt_buf[3] = 0; zip2->salt_len = 12; } else if (mode == 3) { zip2->salt_buf[0] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &salt_buf[ 0]); zip2->salt_buf[1] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &salt_buf[ 8]); zip2->salt_buf[2] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &salt_buf[16]); zip2->salt_buf[3] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &salt_buf[24]); zip2->salt_len = 16; } zip2->salt_buf[0] = byte_swap_32 (zip2->salt_buf[0]); zip2->salt_buf[1] = byte_swap_32 (zip2->salt_buf[1]); zip2->salt_buf[2] = byte_swap_32 (zip2->salt_buf[2]); zip2->salt_buf[3] = byte_swap_32 (zip2->salt_buf[3]); zip2->verify_bytes = verify_bytes; zip2->compress_length = compress_length; char *data_buf_ptr = (char *) zip2->data_buf; for (uint i = 0; i < param6_len; i += 2) { const char p0 = data_buf[i + 0]; const char p1 = data_buf[i + 1]; *data_buf_ptr++ = hex_convert (p1) << 0 | hex_convert (p0) << 4; zip2->data_len++; } *data_buf_ptr = 0x80; char *auth_ptr = (char *) zip2->auth_buf; for (uint i = 0; i < param7_len; i += 2) { const char p0 = auth[i + 0]; const char p1 = auth[i + 1]; *auth_ptr++ = hex_convert (p1) << 0 | hex_convert (p0) << 4; zip2->auth_len++; } /** * salt buf (fake) */ salt->salt_buf[0] = zip2->salt_buf[0]; salt->salt_buf[1] = zip2->salt_buf[1]; salt->salt_buf[2] = zip2->salt_buf[2]; salt->salt_buf[3] = zip2->salt_buf[3]; salt->salt_buf[4] = zip2->data_buf[0]; salt->salt_buf[5] = zip2->data_buf[1]; salt->salt_buf[6] = zip2->data_buf[2]; salt->salt_buf[7] = zip2->data_buf[3]; salt->salt_len = 32; salt->salt_iter = ROUNDS_ZIP2 - 1; /** * digest buf (fake) */ digest[0] = zip2->auth_buf[0]; digest[1] = zip2->auth_buf[1]; digest[2] = zip2->auth_buf[2]; digest[3] = zip2->auth_buf[3]; return (PARSER_OK); } int win8phone_parse_hash (char *input_buf, uint input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_13800) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_13800)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH); u32 *digest = (u32 *) hash_buf->digest; salt_t *salt = hash_buf->salt; win8phone_t *esalt = hash_buf->esalt; digest[0] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[ 0]); digest[1] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[ 8]); digest[2] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[16]); digest[3] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[24]); digest[4] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[32]); digest[5] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[40]); digest[6] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[48]); digest[7] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[56]); if (input_buf[64] != hashconfig->separator) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); char *salt_buf_ptr = input_buf + 64 + 1; u32 *salt_buf = esalt->salt_buf; for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < 32; i += 1, j += 8) { salt_buf[i] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &salt_buf_ptr[j]); } salt->salt_buf[0] = salt_buf[0]; salt->salt_buf[1] = salt_buf[1]; salt->salt_buf[2] = salt_buf[2]; salt->salt_buf[3] = salt_buf[3]; salt->salt_buf[4] = salt_buf[4]; salt->salt_buf[5] = salt_buf[5]; salt->salt_buf[6] = salt_buf[6]; salt->salt_buf[7] = salt_buf[7]; salt->salt_len = 64; return (PARSER_OK); } /** * output */ char *stroptitype (const uint opti_type) { switch (opti_type) { case OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE: return ((char *) OPTI_STR_ZERO_BYTE); case OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_INIT: return ((char *) OPTI_STR_PRECOMPUTE_INIT); case OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_MERKLE: return ((char *) OPTI_STR_PRECOMPUTE_MERKLE); case OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_PERMUT: return ((char *) OPTI_STR_PRECOMPUTE_PERMUT); case OPTI_TYPE_MEET_IN_MIDDLE: return ((char *) OPTI_STR_MEET_IN_MIDDLE); case OPTI_TYPE_EARLY_SKIP: return ((char *) OPTI_STR_EARLY_SKIP); case OPTI_TYPE_NOT_SALTED: return ((char *) OPTI_STR_NOT_SALTED); case OPTI_TYPE_NOT_ITERATED: return ((char *) OPTI_STR_NOT_ITERATED); case OPTI_TYPE_PREPENDED_SALT: return ((char *) OPTI_STR_PREPENDED_SALT); case OPTI_TYPE_APPENDED_SALT: return ((char *) OPTI_STR_APPENDED_SALT); case OPTI_TYPE_SINGLE_HASH: return ((char *) OPTI_STR_SINGLE_HASH); case OPTI_TYPE_SINGLE_SALT: return ((char *) OPTI_STR_SINGLE_SALT); case OPTI_TYPE_BRUTE_FORCE: return ((char *) OPTI_STR_BRUTE_FORCE); case OPTI_TYPE_RAW_HASH: return ((char *) OPTI_STR_RAW_HASH); case OPTI_TYPE_SLOW_HASH_SIMD: return ((char *) OPTI_STR_SLOW_HASH_SIMD); case OPTI_TYPE_USES_BITS_8: return ((char *) OPTI_STR_USES_BITS_8); case OPTI_TYPE_USES_BITS_16: return ((char *) OPTI_STR_USES_BITS_16); case OPTI_TYPE_USES_BITS_32: return ((char *) OPTI_STR_USES_BITS_32); case OPTI_TYPE_USES_BITS_64: return ((char *) OPTI_STR_USES_BITS_64); } return (NULL); } char *strhashtype (const uint hash_mode) { switch (hash_mode) { case 0: return ((char *) HT_00000); case 10: return ((char *) HT_00010); case 11: return ((char *) HT_00011); case 12: return ((char *) HT_00012); case 20: return ((char *) HT_00020); case 21: return ((char *) HT_00021); case 22: return ((char *) HT_00022); case 23: return ((char *) HT_00023); case 30: return ((char *) HT_00030); case 40: return ((char *) HT_00040); case 50: return ((char *) HT_00050); case 60: return ((char *) HT_00060); case 100: return ((char *) HT_00100); case 101: return ((char *) HT_00101); case 110: return ((char *) HT_00110); case 111: return ((char *) HT_00111); case 112: return ((char *) HT_00112); case 120: return ((char *) HT_00120); case 121: return ((char *) HT_00121); case 122: return ((char *) HT_00122); case 124: return ((char *) HT_00124); case 125: return ((char *) HT_00125); case 130: return ((char *) HT_00130); case 131: return ((char *) HT_00131); case 132: return ((char *) HT_00132); case 133: return ((char *) HT_00133); case 140: return ((char *) HT_00140); case 141: return ((char *) HT_00141); case 150: return ((char *) HT_00150); case 160: return ((char *) HT_00160); case 200: return ((char *) HT_00200); case 300: return ((char *) HT_00300); case 400: return ((char *) HT_00400); case 500: return ((char *) HT_00500); case 501: return ((char *) HT_00501); case 900: return ((char *) HT_00900); case 910: return ((char *) HT_00910); case 1000: return ((char *) HT_01000); case 1100: return ((char *) HT_01100); case 1400: return ((char *) HT_01400); case 1410: return ((char *) HT_01410); case 1420: return ((char *) HT_01420); case 1421: return ((char *) HT_01421); case 1430: return ((char *) HT_01430); case 1440: return ((char *) HT_01440); case 1441: return ((char *) HT_01441); case 1450: return ((char *) HT_01450); case 1460: return ((char *) HT_01460); case 1500: return ((char *) HT_01500); case 1600: return ((char *) HT_01600); case 1700: return ((char *) HT_01700); case 1710: return ((char *) HT_01710); case 1711: return ((char *) HT_01711); case 1720: return ((char *) HT_01720); case 1722: return ((char *) HT_01722); case 1730: return ((char *) HT_01730); case 1731: return ((char *) HT_01731); case 1740: return ((char *) HT_01740); case 1750: return ((char *) HT_01750); case 1760: return ((char *) HT_01760); case 1800: return ((char *) HT_01800); case 2100: return ((char *) HT_02100); case 2400: return ((char *) HT_02400); case 2410: return ((char *) HT_02410); case 2500: return ((char *) HT_02500); case 2600: return ((char *) HT_02600); case 2611: return ((char *) HT_02611); case 2612: return ((char *) HT_02612); case 2711: return ((char *) HT_02711); case 2811: return ((char *) HT_02811); case 3000: return ((char *) HT_03000); case 3100: return ((char *) HT_03100); case 3200: return ((char *) HT_03200); case 3710: return ((char *) HT_03710); case 3711: return ((char *) HT_03711); case 3800: return ((char *) HT_03800); case 4300: return ((char *) HT_04300); case 4400: return ((char *) HT_04400); case 4500: return ((char *) HT_04500); case 4700: return ((char *) HT_04700); case 4800: return ((char *) HT_04800); case 4900: return ((char *) HT_04900); case 5000: return ((char *) HT_05000); case 5100: return ((char *) HT_05100); case 5200: return ((char *) HT_05200); case 5300: return ((char *) HT_05300); case 5400: return ((char *) HT_05400); case 5500: return ((char *) HT_05500); case 5600: return ((char *) HT_05600); case 5700: return ((char *) HT_05700); case 5800: return ((char *) HT_05800); case 6000: return ((char *) HT_06000); case 6100: return ((char *) HT_06100); case 6211: return ((char *) HT_06211); case 6212: return ((char *) HT_06212); case 6213: return ((char *) HT_06213); case 6221: return ((char *) HT_06221); case 6222: return ((char *) HT_06222); case 6223: return ((char *) HT_06223); case 6231: return ((char *) HT_06231); case 6232: return ((char *) HT_06232); case 6233: return ((char *) HT_06233); case 6241: return ((char *) HT_06241); case 6242: return ((char *) HT_06242); case 6243: return ((char *) HT_06243); case 6300: return ((char *) HT_06300); case 6400: return ((char *) HT_06400); case 6500: return ((char *) HT_06500); case 6600: return ((char *) HT_06600); case 6700: return ((char *) HT_06700); case 6800: return ((char *) HT_06800); case 6900: return ((char *) HT_06900); case 7100: return ((char *) HT_07100); case 7200: return ((char *) HT_07200); case 7300: return ((char *) HT_07300); case 7400: return ((char *) HT_07400); case 7500: return ((char *) HT_07500); case 7600: return ((char *) HT_07600); case 7700: return ((char *) HT_07700); case 7800: return ((char *) HT_07800); case 7900: return ((char *) HT_07900); case 8000: return ((char *) HT_08000); case 8100: return ((char *) HT_08100); case 8200: return ((char *) HT_08200); case 8300: return ((char *) HT_08300); case 8400: return ((char *) HT_08400); case 8500: return ((char *) HT_08500); case 8600: return ((char *) HT_08600); case 8700: return ((char *) HT_08700); case 8800: return ((char *) HT_08800); case 8900: return ((char *) HT_08900); case 9000: return ((char *) HT_09000); case 9100: return ((char *) HT_09100); case 9200: return ((char *) HT_09200); case 9300: return ((char *) HT_09300); case 9400: return ((char *) HT_09400); case 9500: return ((char *) HT_09500); case 9600: return ((char *) HT_09600); case 9700: return ((char *) HT_09700); case 9710: return ((char *) HT_09710); case 9720: return ((char *) HT_09720); case 9800: return ((char *) HT_09800); case 9810: return ((char *) HT_09810); case 9820: return ((char *) HT_09820); case 9900: return ((char *) HT_09900); case 10000: return ((char *) HT_10000); case 10100: return ((char *) HT_10100); case 10200: return ((char *) HT_10200); case 10300: return ((char *) HT_10300); case 10400: return ((char *) HT_10400); case 10410: return ((char *) HT_10410); case 10420: return ((char *) HT_10420); case 10500: return ((char *) HT_10500); case 10600: return ((char *) HT_10600); case 10700: return ((char *) HT_10700); case 10800: return ((char *) HT_10800); case 10900: return ((char *) HT_10900); case 11000: return ((char *) HT_11000); case 11100: return ((char *) HT_11100); case 11200: return ((char *) HT_11200); case 11300: return ((char *) HT_11300); case 11400: return ((char *) HT_11400); case 11500: return ((char *) HT_11500); case 11600: return ((char *) HT_11600); case 11700: return ((char *) HT_11700); case 11800: return ((char *) HT_11800); case 11900: return ((char *) HT_11900); case 12000: return ((char *) HT_12000); case 12100: return ((char *) HT_12100); case 12200: return ((char *) HT_12200); case 12300: return ((char *) HT_12300); case 12400: return ((char *) HT_12400); case 12500: return ((char *) HT_12500); case 12600: return ((char *) HT_12600); case 12700: return ((char *) HT_12700); case 12800: return ((char *) HT_12800); case 12900: return ((char *) HT_12900); case 13000: return ((char *) HT_13000); case 13100: return ((char *) HT_13100); case 13200: return ((char *) HT_13200); case 13300: return ((char *) HT_13300); case 13400: return ((char *) HT_13400); case 13500: return ((char *) HT_13500); case 13600: return ((char *) HT_13600); case 13711: return ((char *) HT_13711); case 13712: return ((char *) HT_13712); case 13713: return ((char *) HT_13713); case 13721: return ((char *) HT_13721); case 13722: return ((char *) HT_13722); case 13723: return ((char *) HT_13723); case 13731: return ((char *) HT_13731); case 13732: return ((char *) HT_13732); case 13733: return ((char *) HT_13733); case 13741: return ((char *) HT_13741); case 13742: return ((char *) HT_13742); case 13743: return ((char *) HT_13743); case 13751: return ((char *) HT_13751); case 13752: return ((char *) HT_13752); case 13753: return ((char *) HT_13753); case 13761: return ((char *) HT_13761); case 13762: return ((char *) HT_13762); case 13763: return ((char *) HT_13763); case 13800: return ((char *) HT_13800); case 13900: return ((char *) HT_13900); case 14000: return ((char *) HT_14000); case 14100: return ((char *) HT_14100); } return ((char *) "Unknown"); } char *strparser (const uint parser_status) { switch (parser_status) { case PARSER_OK: return ((char *) PA_000); case PARSER_COMMENT: return ((char *) PA_001); case PARSER_GLOBAL_ZERO: return ((char *) PA_002); case PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH: return ((char *) PA_003); case PARSER_HASH_LENGTH: return ((char *) PA_004); case PARSER_HASH_VALUE: return ((char *) PA_005); case PARSER_SALT_LENGTH: return ((char *) PA_006); case PARSER_SALT_VALUE: return ((char *) PA_007); case PARSER_SALT_ITERATION: return ((char *) PA_008); case PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED: return ((char *) PA_009); case PARSER_SIGNATURE_UNMATCHED: return ((char *) PA_010); case PARSER_HCCAP_FILE_SIZE: return ((char *) PA_011); case PARSER_HCCAP_EAPOL_SIZE: return ((char *) PA_012); case PARSER_PSAFE2_FILE_SIZE: return ((char *) PA_013); case PARSER_PSAFE3_FILE_SIZE: return ((char *) PA_014); case PARSER_TC_FILE_SIZE: return ((char *) PA_015); case PARSER_SIP_AUTH_DIRECTIVE: return ((char *) PA_016); } return ((char *) PA_255); } void to_hccap_t (hccap_t *hccap, const uint salt_pos, const uint digest_pos, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig, const hashes_t *hashes) { const void *digests_buf = hashes->digests_buf; const salt_t *salts_buf = hashes->salts_buf; const void *esalts_buf = hashes->esalts_buf; memset (hccap, 0, sizeof (hccap_t)); const salt_t *salt = &salts_buf[salt_pos]; memcpy (hccap->essid, salt->salt_buf, salt->salt_len); wpa_t *wpas = (wpa_t *) esalts_buf; wpa_t *wpa = &wpas[salt_pos]; hccap->keyver = wpa->keyver; hccap->eapol_size = wpa->eapol_size; if (wpa->keyver != 1) { uint eapol_tmp[64] = { 0 }; for (uint i = 0; i < 64; i++) { eapol_tmp[i] = byte_swap_32 (wpa->eapol[i]); } memcpy (hccap->eapol, eapol_tmp, wpa->eapol_size); } else { memcpy (hccap->eapol, wpa->eapol, wpa->eapol_size); } memcpy (hccap->mac1, wpa->orig_mac1, 6); memcpy (hccap->mac2, wpa->orig_mac2, 6); memcpy (hccap->nonce1, wpa->orig_nonce1, 32); memcpy (hccap->nonce2, wpa->orig_nonce2, 32); char *digests_buf_ptr = (char *) digests_buf; uint dgst_size = hashconfig->dgst_size; uint *digest_ptr = (uint *) (digests_buf_ptr + (salts_buf[salt_pos].digests_offset * dgst_size) + (digest_pos * dgst_size)); if (wpa->keyver != 1) { uint digest_tmp[4] = { 0 }; digest_tmp[0] = byte_swap_32 (digest_ptr[0]); digest_tmp[1] = byte_swap_32 (digest_ptr[1]); digest_tmp[2] = byte_swap_32 (digest_ptr[2]); digest_tmp[3] = byte_swap_32 (digest_ptr[3]); memcpy (hccap->keymic, digest_tmp, 16); } else { memcpy (hccap->keymic, digest_ptr, 16); } } void ascii_digest (char *out_buf, const uint salt_pos, const uint digest_pos, const hashconfig_t *hashconfig, const hashes_t *hashes) { void *digests_buf = hashes->digests_buf; salt_t *salts_buf = hashes->salts_buf; void *esalts_buf = hashes->esalts_buf; hashinfo_t **hash_info = hashes->hash_info; char *hashfile = hashes->hashfile; const uint hash_type = hashconfig->hash_type; const uint hash_mode = hashconfig->hash_mode; const uint salt_type = hashconfig->salt_type; const uint opts_type = hashconfig->opts_type; const uint opti_type = hashconfig->opti_type; const uint dgst_size = hashconfig->dgst_size; uint len = 4096; u8 datax[256] = { 0 }; u64 *digest_buf64 = (u64 *) datax; u32 *digest_buf = (u32 *) datax; char *digests_buf_ptr = (char *) digests_buf; memcpy (digest_buf, digests_buf_ptr + (salts_buf[salt_pos].digests_offset * dgst_size) + (digest_pos * dgst_size), dgst_size); if (opti_type & OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_PERMUT) { uint tt; switch (hash_type) { case HASH_TYPE_DES: FP (digest_buf[1], digest_buf[0], tt); break; case HASH_TYPE_DESCRYPT: FP (digest_buf[1], digest_buf[0], tt); break; case HASH_TYPE_DESRACF: digest_buf[0] = rotl32 (digest_buf[0], 29); digest_buf[1] = rotl32 (digest_buf[1], 29); FP (digest_buf[1], digest_buf[0], tt); break; case HASH_TYPE_LM: FP (digest_buf[1], digest_buf[0], tt); break; case HASH_TYPE_NETNTLM: digest_buf[0] = rotl32 (digest_buf[0], 29); digest_buf[1] = rotl32 (digest_buf[1], 29); digest_buf[2] = rotl32 (digest_buf[2], 29); digest_buf[3] = rotl32 (digest_buf[3], 29); FP (digest_buf[1], digest_buf[0], tt); FP (digest_buf[3], digest_buf[2], tt); break; case HASH_TYPE_BSDICRYPT: digest_buf[0] = rotl32 (digest_buf[0], 31); digest_buf[1] = rotl32 (digest_buf[1], 31); FP (digest_buf[1], digest_buf[0], tt); break; } } if (opti_type & OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_MERKLE) { switch (hash_type) { case HASH_TYPE_MD4: digest_buf[0] += MD4M_A; digest_buf[1] += MD4M_B; digest_buf[2] += MD4M_C; digest_buf[3] += MD4M_D; break; case HASH_TYPE_MD5: digest_buf[0] += MD5M_A; digest_buf[1] += MD5M_B; digest_buf[2] += MD5M_C; digest_buf[3] += MD5M_D; break; case HASH_TYPE_SHA1: digest_buf[0] += SHA1M_A; digest_buf[1] += SHA1M_B; digest_buf[2] += SHA1M_C; digest_buf[3] += SHA1M_D; digest_buf[4] += SHA1M_E; break; case HASH_TYPE_SHA256: digest_buf[0] += SHA256M_A; digest_buf[1] += SHA256M_B; digest_buf[2] += SHA256M_C; digest_buf[3] += SHA256M_D; digest_buf[4] += SHA256M_E; digest_buf[5] += SHA256M_F; digest_buf[6] += SHA256M_G; digest_buf[7] += SHA256M_H; break; case HASH_TYPE_SHA384: digest_buf64[0] += SHA384M_A; digest_buf64[1] += SHA384M_B; digest_buf64[2] += SHA384M_C; digest_buf64[3] += SHA384M_D; digest_buf64[4] += SHA384M_E; digest_buf64[5] += SHA384M_F; digest_buf64[6] += 0; digest_buf64[7] += 0; break; case HASH_TYPE_SHA512: digest_buf64[0] += SHA512M_A; digest_buf64[1] += SHA512M_B; digest_buf64[2] += SHA512M_C; digest_buf64[3] += SHA512M_D; digest_buf64[4] += SHA512M_E; digest_buf64[5] += SHA512M_F; digest_buf64[6] += SHA512M_G; digest_buf64[7] += SHA512M_H; break; } } if (opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_LE) { if (dgst_size == DGST_SIZE_4_2) { for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) digest_buf[i] = byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[i]); } else if (dgst_size == DGST_SIZE_4_4) { for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) digest_buf[i] = byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[i]); } else if (dgst_size == DGST_SIZE_4_5) { for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) digest_buf[i] = byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[i]); } else if (dgst_size == DGST_SIZE_4_6) { for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) digest_buf[i] = byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[i]); } else if (dgst_size == DGST_SIZE_4_8) { for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) digest_buf[i] = byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[i]); } else if ((dgst_size == DGST_SIZE_4_16) || (dgst_size == DGST_SIZE_8_8)) // same size, same result :) { if (hash_type == HASH_TYPE_WHIRLPOOL) { for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) digest_buf[i] = byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[i]); } else if (hash_type == HASH_TYPE_SHA384) { for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) digest_buf64[i] = byte_swap_64 (digest_buf64[i]); } else if (hash_type == HASH_TYPE_SHA512) { for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) digest_buf64[i] = byte_swap_64 (digest_buf64[i]); } else if (hash_type == HASH_TYPE_GOST) { for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) digest_buf[i] = byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[i]); } } else if (dgst_size == DGST_SIZE_4_64) { for (int i = 0; i < 64; i++) digest_buf[i] = byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[i]); } else if (dgst_size == DGST_SIZE_8_25) { for (int i = 0; i < 25; i++) digest_buf64[i] = byte_swap_64 (digest_buf64[i]); } } uint isSalted = ((hashconfig->salt_type == SALT_TYPE_INTERN) | (hashconfig->salt_type == SALT_TYPE_EXTERN) | (hashconfig->salt_type == SALT_TYPE_EMBEDDED)); salt_t salt; if (isSalted) { memset (&salt, 0, sizeof (salt_t)); memcpy (&salt, &salts_buf[salt_pos], sizeof (salt_t)); char *ptr = (char *) salt.salt_buf; uint len = salt.salt_len; if (opti_type & OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_PERMUT) { uint tt; switch (hash_type) { case HASH_TYPE_NETNTLM: salt.salt_buf[0] = rotr32 (salt.salt_buf[0], 3); salt.salt_buf[1] = rotr32 (salt.salt_buf[1], 3); FP (salt.salt_buf[1], salt.salt_buf[0], tt); break; } } if (opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_ST_UNICODE) { for (uint i = 0, j = 0; i < len; i += 1, j += 2) { ptr[i] = ptr[j]; } len = len / 2; } if (opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_ST_GENERATE_LE) { uint max = salt.salt_len / 4; if (len % 4) max++; for (uint i = 0; i < max; i++) { salt.salt_buf[i] = byte_swap_32 (salt.salt_buf[i]); } } if (opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_ST_HEX) { char tmp[64] = { 0 }; for (uint i = 0, j = 0; i < len; i += 1, j += 2) { sprintf (tmp + j, "%02x", (unsigned char) ptr[i]); } len = len * 2; memcpy (ptr, tmp, len); } uint memset_size = ((48 - (int) len) > 0) ? (48 - len) : 0; memset (ptr + len, 0, memset_size); salt.salt_len = len; } // // some modes require special encoding // uint out_buf_plain[256] = { 0 }; uint out_buf_salt[256] = { 0 }; char tmp_buf[1024] = { 0 }; char *ptr_plain = (char *) out_buf_plain; char *ptr_salt = (char *) out_buf_salt; if (hash_mode == 22) { char username[30] = { 0 }; memcpy (username, salt.salt_buf, salt.salt_len - 22); char sig[6] = { 'n', 'r', 'c', 's', 't', 'n' }; u16 *ptr = (u16 *) digest_buf; tmp_buf[ 0] = sig[0]; tmp_buf[ 1] = int_to_base64 (((ptr[1]) >> 12) & 0x3f); tmp_buf[ 2] = int_to_base64 (((ptr[1]) >> 6) & 0x3f); tmp_buf[ 3] = int_to_base64 (((ptr[1]) >> 0) & 0x3f); tmp_buf[ 4] = int_to_base64 (((ptr[0]) >> 12) & 0x3f); tmp_buf[ 5] = int_to_base64 (((ptr[0]) >> 6) & 0x3f); tmp_buf[ 6] = sig[1]; tmp_buf[ 7] = int_to_base64 (((ptr[0]) >> 0) & 0x3f); tmp_buf[ 8] = int_to_base64 (((ptr[3]) >> 12) & 0x3f); tmp_buf[ 9] = int_to_base64 (((ptr[3]) >> 6) & 0x3f); tmp_buf[10] = int_to_base64 (((ptr[3]) >> 0) & 0x3f); tmp_buf[11] = int_to_base64 (((ptr[2]) >> 12) & 0x3f); tmp_buf[12] = sig[2]; tmp_buf[13] = int_to_base64 (((ptr[2]) >> 6) & 0x3f); tmp_buf[14] = int_to_base64 (((ptr[2]) >> 0) & 0x3f); tmp_buf[15] = int_to_base64 (((ptr[5]) >> 12) & 0x3f); tmp_buf[16] = int_to_base64 (((ptr[5]) >> 6) & 0x3f); tmp_buf[17] = sig[3]; tmp_buf[18] = int_to_base64 (((ptr[5]) >> 0) & 0x3f); tmp_buf[19] = int_to_base64 (((ptr[4]) >> 12) & 0x3f); tmp_buf[20] = int_to_base64 (((ptr[4]) >> 6) & 0x3f); tmp_buf[21] = int_to_base64 (((ptr[4]) >> 0) & 0x3f); tmp_buf[22] = int_to_base64 (((ptr[7]) >> 12) & 0x3f); tmp_buf[23] = sig[4]; tmp_buf[24] = int_to_base64 (((ptr[7]) >> 6) & 0x3f); tmp_buf[25] = int_to_base64 (((ptr[7]) >> 0) & 0x3f); tmp_buf[26] = int_to_base64 (((ptr[6]) >> 12) & 0x3f); tmp_buf[27] = int_to_base64 (((ptr[6]) >> 6) & 0x3f); tmp_buf[28] = int_to_base64 (((ptr[6]) >> 0) & 0x3f); tmp_buf[29] = sig[5]; snprintf (out_buf, len-1, "%s:%s", tmp_buf, username); } else if (hash_mode == 23) { // do not show the skyper part in output char *salt_buf_ptr = (char *) salt.salt_buf; salt_buf_ptr[salt.salt_len - 8] = 0; snprintf (out_buf, len-1, "%08x%08x%08x%08x:%s", digest_buf[0], digest_buf[1], digest_buf[2], digest_buf[3], salt_buf_ptr); } else if (hash_mode == 101) { // the encoder is a bit too intelligent, it expects the input data in the wrong BOM digest_buf[0] = byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[0]); digest_buf[1] = byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[1]); digest_buf[2] = byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[2]); digest_buf[3] = byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[3]); digest_buf[4] = byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[4]); memcpy (tmp_buf, digest_buf, 20); base64_encode (int_to_base64, (const u8 *) tmp_buf, 20, (u8 *) ptr_plain); snprintf (out_buf, len-1, "{SHA}%s", ptr_plain); } else if (hash_mode == 111) { // the encoder is a bit too intelligent, it expects the input data in the wrong BOM digest_buf[0] = byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[0]); digest_buf[1] = byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[1]); digest_buf[2] = byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[2]); digest_buf[3] = byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[3]); digest_buf[4] = byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[4]); memcpy (tmp_buf, digest_buf, 20); memcpy (tmp_buf + 20, salt.salt_buf, salt.salt_len); base64_encode (int_to_base64, (const u8 *) tmp_buf, 20 + salt.salt_len, (u8 *) ptr_plain); snprintf (out_buf, len-1, "{SSHA}%s", ptr_plain); } else if ((hash_mode == 122) || (hash_mode == 125)) { snprintf (out_buf, len-1, "%s%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x", (char *) salt.salt_buf, digest_buf[0], digest_buf[1], digest_buf[2], digest_buf[3], digest_buf[4]); } else if (hash_mode == 124) { snprintf (out_buf, len-1, "sha1$%s$%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x", (char *) salt.salt_buf, digest_buf[0], digest_buf[1], digest_buf[2], digest_buf[3], digest_buf[4]); } else if (hash_mode == 131) { snprintf (out_buf, len-1, "0x0100%s%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x", (char *) salt.salt_buf, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, digest_buf[0], digest_buf[1], digest_buf[2], digest_buf[3], digest_buf[4]); } else if (hash_mode == 132) { snprintf (out_buf, len-1, "0x0100%s%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x", (char *) salt.salt_buf, digest_buf[0], digest_buf[1], digest_buf[2], digest_buf[3], digest_buf[4]); } else if (hash_mode == 133) { // the encoder is a bit too intelligent, it expects the input data in the wrong BOM digest_buf[0] = byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[0]); digest_buf[1] = byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[1]); digest_buf[2] = byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[2]); digest_buf[3] = byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[3]); digest_buf[4] = byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[4]); memcpy (tmp_buf, digest_buf, 20); base64_encode (int_to_base64, (const u8 *) tmp_buf, 20, (u8 *) ptr_plain); snprintf (out_buf, len-1, "%s", ptr_plain); } else if (hash_mode == 141) { memcpy (tmp_buf, salt.salt_buf, salt.salt_len); base64_encode (int_to_base64, (const u8 *) tmp_buf, salt.salt_len, (u8 *) ptr_salt); memset (tmp_buf, 0, sizeof (tmp_buf)); // the encoder is a bit too intelligent, it expects the input data in the wrong BOM digest_buf[0] = byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[0]); digest_buf[1] = byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[1]); digest_buf[2] = byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[2]); digest_buf[3] = byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[3]); digest_buf[4] = byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[4]); memcpy (tmp_buf, digest_buf, 20); base64_encode (int_to_base64, (const u8 *) tmp_buf, 20, (u8 *) ptr_plain); ptr_plain[27] = 0; snprintf (out_buf, len-1, "%s%s*%s", SIGNATURE_EPISERVER, ptr_salt, ptr_plain); } else if (hash_mode == 400) { // the encoder is a bit too intelligent, it expects the input data in the wrong BOM digest_buf[0] = byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[0]); digest_buf[1] = byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[1]); digest_buf[2] = byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[2]); digest_buf[3] = byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[3]); phpass_encode ((unsigned char *) digest_buf, (unsigned char *) ptr_plain); snprintf (out_buf, len-1, "%s%s%s", (char *) salt.salt_sign, (char *) salt.salt_buf, (char *) ptr_plain); } else if (hash_mode == 500) { // the encoder is a bit too intelligent, it expects the input data in the wrong BOM digest_buf[0] = byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[0]); digest_buf[1] = byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[1]); digest_buf[2] = byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[2]); digest_buf[3] = byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[3]); md5crypt_encode ((unsigned char *) digest_buf, (unsigned char *) ptr_plain); if (salt.salt_iter == ROUNDS_MD5CRYPT) { snprintf (out_buf, len-1, "$1$%s$%s", (char *) salt.salt_buf, (char *) ptr_plain); } else { snprintf (out_buf, len-1, "$1$rounds=%i$%s$%s", salt.salt_iter, (char *) salt.salt_buf, (char *) ptr_plain); } } else if (hash_mode == 501) { uint digest_idx = salt.digests_offset + digest_pos; hashinfo_t **hashinfo_ptr = hash_info; char *hash_buf = hashinfo_ptr[digest_idx]->orighash; snprintf (out_buf, len-1, "%s", hash_buf); } else if (hash_mode == 1421) { u8 *salt_ptr = (u8 *) salt.salt_buf; snprintf (out_buf, len-1, "%c%c%c%c%c%c%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x", salt_ptr[0], salt_ptr[1], salt_ptr[2], salt_ptr[3], salt_ptr[4], salt_ptr[5], digest_buf[0], digest_buf[1], digest_buf[2], digest_buf[3], digest_buf[4], digest_buf[5], digest_buf[6], digest_buf[7]); } else if (hash_mode == 1441) { memcpy (tmp_buf, salt.salt_buf, salt.salt_len); base64_encode (int_to_base64, (const u8 *) tmp_buf, salt.salt_len, (u8 *) ptr_salt); memset (tmp_buf, 0, sizeof (tmp_buf)); // the encoder is a bit too intelligent, it expects the input data in the wrong BOM digest_buf[0] = byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[0]); digest_buf[1] = byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[1]); digest_buf[2] = byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[2]); digest_buf[3] = byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[3]); digest_buf[4] = byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[4]); digest_buf[5] = byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[5]); digest_buf[6] = byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[6]); digest_buf[7] = byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[7]); memcpy (tmp_buf, digest_buf, 32); base64_encode (int_to_base64, (const u8 *) tmp_buf, 32, (u8 *) ptr_plain); ptr_plain[43] = 0; snprintf (out_buf, len-1, "%s%s*%s", SIGNATURE_EPISERVER4, ptr_salt, ptr_plain); } else if (hash_mode == 1500) { out_buf[0] = salt.salt_sign[0] & 0xff; out_buf[1] = salt.salt_sign[1] & 0xff; //original method, but changed because of this ticket: https://hashcat.net/trac/ticket/269 //out_buf[0] = int_to_itoa64 ((salt.salt_buf[0] >> 0) & 0x3f); //out_buf[1] = int_to_itoa64 ((salt.salt_buf[0] >> 6) & 0x3f); memset (tmp_buf, 0, sizeof (tmp_buf)); // the encoder is a bit too intelligent, it expects the input data in the wrong BOM digest_buf[0] = byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[0]); digest_buf[1] = byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[1]); memcpy (tmp_buf, digest_buf, 8); base64_encode (int_to_itoa64, (const u8 *) tmp_buf, 8, (u8 *) ptr_plain); snprintf (out_buf + 2, len-1-2, "%s", ptr_plain); out_buf[13] = 0; } else if (hash_mode == 1600) { // the encoder is a bit too intelligent, it expects the input data in the wrong BOM digest_buf[0] = byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[0]); digest_buf[1] = byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[1]); digest_buf[2] = byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[2]); digest_buf[3] = byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[3]); md5crypt_encode ((unsigned char *) digest_buf, (unsigned char *) ptr_plain); if (salt.salt_iter == ROUNDS_MD5CRYPT) { snprintf (out_buf, len-1, "$apr1$%s$%s", (char *) salt.salt_buf, (char *) ptr_plain); } else { snprintf (out_buf, len-1, "$apr1$rounds=%i$%s$%s", salt.salt_iter, (char *) salt.salt_buf, (char *) ptr_plain); } } else if (hash_mode == 1711) { // the encoder is a bit too intelligent, it expects the input data in the wrong BOM digest_buf64[0] = byte_swap_64 (digest_buf64[0]); digest_buf64[1] = byte_swap_64 (digest_buf64[1]); digest_buf64[2] = byte_swap_64 (digest_buf64[2]); digest_buf64[3] = byte_swap_64 (digest_buf64[3]); digest_buf64[4] = byte_swap_64 (digest_buf64[4]); digest_buf64[5] = byte_swap_64 (digest_buf64[5]); digest_buf64[6] = byte_swap_64 (digest_buf64[6]); digest_buf64[7] = byte_swap_64 (digest_buf64[7]); memcpy (tmp_buf, digest_buf, 64); memcpy (tmp_buf + 64, salt.salt_buf, salt.salt_len); base64_encode (int_to_base64, (const u8 *) tmp_buf, 64 + salt.salt_len, (u8 *) ptr_plain); snprintf (out_buf, len-1, "%s%s", SIGNATURE_SHA512B64S, ptr_plain); } else if (hash_mode == 1722) { uint *ptr = digest_buf; snprintf (out_buf, len-1, "%s%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x", (unsigned char *) salt.salt_buf, ptr[ 1], ptr[ 0], ptr[ 3], ptr[ 2], ptr[ 5], ptr[ 4], ptr[ 7], ptr[ 6], ptr[ 9], ptr[ 8], ptr[11], ptr[10], ptr[13], ptr[12], ptr[15], ptr[14]); } else if (hash_mode == 1731) { uint *ptr = digest_buf; snprintf (out_buf, len-1, "0x0200%s%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x", (unsigned char *) salt.salt_buf, ptr[ 1], ptr[ 0], ptr[ 3], ptr[ 2], ptr[ 5], ptr[ 4], ptr[ 7], ptr[ 6], ptr[ 9], ptr[ 8], ptr[11], ptr[10], ptr[13], ptr[12], ptr[15], ptr[14]); } else if (hash_mode == 1800) { // temp workaround digest_buf64[0] = byte_swap_64 (digest_buf64[0]); digest_buf64[1] = byte_swap_64 (digest_buf64[1]); digest_buf64[2] = byte_swap_64 (digest_buf64[2]); digest_buf64[3] = byte_swap_64 (digest_buf64[3]); digest_buf64[4] = byte_swap_64 (digest_buf64[4]); digest_buf64[5] = byte_swap_64 (digest_buf64[5]); digest_buf64[6] = byte_swap_64 (digest_buf64[6]); digest_buf64[7] = byte_swap_64 (digest_buf64[7]); sha512crypt_encode ((unsigned char *) digest_buf64, (unsigned char *) ptr_plain); if (salt.salt_iter == ROUNDS_SHA512CRYPT) { snprintf (out_buf, len-1, "$6$%s$%s", (char *) salt.salt_buf, (char *) ptr_plain); } else { snprintf (out_buf, len-1, "$6$rounds=%i$%s$%s", salt.salt_iter, (char *) salt.salt_buf, (char *) ptr_plain); } } else if (hash_mode == 2100) { uint pos = 0; snprintf (out_buf + pos, len-1, "%s%i#", SIGNATURE_DCC2, salt.salt_iter + 1); uint signature_len = strlen (out_buf); pos += signature_len; len -= signature_len; char *salt_ptr = (char *) salt.salt_buf; for (uint i = 0; i < salt.salt_len; i++, pos++, len--) snprintf (out_buf + pos, len-1, "%c", salt_ptr[i]); snprintf (out_buf + pos, len-1, "#%08x%08x%08x%08x", byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[0]), byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[1]), byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[2]), byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[3])); } else if ((hash_mode == 2400) || (hash_mode == 2410)) { memcpy (tmp_buf, digest_buf, 16); // the encoder is a bit too intelligent, it expects the input data in the wrong BOM digest_buf[0] = byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[0]); digest_buf[1] = byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[1]); digest_buf[2] = byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[2]); digest_buf[3] = byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[3]); out_buf[ 0] = int_to_itoa64 ((digest_buf[0] >> 0) & 0x3f); out_buf[ 1] = int_to_itoa64 ((digest_buf[0] >> 6) & 0x3f); out_buf[ 2] = int_to_itoa64 ((digest_buf[0] >> 12) & 0x3f); out_buf[ 3] = int_to_itoa64 ((digest_buf[0] >> 18) & 0x3f); out_buf[ 4] = int_to_itoa64 ((digest_buf[1] >> 0) & 0x3f); out_buf[ 5] = int_to_itoa64 ((digest_buf[1] >> 6) & 0x3f); out_buf[ 6] = int_to_itoa64 ((digest_buf[1] >> 12) & 0x3f); out_buf[ 7] = int_to_itoa64 ((digest_buf[1] >> 18) & 0x3f); out_buf[ 8] = int_to_itoa64 ((digest_buf[2] >> 0) & 0x3f); out_buf[ 9] = int_to_itoa64 ((digest_buf[2] >> 6) & 0x3f); out_buf[10] = int_to_itoa64 ((digest_buf[2] >> 12) & 0x3f); out_buf[11] = int_to_itoa64 ((digest_buf[2] >> 18) & 0x3f); out_buf[12] = int_to_itoa64 ((digest_buf[3] >> 0) & 0x3f); out_buf[13] = int_to_itoa64 ((digest_buf[3] >> 6) & 0x3f); out_buf[14] = int_to_itoa64 ((digest_buf[3] >> 12) & 0x3f); out_buf[15] = int_to_itoa64 ((digest_buf[3] >> 18) & 0x3f); out_buf[16] = 0; } else if (hash_mode == 2500) { wpa_t *wpas = (wpa_t *) esalts_buf; wpa_t *wpa = &wpas[salt_pos]; snprintf (out_buf, len-1, "%s:%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x:%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x", (char *) salt.salt_buf, wpa->orig_mac1[0], wpa->orig_mac1[1], wpa->orig_mac1[2], wpa->orig_mac1[3], wpa->orig_mac1[4], wpa->orig_mac1[5], wpa->orig_mac2[0], wpa->orig_mac2[1], wpa->orig_mac2[2], wpa->orig_mac2[3], wpa->orig_mac2[4], wpa->orig_mac2[5]); } else if (hash_mode == 4400) { snprintf (out_buf, len-1, "%08x%08x%08x%08x", byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[0]), byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[1]), byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[2]), byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[3])); } else if (hash_mode == 4700) { snprintf (out_buf, len-1, "%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x", byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[0]), byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[1]), byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[2]), byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[3]), byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[4])); } else if (hash_mode == 4800) { u8 chap_id_byte = (u8) salt.salt_buf[4]; snprintf (out_buf, len-1, "%08x%08x%08x%08x:%08x%08x%08x%08x:%02x", digest_buf[0], digest_buf[1], digest_buf[2], digest_buf[3], byte_swap_32 (salt.salt_buf[0]), byte_swap_32 (salt.salt_buf[1]), byte_swap_32 (salt.salt_buf[2]), byte_swap_32 (salt.salt_buf[3]), chap_id_byte); } else if (hash_mode == 4900) { snprintf (out_buf, len-1, "%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x", byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[0]), byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[1]), byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[2]), byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[3]), byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[4])); } else if (hash_mode == 5100) { snprintf (out_buf, len-1, "%08x%08x", digest_buf[0], digest_buf[1]); } else if (hash_mode == 5200) { snprintf (out_buf, len-1, "%s", hashfile); } else if (hash_mode == 5300) { ikepsk_t *ikepsks = (ikepsk_t *) esalts_buf; ikepsk_t *ikepsk = &ikepsks[salt_pos]; int buf_len = len - 1; // msg_buf uint ikepsk_msg_len = ikepsk->msg_len / 4; for (uint i = 0; i < ikepsk_msg_len; i++) { if ((i == 32) || (i == 64) || (i == 66) || (i == 68) || (i == 108)) { snprintf (out_buf, buf_len, ":"); buf_len--; out_buf++; } snprintf (out_buf, buf_len, "%08x", byte_swap_32 (ikepsk->msg_buf[i])); buf_len -= 8; out_buf += 8; } // nr_buf uint ikepsk_nr_len = ikepsk->nr_len / 4; for (uint i = 0; i < ikepsk_nr_len; i++) { if ((i == 0) || (i == 5)) { snprintf (out_buf, buf_len, ":"); buf_len--; out_buf++; } snprintf (out_buf, buf_len, "%08x", byte_swap_32 (ikepsk->nr_buf[i])); buf_len -= 8; out_buf += 8; } // digest_buf for (uint i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (i == 0) { snprintf (out_buf, buf_len, ":"); buf_len--; out_buf++; } snprintf (out_buf, buf_len, "%08x", digest_buf[i]); buf_len -= 8; out_buf += 8; } } else if (hash_mode == 5400) { ikepsk_t *ikepsks = (ikepsk_t *) esalts_buf; ikepsk_t *ikepsk = &ikepsks[salt_pos]; int buf_len = len - 1; // msg_buf uint ikepsk_msg_len = ikepsk->msg_len / 4; for (uint i = 0; i < ikepsk_msg_len; i++) { if ((i == 32) || (i == 64) || (i == 66) || (i == 68) || (i == 108)) { snprintf (out_buf, buf_len, ":"); buf_len--; out_buf++; } snprintf (out_buf, buf_len, "%08x", byte_swap_32 (ikepsk->msg_buf[i])); buf_len -= 8; out_buf += 8; } // nr_buf uint ikepsk_nr_len = ikepsk->nr_len / 4; for (uint i = 0; i < ikepsk_nr_len; i++) { if ((i == 0) || (i == 5)) { snprintf (out_buf, buf_len, ":"); buf_len--; out_buf++; } snprintf (out_buf, buf_len, "%08x", byte_swap_32 (ikepsk->nr_buf[i])); buf_len -= 8; out_buf += 8; } // digest_buf for (uint i = 0; i < 5; i++) { if (i == 0) { snprintf (out_buf, buf_len, ":"); buf_len--; out_buf++; } snprintf (out_buf, buf_len, "%08x", digest_buf[i]); buf_len -= 8; out_buf += 8; } } else if (hash_mode == 5500) { netntlm_t *netntlms = (netntlm_t *) esalts_buf; netntlm_t *netntlm = &netntlms[salt_pos]; char user_buf[64] = { 0 }; char domain_buf[64] = { 0 }; char srvchall_buf[1024] = { 0 }; char clichall_buf[1024] = { 0 }; for (uint i = 0, j = 0; j < netntlm->user_len; i += 1, j += 2) { char *ptr = (char *) netntlm->userdomain_buf; user_buf[i] = ptr[j]; } for (uint i = 0, j = 0; j < netntlm->domain_len; i += 1, j += 2) { char *ptr = (char *) netntlm->userdomain_buf; domain_buf[i] = ptr[netntlm->user_len + j]; } for (uint i = 0, j = 0; i < netntlm->srvchall_len; i += 1, j += 2) { u8 *ptr = (u8 *) netntlm->chall_buf; sprintf (srvchall_buf + j, "%02x", ptr[i]); } for (uint i = 0, j = 0; i < netntlm->clichall_len; i += 1, j += 2) { u8 *ptr = (u8 *) netntlm->chall_buf; sprintf (clichall_buf + j, "%02x", ptr[netntlm->srvchall_len + i]); } snprintf (out_buf, len-1, "%s::%s:%s:%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x:%s", user_buf, domain_buf, srvchall_buf, digest_buf[0], digest_buf[1], digest_buf[2], digest_buf[3], byte_swap_32 (salt.salt_buf_pc[0]), byte_swap_32 (salt.salt_buf_pc[1]), clichall_buf); } else if (hash_mode == 5600) { netntlm_t *netntlms = (netntlm_t *) esalts_buf; netntlm_t *netntlm = &netntlms[salt_pos]; char user_buf[64] = { 0 }; char domain_buf[64] = { 0 }; char srvchall_buf[1024] = { 0 }; char clichall_buf[1024] = { 0 }; for (uint i = 0, j = 0; j < netntlm->user_len; i += 1, j += 2) { char *ptr = (char *) netntlm->userdomain_buf; user_buf[i] = ptr[j]; } for (uint i = 0, j = 0; j < netntlm->domain_len; i += 1, j += 2) { char *ptr = (char *) netntlm->userdomain_buf; domain_buf[i] = ptr[netntlm->user_len + j]; } for (uint i = 0, j = 0; i < netntlm->srvchall_len; i += 1, j += 2) { u8 *ptr = (u8 *) netntlm->chall_buf; sprintf (srvchall_buf + j, "%02x", ptr[i]); } for (uint i = 0, j = 0; i < netntlm->clichall_len; i += 1, j += 2) { u8 *ptr = (u8 *) netntlm->chall_buf; sprintf (clichall_buf + j, "%02x", ptr[netntlm->srvchall_len + i]); } snprintf (out_buf, len-1, "%s::%s:%s:%08x%08x%08x%08x:%s", user_buf, domain_buf, srvchall_buf, digest_buf[0], digest_buf[1], digest_buf[2], digest_buf[3], clichall_buf); } else if (hash_mode == 5700) { // the encoder is a bit too intelligent, it expects the input data in the wrong BOM digest_buf[0] = byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[0]); digest_buf[1] = byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[1]); digest_buf[2] = byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[2]); digest_buf[3] = byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[3]); digest_buf[4] = byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[4]); digest_buf[5] = byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[5]); digest_buf[6] = byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[6]); digest_buf[7] = byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[7]); memcpy (tmp_buf, digest_buf, 32); base64_encode (int_to_itoa64, (const u8 *) tmp_buf, 32, (u8 *) ptr_plain); ptr_plain[43] = 0; snprintf (out_buf, len-1, "%s", ptr_plain); } else if (hash_mode == 5800) { digest_buf[0] = byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[0]); digest_buf[1] = byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[1]); digest_buf[2] = byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[2]); digest_buf[3] = byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[3]); digest_buf[4] = byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[4]); snprintf (out_buf, len-1, "%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x", digest_buf[0], digest_buf[1], digest_buf[2], digest_buf[3], digest_buf[4]); } else if ((hash_mode >= 6200) && (hash_mode <= 6299)) { snprintf (out_buf, len-1, "%s", hashfile); } else if (hash_mode == 6300) { // the encoder is a bit too intelligent, it expects the input data in the wrong BOM digest_buf[0] = byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[0]); digest_buf[1] = byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[1]); digest_buf[2] = byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[2]); digest_buf[3] = byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[3]); md5crypt_encode ((unsigned char *) digest_buf, (unsigned char *) ptr_plain); snprintf (out_buf, len-1, "{smd5}%s$%s", (char *) salt.salt_buf, (char *) ptr_plain); } else if (hash_mode == 6400) { sha256aix_encode ((unsigned char *) digest_buf, (unsigned char *) ptr_plain); snprintf (out_buf, len-1, "{ssha256}%02d$%s$%s", salt.salt_sign[0], (char *) salt.salt_buf, (char *) ptr_plain); } else if (hash_mode == 6500) { sha512aix_encode ((unsigned char *) digest_buf64, (unsigned char *) ptr_plain); snprintf (out_buf, len-1, "{ssha512}%02d$%s$%s", salt.salt_sign[0], (char *) salt.salt_buf, (char *) ptr_plain); } else if (hash_mode == 6600) { agilekey_t *agilekeys = (agilekey_t *) esalts_buf; agilekey_t *agilekey = &agilekeys[salt_pos]; salt.salt_buf[0] = byte_swap_32 (salt.salt_buf[0]); salt.salt_buf[1] = byte_swap_32 (salt.salt_buf[1]); uint buf_len = len - 1; uint off = snprintf (out_buf, buf_len, "%d:%08x%08x:", salt.salt_iter + 1, salt.salt_buf[0], salt.salt_buf[1]); buf_len -= 22; for (uint i = 0, j = off; i < 1040; i++, j += 2) { snprintf (out_buf + j, buf_len, "%02x", agilekey->cipher[i]); buf_len -= 2; } } else if (hash_mode == 6700) { sha1aix_encode ((unsigned char *) digest_buf, (unsigned char *) ptr_plain); snprintf (out_buf, len-1, "{ssha1}%02d$%s$%s", salt.salt_sign[0], (char *) salt.salt_buf, (char *) ptr_plain); } else if (hash_mode == 6800) { snprintf (out_buf, len-1, "%s", (char *) salt.salt_buf); } else if (hash_mode == 7100) { uint *ptr = digest_buf; pbkdf2_sha512_t *pbkdf2_sha512s = (pbkdf2_sha512_t *) esalts_buf; pbkdf2_sha512_t *pbkdf2_sha512 = &pbkdf2_sha512s[salt_pos]; uint esalt[8] = { 0 }; esalt[0] = byte_swap_32 (pbkdf2_sha512->salt_buf[0]); esalt[1] = byte_swap_32 (pbkdf2_sha512->salt_buf[1]); esalt[2] = byte_swap_32 (pbkdf2_sha512->salt_buf[2]); esalt[3] = byte_swap_32 (pbkdf2_sha512->salt_buf[3]); esalt[4] = byte_swap_32 (pbkdf2_sha512->salt_buf[4]); esalt[5] = byte_swap_32 (pbkdf2_sha512->salt_buf[5]); esalt[6] = byte_swap_32 (pbkdf2_sha512->salt_buf[6]); esalt[7] = byte_swap_32 (pbkdf2_sha512->salt_buf[7]); snprintf (out_buf, len-1, "%s%i$%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x$%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x", SIGNATURE_SHA512OSX, salt.salt_iter + 1, esalt[ 0], esalt[ 1], esalt[ 2], esalt[ 3], esalt[ 4], esalt[ 5], esalt[ 6], esalt[ 7], ptr [ 1], ptr [ 0], ptr [ 3], ptr [ 2], ptr [ 5], ptr [ 4], ptr [ 7], ptr [ 6], ptr [ 9], ptr [ 8], ptr [11], ptr [10], ptr [13], ptr [12], ptr [15], ptr [14]); } else if (hash_mode == 7200) { uint *ptr = digest_buf; pbkdf2_sha512_t *pbkdf2_sha512s = (pbkdf2_sha512_t *) esalts_buf; pbkdf2_sha512_t *pbkdf2_sha512 = &pbkdf2_sha512s[salt_pos]; uint len_used = 0; snprintf (out_buf + len_used, len - len_used - 1, "%s%i.", SIGNATURE_SHA512GRUB, salt.salt_iter + 1); len_used = strlen (out_buf); unsigned char *salt_buf_ptr = (unsigned char *) pbkdf2_sha512->salt_buf; for (uint i = 0; i < salt.salt_len; i++, len_used += 2) { snprintf (out_buf + len_used, len - len_used - 1, "%02x", salt_buf_ptr[i]); } snprintf (out_buf + len_used, len - len_used - 1, ".%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x", ptr [ 1], ptr [ 0], ptr [ 3], ptr [ 2], ptr [ 5], ptr [ 4], ptr [ 7], ptr [ 6], ptr [ 9], ptr [ 8], ptr [11], ptr [10], ptr [13], ptr [12], ptr [15], ptr [14]); } else if (hash_mode == 7300) { rakp_t *rakps = (rakp_t *) esalts_buf; rakp_t *rakp = &rakps[salt_pos]; for (uint i = 0, j = 0; (i * 4) < rakp->salt_len; i += 1, j += 8) { sprintf (out_buf + j, "%08x", rakp->salt_buf[i]); } snprintf (out_buf + rakp->salt_len * 2, len - 1, ":%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x", digest_buf[0], digest_buf[1], digest_buf[2], digest_buf[3], digest_buf[4]); } else if (hash_mode == 7400) { // the encoder is a bit too intelligent, it expects the input data in the wrong BOM digest_buf[0] = byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[0]); digest_buf[1] = byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[1]); digest_buf[2] = byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[2]); digest_buf[3] = byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[3]); digest_buf[4] = byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[4]); digest_buf[5] = byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[5]); digest_buf[6] = byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[6]); digest_buf[7] = byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[7]); sha256crypt_encode ((unsigned char *) digest_buf, (unsigned char *) ptr_plain); if (salt.salt_iter == ROUNDS_SHA256CRYPT) { snprintf (out_buf, len-1, "$5$%s$%s", (char *) salt.salt_buf, (char *) ptr_plain); } else { snprintf (out_buf, len-1, "$5$rounds=%i$%s$%s", salt.salt_iter, (char *) salt.salt_buf, (char *) ptr_plain); } } else if (hash_mode == 7500) { krb5pa_t *krb5pas = (krb5pa_t *) esalts_buf; krb5pa_t *krb5pa = &krb5pas[salt_pos]; u8 *ptr_timestamp = (u8 *) krb5pa->timestamp; u8 *ptr_checksum = (u8 *) krb5pa->checksum; char data[128] = { 0 }; char *ptr_data = data; for (uint i = 0; i < 36; i++, ptr_data += 2) { sprintf (ptr_data, "%02x", ptr_timestamp[i]); } for (uint i = 0; i < 16; i++, ptr_data += 2) { sprintf (ptr_data, "%02x", ptr_checksum[i]); } *ptr_data = 0; snprintf (out_buf, len-1, "%s$%s$%s$%s$%s", SIGNATURE_KRB5PA, (char *) krb5pa->user, (char *) krb5pa->realm, (char *) krb5pa->salt, data); } else if (hash_mode == 7700) { snprintf (out_buf, len-1, "%s$%08X%08X", (char *) salt.salt_buf, digest_buf[0], digest_buf[1]); } else if (hash_mode == 7800) { snprintf (out_buf, len-1, "%s$%08X%08X%08X%08X%08X", (char *) salt.salt_buf, digest_buf[0], digest_buf[1], digest_buf[2], digest_buf[3], digest_buf[4]); } else if (hash_mode == 7900) { drupal7_encode ((unsigned char *) digest_buf64, (unsigned char *) ptr_plain); // ugly hack start char *tmp = (char *) salt.salt_buf_pc; ptr_plain[42] = tmp[0]; // ugly hack end ptr_plain[43] = 0; snprintf (out_buf, len-1, "%s%s%s", (char *) salt.salt_sign, (char *) salt.salt_buf, (char *) ptr_plain); } else if (hash_mode == 8000) { snprintf (out_buf, len-1, "0xc007%s%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x", (unsigned char *) salt.salt_buf, digest_buf[0], digest_buf[1], digest_buf[2], digest_buf[3], digest_buf[4], digest_buf[5], digest_buf[6], digest_buf[7]); } else if (hash_mode == 8100) { salt.salt_buf[0] = byte_swap_32 (salt.salt_buf[0]); salt.salt_buf[1] = byte_swap_32 (salt.salt_buf[1]); snprintf (out_buf, len-1, "1%s%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x", (unsigned char *) salt.salt_buf, digest_buf[0], digest_buf[1], digest_buf[2], digest_buf[3], digest_buf[4]); } else if (hash_mode == 8200) { cloudkey_t *cloudkeys = (cloudkey_t *) esalts_buf; cloudkey_t *cloudkey = &cloudkeys[salt_pos]; char data_buf[4096] = { 0 }; for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < 512; i += 1, j += 8) { sprintf (data_buf + j, "%08x", cloudkey->data_buf[i]); } data_buf[cloudkey->data_len * 2] = 0; digest_buf[0] = byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[0]); digest_buf[1] = byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[1]); digest_buf[2] = byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[2]); digest_buf[3] = byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[3]); digest_buf[4] = byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[4]); digest_buf[5] = byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[5]); digest_buf[6] = byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[6]); digest_buf[7] = byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[7]); salt.salt_buf[0] = byte_swap_32 (salt.salt_buf[0]); salt.salt_buf[1] = byte_swap_32 (salt.salt_buf[1]); salt.salt_buf[2] = byte_swap_32 (salt.salt_buf[2]); salt.salt_buf[3] = byte_swap_32 (salt.salt_buf[3]); snprintf (out_buf, len-1, "%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x:%08x%08x%08x%08x:%u:%s", digest_buf[0], digest_buf[1], digest_buf[2], digest_buf[3], digest_buf[4], digest_buf[5], digest_buf[6], digest_buf[7], salt.salt_buf[0], salt.salt_buf[1], salt.salt_buf[2], salt.salt_buf[3], salt.salt_iter + 1, data_buf); } else if (hash_mode == 8300) { char digest_buf_c[34] = { 0 }; digest_buf[0] = byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[0]); digest_buf[1] = byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[1]); digest_buf[2] = byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[2]); digest_buf[3] = byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[3]); digest_buf[4] = byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[4]); base32_encode (int_to_itoa32, (const u8 *) digest_buf, 20, (u8 *) digest_buf_c); digest_buf_c[32] = 0; // domain const uint salt_pc_len = salt.salt_buf_pc[7]; // what a hack char domain_buf_c[33] = { 0 }; memcpy (domain_buf_c, (char *) salt.salt_buf_pc, salt_pc_len); for (uint i = 0; i < salt_pc_len; i++) { const char next = domain_buf_c[i]; domain_buf_c[i] = '.'; i += next; } domain_buf_c[salt_pc_len] = 0; // final snprintf (out_buf, len-1, "%s:%s:%s:%u", digest_buf_c, domain_buf_c, (char *) salt.salt_buf, salt.salt_iter); } else if (hash_mode == 8500) { snprintf (out_buf, len-1, "%s*%s*%08X%08X", SIGNATURE_RACF, (char *) salt.salt_buf, digest_buf[0], digest_buf[1]); } else if (hash_mode == 2612) { snprintf (out_buf, len-1, "%s%s$%08x%08x%08x%08x", SIGNATURE_PHPS, (char *) salt.salt_buf, digest_buf[0], digest_buf[1], digest_buf[2], digest_buf[3]); } else if (hash_mode == 3711) { char *salt_ptr = (char *) salt.salt_buf; salt_ptr[salt.salt_len - 1] = 0; snprintf (out_buf, len-1, "%s%s$%08x%08x%08x%08x", SIGNATURE_MEDIAWIKI_B, salt_ptr, digest_buf[0], digest_buf[1], digest_buf[2], digest_buf[3]); } else if (hash_mode == 8800) { androidfde_t *androidfdes = (androidfde_t *) esalts_buf; androidfde_t *androidfde = &androidfdes[salt_pos]; char tmp[3073] = { 0 }; for (uint i = 0, j = 0; i < 384; i += 1, j += 8) { sprintf (tmp + j, "%08x", androidfde->data[i]); } tmp[3072] = 0; snprintf (out_buf, len-1, "%s16$%08x%08x%08x%08x$16$%08x%08x%08x%08x$%s", SIGNATURE_ANDROIDFDE, byte_swap_32 (salt.salt_buf[0]), byte_swap_32 (salt.salt_buf[1]), byte_swap_32 (salt.salt_buf[2]), byte_swap_32 (salt.salt_buf[3]), byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[0]), byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[1]), byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[2]), byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[3]), tmp); } else if (hash_mode == 8900) { uint N = salt.scrypt_N; uint r = salt.scrypt_r; uint p = salt.scrypt_p; char base64_salt[32] = { 0 }; base64_encode (int_to_base64, (const u8 *) salt.salt_buf, salt.salt_len, (u8 *) base64_salt); memset (tmp_buf, 0, 46); digest_buf[0] = byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[0]); digest_buf[1] = byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[1]); digest_buf[2] = byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[2]); digest_buf[3] = byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[3]); digest_buf[4] = byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[4]); digest_buf[5] = byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[5]); digest_buf[6] = byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[6]); digest_buf[7] = byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[7]); digest_buf[8] = 0; // needed for base64_encode () base64_encode (int_to_base64, (const u8 *) digest_buf, 32, (u8 *) tmp_buf); snprintf (out_buf, len-1, "%s:%i:%i:%i:%s:%s", SIGNATURE_SCRYPT, N, r, p, base64_salt, tmp_buf); } else if (hash_mode == 9000) { snprintf (out_buf, len-1, "%s", hashfile); } else if (hash_mode == 9200) { // salt pbkdf2_sha256_t *pbkdf2_sha256s = (pbkdf2_sha256_t *) esalts_buf; pbkdf2_sha256_t *pbkdf2_sha256 = &pbkdf2_sha256s[salt_pos]; unsigned char *salt_buf_ptr = (unsigned char *) pbkdf2_sha256->salt_buf; // hash digest_buf[0] = byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[0]); digest_buf[1] = byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[1]); digest_buf[2] = byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[2]); digest_buf[3] = byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[3]); digest_buf[4] = byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[4]); digest_buf[5] = byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[5]); digest_buf[6] = byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[6]); digest_buf[7] = byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[7]); digest_buf[8] = 0; // needed for base64_encode () char tmp_buf[64] = { 0 }; base64_encode (int_to_itoa64, (const u8 *) digest_buf, 32, (u8 *) tmp_buf); tmp_buf[43] = 0; // cut it here // output snprintf (out_buf, len-1, "%s%s$%s", SIGNATURE_CISCO8, salt_buf_ptr, tmp_buf); } else if (hash_mode == 9300) { digest_buf[0] = byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[0]); digest_buf[1] = byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[1]); digest_buf[2] = byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[2]); digest_buf[3] = byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[3]); digest_buf[4] = byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[4]); digest_buf[5] = byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[5]); digest_buf[6] = byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[6]); digest_buf[7] = byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[7]); digest_buf[8] = 0; // needed for base64_encode () char tmp_buf[64] = { 0 }; base64_encode (int_to_itoa64, (const u8 *) digest_buf, 32, (u8 *) tmp_buf); tmp_buf[43] = 0; // cut it here unsigned char *salt_buf_ptr = (unsigned char *) salt.salt_buf; snprintf (out_buf, len-1, "%s%s$%s", SIGNATURE_CISCO9, salt_buf_ptr, tmp_buf); } else if (hash_mode == 9400) { office2007_t *office2007s = (office2007_t *) esalts_buf; office2007_t *office2007 = &office2007s[salt_pos]; snprintf (out_buf, len-1, "%s*%u*%u*%u*%u*%08x%08x%08x%08x*%08x%08x%08x%08x*%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x", SIGNATURE_OFFICE2007, 2007, 20, office2007->keySize, 16, salt.salt_buf[0], salt.salt_buf[1], salt.salt_buf[2], salt.salt_buf[3], office2007->encryptedVerifier[0], office2007->encryptedVerifier[1], office2007->encryptedVerifier[2], office2007->encryptedVerifier[3], office2007->encryptedVerifierHash[0], office2007->encryptedVerifierHash[1], office2007->encryptedVerifierHash[2], office2007->encryptedVerifierHash[3], office2007->encryptedVerifierHash[4]); } else if (hash_mode == 9500) { office2010_t *office2010s = (office2010_t *) esalts_buf; office2010_t *office2010 = &office2010s[salt_pos]; snprintf (out_buf, len-1, "%s*%u*%u*%u*%u*%08x%08x%08x%08x*%08x%08x%08x%08x*%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x", SIGNATURE_OFFICE2010, 2010, 100000, 128, 16, salt.salt_buf[0], salt.salt_buf[1], salt.salt_buf[2], salt.salt_buf[3], office2010->encryptedVerifier[0], office2010->encryptedVerifier[1], office2010->encryptedVerifier[2], office2010->encryptedVerifier[3], office2010->encryptedVerifierHash[0], office2010->encryptedVerifierHash[1], office2010->encryptedVerifierHash[2], office2010->encryptedVerifierHash[3], office2010->encryptedVerifierHash[4], office2010->encryptedVerifierHash[5], office2010->encryptedVerifierHash[6], office2010->encryptedVerifierHash[7]); } else if (hash_mode == 9600) { office2013_t *office2013s = (office2013_t *) esalts_buf; office2013_t *office2013 = &office2013s[salt_pos]; snprintf (out_buf, len-1, "%s*%u*%u*%u*%u*%08x%08x%08x%08x*%08x%08x%08x%08x*%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x", SIGNATURE_OFFICE2013, 2013, 100000, 256, 16, salt.salt_buf[0], salt.salt_buf[1], salt.salt_buf[2], salt.salt_buf[3], office2013->encryptedVerifier[0], office2013->encryptedVerifier[1], office2013->encryptedVerifier[2], office2013->encryptedVerifier[3], office2013->encryptedVerifierHash[0], office2013->encryptedVerifierHash[1], office2013->encryptedVerifierHash[2], office2013->encryptedVerifierHash[3], office2013->encryptedVerifierHash[4], office2013->encryptedVerifierHash[5], office2013->encryptedVerifierHash[6], office2013->encryptedVerifierHash[7]); } else if (hash_mode == 9700) { oldoffice01_t *oldoffice01s = (oldoffice01_t *) esalts_buf; oldoffice01_t *oldoffice01 = &oldoffice01s[salt_pos]; snprintf (out_buf, len-1, "%s*%08x%08x%08x%08x*%08x%08x%08x%08x*%08x%08x%08x%08x", (oldoffice01->version == 0) ? SIGNATURE_OLDOFFICE0 : SIGNATURE_OLDOFFICE1, byte_swap_32 (salt.salt_buf[0]), byte_swap_32 (salt.salt_buf[1]), byte_swap_32 (salt.salt_buf[2]), byte_swap_32 (salt.salt_buf[3]), byte_swap_32 (oldoffice01->encryptedVerifier[0]), byte_swap_32 (oldoffice01->encryptedVerifier[1]), byte_swap_32 (oldoffice01->encryptedVerifier[2]), byte_swap_32 (oldoffice01->encryptedVerifier[3]), byte_swap_32 (oldoffice01->encryptedVerifierHash[0]), byte_swap_32 (oldoffice01->encryptedVerifierHash[1]), byte_swap_32 (oldoffice01->encryptedVerifierHash[2]), byte_swap_32 (oldoffice01->encryptedVerifierHash[3])); } else if (hash_mode == 9710) { oldoffice01_t *oldoffice01s = (oldoffice01_t *) esalts_buf; oldoffice01_t *oldoffice01 = &oldoffice01s[salt_pos]; snprintf (out_buf, len-1, "%s*%08x%08x%08x%08x*%08x%08x%08x%08x*%08x%08x%08x%08x", (oldoffice01->version == 0) ? SIGNATURE_OLDOFFICE0 : SIGNATURE_OLDOFFICE1, byte_swap_32 (salt.salt_buf[0]), byte_swap_32 (salt.salt_buf[1]), byte_swap_32 (salt.salt_buf[2]), byte_swap_32 (salt.salt_buf[3]), byte_swap_32 (oldoffice01->encryptedVerifier[0]), byte_swap_32 (oldoffice01->encryptedVerifier[1]), byte_swap_32 (oldoffice01->encryptedVerifier[2]), byte_swap_32 (oldoffice01->encryptedVerifier[3]), byte_swap_32 (oldoffice01->encryptedVerifierHash[0]), byte_swap_32 (oldoffice01->encryptedVerifierHash[1]), byte_swap_32 (oldoffice01->encryptedVerifierHash[2]), byte_swap_32 (oldoffice01->encryptedVerifierHash[3])); } else if (hash_mode == 9720) { oldoffice01_t *oldoffice01s = (oldoffice01_t *) esalts_buf; oldoffice01_t *oldoffice01 = &oldoffice01s[salt_pos]; u8 *rc4key = (u8 *) oldoffice01->rc4key; snprintf (out_buf, len-1, "%s*%08x%08x%08x%08x*%08x%08x%08x%08x*%08x%08x%08x%08x:%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x", (oldoffice01->version == 0) ? SIGNATURE_OLDOFFICE0 : SIGNATURE_OLDOFFICE1, byte_swap_32 (salt.salt_buf[0]), byte_swap_32 (salt.salt_buf[1]), byte_swap_32 (salt.salt_buf[2]), byte_swap_32 (salt.salt_buf[3]), byte_swap_32 (oldoffice01->encryptedVerifier[0]), byte_swap_32 (oldoffice01->encryptedVerifier[1]), byte_swap_32 (oldoffice01->encryptedVerifier[2]), byte_swap_32 (oldoffice01->encryptedVerifier[3]), byte_swap_32 (oldoffice01->encryptedVerifierHash[0]), byte_swap_32 (oldoffice01->encryptedVerifierHash[1]), byte_swap_32 (oldoffice01->encryptedVerifierHash[2]), byte_swap_32 (oldoffice01->encryptedVerifierHash[3]), rc4key[0], rc4key[1], rc4key[2], rc4key[3], rc4key[4]); } else if (hash_mode == 9800) { oldoffice34_t *oldoffice34s = (oldoffice34_t *) esalts_buf; oldoffice34_t *oldoffice34 = &oldoffice34s[salt_pos]; snprintf (out_buf, len-1, "%s*%08x%08x%08x%08x*%08x%08x%08x%08x*%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x", (oldoffice34->version == 3) ? SIGNATURE_OLDOFFICE3 : SIGNATURE_OLDOFFICE4, salt.salt_buf[0], salt.salt_buf[1], salt.salt_buf[2], salt.salt_buf[3], byte_swap_32 (oldoffice34->encryptedVerifier[0]), byte_swap_32 (oldoffice34->encryptedVerifier[1]), byte_swap_32 (oldoffice34->encryptedVerifier[2]), byte_swap_32 (oldoffice34->encryptedVerifier[3]), byte_swap_32 (oldoffice34->encryptedVerifierHash[0]), byte_swap_32 (oldoffice34->encryptedVerifierHash[1]), byte_swap_32 (oldoffice34->encryptedVerifierHash[2]), byte_swap_32 (oldoffice34->encryptedVerifierHash[3]), byte_swap_32 (oldoffice34->encryptedVerifierHash[4])); } else if (hash_mode == 9810) { oldoffice34_t *oldoffice34s = (oldoffice34_t *) esalts_buf; oldoffice34_t *oldoffice34 = &oldoffice34s[salt_pos]; snprintf (out_buf, len-1, "%s*%08x%08x%08x%08x*%08x%08x%08x%08x*%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x", (oldoffice34->version == 3) ? SIGNATURE_OLDOFFICE3 : SIGNATURE_OLDOFFICE4, salt.salt_buf[0], salt.salt_buf[1], salt.salt_buf[2], salt.salt_buf[3], byte_swap_32 (oldoffice34->encryptedVerifier[0]), byte_swap_32 (oldoffice34->encryptedVerifier[1]), byte_swap_32 (oldoffice34->encryptedVerifier[2]), byte_swap_32 (oldoffice34->encryptedVerifier[3]), byte_swap_32 (oldoffice34->encryptedVerifierHash[0]), byte_swap_32 (oldoffice34->encryptedVerifierHash[1]), byte_swap_32 (oldoffice34->encryptedVerifierHash[2]), byte_swap_32 (oldoffice34->encryptedVerifierHash[3]), byte_swap_32 (oldoffice34->encryptedVerifierHash[4])); } else if (hash_mode == 9820) { oldoffice34_t *oldoffice34s = (oldoffice34_t *) esalts_buf; oldoffice34_t *oldoffice34 = &oldoffice34s[salt_pos]; u8 *rc4key = (u8 *) oldoffice34->rc4key; snprintf (out_buf, len-1, "%s*%08x%08x%08x%08x*%08x%08x%08x%08x*%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x:%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x", (oldoffice34->version == 3) ? SIGNATURE_OLDOFFICE3 : SIGNATURE_OLDOFFICE4, salt.salt_buf[0], salt.salt_buf[1], salt.salt_buf[2], salt.salt_buf[3], byte_swap_32 (oldoffice34->encryptedVerifier[0]), byte_swap_32 (oldoffice34->encryptedVerifier[1]), byte_swap_32 (oldoffice34->encryptedVerifier[2]), byte_swap_32 (oldoffice34->encryptedVerifier[3]), byte_swap_32 (oldoffice34->encryptedVerifierHash[0]), byte_swap_32 (oldoffice34->encryptedVerifierHash[1]), byte_swap_32 (oldoffice34->encryptedVerifierHash[2]), byte_swap_32 (oldoffice34->encryptedVerifierHash[3]), byte_swap_32 (oldoffice34->encryptedVerifierHash[4]), rc4key[0], rc4key[1], rc4key[2], rc4key[3], rc4key[4]); } else if (hash_mode == 10000) { // salt pbkdf2_sha256_t *pbkdf2_sha256s = (pbkdf2_sha256_t *) esalts_buf; pbkdf2_sha256_t *pbkdf2_sha256 = &pbkdf2_sha256s[salt_pos]; unsigned char *salt_buf_ptr = (unsigned char *) pbkdf2_sha256->salt_buf; // hash digest_buf[0] = byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[0]); digest_buf[1] = byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[1]); digest_buf[2] = byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[2]); digest_buf[3] = byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[3]); digest_buf[4] = byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[4]); digest_buf[5] = byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[5]); digest_buf[6] = byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[6]); digest_buf[7] = byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[7]); digest_buf[8] = 0; // needed for base64_encode () char tmp_buf[64] = { 0 }; base64_encode (int_to_base64, (const u8 *) digest_buf, 32, (u8 *) tmp_buf); // output snprintf (out_buf, len-1, "%s%i$%s$%s", SIGNATURE_DJANGOPBKDF2, salt.salt_iter + 1, salt_buf_ptr, tmp_buf); } else if (hash_mode == 10100) { snprintf (out_buf, len-1, "%08x%08x:%u:%u:%08x%08x%08x%08x", digest_buf[0], digest_buf[1], 2, 4, byte_swap_32 (salt.salt_buf[0]), byte_swap_32 (salt.salt_buf[1]), byte_swap_32 (salt.salt_buf[2]), byte_swap_32 (salt.salt_buf[3])); } else if (hash_mode == 10200) { cram_md5_t *cram_md5s = (cram_md5_t *) esalts_buf; cram_md5_t *cram_md5 = &cram_md5s[salt_pos]; // challenge char challenge[100] = { 0 }; base64_encode (int_to_base64, (const u8 *) salt.salt_buf, salt.salt_len, (u8 *) challenge); // response char tmp_buf[100] = { 0 }; uint tmp_len = snprintf (tmp_buf, 100, "%s %08x%08x%08x%08x", (char *) cram_md5->user, digest_buf[0], digest_buf[1], digest_buf[2], digest_buf[3]); char response[100] = { 0 }; base64_encode (int_to_base64, (const u8 *) tmp_buf, tmp_len, (u8 *) response); snprintf (out_buf, len-1, "%s%s$%s", SIGNATURE_CRAM_MD5, challenge, response); } else if (hash_mode == 10300) { char tmp_buf[100] = { 0 }; memcpy (tmp_buf + 0, digest_buf, 20); memcpy (tmp_buf + 20, salt.salt_buf, salt.salt_len); uint tmp_len = 20 + salt.salt_len; // base64 encode it char base64_encoded[100] = { 0 }; base64_encode (int_to_base64, (const u8 *) tmp_buf, tmp_len, (u8 *) base64_encoded); snprintf (out_buf, len-1, "%s%i}%s", SIGNATURE_SAPH_SHA1, salt.salt_iter + 1, base64_encoded); } else if (hash_mode == 10400) { pdf_t *pdfs = (pdf_t *) esalts_buf; pdf_t *pdf = &pdfs[salt_pos]; snprintf (out_buf, len-1, "$pdf$%d*%d*%d*%d*%d*%d*%08x%08x%08x%08x*%d*%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x*%d*%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x", pdf->V, pdf->R, 40, pdf->P, pdf->enc_md, pdf->id_len, byte_swap_32 (pdf->id_buf[0]), byte_swap_32 (pdf->id_buf[1]), byte_swap_32 (pdf->id_buf[2]), byte_swap_32 (pdf->id_buf[3]), pdf->u_len, byte_swap_32 (pdf->u_buf[0]), byte_swap_32 (pdf->u_buf[1]), byte_swap_32 (pdf->u_buf[2]), byte_swap_32 (pdf->u_buf[3]), byte_swap_32 (pdf->u_buf[4]), byte_swap_32 (pdf->u_buf[5]), byte_swap_32 (pdf->u_buf[6]), byte_swap_32 (pdf->u_buf[7]), pdf->o_len, byte_swap_32 (pdf->o_buf[0]), byte_swap_32 (pdf->o_buf[1]), byte_swap_32 (pdf->o_buf[2]), byte_swap_32 (pdf->o_buf[3]), byte_swap_32 (pdf->o_buf[4]), byte_swap_32 (pdf->o_buf[5]), byte_swap_32 (pdf->o_buf[6]), byte_swap_32 (pdf->o_buf[7]) ); } else if (hash_mode == 10410) { pdf_t *pdfs = (pdf_t *) esalts_buf; pdf_t *pdf = &pdfs[salt_pos]; snprintf (out_buf, len-1, "$pdf$%d*%d*%d*%d*%d*%d*%08x%08x%08x%08x*%d*%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x*%d*%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x", pdf->V, pdf->R, 40, pdf->P, pdf->enc_md, pdf->id_len, byte_swap_32 (pdf->id_buf[0]), byte_swap_32 (pdf->id_buf[1]), byte_swap_32 (pdf->id_buf[2]), byte_swap_32 (pdf->id_buf[3]), pdf->u_len, byte_swap_32 (pdf->u_buf[0]), byte_swap_32 (pdf->u_buf[1]), byte_swap_32 (pdf->u_buf[2]), byte_swap_32 (pdf->u_buf[3]), byte_swap_32 (pdf->u_buf[4]), byte_swap_32 (pdf->u_buf[5]), byte_swap_32 (pdf->u_buf[6]), byte_swap_32 (pdf->u_buf[7]), pdf->o_len, byte_swap_32 (pdf->o_buf[0]), byte_swap_32 (pdf->o_buf[1]), byte_swap_32 (pdf->o_buf[2]), byte_swap_32 (pdf->o_buf[3]), byte_swap_32 (pdf->o_buf[4]), byte_swap_32 (pdf->o_buf[5]), byte_swap_32 (pdf->o_buf[6]), byte_swap_32 (pdf->o_buf[7]) ); } else if (hash_mode == 10420) { pdf_t *pdfs = (pdf_t *) esalts_buf; pdf_t *pdf = &pdfs[salt_pos]; u8 *rc4key = (u8 *) pdf->rc4key; snprintf (out_buf, len-1, "$pdf$%d*%d*%d*%d*%d*%d*%08x%08x%08x%08x*%d*%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x*%d*%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x:%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x", pdf->V, pdf->R, 40, pdf->P, pdf->enc_md, pdf->id_len, byte_swap_32 (pdf->id_buf[0]), byte_swap_32 (pdf->id_buf[1]), byte_swap_32 (pdf->id_buf[2]), byte_swap_32 (pdf->id_buf[3]), pdf->u_len, byte_swap_32 (pdf->u_buf[0]), byte_swap_32 (pdf->u_buf[1]), byte_swap_32 (pdf->u_buf[2]), byte_swap_32 (pdf->u_buf[3]), byte_swap_32 (pdf->u_buf[4]), byte_swap_32 (pdf->u_buf[5]), byte_swap_32 (pdf->u_buf[6]), byte_swap_32 (pdf->u_buf[7]), pdf->o_len, byte_swap_32 (pdf->o_buf[0]), byte_swap_32 (pdf->o_buf[1]), byte_swap_32 (pdf->o_buf[2]), byte_swap_32 (pdf->o_buf[3]), byte_swap_32 (pdf->o_buf[4]), byte_swap_32 (pdf->o_buf[5]), byte_swap_32 (pdf->o_buf[6]), byte_swap_32 (pdf->o_buf[7]), rc4key[0], rc4key[1], rc4key[2], rc4key[3], rc4key[4] ); } else if (hash_mode == 10500) { pdf_t *pdfs = (pdf_t *) esalts_buf; pdf_t *pdf = &pdfs[salt_pos]; if (pdf->id_len == 32) { snprintf (out_buf, len-1, "$pdf$%d*%d*%d*%d*%d*%d*%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x*%d*%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x*%d*%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x", pdf->V, pdf->R, 128, pdf->P, pdf->enc_md, pdf->id_len, byte_swap_32 (pdf->id_buf[0]), byte_swap_32 (pdf->id_buf[1]), byte_swap_32 (pdf->id_buf[2]), byte_swap_32 (pdf->id_buf[3]), byte_swap_32 (pdf->id_buf[4]), byte_swap_32 (pdf->id_buf[5]), byte_swap_32 (pdf->id_buf[6]), byte_swap_32 (pdf->id_buf[7]), pdf->u_len, byte_swap_32 (pdf->u_buf[0]), byte_swap_32 (pdf->u_buf[1]), byte_swap_32 (pdf->u_buf[2]), byte_swap_32 (pdf->u_buf[3]), byte_swap_32 (pdf->u_buf[4]), byte_swap_32 (pdf->u_buf[5]), byte_swap_32 (pdf->u_buf[6]), byte_swap_32 (pdf->u_buf[7]), pdf->o_len, byte_swap_32 (pdf->o_buf[0]), byte_swap_32 (pdf->o_buf[1]), byte_swap_32 (pdf->o_buf[2]), byte_swap_32 (pdf->o_buf[3]), byte_swap_32 (pdf->o_buf[4]), byte_swap_32 (pdf->o_buf[5]), byte_swap_32 (pdf->o_buf[6]), byte_swap_32 (pdf->o_buf[7]) ); } else { snprintf (out_buf, len-1, "$pdf$%d*%d*%d*%d*%d*%d*%08x%08x%08x%08x*%d*%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x*%d*%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x", pdf->V, pdf->R, 128, pdf->P, pdf->enc_md, pdf->id_len, byte_swap_32 (pdf->id_buf[0]), byte_swap_32 (pdf->id_buf[1]), byte_swap_32 (pdf->id_buf[2]), byte_swap_32 (pdf->id_buf[3]), pdf->u_len, byte_swap_32 (pdf->u_buf[0]), byte_swap_32 (pdf->u_buf[1]), byte_swap_32 (pdf->u_buf[2]), byte_swap_32 (pdf->u_buf[3]), byte_swap_32 (pdf->u_buf[4]), byte_swap_32 (pdf->u_buf[5]), byte_swap_32 (pdf->u_buf[6]), byte_swap_32 (pdf->u_buf[7]), pdf->o_len, byte_swap_32 (pdf->o_buf[0]), byte_swap_32 (pdf->o_buf[1]), byte_swap_32 (pdf->o_buf[2]), byte_swap_32 (pdf->o_buf[3]), byte_swap_32 (pdf->o_buf[4]), byte_swap_32 (pdf->o_buf[5]), byte_swap_32 (pdf->o_buf[6]), byte_swap_32 (pdf->o_buf[7]) ); } } else if (hash_mode == 10600) { uint digest_idx = salt.digests_offset + digest_pos; hashinfo_t **hashinfo_ptr = hash_info; char *hash_buf = hashinfo_ptr[digest_idx]->orighash; snprintf (out_buf, len-1, "%s", hash_buf); } else if (hash_mode == 10700) { uint digest_idx = salt.digests_offset + digest_pos; hashinfo_t **hashinfo_ptr = hash_info; char *hash_buf = hashinfo_ptr[digest_idx]->orighash; snprintf (out_buf, len-1, "%s", hash_buf); } else if (hash_mode == 10900) { uint digest_idx = salt.digests_offset + digest_pos; hashinfo_t **hashinfo_ptr = hash_info; char *hash_buf = hashinfo_ptr[digest_idx]->orighash; snprintf (out_buf, len-1, "%s", hash_buf); } else if (hash_mode == 11100) { u32 salt_challenge = salt.salt_buf[0]; salt_challenge = byte_swap_32 (salt_challenge); unsigned char *user_name = (unsigned char *) (salt.salt_buf + 1); snprintf (out_buf, len-1, "%s%s*%08x*%08x%08x%08x%08x", SIGNATURE_POSTGRESQL_AUTH, user_name, salt_challenge, digest_buf[0], digest_buf[1], digest_buf[2], digest_buf[3]); } else if (hash_mode == 11200) { snprintf (out_buf, len-1, "%s%s*%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x", SIGNATURE_MYSQL_AUTH, (unsigned char *) salt.salt_buf, digest_buf[0], digest_buf[1], digest_buf[2], digest_buf[3], digest_buf[4]); } else if (hash_mode == 11300) { bitcoin_wallet_t *bitcoin_wallets = (bitcoin_wallet_t *) esalts_buf; bitcoin_wallet_t *bitcoin_wallet = &bitcoin_wallets[salt_pos]; const uint cry_master_len = bitcoin_wallet->cry_master_len; const uint ckey_len = bitcoin_wallet->ckey_len; const uint public_key_len = bitcoin_wallet->public_key_len; char *cry_master_buf = (char *) mymalloc ((cry_master_len * 2) + 1); char *ckey_buf = (char *) mymalloc ((ckey_len * 2) + 1); char *public_key_buf = (char *) mymalloc ((public_key_len * 2) + 1); for (uint i = 0, j = 0; i < cry_master_len; i += 1, j += 2) { const u8 *ptr = (const u8 *) bitcoin_wallet->cry_master_buf; sprintf (cry_master_buf + j, "%02x", ptr[i]); } for (uint i = 0, j = 0; i < ckey_len; i += 1, j += 2) { const u8 *ptr = (const u8 *) bitcoin_wallet->ckey_buf; sprintf (ckey_buf + j, "%02x", ptr[i]); } for (uint i = 0, j = 0; i < public_key_len; i += 1, j += 2) { const u8 *ptr = (const u8 *) bitcoin_wallet->public_key_buf; sprintf (public_key_buf + j, "%02x", ptr[i]); } snprintf (out_buf, len-1, "%s%d$%s$%d$%s$%d$%d$%s$%d$%s", SIGNATURE_BITCOIN_WALLET, cry_master_len * 2, cry_master_buf, salt.salt_len, (unsigned char *) salt.salt_buf, salt.salt_iter + 1, ckey_len * 2, ckey_buf, public_key_len * 2, public_key_buf ); myfree (cry_master_buf); myfree (ckey_buf); myfree (public_key_buf); } else if (hash_mode == 11400) { uint digest_idx = salt.digests_offset + digest_pos; hashinfo_t **hashinfo_ptr = hash_info; char *hash_buf = hashinfo_ptr[digest_idx]->orighash; snprintf (out_buf, len-1, "%s", hash_buf); } else if (hash_mode == 11600) { seven_zip_t *seven_zips = (seven_zip_t *) esalts_buf; seven_zip_t *seven_zip = &seven_zips[salt_pos]; const uint data_len = seven_zip->data_len; char *data_buf = (char *) mymalloc ((data_len * 2) + 1); for (uint i = 0, j = 0; i < data_len; i += 1, j += 2) { const u8 *ptr = (const u8 *) seven_zip->data_buf; sprintf (data_buf + j, "%02x", ptr[i]); } snprintf (out_buf, len-1, "%s%u$%u$%u$%s$%u$%08x%08x%08x%08x$%u$%u$%u$%s", SIGNATURE_SEVEN_ZIP, 0, salt.salt_sign[0], 0, (char *) seven_zip->salt_buf, seven_zip->iv_len, seven_zip->iv_buf[0], seven_zip->iv_buf[1], seven_zip->iv_buf[2], seven_zip->iv_buf[3], seven_zip->crc, seven_zip->data_len, seven_zip->unpack_size, data_buf); myfree (data_buf); } else if (hash_mode == 11700) { snprintf (out_buf, len-1, "%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x", digest_buf[0], digest_buf[1], digest_buf[2], digest_buf[3], digest_buf[4], digest_buf[5], digest_buf[6], digest_buf[7]); } else if (hash_mode == 11800) { snprintf (out_buf, len-1, "%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x", digest_buf[ 0], digest_buf[ 1], digest_buf[ 2], digest_buf[ 3], digest_buf[ 4], digest_buf[ 5], digest_buf[ 6], digest_buf[ 7], digest_buf[ 8], digest_buf[ 9], digest_buf[10], digest_buf[11], digest_buf[12], digest_buf[13], digest_buf[14], digest_buf[15]); } else if (hash_mode == 11900) { uint digest_idx = salt.digests_offset + digest_pos; hashinfo_t **hashinfo_ptr = hash_info; char *hash_buf = hashinfo_ptr[digest_idx]->orighash; snprintf (out_buf, len-1, "%s", hash_buf); } else if (hash_mode == 12000) { uint digest_idx = salt.digests_offset + digest_pos; hashinfo_t **hashinfo_ptr = hash_info; char *hash_buf = hashinfo_ptr[digest_idx]->orighash; snprintf (out_buf, len-1, "%s", hash_buf); } else if (hash_mode == 12100) { uint digest_idx = salt.digests_offset + digest_pos; hashinfo_t **hashinfo_ptr = hash_info; char *hash_buf = hashinfo_ptr[digest_idx]->orighash; snprintf (out_buf, len-1, "%s", hash_buf); } else if (hash_mode == 12200) { uint *ptr_digest = digest_buf; uint *ptr_salt = salt.salt_buf; snprintf (out_buf, len-1, "%s0$1$%08x%08x$%08x%08x", SIGNATURE_ECRYPTFS, ptr_salt[0], ptr_salt[1], ptr_digest[0], ptr_digest[1]); } else if (hash_mode == 12300) { uint *ptr_digest = digest_buf; uint *ptr_salt = salt.salt_buf; snprintf (out_buf, len-1, "%08X%08X%08X%08X%08X%08X%08X%08X%08X%08X%08X%08X%08X%08X%08X%08X%08X%08X%08X%08X", ptr_digest[ 0], ptr_digest[ 1], ptr_digest[ 2], ptr_digest[ 3], ptr_digest[ 4], ptr_digest[ 5], ptr_digest[ 6], ptr_digest[ 7], ptr_digest[ 8], ptr_digest[ 9], ptr_digest[10], ptr_digest[11], ptr_digest[12], ptr_digest[13], ptr_digest[14], ptr_digest[15], ptr_salt[0], ptr_salt[1], ptr_salt[2], ptr_salt[3]); } else if (hash_mode == 12400) { // encode iteration count char salt_iter[5] = { 0 }; salt_iter[0] = int_to_itoa64 ((salt.salt_iter ) & 0x3f); salt_iter[1] = int_to_itoa64 ((salt.salt_iter >> 6) & 0x3f); salt_iter[2] = int_to_itoa64 ((salt.salt_iter >> 12) & 0x3f); salt_iter[3] = int_to_itoa64 ((salt.salt_iter >> 18) & 0x3f); salt_iter[4] = 0; // encode salt ptr_salt[0] = int_to_itoa64 ((salt.salt_buf[0] ) & 0x3f); ptr_salt[1] = int_to_itoa64 ((salt.salt_buf[0] >> 6) & 0x3f); ptr_salt[2] = int_to_itoa64 ((salt.salt_buf[0] >> 12) & 0x3f); ptr_salt[3] = int_to_itoa64 ((salt.salt_buf[0] >> 18) & 0x3f); ptr_salt[4] = 0; // encode digest memset (tmp_buf, 0, sizeof (tmp_buf)); digest_buf[0] = byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[0]); digest_buf[1] = byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[1]); memcpy (tmp_buf, digest_buf, 8); base64_encode (int_to_itoa64, (const u8 *) tmp_buf, 8, (u8 *) ptr_plain); ptr_plain[11] = 0; // fill the resulting buffer snprintf (out_buf, len - 1, "_%s%s%s", salt_iter, ptr_salt, ptr_plain); } else if (hash_mode == 12500) { snprintf (out_buf, len - 1, "%s*0*%08x%08x*%08x%08x%08x%08x", SIGNATURE_RAR3, byte_swap_32 (salt.salt_buf[0]), byte_swap_32 (salt.salt_buf[1]), salt.salt_buf[2], salt.salt_buf[3], salt.salt_buf[4], salt.salt_buf[5]); } else if (hash_mode == 12600) { snprintf (out_buf, len - 1, "%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x", digest_buf[0] + salt.salt_buf_pc[0], digest_buf[1] + salt.salt_buf_pc[1], digest_buf[2] + salt.salt_buf_pc[2], digest_buf[3] + salt.salt_buf_pc[3], digest_buf[4] + salt.salt_buf_pc[4], digest_buf[5] + salt.salt_buf_pc[5], digest_buf[6] + salt.salt_buf_pc[6], digest_buf[7] + salt.salt_buf_pc[7]); } else if (hash_mode == 12700) { uint digest_idx = salt.digests_offset + digest_pos; hashinfo_t **hashinfo_ptr = hash_info; char *hash_buf = hashinfo_ptr[digest_idx]->orighash; snprintf (out_buf, len-1, "%s", hash_buf); } else if (hash_mode == 12800) { const u8 *ptr = (const u8 *) salt.salt_buf; snprintf (out_buf, len-1, "%s,%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x,%d,%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x", SIGNATURE_MS_DRSR, ptr[0], ptr[1], ptr[2], ptr[3], ptr[4], ptr[5], ptr[6], ptr[7], ptr[8], ptr[9], salt.salt_iter + 1, byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[0]), byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[1]), byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[2]), byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[3]), byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[4]), byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[5]), byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[6]), byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[7]) ); } else if (hash_mode == 12900) { snprintf (out_buf, len-1, "%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x", salt.salt_buf[ 4], salt.salt_buf[ 5], salt.salt_buf[ 6], salt.salt_buf[ 7], salt.salt_buf[ 8], salt.salt_buf[ 9], salt.salt_buf[10], salt.salt_buf[11], byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[0]), byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[1]), byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[2]), byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[3]), byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[4]), byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[5]), byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[6]), byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[7]), salt.salt_buf[ 0], salt.salt_buf[ 1], salt.salt_buf[ 2], salt.salt_buf[ 3] ); } else if (hash_mode == 13000) { rar5_t *rar5s = (rar5_t *) esalts_buf; rar5_t *rar5 = &rar5s[salt_pos]; snprintf (out_buf, len-1, "$rar5$16$%08x%08x%08x%08x$%u$%08x%08x%08x%08x$8$%08x%08x", salt.salt_buf[0], salt.salt_buf[1], salt.salt_buf[2], salt.salt_buf[3], salt.salt_sign[0], rar5->iv[0], rar5->iv[1], rar5->iv[2], rar5->iv[3], byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[0]), byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[1]) ); } else if (hash_mode == 13100) { krb5tgs_t *krb5tgss = (krb5tgs_t *) esalts_buf; krb5tgs_t *krb5tgs = &krb5tgss[salt_pos]; u8 *ptr_checksum = (u8 *) krb5tgs->checksum; u8 *ptr_edata2 = (u8 *) krb5tgs->edata2; char data[2560 * 4 * 2] = { 0 }; char *ptr_data = data; for (uint i = 0; i < 16; i++, ptr_data += 2) sprintf (ptr_data, "%02x", ptr_checksum[i]); /* skip '$' */ ptr_data++; for (uint i = 0; i < krb5tgs->edata2_len; i++, ptr_data += 2) sprintf (ptr_data, "%02x", ptr_edata2[i]); snprintf (out_buf, len-1, "%s$%s$%s$%s", SIGNATURE_KRB5TGS, (char *) krb5tgs->account_info, data, data + 33); } else if (hash_mode == 13200) { snprintf (out_buf, len-1, "%s*%d*%08x%08x%08x%08x*%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x", SIGNATURE_AXCRYPT, salt.salt_iter, salt.salt_buf[0], salt.salt_buf[1], salt.salt_buf[2], salt.salt_buf[3], salt.salt_buf[4], salt.salt_buf[5], salt.salt_buf[6], salt.salt_buf[7], salt.salt_buf[8], salt.salt_buf[9]); } else if (hash_mode == 13300) { snprintf (out_buf, len-1, "%s$%08x%08x%08x%08x", SIGNATURE_AXCRYPT_SHA1, digest_buf[0], digest_buf[1], digest_buf[2], digest_buf[3]); } else if (hash_mode == 13400) { keepass_t *keepasss = (keepass_t *) esalts_buf; keepass_t *keepass = &keepasss[salt_pos]; u32 version = (u32) keepass->version; u32 rounds = salt.salt_iter; u32 algorithm = (u32) keepass->algorithm; u32 keyfile_len = (u32) keepass->keyfile_len; u32 *ptr_final_random_seed = (u32 *) keepass->final_random_seed ; u32 *ptr_transf_random_seed = (u32 *) keepass->transf_random_seed ; u32 *ptr_enc_iv = (u32 *) keepass->enc_iv ; u32 *ptr_contents_hash = (u32 *) keepass->contents_hash ; u32 *ptr_keyfile = (u32 *) keepass->keyfile ; /* specific to version 1 */ u32 contents_len; u32 *ptr_contents; /* specific to version 2 */ u32 expected_bytes_len; u32 *ptr_expected_bytes; u32 final_random_seed_len; u32 transf_random_seed_len; u32 enc_iv_len; u32 contents_hash_len; transf_random_seed_len = 8; enc_iv_len = 4; contents_hash_len = 8; final_random_seed_len = 8; if (version == 1) final_random_seed_len = 4; snprintf (out_buf, len-1, "%s*%d*%d*%d", SIGNATURE_KEEPASS, version, rounds, algorithm); char *ptr_data = out_buf; ptr_data += strlen(out_buf); *ptr_data = '*'; ptr_data++; for (uint i = 0; i < final_random_seed_len; i++, ptr_data += 8) sprintf (ptr_data, "%08x", ptr_final_random_seed[i]); *ptr_data = '*'; ptr_data++; for (uint i = 0; i < transf_random_seed_len; i++, ptr_data += 8) sprintf (ptr_data, "%08x", ptr_transf_random_seed[i]); *ptr_data = '*'; ptr_data++; for (uint i = 0; i < enc_iv_len; i++, ptr_data += 8) sprintf (ptr_data, "%08x", ptr_enc_iv[i]); *ptr_data = '*'; ptr_data++; if (version == 1) { contents_len = (u32) keepass->contents_len; ptr_contents = (u32 *) keepass->contents; for (uint i = 0; i < contents_hash_len; i++, ptr_data += 8) sprintf (ptr_data, "%08x", ptr_contents_hash[i]); *ptr_data = '*'; ptr_data++; /* inline flag */ *ptr_data = '1'; ptr_data++; *ptr_data = '*'; ptr_data++; char ptr_contents_len[10] = { 0 }; sprintf ((char*) ptr_contents_len, "%d", contents_len); sprintf (ptr_data, "%d", contents_len); ptr_data += strlen(ptr_contents_len); *ptr_data = '*'; ptr_data++; for (uint i = 0; i < contents_len / 4; i++, ptr_data += 8) sprintf (ptr_data, "%08x", ptr_contents[i]); } else if (version == 2) { expected_bytes_len = 8; ptr_expected_bytes = (u32 *) keepass->expected_bytes ; for (uint i = 0; i < expected_bytes_len; i++, ptr_data += 8) sprintf (ptr_data, "%08x", ptr_expected_bytes[i]); *ptr_data = '*'; ptr_data++; for (uint i = 0; i < contents_hash_len; i++, ptr_data += 8) sprintf (ptr_data, "%08x", ptr_contents_hash[i]); } if (keyfile_len) { *ptr_data = '*'; ptr_data++; /* inline flag */ *ptr_data = '1'; ptr_data++; *ptr_data = '*'; ptr_data++; sprintf (ptr_data, "%d", keyfile_len); ptr_data += 2; *ptr_data = '*'; ptr_data++; for (uint i = 0; i < 8; i++, ptr_data += 8) sprintf (ptr_data, "%08x", ptr_keyfile[i]); } } else if (hash_mode == 13500) { pstoken_t *pstokens = (pstoken_t *) esalts_buf; pstoken_t *pstoken = &pstokens[salt_pos]; const u32 salt_len = (pstoken->salt_len > 512) ? 512 : pstoken->salt_len; char pstoken_tmp[1024 + 1] = { 0 }; for (uint i = 0, j = 0; i < salt_len; i += 1, j += 2) { const u8 *ptr = (const u8 *) pstoken->salt_buf; sprintf (pstoken_tmp + j, "%02x", ptr[i]); } snprintf (out_buf, len-1, "%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x:%s", digest_buf[0], digest_buf[1], digest_buf[2], digest_buf[3], digest_buf[4], pstoken_tmp); } else if (hash_mode == 13600) { zip2_t *zip2s = (zip2_t *) esalts_buf; zip2_t *zip2 = &zip2s[salt_pos]; const u32 salt_len = zip2->salt_len; char salt_tmp[32 + 1] = { 0 }; for (uint i = 0, j = 0; i < salt_len; i += 1, j += 2) { const u8 *ptr = (const u8 *) zip2->salt_buf; sprintf (salt_tmp + j, "%02x", ptr[i]); } const u32 data_len = zip2->data_len; char data_tmp[8192 + 1] = { 0 }; for (uint i = 0, j = 0; i < data_len; i += 1, j += 2) { const u8 *ptr = (const u8 *) zip2->data_buf; sprintf (data_tmp + j, "%02x", ptr[i]); } const u32 auth_len = zip2->auth_len; char auth_tmp[20 + 1] = { 0 }; for (uint i = 0, j = 0; i < auth_len; i += 1, j += 2) { const u8 *ptr = (const u8 *) zip2->auth_buf; sprintf (auth_tmp + j, "%02x", ptr[i]); } snprintf (out_buf, 255, "%s*%u*%u*%u*%s*%x*%u*%s*%s*%s", SIGNATURE_ZIP2_START, zip2->type, zip2->mode, zip2->magic, salt_tmp, zip2->verify_bytes, zip2->compress_length, data_tmp, auth_tmp, SIGNATURE_ZIP2_STOP); } else if ((hash_mode >= 13700) && (hash_mode <= 13799)) { snprintf (out_buf, len-1, "%s", hashfile); } else if (hash_mode == 13800) { win8phone_t *esalts = (win8phone_t *) esalts_buf; win8phone_t *esalt = &esalts[salt_pos]; char buf[256 + 1] = { 0 }; for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < 32; i += 1, j += 8) { sprintf (buf + j, "%08x", esalt->salt_buf[i]); } snprintf (out_buf, len-1, "%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x:%s", digest_buf[0], digest_buf[1], digest_buf[2], digest_buf[3], digest_buf[4], digest_buf[5], digest_buf[6], digest_buf[7], buf); } else if (hash_mode == 14000) { snprintf (out_buf, len - 1, "%08x%08x:%s", digest_buf[0], digest_buf[1], (char *) salt.salt_buf); } else if (hash_mode == 14100) { snprintf (out_buf, len - 1, "%08x%08x:%s", digest_buf[0], digest_buf[1], (char *) salt.salt_buf); } else { if (hash_type == HASH_TYPE_MD4) { snprintf (out_buf, 255, "%08x%08x%08x%08x", digest_buf[0], digest_buf[1], digest_buf[2], digest_buf[3]); } else if (hash_type == HASH_TYPE_MD5) { snprintf (out_buf, len-1, "%08x%08x%08x%08x", digest_buf[0], digest_buf[1], digest_buf[2], digest_buf[3]); } else if (hash_type == HASH_TYPE_SHA1) { snprintf (out_buf, len-1, "%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x", digest_buf[0], digest_buf[1], digest_buf[2], digest_buf[3], digest_buf[4]); } else if (hash_type == HASH_TYPE_SHA256) { snprintf (out_buf, len-1, "%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x", digest_buf[0], digest_buf[1], digest_buf[2], digest_buf[3], digest_buf[4], digest_buf[5], digest_buf[6], digest_buf[7]); } else if (hash_type == HASH_TYPE_SHA384) { uint *ptr = digest_buf; snprintf (out_buf, len-1, "%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x", ptr[ 1], ptr[ 0], ptr[ 3], ptr[ 2], ptr[ 5], ptr[ 4], ptr[ 7], ptr[ 6], ptr[ 9], ptr[ 8], ptr[11], ptr[10]); } else if (hash_type == HASH_TYPE_SHA512) { uint *ptr = digest_buf; snprintf (out_buf, len-1, "%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x", ptr[ 1], ptr[ 0], ptr[ 3], ptr[ 2], ptr[ 5], ptr[ 4], ptr[ 7], ptr[ 6], ptr[ 9], ptr[ 8], ptr[11], ptr[10], ptr[13], ptr[12], ptr[15], ptr[14]); } else if (hash_type == HASH_TYPE_LM) { snprintf (out_buf, len-1, "%08x%08x", digest_buf[0], digest_buf[1]); } else if (hash_type == HASH_TYPE_ORACLEH) { snprintf (out_buf, len-1, "%08X%08X", digest_buf[0], digest_buf[1]); } else if (hash_type == HASH_TYPE_BCRYPT) { base64_encode (int_to_bf64, (const u8 *) salt.salt_buf, 16, (u8 *) tmp_buf + 0); base64_encode (int_to_bf64, (const u8 *) digest_buf, 23, (u8 *) tmp_buf + 22); tmp_buf[22 + 31] = 0; // base64_encode wants to pad snprintf (out_buf, len-1, "%s$%s", (char *) salt.salt_sign, tmp_buf); } else if (hash_type == HASH_TYPE_KECCAK) { uint *ptr = digest_buf; snprintf (out_buf, len-1, "%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x", ptr[ 1], ptr[ 0], ptr[ 3], ptr[ 2], ptr[ 5], ptr[ 4], ptr[ 7], ptr[ 6], ptr[ 9], ptr[ 8], ptr[11], ptr[10], ptr[13], ptr[12], ptr[15], ptr[14], ptr[17], ptr[16], ptr[19], ptr[18], ptr[21], ptr[20], ptr[23], ptr[22], ptr[25], ptr[24], ptr[27], ptr[26], ptr[29], ptr[28], ptr[31], ptr[30], ptr[33], ptr[32], ptr[35], ptr[34], ptr[37], ptr[36], ptr[39], ptr[38], ptr[41], ptr[30], ptr[43], ptr[42], ptr[45], ptr[44], ptr[47], ptr[46], ptr[49], ptr[48] ); out_buf[salt.keccak_mdlen * 2] = 0; } else if (hash_type == HASH_TYPE_RIPEMD160) { snprintf (out_buf, 255, "%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x", digest_buf[0], digest_buf[1], digest_buf[2], digest_buf[3], digest_buf[4]); } else if (hash_type == HASH_TYPE_WHIRLPOOL) { digest_buf[ 0] = digest_buf[ 0]; digest_buf[ 1] = digest_buf[ 1]; digest_buf[ 2] = digest_buf[ 2]; digest_buf[ 3] = digest_buf[ 3]; digest_buf[ 4] = digest_buf[ 4]; digest_buf[ 5] = digest_buf[ 5]; digest_buf[ 6] = digest_buf[ 6]; digest_buf[ 7] = digest_buf[ 7]; digest_buf[ 8] = digest_buf[ 8]; digest_buf[ 9] = digest_buf[ 9]; digest_buf[10] = digest_buf[10]; digest_buf[11] = digest_buf[11]; digest_buf[12] = digest_buf[12]; digest_buf[13] = digest_buf[13]; digest_buf[14] = digest_buf[14]; digest_buf[15] = digest_buf[15]; snprintf (out_buf, len-1, "%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x", digest_buf[ 0], digest_buf[ 1], digest_buf[ 2], digest_buf[ 3], digest_buf[ 4], digest_buf[ 5], digest_buf[ 6], digest_buf[ 7], digest_buf[ 8], digest_buf[ 9], digest_buf[10], digest_buf[11], digest_buf[12], digest_buf[13], digest_buf[14], digest_buf[15]); } else if (hash_type == HASH_TYPE_GOST) { snprintf (out_buf, len-1, "%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x", digest_buf[0], digest_buf[1], digest_buf[2], digest_buf[3], digest_buf[4], digest_buf[5], digest_buf[6], digest_buf[7]); } else if (hash_type == HASH_TYPE_MYSQL) { snprintf (out_buf, len-1, "%08x%08x", digest_buf[0], digest_buf[1]); } else if (hash_type == HASH_TYPE_LOTUS5) { snprintf (out_buf, len-1, "%08x%08x%08x%08x", digest_buf[0], digest_buf[1], digest_buf[2], digest_buf[3]); } else if (hash_type == HASH_TYPE_LOTUS6) { digest_buf[ 0] = byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[ 0]); digest_buf[ 1] = byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[ 1]); digest_buf[ 2] = byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[ 2]); digest_buf[ 3] = byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[ 3]); char buf[16] = { 0 }; memcpy (buf + 0, salt.salt_buf, 5); memcpy (buf + 5, digest_buf, 9); buf[3] -= -4; base64_encode (int_to_lotus64, (const u8 *) buf, 14, (u8 *) tmp_buf); tmp_buf[18] = salt.salt_buf_pc[7]; tmp_buf[19] = 0; snprintf (out_buf, len-1, "(G%s)", tmp_buf); } else if (hash_type == HASH_TYPE_LOTUS8) { char buf[52] = { 0 }; // salt memcpy (buf + 0, salt.salt_buf, 16); buf[3] -= -4; // iteration snprintf (buf + 16, 11, "%010i", salt.salt_iter + 1); // chars buf[26] = salt.salt_buf_pc[0]; buf[27] = salt.salt_buf_pc[1]; // digest memcpy (buf + 28, digest_buf, 8); base64_encode (int_to_lotus64, (const u8 *) buf, 36, (u8 *) tmp_buf); tmp_buf[49] = 0; snprintf (out_buf, len-1, "(H%s)", tmp_buf); } else if (hash_type == HASH_TYPE_CRC32) { snprintf (out_buf, len-1, "%08x", byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[0])); } } if (salt_type == SALT_TYPE_INTERN) { size_t pos = strlen (out_buf); out_buf[pos] = hashconfig->separator; char *ptr = (char *) salt.salt_buf; memcpy (out_buf + pos + 1, ptr, salt.salt_len); out_buf[pos + 1 + salt.salt_len] = 0; } } #pragma GCC diagnostic pop int hashconfig_init (hashconfig_t *hashconfig, const user_options_t *user_options) { hashconfig->hash_mode = user_options->hash_mode; hashconfig->hash_type = 0; hashconfig->salt_type = 0; hashconfig->attack_exec = 0; hashconfig->opts_type = 0; hashconfig->kern_type = 0; hashconfig->dgst_size = 0; hashconfig->esalt_size = 0; hashconfig->opti_type = 0; hashconfig->is_salted = 0; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 0; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 0; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 0; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 0; hashconfig->parse_func = NULL; hashconfig->separator = user_options->separator; switch (hashconfig->hash_mode) { case 0: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_MD5; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_NONE; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_LE | OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADD80 | OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADDBITS14; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_MD5; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_4; hashconfig->parse_func = md5_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE | OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_INIT | OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_MERKLE | OPTI_TYPE_MEET_IN_MIDDLE | OPTI_TYPE_EARLY_SKIP | OPTI_TYPE_NOT_ITERATED | OPTI_TYPE_NOT_SALTED | OPTI_TYPE_RAW_HASH; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 0; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 3; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 1; break; case 10: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_MD5; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_INTERN; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_LE | OPTS_TYPE_ST_ADD80 | OPTS_TYPE_ST_ADDBITS14; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_MD5_PWSLT; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_4; hashconfig->parse_func = md5s_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE | OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_INIT | OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_MERKLE | OPTI_TYPE_MEET_IN_MIDDLE | OPTI_TYPE_EARLY_SKIP | OPTI_TYPE_NOT_ITERATED | OPTI_TYPE_APPENDED_SALT | OPTI_TYPE_RAW_HASH; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 0; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 3; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 1; break; case 11: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_MD5; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_INTERN; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_LE | OPTS_TYPE_ST_ADD80 | OPTS_TYPE_ST_ADDBITS14; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_MD5_PWSLT; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_4; hashconfig->parse_func = joomla_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE | OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_INIT | OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_MERKLE | OPTI_TYPE_MEET_IN_MIDDLE | OPTI_TYPE_EARLY_SKIP | OPTI_TYPE_NOT_ITERATED | OPTI_TYPE_APPENDED_SALT | OPTI_TYPE_RAW_HASH; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 0; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 3; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 1; break; case 12: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_MD5; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_INTERN; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_LE | OPTS_TYPE_ST_ADD80 | OPTS_TYPE_ST_ADDBITS14; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_MD5_PWSLT; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_4; hashconfig->parse_func = postgresql_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE | OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_INIT | OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_MERKLE | OPTI_TYPE_MEET_IN_MIDDLE | OPTI_TYPE_EARLY_SKIP | OPTI_TYPE_NOT_ITERATED | OPTI_TYPE_APPENDED_SALT | OPTI_TYPE_RAW_HASH; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 0; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 3; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 1; break; case 20: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_MD5; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_INTERN; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_LE | OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADD80 | OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADDBITS14; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_MD5_SLTPW; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_4; hashconfig->parse_func = md5s_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE | OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_INIT | OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_MERKLE | OPTI_TYPE_EARLY_SKIP | OPTI_TYPE_NOT_ITERATED | OPTI_TYPE_PREPENDED_SALT | OPTI_TYPE_RAW_HASH; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 0; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 3; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 1; break; case 21: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_MD5; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_INTERN; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_LE | OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADD80 | OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADDBITS14; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_MD5_SLTPW; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_4; hashconfig->parse_func = osc_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE | OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_INIT | OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_MERKLE | OPTI_TYPE_EARLY_SKIP | OPTI_TYPE_NOT_ITERATED | OPTI_TYPE_PREPENDED_SALT | OPTI_TYPE_RAW_HASH; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 0; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 3; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 1; break; case 22: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_MD5; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_EMBEDDED; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_LE | OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADD80 | OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADDBITS14; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_MD5_SLTPW; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_4; hashconfig->parse_func = netscreen_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE | OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_INIT | OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_MERKLE | OPTI_TYPE_EARLY_SKIP | OPTI_TYPE_NOT_ITERATED | OPTI_TYPE_PREPENDED_SALT | OPTI_TYPE_RAW_HASH; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 0; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 3; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 1; break; case 23: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_MD5; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_EMBEDDED; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_LE | OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADD80 | OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADDBITS14; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_MD5_SLTPW; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_4; hashconfig->parse_func = skype_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE | OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_INIT | OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_MERKLE | OPTI_TYPE_EARLY_SKIP | OPTI_TYPE_NOT_ITERATED | OPTI_TYPE_PREPENDED_SALT | OPTI_TYPE_RAW_HASH; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 0; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 3; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 1; break; case 30: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_MD5; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_INTERN; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_LE | OPTS_TYPE_PT_UNICODE | OPTS_TYPE_ST_ADD80 | OPTS_TYPE_ST_ADDBITS14; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_MD5_PWUSLT; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_4; hashconfig->parse_func = md5s_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE | OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_INIT | OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_MERKLE | OPTI_TYPE_MEET_IN_MIDDLE | OPTI_TYPE_EARLY_SKIP | OPTI_TYPE_NOT_ITERATED | OPTI_TYPE_APPENDED_SALT | OPTI_TYPE_RAW_HASH; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 0; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 3; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 1; break; case 40: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_MD5; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_INTERN; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_LE | OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADD80 | OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADDBITS14 | OPTS_TYPE_PT_UNICODE; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_MD5_SLTPWU; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_4; hashconfig->parse_func = md5s_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE | OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_INIT | OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_MERKLE | OPTI_TYPE_EARLY_SKIP | OPTI_TYPE_NOT_ITERATED | OPTI_TYPE_PREPENDED_SALT | OPTI_TYPE_RAW_HASH; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 0; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 3; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 1; break; case 50: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_MD5; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_INTERN; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_LE | OPTS_TYPE_ST_ADD80 | OPTS_TYPE_ST_ADDBITS14; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_HMACMD5_PW; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_4; hashconfig->parse_func = hmacmd5_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE | OPTI_TYPE_NOT_ITERATED; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 0; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 3; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 1; break; case 60: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_MD5; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_INTERN; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_LE | OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADD80 | OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADDBITS14; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_HMACMD5_SLT; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_4; hashconfig->parse_func = hmacmd5_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE | OPTI_TYPE_NOT_ITERATED; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 0; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 3; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 1; break; case 100: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_SHA1; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_NONE; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_BE | OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADD80 | OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADDBITS15; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_SHA1; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_5; hashconfig->parse_func = sha1_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE | OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_INIT | OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_MERKLE | OPTI_TYPE_EARLY_SKIP | OPTI_TYPE_NOT_ITERATED | OPTI_TYPE_NOT_SALTED | OPTI_TYPE_RAW_HASH; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 3; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 4; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 1; break; case 101: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_SHA1; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_NONE; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_BE | OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADD80 | OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADDBITS15; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_SHA1; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_5; hashconfig->parse_func = sha1b64_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE | OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_INIT | OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_MERKLE | OPTI_TYPE_EARLY_SKIP | OPTI_TYPE_NOT_ITERATED | OPTI_TYPE_NOT_SALTED | OPTI_TYPE_RAW_HASH; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 3; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 4; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 1; break; case 110: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_SHA1; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_INTERN; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_BE | OPTS_TYPE_ST_ADD80 | OPTS_TYPE_ST_ADDBITS15; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_SHA1_PWSLT; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_5; hashconfig->parse_func = sha1s_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE | OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_INIT | OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_MERKLE | OPTI_TYPE_EARLY_SKIP | OPTI_TYPE_NOT_ITERATED | OPTI_TYPE_APPENDED_SALT | OPTI_TYPE_RAW_HASH; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 3; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 4; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 1; break; case 111: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_SHA1; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_EMBEDDED; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_BE | OPTS_TYPE_ST_ADD80 | OPTS_TYPE_ST_ADDBITS15; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_SHA1_PWSLT; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_5; hashconfig->parse_func = sha1b64s_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE | OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_INIT | OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_MERKLE | OPTI_TYPE_EARLY_SKIP | OPTI_TYPE_NOT_ITERATED | OPTI_TYPE_APPENDED_SALT | OPTI_TYPE_RAW_HASH; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 3; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 4; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 1; break; case 112: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_SHA1; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_INTERN; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_BE | OPTS_TYPE_ST_ADD80 | OPTS_TYPE_ST_ADDBITS15 | OPTS_TYPE_ST_HEX; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_SHA1_PWSLT; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_5; hashconfig->parse_func = oracles_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE | OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_INIT | OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_MERKLE | OPTI_TYPE_EARLY_SKIP | OPTI_TYPE_NOT_ITERATED | OPTI_TYPE_APPENDED_SALT | OPTI_TYPE_RAW_HASH; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 3; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 4; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 1; break; case 120: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_SHA1; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_INTERN; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_BE | OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADD80 | OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADDBITS15; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_SHA1_SLTPW; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_5; hashconfig->parse_func = sha1s_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE | OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_INIT | OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_MERKLE | OPTI_TYPE_EARLY_SKIP | OPTI_TYPE_NOT_ITERATED | OPTI_TYPE_PREPENDED_SALT | OPTI_TYPE_RAW_HASH; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 3; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 4; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 1; break; case 121: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_SHA1; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_INTERN; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_BE | OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADD80 | OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADDBITS15 | OPTS_TYPE_ST_LOWER; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_SHA1_SLTPW; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_5; hashconfig->parse_func = smf_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE | OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_INIT | OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_MERKLE | OPTI_TYPE_EARLY_SKIP | OPTI_TYPE_NOT_ITERATED | OPTI_TYPE_PREPENDED_SALT | OPTI_TYPE_RAW_HASH; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 3; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 4; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 1; break; case 122: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_SHA1; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_EMBEDDED; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_BE | OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADD80 | OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADDBITS15 | OPTS_TYPE_ST_HEX; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_SHA1_SLTPW; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_5; hashconfig->parse_func = osx1_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE | OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_INIT | OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_MERKLE | OPTI_TYPE_EARLY_SKIP | OPTI_TYPE_NOT_ITERATED | OPTI_TYPE_PREPENDED_SALT | OPTI_TYPE_RAW_HASH; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 3; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 4; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 1; break; case 124: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_SHA1; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_EMBEDDED; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_BE | OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADD80 | OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADDBITS15; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_SHA1_SLTPW; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_5; hashconfig->parse_func = djangosha1_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE | OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_INIT | OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_MERKLE | OPTI_TYPE_EARLY_SKIP | OPTI_TYPE_NOT_ITERATED | OPTI_TYPE_PREPENDED_SALT | OPTI_TYPE_RAW_HASH; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 3; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 4; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 1; break; case 125: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_SHA1; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_EMBEDDED; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_BE | OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADD80 | OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADDBITS15 | OPTS_TYPE_ST_HEX; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_SHA1_SLTPW; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_5; hashconfig->parse_func = arubaos_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE | OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_INIT | OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_MERKLE | OPTI_TYPE_EARLY_SKIP | OPTI_TYPE_NOT_ITERATED | OPTI_TYPE_PREPENDED_SALT | OPTI_TYPE_RAW_HASH; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 3; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 4; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 1; break; case 130: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_SHA1; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_INTERN; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_BE | OPTS_TYPE_PT_UNICODE | OPTS_TYPE_ST_ADD80 | OPTS_TYPE_ST_ADDBITS15; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_SHA1_PWUSLT; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_5; hashconfig->parse_func = sha1s_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE | OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_INIT | OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_MERKLE | OPTI_TYPE_EARLY_SKIP | OPTI_TYPE_NOT_ITERATED | OPTI_TYPE_APPENDED_SALT | OPTI_TYPE_RAW_HASH; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 3; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 4; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 1; break; case 131: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_SHA1; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_EMBEDDED; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_BE | OPTS_TYPE_PT_UNICODE | OPTS_TYPE_PT_UPPER | OPTS_TYPE_ST_ADD80 | OPTS_TYPE_ST_ADDBITS15 | OPTS_TYPE_ST_HEX; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_SHA1_PWUSLT; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_5; hashconfig->parse_func = mssql2000_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE | OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_INIT | OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_MERKLE | OPTI_TYPE_EARLY_SKIP | OPTI_TYPE_NOT_ITERATED | OPTI_TYPE_APPENDED_SALT | OPTI_TYPE_RAW_HASH; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 3; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 4; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 1; break; case 132: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_SHA1; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_EMBEDDED; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_BE | OPTS_TYPE_PT_UNICODE | OPTS_TYPE_ST_ADD80 | OPTS_TYPE_ST_ADDBITS15 | OPTS_TYPE_ST_HEX; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_SHA1_PWUSLT; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_5; hashconfig->parse_func = mssql2005_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE | OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_INIT | OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_MERKLE | OPTI_TYPE_EARLY_SKIP | OPTI_TYPE_NOT_ITERATED | OPTI_TYPE_APPENDED_SALT | OPTI_TYPE_RAW_HASH; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 3; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 4; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 1; break; case 133: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_SHA1; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_EMBEDDED; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_BE | OPTS_TYPE_PT_UNICODE | OPTS_TYPE_ST_ADD80 | OPTS_TYPE_ST_ADDBITS15; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_SHA1_PWUSLT; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_5; hashconfig->parse_func = peoplesoft_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE | OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_INIT | OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_MERKLE | OPTI_TYPE_EARLY_SKIP | OPTI_TYPE_NOT_ITERATED | OPTI_TYPE_APPENDED_SALT | OPTI_TYPE_RAW_HASH; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 3; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 4; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 1; break; case 140: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_SHA1; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_INTERN; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_BE | OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADD80 | OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADDBITS15 | OPTS_TYPE_PT_UNICODE; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_SHA1_SLTPWU; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_5; hashconfig->parse_func = sha1s_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE | OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_INIT | OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_MERKLE | OPTI_TYPE_EARLY_SKIP | OPTI_TYPE_NOT_ITERATED | OPTI_TYPE_PREPENDED_SALT | OPTI_TYPE_RAW_HASH; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 3; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 4; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 1; break; case 141: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_SHA1; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_EMBEDDED; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_BE | OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADD80 | OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADDBITS15 | OPTS_TYPE_PT_UNICODE | OPTS_TYPE_ST_BASE64; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_SHA1_SLTPWU; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_5; hashconfig->parse_func = episerver_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE | OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_INIT | OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_MERKLE | OPTI_TYPE_EARLY_SKIP | OPTI_TYPE_NOT_ITERATED | OPTI_TYPE_PREPENDED_SALT | OPTI_TYPE_RAW_HASH; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 3; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 4; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 1; break; case 150: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_SHA1; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_INTERN; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_BE | OPTS_TYPE_ST_ADD80 | OPTS_TYPE_ST_ADDBITS15; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_HMACSHA1_PW; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_5; hashconfig->parse_func = hmacsha1_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE | OPTI_TYPE_NOT_ITERATED; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 3; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 4; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 1; break; case 160: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_SHA1; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_INTERN; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_BE | OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADD80 | OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADDBITS15; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_HMACSHA1_SLT; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_5; hashconfig->parse_func = hmacsha1_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE | OPTI_TYPE_NOT_ITERATED; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 3; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 4; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 1; break; case 200: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_MYSQL; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_NONE; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = 0; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_MYSQL; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_4; // originally DGST_SIZE_4_2 hashconfig->parse_func = mysql323_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 0; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 1; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 3; break; case 300: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_SHA1; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_NONE; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_BE | OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADD80 | OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADDBITS15; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_MYSQL41; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_5; hashconfig->parse_func = sha1_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE | OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_INIT | OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_MERKLE | OPTI_TYPE_EARLY_SKIP | OPTI_TYPE_NOT_ITERATED | OPTI_TYPE_NOT_SALTED; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 3; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 4; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 1; break; case 400: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_MD5; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_EMBEDDED; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_OUTSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_LE; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_PHPASS; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_4; hashconfig->parse_func = phpass_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE | OPTI_TYPE_SLOW_HASH_SIMD; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 0; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 1; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 3; break; case 500: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_MD5; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_EMBEDDED; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_OUTSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_LE; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_MD5CRYPT; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_4; hashconfig->parse_func = md5crypt_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 0; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 1; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 3; break; case 501: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_MD5; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_EMBEDDED; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_OUTSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_LE | OPTS_TYPE_HASH_COPY; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_MD5CRYPT; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_4; hashconfig->parse_func = juniper_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 0; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 1; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 3; break; case 900: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_MD4; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_NONE; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_LE | OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADD80 | OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADDBITS14; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_MD4; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_4; hashconfig->parse_func = md4_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE | OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_INIT | OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_MERKLE | OPTI_TYPE_MEET_IN_MIDDLE | OPTI_TYPE_EARLY_SKIP | OPTI_TYPE_NOT_ITERATED | OPTI_TYPE_NOT_SALTED | OPTI_TYPE_RAW_HASH; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 0; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 3; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 1; break; case 1000: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_MD4; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_NONE; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_LE | OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADD80 | OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADDBITS14 | OPTS_TYPE_PT_UNICODE; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_MD4_PWU; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_4; hashconfig->parse_func = md4_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE | OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_INIT | OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_MERKLE | OPTI_TYPE_MEET_IN_MIDDLE | OPTI_TYPE_EARLY_SKIP | OPTI_TYPE_NOT_ITERATED | OPTI_TYPE_NOT_SALTED | OPTI_TYPE_RAW_HASH; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 0; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 3; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 1; break; case 1100: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_MD4; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_INTERN; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_LE | OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADD80 | OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADDBITS14 | OPTS_TYPE_PT_UNICODE | OPTS_TYPE_ST_ADD80 | OPTS_TYPE_ST_UNICODE | OPTS_TYPE_ST_LOWER; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_MD44_PWUSLT; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_4; hashconfig->parse_func = dcc_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE | OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_INIT | OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_MERKLE | OPTI_TYPE_EARLY_SKIP | OPTI_TYPE_NOT_ITERATED; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 0; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 3; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 1; break; case 1400: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_SHA256; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_NONE; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_BE | OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADD80 | OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADDBITS15; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_SHA256; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_8; hashconfig->parse_func = sha256_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE | OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_INIT | OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_MERKLE | OPTI_TYPE_EARLY_SKIP | OPTI_TYPE_NOT_ITERATED | OPTI_TYPE_NOT_SALTED | OPTI_TYPE_RAW_HASH; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 3; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 7; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 6; break; case 1410: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_SHA256; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_INTERN; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_BE | OPTS_TYPE_ST_ADD80 | OPTS_TYPE_ST_ADDBITS15; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_SHA256_PWSLT; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_8; hashconfig->parse_func = sha256s_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE | OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_INIT | OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_MERKLE | OPTI_TYPE_EARLY_SKIP | OPTI_TYPE_NOT_ITERATED | OPTI_TYPE_APPENDED_SALT | OPTI_TYPE_RAW_HASH; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 3; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 7; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 6; break; case 1420: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_SHA256; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_INTERN; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_BE | OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADD80 | OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADDBITS15; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_SHA256_SLTPW; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_8; hashconfig->parse_func = sha256s_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE | OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_INIT | OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_MERKLE | OPTI_TYPE_EARLY_SKIP | OPTI_TYPE_NOT_ITERATED | OPTI_TYPE_PREPENDED_SALT | OPTI_TYPE_RAW_HASH; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 3; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 7; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 6; break; case 1421: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_SHA256; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_EMBEDDED; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_BE | OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADD80 | OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADDBITS15; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_SHA256_SLTPW; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_8; hashconfig->parse_func = hmailserver_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE | OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_INIT | OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_MERKLE | OPTI_TYPE_EARLY_SKIP | OPTI_TYPE_NOT_ITERATED | OPTI_TYPE_PREPENDED_SALT | OPTI_TYPE_RAW_HASH; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 3; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 7; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 6; break; case 1430: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_SHA256; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_INTERN; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_BE | OPTS_TYPE_PT_UNICODE | OPTS_TYPE_ST_ADD80 | OPTS_TYPE_ST_ADDBITS15; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_SHA256_PWUSLT; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_8; hashconfig->parse_func = sha256s_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE | OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_INIT | OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_MERKLE | OPTI_TYPE_EARLY_SKIP | OPTI_TYPE_NOT_ITERATED | OPTI_TYPE_APPENDED_SALT | OPTI_TYPE_RAW_HASH; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 3; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 7; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 6; break; case 1440: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_SHA256; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_INTERN; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_BE | OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADD80 | OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADDBITS15 | OPTS_TYPE_PT_UNICODE; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_SHA256_SLTPWU; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_8; hashconfig->parse_func = sha256s_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE | OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_INIT | OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_MERKLE | OPTI_TYPE_EARLY_SKIP | OPTI_TYPE_NOT_ITERATED | OPTI_TYPE_PREPENDED_SALT | OPTI_TYPE_RAW_HASH; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 3; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 7; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 6; break; case 1441: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_SHA256; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_EMBEDDED; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_BE | OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADD80 | OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADDBITS15 | OPTS_TYPE_PT_UNICODE | OPTS_TYPE_ST_BASE64; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_SHA256_SLTPWU; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_8; hashconfig->parse_func = episerver4_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE | OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_INIT | OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_MERKLE | OPTI_TYPE_EARLY_SKIP | OPTI_TYPE_NOT_ITERATED | OPTI_TYPE_PREPENDED_SALT | OPTI_TYPE_RAW_HASH; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 3; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 7; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 6; break; case 1450: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_SHA256; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_INTERN; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_BE | OPTS_TYPE_ST_ADD80; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_HMACSHA256_PW; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_8; hashconfig->parse_func = hmacsha256_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE | OPTI_TYPE_NOT_ITERATED; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 3; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 7; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 6; break; case 1460: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_SHA256; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_INTERN; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_BE | OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADD80 | OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADDBITS15; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_HMACSHA256_SLT; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_8; hashconfig->parse_func = hmacsha256_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE | OPTI_TYPE_NOT_ITERATED; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 3; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 7; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 6; break; case 1500: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_DESCRYPT; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_EMBEDDED; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_LE | OPTS_TYPE_PT_BITSLICE; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_DESCRYPT; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_4; // originally DGST_SIZE_4_2 hashconfig->parse_func = descrypt_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE | OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_PERMUT; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 0; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 1; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 3; break; case 1600: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_MD5; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_EMBEDDED; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_OUTSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_LE; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_APR1CRYPT; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_4; hashconfig->parse_func = md5apr1_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 0; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 1; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 3; break; case 1700: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_SHA512; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_NONE; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_BE | OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADD80 | OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADDBITS15; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_SHA512; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_8_8; hashconfig->parse_func = sha512_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE | OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_INIT | OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_MERKLE | OPTI_TYPE_EARLY_SKIP | OPTI_TYPE_NOT_ITERATED | OPTI_TYPE_NOT_SALTED | OPTI_TYPE_USES_BITS_64 | OPTI_TYPE_RAW_HASH; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 14; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 15; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 6; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 7; break; case 1710: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_SHA512; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_INTERN; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_BE | OPTS_TYPE_ST_ADD80 | OPTS_TYPE_ST_ADDBITS15; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_SHA512_PWSLT; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_8_8; hashconfig->parse_func = sha512s_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE | OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_INIT | OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_MERKLE | OPTI_TYPE_EARLY_SKIP | OPTI_TYPE_NOT_ITERATED | OPTI_TYPE_APPENDED_SALT | OPTI_TYPE_USES_BITS_64 | OPTI_TYPE_RAW_HASH; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 14; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 15; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 6; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 7; break; case 1711: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_SHA512; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_EMBEDDED; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_BE | OPTS_TYPE_ST_ADD80 | OPTS_TYPE_ST_ADDBITS15; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_SHA512_PWSLT; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_8_8; hashconfig->parse_func = sha512b64s_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE | OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_INIT | OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_MERKLE | OPTI_TYPE_EARLY_SKIP | OPTI_TYPE_NOT_ITERATED | OPTI_TYPE_APPENDED_SALT | OPTI_TYPE_USES_BITS_64 | OPTI_TYPE_RAW_HASH; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 14; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 15; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 6; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 7; break; case 1720: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_SHA512; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_INTERN; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_BE | OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADD80 | OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADDBITS15; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_SHA512_SLTPW; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_8_8; hashconfig->parse_func = sha512s_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE | OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_INIT | OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_MERKLE | OPTI_TYPE_EARLY_SKIP | OPTI_TYPE_NOT_ITERATED | OPTI_TYPE_PREPENDED_SALT | OPTI_TYPE_USES_BITS_64 | OPTI_TYPE_RAW_HASH; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 14; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 15; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 6; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 7; break; case 1722: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_SHA512; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_EMBEDDED; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_BE | OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADD80 | OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADDBITS15 | OPTS_TYPE_ST_HEX; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_SHA512_SLTPW; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_8_8; hashconfig->parse_func = osx512_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE | OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_INIT | OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_MERKLE | OPTI_TYPE_EARLY_SKIP | OPTI_TYPE_NOT_ITERATED | OPTI_TYPE_PREPENDED_SALT | OPTI_TYPE_USES_BITS_64 | OPTI_TYPE_RAW_HASH; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 14; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 15; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 6; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 7; break; case 1730: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_SHA512; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_INTERN; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_BE | OPTS_TYPE_PT_UNICODE | OPTS_TYPE_ST_ADD80 | OPTS_TYPE_ST_ADDBITS15; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_SHA512_PWSLTU; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_8_8; hashconfig->parse_func = sha512s_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE | OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_INIT | OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_MERKLE | OPTI_TYPE_EARLY_SKIP | OPTI_TYPE_NOT_ITERATED | OPTI_TYPE_APPENDED_SALT | OPTI_TYPE_USES_BITS_64 | OPTI_TYPE_RAW_HASH; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 14; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 15; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 6; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 7; break; case 1731: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_SHA512; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_EMBEDDED; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_BE | OPTS_TYPE_PT_UNICODE | OPTS_TYPE_ST_ADD80 | OPTS_TYPE_ST_ADDBITS15 | OPTS_TYPE_ST_HEX; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_SHA512_PWSLTU; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_8_8; hashconfig->parse_func = mssql2012_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE | OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_INIT | OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_MERKLE | OPTI_TYPE_EARLY_SKIP | OPTI_TYPE_NOT_ITERATED | OPTI_TYPE_APPENDED_SALT | OPTI_TYPE_USES_BITS_64 | OPTI_TYPE_RAW_HASH; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 14; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 15; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 6; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 7; break; case 1740: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_SHA512; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_INTERN; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_BE | OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADD80 | OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADDBITS15 | OPTS_TYPE_PT_UNICODE; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_SHA512_SLTPWU; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_8_8; hashconfig->parse_func = sha512s_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE | OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_INIT | OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_MERKLE | OPTI_TYPE_EARLY_SKIP | OPTI_TYPE_NOT_ITERATED | OPTI_TYPE_PREPENDED_SALT | OPTI_TYPE_USES_BITS_64 | OPTI_TYPE_RAW_HASH; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 14; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 15; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 6; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 7; break; case 1750: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_SHA512; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_INTERN; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_BE | OPTS_TYPE_ST_ADD80; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_HMACSHA512_PW; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_8_8; hashconfig->parse_func = hmacsha512_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE | OPTI_TYPE_USES_BITS_64 | OPTI_TYPE_NOT_ITERATED; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 14; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 15; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 6; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 7; break; case 1760: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_SHA512; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_INTERN; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_BE | OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADD80 | OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADDBITS15; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_HMACSHA512_SLT; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_8_8; hashconfig->parse_func = hmacsha512_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE | OPTI_TYPE_USES_BITS_64 | OPTI_TYPE_NOT_ITERATED; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 14; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 15; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 6; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 7; break; case 1800: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_SHA512; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_EMBEDDED; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_OUTSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_LE; // should be OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_BE hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_SHA512CRYPT; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_8_8; hashconfig->parse_func = sha512crypt_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE | OPTI_TYPE_USES_BITS_64; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 0; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 1; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 3; break; case 2000: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_STDOUT; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_NONE; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_LE; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_STDOUT; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_4; hashconfig->parse_func = NULL; hashconfig->opti_type = 0; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 0; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 0; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 0; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 0; break; case 2100: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_DCC2; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_EMBEDDED; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_OUTSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_LE // should be OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_BE | OPTS_TYPE_ST_LOWER | OPTS_TYPE_ST_UNICODE; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_DCC2; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_4; hashconfig->parse_func = dcc2_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE | OPTI_TYPE_SLOW_HASH_SIMD; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 0; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 1; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 3; break; case 2400: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_MD5; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_NONE; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_LE; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_MD5PIX; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_4; hashconfig->parse_func = md5pix_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE | OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_INIT | OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_MERKLE | OPTI_TYPE_EARLY_SKIP | OPTI_TYPE_NOT_ITERATED | OPTI_TYPE_NOT_SALTED; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 0; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 3; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 1; break; case 2410: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_MD5; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_INTERN; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_LE; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_MD5ASA; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_4; hashconfig->parse_func = md5asa_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE | OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_INIT | OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_MERKLE | OPTI_TYPE_EARLY_SKIP | OPTI_TYPE_NOT_ITERATED; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 0; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 3; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 1; break; case 2500: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_WPA; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_EMBEDDED; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_OUTSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_LE; // should be OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_BE hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_WPA; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_4; hashconfig->parse_func = wpa_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE | OPTI_TYPE_SLOW_HASH_SIMD; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 0; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 1; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 3; break; case 2600: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_MD5; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_VIRTUAL; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_LE | OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADD80 | OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADDBITS14 | OPTS_TYPE_ST_ADD80; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_MD55_PWSLT1; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_4; hashconfig->parse_func = md5md5_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE | OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_INIT | OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_MERKLE | OPTI_TYPE_EARLY_SKIP; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 0; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 3; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 1; break; case 2611: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_MD5; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_INTERN; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_LE | OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADD80 | OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADDBITS14 | OPTS_TYPE_ST_ADD80; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_MD55_PWSLT1; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_4; hashconfig->parse_func = vb3_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE | OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_INIT | OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_MERKLE | OPTI_TYPE_EARLY_SKIP; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 0; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 3; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 1; break; case 2612: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_MD5; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_EMBEDDED; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_LE | OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADD80 | OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADDBITS14 | OPTS_TYPE_ST_ADD80 | OPTS_TYPE_ST_HEX; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_MD55_PWSLT1; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_4; hashconfig->parse_func = phps_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE | OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_INIT | OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_MERKLE | OPTI_TYPE_EARLY_SKIP; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 0; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 3; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 1; break; case 2711: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_MD5; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_INTERN; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_LE | OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADD80 | OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADDBITS14 | OPTS_TYPE_ST_ADD80; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_MD55_PWSLT2; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_4; hashconfig->parse_func = vb30_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE | OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_INIT | OPTI_TYPE_EARLY_SKIP; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 0; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 3; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 1; break; case 2811: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_MD5; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_INTERN; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_LE | OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADD80 | OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADDBITS14; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_MD55_SLTPW; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_4; hashconfig->parse_func = ipb2_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE | OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_INIT | OPTI_TYPE_EARLY_SKIP; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 0; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 3; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 1; break; case 3000: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_LM; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_NONE; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_LE | OPTS_TYPE_PT_UPPER | OPTS_TYPE_PT_BITSLICE; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_LM; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_4; // originally DGST_SIZE_4_2 hashconfig->parse_func = lm_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE | OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_PERMUT; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 0; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 1; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 3; break; case 3100: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_ORACLEH; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_INTERN; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_LE | OPTS_TYPE_PT_UPPER | OPTS_TYPE_ST_UPPER; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_ORACLEH; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_4; // originally DGST_SIZE_4_2 hashconfig->parse_func = oracleh_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 0; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 1; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 3; break; case 3200: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_BCRYPT; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_EMBEDDED; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_OUTSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_LE | OPTS_TYPE_ST_GENERATE_LE; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_BCRYPT; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_6; hashconfig->parse_func = bcrypt_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 0; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 1; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 3; break; case 3710: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_MD5; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_INTERN; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_LE | OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADD80 | OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADDBITS14; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_MD5_SLT_MD5_PW; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_4; hashconfig->parse_func = md5s_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE | OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_INIT | OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_MERKLE | OPTI_TYPE_EARLY_SKIP; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 0; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 3; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 1; break; case 3711: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_MD5; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_EMBEDDED; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_LE | OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADD80 | OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADDBITS14; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_MD5_SLT_MD5_PW; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_4; hashconfig->parse_func = mediawiki_b_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE | OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_INIT | OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_MERKLE | OPTI_TYPE_EARLY_SKIP; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 0; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 3; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 1; break; case 3800: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_MD5; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_INTERN; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_LE | OPTS_TYPE_ST_ADDBITS14; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_MD5_SLT_PW_SLT; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_4; hashconfig->parse_func = md5s_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE | OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_INIT | OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_MERKLE | OPTI_TYPE_EARLY_SKIP | OPTI_TYPE_NOT_ITERATED | OPTI_TYPE_RAW_HASH; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 0; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 3; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 1; break; case 4300: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_MD5; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_VIRTUAL; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_LE | OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADD80 | OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADDBITS14 | OPTS_TYPE_ST_ADD80; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_MD5U5_PWSLT1; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_4; hashconfig->parse_func = md5md5_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE | OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_INIT | OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_MERKLE | OPTI_TYPE_EARLY_SKIP; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 0; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 3; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 1; break; case 4400: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_MD5; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_NONE; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_BE | OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADD80 | OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADDBITS15; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_MD5_SHA1; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_4; hashconfig->parse_func = md5_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE | OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_INIT | OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_MERKLE | OPTI_TYPE_EARLY_SKIP | OPTI_TYPE_NOT_ITERATED | OPTI_TYPE_NOT_SALTED | OPTI_TYPE_RAW_HASH; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 0; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 3; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 1; break; case 4500: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_SHA1; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_NONE; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_BE | OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADD80 | OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADDBITS15; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_SHA11; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_5; hashconfig->parse_func = sha1_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE | OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_INIT | OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_MERKLE | OPTI_TYPE_EARLY_SKIP | OPTI_TYPE_NOT_SALTED; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 3; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 4; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 1; break; case 4700: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_SHA1; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_NONE; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_LE | OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADD80 | OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADDBITS14; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_SHA1_MD5; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_5; hashconfig->parse_func = sha1_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE | OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_INIT | OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_MERKLE | OPTI_TYPE_EARLY_SKIP | OPTI_TYPE_NOT_ITERATED | OPTI_TYPE_NOT_SALTED | OPTI_TYPE_RAW_HASH; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 3; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 4; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 1; break; case 4800: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_MD5; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_EMBEDDED; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_LE | OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADDBITS14; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_MD5_CHAP; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_4; hashconfig->parse_func = chap_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE | OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_INIT | OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_MERKLE | OPTI_TYPE_MEET_IN_MIDDLE | OPTI_TYPE_EARLY_SKIP | OPTI_TYPE_NOT_ITERATED | OPTI_TYPE_RAW_HASH; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 0; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 3; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 1; break; case 4900: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_SHA1; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_INTERN; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_LE; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_SHA1_SLT_PW_SLT; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_5; hashconfig->parse_func = sha1s_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE | OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_INIT | OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_MERKLE | OPTI_TYPE_EARLY_SKIP; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 3; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 4; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 1; break; case 5000: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_KECCAK; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_EMBEDDED; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_LE | OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADD01; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_KECCAK; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_8_25; hashconfig->parse_func = keccak_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE | OPTI_TYPE_USES_BITS_64 | OPTI_TYPE_RAW_HASH; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 3; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 4; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 5; break; case 5100: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_MD5H; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_NONE; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_LE | OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADD80 | OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADDBITS14; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_MD5H; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_4; // originally DGST_SIZE_4_2 hashconfig->parse_func = md5half_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE | OPTI_TYPE_RAW_HASH; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 0; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 1; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 3; break; case 5200: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_SHA256; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_EMBEDDED; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_OUTSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_LE; // should be OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_BE hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_PSAFE3; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_8; hashconfig->parse_func = psafe3_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 0; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 1; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 3; break; case 5300: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_MD5; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_EMBEDDED; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_LE | OPTS_TYPE_ST_ADD80; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_IKEPSK_MD5; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_4; hashconfig->parse_func = ikepsk_md5_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 0; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 3; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 1; break; case 5400: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_SHA1; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_EMBEDDED; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_BE | OPTS_TYPE_ST_ADD80; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_IKEPSK_SHA1; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_5; hashconfig->parse_func = ikepsk_sha1_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 3; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 4; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 1; break; case 5500: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_NETNTLM; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_EMBEDDED; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_LE | OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADD80 | OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADDBITS14 | OPTS_TYPE_PT_UNICODE | OPTS_TYPE_ST_HEX; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_NETNTLMv1; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_4; hashconfig->parse_func = netntlmv1_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE | OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_PERMUT; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 0; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 1; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 3; break; case 5600: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_MD5; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_EMBEDDED; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_LE | OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADD80 | OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADDBITS14 | OPTS_TYPE_PT_UNICODE; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_NETNTLMv2; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_4; hashconfig->parse_func = netntlmv2_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 0; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 3; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 1; break; case 5700: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_SHA256; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_NONE; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_BE | OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADD80 | OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADDBITS15; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_SHA256; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_8; hashconfig->parse_func = cisco4_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE | OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_INIT | OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_MERKLE | OPTI_TYPE_EARLY_SKIP | OPTI_TYPE_NOT_ITERATED | OPTI_TYPE_NOT_SALTED | OPTI_TYPE_RAW_HASH; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 3; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 7; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 6; break; case 5800: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_SHA1; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_INTERN; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_OUTSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_LE // should be OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_BE | OPTS_TYPE_ST_ADD80; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_ANDROIDPIN; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_5; hashconfig->parse_func = androidpin_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 0; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 1; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 3; break; case 6000: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_RIPEMD160; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_NONE; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_LE | OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADD80; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_RIPEMD160; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_5; hashconfig->parse_func = ripemd160_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 0; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 1; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 3; break; case 6100: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_WHIRLPOOL; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_NONE; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_BE | OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADD80; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_WHIRLPOOL; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_16; hashconfig->parse_func = whirlpool_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 0; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 1; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 3; break; case 6211: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_RIPEMD160; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_EMBEDDED; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_OUTSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_LE; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_TCRIPEMD160_XTS512; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_5; hashconfig->parse_func = truecrypt_parse_hash_2k; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 0; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 1; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 3; break; case 6212: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_RIPEMD160; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_EMBEDDED; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_OUTSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_LE; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_TCRIPEMD160_XTS1024; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_5; hashconfig->parse_func = truecrypt_parse_hash_2k; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 0; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 1; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 3; break; case 6213: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_RIPEMD160; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_EMBEDDED; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_OUTSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_LE; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_TCRIPEMD160_XTS1536; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_5; hashconfig->parse_func = truecrypt_parse_hash_2k; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 0; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 1; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 3; break; case 6221: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_SHA512; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_EMBEDDED; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_OUTSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_LE; // should be OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_BE hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_TCSHA512_XTS512; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_8_8; hashconfig->parse_func = truecrypt_parse_hash_1k; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE | OPTI_TYPE_USES_BITS_64; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 0; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 1; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 3; break; case 6222: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_SHA512; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_EMBEDDED; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_OUTSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_LE; // should be OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_BE hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_TCSHA512_XTS1024; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_8_8; hashconfig->parse_func = truecrypt_parse_hash_1k; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE | OPTI_TYPE_USES_BITS_64; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 0; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 1; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 3; break; case 6223: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_SHA512; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_EMBEDDED; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_OUTSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_LE; // should be OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_BE hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_TCSHA512_XTS1536; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_8_8; hashconfig->parse_func = truecrypt_parse_hash_1k; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE | OPTI_TYPE_USES_BITS_64; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 0; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 1; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 3; break; case 6231: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_WHIRLPOOL; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_EMBEDDED; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_OUTSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_LE; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_TCWHIRLPOOL_XTS512; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_8; hashconfig->parse_func = truecrypt_parse_hash_1k; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 0; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 1; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 3; break; case 6232: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_WHIRLPOOL; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_EMBEDDED; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_OUTSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_LE; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_TCWHIRLPOOL_XTS1024; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_8; hashconfig->parse_func = truecrypt_parse_hash_1k; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 0; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 1; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 3; break; case 6233: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_WHIRLPOOL; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_EMBEDDED; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_OUTSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_LE; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_TCWHIRLPOOL_XTS1536; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_8; hashconfig->parse_func = truecrypt_parse_hash_1k; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 0; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 1; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 3; break; case 6241: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_RIPEMD160; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_EMBEDDED; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_OUTSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_LE; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_TCRIPEMD160_XTS512; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_5; hashconfig->parse_func = truecrypt_parse_hash_1k; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 0; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 1; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 3; break; case 6242: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_RIPEMD160; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_EMBEDDED; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_OUTSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_LE; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_TCRIPEMD160_XTS1024; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_5; hashconfig->parse_func = truecrypt_parse_hash_1k; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 0; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 1; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 3; break; case 6243: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_RIPEMD160; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_EMBEDDED; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_OUTSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_LE; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_TCRIPEMD160_XTS1536; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_5; hashconfig->parse_func = truecrypt_parse_hash_1k; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 0; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 1; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 3; break; case 6300: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_MD5; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_EMBEDDED; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_OUTSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_LE; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_MD5AIX; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_4; hashconfig->parse_func = md5aix_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 0; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 1; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 3; break; case 6400: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_SHA256; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_EMBEDDED; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_OUTSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_LE; // should be OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_BE hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_SHA256AIX; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_8; hashconfig->parse_func = sha256aix_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 0; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 1; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 3; break; case 6500: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_SHA512; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_EMBEDDED; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_OUTSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_LE; // should be OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_BE hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_SHA512AIX; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_8_8; hashconfig->parse_func = sha512aix_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE | OPTI_TYPE_USES_BITS_64; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 0; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 1; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 3; break; case 6600: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_AES; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_EMBEDDED; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_OUTSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_LE; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_AGILEKEY; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_5; // because kernel uses _SHA1_ hashconfig->parse_func = agilekey_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 0; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 1; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 3; break; case 6700: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_SHA1; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_EMBEDDED; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_OUTSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_LE; // should be OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_BE hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_SHA1AIX; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_5; hashconfig->parse_func = sha1aix_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 0; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 1; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 3; break; case 6800: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_AES; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_EMBEDDED; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_OUTSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_LE; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_LASTPASS; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_8; // because kernel uses _SHA256_ hashconfig->parse_func = lastpass_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 0; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 1; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 3; break; case 6900: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_GOST; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_NONE; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_LE; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_GOST; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_8; hashconfig->parse_func = gost_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 0; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 1; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 3; break; case 7100: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_SHA512; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_EMBEDDED; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_OUTSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_LE; // should be OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_BE hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_PBKDF2_SHA512; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_8_16; hashconfig->parse_func = sha512osx_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE | OPTI_TYPE_USES_BITS_64 | OPTI_TYPE_SLOW_HASH_SIMD; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 0; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 1; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 3; break; case 7200: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_SHA512; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_EMBEDDED; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_OUTSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_LE; // should be OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_BE hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_PBKDF2_SHA512; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_8_16; hashconfig->parse_func = sha512grub_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE | OPTI_TYPE_USES_BITS_64 | OPTI_TYPE_SLOW_HASH_SIMD; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 0; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 1; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 3; break; case 7300: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_SHA1; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_EMBEDDED; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_BE | OPTS_TYPE_ST_ADD80 | OPTS_TYPE_ST_ADDBITS15; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_RAKP; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_5; hashconfig->parse_func = rakp_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE | OPTI_TYPE_NOT_ITERATED; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 3; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 4; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 1; break; case 7400: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_SHA256; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_EMBEDDED; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_OUTSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_LE; // should be OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_BE hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_SHA256CRYPT; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_8; hashconfig->parse_func = sha256crypt_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 0; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 1; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 3; break; case 7500: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_KRB5PA; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_EMBEDDED; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_LE; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_KRB5PA; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_4; hashconfig->parse_func = krb5pa_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE | OPTI_TYPE_NOT_ITERATED; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 0; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 1; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 3; break; case 7600: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_SHA1; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_INTERN; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_BE | OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADD80 | OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADDBITS15; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_SHA1_SLT_SHA1_PW; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_5; hashconfig->parse_func = redmine_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE | OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_INIT | OPTI_TYPE_EARLY_SKIP | OPTI_TYPE_NOT_ITERATED | OPTI_TYPE_PREPENDED_SALT; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 3; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 4; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 1; break; case 7700: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_SAPB; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_EMBEDDED; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_LE | OPTS_TYPE_PT_UPPER | OPTS_TYPE_ST_UPPER; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_SAPB; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_4; // originally DGST_SIZE_4_2 hashconfig->parse_func = sapb_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE | OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_INIT | OPTI_TYPE_NOT_ITERATED; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 0; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 1; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 3; break; case 7800: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_SAPG; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_EMBEDDED; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_BE | OPTS_TYPE_ST_ADD80 | OPTS_TYPE_ST_UPPER; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_SAPG; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_5; hashconfig->parse_func = sapg_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE | OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_INIT | OPTI_TYPE_NOT_ITERATED; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 3; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 4; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 1; break; case 7900: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_SHA512; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_EMBEDDED; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_OUTSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_LE; // should be OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_BE hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_DRUPAL7; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_8_8; hashconfig->parse_func = drupal7_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE | OPTI_TYPE_USES_BITS_64; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 0; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 1; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 3; break; case 8000: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_SHA256; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_EMBEDDED; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_BE | OPTS_TYPE_PT_UNICODE | OPTS_TYPE_ST_ADD80 | OPTS_TYPE_ST_HEX; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_SYBASEASE; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_8; hashconfig->parse_func = sybasease_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE | OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_INIT | OPTI_TYPE_EARLY_SKIP | OPTI_TYPE_NOT_ITERATED | OPTI_TYPE_RAW_HASH; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 3; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 7; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 6; break; case 8100: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_SHA1; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_EMBEDDED; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_BE; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_NETSCALER; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_5; hashconfig->parse_func = netscaler_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE | OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_INIT | OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_MERKLE | OPTI_TYPE_EARLY_SKIP | OPTI_TYPE_NOT_ITERATED | OPTI_TYPE_PREPENDED_SALT | OPTI_TYPE_RAW_HASH; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 3; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 4; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 1; break; case 8200: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_SHA256; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_EMBEDDED; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_OUTSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_LE; // should be OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_BE hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_CLOUDKEY; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_8; hashconfig->parse_func = cloudkey_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 0; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 1; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 3; break; case 8300: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_SHA1; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_EMBEDDED; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_BE | OPTS_TYPE_ST_HEX | OPTS_TYPE_ST_ADD80; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_NSEC3; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_5; hashconfig->parse_func = nsec3_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 3; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 4; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 1; break; case 8400: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_SHA1; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_INTERN; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_BE | OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADD80 | OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADDBITS15; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_WBB3; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_5; hashconfig->parse_func = wbb3_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE | OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_INIT | OPTI_TYPE_NOT_ITERATED; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 3; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 4; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 1; break; case 8500: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_DESRACF; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_EMBEDDED; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_LE | OPTS_TYPE_ST_UPPER; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_RACF; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_4; // originally DGST_SIZE_4_2 hashconfig->parse_func = racf_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE | OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_PERMUT; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 0; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 1; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 3; break; case 8600: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_LOTUS5; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_NONE; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_LE; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_LOTUS5; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_4; hashconfig->parse_func = lotus5_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_EARLY_SKIP | OPTI_TYPE_NOT_ITERATED | OPTI_TYPE_NOT_SALTED | OPTI_TYPE_RAW_HASH; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 0; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 1; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 3; break; case 8700: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_LOTUS6; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_EMBEDDED; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_LE; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_LOTUS6; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_4; hashconfig->parse_func = lotus6_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_EARLY_SKIP | OPTI_TYPE_NOT_ITERATED | OPTI_TYPE_RAW_HASH; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 0; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 1; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 3; break; case 8800: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_ANDROIDFDE; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_EMBEDDED; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_OUTSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_LE; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_ANDROIDFDE; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_4; hashconfig->parse_func = androidfde_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 0; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 1; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 3; break; case 8900: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_SCRYPT; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_EMBEDDED; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_OUTSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_LE; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_SCRYPT; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_8; hashconfig->parse_func = scrypt_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 0; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 1; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 3; break; case 9000: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_SHA1; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_EMBEDDED; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_OUTSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_LE | OPTS_TYPE_ST_GENERATE_LE; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_PSAFE2; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_5; hashconfig->parse_func = psafe2_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 0; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 1; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 3; break; case 9100: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_LOTUS8; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_EMBEDDED; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_OUTSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_LE; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_LOTUS8; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_4; // originally DGST_SIZE_4_2 hashconfig->parse_func = lotus8_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 0; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 1; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 3; break; case 9200: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_SHA256; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_EMBEDDED; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_OUTSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_LE; // should be OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_BE hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_PBKDF2_SHA256; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_32; hashconfig->parse_func = cisco8_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE | OPTI_TYPE_SLOW_HASH_SIMD; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 0; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 1; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 3; break; case 9300: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_SCRYPT; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_EMBEDDED; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_OUTSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_LE; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_SCRYPT; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_8; hashconfig->parse_func = cisco9_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 0; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 1; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 3; break; case 9400: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_OFFICE2007; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_EMBEDDED; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_OUTSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_LE; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_OFFICE2007; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_4; hashconfig->parse_func = office2007_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 0; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 1; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 3; break; case 9500: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_OFFICE2010; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_EMBEDDED; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_OUTSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_LE; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_OFFICE2010; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_4; hashconfig->parse_func = office2010_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 0; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 1; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 3; break; case 9600: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_OFFICE2013; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_EMBEDDED; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_OUTSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_LE; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_OFFICE2013; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_4; hashconfig->parse_func = office2013_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 0; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 1; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 3; break; case 9700: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_OLDOFFICE01; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_EMBEDDED; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_LE | OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADD80 | OPTS_TYPE_PT_UNICODE; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_OLDOFFICE01; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_4; hashconfig->parse_func = oldoffice01_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE | OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_INIT | OPTI_TYPE_NOT_ITERATED; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 0; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 1; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 3; break; case 9710: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_OLDOFFICE01; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_EMBEDDED; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_LE | OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADD80; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_OLDOFFICE01CM1; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_4; hashconfig->parse_func = oldoffice01cm1_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE | OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_INIT | OPTI_TYPE_NOT_ITERATED; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 0; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 1; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 3; break; case 9720: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_OLDOFFICE01; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_EMBEDDED; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_LE | OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADD80 | OPTS_TYPE_PT_UNICODE | OPTS_TYPE_PT_NEVERCRACK; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_OLDOFFICE01CM2; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_4; hashconfig->parse_func = oldoffice01cm2_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE | OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_INIT | OPTI_TYPE_NOT_ITERATED; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 0; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 1; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 3; break; case 9800: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_OLDOFFICE34; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_EMBEDDED; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_BE | OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADD80 | OPTS_TYPE_PT_UNICODE; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_OLDOFFICE34; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_4; hashconfig->parse_func = oldoffice34_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE | OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_INIT | OPTI_TYPE_NOT_ITERATED; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 0; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 1; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 3; break; case 9810: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_OLDOFFICE34; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_EMBEDDED; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_LE; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_OLDOFFICE34CM1; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_4; hashconfig->parse_func = oldoffice34cm1_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE | OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_INIT | OPTI_TYPE_NOT_ITERATED; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 0; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 1; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 3; break; case 9820: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_OLDOFFICE34; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_EMBEDDED; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_BE | OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADD80 | OPTS_TYPE_PT_UNICODE | OPTS_TYPE_PT_NEVERCRACK; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_OLDOFFICE34CM2; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_4; hashconfig->parse_func = oldoffice34cm2_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE | OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_INIT | OPTI_TYPE_NOT_ITERATED; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 0; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 1; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 3; break; case 9900: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_MD5; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_NONE; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_LE; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_RADMIN2; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_4; hashconfig->parse_func = radmin2_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE | OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_INIT | OPTI_TYPE_EARLY_SKIP | OPTI_TYPE_NOT_ITERATED | OPTI_TYPE_NOT_SALTED; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 0; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 3; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 1; break; case 10000: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_SHA256; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_EMBEDDED; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_OUTSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_LE; // should be OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_BE hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_PBKDF2_SHA256; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_32; hashconfig->parse_func = djangopbkdf2_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE | OPTI_TYPE_SLOW_HASH_SIMD; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 0; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 1; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 3; break; case 10100: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_SIPHASH; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_EMBEDDED; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_LE; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_SIPHASH; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_4; // originally DGST_SIZE_4_2 hashconfig->parse_func = siphash_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE | OPTI_TYPE_NOT_ITERATED | OPTI_TYPE_RAW_HASH; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 0; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 1; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 3; break; case 10200: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_MD5; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_EMBEDDED; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_LE | OPTS_TYPE_ST_ADD80 | OPTS_TYPE_ST_ADDBITS14; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_HMACMD5_PW; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_4; hashconfig->parse_func = crammd5_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE | OPTI_TYPE_NOT_ITERATED; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 0; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 3; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 1; break; case 10300: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_SHA1; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_EMBEDDED; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_OUTSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_LE; // should be OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_BE hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_SAPH_SHA1; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_5; hashconfig->parse_func = saph_sha1_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 0; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 1; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 3; break; case 10400: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_PDFU16; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_EMBEDDED; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_LE; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_PDF11; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_4; hashconfig->parse_func = pdf11_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE | OPTI_TYPE_NOT_ITERATED; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 0; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 1; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 3; break; case 10410: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_PDFU16; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_EMBEDDED; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_LE; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_PDF11CM1; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_4; hashconfig->parse_func = pdf11cm1_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE | OPTI_TYPE_NOT_ITERATED; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 0; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 1; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 3; break; case 10420: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_PDFU16; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_EMBEDDED; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_LE; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_PDF11CM2; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_4; hashconfig->parse_func = pdf11cm2_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE | OPTI_TYPE_NOT_ITERATED; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 0; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 1; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 3; break; case 10500: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_PDFU16; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_EMBEDDED; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_OUTSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_LE; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_PDF14; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_4; hashconfig->parse_func = pdf14_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE | OPTI_TYPE_NOT_ITERATED; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 0; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 1; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 3; break; case 10600: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_SHA256; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_EMBEDDED; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_BE | OPTS_TYPE_ST_ADD80 | OPTS_TYPE_ST_ADDBITS15 | OPTS_TYPE_HASH_COPY; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_SHA256_PWSLT; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_8; hashconfig->parse_func = pdf17l3_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE | OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_INIT | OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_MERKLE | OPTI_TYPE_EARLY_SKIP | OPTI_TYPE_NOT_ITERATED | OPTI_TYPE_APPENDED_SALT | OPTI_TYPE_RAW_HASH; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 3; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 7; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 6; break; case 10700: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_PDFU32; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_EMBEDDED; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_OUTSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_LE | OPTS_TYPE_HASH_COPY; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_PDF17L8; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_8; hashconfig->parse_func = pdf17l8_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE | OPTI_TYPE_NOT_ITERATED; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 0; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 1; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 3; break; case 10800: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_SHA384; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_NONE; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_BE | OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADD80 | OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADDBITS15; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_SHA384; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_8_8; hashconfig->parse_func = sha384_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE | OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_INIT | OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_MERKLE | OPTI_TYPE_EARLY_SKIP | OPTI_TYPE_NOT_ITERATED | OPTI_TYPE_NOT_SALTED | OPTI_TYPE_USES_BITS_64 | OPTI_TYPE_RAW_HASH; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 6; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 7; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 4; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 5; break; case 10900: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_PBKDF2_SHA256; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_EMBEDDED; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_OUTSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_LE | OPTS_TYPE_ST_BASE64 | OPTS_TYPE_HASH_COPY; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_PBKDF2_SHA256; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_32; hashconfig->parse_func = pbkdf2_sha256_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE | OPTI_TYPE_SLOW_HASH_SIMD; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 0; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 1; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 3; break; case 11000: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_MD5; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_INTERN; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_LE | OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADD80; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_PRESTASHOP; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_4; hashconfig->parse_func = prestashop_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE | OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_INIT | OPTI_TYPE_NOT_ITERATED | OPTI_TYPE_PREPENDED_SALT; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 0; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 3; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 1; break; case 11100: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_MD5; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_EMBEDDED; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_LE | OPTS_TYPE_ST_ADD80; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_POSTGRESQL_AUTH; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_4; hashconfig->parse_func = postgresql_auth_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE | OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_INIT | OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_MERKLE | OPTI_TYPE_EARLY_SKIP; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 0; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 3; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 1; break; case 11200: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_SHA1; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_EMBEDDED; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_BE | OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADD80 | OPTS_TYPE_ST_HEX; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_MYSQL_AUTH; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_5; hashconfig->parse_func = mysql_auth_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE | OPTI_TYPE_EARLY_SKIP; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 3; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 4; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 1; break; case 11300: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_BITCOIN_WALLET; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_EMBEDDED; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_OUTSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_LE | OPTS_TYPE_ST_HEX | OPTS_TYPE_ST_ADD80; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_BITCOIN_WALLET; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_4; hashconfig->parse_func = bitcoin_wallet_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 0; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 1; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 3; break; case 11400: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_MD5; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_EMBEDDED; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_LE | OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADD80 | OPTS_TYPE_HASH_COPY; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_SIP_AUTH; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_4; hashconfig->parse_func = sip_auth_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 0; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 3; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 1; break; case 11500: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_CRC32; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_INTERN; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_LE | OPTS_TYPE_ST_GENERATE_LE | OPTS_TYPE_ST_HEX; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_CRC32; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_4; // originally DGST_SIZE_4_2 hashconfig->parse_func = crc32_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 0; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 1; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 3; break; case 11600: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_AES; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_EMBEDDED; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_OUTSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_LE | OPTS_TYPE_PT_NEVERCRACK; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_SEVEN_ZIP; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_4; // originally DGST_SIZE_4_2 hashconfig->parse_func = seven_zip_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 0; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 1; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 3; break; case 11700: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_GOST_2012SBOG_256; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_NONE; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_LE | OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADD01; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_GOST_2012SBOG_256; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_8; hashconfig->parse_func = gost2012sbog_256_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 0; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 1; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 3; break; case 11800: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_GOST_2012SBOG_512; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_NONE; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_LE | OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADD01; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_GOST_2012SBOG_512; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_16; hashconfig->parse_func = gost2012sbog_512_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 0; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 1; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 3; break; case 11900: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_PBKDF2_MD5; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_EMBEDDED; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_OUTSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_LE | OPTS_TYPE_ST_BASE64 | OPTS_TYPE_HASH_COPY; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_PBKDF2_MD5; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_32; hashconfig->parse_func = pbkdf2_md5_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE | OPTI_TYPE_SLOW_HASH_SIMD; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 0; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 1; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 3; break; case 12000: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_PBKDF2_SHA1; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_EMBEDDED; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_OUTSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_LE | OPTS_TYPE_ST_BASE64 | OPTS_TYPE_HASH_COPY; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_PBKDF2_SHA1; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_32; hashconfig->parse_func = pbkdf2_sha1_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE | OPTI_TYPE_SLOW_HASH_SIMD; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 0; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 1; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 3; break; case 12100: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_PBKDF2_SHA512; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_EMBEDDED; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_OUTSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_LE | OPTS_TYPE_ST_BASE64 | OPTS_TYPE_HASH_COPY; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_PBKDF2_SHA512; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_8_16; hashconfig->parse_func = pbkdf2_sha512_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE | OPTI_TYPE_USES_BITS_64 | OPTI_TYPE_SLOW_HASH_SIMD; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 0; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 1; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 3; break; case 12200: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_ECRYPTFS; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_EMBEDDED; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_OUTSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_LE; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_ECRYPTFS; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_8_8; hashconfig->parse_func = ecryptfs_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE | OPTI_TYPE_USES_BITS_64; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 0; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 1; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 3; break; case 12300: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_ORACLET; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_EMBEDDED; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_OUTSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_LE; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_ORACLET; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_8_16; hashconfig->parse_func = oraclet_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE | OPTI_TYPE_USES_BITS_64; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 0; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 1; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 3; break; case 12400: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_BSDICRYPT; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_EMBEDDED; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_OUTSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_LE; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_BSDICRYPT; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_4; hashconfig->parse_func = bsdicrypt_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE | OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_PERMUT; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 0; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 1; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 3; break; case 12500: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_RAR3HP; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_EMBEDDED; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_OUTSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_LE; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_RAR3; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_4; hashconfig->parse_func = rar3hp_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 0; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 1; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 3; break; case 12600: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_SHA256; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_INTERN; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_BE | OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADD80; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_CF10; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_8; hashconfig->parse_func = cf10_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE | OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_INIT | OPTI_TYPE_EARLY_SKIP | OPTI_TYPE_NOT_ITERATED; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 3; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 7; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 6; break; case 12700: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_AES; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_EMBEDDED; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_OUTSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_LE | OPTS_TYPE_HASH_COPY; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_MYWALLET; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_5; // because kernel uses _SHA1_ hashconfig->parse_func = mywallet_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 0; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 1; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 3; break; case 12800: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_PBKDF2_SHA256; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_EMBEDDED; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_OUTSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_LE; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_MS_DRSR; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_8; hashconfig->parse_func = ms_drsr_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 0; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 1; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 3; break; case 12900: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_PBKDF2_SHA256; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_EMBEDDED; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_OUTSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_LE; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_ANDROIDFDE_SAMSUNG; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_8; hashconfig->parse_func = androidfde_samsung_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 0; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 1; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 3; break; case 13000: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_PBKDF2_SHA256; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_EMBEDDED; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_OUTSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_LE; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_RAR5; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_4; hashconfig->parse_func = rar5_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 0; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 1; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 3; break; case 13100: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_KRB5TGS; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_EMBEDDED; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_LE; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_KRB5TGS; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_4; hashconfig->parse_func = krb5tgs_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE | OPTI_TYPE_NOT_ITERATED; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 0; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 1; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 3; break; case 13200: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_AES; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_EMBEDDED; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_OUTSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_LE; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_AXCRYPT; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_4; hashconfig->parse_func = axcrypt_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 0; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 1; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 3; break; case 13300: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_SHA1; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_NONE; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_BE | OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADD80 | OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADDBITS15; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_SHA1_AXCRYPT; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_5; hashconfig->parse_func = sha1axcrypt_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE | OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_INIT | OPTI_TYPE_EARLY_SKIP | OPTI_TYPE_NOT_ITERATED | OPTI_TYPE_NOT_SALTED; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 0; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 4; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 3; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 2; break; case 13400: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_AES; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_EMBEDDED; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_OUTSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_LE; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_KEEPASS; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_4; hashconfig->parse_func = keepass_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 0; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 1; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 3; break; case 13500: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_SHA1; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_EMBEDDED; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_BE | OPTS_TYPE_PT_UNICODE | OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADD80; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_PSTOKEN; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_5; hashconfig->parse_func = pstoken_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE | OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_INIT | OPTI_TYPE_EARLY_SKIP | OPTI_TYPE_NOT_ITERATED | OPTI_TYPE_PREPENDED_SALT | OPTI_TYPE_RAW_HASH; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 3; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 4; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 1; break; case 13600: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_PBKDF2_SHA1; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_EMBEDDED; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_OUTSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_LE; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_ZIP2; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_4; hashconfig->parse_func = zip2_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 0; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 1; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 3; break; case 13711: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_RIPEMD160; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_EMBEDDED; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_OUTSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_LE; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_TCRIPEMD160_XTS512; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_5; hashconfig->parse_func = veracrypt_parse_hash_655331; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 0; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 1; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 3; break; case 13712: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_RIPEMD160; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_EMBEDDED; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_OUTSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_LE; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_TCRIPEMD160_XTS1024; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_5; hashconfig->parse_func = veracrypt_parse_hash_655331; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 0; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 1; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 3; break; case 13713: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_RIPEMD160; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_EMBEDDED; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_OUTSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_LE; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_TCRIPEMD160_XTS1536; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_5; hashconfig->parse_func = veracrypt_parse_hash_655331; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 0; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 1; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 3; break; case 13721: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_SHA512; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_EMBEDDED; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_OUTSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_LE; // should be OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_BE hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_TCSHA512_XTS512; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_8_8; hashconfig->parse_func = veracrypt_parse_hash_500000; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE | OPTI_TYPE_USES_BITS_64; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 0; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 1; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 3; break; case 13722: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_SHA512; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_EMBEDDED; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_OUTSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_LE; // should be OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_BE hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_TCSHA512_XTS1024; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_8_8; hashconfig->parse_func = veracrypt_parse_hash_500000; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE | OPTI_TYPE_USES_BITS_64; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 0; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 1; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 3; break; case 13723: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_SHA512; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_EMBEDDED; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_OUTSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_LE; // should be OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_BE hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_TCSHA512_XTS1536; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_8_8; hashconfig->parse_func = veracrypt_parse_hash_500000; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE | OPTI_TYPE_USES_BITS_64; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 0; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 1; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 3; break; case 13731: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_WHIRLPOOL; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_EMBEDDED; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_OUTSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_LE; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_TCWHIRLPOOL_XTS512; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_8; hashconfig->parse_func = veracrypt_parse_hash_500000; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 0; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 1; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 3; break; case 13732: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_WHIRLPOOL; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_EMBEDDED; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_OUTSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_LE; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_TCWHIRLPOOL_XTS1024; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_8; hashconfig->parse_func = veracrypt_parse_hash_500000; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 0; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 1; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 3; break; case 13733: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_WHIRLPOOL; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_EMBEDDED; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_OUTSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_LE; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_TCWHIRLPOOL_XTS1536; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_8; hashconfig->parse_func = veracrypt_parse_hash_500000; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 0; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 1; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 3; break; case 13741: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_RIPEMD160; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_EMBEDDED; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_OUTSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_LE; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_TCRIPEMD160_XTS512; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_5; hashconfig->parse_func = veracrypt_parse_hash_327661; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 0; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 1; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 3; break; case 13742: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_RIPEMD160; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_EMBEDDED; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_OUTSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_LE; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_TCRIPEMD160_XTS1024; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_5; hashconfig->parse_func = veracrypt_parse_hash_327661; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 0; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 1; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 3; break; case 13743: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_RIPEMD160; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_EMBEDDED; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_OUTSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_LE; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_TCRIPEMD160_XTS1536; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_5; hashconfig->parse_func = veracrypt_parse_hash_327661; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 0; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 1; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 3; break; case 13751: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_SHA256; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_EMBEDDED; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_OUTSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_LE; // should be OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_BE hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_VCSHA256_XTS512; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_8; hashconfig->parse_func = veracrypt_parse_hash_500000; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 0; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 1; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 3; break; case 13752: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_SHA256; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_EMBEDDED; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_OUTSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_LE; // should be OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_BE hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_VCSHA256_XTS1024; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_8; hashconfig->parse_func = veracrypt_parse_hash_500000; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 0; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 1; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 3; break; case 13753: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_SHA256; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_EMBEDDED; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_OUTSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_LE; // should be OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_BE hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_VCSHA256_XTS1536; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_8; hashconfig->parse_func = veracrypt_parse_hash_500000; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 0; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 1; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 3; break; case 13761: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_SHA256; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_EMBEDDED; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_OUTSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_LE; // should be OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_BE hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_VCSHA256_XTS512; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_8; hashconfig->parse_func = veracrypt_parse_hash_200000; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 0; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 1; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 3; break; case 13762: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_SHA256; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_EMBEDDED; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_OUTSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_LE; // should be OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_BE hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_VCSHA256_XTS1024; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_8; hashconfig->parse_func = veracrypt_parse_hash_200000; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 0; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 1; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 3; break; case 13763: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_SHA256; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_EMBEDDED; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_OUTSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_LE; // should be OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_BE hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_VCSHA256_XTS1536; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_8; hashconfig->parse_func = veracrypt_parse_hash_200000; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 0; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 1; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 3; break; case 13800: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_SHA256; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_EMBEDDED; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_BE | OPTS_TYPE_PT_UNICODE; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_WIN8PHONE; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_8; hashconfig->parse_func = win8phone_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE | OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_INIT | OPTI_TYPE_EARLY_SKIP | OPTI_TYPE_NOT_ITERATED | OPTI_TYPE_RAW_HASH; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 3; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 7; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 6; break; case 13900: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_SHA1; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_INTERN; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_BE | OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADD80 | OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADDBITS15; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_OPENCART; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_5; hashconfig->parse_func = opencart_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE | OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_INIT | OPTI_TYPE_NOT_ITERATED; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 3; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 4; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 1; break; case 14000: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_DES; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_EMBEDDED; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_LE | OPTS_TYPE_PT_BITSLICE | OPTS_TYPE_ST_GENERATE_LE | OPTS_TYPE_ST_HEX; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_DES; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_4; // originally DGST_SIZE_4_2 hashconfig->parse_func = des_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE | OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_PERMUT; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 0; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 1; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 3; break; case 14100: hashconfig->hash_type = HASH_TYPE_DES; hashconfig->salt_type = SALT_TYPE_EMBEDDED; hashconfig->attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL; hashconfig->opts_type = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_LE | OPTS_TYPE_ST_GENERATE_LE | OPTS_TYPE_ST_HEX; hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_3DES; hashconfig->dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_4; // originally DGST_SIZE_4_2 hashconfig->parse_func = des_parse_hash; hashconfig->opti_type = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE | OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_PERMUT; hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = 0; hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = 1; hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = 2; hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = 3; break; default: log_error ("ERROR: Unknown hash-type '%u' selected", hashconfig->hash_mode); return -1; } if (user_options->hex_salt) { if (hashconfig->salt_type == SALT_TYPE_INTERN) { hashconfig->opts_type |= OPTS_TYPE_ST_HEX; } else { log_error ("ERROR: Parameter hex-salt not valid for hash-type %u", hashconfig->hash_mode); return -1; } } const uint is_salted = ((hashconfig->salt_type == SALT_TYPE_INTERN) | (hashconfig->salt_type == SALT_TYPE_EXTERN) | (hashconfig->salt_type == SALT_TYPE_EMBEDDED) | (hashconfig->salt_type == SALT_TYPE_VIRTUAL)); hashconfig->is_salted = is_salted; switch (hashconfig->hash_mode) { case 2500: hashconfig->esalt_size = sizeof (wpa_t); break; case 5300: hashconfig->esalt_size = sizeof (ikepsk_t); break; case 5400: hashconfig->esalt_size = sizeof (ikepsk_t); break; case 5500: hashconfig->esalt_size = sizeof (netntlm_t); break; case 5600: hashconfig->esalt_size = sizeof (netntlm_t); break; case 6211: hashconfig->esalt_size = sizeof (tc_t); break; case 6212: hashconfig->esalt_size = sizeof (tc_t); break; case 6213: hashconfig->esalt_size = sizeof (tc_t); break; case 6221: hashconfig->esalt_size = sizeof (tc_t); break; case 6222: hashconfig->esalt_size = sizeof (tc_t); break; case 6223: hashconfig->esalt_size = sizeof (tc_t); break; case 6231: hashconfig->esalt_size = sizeof (tc_t); break; case 6232: hashconfig->esalt_size = sizeof (tc_t); break; case 6233: hashconfig->esalt_size = sizeof (tc_t); break; case 6241: hashconfig->esalt_size = sizeof (tc_t); break; case 6242: hashconfig->esalt_size = sizeof (tc_t); break; case 6243: hashconfig->esalt_size = sizeof (tc_t); break; case 6600: hashconfig->esalt_size = sizeof (agilekey_t); break; case 7100: hashconfig->esalt_size = sizeof (pbkdf2_sha512_t); break; case 7200: hashconfig->esalt_size = sizeof (pbkdf2_sha512_t); break; case 7300: hashconfig->esalt_size = sizeof (rakp_t); break; case 7500: hashconfig->esalt_size = sizeof (krb5pa_t); break; case 8200: hashconfig->esalt_size = sizeof (cloudkey_t); break; case 8800: hashconfig->esalt_size = sizeof (androidfde_t); break; case 9200: hashconfig->esalt_size = sizeof (pbkdf2_sha256_t); break; case 9400: hashconfig->esalt_size = sizeof (office2007_t); break; case 9500: hashconfig->esalt_size = sizeof (office2010_t); break; case 9600: hashconfig->esalt_size = sizeof (office2013_t); break; case 9700: hashconfig->esalt_size = sizeof (oldoffice01_t); break; case 9710: hashconfig->esalt_size = sizeof (oldoffice01_t); break; case 9720: hashconfig->esalt_size = sizeof (oldoffice01_t); break; case 9800: hashconfig->esalt_size = sizeof (oldoffice34_t); break; case 9810: hashconfig->esalt_size = sizeof (oldoffice34_t); break; case 9820: hashconfig->esalt_size = sizeof (oldoffice34_t); break; case 10000: hashconfig->esalt_size = sizeof (pbkdf2_sha256_t); break; case 10200: hashconfig->esalt_size = sizeof (cram_md5_t); break; case 10400: hashconfig->esalt_size = sizeof (pdf_t); break; case 10410: hashconfig->esalt_size = sizeof (pdf_t); break; case 10420: hashconfig->esalt_size = sizeof (pdf_t); break; case 10500: hashconfig->esalt_size = sizeof (pdf_t); break; case 10600: hashconfig->esalt_size = sizeof (pdf_t); break; case 10700: hashconfig->esalt_size = sizeof (pdf_t); break; case 10900: hashconfig->esalt_size = sizeof (pbkdf2_sha256_t); break; case 11300: hashconfig->esalt_size = sizeof (bitcoin_wallet_t); break; case 11400: hashconfig->esalt_size = sizeof (sip_t); break; case 11600: hashconfig->esalt_size = sizeof (seven_zip_t); break; case 11900: hashconfig->esalt_size = sizeof (pbkdf2_md5_t); break; case 12000: hashconfig->esalt_size = sizeof (pbkdf2_sha1_t); break; case 12100: hashconfig->esalt_size = sizeof (pbkdf2_sha512_t); break; case 13000: hashconfig->esalt_size = sizeof (rar5_t); break; case 13100: hashconfig->esalt_size = sizeof (krb5tgs_t); break; case 13400: hashconfig->esalt_size = sizeof (keepass_t); break; case 13500: hashconfig->esalt_size = sizeof (pstoken_t); break; case 13600: hashconfig->esalt_size = sizeof (zip2_t); break; case 13711: hashconfig->esalt_size = sizeof (tc_t); break; case 13712: hashconfig->esalt_size = sizeof (tc_t); break; case 13713: hashconfig->esalt_size = sizeof (tc_t); break; case 13721: hashconfig->esalt_size = sizeof (tc_t); break; case 13722: hashconfig->esalt_size = sizeof (tc_t); break; case 13723: hashconfig->esalt_size = sizeof (tc_t); break; case 13731: hashconfig->esalt_size = sizeof (tc_t); break; case 13732: hashconfig->esalt_size = sizeof (tc_t); break; case 13733: hashconfig->esalt_size = sizeof (tc_t); break; case 13741: hashconfig->esalt_size = sizeof (tc_t); break; case 13742: hashconfig->esalt_size = sizeof (tc_t); break; case 13743: hashconfig->esalt_size = sizeof (tc_t); break; case 13751: hashconfig->esalt_size = sizeof (tc_t); break; case 13752: hashconfig->esalt_size = sizeof (tc_t); break; case 13753: hashconfig->esalt_size = sizeof (tc_t); break; case 13761: hashconfig->esalt_size = sizeof (tc_t); break; case 13762: hashconfig->esalt_size = sizeof (tc_t); break; case 13763: hashconfig->esalt_size = sizeof (tc_t); break; case 13800: hashconfig->esalt_size = sizeof (win8phone_t); break; } return 0; } void hashconfig_destroy (hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { myfree (hashconfig); } uint hashconfig_general_pw_min (hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { uint pw_min = PW_MIN; switch (hashconfig->hash_mode) { case 2500: pw_min = 8; break; case 9710: pw_min = 5; break; case 9810: pw_min = 5; break; case 10410: pw_min = 5; break; case 14000: pw_min = 8; break; case 14100: pw_min = 24; break; } return pw_min; } uint hashconfig_general_pw_max (hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { uint pw_max = PW_MAX; switch (hashconfig->hash_mode) { case 125: pw_max = 32; break; case 400: pw_max = 40; break; case 500: pw_max = 16; break; case 1500: pw_max = 8; break; case 1600: pw_max = 16; break; case 1800: pw_max = 16; break; case 2100: pw_max = 16; break; case 3000: pw_max = 7; break; case 5200: pw_max = 24; break; case 5800: pw_max = 16; break; case 6300: pw_max = 16; break; case 7400: pw_max = 16; break; case 7700: pw_max = 8; break; case 7900: pw_max = 48; break; case 8500: pw_max = 8; break; case 8600: pw_max = 16; break; case 9710: pw_max = 5; break; case 9810: pw_max = 5; break; case 10410: pw_max = 5; break; case 10300: pw_max = 40; break; case 10500: pw_max = 40; break; case 10700: pw_max = 16; break; case 11300: pw_max = 40; break; case 11600: pw_max = 32; break; case 12500: pw_max = 20; break; case 12800: pw_max = 24; break; case 14000: pw_max = 8; break; case 14100: pw_max = 24; break; } return pw_max; } void hashconfig_general_defaults (hashconfig_t *hashconfig, hashes_t *hashes, const user_options_t *user_options) { salt_t *salts_buf = hashes->salts_buf; void *esalts_buf = hashes->esalts_buf; /** * special modification not set from parser */ for (uint salts_pos = 0; salts_pos < hashes->salts_cnt; salts_pos++) { switch (hashconfig->hash_mode) { case 6211: salts_buf[salts_pos].truecrypt_mdlen = 1 * 512; break; case 6212: salts_buf[salts_pos].truecrypt_mdlen = 2 * 512; break; case 6213: salts_buf[salts_pos].truecrypt_mdlen = 3 * 512; break; case 6221: salts_buf[salts_pos].truecrypt_mdlen = 1 * 512; break; case 6222: salts_buf[salts_pos].truecrypt_mdlen = 2 * 512; break; case 6223: salts_buf[salts_pos].truecrypt_mdlen = 3 * 512; break; case 6231: salts_buf[salts_pos].truecrypt_mdlen = 1 * 512; break; case 6232: salts_buf[salts_pos].truecrypt_mdlen = 2 * 512; break; case 6233: salts_buf[salts_pos].truecrypt_mdlen = 3 * 512; break; case 6241: salts_buf[salts_pos].truecrypt_mdlen = 1 * 512; break; case 6242: salts_buf[salts_pos].truecrypt_mdlen = 2 * 512; break; case 6243: salts_buf[salts_pos].truecrypt_mdlen = 3 * 512; break; case 13711: salts_buf[salts_pos].truecrypt_mdlen = 1 * 512; break; case 13712: salts_buf[salts_pos].truecrypt_mdlen = 2 * 512; break; case 13713: salts_buf[salts_pos].truecrypt_mdlen = 3 * 512; break; case 13721: salts_buf[salts_pos].truecrypt_mdlen = 1 * 512; break; case 13722: salts_buf[salts_pos].truecrypt_mdlen = 2 * 512; break; case 13723: salts_buf[salts_pos].truecrypt_mdlen = 3 * 512; break; case 13731: salts_buf[salts_pos].truecrypt_mdlen = 1 * 512; break; case 13732: salts_buf[salts_pos].truecrypt_mdlen = 2 * 512; break; case 13733: salts_buf[salts_pos].truecrypt_mdlen = 3 * 512; break; case 13741: salts_buf[salts_pos].truecrypt_mdlen = 1 * 512; break; case 13742: salts_buf[salts_pos].truecrypt_mdlen = 2 * 512; break; case 13743: salts_buf[salts_pos].truecrypt_mdlen = 3 * 512; break; case 13751: salts_buf[salts_pos].truecrypt_mdlen = 1 * 512; break; case 13752: salts_buf[salts_pos].truecrypt_mdlen = 2 * 512; break; case 13753: salts_buf[salts_pos].truecrypt_mdlen = 3 * 512; break; case 13761: salts_buf[salts_pos].truecrypt_mdlen = 1 * 512; break; case 13762: salts_buf[salts_pos].truecrypt_mdlen = 2 * 512; break; case 13763: salts_buf[salts_pos].truecrypt_mdlen = 3 * 512; break; } } char *optional_param1 = NULL; if (user_options->truecrypt_keyfiles) optional_param1 = user_options->truecrypt_keyfiles; if (user_options->veracrypt_keyfiles) optional_param1 = user_options->veracrypt_keyfiles; if (optional_param1) { char *tcvc_keyfiles = (char *) optional_param1; uint *keyfile_buf = ((tc_t *) esalts_buf)->keyfile_buf; char *keyfiles = mystrdup (tcvc_keyfiles); char *keyfile = strtok (keyfiles, ","); do { cpu_crc32 (keyfile, (u8 *) keyfile_buf); } while ((keyfile = strtok (NULL, ",")) != NULL); free (keyfiles); } } void hashconfig_benchmark_defaults (hashconfig_t *hashconfig, salt_t *salt, void *esalt) { if (hashconfig->is_salted) { salt->salt_len = 8; // special salt handling switch (hashconfig->hash_mode) { case 1500: salt->salt_len = 2; salt->salt_buf[0] = 388; // pure magic break; case 1731: salt->salt_len = 4; break; case 2410: salt->salt_len = 4; break; case 2500: memcpy (salt->salt_buf, "hashcat.net", 11); break; case 3100: salt->salt_len = 1; break; case 5000: salt->keccak_mdlen = 32; break; case 5800: salt->salt_len = 16; break; case 6800: salt->salt_len = 32; break; case 8400: salt->salt_len = 40; break; case 8800: salt->salt_len = 16; break; case 8900: salt->salt_len = 16; salt->scrypt_N = 1024; salt->scrypt_r = 1; salt->scrypt_p = 1; break; case 9100: salt->salt_len = 16; break; case 9300: salt->salt_len = 14; salt->scrypt_N = 16384; salt->scrypt_r = 1; salt->scrypt_p = 1; break; case 9400: salt->salt_len = 16; break; case 9500: salt->salt_len = 16; break; case 9600: salt->salt_len = 16; break; case 9700: salt->salt_len = 16; break; case 9710: salt->salt_len = 16; break; case 9720: salt->salt_len = 16; break; case 9800: salt->salt_len = 16; break; case 9810: salt->salt_len = 16; break; case 9820: salt->salt_len = 16; break; case 10300: salt->salt_len = 12; break; case 11500: salt->salt_len = 4; break; case 11600: salt->salt_len = 4; break; case 12400: salt->salt_len = 4; break; case 12500: salt->salt_len = 8; break; case 12600: salt->salt_len = 64; break; case 14000: salt->salt_len = 8; break; case 14100: salt->salt_len = 8; break; } // special esalt handling switch (hashconfig->hash_mode) { case 2500: ((wpa_t *) esalt)->eapol_size = 128; break; case 5300: ((ikepsk_t *) esalt)->nr_len = 1; ((ikepsk_t *) esalt)->msg_len = 1; break; case 5400: ((ikepsk_t *) esalt)->nr_len = 1; ((ikepsk_t *) esalt)->msg_len = 1; break; case 5500: ((netntlm_t *) esalt)->user_len = 1; ((netntlm_t *) esalt)->domain_len = 1; ((netntlm_t *) esalt)->srvchall_len = 1; ((netntlm_t *) esalt)->clichall_len = 1; break; case 5600: ((netntlm_t *) esalt)->user_len = 1; ((netntlm_t *) esalt)->domain_len = 1; ((netntlm_t *) esalt)->srvchall_len = 1; ((netntlm_t *) esalt)->clichall_len = 1; break; case 7300: ((rakp_t *) esalt)->salt_len = 32; break; case 10400: ((pdf_t *) esalt)->id_len = 16; ((pdf_t *) esalt)->o_len = 32; ((pdf_t *) esalt)->u_len = 32; break; case 10410: ((pdf_t *) esalt)->id_len = 16; ((pdf_t *) esalt)->o_len = 32; ((pdf_t *) esalt)->u_len = 32; break; case 10420: ((pdf_t *) esalt)->id_len = 16; ((pdf_t *) esalt)->o_len = 32; ((pdf_t *) esalt)->u_len = 32; break; case 10500: ((pdf_t *) esalt)->id_len = 16; ((pdf_t *) esalt)->o_len = 32; ((pdf_t *) esalt)->u_len = 32; break; case 10600: ((pdf_t *) esalt)->id_len = 16; ((pdf_t *) esalt)->o_len = 127; ((pdf_t *) esalt)->u_len = 127; break; case 10700: ((pdf_t *) esalt)->id_len = 16; ((pdf_t *) esalt)->o_len = 127; ((pdf_t *) esalt)->u_len = 127; break; case 11600: ((seven_zip_t *) esalt)->iv_len = 16; ((seven_zip_t *) esalt)->data_len = 112; ((seven_zip_t *) esalt)->unpack_size = 112; break; case 13400: ((keepass_t *) esalt)->version = 2; break; case 13500: ((pstoken_t *) esalt)->salt_len = 113; break; case 13600: ((zip2_t *) esalt)->salt_len = 16; ((zip2_t *) esalt)->data_len = 32; ((zip2_t *) esalt)->mode = 3; break; } } // set default iterations switch (hashconfig->hash_mode) { case 400: salt->salt_iter = ROUNDS_PHPASS; break; case 500: salt->salt_iter = ROUNDS_MD5CRYPT; break; case 501: salt->salt_iter = ROUNDS_MD5CRYPT; break; case 1600: salt->salt_iter = ROUNDS_MD5CRYPT; break; case 1800: salt->salt_iter = ROUNDS_SHA512CRYPT; break; case 2100: salt->salt_iter = ROUNDS_DCC2; break; case 2500: salt->salt_iter = ROUNDS_WPA2; break; case 3200: salt->salt_iter = ROUNDS_BCRYPT; break; case 5200: salt->salt_iter = ROUNDS_PSAFE3; break; case 5800: salt->salt_iter = ROUNDS_ANDROIDPIN - 1; break; case 6211: salt->salt_iter = ROUNDS_TRUECRYPT_2K; break; case 6212: salt->salt_iter = ROUNDS_TRUECRYPT_2K; break; case 6213: salt->salt_iter = ROUNDS_TRUECRYPT_2K; break; case 6221: salt->salt_iter = ROUNDS_TRUECRYPT_1K; break; case 6222: salt->salt_iter = ROUNDS_TRUECRYPT_1K; break; case 6223: salt->salt_iter = ROUNDS_TRUECRYPT_1K; break; case 6231: salt->salt_iter = ROUNDS_TRUECRYPT_1K; break; case 6232: salt->salt_iter = ROUNDS_TRUECRYPT_1K; break; case 6233: salt->salt_iter = ROUNDS_TRUECRYPT_1K; break; case 6241: salt->salt_iter = ROUNDS_TRUECRYPT_1K; break; case 6242: salt->salt_iter = ROUNDS_TRUECRYPT_1K; break; case 6243: salt->salt_iter = ROUNDS_TRUECRYPT_1K; break; case 6300: salt->salt_iter = ROUNDS_MD5CRYPT; break; case 6400: salt->salt_iter = ROUNDS_SHA256AIX; break; case 6500: salt->salt_iter = ROUNDS_SHA512AIX; break; case 6700: salt->salt_iter = ROUNDS_SHA1AIX; break; case 6600: salt->salt_iter = ROUNDS_AGILEKEY; break; case 6800: salt->salt_iter = ROUNDS_LASTPASS; break; case 7100: salt->salt_iter = ROUNDS_SHA512OSX; break; case 7200: salt->salt_iter = ROUNDS_GRUB; break; case 7400: salt->salt_iter = ROUNDS_SHA256CRYPT; break; case 7900: salt->salt_iter = ROUNDS_DRUPAL7; break; case 8200: salt->salt_iter = ROUNDS_CLOUDKEY; break; case 8300: salt->salt_iter = ROUNDS_NSEC3; break; case 8800: salt->salt_iter = ROUNDS_ANDROIDFDE; break; case 8900: salt->salt_iter = 1; break; case 9000: salt->salt_iter = ROUNDS_PSAFE2; break; case 9100: salt->salt_iter = ROUNDS_LOTUS8; break; case 9200: salt->salt_iter = ROUNDS_CISCO8; break; case 9300: salt->salt_iter = 1; break; case 9400: salt->salt_iter = ROUNDS_OFFICE2007; break; case 9500: salt->salt_iter = ROUNDS_OFFICE2010; break; case 9600: salt->salt_iter = ROUNDS_OFFICE2013; break; case 10000: salt->salt_iter = ROUNDS_DJANGOPBKDF2; break; case 10300: salt->salt_iter = ROUNDS_SAPH_SHA1 - 1; break; case 10500: salt->salt_iter = ROUNDS_PDF14; break; case 10700: salt->salt_iter = ROUNDS_PDF17L8; break; case 10900: salt->salt_iter = ROUNDS_PBKDF2_SHA256 - 1; break; case 11300: salt->salt_iter = ROUNDS_BITCOIN_WALLET - 1; break; case 11600: salt->salt_iter = ROUNDS_SEVEN_ZIP; break; case 11900: salt->salt_iter = ROUNDS_PBKDF2_MD5 - 1; break; case 12000: salt->salt_iter = ROUNDS_PBKDF2_SHA1 - 1; break; case 12100: salt->salt_iter = ROUNDS_PBKDF2_SHA512 - 1; break; case 12200: salt->salt_iter = ROUNDS_ECRYPTFS - 1; break; case 12300: salt->salt_iter = ROUNDS_ORACLET - 1; break; case 12400: salt->salt_iter = ROUNDS_BSDICRYPT - 1; break; case 12500: salt->salt_iter = ROUNDS_RAR3; break; case 12700: salt->salt_iter = ROUNDS_MYWALLET; break; case 12800: salt->salt_iter = ROUNDS_MS_DRSR - 1; break; case 12900: salt->salt_iter = ROUNDS_ANDROIDFDE_SAMSUNG - 1; break; case 13000: salt->salt_iter = ROUNDS_RAR5 - 1; break; case 13200: salt->salt_iter = ROUNDS_AXCRYPT; break; case 13400: salt->salt_iter = ROUNDS_KEEPASS; break; case 13600: salt->salt_iter = ROUNDS_ZIP2; break; case 13711: salt->salt_iter = ROUNDS_VERACRYPT_655331; break; case 13712: salt->salt_iter = ROUNDS_VERACRYPT_655331; break; case 13713: salt->salt_iter = ROUNDS_VERACRYPT_655331; break; case 13721: salt->salt_iter = ROUNDS_VERACRYPT_500000; break; case 13722: salt->salt_iter = ROUNDS_VERACRYPT_500000; break; case 13723: salt->salt_iter = ROUNDS_VERACRYPT_500000; break; case 13731: salt->salt_iter = ROUNDS_VERACRYPT_500000; break; case 13732: salt->salt_iter = ROUNDS_VERACRYPT_500000; break; case 13733: salt->salt_iter = ROUNDS_VERACRYPT_500000; break; case 13741: salt->salt_iter = ROUNDS_VERACRYPT_327661; break; case 13742: salt->salt_iter = ROUNDS_VERACRYPT_327661; break; case 13743: salt->salt_iter = ROUNDS_VERACRYPT_327661; break; case 13751: salt->salt_iter = ROUNDS_VERACRYPT_500000; break; case 13752: salt->salt_iter = ROUNDS_VERACRYPT_500000; break; case 13753: salt->salt_iter = ROUNDS_VERACRYPT_500000; break; case 13761: salt->salt_iter = ROUNDS_VERACRYPT_200000; break; case 13762: salt->salt_iter = ROUNDS_VERACRYPT_200000; break; case 13763: salt->salt_iter = ROUNDS_VERACRYPT_200000; break; } } char *hashconfig_benchmark_mask (hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { char *mask = "?b?b?b?b?b?b?b"; switch (hashconfig->hash_mode) { case 12500: mask = "?b?b?b?b?b"; break; } return mask; }