## ## Author......: See docs/credits.txt ## License.....: MIT ## HASHCAT_ROOT="." # helper functions _hashcat_get_permutations () { local num_devices=${1} hashcat_devices_permutation="" # Formula: Sum (k=1...num_devices) (num_devices! / (k! * (num_devices - k)!)) # or ofc (2 ^ num_devices) - 1 if [ "${num_devices}" -gt 0 ]; then hashcat_devices_permutation=$(seq 1 $num_devices) local k for k in $(seq 2 $num_devices); do if [ "${k}" -eq ${num_devices} ];then hashcat_devices_permutation="${hashcat_devices_permutation} $(seq 1 $num_devices | tr '\n' ',' | sed 's/, *$//')" else local j local max_pos=$((num_devices - ${k} + 1)) for j in $(seq 1 ${max_pos}); do local max_value=$((j + ${k} - 1)) # init local out_str="" local l for l in $(seq ${j} ${max_value}); do if [ ${l} -gt ${j} ]; then out_str=${out_str}, fi out_str=${out_str}${l} done local chg_len=0 local last=$((k - 1)) local max_device=$((num_devices + 1)) local pos_changed=0 while [ "${chg_len}" -lt ${last} ]; do local had_pos_changed=${pos_changed} local old_chg_len=${chg_len} local idx=$(((k - chg_len))) local cur_num=$(echo ${out_str} | cut -d, -f ${idx}) local next_num=$((cur_num + 1)) if [ "${pos_changed}" -eq 0 ]; then hashcat_devices_permutation="${hashcat_devices_permutation} ${out_str}" else pos_changed=0 fi if [ "${next_num}" -lt ${max_device} -a "${next_num}" -le "${num_devices}" ]; then out_str=$(echo ${out_str} | sed "s/,${cur_num},/,${next_num},/;s/,${cur_num}\$/,${next_num}/") else pos_changed=1 max_device=${cur_num} chg_len=$((chg_len + 1)) fi if [ "${had_pos_changed}" -eq 1 ];then local changed=0 local m for m in $(seq 1 ${old_chg_len}); do local reset_idx=$((k - ${old_chg_len} + ${m})) local last_num=$(echo ${out_str} | cut -d, -f ${reset_idx}) next_num=$((next_num + 1)) if [ "${next_num}" -lt ${max_device} -a "${next_num}" -le "${num_devices}" ]; then out_str=$(echo ${out_str} | sed "s/,${last_num},/,${next_num},/;s/,${last_num}\$/,${next_num}/") max_device=$((next_num + 2)) changed=$((changed + 1)) else break fi done if [ "${changed}" -gt 0 ]; then max_device=$((num_devices + 1)) chg_len=0 fi fi done done fi done fi } _hashcat_opencl_devices () { local num_devices=0 if which clinfo &> /dev/null; then num_devices=$(clinfo 2>/dev/null 2> /dev/null) elif which nvidia-smi &> /dev/null; then num_devices=$(nvidia-smi --list-gpus | wc -l) fi return ${num_devices} } _hashcat_cpu_devices () { local num_devices=0 if [ -f "/proc/cpuinfo" ]; then num_devices=$(cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep -c processor 2> /dev/null) fi return ${num_devices} } _hashcat_contains () { local haystack=${1} local needle="${2}" if echo "${haystack}" | grep -q " ${needle} " 2> /dev/null; then return 0 elif echo "${haystack}" | grep -q "^${needle} " 2> /dev/null; then return 0 elif echo "${haystack}" | grep -q " ${needle}\$" 2> /dev/null; then return 0 fi return 1 } _hashcat () { local VERSION=5.1.0 local ATTACK_MODES="0 1 3 6 7" local HCCAPX_MESSAGE_PAIRS="0 1 2 3 4 5" local OUTFILE_FORMATS="1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15" local OPENCL_DEVICE_TYPES="1 2 3" local OPENCL_VECTOR_WIDTH="1 2 4 8 16" local DEBUG_MODE="1 2 3 4" local WORKLOAD_PROFILE="1 2 3 4" local BRAIN_CLIENT_FEATURES="1 2 3" local HIDDEN_FILES="exe|bin|potfile|hcstat2|dictstat2|sh|cmd|bat|restore" local HIDDEN_FILES_AGGRESIVE="${HIDDEN_FILES}|hcmask|hcchr" local BUILD_IN_CHARSETS='?l ?u ?d ?a ?b ?s ?h ?H' local SHORT_OPTS="-m -a -V -v -h -b -t -o -p -c -d -w -n -u -j -k -r -g -1 -2 -3 -4 -i -I -s -l -O -S -z" local LONG_OPTS="--hash-type --attack-mode --version --help --quiet --benchmark --benchmark-all --hex-salt --hex-wordlist --hex-charset --force --status --status-timer --machine-readable --loopback --markov-hcstat2 --markov-disable --markov-classic --markov-threshold --runtime --session --speed-only --progress-only --restore --restore-file-path --restore-disable --outfile --outfile-format --outfile-autohex-disable --outfile-check-timer --outfile-check-dir --wordlist-autohex-disable --separator --show --left --username --remove --remove-timer --potfile-disable --potfile-path --debug-mode --debug-file --induction-dir --segment-size --bitmap-min --bitmap-max --cpu-affinity --example-hashes --opencl-info --opencl-devices --opencl-platforms --opencl-device-types --opencl-vector-width --workload-profile --kernel-accel --kernel-loops --kernel-threads --spin-damp --hwmon-disable --hwmon-temp-abort --skip --limit --keyspace --rule-left --rule-right --rules-file --generate-rules --generate-rules-func-min --generate-rules-func-max --generate-rules-seed --custom-charset1 --custom-charset2 --custom-charset3 --custom-charset4 --increment --increment-min --increment-max --logfile-disable --scrypt-tmto --keyboard-layout-mapping --truecrypt-keyfiles --veracrypt-keyfiles --veracrypt-pim --stdout --keep-guessing --hccapx-message-pair --nonce-error-corrections --encoding-from --encoding-to --optimized-kernel-enable --self-test-disable --slow-candidates --brain-server --brain-client --brain-client-features --brain-host --brain-port --brain-session --brain-session-whitelist --brain-password" local OPTIONS="-m -a -t -o -p -c -d -w -n -u -j -k -r -g -1 -2 -3 -4 -s -l --hash-type --attack-mode --status-timer --markov-hcstat2 --markov-threshold --runtime --session --timer --outfile --outfile-format --outfile-check-timer --outfile-check-dir --separator --remove-timer --potfile-path --restore-file-path --debug-mode --debug-file --induction-dir --segment-size --bitmap-min --bitmap-max --cpu-affinity --opencl-devices --opencl-platforms --opencl-device-types --opencl-vector-width --workload-profile --kernel-accel --kernel-loops --kernel-threads --spin-damp --hwmon-temp-abort --skip --limit --rule-left --rule-right --rules-file --generate-rules --generate-rules-func-min --generate-rules-func-max --generate-rules-seed --custom-charset1 --custom-charset2 --custom-charset3 --custom-charset4 --increment-min --increment-max --scrypt-tmto --keyboard-layout-mapping --truecrypt-keyfiles --veracrypt-keyfiles --veracrypt-pim --hccapx-message-pair --nonce-error-corrections --encoding-from --encoding-to --brain-client-features --brain-host --brain-password --brain-port --brain-session --brain-whitelist-session --stdin-timeout-abort" COMPREPLY=() local cur="${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD]}" local prev="${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD-1]}" # if cur is just '=', ignore the '=' and treat it as only the prev was provided if [[ "${cur}" == '=' ]]; then cur="" elif [[ "${prev}" == '=' ]]; then if [ "${COMP_CWORD}" -gt 2 ]; then prev="${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD-2]}" fi fi case "${prev}" in -a|--attack-mode) COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W "${ATTACK_MODES}" -- ${cur})) return 0 ;; --hccapx-message-pair) COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W "${HCCAPX_MESSAGE_PAIRS}" -- ${cur})) return 0 ;; --outfile-format) COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W "${OUTFILE_FORMATS}" -- ${cur})) return 0 ;; -w|--workload-profile) COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W "${WORKLOAD_PROFILE}" -- ${cur})) return 0 ;; --brain-client-features) COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W "${BRAIN_CLIENT_FEATURES}" -- ${cur})) return 0 ;; -o|--outfile|-r|--rules-file|--debug-file|--potfile-path| --restore-file-path) local files=$(ls -d ${cur}* 2> /dev/null | grep -Eiv '*\.('${HIDDEN_FILES_AGGRESIVE}')' 2> /dev/null) COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W "${files}" -- ${cur})) # or $(compgen -f -X '*.+('${HIDDEN_FILES_AGGRESIVE}')' -- ${cur}) return 0 ;; --markov-hcstat2) local files=$(ls -d ${cur}* 2> /dev/null | grep '.*\.hcstat2$' 2> /dev/null) COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W "${files}" -- ${cur})) # or $(compgen -f -X '*.+('${HIDDEN_FILES_AGGRESIVE}')' -- ${cur}) return 0 ;; -d|--opencl-devices) _hashcat_opencl_devices local num_devices=${?} _hashcat_get_permutations ${num_devices} COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W "${hashcat_devices_permutation}" -- ${cur})) return 0 ;; --opencl-device-types) COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W "${OPENCL_DEVICE_TYPES}" -- ${cur})) return 0 ;; --opencl-vector-width) COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W "${OPENCL_VECTOR_WIDTH}" -- ${cur})) return 0 ;; --opencl-platforms) local icd_list=$(ls -1 /etc/OpenCL/vendors/*.icd 2> /dev/null) local architecture=$(getconf LONG_BIT 2> /dev/null) if [ -z "${architecture}" ]; then return 0 fi # filter the icd_list (do not show 32 bit on 64bit systems and vice versa) if [ "${architecture}" -eq 64 ]; then icd_list=$(echo "${icd_list}" | grep -v "32.icd") else icd_list=$(echo "${icd_list}" | grep -v "64.icd") fi local number_icds=$(seq 1 $(echo "${icd_list}" | wc -l)) COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W "${number_icds}" -- ${cur})) return 0 ;; --cpu-affinity) _hashcat_cpu_devices local num_devices=${?} _hashcat_get_permutations ${num_devices} COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W "${hashcat_devices_permutation}" -- ${cur})) return 0 ;; --keyboard-layout-mapping) local files=$(ls -d ${cur}* 2> /dev/null | grep '.*\.hckmap$' 2> /dev/null) COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W "${files}" -- ${cur})) # or $(compgen -f -X '*.+('${HIDDEN_FILES_AGGRESIVE}')' -- ${cur}) return 0 ;; -1|-2|-3|-4|--custom-charset1|--custom-charset2|--custom-charset3|--custom-charset4) local mask=${BUILD_IN_CHARSETS} if [ -e "${cur}" ]; then # should be hcchr file (but not enforced) COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W "${cur}" -- ${cur})) return 0 fi if [ -n "${cur}" ]; then local cur_var=$(echo "${cur}" | sed 's/\?$//') mask="${mask} ${cur_var}" local h for h in ${mask}; do if ! echo ${cur} | grep -q ${h} 2> /dev/null; then if echo ${cur} | grep -q '?a' 2> /dev/null; then if [[ "${h}" == "?l" ]] ; then continue elif [[ "${h}" == "?u" ]] ; then continue elif [[ "${h}" == "?d" ]] ; then continue elif [[ "${h}" == "?s" ]] ; then continue elif [[ "${h}" == "?b" ]] ; then continue fi fi mask="${mask} ${cur_var}${h}" fi done fi local files=$(ls -d ${cur}* 2> /dev/null | grep -Eiv '*\.('${HIDDEN_FILES}')' 2> /dev/null) mask="${mask} ${files}" COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W "${mask}" -- ${cur})) return 0 ;; -t|-p|-c|-j|-k|-g| \ --status-timer|--markov-threshold|--runtime|--session|--separator|--segment-size|--rule-left|--rule-right| \ --spin-damp|--hwmon-temp-abort|--generate-rules|--generate-rules-func-min|--generate-rules-func-max| \ --increment-min|--increment-max|--remove-timer|--bitmap-min|--bitmap-max|--skip|--limit|--generate-rules-seed| \ --outfile-check-timer|--outfile-check-dir|--induction-dir|--scrypt-tmto|--encoding-from|--encoding-to|--optimized-kernel-enable|--brain-host|--brain-port|--brain-password|--stdin-timeout-abort) return 0 ;; --brain-session) local cur_session=$(echo "${cur}" | grep -Eo '^0x[0-9a-fA-F]*' | sed 's/^0x//') local session_var="0x${cur_session}" if [ "${#cur_session}" -lt 8 ] then session_var="${session_var}0 ${session_var}1 ${session_var}2 ${session_var}3 ${session_var}4 ${session_var}5 ${session_var}6 ${session_var}7 ${session_var}8 ${session_var}9 ${session_var}a ${session_var}b ${session_var}c ${session_var}d ${session_var}e ${session_var}f" fi COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W "${session_var}" -- ${cur})) return 0 ;; --brain-session-whitelist) local session_list=$(echo "${cur}" | grep -Eo '^0x[0-9a-fA-F,x]*' | sed 's/^0x//') local cur_session=$(echo "${session_list}" | sed 's/^.*0x//') local session_var="0x${session_list}" if [ "${#cur_session}" -eq 8 ] then cur_session="" session_var="${session_var},0x" fi if [ "${#cur_session}" -lt 8 ] then session_var="${session_var}0 ${session_var}1 ${session_var}2 ${session_var}3 ${session_var}4 ${session_var}5 ${session_var}6 ${session_var}7 ${session_var}8 ${session_var}9 ${session_var}a ${session_var}b ${session_var}c ${session_var}d ${session_var}e ${session_var}f" fi COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W "${session_var}" -- ${cur})) return 0 ;; --debug-mode) COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W "${DEBUG_MODE}" -- ${cur})) return 0 ;; --truecrypt-keyfiles|--veracrypt-keyfiles) # first: remove the quotes such that file matching is possible local cur_part0=$(echo "${cur}" | grep -Eo '^("|'"'"')') local cur_mod=$(echo "${cur}" | sed 's/^["'"'"']//') local cur_part1=$(echo "${cur_mod}" | grep ',' 2> /dev/null | sed 's/^\(.*, *\)[^,]*$/\1/') local cur_part2=$(echo "${cur_mod}" | sed 's/^.*, *\([^,]*\)$/\1/') # generate lines with the file name and a duplicate of it with a comma at the end local files=$(ls -d ${cur_part2}* 2> /dev/null | grep -Eiv '*\.('${HIDDEN_FILES_AGGRESIVE}')' 2> /dev/null | sed 's/^\(.*\)$/\1\n\1,\n/' | sed "s/^/${cur_part0}${cur_part1}/" | sed "s/$/${cur_part0}/") COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W "${files}" -- ${cur})) return 0 esac # allow also the VARIANTS w/o spaces # we could use compgen -P prefix, but for some reason it doesn't seem to work always case "$cur" in -a*) local attack_modes_var="$(echo -n "-a ${ATTACK_MODES}" | sed 's/ / -a/g')" COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W "${attack_modes_var}" -- ${cur})) return 0 ;; -w*) local workload_profile_var="$(echo -n "-w ${WORKLOAD_PROFILE}" | sed 's/ / -w/g')" COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W "${workload_profile_var}" -- ${cur})) return 0 ;; -o*) local outfile_var=$(ls -d ${cur:2}* 2> /dev/null | grep -Eiv '*\.('${HIDDEN_FILES_AGGRESIVE}')' 2> /dev/null) outfile_var="$(echo -e "\n${outfile_var}" | sed 's/^/-o/g')" COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W "${outfile_var}" -- ${cur})) return 0 ;; -r*) local outfile_var=$(ls -d ${cur:2}* 2> /dev/null | grep -Eiv '*\.('${HIDDEN_FILES_AGGRESIVE}')' 2> /dev/null) outfile_var="$(echo -e "\n${outfile_var}" | sed 's/^/-r/g')" COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W "${outfile_var}" -- ${cur})) return 0 ;; -d*) _hashcat_opencl_devices local num_devices=${?} _hashcat_get_permutations ${num_devices} local opencl_devices_var="$(echo " "${hashcat_devices_permutation} | sed 's/ / -d/g')" COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W "${opencl_devices_var}" -- ${cur})) return 0 ;; esac # Complete options/switches (not the arguments) if [[ "${cur}" == -* ]]; then COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W "${SHORT_OPTS} ${LONG_OPTS}" -- ${cur})) return 0 fi # additional parameter, no switch nor option but maybe hash file, dictionary, mask, directory # check if first option out of (hash.txt and dictionary|mask|directory) # is first option iff: here # is second option iff: COMP_CWORD > 2 and no switch before (-*) if no option afterwards (for mask -a 3, -a 6, -a 7 - but possible for dicts!) local h=1 local no_opts=0 local attack_mode=0 # also default of hashcat local has_charset_1=0 local has_charset_2=0 local has_charset_3=0 local has_charset_4=0 while [ ${h} -le ${COMP_CWORD} ]; do if [[ "${COMP_WORDS[h]}" == "-a" ]]; then attack_mode=${COMP_WORDS[$((h + 1))]} elif [[ "${COMP_WORDS[h]}" == -a* ]]; then attack_mode=${COMP_WORDS[h]:2} elif [[ "${COMP_WORDS[h]}" == "--attack-mode" ]]; then attack_mode=${COMP_WORDS[$((h + 1))]} elif [[ "${COMP_WORDS[h]}" == "-1" ]]; then has_charset_1=1 elif [[ "${COMP_WORDS[h]}" == "--custom-charset1" ]]; then has_charset_1=1 elif [[ "${COMP_WORDS[h]}" == "-2" ]]; then has_charset_2=1 elif [[ "${COMP_WORDS[h]}" == "--custom-charset2" ]]; then has_charset_2=1 elif [[ "${COMP_WORDS[h]}" == "-3" ]]; then has_charset_3=1 elif [[ "${COMP_WORDS[h]}" == "--custom-charset3" ]]; then has_charset_3=1 elif [[ "${COMP_WORDS[h]}" == "-4" ]]; then has_charset_4=1 elif [[ "${COMP_WORDS[h]}" == "--custom-charset4" ]]; then has_charset_4=1 fi if _hashcat_contains "${OPTIONS}" "${COMP_WORDS[h]}"; then h=$((h + 2)) else if ! _hashcat_contains "${LONG_OPTS}${SHORT_OPTS}" "${COMP_WORDS[h]}"; then local variants="-m -a -w -n -u -o -r -d" local skip=0 local v for v in ${variants}; do if [[ "${COMP_WORDS[h]:0:2}" == "${v}" ]]; then skip=1 fi done if [ "${skip}" -eq 0 ]; then no_opts=$((no_opts + 1)) fi fi h=$((h + 1)) fi done case "${no_opts}" in 0) return 0 ;; 1) local files=$(ls -d ${cur}* 2> /dev/null | grep -Eiv '*\.('${HIDDEN_FILES_AGGRESIVE}')' 2> /dev/null) COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W "${files}" -- ${cur})) return 0 ;; *) case "${attack_mode}" in 0) # dict/directory are files here local files=$(ls -d ${cur}* 2> /dev/null | grep -Eiv '*\.('${HIDDEN_FILES_AGGRESIVE}')' 2> /dev/null) COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W "${files}" -- ${cur})) return 0 ;; 1) if [ "${no_opts}" -gt 4 ]; then return 0 fi local files=$(ls -d ${cur}* 2> /dev/null | grep -Eiv '*\.('${HIDDEN_FILES_AGGRESIVE}')' 2> /dev/null) COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W "${files}" -- ${cur})) return 0 ;; 3) if [ "${no_opts}" -eq 2 ]; then local mask=${BUILD_IN_CHARSETS} if [ "${has_charset_1}" -eq 1 ]; then mask="${mask} ?1" fi if [ "${has_charset_2}" -eq 1 ]; then mask="${mask} ?2" fi if [ "${has_charset_3}" -eq 1 ]; then mask="${mask} ?3" fi if [ "${has_charset_4}" -eq 1 ]; then mask="${mask} ?4" fi if [ -e "${cur}" ]; then # should be hcmask file (but not enforced) COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W "${cur}" -- ${cur})) return 0 fi if [ -n "${cur}" ]; then local cur_var=$(echo "${cur}" | sed 's/\?$//') mask="${mask} ${cur_var}" local h for h in ${mask}; do mask="${mask} ${cur_var}${h}" done fi local files=$(ls -d ${cur}* 2> /dev/null | grep -Eiv '*\.('${HIDDEN_FILES}')' 2> /dev/null) mask="${mask} ${files}" COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W "${mask}" -- ${cur})) return 0 fi ;; 6) if [ "${no_opts}" -eq 2 ]; then local files=$(ls -d ${cur}* 2> /dev/null | grep -Eiv '*\.('${HIDDEN_FILES_AGGRESIVE}')' 2> /dev/null) COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W "${files}" -- ${cur})) elif [ "${no_opts}" -eq 3 ]; then local mask=${BUILD_IN_CHARSETS} if [ "${has_charset_1}" -eq 1 ]; then mask="${mask} ?1" fi if [ "${has_charset_2}" -eq 1 ]; then mask="${mask} ?2" fi if [ "${has_charset_3}" -eq 1 ]; then mask="${mask} ?3" fi if [ "${has_charset_4}" -eq 1 ]; then mask="${mask} ?4" fi if [ -e "${cur}" ]; then # should be hcmask file (but not enforced) COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W "${cur}" -- ${cur})) return 0 fi if [ -n "${cur}" ]; then local cur_var=$(echo "${cur}" | sed 's/\?$//') mask="${mask} ${cur_var}" local h for h in ${mask}; do mask="${mask} ${cur_var}${h}" done fi local files=$(ls -d ${cur}* 2> /dev/null | grep -Eiv '*\.('${HIDDEN_FILES}')' 2> /dev/null) mask="${mask} ${files}" COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W "${mask}" -- ${cur})) return 0 fi ;; 7) if [ "${no_opts}" -eq 2 ]; then local mask=${BUILD_IN_CHARSETS} if [ "${has_charset_1}" -eq 1 ]; then mask="${mask} ?1" fi if [ "${has_charset_2}" -eq 1 ]; then mask="${mask} ?2" fi if [ "${has_charset_3}" -eq 1 ]; then mask="${mask} ?3" fi if [ "${has_charset_4}" -eq 1 ]; then mask="${mask} ?4" fi if [ -e "${cur}" ]; then # should be hcmask file (but not enforced) COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W "${cur}" -- ${cur})) return 0 fi if [ -n "${cur}" ]; then local cur_var=$(echo "${cur}" | sed 's/\?$//') mask="${mask} ${cur_var}" local h for h in ${mask}; do mask="${mask} ${cur_var}${h}" done fi local files=$(ls -d ${cur}* 2> /dev/null | grep -Eiv '*\.('${HIDDEN_FILES}')' 2> /dev/null) mask="${mask} ${files}" COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W "${mask}" -- ${cur})) return 0 elif [ "${no_opts}" -eq 3 ]; then local files=$(ls -d ${cur}* 2> /dev/null | grep -Eiv '*\.('${HIDDEN_FILES_AGGRESIVE}')' 2> /dev/null) COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W "${files}" -- ${cur})) return fi ;; esac esac } complete -F _hashcat -o filenames "${HASHCAT_ROOT}"/hashcat64.bin "${HASHCAT_ROOT}"/hashcat32.bin "${HASHCAT_ROOT}"/hashcat hashcat