#!/usr/bin/env perl ## ## Author......: See docs/credits.txt ## License.....: MIT ## use strict; use warnings; use Digest::MD4 qw (md4 md4_hex); use Digest::SHA qw (sha1 sha1_hex); use Digest::SHA qw (sha512 sha512_hex); use Crypt::PBKDF2; use Encode; sub module_constraints { [[4, 127], [8, 8], [-1, -1], [-1, -1], [-1, -1]] } # # Helper functions: # sub exclusive_or { my $in1 = shift; my $in2 = shift; # MIN () function (should always be 16 for us): # my $len = (length ($in1) <= length ($in2)) ? length ($in2) : length ($in1); # padding if input not multiple of block size: # $in1 .= "\x00" x ($AES256_IGE_BLOCK_SIZE - $len); # $in2 .= "\x00" x ($AES256_IGE_BLOCK_SIZE - $len); my $out = ""; for (my $i = 0; $i < length $in1; $i++) # $i < $len { $out .= chr (ord (substr ($in1, $i, 1)) ^ ord (substr ($in2, $i, 1))); } return $out; } sub module_generate_hash { my $word = shift; my $salt = shift; my $iter = shift // 10000; my $mk = shift // random_hex_string (128); my $hmac = shift // random_hex_string (64); my $blob = shift // random_hex_string (1384); my $magicv = shift // "785435725a573571565662727670754100"; my $salt_bin = pack ("H*", $salt); my $mk_bin = pack ("H*", $mk); my $hmac_bin = pack ("H*", $hmac); my $blob_bin = pack ("H*", $blob); my $magicv_bin = pack ("H*", $magicv); ## convert_userpin_to_secretpin() ## this looks strange. what if the user password is outside 0x20 - 0x7f? ## from some testing, it seems MS prevents the user to use any non-ascii charcters my $stage1_hexpin = uc (encode ("UTF-16LE", unpack ("H*", $word))); my $pbkdf2 = Crypt::PBKDF2->new ( hasher => Crypt::PBKDF2->hasher_from_algorithm ('HMACSHA2', 256), iterations => $iter, output_len => 32 ); my $stage2_pbkdf2 = $pbkdf2->PBKDF2 ($salt_bin, $stage1_hexpin); my $stage3_hexconvert = uc (encode ("UTF-16LE", unpack ("H*", $stage2_pbkdf2))); my $stage4_sha512 = sha512 ($stage3_hexconvert); ## is_signature_matching() my $masterkey = sha1 ($mk_bin) . "\x00" x 108; my $sub_digest_seed = exclusive_or ($masterkey, "\x36" x 128); my $main_digest_seed = exclusive_or ($masterkey, "\x5c" x 128); my $sub_digest = sha512 ($sub_digest_seed . $hmac_bin . $magicv_bin . $stage4_sha512 . $blob_bin); my $main_digest = sha512 ($main_digest_seed . $sub_digest); my $hash = sprintf ("\$WINHELLO\$*SHA512*%i*%s*%s*%s*%s*%s*%s", $iter, unpack ("H*", $salt_bin), unpack ("H*", $main_digest), unpack ("H*", $mk_bin), unpack ("H*", $hmac_bin), unpack ("H*", $blob_bin), unpack ("H*", $magicv_bin)); return $hash; } sub module_verify_hash { my $line = shift; my $idx = index ($line, ':'); return unless $idx >= 0; my $hash = substr ($line, 0, $idx); my $word = substr ($line, $idx + 1); my ($signature, $algo, $iter, $pin_salt, $sign, $mk, $hmac, $verify_blob, $magicv) = split '\*', $hash; return unless defined $signature; return unless defined $algo; return unless defined $iter; return unless defined $pin_salt; return unless defined $sign; return unless defined $mk; return unless defined $hmac; return unless defined $verify_blob; return unless defined $magicv; return unless ($signature eq '$WINHELLO$'); return unless ($algo eq 'SHA512'); return unless (length $pin_salt eq 8); return unless (length $sign eq 128); return unless (length $mk eq 128); return unless (length $hmac eq 64); return unless (length $verify_blob eq 1384); my $word_packed = pack_if_HEX_notation ($word); my $new_hash = module_generate_hash ($word, $pin_salt, $iter, $mk, $hmac, $verify_blob, $magicv); return ($new_hash, $word); } 1;