/** * Author......: See docs/credits.txt * License.....: MIT */ #include "common.h" #include "types.h" #include "memory.h" #include "event.h" #include "filehandling.h" #include "folder.h" #include "hashes.h" #include "shared.h" #include "thread.h" #include "outfile_check.h" static int sort_by_salt_buf (const void *v1, const void *v2, MAYBE_UNUSED void * v3) { return sort_by_salt (v1, v2); } static int outfile_remove (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx) { // some hash-dependent constants hashconfig_t *hashconfig = hashcat_ctx->hashconfig; hashes_t *hashes = hashcat_ctx->hashes; module_ctx_t *module_ctx = hashcat_ctx->module_ctx; outcheck_ctx_t *outcheck_ctx = hashcat_ctx->outcheck_ctx; status_ctx_t *status_ctx = hashcat_ctx->status_ctx; user_options_t *user_options = hashcat_ctx->user_options; const size_t dgst_size = hashconfig->dgst_size; const bool is_salted = hashconfig->is_salted; const char separator = hashconfig->separator; salt_t *salts_buf = hashes->salts_buf; const u32 salts_cnt = hashes->salts_cnt; char *digests_buf = hashes->digests_buf; char *root_directory = outcheck_ctx->root_directory; u32 outfile_check_timer = user_options->outfile_check_timer; // buffers hash_t hash_buf; hash_buf.digest = hcmalloc (dgst_size); hash_buf.salt = NULL; hash_buf.esalt = NULL; hash_buf.hook_salt = NULL; hash_buf.cracked = 0; hash_buf.hash_info = NULL; hash_buf.pw_buf = NULL; hash_buf.pw_len = 0; if (hashconfig->is_salted == true) { hash_buf.salt = (salt_t *) hcmalloc (sizeof (salt_t)); } if (hashconfig->esalt_size > 0) { hash_buf.esalt = hcmalloc (hashconfig->esalt_size); } if (hashconfig->hook_salt_size > 0) { hash_buf.hook_salt = hcmalloc (hashconfig->hook_salt_size); } outfile_data_t *out_info = NULL; char **out_files = NULL; time_t folder_mtime = 0; int out_cnt = 0; u32 check_left = outfile_check_timer; // or 1 if we want to check it at startup while (status_ctx->shutdown_inner == false) { sleep (1); if (status_ctx->devices_status != STATUS_RUNNING) continue; check_left--; if (check_left != 0) continue; check_left = outfile_check_timer; if (hc_path_exist (root_directory) == false) continue; const bool is_dir = hc_path_is_directory (root_directory); if (is_dir == false) continue; struct stat outfile_check_stat; if (stat (root_directory, &outfile_check_stat) == -1) { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "%s: %s", root_directory, strerror (errno)); hcfree (out_files); hcfree (out_info); return -1; } if (outfile_check_stat.st_mtime > folder_mtime) { char **out_files_new = scan_directory (root_directory); int out_cnt_new = count_dictionaries (out_files_new); outfile_data_t *out_info_new = NULL; if (out_cnt_new > 0) { out_info_new = (outfile_data_t *) hccalloc (out_cnt_new, sizeof (outfile_data_t)); for (int i = 0; i < out_cnt_new; i++) { out_info_new[i].file_name = out_files_new[i]; // check if there are files that we have seen/checked before (and not changed) for (int j = 0; j < out_cnt; j++) { if (strcmp (out_info[j].file_name, out_info_new[i].file_name) != 0) continue; struct stat outfile_stat; if (stat (out_info_new[i].file_name, &outfile_stat) != 0) continue; if (outfile_stat.st_ctime != out_info[j].ctime) continue; out_info_new[i].ctime = out_info[j].ctime; out_info_new[i].seek = out_info[j].seek; } } } hcfree (out_info); hcfree (out_files); out_files = out_files_new; out_cnt = out_cnt_new; out_info = out_info_new; folder_mtime = outfile_check_stat.st_mtime; } for (int j = 0; j < out_cnt; j++) { FILE *fp = fopen (out_info[j].file_name, "rb"); if (fp == NULL) continue; //hc_thread_mutex_lock (status_ctx->mux_display); struct stat outfile_stat; if (fstat (fileno (fp), &outfile_stat)) { fclose (fp); continue; } if (outfile_stat.st_ctime > out_info[j].ctime) { out_info[j].ctime = outfile_stat.st_ctime; out_info[j].seek = 0; } fseeko (fp, out_info[j].seek, SEEK_SET); char *line_buf = (char *) hcmalloc (HCBUFSIZ_LARGE); // large portion of the following code is the same as in potfile_remove_parse // maybe subject of a future optimization while (!feof (fp)) { size_t line_len = fgetl (fp, line_buf); if (line_len == 0) continue; // this fake separator is used to enable loading outfiles without password line_buf[line_len] = separator; line_len++; for (int tries = 0; tries < PW_MAX; tries++) { char *last_separator = strrchr (line_buf, separator); if (last_separator == NULL) break; char *line_hash_buf = line_buf; int line_hash_len = last_separator - line_buf; line_hash_buf[line_hash_len] = 0; if (line_hash_len == 0) continue; if (hash_buf.salt) { memset (hash_buf.salt, 0, sizeof (salt_t)); } if (hash_buf.esalt) { memset (hash_buf.esalt, 0, hashconfig->esalt_size); } if (hash_buf.hook_salt) { memset (hash_buf.hook_salt, 0, hashconfig->hook_salt_size); } int parser_status = PARSER_HASH_LENGTH; if (module_ctx->module_hash_decode_potfile != MODULE_DEFAULT) { void *tmps = hcmalloc (hashconfig->tmp_size); parser_status = module_ctx->module_hash_decode_potfile (hashconfig, hash_buf.digest, hash_buf.salt, hash_buf.esalt, hash_buf.hook_salt, hash_buf.hash_info, line_buf, line_hash_len, tmps); hcfree (tmps); } else { // "normal" case: hash in the outfile is the same as the hash in the original hash file parser_status = module_ctx->module_hash_decode (hashconfig, hash_buf.digest, hash_buf.salt, hash_buf.esalt, hash_buf.hook_salt, hash_buf.hash_info, line_buf, line_hash_len); } if (parser_status != PARSER_OK) continue; salt_t *salt_buf = salts_buf; if (is_salted == true) { salt_buf = (salt_t *) hc_bsearch_r (hash_buf.salt, salts_buf, salts_cnt, sizeof (salt_t), sort_by_salt_buf, (void *) hashconfig); } if (salt_buf == NULL) continue; const u32 salt_pos = salt_buf - salts_buf; // the offset from the start of the array (unit: sizeof (salt_t)) if (hashes->salts_shown[salt_pos] == 1) break; // already marked as cracked (no action needed) u32 idx = salt_buf->digests_offset; bool cracked = false; if (hashconfig->outfile_check_nocomp == true) { cracked = true; } else { char *digests_buf_ptr = digests_buf + (salt_buf->digests_offset * dgst_size); u32 digests_buf_cnt = salt_buf->digests_cnt; char *digest_buf = (char *) hc_bsearch_r (hash_buf.digest, digests_buf_ptr, digests_buf_cnt, dgst_size, sort_by_digest_p0p1, (void *) hashconfig); if (digest_buf != NULL) { idx += (digest_buf - digests_buf_ptr) / dgst_size; if (hashes->digests_shown[idx] == 1) break; cracked = true; } } if (cracked == true) { hashes->digests_shown[idx] = 1; hashes->digests_done++; salt_buf->digests_done++; if (salt_buf->digests_done == salt_buf->digests_cnt) { hashes->salts_shown[salt_pos] = 1; hashes->salts_done++; if (hashes->salts_done == salts_cnt) mycracked (hashcat_ctx); } break; } if (status_ctx->shutdown_inner == true) break; } } hcfree (line_buf); out_info[j].seek = ftello (fp); //hc_thread_mutex_unlock (status_ctx->mux_display); fclose (fp); if (status_ctx->shutdown_inner == true) break; } } hcfree (hash_buf.esalt); hcfree (hash_buf.hook_salt); hcfree (hash_buf.salt); hcfree (hash_buf.digest); hcfree (out_info); hcfree (out_files); return 0; } HC_API_CALL void *thread_outfile_remove (void *p) { hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx = (hashcat_ctx_t *) p; const hashconfig_t *hashconfig = hashcat_ctx->hashconfig; const outcheck_ctx_t *outcheck_ctx = hashcat_ctx->outcheck_ctx; if (hashconfig->outfile_check_disable == true) return NULL; if (outcheck_ctx->enabled == false) return NULL; const int rc = outfile_remove (hashcat_ctx); if (rc == -1) return NULL; return NULL; } int outcheck_ctx_init (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx) { const folder_config_t *folder_config = hashcat_ctx->folder_config; const hashconfig_t *hashconfig = hashcat_ctx->hashconfig; outcheck_ctx_t *outcheck_ctx = hashcat_ctx->outcheck_ctx; const user_options_t *user_options = hashcat_ctx->user_options; outcheck_ctx->enabled = false; if (user_options->keyspace == true) return 0; if (user_options->benchmark == true) return 0; if (user_options->example_hashes == true) return 0; if (user_options->speed_only == true) return 0; if (user_options->progress_only == true) return 0; if (user_options->opencl_info == true) return 0; if (hashconfig->outfile_check_disable == true) return 0; if (user_options->outfile_check_timer == 0) return 0; if (user_options->outfile_check_dir == NULL) { hc_asprintf (&outcheck_ctx->root_directory, "%s/%s.%s", folder_config->session_dir, user_options->session, OUTFILES_DIR); } else { outcheck_ctx->root_directory = user_options->outfile_check_dir; } outcheck_ctx->enabled = true; if (hc_path_exist (outcheck_ctx->root_directory) == false) { if (hc_mkdir (outcheck_ctx->root_directory, 0700) == -1) { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "%s: %s", outcheck_ctx->root_directory, strerror (errno)); return -1; } } return 0; } void outcheck_ctx_destroy (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx) { hashconfig_t *hashconfig = hashcat_ctx->hashconfig; outcheck_ctx_t *outcheck_ctx = hashcat_ctx->outcheck_ctx; user_options_t *user_options = hashcat_ctx->user_options; if (outcheck_ctx->enabled == false) return; if (hashconfig->outfile_check_disable == true) return; if (rmdir (outcheck_ctx->root_directory) == -1) { if (errno == ENOENT) { // good, we can ignore } else if (errno == ENOTEMPTY) { // good, we can ignore } else { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "%s: %s", outcheck_ctx->root_directory, strerror (errno)); //return -1; } } if (user_options->outfile_check_dir == NULL) { hcfree (outcheck_ctx->root_directory); } memset (outcheck_ctx, 0, sizeof (outcheck_ctx_t)); }