#ifndef _RIJNDAEL_H_
#define _RIJNDAEL_H_

 * This code is based on Szymon Stefanek AES implementation:              *
 * http://www.esat.kuleuven.ac.be/~rijmen/rijndael/rijndael-cpplib.tar.gz *
 *                                                                        *
 * Dynamic tables generation is based on the Brian Gladman's work:        *
 * http://fp.gladman.plus.com/cryptography_technology/rijndael            *

#define _MAX_KEY_COLUMNS (256/32)
#define _MAX_ROUNDS      14
#define MAX_IV_SIZE      16

class Rijndael
#ifdef USE_SSE
    void blockEncryptSSE(const byte *input,size_t numBlocks,byte *outBuffer);
    void blockDecryptSSE(const byte *input, size_t numBlocks, byte *outBuffer);

    bool AES_NI;
    void keySched(byte key[_MAX_KEY_COLUMNS][4]);
    void keyEncToDec();
    void GenerateTables();

    // RAR always uses CBC, but we may need to turn it off when calling
    // this code from other archive formats with CTR and other modes.
    bool     CBCMode;
    int      m_uRounds;
    byte     m_initVector[MAX_IV_SIZE];
    byte     m_expandedKey[_MAX_ROUNDS+1][4][4];

    byte S[256],S5[256],rcon[30];
    byte T1[256][4],T2[256][4],T3[256][4],T4[256][4];
    byte T5[256][4],T6[256][4],T7[256][4],T8[256][4];
    byte U1[256][4],U2[256][4],U3[256][4],U4[256][4];
    void Init(bool Encrypt,const byte *key,uint keyLen,const byte *initVector);
    void blockEncrypt(const byte *input, size_t inputLen, byte *outBuffer);
    void blockDecrypt(const byte *input, size_t inputLen, byte *outBuffer);
    void SetCBCMode(bool Mode) {CBCMode=Mode;}
#endif // _RIJNDAEL_H_