/** * Author......: See docs/credits.txt * License.....: MIT */ #ifndef _EXT_HIP_H #define _EXT_HIP_H // The general Idea with HIP is to use it for AMD GPU since we use CUDA for NV // Therefore, we need to take certain items, such as hipDeviceptr_t from driver specific paths like amd_driver_types.h // We just need to keep this in mind in case we need to update these constants from future SDK versions // start: amd_driver_types.h typedef void* hipDeviceptr_t; typedef enum hipFunction_attribute { HIP_FUNC_ATTRIBUTE_MAX_THREADS_PER_BLOCK, HIP_FUNC_ATTRIBUTE_SHARED_SIZE_BYTES, HIP_FUNC_ATTRIBUTE_CONST_SIZE_BYTES, HIP_FUNC_ATTRIBUTE_LOCAL_SIZE_BYTES, HIP_FUNC_ATTRIBUTE_NUM_REGS, HIP_FUNC_ATTRIBUTE_PTX_VERSION, HIP_FUNC_ATTRIBUTE_BINARY_VERSION, HIP_FUNC_ATTRIBUTE_CACHE_MODE_CA, HIP_FUNC_ATTRIBUTE_MAX_DYNAMIC_SHARED_SIZE_BYTES, HIP_FUNC_ATTRIBUTE_PREFERRED_SHARED_MEMORY_CARVEOUT, HIP_FUNC_ATTRIBUTE_MAX }hipFunction_attribute; // stop: amd_driver_types.h // start: hip_runtime_api.h typedef int hipDevice_t; typedef struct ihipCtx_t* hipCtx_t; typedef struct ihipEvent_t* hipEvent_t; typedef struct ihipStream_t* hipStream_t; typedef struct ihipModule_t* hipModule_t; typedef struct ihipModuleSymbol_t* hipFunction_t; // Ignoring error-code return values from hip APIs is discouraged. On C++17, // we can make that yield a warning #if __cplusplus >= 201703L #define __HIP_NODISCARD [[nodiscard]] #else #define __HIP_NODISCARD #endif typedef enum __HIP_NODISCARD hipError_t { hipSuccess = 0, ///< Successful completion. hipErrorInvalidValue = 1, ///< One or more of the parameters passed to the API call is NULL ///< or not in an acceptable range. hipErrorOutOfMemory = 2, // Deprecated hipErrorMemoryAllocation = 2, ///< Memory allocation error. hipErrorNotInitialized = 3, // Deprecated hipErrorInitializationError = 3, hipErrorDeinitialized = 4, hipErrorProfilerDisabled = 5, hipErrorProfilerNotInitialized = 6, hipErrorProfilerAlreadyStarted = 7, hipErrorProfilerAlreadyStopped = 8, hipErrorInvalidConfiguration = 9, hipErrorInvalidPitchValue = 12, hipErrorInvalidSymbol = 13, hipErrorInvalidDevicePointer = 17, ///< Invalid Device Pointer hipErrorInvalidMemcpyDirection = 21, ///< Invalid memory copy direction hipErrorInsufficientDriver = 35, hipErrorMissingConfiguration = 52, hipErrorPriorLaunchFailure = 53, hipErrorInvalidDeviceFunction = 98, hipErrorNoDevice = 100, ///< Call to hipGetDeviceCount returned 0 devices hipErrorInvalidDevice = 101, ///< DeviceID must be in range 0...#compute-devices. hipErrorInvalidImage = 200, hipErrorInvalidContext = 201, ///< Produced when input context is invalid. hipErrorContextAlreadyCurrent = 202, hipErrorMapFailed = 205, // Deprecated hipErrorMapBufferObjectFailed = 205, ///< Produced when the IPC memory attach failed from ROCr. hipErrorUnmapFailed = 206, hipErrorArrayIsMapped = 207, hipErrorAlreadyMapped = 208, hipErrorNoBinaryForGpu = 209, hipErrorAlreadyAcquired = 210, hipErrorNotMapped = 211, hipErrorNotMappedAsArray = 212, hipErrorNotMappedAsPointer = 213, hipErrorECCNotCorrectable = 214, hipErrorUnsupportedLimit = 215, hipErrorContextAlreadyInUse = 216, hipErrorPeerAccessUnsupported = 217, hipErrorInvalidKernelFile = 218, ///< In CUDA DRV, it is CUDA_ERROR_INVALID_PTX hipErrorInvalidGraphicsContext = 219, hipErrorInvalidSource = 300, hipErrorFileNotFound = 301, hipErrorSharedObjectSymbolNotFound = 302, hipErrorSharedObjectInitFailed = 303, hipErrorOperatingSystem = 304, hipErrorInvalidHandle = 400, // Deprecated hipErrorInvalidResourceHandle = 400, ///< Resource handle (hipEvent_t or hipStream_t) invalid. hipErrorNotFound = 500, hipErrorNotReady = 600, ///< Indicates that asynchronous operations enqueued earlier are not ///< ready. This is not actually an error, but is used to distinguish ///< from hipSuccess (which indicates completion). APIs that return ///< this error include hipEventQuery and hipStreamQuery. hipErrorIllegalAddress = 700, hipErrorLaunchOutOfResources = 701, ///< Out of resources error. hipErrorLaunchTimeOut = 702, hipErrorPeerAccessAlreadyEnabled = 704, ///< Peer access was already enabled from the current device. hipErrorPeerAccessNotEnabled = 705, ///< Peer access was never enabled from the current device. hipErrorSetOnActiveProcess = 708, hipErrorContextIsDestroyed = 709, hipErrorAssert = 710, ///< Produced when the kernel calls assert. hipErrorHostMemoryAlreadyRegistered = 712, ///< Produced when trying to lock a page-locked memory. hipErrorHostMemoryNotRegistered = 713, ///< Produced when trying to unlock a non-page-locked memory. hipErrorLaunchFailure = 719, ///< An exception occurred on the device while executing a kernel. hipErrorCooperativeLaunchTooLarge = 720, ///< This error indicates that the number of blocks launched per grid for a kernel ///< that was launched via cooperative launch APIs exceeds the maximum number of ///< allowed blocks for the current device hipErrorNotSupported = 801, ///< Produced when the hip API is not supported/implemented hipErrorStreamCaptureUnsupported = 900, ///< The operation is not permitted when the stream ///< is capturing. hipErrorStreamCaptureInvalidated = 901, ///< The current capture sequence on the stream ///< has been invalidated due to a previous error. hipErrorStreamCaptureMerge = 902, ///< The operation would have resulted in a merge of ///< two independent capture sequences. hipErrorStreamCaptureUnmatched = 903, ///< The capture was not initiated in this stream. hipErrorStreamCaptureUnjoined = 904, ///< The capture sequence contains a fork that was not ///< joined to the primary stream. hipErrorStreamCaptureIsolation = 905, ///< A dependency would have been created which crosses ///< the capture sequence boundary. Only implicit ///< in-stream ordering dependencies are allowed ///< to cross the boundary hipErrorStreamCaptureImplicit = 906, ///< The operation would have resulted in a disallowed ///< implicit dependency on a current capture sequence ///< from hipStreamLegacy. hipErrorCapturedEvent = 907, ///< The operation is not permitted on an event which was last ///< recorded in a capturing stream. hipErrorStreamCaptureWrongThread = 908, ///< A stream capture sequence not initiated with ///< the hipStreamCaptureModeRelaxed argument to ///< hipStreamBeginCapture was passed to ///< hipStreamEndCapture in a different thread. hipErrorUnknown = 999, //< Unknown error. // HSA Runtime Error Codes start here. hipErrorRuntimeMemory = 1052, ///< HSA runtime memory call returned error. Typically not seen ///< in production systems. hipErrorRuntimeOther = 1053, ///< HSA runtime call other than memory returned error. Typically ///< not seen in production systems. hipErrorTbd ///< Marker that more error codes are needed. } hipError_t; #undef __HIP_NODISCARD typedef enum hipDeviceAttribute_t { hipDeviceAttributeMaxThreadsPerBlock, ///< Maximum number of threads per block. hipDeviceAttributeMaxBlockDimX, ///< Maximum x-dimension of a block. hipDeviceAttributeMaxBlockDimY, ///< Maximum y-dimension of a block. hipDeviceAttributeMaxBlockDimZ, ///< Maximum z-dimension of a block. hipDeviceAttributeMaxGridDimX, ///< Maximum x-dimension of a grid. hipDeviceAttributeMaxGridDimY, ///< Maximum y-dimension of a grid. hipDeviceAttributeMaxGridDimZ, ///< Maximum z-dimension of a grid. hipDeviceAttributeMaxSharedMemoryPerBlock, ///< Maximum shared memory available per block in ///< bytes. hipDeviceAttributeTotalConstantMemory, ///< Constant memory size in bytes. hipDeviceAttributeWarpSize, ///< Warp size in threads. hipDeviceAttributeMaxRegistersPerBlock, ///< Maximum number of 32-bit registers available to a ///< thread block. This number is shared by all thread ///< blocks simultaneously resident on a ///< multiprocessor. hipDeviceAttributeClockRate, ///< Peak clock frequency in kilohertz. hipDeviceAttributeMemoryClockRate, ///< Peak memory clock frequency in kilohertz. hipDeviceAttributeMemoryBusWidth, ///< Global memory bus width in bits. hipDeviceAttributeMultiprocessorCount, ///< Number of multiprocessors on the device. hipDeviceAttributeComputeMode, ///< Compute mode that device is currently in. hipDeviceAttributeL2CacheSize, ///< Size of L2 cache in bytes. 0 if the device doesn't have L2 ///< cache. hipDeviceAttributeMaxThreadsPerMultiProcessor, ///< Maximum resident threads per ///< multiprocessor. hipDeviceAttributeComputeCapabilityMajor, ///< Major compute capability version number. hipDeviceAttributeComputeCapabilityMinor, ///< Minor compute capability version number. hipDeviceAttributeConcurrentKernels, ///< Device can possibly execute multiple kernels ///< concurrently. hipDeviceAttributePciBusId, ///< PCI Bus ID. hipDeviceAttributePciDeviceId, ///< PCI Device ID. hipDeviceAttributeMaxSharedMemoryPerMultiprocessor, ///< Maximum Shared Memory Per ///< Multiprocessor. hipDeviceAttributeIsMultiGpuBoard, ///< Multiple GPU devices. hipDeviceAttributeIntegrated, ///< iGPU hipDeviceAttributeCooperativeLaunch, ///< Support cooperative launch hipDeviceAttributeCooperativeMultiDeviceLaunch, ///< Support cooperative launch on multiple devices hipDeviceAttributeMaxTexture1DWidth, ///< Maximum number of elements in 1D images hipDeviceAttributeMaxTexture2DWidth, ///< Maximum dimension width of 2D images in image elements hipDeviceAttributeMaxTexture2DHeight, ///< Maximum dimension height of 2D images in image elements hipDeviceAttributeMaxTexture3DWidth, ///< Maximum dimension width of 3D images in image elements hipDeviceAttributeMaxTexture3DHeight, ///< Maximum dimensions height of 3D images in image elements hipDeviceAttributeMaxTexture3DDepth, ///< Maximum dimensions depth of 3D images in image elements hipDeviceAttributeHdpMemFlushCntl, ///< Address of the HDP_MEM_COHERENCY_FLUSH_CNTL register hipDeviceAttributeHdpRegFlushCntl, ///< Address of the HDP_REG_COHERENCY_FLUSH_CNTL register hipDeviceAttributeMaxPitch, ///< Maximum pitch in bytes allowed by memory copies hipDeviceAttributeTextureAlignment, ///<Alignment requirement for textures hipDeviceAttributeTexturePitchAlignment, ///<Pitch alignment requirement for 2D texture references bound to pitched memory; hipDeviceAttributeKernelExecTimeout, ///<Run time limit for kernels executed on the device hipDeviceAttributeCanMapHostMemory, ///<Device can map host memory into device address space hipDeviceAttributeEccEnabled, ///<Device has ECC support enabled hipDeviceAttributeCooperativeMultiDeviceUnmatchedFunc, ///< Supports cooperative launch on multiple ///devices with unmatched functions hipDeviceAttributeCooperativeMultiDeviceUnmatchedGridDim, ///< Supports cooperative launch on multiple ///devices with unmatched grid dimensions hipDeviceAttributeCooperativeMultiDeviceUnmatchedBlockDim, ///< Supports cooperative launch on multiple ///devices with unmatched block dimensions hipDeviceAttributeCooperativeMultiDeviceUnmatchedSharedMem, ///< Supports cooperative launch on multiple ///devices with unmatched shared memories hipDeviceAttributeAsicRevision, ///< Revision of the GPU in this device hipDeviceAttributeManagedMemory, ///< Device supports allocating managed memory on this system hipDeviceAttributeDirectManagedMemAccessFromHost, ///< Host can directly access managed memory on /// the device without migration hipDeviceAttributeConcurrentManagedAccess, ///< Device can coherently access managed memory /// concurrently with the CPU hipDeviceAttributePageableMemoryAccess, ///< Device supports coherently accessing pageable memory /// without calling hipHostRegister on it hipDeviceAttributePageableMemoryAccessUsesHostPageTables, ///< Device accesses pageable memory via /// the host's page tables hipDeviceAttributeCanUseStreamWaitValue ///< '1' if Device supports hipStreamWaitValue32() and ///< hipStreamWaitValue64() , '0' otherwise. } hipDeviceAttribute_t; //! Flags that can be used with hipStreamCreateWithFlags #define hipStreamDefault \ 0x00 ///< Default stream creation flags. These are used with hipStreamCreate(). #define hipStreamNonBlocking 0x01 ///< Stream does not implicitly synchronize with null stream //! Flags that can be used with hipEventCreateWithFlags: #define hipEventDefault 0x0 ///< Default flags #define hipEventBlockingSync \ 0x1 ///< Waiting will yield CPU. Power-friendly and usage-friendly but may increase latency. #define hipEventDisableTiming \ 0x2 ///< Disable event's capability to record timing information. May improve performance. #define hipEventInterprocess 0x4 ///< Event can support IPC. @warning - not supported in HIP. #define hipEventReleaseToDevice \ 0x40000000 /// < Use a device-scope release when recording this event. This flag is useful to /// obtain more precise timings of commands between events. The flag is a no-op on /// CUDA platforms. #define hipEventReleaseToSystem \ 0x80000000 /// < Use a system-scope release when recording this event. This flag is /// useful to make non-coherent host memory visible to the host. The flag is a /// no-op on CUDA platforms. #define hipDeviceScheduleAuto 0x0 ///< Automatically select between Spin and Yield #define hipDeviceScheduleSpin \ 0x1 ///< Dedicate a CPU core to spin-wait. Provides lowest latency, but burns a CPU core and ///< may consume more power. #define hipDeviceScheduleYield \ 0x2 ///< Yield the CPU to the operating system when waiting. May increase latency, but lowers ///< power and is friendlier to other threads in the system. #define hipDeviceScheduleBlockingSync 0x4 #define hipDeviceScheduleMask 0x7 #define hipDeviceMapHost 0x8 #define hipDeviceLmemResizeToMax 0x16 typedef enum hipJitOption { hipJitOptionMaxRegisters = 0, hipJitOptionThreadsPerBlock, hipJitOptionWallTime, hipJitOptionInfoLogBuffer, hipJitOptionInfoLogBufferSizeBytes, hipJitOptionErrorLogBuffer, hipJitOptionErrorLogBufferSizeBytes, hipJitOptionOptimizationLevel, hipJitOptionTargetFromContext, hipJitOptionTarget, hipJitOptionFallbackStrategy, hipJitOptionGenerateDebugInfo, hipJitOptionLogVerbose, hipJitOptionGenerateLineInfo, hipJitOptionCacheMode, hipJitOptionSm3xOpt, hipJitOptionFastCompile, hipJitOptionNumOptions } hipJitOption; // stop: hip_runtime_api.h #ifdef _WIN32 #define HIPAPI __stdcall #else #define HIPAPI #endif #define HIP_API_CALL HIPAPI typedef hipError_t (HIP_API_CALL *HIP_HIPCTXCREATE) (hipCtx_t *, unsigned int, hipDevice_t); typedef hipError_t (HIP_API_CALL *HIP_HIPCTXDESTROY) (hipCtx_t); typedef hipError_t (HIP_API_CALL *HIP_HIPCTXPOPCURRENT) (hipCtx_t *); typedef hipError_t (HIP_API_CALL *HIP_HIPCTXPUSHCURRENT) (hipCtx_t); typedef hipError_t (HIP_API_CALL *HIP_HIPCTXSETCURRENT) (hipCtx_t); typedef hipError_t (HIP_API_CALL *HIP_HIPCTXSYNCHRONIZE) (); typedef hipError_t (HIP_API_CALL *HIP_HIPDEVICEGETATTRIBUTE) (int *, hipDeviceAttribute_t, hipDevice_t); typedef hipError_t (HIP_API_CALL *HIP_HIPDEVICEGETCOUNT) (int *); typedef hipError_t (HIP_API_CALL *HIP_HIPDEVICEGET) (hipDevice_t *, int); typedef hipError_t (HIP_API_CALL *HIP_HIPDEVICEGETNAME) (char *, int, hipDevice_t); typedef hipError_t (HIP_API_CALL *HIP_HIPDEVICETOTALMEM) (size_t *, hipDevice_t); typedef hipError_t (HIP_API_CALL *HIP_HIPDRIVERGETVERSION) (int *); typedef hipError_t (HIP_API_CALL *HIP_HIPEVENTCREATE) (hipEvent_t *, unsigned int); typedef hipError_t (HIP_API_CALL *HIP_HIPEVENTDESTROY) (hipEvent_t); typedef hipError_t (HIP_API_CALL *HIP_HIPEVENTELAPSEDTIME) (float *, hipEvent_t, hipEvent_t); typedef hipError_t (HIP_API_CALL *HIP_HIPEVENTRECORD) (hipEvent_t, hipStream_t); typedef hipError_t (HIP_API_CALL *HIP_HIPEVENTSYNCHRONIZE) (hipEvent_t); typedef hipError_t (HIP_API_CALL *HIP_HIPFUNCGETATTRIBUTE) (int *, hipFunction_attribute, hipFunction_t); typedef hipError_t (HIP_API_CALL *HIP_HIPGETERRORNAME) (hipError_t, const char **); typedef hipError_t (HIP_API_CALL *HIP_HIPGETERRORSTRING) (hipError_t, const char **); typedef hipError_t (HIP_API_CALL *HIP_HIPINIT) (unsigned int); typedef hipError_t (HIP_API_CALL *HIP_HIPLAUNCHKERNEL) (hipFunction_t, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, hipStream_t, void **, void **); typedef hipError_t (HIP_API_CALL *HIP_HIPMEMALLOC) (hipDeviceptr_t *, size_t); typedef hipError_t (HIP_API_CALL *HIP_HIPMEMFREE) (hipDeviceptr_t); typedef hipError_t (HIP_API_CALL *HIP_HIPMEMGETINFO) (size_t *, size_t *); typedef hipError_t (HIP_API_CALL *HIP_HIPMEMCPYDTODASYNC) (hipDeviceptr_t, hipDeviceptr_t, size_t, hipStream_t); typedef hipError_t (HIP_API_CALL *HIP_HIPMEMCPYDTOHASYNC) (void *, hipDeviceptr_t, size_t, hipStream_t); typedef hipError_t (HIP_API_CALL *HIP_HIPMEMCPYHTODASYNC) (hipDeviceptr_t, const void *, size_t, hipStream_t); typedef hipError_t (HIP_API_CALL *HIP_HIPMEMSETD32ASYNC) (hipDeviceptr_t, unsigned int, size_t, hipStream_t); typedef hipError_t (HIP_API_CALL *HIP_HIPMEMSETD8ASYNC) (hipDeviceptr_t, unsigned char, size_t, hipStream_t); typedef hipError_t (HIP_API_CALL *HIP_HIPMODULEGETFUNCTION) (hipFunction_t *, hipModule_t, const char *); typedef hipError_t (HIP_API_CALL *HIP_HIPMODULEGETGLOBAL) (hipDeviceptr_t *, size_t *, hipModule_t, const char *); typedef hipError_t (HIP_API_CALL *HIP_HIPMODULELOADDATAEX) (hipModule_t *, const void *, unsigned int, hipJitOption *, void **); typedef hipError_t (HIP_API_CALL *HIP_HIPMODULEUNLOAD) (hipModule_t); typedef hipError_t (HIP_API_CALL *HIP_HIPRUNTIMEGETVERSION) (int *); typedef hipError_t (HIP_API_CALL *HIP_HIPSTREAMCREATE) (hipStream_t *, unsigned int); typedef hipError_t (HIP_API_CALL *HIP_HIPSTREAMDESTROY) (hipStream_t); typedef hipError_t (HIP_API_CALL *HIP_HIPSTREAMSYNCHRONIZE) (hipStream_t); typedef struct hc_hip_lib { hc_dynlib_t lib; HIP_HIPCTXCREATE hipCtxCreate; HIP_HIPCTXDESTROY hipCtxDestroy; HIP_HIPCTXPOPCURRENT hipCtxPopCurrent; HIP_HIPCTXPUSHCURRENT hipCtxPushCurrent; HIP_HIPCTXSETCURRENT hipCtxSetCurrent; HIP_HIPCTXSYNCHRONIZE hipCtxSynchronize; HIP_HIPDEVICEGETATTRIBUTE hipDeviceGetAttribute; HIP_HIPDEVICEGETCOUNT hipDeviceGetCount; HIP_HIPDEVICEGET hipDeviceGet; HIP_HIPDEVICEGETNAME hipDeviceGetName; HIP_HIPDEVICETOTALMEM hipDeviceTotalMem; HIP_HIPDRIVERGETVERSION hipDriverGetVersion; HIP_HIPEVENTCREATE hipEventCreate; HIP_HIPEVENTDESTROY hipEventDestroy; HIP_HIPEVENTELAPSEDTIME hipEventElapsedTime; HIP_HIPEVENTRECORD hipEventRecord; HIP_HIPEVENTSYNCHRONIZE hipEventSynchronize; HIP_HIPFUNCGETATTRIBUTE hipFuncGetAttribute; HIP_HIPGETERRORNAME hipGetErrorName; HIP_HIPGETERRORSTRING hipGetErrorString; HIP_HIPINIT hipInit; HIP_HIPLAUNCHKERNEL hipLaunchKernel; HIP_HIPMEMALLOC hipMemAlloc; HIP_HIPMEMFREE hipMemFree; HIP_HIPMEMGETINFO hipMemGetInfo; HIP_HIPMEMCPYDTODASYNC hipMemcpyDtoDAsync; HIP_HIPMEMCPYDTOHASYNC hipMemcpyDtoHAsync; HIP_HIPMEMCPYHTODASYNC hipMemcpyHtoDAsync; HIP_HIPMEMSETD32ASYNC hipMemsetD32Async; HIP_HIPMEMSETD8ASYNC hipMemsetD8Async; HIP_HIPMODULEGETFUNCTION hipModuleGetFunction; HIP_HIPMODULEGETGLOBAL hipModuleGetGlobal; HIP_HIPMODULELOADDATAEX hipModuleLoadDataEx; HIP_HIPMODULEUNLOAD hipModuleUnload; HIP_HIPRUNTIMEGETVERSION hipRuntimeGetVersion; HIP_HIPSTREAMCREATE hipStreamCreate; HIP_HIPSTREAMDESTROY hipStreamDestroy; HIP_HIPSTREAMSYNCHRONIZE hipStreamSynchronize; } hc_hip_lib_t; typedef hc_hip_lib_t HIP_PTR; int hip_init (void *hashcat_ctx); void hip_close (void *hashcat_ctx); int hc_hipCtxCreate (void *hashcat_ctx, hipCtx_t *pctx, unsigned int flags, hipDevice_t dev); int hc_hipCtxDestroy (void *hashcat_ctx, hipCtx_t ctx); int hc_hipCtxPopCurrent (void *hashcat_ctx, hipCtx_t *pctx); int hc_hipCtxPushCurrent (void *hashcat_ctx, hipCtx_t ctx); int hc_hipCtxSetCurrent (void *hashcat_ctx, hipCtx_t ctx); int hc_hipCtxSynchronize (void *hashcat_ctx); int hc_hipDeviceGet (void *hashcat_ctx, hipDevice_t *device, int ordinal); int hc_hipDeviceGetAttribute (void *hashcat_ctx, int *pi, hipDeviceAttribute_t attrib, hipDevice_t dev); int hc_hipDeviceGetCount (void *hashcat_ctx, int *count); int hc_hipDeviceGetName (void *hashcat_ctx, char *name, int len, hipDevice_t dev); int hc_hipDeviceTotalMem (void *hashcat_ctx, size_t *bytes, hipDevice_t dev); int hc_hipDriverGetVersion (void *hashcat_ctx, int *driverVersion); int hc_hipEventCreate (void *hashcat_ctx, hipEvent_t *phEvent, unsigned int Flags); int hc_hipEventDestroy (void *hashcat_ctx, hipEvent_t hEvent); int hc_hipEventElapsedTime (void *hashcat_ctx, float *pMilliseconds, hipEvent_t hStart, hipEvent_t hEnd); int hc_hipEventQuery (void *hashcat_ctx, hipEvent_t hEvent); int hc_hipEventRecord (void *hashcat_ctx, hipEvent_t hEvent, hipStream_t hStream); int hc_hipEventSynchronize (void *hashcat_ctx, hipEvent_t hEvent); int hc_hipFuncGetAttribute (void *hashcat_ctx, int *pi, hipFunction_attribute attrib, hipFunction_t hfunc); int hc_hipInit (void *hashcat_ctx, unsigned int Flags); int hc_hipLaunchKernel (void *hashcat_ctx, hipFunction_t f, unsigned int gridDimX, unsigned int gridDimY, unsigned int gridDimZ, unsigned int blockDimX, unsigned int blockDimY, unsigned int blockDimZ, unsigned int sharedMemBytes, hipStream_t hStream, void **kernelParams, void **extra); int hc_hipMemAlloc (void *hashcat_ctx, hipDeviceptr_t *dptr, size_t bytesize); int hc_hipMemFree (void *hashcat_ctx, hipDeviceptr_t dptr); int hc_hipMemGetInfo (void *hashcat_ctx, size_t *free, size_t *total); int hc_hipMemcpyDtoDAsync (void *hashcat_ctx, hipDeviceptr_t dstDevice, hipDeviceptr_t srcDevice, size_t ByteCount, hipStream_t hStream); int hc_hipMemcpyDtoHAsync (void *hashcat_ctx, void *dstHost, hipDeviceptr_t srcDevice, size_t ByteCount, hipStream_t hStream); int hc_hipMemcpyHtoDAsync (void *hashcat_ctx, hipDeviceptr_t dstDevice, const void *srcHost, size_t ByteCount, hipStream_t hStream); int hc_hipMemsetD32Async (void *hashcat_ctx, hipDeviceptr_t dstDevice, unsigned int ui, size_t N, hipStream_t hStream); int hc_hipMemsetD8Async (void *hashcat_ctx, hipDeviceptr_t dstDevice, unsigned char uc, size_t N, hipStream_t hStream); int hc_hipModuleGetFunction (void *hashcat_ctx, hipFunction_t *hfunc, hipModule_t hmod, const char *name); int hc_hipModuleGetGlobal (void *hashcat_ctx, hipDeviceptr_t *dptr, size_t *bytes, hipModule_t hmod, const char *name); int hc_hipModuleLoadDataEx (void *hashcat_ctx, hipModule_t *module, const void *image, unsigned int numOptions, hipJitOption *options, void **optionValues); int hc_hipModuleUnload (void *hashcat_ctx, hipModule_t hmod); int hc_hipRuntimeGetVersion (void *hashcat_ctx, int *runtimeVersion); int hc_hipStreamCreate (void *hashcat_ctx, hipStream_t *phStream, unsigned int Flags); int hc_hipStreamDestroy (void *hashcat_ctx, hipStream_t hStream); int hc_hipStreamSynchronize (void *hashcat_ctx, hipStream_t hStream); #endif // _EXT_HIP_H