/** * Author......: See docs/credits.txt * License.....: MIT */ #include "common.h" #include "types.h" #include "memory.h" #include "event.h" #include "convert.h" #include "dictstat.h" #include "rp.h" #include "rp_cpu.h" #include "shared.h" #include "wordlist.h" #include "bitops.h" #include "emu_inc_hash_sha1.h" size_t convert_from_hex (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, char *line_buf, const size_t line_len) { const hashconfig_t *hashconfig = hashcat_ctx->hashconfig; const user_options_t *user_options = hashcat_ctx->user_options; if (line_len & 1) return (line_len); // not in hex if (hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_PT_HEX) { size_t i, j; for (i = 0, j = 0; j < line_len; i += 1, j += 2) { line_buf[i] = hex_to_u8 ((const u8 *) &line_buf[j]); } memset (line_buf + i, 0, line_len - i); return (i); } if (user_options->wordlist_autohex_disable == false) { if (is_hexify ((const u8 *) line_buf, line_len) == true) { const size_t new_len = exec_unhexify ((const u8 *) line_buf, line_len, (u8 *) line_buf, line_len); return new_len; } } return (line_len); } int load_segment (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, HCFILE *fp) { wl_data_t *wl_data = hashcat_ctx->wl_data; // NOTE: use (never changing) ->incr here instead of ->avail otherwise the buffer gets bigger and bigger wl_data->pos = 0; wl_data->cnt = hc_fread (wl_data->buf, 1, wl_data->incr - 1000, fp); wl_data->buf[wl_data->cnt] = 0; if (wl_data->cnt == 0) return 0; if (wl_data->buf[wl_data->cnt - 1] == '\n') return 0; while (!hc_feof (fp)) { if (wl_data->cnt == wl_data->avail) { wl_data->buf = (char *) hcrealloc (wl_data->buf, wl_data->avail, wl_data->incr); wl_data->avail += wl_data->incr; } const int c = hc_fgetc (fp); if (c == EOF) break; wl_data->buf[wl_data->cnt] = (char) c; wl_data->cnt++; if (c == '\n') break; } // ensure stream ends with a newline if (wl_data->buf[wl_data->cnt - 1] != '\n') { wl_data->cnt++; wl_data->buf[wl_data->cnt - 1] = '\n'; } return 0; } void get_next_word_lm_gen (char *buf, u64 sz, u64 *len, u64 *off, u64 cutlen) { char *ptr = buf; for (u64 i = 0; i < sz; i++, ptr++) { if (*ptr >= 'a' && *ptr <= 'z') *ptr -= 0x20; if (i == cutlen) { if (cutlen == 20) buf[i - 1]= ']'; // add ] in $HEX[] format *len = i; // but continue a loop to skip rest of the line } if (*ptr != '\n') continue; *off = i + 1; if ((i > 0) && (buf[i - 1] == '\r')) i--; if (i < cutlen + 1) *len = i; return; } *off = sz; if (sz < cutlen) *len = sz; } void get_next_word_lm_hex (char *buf, u64 sz, u64 *len, u64 *off) { // this one is called if --hex-wordlist is used // we need 14 hex-digits to get 7 characters // but first convert 7 chars to upper case if they are a-z for (u64 i = 5; i < sz; i++) { if ((i & 1) == 0) { if (is_valid_hex_char (buf[i])) if (is_valid_hex_char (buf[i + 1])) { if (buf[i] == '6') if (buf[i+1] > '0') buf[i] = '4'; if (buf[i] == '7') if (buf[i+1] < 'B') buf[i] = '5'; } } if (i == 12) break; // stop when 7 chars are converted } // call generic next_word get_next_word_lm_gen (buf, sz, len, off, 14); } void get_next_word_lm_hex_or_text (char *buf, u64 sz, u64 *len, u64 *off) { // check if not $HEX[..] format bool hex = true; if (sz < 8) hex = false; if (hex && (buf[0] != '$')) hex = false; if (hex && (buf[1] != 'H')) hex = false; if (hex && (buf[2] != 'E')) hex = false; if (hex && (buf[3] != 'X')) hex = false; if (hex && (buf[4] != '[')) hex = false; if (hex) { char *ptr = buf + 5; // starting after '[' for (u64 i = 5; i < sz; i++, ptr++) { if (*ptr == ']') { if ((i & 1) == 0) hex = false; // not even number of characters break; } else { if (is_valid_hex_char (*ptr) == false) { hex = false; break; } // upcase character if it is a letter 'a-z' if ((i & 1) == 1) // if first hex-char { if (is_valid_hex_char (buf[i + 1])) { if (buf[i] == '6') if (buf[i + 1] > '0') buf[i] = '4'; if (buf[i] == '7') if (buf[i + 1] < 'B') buf[i] = '5'; } } } } } if (hex) { //$HEX[] format so we need max 14 hex-digits + 6 chars '$HEX[]' get_next_word_lm_gen (buf, sz, len, off, 20); } else { // threat it as normal string get_next_word_lm_gen (buf, sz, len, off, 7); } } void get_next_word_lm_text (char *buf, u64 sz, u64 *len, u64 *off) { get_next_word_lm_gen (buf, sz, len, off, 7); } void get_next_word_uc (char *buf, u64 sz, u64 *len, u64 *off) { char *ptr = buf; for (u64 i = 0; i < sz; i++, ptr++) { if (*ptr >= 'a' && *ptr <= 'z') *ptr -= 0x20; if (*ptr != '\n') continue; *off = i + 1; if ((i > 0) && (buf[i - 1] == '\r')) i--; *len = i; return; } *off = sz; *len = sz; } void get_next_word_std (char *buf, u64 sz, u64 *len, u64 *off) { char *ptr = buf; for (u64 i = 0; i < sz; i++, ptr++) { if (*ptr != '\n') continue; *off = i + 1; if ((i > 0) && (buf[i - 1] == '\r')) i--; *len = i; return; } *off = sz; *len = sz; } void get_next_word (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, HCFILE *fp, char **out_buf, u32 *out_len) { user_options_t *user_options = hashcat_ctx->user_options; user_options_extra_t *user_options_extra = hashcat_ctx->user_options_extra; wl_data_t *wl_data = hashcat_ctx->wl_data; while (wl_data->pos < wl_data->cnt) { u64 off; u64 len; char *ptr = wl_data->buf + wl_data->pos; wl_data->func (ptr, wl_data->cnt - wl_data->pos, &len, &off); wl_data->pos += off; // do the on-the-fly hex decode using original buffer // this is safe as length only decreases in size len = (u32) convert_from_hex (hashcat_ctx, ptr, len); // do the on-the-fly encoding // needs to write into new buffer because size case both decrease and increase if (wl_data->iconv_enabled == true) { char *iconv_ptr = wl_data->iconv_tmp; size_t iconv_sz = HCBUFSIZ_TINY; size_t ptr_len = len; const size_t iconv_rc = iconv (wl_data->iconv_ctx, &ptr, &ptr_len, &iconv_ptr, &iconv_sz); if (iconv_rc == (size_t) -1) continue; ptr = wl_data->iconv_tmp; len = HCBUFSIZ_TINY - iconv_sz; } // this is only a test for length, not writing into output buffer if (run_rule_engine (user_options_extra->rule_len_l, user_options->rule_buf_l)) { if (len >= RP_PASSWORD_SIZE) continue; char rule_buf_out[RP_PASSWORD_SIZE]; memset (rule_buf_out, 0, sizeof (rule_buf_out)); const int rule_len_out = _old_apply_rule (user_options->rule_buf_l, user_options_extra->rule_len_l, ptr, (u32) len, rule_buf_out); if (rule_len_out < 0) continue; } if (len > PW_MAX) continue; *out_buf = ptr; *out_len = (u32) len; return; } if (hc_feof (fp)) { fprintf (stderr, "BUG feof()!!\n"); return; } load_segment (hashcat_ctx, fp); get_next_word (hashcat_ctx, fp, out_buf, out_len); } void pw_pre_add (hc_device_param_t *device_param, const u8 *pw_buf, const int pw_len, const u8 *base_buf, const int base_len, const int rule_idx) { if (device_param->pws_pre_cnt < device_param->kernel_power) { pw_pre_t *pw_pre = device_param->pws_pre_buf + device_param->pws_pre_cnt; memcpy (pw_pre->pw_buf, pw_buf, pw_len); pw_pre->pw_len = pw_len; if (base_buf != NULL) { memcpy (pw_pre->base_buf, base_buf, base_len); pw_pre->base_len = base_len; } pw_pre->rule_idx = rule_idx; device_param->pws_pre_cnt++; } else { fprintf (stdout, "BUG pw_pre_add()!!\n"); return; } } void pw_base_add (hc_device_param_t *device_param, pw_pre_t *pw_pre) { if (device_param->pws_base_cnt < device_param->kernel_power) { memcpy (device_param->pws_base_buf + device_param->pws_base_cnt, pw_pre, sizeof (pw_pre_t)); device_param->pws_base_cnt++; } else { fprintf (stderr, "BUG pw_base_add()!!\n"); return; } } void pw_add (hc_device_param_t *device_param, const u8 *pw_buf, const int pw_len) { if (device_param->pws_cnt < device_param->kernel_power) { pw_idx_t *pw_idx = device_param->pws_idx + device_param->pws_cnt; const u32 pw_len4 = (pw_len + 3) & ~3; // round up to multiple of 4 const u32 pw_len4_cnt = pw_len4 / 4; pw_idx->cnt = pw_len4_cnt; pw_idx->len = pw_len; u8 *dst = (u8 *) (device_param->pws_comp + pw_idx->off); memcpy (dst, pw_buf, pw_len); memset (dst + pw_len, 0, pw_len4 - pw_len); // prepare next element pw_idx_t *pw_idx_next = pw_idx + 1; pw_idx_next->off = pw_idx->off + pw_idx->cnt; device_param->pws_cnt++; } else { fprintf (stderr, "BUG pw_add()!!\n"); return; } } int count_words (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, HCFILE *fp, const char *dictfile, u64 *result) { combinator_ctx_t *combinator_ctx = hashcat_ctx->combinator_ctx; hashconfig_t *hashconfig = hashcat_ctx->hashconfig; straight_ctx_t *straight_ctx = hashcat_ctx->straight_ctx; mask_ctx_t *mask_ctx = hashcat_ctx->mask_ctx; user_options_extra_t *user_options_extra = hashcat_ctx->user_options_extra; user_options_t *user_options = hashcat_ctx->user_options; wl_data_t *wl_data = hashcat_ctx->wl_data; //hc_signal (NULL); dictstat_t d; memset (&d, 0, sizeof (d)); if (hc_fstat (fp, &d.stat)) { *result = 0; return 0; } d.stat.st_mode = 0; d.stat.st_nlink = 0; d.stat.st_uid = 0; d.stat.st_gid = 0; d.stat.st_rdev = 0; d.stat.st_atime = 0; #if defined (STAT_NANOSECONDS_ACCESS_TIME) d.stat.STAT_NANOSECONDS_ACCESS_TIME = 0; #endif #if defined (_POSIX) d.stat.st_blksize = 0; d.stat.st_blocks = 0; #endif memset (d.encoding_from, 0, sizeof (d.encoding_from)); memset (d.encoding_to, 0, sizeof (d.encoding_to)); strncpy (d.encoding_from, user_options->encoding_from, sizeof (d.encoding_from) - 1); strncpy (d.encoding_to, user_options->encoding_to, sizeof (d.encoding_to) - 1); if (d.stat.st_size == 0) { *result = 0; return 0; } const size_t dictfile_len = strlen (dictfile); u32 *dictfile_padded = (u32 *) hcmalloc (dictfile_len + 64); // padding required for sha1_update() memcpy (dictfile_padded, dictfile, dictfile_len); for (size_t i = 0, j = 0; i < dictfile_len; i += 4, j += 1) { dictfile_padded[j] = byte_swap_32 (dictfile_padded[j]); } sha1_ctx_t sha1_ctx; sha1_init (&sha1_ctx); sha1_update (&sha1_ctx, dictfile_padded, dictfile_len); sha1_final (&sha1_ctx); sha1_ctx.h[0] = byte_swap_32 (sha1_ctx.h[0]); sha1_ctx.h[1] = byte_swap_32 (sha1_ctx.h[1]); sha1_ctx.h[2] = byte_swap_32 (sha1_ctx.h[2]); sha1_ctx.h[3] = byte_swap_32 (sha1_ctx.h[3]); sha1_ctx.h[4] = byte_swap_32 (sha1_ctx.h[4]); hcfree (dictfile_padded); memcpy (d.hash_filename, sha1_ctx.h, 16); const u64 cached_cnt = dictstat_find (hashcat_ctx, &d); if (run_rule_engine (user_options_extra->rule_len_l, user_options->rule_buf_l) == 0) { if (cached_cnt) { u64 keyspace = cached_cnt; if (user_options_extra->attack_kern == ATTACK_KERN_STRAIGHT) { if (overflow_check_u64_mul (keyspace, straight_ctx->kernel_rules_cnt) == false) return -1; keyspace *= straight_ctx->kernel_rules_cnt; } else if (user_options_extra->attack_kern == ATTACK_KERN_COMBI) { if (((hashconfig->opti_type & OPTI_TYPE_OPTIMIZED_KERNEL) == 0) && (user_options->attack_mode == ATTACK_MODE_HYBRID2)) { if (overflow_check_u64_mul (keyspace, mask_ctx->bfs_cnt) == false) return -1; keyspace *= mask_ctx->bfs_cnt; } else { if (overflow_check_u64_mul (keyspace, combinator_ctx->combs_cnt) == false) return -1; keyspace *= combinator_ctx->combs_cnt; } } cache_hit_t cache_hit; cache_hit.dictfile = dictfile; cache_hit.stat.st_size = d.stat.st_size; cache_hit.cached_cnt = cached_cnt; cache_hit.keyspace = keyspace; EVENT_DATA (EVENT_WORDLIST_CACHE_HIT, &cache_hit, sizeof (cache_hit)); *result = keyspace; return 0; } } time_t rt_start; time (&rt_start); time_t now = 0; time_t prev = 0; u64 comp = 0; u64 cnt = 0; u64 cnt2 = 0; while (!hc_feof (fp)) { load_segment (hashcat_ctx, fp); comp += wl_data->cnt; u64 i = 0; while (i < wl_data->cnt) { u64 len; u64 off; char *ptr = wl_data->buf + i; wl_data->func (ptr, wl_data->cnt - i, &len, &off); i += off; // do the on-the-fly hex decode using original buffer // this is safe as length only decreases in size len = (u32) convert_from_hex (hashcat_ctx, ptr, len); // do the on-the-fly encoding if (wl_data->iconv_enabled == true) { char *iconv_ptr = wl_data->iconv_tmp; size_t iconv_sz = HCBUFSIZ_TINY; size_t ptr_len = len; const size_t iconv_rc = iconv (wl_data->iconv_ctx, &ptr, &ptr_len, &iconv_ptr, &iconv_sz); if (iconv_rc == (size_t) -1) continue; ptr = wl_data->iconv_tmp; len = HCBUFSIZ_TINY - iconv_sz; } if (run_rule_engine (user_options_extra->rule_len_l, user_options->rule_buf_l)) { if (len >= RP_PASSWORD_SIZE) continue; char rule_buf_out[RP_PASSWORD_SIZE]; memset (rule_buf_out, 0, sizeof (rule_buf_out)); const int rule_len_out = _old_apply_rule (user_options->rule_buf_l, user_options_extra->rule_len_l, ptr, (u32) len, rule_buf_out); if (rule_len_out < 0) continue; } cnt2++; if (len > PW_MAX) continue; d.cnt++; if (user_options_extra->attack_kern == ATTACK_KERN_STRAIGHT) { if (overflow_check_u64_add (cnt, straight_ctx->kernel_rules_cnt) == false) return -1; cnt += straight_ctx->kernel_rules_cnt; } else if (user_options_extra->attack_kern == ATTACK_KERN_COMBI) { if (((hashconfig->opti_type & OPTI_TYPE_OPTIMIZED_KERNEL) == 0) && (user_options->attack_mode == ATTACK_MODE_HYBRID2)) { if (overflow_check_u64_add (cnt, mask_ctx->bfs_cnt) == false) return -1; cnt += mask_ctx->bfs_cnt; } else { if (overflow_check_u64_add (cnt, combinator_ctx->combs_cnt) == false) return -1; cnt += combinator_ctx->combs_cnt; } } } time (&now); if ((now - prev) == 0) continue; time (&prev); double percent = ((double) comp / (double) d.stat.st_size) * 100; if (percent < 100) { cache_generate_t cache_generate; cache_generate.dictfile = dictfile; cache_generate.comp = comp; cache_generate.percent = percent; cache_generate.cnt = cnt; cache_generate.cnt2 = cnt2; EVENT_DATA (EVENT_WORDLIST_CACHE_GENERATE, &cache_generate, sizeof (cache_generate)); } } time_t rt_stop; time (&rt_stop); cache_generate_t cache_generate; cache_generate.dictfile = dictfile; cache_generate.comp = comp; cache_generate.percent = 100; cache_generate.cnt = cnt; cache_generate.cnt2 = cnt2; cache_generate.runtime = rt_stop - rt_start; EVENT_DATA (EVENT_WORDLIST_CACHE_GENERATE, &cache_generate, sizeof (cache_generate)); dictstat_append (hashcat_ctx, &d); //hc_signal (sigHandler_default); *result = cnt; return 0; } int wl_data_init (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx) { wl_data_t *wl_data = hashcat_ctx->wl_data; hashconfig_t *hashconfig = hashcat_ctx->hashconfig; user_options_t *user_options = hashcat_ctx->user_options; wl_data->enabled = false; if (user_options->benchmark == true) return 0; if (user_options->hash_info == true) return 0; if (user_options->left == true) return 0; if (user_options->usage == true) return 0; if (user_options->version == true) return 0; if (user_options->backend_info > 0) return 0; wl_data->enabled = true; wl_data->buf = (char *) hcmalloc (user_options->segment_size); wl_data->avail = user_options->segment_size; wl_data->incr = user_options->segment_size; wl_data->cnt = 0; wl_data->pos = 0; /** * choose dictionary parser */ wl_data->func = get_next_word_std; if (hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_PT_UPPER) { wl_data->func = get_next_word_uc; } if (hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_PT_LM) { if (hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_PT_HEX) { wl_data->func = get_next_word_lm_hex; // all hex in file } else { if (user_options->wordlist_autohex_disable == false) { wl_data->func = get_next_word_lm_hex_or_text; // might be $HEX[] notation } else { wl_data->func = get_next_word_lm_text; // treat as normal text } } } /** * iconv */ if (strcmp (user_options->encoding_from, user_options->encoding_to) != 0) { wl_data->iconv_enabled = true; wl_data->iconv_ctx = iconv_open (user_options->encoding_to, user_options->encoding_from); if (wl_data->iconv_ctx == (iconv_t) -1) return -1; wl_data->iconv_tmp = (char *) hcmalloc (HCBUFSIZ_TINY); } return 0; } void wl_data_destroy (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx) { wl_data_t *wl_data = hashcat_ctx->wl_data; if (wl_data->enabled == false) return; hcfree (wl_data->buf); if (wl_data->iconv_enabled == true) { iconv_close (wl_data->iconv_ctx); wl_data->iconv_enabled = false; hcfree (wl_data->iconv_tmp); } memset (wl_data, 0, sizeof (wl_data_t)); }