#!/usr/bin/env perl

## This script was created to be used in conjunction with Hashcat mode 29700 (Keepass in keyfile only mode).
## This can be useful if you have a partition and forgot which of the files was used as the keyfile.
## Example use (if your target drive is mounted to /mnt/sda1 and (optionally) another one to /mnt/sda2):
## $ perl recursivefiles2sha256sum /mnt/sda1 /mnt/sda2 > wordlist.dict
## $ ./hashcat kdbxdb.hash wordlist.dict
## Note that the redirection operator > also works on Windows cmd.exe.
## To run perl in Windows use strawberry perl

use strict;
use warnings;
use File::Find;
use Digest::SHA;
use XML::Simple;

my $sha = Digest::SHA->new ("sha256");

my @folders = @ARGV;

if (scalar @folders == 0)
  die ("use: $0 folder1 folder2...\n");

my $conf =
  wanted   => \&handlefile,
  no_chdir => 1,

find ($conf, @folders);

sub handlefile
  my $file = $_;

  return unless -f $file;
  return unless -r $file;

  open (my $fh, $file) or return;

  binmode $fh;

  my $nread = read ($fh, my $data, 5);

  close ($fh);

  my $xmlhash;

  if (($nread == 5) && ($data eq "<?xml"))
    my $xml = eval { XMLin ($file) or die };

    if ($@)
      # not interesting
      if (exists $xml->{"Key"} && exists $xml->{"Key"}->{"Data"})
        chomp $xml->{"Key"}->{"Data"};

        $xmlhash = $xml->{"Key"}->{"Data"};
        # not interesting

  if (defined $xmlhash)
    print "$xmlhash\n";
    my $sha_copy = $sha->clone;

    $sha_copy->addfile  ($file);

    my $digest = $sha_copy->hexdigest;

    print "$digest\n";