/** * Author......: See docs/credits.txt * License.....: MIT */ #include "common.h" #include "types.h" #include "bitops.h" #include "memory.h" #include "convert.h" #include "event.h" #include "inc_hash_constants.h" #include "cpu_aes.h" #include "cpu_crc32.h" #include "cpu_des.h" #include "cpu_md4.h" #include "cpu_md5.h" #include "cpu_sha1.h" #include "cpu_sha256.h" #include "cpu_blake2.h" #include "shared.h" #include "opencl.h" #include "interface.h" #include "filehandling.h" #include "ext_lzma.h" #include "modules.h" static const char *ST_PASS_HASHCAT_PLAIN = "hashcat"; static const char *ST_PASS_HASHCAT_EXCL = "hashcat!"; static const char *ST_PASS_HASHCAT_EXCL3 = "hashcat!!!"; static const char *ST_PASS_HASHCAT_ONE = "hashcat1"; static const char *ST_PASS_HASHCAT_ONET3 = "hashcat1hashcat1hashcat1"; static const char *OPTI_STR_OPTIMIZED_KERNEL = "Optimized-Kernel"; static const char *OPTI_STR_ZERO_BYTE = "Zero-Byte"; static const char *OPTI_STR_PRECOMPUTE_INIT = "Precompute-Init"; static const char *OPTI_STR_PRECOMPUTE_MERKLE = "Precompute-Merkle-Demgard"; static const char *OPTI_STR_PRECOMPUTE_PERMUT = "Precompute-Final-Permutation"; static const char *OPTI_STR_MEET_IN_MIDDLE = "Meet-In-The-Middle"; static const char *OPTI_STR_EARLY_SKIP = "Early-Skip"; static const char *OPTI_STR_NOT_SALTED = "Not-Salted"; static const char *OPTI_STR_NOT_ITERATED = "Not-Iterated"; static const char *OPTI_STR_PREPENDED_SALT = "Prepended-Salt"; static const char *OPTI_STR_APPENDED_SALT = "Appended-Salt"; static const char *OPTI_STR_SINGLE_HASH = "Single-Hash"; static const char *OPTI_STR_SINGLE_SALT = "Single-Salt"; static const char *OPTI_STR_BRUTE_FORCE = "Brute-Force"; static const char *OPTI_STR_RAW_HASH = "Raw-Hash"; static const char *OPTI_STR_SLOW_HASH_SIMD_INIT = "Slow-Hash-SIMD-INIT"; static const char *OPTI_STR_SLOW_HASH_SIMD_LOOP = "Slow-Hash-SIMD-LOOP"; static const char *OPTI_STR_SLOW_HASH_SIMD_COMP = "Slow-Hash-SIMD-COMP"; static const char *OPTI_STR_USES_BITS_8 = "Uses-8-Bit"; static const char *OPTI_STR_USES_BITS_16 = "Uses-16-Bit"; static const char *OPTI_STR_USES_BITS_32 = "Uses-32-Bit"; static const char *OPTI_STR_USES_BITS_64 = "Uses-64-Bit"; static const char *PA_000 = "OK"; static const char *PA_001 = "Ignored due to comment"; static const char *PA_002 = "Ignored due to zero length"; static const char *PA_003 = "Line-length exception"; static const char *PA_004 = "Hash-length exception"; static const char *PA_005 = "Hash-value exception"; static const char *PA_006 = "Salt-length exception"; static const char *PA_007 = "Salt-value exception"; static const char *PA_008 = "Salt-iteration count exception"; static const char *PA_009 = "Separator unmatched"; static const char *PA_010 = "Signature unmatched"; static const char *PA_011 = "Invalid hccapx file size"; static const char *PA_012 = "Invalid hccapx eapol size"; static const char *PA_013 = "Invalid psafe2 filesize"; static const char *PA_014 = "Invalid psafe3 filesize"; static const char *PA_015 = "Invalid truecrypt filesize"; static const char *PA_016 = "Invalid veracrypt filesize"; static const char *PA_017 = "Invalid SIP directive, only MD5 is supported"; static const char *PA_018 = "Hash-file exception"; static const char *PA_019 = "Hash-encoding exception"; static const char *PA_020 = "Salt-encoding exception"; static const char *PA_021 = "Invalid LUKS filesize"; static const char *PA_022 = "Invalid LUKS identifier"; static const char *PA_023 = "Invalid LUKS version"; static const char *PA_024 = "Invalid or unsupported LUKS cipher type"; static const char *PA_025 = "Invalid or unsupported LUKS cipher mode"; static const char *PA_026 = "Invalid or unsupported LUKS hash type"; static const char *PA_027 = "Invalid LUKS key size"; static const char *PA_028 = "Disabled LUKS key detected"; static const char *PA_029 = "Invalid LUKS key AF stripes count"; static const char *PA_030 = "Invalid combination of LUKS hash type and cipher type"; static const char *PA_031 = "Invalid hccapx signature"; static const char *PA_032 = "Invalid hccapx version"; static const char *PA_033 = "Invalid hccapx message pair"; static const char *PA_034 = "Token encoding exception"; static const char *PA_035 = "Token length exception"; static const char *PA_036 = "Insufficient entropy exception"; static const char *PA_255 = "Unknown error"; /** * parser */ static int rounds_count_length (const char *input_buf, const int input_len) { if (input_len >= 9) // 9 is minimum because of "rounds=X$" { static const char *rounds = "rounds="; if (memcmp (input_buf, rounds, 7) == 0) { char *next_pos = strchr (input_buf + 8, '$'); if (next_pos == NULL) return -1; const int rounds_len = next_pos - input_buf; return rounds_len; } } return -1; } int input_tokenizer (const u8 *input_buf, const int input_len, token_t *token) { int len_left = input_len; token->buf[0] = input_buf; int token_idx; for (token_idx = 0; token_idx < token->token_cnt - 1; token_idx++) { if (token->attr[token_idx] & TOKEN_ATTR_FIXED_LENGTH) { int len = token->len[token_idx]; if (len_left < len) return (PARSER_TOKEN_LENGTH); token->buf[token_idx + 1] = token->buf[token_idx] + len; len_left -= len; } else { if (token->attr[token_idx] & TOKEN_ATTR_OPTIONAL_ROUNDS) { const int len = rounds_count_length ((const char *) token->buf[token_idx], len_left); token->opt_buf = token->buf[token_idx]; token->opt_len = len; // we want an eventual -1 in here, it's used later for verification if (len > 0) { token->buf[token_idx] += len + 1; // +1 = separator len_left -= len + 1; // +1 = separator } } const u8 *next_pos = (const u8 *) strchr ((const char *) token->buf[token_idx], token->sep[token_idx]); if (next_pos == NULL) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); const int len = next_pos - token->buf[token_idx]; token->len[token_idx] = len; token->buf[token_idx + 1] = next_pos + 1; // +1 = separator len_left -= len + 1; // +1 = separator } } if (token->attr[token_idx] & TOKEN_ATTR_FIXED_LENGTH) { int len = token->len[token_idx]; if (len_left != len) return (PARSER_TOKEN_LENGTH); } else { token->len[token_idx] = len_left; } // verify data for (token_idx = 0; token_idx < token->token_cnt; token_idx++) { if (token->attr[token_idx] & TOKEN_ATTR_VERIFY_SIGNATURE) { bool matched = false; for (int signature_idx = 0; signature_idx < token->signatures_cnt; signature_idx++) { if (memcmp (token->buf[token_idx], token->signatures_buf[signature_idx], token->len[token_idx]) == 0) matched = true; } if (matched == false) return (PARSER_SIGNATURE_UNMATCHED); } if (token->attr[token_idx] & TOKEN_ATTR_VERIFY_LENGTH) { if (token->len[token_idx] < token->len_min[token_idx]) return (PARSER_TOKEN_LENGTH); if (token->len[token_idx] > token->len_max[token_idx]) return (PARSER_TOKEN_LENGTH); } if (token->attr[token_idx] & TOKEN_ATTR_VERIFY_HEX) { if (is_valid_hex_string (token->buf[token_idx], token->len[token_idx]) == false) return (PARSER_TOKEN_ENCODING); } if (token->attr[token_idx] & TOKEN_ATTR_VERIFY_BASE64A) { if (is_valid_base64a_string (token->buf[token_idx], token->len[token_idx]) == false) return (PARSER_TOKEN_ENCODING); } if (token->attr[token_idx] & TOKEN_ATTR_VERIFY_BASE64B) { if (is_valid_base64b_string (token->buf[token_idx], token->len[token_idx]) == false) return (PARSER_TOKEN_ENCODING); } if (token->attr[token_idx] & TOKEN_ATTR_VERIFY_BASE64C) { if (is_valid_base64c_string (token->buf[token_idx], token->len[token_idx]) == false) return (PARSER_TOKEN_ENCODING); } } return PARSER_OK; } static int sort_by_src_len (const void *p1, const void *p2) { const keyboard_layout_mapping_t *k1 = (const keyboard_layout_mapping_t *) p1; const keyboard_layout_mapping_t *k2 = (const keyboard_layout_mapping_t *) p2; return k1->src_len < k2->src_len; } bool initialize_keyboard_layout_mapping (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, const char *filename, keyboard_layout_mapping_t *keyboard_layout_mapping, int *keyboard_layout_mapping_cnt) { char *line_buf = (char *) hcmalloc (HCBUFSIZ_LARGE); FILE *fp = fopen (filename, "r"); if (fp == NULL) { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "%s: %s", filename, strerror (errno)); return false; } int maps_cnt = 0; while (!feof (fp)) { const size_t line_len = fgetl (fp, line_buf); if (line_len == 0) continue; token_t token; token.token_cnt = 2; token.len_min[0] = 1; token.len_max[0] = 4; token.sep[0] = 0x09; token.attr[0] = TOKEN_ATTR_VERIFY_LENGTH; token.len_min[1] = 0; token.len_max[1] = 4; token.sep[1] = 0x09; token.attr[1] = TOKEN_ATTR_VERIFY_LENGTH; const int rc_tokenizer = input_tokenizer ((const u8 *) line_buf, (const int) line_len, &token); if (rc_tokenizer != PARSER_OK) { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "%s: Syntax error: %s", filename, line_buf); fclose (fp); free (line_buf); return false; } memcpy (&keyboard_layout_mapping[maps_cnt].src_char, token.buf[0], token.len[0]); memcpy (&keyboard_layout_mapping[maps_cnt].dst_char, token.buf[1], token.len[1]); keyboard_layout_mapping[maps_cnt].src_len = token.len[0]; keyboard_layout_mapping[maps_cnt].dst_len = token.len[1]; if (maps_cnt == 256) { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "%s: too many entries", filename); fclose (fp); free (line_buf); return false; } maps_cnt++; } *keyboard_layout_mapping_cnt = maps_cnt; fclose (fp); free (line_buf); // we need to sort this by length to ensure the largest blocks come first in mapping qsort (keyboard_layout_mapping, maps_cnt, sizeof (keyboard_layout_mapping_t), sort_by_src_len); return true; } static bool parse_and_store_generic_salt (u8 *out_buf, int *out_len, const u8 *in_buf, const int in_len, MAYBE_UNUSED hashconfig_t *hashconfig) { u32 tmp_u32[(64 * 2) + 1] = { 0 }; if (in_len > 512) return false; // 512 = 2 * 256 -- (2 * because of hex), 256 because of maximum salt length in salt_t if (hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_ST_HEX) { if (in_len < (int) (hashconfig->salt_min * 2)) return false; if (in_len > (int) (hashconfig->salt_max * 2)) return false; } else { if (in_len < (int) hashconfig->salt_min) return false; if (in_len > (int) hashconfig->salt_max) return false; } u8 *tmp_buf = (u8 *) tmp_u32; int tmp_len = 0; if (hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_ST_HEX) { if (tmp_len & 1) return false; tmp_len = in_len / 2; for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < tmp_len; i += 1, j += 2) { u8 p0 = in_buf[j + 0]; u8 p1 = in_buf[j + 1]; tmp_buf[i] = hex_convert (p1) << 0; tmp_buf[i] |= hex_convert (p0) << 4; } } else if (hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_ST_BASE64) { tmp_len = base64_decode (base64_to_int, (const u8 *) in_buf, in_len, tmp_buf); } else { if (in_len) memcpy (tmp_buf, in_buf, in_len); tmp_len = in_len; } if (hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_ST_UTF16LE) { if (tmp_len >= 128) return false; for (int i = 64 - 1; i >= 1; i -= 2) { const u32 v = tmp_u32[i / 2]; tmp_u32[i - 0] = ((v >> 8) & 0x00FF0000) | ((v >> 16) & 0x000000FF); tmp_u32[i - 1] = ((v << 8) & 0x00FF0000) | ((v >> 0) & 0x000000FF); } tmp_len = tmp_len * 2; } if (hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_ST_LOWER) { lowercase (tmp_buf, tmp_len); } if (hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_ST_UPPER) { uppercase (tmp_buf, tmp_len); } int tmp2_len = tmp_len; if (hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_ST_ADD80) { if (tmp2_len >= 256) return false; tmp_buf[tmp2_len++] = 0x80; } if (hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_ST_ADD01) { if (tmp2_len >= 256) return false; tmp_buf[tmp2_len++] = 0x01; } if (hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_ST_GENERATE_LE) { u32 max = tmp2_len / 4; if (tmp2_len % 4) max++; for (u32 i = 0; i < max; i++) { tmp_u32[i] = byte_swap_32 (tmp_u32[i]); } // Important: we may need to increase the length of memcpy since // we don't want to "loose" some swapped bytes (could happen if // they do not perfectly fit in the 4-byte blocks) // Memcpy does always copy the bytes in the BE order, but since // we swapped them, some important bytes could be in positions // we normally skip with the original len if (tmp2_len % 4) tmp2_len += 4 - (tmp2_len % 4); } memcpy (out_buf, tmp_buf, tmp2_len); *out_len = tmp_len; return true; } static void precompute_salt_md5 (const u32 *salt_buf, const u32 salt_len, u8 *salt_pc) { u32 digest[4] = { 0 }; md5_complete_no_limit (digest, salt_buf, salt_len); u32_to_hex (digest[0], salt_pc + 0); u32_to_hex (digest[1], salt_pc + 8); u32_to_hex (digest[2], salt_pc + 16); u32_to_hex (digest[3], salt_pc + 24); } /** * output */ const char *stroptitype (const u32 opti_type) { switch (opti_type) { case OPTI_TYPE_OPTIMIZED_KERNEL: return OPTI_STR_OPTIMIZED_KERNEL; case OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE: return OPTI_STR_ZERO_BYTE; case OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_INIT: return OPTI_STR_PRECOMPUTE_INIT; case OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_MERKLE: return OPTI_STR_PRECOMPUTE_MERKLE; case OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_PERMUT: return OPTI_STR_PRECOMPUTE_PERMUT; case OPTI_TYPE_MEET_IN_MIDDLE: return OPTI_STR_MEET_IN_MIDDLE; case OPTI_TYPE_EARLY_SKIP: return OPTI_STR_EARLY_SKIP; case OPTI_TYPE_NOT_SALTED: return OPTI_STR_NOT_SALTED; case OPTI_TYPE_NOT_ITERATED: return OPTI_STR_NOT_ITERATED; case OPTI_TYPE_PREPENDED_SALT: return OPTI_STR_PREPENDED_SALT; case OPTI_TYPE_APPENDED_SALT: return OPTI_STR_APPENDED_SALT; case OPTI_TYPE_SINGLE_HASH: return OPTI_STR_SINGLE_HASH; case OPTI_TYPE_SINGLE_SALT: return OPTI_STR_SINGLE_SALT; case OPTI_TYPE_BRUTE_FORCE: return OPTI_STR_BRUTE_FORCE; case OPTI_TYPE_RAW_HASH: return OPTI_STR_RAW_HASH; case OPTI_TYPE_SLOW_HASH_SIMD_INIT: return OPTI_STR_SLOW_HASH_SIMD_INIT; case OPTI_TYPE_SLOW_HASH_SIMD_LOOP: return OPTI_STR_SLOW_HASH_SIMD_LOOP; case OPTI_TYPE_SLOW_HASH_SIMD_COMP: return OPTI_STR_SLOW_HASH_SIMD_COMP; case OPTI_TYPE_USES_BITS_8: return OPTI_STR_USES_BITS_8; case OPTI_TYPE_USES_BITS_16: return OPTI_STR_USES_BITS_16; case OPTI_TYPE_USES_BITS_32: return OPTI_STR_USES_BITS_32; case OPTI_TYPE_USES_BITS_64: return OPTI_STR_USES_BITS_64; } return NULL; } const char *strparser (const u32 parser_status) { switch (parser_status) { case PARSER_OK: return PA_000; case PARSER_COMMENT: return PA_001; case PARSER_GLOBAL_ZERO: return PA_002; case PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH: return PA_003; case PARSER_HASH_LENGTH: return PA_004; case PARSER_HASH_VALUE: return PA_005; case PARSER_SALT_LENGTH: return PA_006; case PARSER_SALT_VALUE: return PA_007; case PARSER_SALT_ITERATION: return PA_008; case PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED: return PA_009; case PARSER_SIGNATURE_UNMATCHED: return PA_010; case PARSER_HCCAPX_FILE_SIZE: return PA_011; case PARSER_HCCAPX_EAPOL_LEN: return PA_012; case PARSER_PSAFE2_FILE_SIZE: return PA_013; case PARSER_PSAFE3_FILE_SIZE: return PA_014; case PARSER_TC_FILE_SIZE: return PA_015; case PARSER_VC_FILE_SIZE: return PA_016; case PARSER_SIP_AUTH_DIRECTIVE: return PA_017; case PARSER_HASH_FILE: return PA_018; case PARSER_HASH_ENCODING: return PA_019; case PARSER_SALT_ENCODING: return PA_020; case PARSER_LUKS_FILE_SIZE: return PA_021; case PARSER_LUKS_MAGIC: return PA_022; case PARSER_LUKS_VERSION: return PA_023; case PARSER_LUKS_CIPHER_TYPE: return PA_024; case PARSER_LUKS_CIPHER_MODE: return PA_025; case PARSER_LUKS_HASH_TYPE: return PA_026; case PARSER_LUKS_KEY_SIZE: return PA_027; case PARSER_LUKS_KEY_DISABLED: return PA_028; case PARSER_LUKS_KEY_STRIPES: return PA_029; case PARSER_LUKS_HASH_CIPHER: return PA_030; case PARSER_HCCAPX_SIGNATURE: return PA_031; case PARSER_HCCAPX_VERSION: return PA_032; case PARSER_HCCAPX_MESSAGE_PAIR: return PA_033; case PARSER_TOKEN_ENCODING: return PA_034; case PARSER_TOKEN_LENGTH: return PA_035; case PARSER_INSUFFICIENT_ENTROPY: return PA_036; } return PA_255; } int ascii_digest (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, char *out_buf, const int out_size, const u32 salt_pos, const u32 digest_pos) { const hashconfig_t *hashconfig = hashcat_ctx->hashconfig; const hashes_t *hashes = hashcat_ctx->hashes; const module_ctx_t *module_ctx = hashcat_ctx->module_ctx; void *digests_buf = hashes->digests_buf; salt_t *salts_buf = hashes->salts_buf; void *esalts_buf = hashes->esalts_buf; hashinfo_t **hash_info = hashes->hash_info; const char *hashfile = hashes->hashfile; const u32 dgst_size = hashconfig->dgst_size; const u64 esalt_size = hashconfig->esalt_size; //const u32 hash_type = hashconfig->hash_type; //const u32 hash_mode = hashconfig->hash_mode; //const u32 salt_type = hashconfig->salt_type; //const u32 digest_cur = salts_buf[salt_pos].digests_offset + digest_pos; //u8 datax[256] = { 0 }; //u64 *digest_buf64 = (u64 *) datax; //u32 *digest_buf = (u32 *) datax; char *digests_buf_ptr = (char *) digests_buf; //memcpy (digest_buf, digests_buf_ptr + (salts_buf[salt_pos].digests_offset * dgst_size) + (digest_pos * dgst_size), dgst_size); char *esalts_buf_ptr = (char *) esalts_buf; //salt_t salt; /* if (opti_type & OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_PERMUT) { u32 tt; switch (hash_type) { case HASH_TYPE_DES: FP (digest_buf[1], digest_buf[0], tt); break; case HASH_TYPE_DESCRYPT: FP (digest_buf[1], digest_buf[0], tt); break; case HASH_TYPE_DESRACF: digest_buf[0] = rotl32 (digest_buf[0], 29); digest_buf[1] = rotl32 (digest_buf[1], 29); FP (digest_buf[1], digest_buf[0], tt); break; case HASH_TYPE_LM: FP (digest_buf[1], digest_buf[0], tt); break; case HASH_TYPE_NETNTLM: digest_buf[0] = rotl32 (digest_buf[0], 29); digest_buf[1] = rotl32 (digest_buf[1], 29); digest_buf[2] = rotl32 (digest_buf[2], 29); digest_buf[3] = rotl32 (digest_buf[3], 29); FP (digest_buf[1], digest_buf[0], tt); FP (digest_buf[3], digest_buf[2], tt); break; case HASH_TYPE_BSDICRYPT: digest_buf[0] = rotl32 (digest_buf[0], 31); digest_buf[1] = rotl32 (digest_buf[1], 31); FP (digest_buf[1], digest_buf[0], tt); break; } } if (opti_type & OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_MERKLE) { switch (hash_type) { case HASH_TYPE_MD4: digest_buf[0] += MD4M_A; digest_buf[1] += MD4M_B; digest_buf[2] += MD4M_C; digest_buf[3] += MD4M_D; break; case HASH_TYPE_MD5: digest_buf[0] += MD5M_A; digest_buf[1] += MD5M_B; digest_buf[2] += MD5M_C; digest_buf[3] += MD5M_D; break; case HASH_TYPE_SHA1: digest_buf[0] += SHA1M_A; digest_buf[1] += SHA1M_B; digest_buf[2] += SHA1M_C; digest_buf[3] += SHA1M_D; digest_buf[4] += SHA1M_E; break; case HASH_TYPE_SHA224: digest_buf[0] += SHA224M_A; digest_buf[1] += SHA224M_B; digest_buf[2] += SHA224M_C; digest_buf[3] += SHA224M_D; digest_buf[4] += SHA224M_E; digest_buf[5] += SHA224M_F; digest_buf[6] += SHA224M_G; break; case HASH_TYPE_SHA256: digest_buf[0] += SHA256M_A; digest_buf[1] += SHA256M_B; digest_buf[2] += SHA256M_C; digest_buf[3] += SHA256M_D; digest_buf[4] += SHA256M_E; digest_buf[5] += SHA256M_F; digest_buf[6] += SHA256M_G; digest_buf[7] += SHA256M_H; break; case HASH_TYPE_SHA384: digest_buf64[0] += SHA384M_A; digest_buf64[1] += SHA384M_B; digest_buf64[2] += SHA384M_C; digest_buf64[3] += SHA384M_D; digest_buf64[4] += SHA384M_E; digest_buf64[5] += SHA384M_F; digest_buf64[6] += 0; digest_buf64[7] += 0; break; case HASH_TYPE_SHA512: digest_buf64[0] += SHA512M_A; digest_buf64[1] += SHA512M_B; digest_buf64[2] += SHA512M_C; digest_buf64[3] += SHA512M_D; digest_buf64[4] += SHA512M_E; digest_buf64[5] += SHA512M_F; digest_buf64[6] += SHA512M_G; digest_buf64[7] += SHA512M_H; break; } } if (opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_LE) { if (dgst_size == DGST_SIZE_4_2) { for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) digest_buf[i] = byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[i]); } else if (dgst_size == DGST_SIZE_4_4) { for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) digest_buf[i] = byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[i]); } else if (dgst_size == DGST_SIZE_4_5) { for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) digest_buf[i] = byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[i]); } else if (dgst_size == DGST_SIZE_4_6) { for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) digest_buf[i] = byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[i]); } else if (dgst_size == DGST_SIZE_4_7) { for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) digest_buf[i] = byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[i]); } else if (dgst_size == DGST_SIZE_4_8) { for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) digest_buf[i] = byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[i]); } else if ((dgst_size == DGST_SIZE_4_16) || (dgst_size == DGST_SIZE_8_8)) // same size, same result :) { if (hash_type == HASH_TYPE_WHIRLPOOL) { for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) digest_buf[i] = byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[i]); } else if (hash_type == HASH_TYPE_SHA384) { for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) digest_buf64[i] = byte_swap_64 (digest_buf64[i]); } else if (hash_type == HASH_TYPE_SHA512) { for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) digest_buf64[i] = byte_swap_64 (digest_buf64[i]); } else if (hash_type == HASH_TYPE_GOST) { for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) digest_buf[i] = byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[i]); } } else if (dgst_size == DGST_SIZE_4_64) { for (int i = 0; i < 64; i++) digest_buf[i] = byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[i]); } else if (dgst_size == DGST_SIZE_8_25) { for (int i = 0; i < 25; i++) digest_buf64[i] = byte_swap_64 (digest_buf64[i]); } } const bool isSalted = ((hashconfig->salt_type == SALT_TYPE_GENERIC) | (hashconfig->salt_type == SALT_TYPE_EMBEDDED)); if (isSalted == true) { memcpy (&salt, &salts_buf[salt_pos], sizeof (salt_t)); char *ptr = (char *) salt.salt_buf; if (opti_type & OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_PERMUT) { switch (hash_type) { case HASH_TYPE_NETNTLM: salt.salt_buf[0] = rotr32 (salt.salt_buf[0], 3); salt.salt_buf[1] = rotr32 (salt.salt_buf[1], 3); u32 tt; FP (salt.salt_buf[1], salt.salt_buf[0], tt); break; } } u32 salt_len = salt.salt_len; if (opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_ST_UTF16LE) { for (u32 i = 0, j = 0; i < salt_len; i += 1, j += 2) { ptr[i] = ptr[j]; } salt_len = salt_len / 2; } if (opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_ST_GENERATE_LE) { u32 max = salt.salt_len / 4; if (salt_len % 4) max++; for (u32 i = 0; i < max; i++) { salt.salt_buf[i] = byte_swap_32 (salt.salt_buf[i]); } } if (opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_ST_HEX) { char tmp[64] = { 0 }; for (u32 i = 0, j = 0; i < salt_len; i += 1, j += 2) { sprintf (tmp + j, "%02x", (unsigned char) ptr[i]); } salt_len = salt_len * 2; memcpy (ptr, tmp, salt_len); } u32 memset_size = ((SALT_MAX - (int) salt_len) > 0) ? (SALT_MAX - salt_len) : 0; memset (ptr + salt_len, 0, memset_size); salt.salt_len = salt_len; } else { memset (&salt, 0, sizeof (salt_t)); } */ // // some modes require special encoding // //u32 out_buf_plain[256] = { 0 }; //u32 out_buf_salt[256] = { 0 }; //char tmp_buf[1024] = { 0 }; //char *ptr_plain = (char *) out_buf_plain; //u8 *ptr_salt = (u8 *) out_buf_salt; const int out_len = module_ctx->module_hash_encode ( hashconfig, digests_buf_ptr + (salts_buf[salt_pos].digests_offset * dgst_size) + (digest_pos * dgst_size), salts_buf + salt_pos, esalts_buf_ptr + (salts_buf[salt_pos].digests_offset * esalt_size) + (digest_pos * esalt_size), out_buf, out_size ); return out_len; /* if (salt_type == SALT_TYPE_GENERIC) { size_t pos = strlen (out_buf); out_buf[pos] = hashconfig->separator; char *ptr = (char *) salt.salt_buf; memcpy (out_buf + pos + 1, ptr, salt.salt_len); out_buf[pos + 1 + salt.salt_len] = 0; } */ } int hashconfig_init (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx) { const folder_config_t *folder_config = hashcat_ctx->folder_config; hashconfig_t *hashconfig = hashcat_ctx->hashconfig; module_ctx_t *module_ctx = hashcat_ctx->module_ctx; const user_options_t *user_options = hashcat_ctx->user_options; const user_options_extra_t *user_options_extra = hashcat_ctx->user_options_extra; // set some boring defaults hashconfig->attack_exec = default_attack_exec (hashconfig, user_options, user_options_extra); hashconfig->dictstat_disable = default_dictstat_disable (hashconfig, user_options, user_options_extra); hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = default_dgst_pos0 (hashconfig, user_options, user_options_extra); hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = default_dgst_pos1 (hashconfig, user_options, user_options_extra); hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = default_dgst_pos2 (hashconfig, user_options, user_options_extra); hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = default_dgst_pos3 (hashconfig, user_options, user_options_extra); hashconfig->dgst_size = default_dgst_size (hashconfig, user_options, user_options_extra); hashconfig->esalt_size = default_esalt_size (hashconfig, user_options, user_options_extra); hashconfig->forced_kernel_threads = default_forced_kernel_threads (hashconfig, user_options, user_options_extra); hashconfig->forced_kernel_loops = default_forced_kernel_loops (hashconfig, user_options, user_options_extra); hashconfig->hash_name = default_hash_name (hashconfig, user_options, user_options_extra); hashconfig->hash_mode = default_hash_mode (hashconfig, user_options, user_options_extra); hashconfig->hash_type = default_hash_type (hashconfig, user_options, user_options_extra); hashconfig->hook_salt_size = default_hook_salt_size (hashconfig, user_options, user_options_extra); hashconfig->hook_size = default_hook_size (hashconfig, user_options, user_options_extra); hashconfig->kern_type = default_kern_type (hashconfig, user_options, user_options_extra); hashconfig->opti_type = default_opti_type (hashconfig, user_options, user_options_extra); hashconfig->opts_type = default_opts_type (hashconfig, user_options, user_options_extra); hashconfig->salt_type = default_salt_type (hashconfig, user_options, user_options_extra); hashconfig->separator = default_separator (hashconfig, user_options, user_options_extra); hashconfig->st_hash = default_st_hash (hashconfig, user_options, user_options_extra); hashconfig->st_pass = default_st_pass (hashconfig, user_options, user_options_extra); hashconfig->tmp_size = default_tmp_size (hashconfig, user_options, user_options_extra); hashconfig->warmup_disable = default_warmup_disable (hashconfig, user_options, user_options_extra); // finally, the real stuff module_register (module_ctx); if (module_ctx->module_attack_exec) hashconfig->attack_exec = module_ctx->module_attack_exec (hashconfig, user_options, user_options_extra); if (module_ctx->module_dictstat_disable) hashconfig->dictstat_disable = module_ctx->module_dictstat_disable (hashconfig, user_options, user_options_extra); if (module_ctx->module_dgst_pos0) hashconfig->dgst_pos0 = module_ctx->module_dgst_pos0 (hashconfig, user_options, user_options_extra); if (module_ctx->module_dgst_pos1) hashconfig->dgst_pos1 = module_ctx->module_dgst_pos1 (hashconfig, user_options, user_options_extra); if (module_ctx->module_dgst_pos2) hashconfig->dgst_pos2 = module_ctx->module_dgst_pos2 (hashconfig, user_options, user_options_extra); if (module_ctx->module_dgst_pos3) hashconfig->dgst_pos3 = module_ctx->module_dgst_pos3 (hashconfig, user_options, user_options_extra); if (module_ctx->module_dgst_size) hashconfig->dgst_size = module_ctx->module_dgst_size (hashconfig, user_options, user_options_extra); if (module_ctx->module_esalt_size) hashconfig->esalt_size = module_ctx->module_esalt_size (hashconfig, user_options, user_options_extra); if (module_ctx->module_forced_kernel_threads) hashconfig->forced_kernel_threads = module_ctx->module_forced_kernel_threads (hashconfig, user_options, user_options_extra); if (module_ctx->module_forced_kernel_loops) hashconfig->forced_kernel_loops = module_ctx->module_forced_kernel_loops (hashconfig, user_options, user_options_extra); if (module_ctx->module_hash_name) hashconfig->hash_name = module_ctx->module_hash_name (hashconfig, user_options, user_options_extra); if (module_ctx->module_hash_mode) hashconfig->hash_mode = module_ctx->module_hash_mode (hashconfig, user_options, user_options_extra); if (module_ctx->module_hash_type) hashconfig->hash_type = module_ctx->module_hash_type (hashconfig, user_options, user_options_extra); if (module_ctx->module_hook_salt_size) hashconfig->hook_salt_size = module_ctx->module_hook_salt_size (hashconfig, user_options, user_options_extra); if (module_ctx->module_hook_size) hashconfig->hook_size = module_ctx->module_hook_size (hashconfig, user_options, user_options_extra); if (module_ctx->module_kern_type) hashconfig->kern_type = module_ctx->module_kern_type (hashconfig, user_options, user_options_extra); if (module_ctx->module_opti_type) hashconfig->opti_type = module_ctx->module_opti_type (hashconfig, user_options, user_options_extra); if (module_ctx->module_opts_type) hashconfig->opts_type = module_ctx->module_opts_type (hashconfig, user_options, user_options_extra); if (module_ctx->module_salt_type) hashconfig->salt_type = module_ctx->module_salt_type (hashconfig, user_options, user_options_extra); if (module_ctx->module_separator) hashconfig->separator = module_ctx->module_separator (hashconfig, user_options, user_options_extra); if (module_ctx->module_st_hash) hashconfig->st_hash = module_ctx->module_st_hash (hashconfig, user_options, user_options_extra); if (module_ctx->module_st_pass) hashconfig->st_pass = module_ctx->module_st_pass (hashconfig, user_options, user_options_extra); if (module_ctx->module_tmp_size) hashconfig->tmp_size = module_ctx->module_tmp_size (hashconfig, user_options, user_options_extra); if (module_ctx->module_warmup_disable) hashconfig->warmup_disable = module_ctx->module_warmup_disable (hashconfig, user_options, user_options_extra); if (user_options->keyboard_layout_mapping) { if ((hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_KEYBOARD_MAPPING) == 0) { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "Parameter --keyboard-layout-mapping not valid for hash-type %u", hashconfig->hash_mode); return -1; } } if (user_options->hex_salt) { if (hashconfig->salt_type == SALT_TYPE_GENERIC) { hashconfig->opts_type |= OPTS_TYPE_ST_HEX; } else { event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "Parameter --hex-salt not valid for hash-type %u", hashconfig->hash_mode); return -1; } } if (user_options->keep_guessing) { hashconfig->opts_type |= OPTS_TYPE_PT_NEVERCRACK; } hashconfig->has_optimized_kernel = false; hashconfig->has_pure_kernel = false; if (hashconfig->kern_type == (u32) -1) { // some hash modes tell hashcat about their exact hash-mode inside the parser (eg. luks and jwt) } else { // some kernels do not have an optimized kernel, simply because they do not need them // or because they are not yet converted, for them we should switch off optimized mode char source_file[256] = { 0 }; generate_source_kernel_filename (user_options->slow_candidates, hashconfig->attack_exec, user_options_extra->attack_kern, hashconfig->kern_type, false, folder_config->shared_dir, source_file); hashconfig->has_pure_kernel = hc_path_read (source_file); generate_source_kernel_filename (user_options->slow_candidates, hashconfig->attack_exec, user_options_extra->attack_kern, hashconfig->kern_type, true, folder_config->shared_dir, source_file); hashconfig->has_optimized_kernel = hc_path_read (source_file); if (user_options->example_hashes == false) { if (user_options->optimized_kernel_enable == true) { if (hashconfig->has_optimized_kernel == false) { if (user_options->quiet == false) event_log_warning (hashcat_ctx, "%s: Optimized OpenCL kernel requested but not needed - falling back to pure OpenCL kernel", source_file); } else { hashconfig->opti_type |= OPTI_TYPE_OPTIMIZED_KERNEL; } } else { if (hashconfig->has_pure_kernel == false) { if (user_options->quiet == false) event_log_warning (hashcat_ctx, "%s: Pure OpenCL kernel not found, falling back to optimized OpenCL kernel", source_file); hashconfig->opti_type |= OPTI_TYPE_OPTIMIZED_KERNEL; } else { // nothing to do } } } } if ((hashconfig->opti_type & OPTI_TYPE_OPTIMIZED_KERNEL) == 0) { hashconfig->opts_type &= ~OPTS_TYPE_PT_UTF16LE; hashconfig->opts_type &= ~OPTS_TYPE_PT_UTF16BE; hashconfig->opts_type &= ~OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADD01; hashconfig->opts_type &= ~OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADD02; hashconfig->opts_type &= ~OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADD06; hashconfig->opts_type &= ~OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADD80; hashconfig->opts_type &= ~OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADDBITS14; hashconfig->opts_type &= ~OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADDBITS15; hashconfig->opts_type &= ~OPTS_TYPE_ST_UTF16LE; hashconfig->opts_type &= ~OPTS_TYPE_ST_UTF16BE; hashconfig->opts_type &= ~OPTS_TYPE_ST_ADD01; hashconfig->opts_type &= ~OPTS_TYPE_ST_ADD02; hashconfig->opts_type &= ~OPTS_TYPE_ST_ADD80; hashconfig->opts_type &= ~OPTS_TYPE_ST_ADDBITS14; hashconfig->opts_type &= ~OPTS_TYPE_ST_ADDBITS15; hashconfig->opti_type &= ~OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_INIT; hashconfig->opti_type &= ~OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_MERKLE; hashconfig->opti_type &= ~OPTI_TYPE_MEET_IN_MIDDLE; hashconfig->opti_type &= ~OPTI_TYPE_PREPENDED_SALT; hashconfig->opti_type &= ~OPTI_TYPE_APPENDED_SALT; } const bool is_salted = ((hashconfig->salt_type == SALT_TYPE_GENERIC) | (hashconfig->salt_type == SALT_TYPE_EMBEDDED) | (hashconfig->salt_type == SALT_TYPE_VIRTUAL)); hashconfig->is_salted = is_salted; // those depend on some previously defined values hashconfig->benchmark_esalt = default_benchmark_esalt (hashconfig, user_options, user_options_extra); hashconfig->benchmark_hook_salt = default_benchmark_hook_salt (hashconfig, user_options, user_options_extra); hashconfig->benchmark_mask = default_benchmark_mask (hashconfig, user_options, user_options_extra); hashconfig->benchmark_salt = default_benchmark_salt (hashconfig, user_options, user_options_extra); if (module_ctx->module_benchmark_esalt) hashconfig->benchmark_esalt = module_ctx->module_benchmark_esalt (hashconfig, user_options, user_options_extra); if (module_ctx->module_benchmark_hook_salt) hashconfig->benchmark_hook_salt = module_ctx->module_benchmark_hook_salt (hashconfig, user_options, user_options_extra); if (module_ctx->module_benchmark_mask) hashconfig->benchmark_mask = module_ctx->module_benchmark_mask (hashconfig, user_options, user_options_extra); if (module_ctx->module_benchmark_salt) hashconfig->benchmark_salt = module_ctx->module_benchmark_salt (hashconfig, user_options, user_options_extra); hashconfig->pw_max = default_pw_max (hashconfig, user_options, user_options_extra); hashconfig->pw_min = default_pw_min (hashconfig, user_options, user_options_extra); hashconfig->salt_max = default_salt_max (hashconfig, user_options, user_options_extra); hashconfig->salt_min = default_salt_min (hashconfig, user_options, user_options_extra); if (module_ctx->module_pw_max) hashconfig->pw_max = module_ctx->module_pw_max (hashconfig, user_options, user_options_extra); if (module_ctx->module_pw_min) hashconfig->pw_min = module_ctx->module_pw_min (hashconfig, user_options, user_options_extra); if (module_ctx->module_salt_max) hashconfig->salt_max = module_ctx->module_salt_max (hashconfig, user_options, user_options_extra); if (module_ctx->module_salt_min) hashconfig->salt_min = module_ctx->module_salt_min (hashconfig, user_options, user_options_extra); return 0; } void hashconfig_destroy (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx) { hashconfig_t *hashconfig = hashcat_ctx->hashconfig; memset (hashconfig, 0, sizeof (hashconfig_t)); } int hashconfig_general_defaults (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx) { hashconfig_t *hashconfig = hashcat_ctx->hashconfig; user_options_t *user_options = hashcat_ctx->user_options; // truecrypt and veracrypt only if (((hashconfig->hash_mode >= 6200) && (hashconfig->hash_mode <= 6299)) || ((hashconfig->hash_mode >= 13700) && (hashconfig->hash_mode == 13799))) { hashes_t *hashes = hashcat_ctx->hashes; tc_t *tc = (tc_t *) hashes->esalts_buf; char *optional_param1 = NULL; if (user_options->truecrypt_keyfiles) optional_param1 = user_options->truecrypt_keyfiles; if (user_options->veracrypt_keyfiles) optional_param1 = user_options->veracrypt_keyfiles; if (optional_param1) { char *tcvc_keyfiles = optional_param1; char *keyfiles = hcstrdup (tcvc_keyfiles); if (keyfiles == NULL) return -1; char *saveptr = NULL; char *keyfile = strtok_r (keyfiles, ",", &saveptr); if (keyfile == NULL) { free (keyfiles); return -1; } do { const int rc_crc32 = cpu_crc32 (hashcat_ctx, keyfile, (u8 *) tc->keyfile_buf); if (rc_crc32 == -1) { free (keyfiles); return -1; } } while ((keyfile = strtok_r ((char *) NULL, ",", &saveptr)) != NULL); free (keyfiles); } // truecrypt and veracrypt boot only if (hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_KEYBOARD_MAPPING) { if (user_options->keyboard_layout_mapping) { const bool rc = initialize_keyboard_layout_mapping (hashcat_ctx, user_options->keyboard_layout_mapping, tc->keyboard_layout_mapping_buf, &tc->keyboard_layout_mapping_cnt); if (rc == false) return -1; } } } // veracrypt only if ((hashconfig->hash_mode >= 13700) && (hashconfig->hash_mode == 13799)) { if (user_options->veracrypt_pim) { // we can access salt directly here because in VC it's always just one salt not many hashes_t *hashes = hashcat_ctx->hashes; salt_t *salts_buf = hashes->salts_buf; salt_t *salt = &salts_buf[0]; switch (hashconfig->hash_mode) { case 13711: salt->salt_iter = 15000 + (user_options->veracrypt_pim * 1000); break; case 13712: salt->salt_iter = 15000 + (user_options->veracrypt_pim * 1000); break; case 13713: salt->salt_iter = 15000 + (user_options->veracrypt_pim * 1000); break; case 13721: salt->salt_iter = 15000 + (user_options->veracrypt_pim * 1000); break; case 13722: salt->salt_iter = 15000 + (user_options->veracrypt_pim * 1000); break; case 13723: salt->salt_iter = 15000 + (user_options->veracrypt_pim * 1000); break; case 13731: salt->salt_iter = 15000 + (user_options->veracrypt_pim * 1000); break; case 13732: salt->salt_iter = 15000 + (user_options->veracrypt_pim * 1000); break; case 13733: salt->salt_iter = 15000 + (user_options->veracrypt_pim * 1000); break; case 13741: salt->salt_iter = user_options->veracrypt_pim * 2048; break; case 13742: salt->salt_iter = user_options->veracrypt_pim * 2048; break; case 13743: salt->salt_iter = user_options->veracrypt_pim * 2048; break; case 13751: salt->salt_iter = 15000 + (user_options->veracrypt_pim * 1000); break; case 13752: salt->salt_iter = 15000 + (user_options->veracrypt_pim * 1000); break; case 13753: salt->salt_iter = 15000 + (user_options->veracrypt_pim * 1000); break; case 13761: salt->salt_iter = user_options->veracrypt_pim * 2048; break; case 13762: salt->salt_iter = user_options->veracrypt_pim * 2048; break; case 13763: salt->salt_iter = user_options->veracrypt_pim * 2048; break; case 13771: salt->salt_iter = 15000 + (user_options->veracrypt_pim * 1000); break; case 13772: salt->salt_iter = 15000 + (user_options->veracrypt_pim * 1000); break; case 13773: salt->salt_iter = 15000 + (user_options->veracrypt_pim * 1000); break; } salt->salt_iter -= 1; } } return 0; } void hashconfig_benchmark_defaults (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, salt_t *salt, void *esalt, void *hook_salt) { hashconfig_t *hashconfig = hashcat_ctx->hashconfig; if (hashconfig->is_salted == true) { memcpy (salt, hashconfig->benchmark_salt, sizeof (salt_t)); memcpy (esalt, hashconfig->benchmark_esalt, hashconfig->esalt_size); memcpy (hook_salt, hashconfig->benchmark_hook_salt, hashconfig->hook_salt_size); } } void decoder_apply_optimizer (const hashconfig_t *hashconfig, void *data) { const u32 hash_type = hashconfig->hash_type; const u32 opti_type = hashconfig->opti_type; u32 *digest_buf = (u32 *) data; u64 *digest_buf64 = (u64 *) data; if (opti_type & OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_PERMUT) { u32 tt; switch (hash_type) { case HASH_TYPE_DES: FP (digest_buf[1], digest_buf[0], tt); break; case HASH_TYPE_DESCRYPT: FP (digest_buf[1], digest_buf[0], tt); break; case HASH_TYPE_DESRACF: digest_buf[0] = rotl32 (digest_buf[0], 29); digest_buf[1] = rotl32 (digest_buf[1], 29); FP (digest_buf[1], digest_buf[0], tt); break; case HASH_TYPE_LM: FP (digest_buf[1], digest_buf[0], tt); break; case HASH_TYPE_NETNTLM: digest_buf[0] = rotl32 (digest_buf[0], 29); digest_buf[1] = rotl32 (digest_buf[1], 29); digest_buf[2] = rotl32 (digest_buf[2], 29); digest_buf[3] = rotl32 (digest_buf[3], 29); FP (digest_buf[1], digest_buf[0], tt); FP (digest_buf[3], digest_buf[2], tt); break; case HASH_TYPE_BSDICRYPT: digest_buf[0] = rotl32 (digest_buf[0], 31); digest_buf[1] = rotl32 (digest_buf[1], 31); FP (digest_buf[1], digest_buf[0], tt); break; } } if (opti_type & OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_MERKLE) { switch (hash_type) { case HASH_TYPE_MD4: digest_buf[0] -= MD4M_A; digest_buf[1] -= MD4M_B; digest_buf[2] -= MD4M_C; digest_buf[3] -= MD4M_D; break; case HASH_TYPE_MD5: digest_buf[0] -= MD5M_A; digest_buf[1] -= MD5M_B; digest_buf[2] -= MD5M_C; digest_buf[3] -= MD5M_D; break; case HASH_TYPE_SHA1: digest_buf[0] -= SHA1M_A; digest_buf[1] -= SHA1M_B; digest_buf[2] -= SHA1M_C; digest_buf[3] -= SHA1M_D; digest_buf[4] -= SHA1M_E; break; case HASH_TYPE_SHA224: digest_buf[0] -= SHA224M_A; digest_buf[1] -= SHA224M_B; digest_buf[2] -= SHA224M_C; digest_buf[3] -= SHA224M_D; digest_buf[4] -= SHA224M_E; digest_buf[5] -= SHA224M_F; digest_buf[6] -= SHA224M_G; break; case HASH_TYPE_SHA256: digest_buf[0] -= SHA256M_A; digest_buf[1] -= SHA256M_B; digest_buf[2] -= SHA256M_C; digest_buf[3] -= SHA256M_D; digest_buf[4] -= SHA256M_E; digest_buf[5] -= SHA256M_F; digest_buf[6] -= SHA256M_G; digest_buf[7] -= SHA256M_H; break; case HASH_TYPE_SHA384: digest_buf64[0] -= SHA384M_A; digest_buf64[1] -= SHA384M_B; digest_buf64[2] -= SHA384M_C; digest_buf64[3] -= SHA384M_D; digest_buf64[4] -= SHA384M_E; digest_buf64[5] -= SHA384M_F; digest_buf64[6] -= 0; digest_buf64[7] -= 0; break; case HASH_TYPE_SHA512: digest_buf64[0] -= SHA512M_A; digest_buf64[1] -= SHA512M_B; digest_buf64[2] -= SHA512M_C; digest_buf64[3] -= SHA512M_D; digest_buf64[4] -= SHA512M_E; digest_buf64[5] -= SHA512M_F; digest_buf64[6] -= SHA512M_G; digest_buf64[7] -= SHA512M_H; break; } } } void encoder_apply_optimizer (const hashconfig_t *hashconfig, void *data) { const u32 hash_type = hashconfig->hash_type; const u32 opti_type = hashconfig->opti_type; u32 *digest_buf = (u32 *) data; u64 *digest_buf64 = (u64 *) data; if (opti_type & OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_PERMUT) { u32 tt; switch (hash_type) { case HASH_TYPE_DES: FP (digest_buf[1], digest_buf[0], tt); break; case HASH_TYPE_DESCRYPT: FP (digest_buf[1], digest_buf[0], tt); break; case HASH_TYPE_DESRACF: digest_buf[0] = rotl32 (digest_buf[0], 29); digest_buf[1] = rotl32 (digest_buf[1], 29); FP (digest_buf[1], digest_buf[0], tt); break; case HASH_TYPE_LM: FP (digest_buf[1], digest_buf[0], tt); break; case HASH_TYPE_NETNTLM: digest_buf[0] = rotl32 (digest_buf[0], 29); digest_buf[1] = rotl32 (digest_buf[1], 29); digest_buf[2] = rotl32 (digest_buf[2], 29); digest_buf[3] = rotl32 (digest_buf[3], 29); FP (digest_buf[1], digest_buf[0], tt); FP (digest_buf[3], digest_buf[2], tt); break; case HASH_TYPE_BSDICRYPT: digest_buf[0] = rotl32 (digest_buf[0], 31); digest_buf[1] = rotl32 (digest_buf[1], 31); FP (digest_buf[1], digest_buf[0], tt); break; } } if (opti_type & OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_MERKLE) { switch (hash_type) { case HASH_TYPE_MD4: digest_buf[0] += MD4M_A; digest_buf[1] += MD4M_B; digest_buf[2] += MD4M_C; digest_buf[3] += MD4M_D; break; case HASH_TYPE_MD5: digest_buf[0] += MD5M_A; digest_buf[1] += MD5M_B; digest_buf[2] += MD5M_C; digest_buf[3] += MD5M_D; break; case HASH_TYPE_SHA1: digest_buf[0] += SHA1M_A; digest_buf[1] += SHA1M_B; digest_buf[2] += SHA1M_C; digest_buf[3] += SHA1M_D; digest_buf[4] += SHA1M_E; break; case HASH_TYPE_SHA224: digest_buf[0] += SHA224M_A; digest_buf[1] += SHA224M_B; digest_buf[2] += SHA224M_C; digest_buf[3] += SHA224M_D; digest_buf[4] += SHA224M_E; digest_buf[5] += SHA224M_F; digest_buf[6] += SHA224M_G; break; case HASH_TYPE_SHA256: digest_buf[0] += SHA256M_A; digest_buf[1] += SHA256M_B; digest_buf[2] += SHA256M_C; digest_buf[3] += SHA256M_D; digest_buf[4] += SHA256M_E; digest_buf[5] += SHA256M_F; digest_buf[6] += SHA256M_G; digest_buf[7] += SHA256M_H; break; case HASH_TYPE_SHA384: digest_buf64[0] += SHA384M_A; digest_buf64[1] += SHA384M_B; digest_buf64[2] += SHA384M_C; digest_buf64[3] += SHA384M_D; digest_buf64[4] += SHA384M_E; digest_buf64[5] += SHA384M_F; digest_buf64[6] += 0; digest_buf64[7] += 0; break; case HASH_TYPE_SHA512: digest_buf64[0] += SHA512M_A; digest_buf64[1] += SHA512M_B; digest_buf64[2] += SHA512M_C; digest_buf64[3] += SHA512M_D; digest_buf64[4] += SHA512M_E; digest_buf64[5] += SHA512M_F; digest_buf64[6] += SHA512M_G; digest_buf64[7] += SHA512M_H; break; } } } void decoder_apply_options (const hashconfig_t *hashconfig, void *data) { const u32 hash_type = hashconfig->hash_type; const u64 opts_type = hashconfig->opts_type; const u32 dgst_size = hashconfig->dgst_size; u32 *digest_buf = (u32 *) data; u64 *digest_buf64 = (u64 *) data; if (opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_STATE_BUFFER_BE) { if (dgst_size == DGST_SIZE_4_2) { for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) digest_buf[i] = byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[i]); } else if (dgst_size == DGST_SIZE_4_4) { for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) digest_buf[i] = byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[i]); } else if (dgst_size == DGST_SIZE_4_5) { for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) digest_buf[i] = byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[i]); } else if (dgst_size == DGST_SIZE_4_6) { for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) digest_buf[i] = byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[i]); } else if (dgst_size == DGST_SIZE_4_7) { for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) digest_buf[i] = byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[i]); } else if (dgst_size == DGST_SIZE_4_8) { for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) digest_buf[i] = byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[i]); } else if ((dgst_size == DGST_SIZE_4_16) || (dgst_size == DGST_SIZE_8_8)) // same size, same result :) { if (hash_type == HASH_TYPE_WHIRLPOOL) { for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) digest_buf[i] = byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[i]); } else if (hash_type == HASH_TYPE_SHA384) { for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) digest_buf64[i] = byte_swap_64 (digest_buf64[i]); } else if (hash_type == HASH_TYPE_SHA512) { for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) digest_buf64[i] = byte_swap_64 (digest_buf64[i]); } else if (hash_type == HASH_TYPE_GOST) { for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) digest_buf[i] = byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[i]); } } else if (dgst_size == DGST_SIZE_4_64) { for (int i = 0; i < 64; i++) digest_buf[i] = byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[i]); } else if (dgst_size == DGST_SIZE_8_25) { for (int i = 0; i < 25; i++) digest_buf64[i] = byte_swap_64 (digest_buf64[i]); } } } void encoder_apply_options (const hashconfig_t *hashconfig, void *data) { const u32 hash_type = hashconfig->hash_type; const u64 opts_type = hashconfig->opts_type; const u32 dgst_size = hashconfig->dgst_size; u32 *digest_buf = (u32 *) data; u64 *digest_buf64 = (u64 *) data; if (opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_STATE_BUFFER_BE) { if (dgst_size == DGST_SIZE_4_2) { for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) digest_buf[i] = byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[i]); } else if (dgst_size == DGST_SIZE_4_4) { for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) digest_buf[i] = byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[i]); } else if (dgst_size == DGST_SIZE_4_5) { for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) digest_buf[i] = byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[i]); } else if (dgst_size == DGST_SIZE_4_6) { for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) digest_buf[i] = byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[i]); } else if (dgst_size == DGST_SIZE_4_7) { for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) digest_buf[i] = byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[i]); } else if (dgst_size == DGST_SIZE_4_8) { for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) digest_buf[i] = byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[i]); } else if ((dgst_size == DGST_SIZE_4_16) || (dgst_size == DGST_SIZE_8_8)) // same size, same result :) { if (hash_type == HASH_TYPE_WHIRLPOOL) { for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) digest_buf[i] = byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[i]); } else if (hash_type == HASH_TYPE_SHA384) { for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) digest_buf64[i] = byte_swap_64 (digest_buf64[i]); } else if (hash_type == HASH_TYPE_SHA512) { for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) digest_buf64[i] = byte_swap_64 (digest_buf64[i]); } else if (hash_type == HASH_TYPE_GOST) { for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) digest_buf[i] = byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[i]); } } else if (dgst_size == DGST_SIZE_4_64) { for (int i = 0; i < 64; i++) digest_buf[i] = byte_swap_32 (digest_buf[i]); } else if (dgst_size == DGST_SIZE_8_25) { for (int i = 0; i < 25; i++) digest_buf64[i] = byte_swap_64 (digest_buf64[i]); } } } u32 default_hash_mode (MAYBE_UNUSED const hashconfig_t *hashconfig, MAYBE_UNUSED const user_options_t *user_options, MAYBE_UNUSED const user_options_extra_t *user_options_extra) { const u32 hash_mode = user_options->hash_mode; return hash_mode; } u32 default_attack_exec (MAYBE_UNUSED const hashconfig_t *hashconfig, MAYBE_UNUSED const user_options_t *user_options, MAYBE_UNUSED const user_options_extra_t *user_options_extra) { const u32 attack_exec = ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL; return attack_exec; } u32 default_dgst_pos0 (MAYBE_UNUSED const hashconfig_t *hashconfig, MAYBE_UNUSED const user_options_t *user_options, MAYBE_UNUSED const user_options_extra_t *user_options_extra) { const u32 dgst_pos0 = 0; return dgst_pos0; } u32 default_dgst_pos1 (MAYBE_UNUSED const hashconfig_t *hashconfig, MAYBE_UNUSED const user_options_t *user_options, MAYBE_UNUSED const user_options_extra_t *user_options_extra) { const u32 dgst_pos1 = 1; return dgst_pos1; } u32 default_dgst_pos2 (MAYBE_UNUSED const hashconfig_t *hashconfig, MAYBE_UNUSED const user_options_t *user_options, MAYBE_UNUSED const user_options_extra_t *user_options_extra) { const u32 dgst_pos2 = 2; return dgst_pos2; } u32 default_dgst_pos3 (MAYBE_UNUSED const hashconfig_t *hashconfig, MAYBE_UNUSED const user_options_t *user_options, MAYBE_UNUSED const user_options_extra_t *user_options_extra) { const u32 dgst_pos3 = 3; return dgst_pos3; } u32 default_dgst_size (MAYBE_UNUSED const hashconfig_t *hashconfig, MAYBE_UNUSED const user_options_t *user_options, MAYBE_UNUSED const user_options_extra_t *user_options_extra) { const u32 dgst_size = DGST_SIZE_4_4; return dgst_size; } u32 default_hash_type (MAYBE_UNUSED const hashconfig_t *hashconfig, MAYBE_UNUSED const user_options_t *user_options, MAYBE_UNUSED const user_options_extra_t *user_options_extra) { const u32 hash_type = 0; return hash_type; } const char *default_hash_name (MAYBE_UNUSED const hashconfig_t *hashconfig, MAYBE_UNUSED const user_options_t *user_options, MAYBE_UNUSED const user_options_extra_t *user_options_extra) { const char *hash_name = ""; return hash_name; } u32 default_pw_min (MAYBE_UNUSED const hashconfig_t *hashconfig, MAYBE_UNUSED const user_options_t *user_options, MAYBE_UNUSED const user_options_extra_t *user_options_extra) { const bool optimized_kernel = (hashconfig->opti_type & OPTI_TYPE_OPTIMIZED_KERNEL); // pw_min : algo specific hard min length u32 pw_min = PW_MIN; if (optimized_kernel == true) { // unused case } return pw_min; } u32 default_pw_max (MAYBE_UNUSED const hashconfig_t *hashconfig, MAYBE_UNUSED const user_options_t *user_options, MAYBE_UNUSED const user_options_extra_t *user_options_extra) { const bool optimized_kernel = (hashconfig->opti_type & OPTI_TYPE_OPTIMIZED_KERNEL); // pw_max : some algo suffer from support for long passwords, // the user need to add -L to enable support for them u32 pw_max = PW_MAX; if (optimized_kernel == true) { pw_max = PW_MAX_OLD; if ((hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_PT_UTF16LE) || (hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_PT_UTF16BE)) { pw_max /= 2; } #define PW_DICTMAX 31 if ((user_options->rp_files_cnt > 0) || (user_options->rp_gen > 0)) { if (user_options->slow_candidates == true) { pw_max = MIN (pw_max, PW_DICTMAX); } else { switch (user_options_extra->attack_kern) { case ATTACK_KERN_STRAIGHT: pw_max = MIN (pw_max, PW_DICTMAX); break; case ATTACK_KERN_COMBI: pw_max = MIN (pw_max, PW_DICTMAX); break; } } } else { if (user_options->slow_candidates == true) { if (hashconfig->attack_exec == ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL) { pw_max = MIN (pw_max, PW_DICTMAX); } else { // If we have a NOOP rule then we can process words from wordlists > PW_DICTMAX for slow hashes } } else { if (hashconfig->attack_exec == ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL) { switch (user_options_extra->attack_kern) { case ATTACK_KERN_STRAIGHT: pw_max = MIN (pw_max, PW_DICTMAX); break; case ATTACK_KERN_COMBI: pw_max = MIN (pw_max, PW_DICTMAX); break; } } else { // If we have a NOOP rule then we can process words from wordlists > PW_DICTMAX for slow hashes } } } } return pw_max; } u32 default_salt_min (MAYBE_UNUSED const hashconfig_t *hashconfig, MAYBE_UNUSED const user_options_t *user_options, MAYBE_UNUSED const user_options_extra_t *user_options_extra) { const bool optimized_kernel = (hashconfig->opti_type & OPTI_TYPE_OPTIMIZED_KERNEL); // salt_min : this limit is only interessting for generic hash types that support a salt u32 salt_min = SALT_MIN; if (hashconfig->salt_type == SALT_TYPE_GENERIC) { if (hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_ST_HEX) { salt_min *= 2; } } return salt_min; } u32 default_salt_max (MAYBE_UNUSED const hashconfig_t *hashconfig, MAYBE_UNUSED const user_options_t *user_options, MAYBE_UNUSED const user_options_extra_t *user_options_extra) { const bool optimized_kernel = (hashconfig->opti_type & OPTI_TYPE_OPTIMIZED_KERNEL); // salt_max : this limit is only interessting for generic hash types that support a salt u32 salt_max = SALT_MAX; if (optimized_kernel == true) { salt_max = SALT_MAX_OLD; if ((hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_ST_UTF16LE) || (hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_ST_UTF16BE)) { salt_max /= 2; } } if (hashconfig->salt_type == SALT_TYPE_GENERIC) { if (hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_ST_HEX) { salt_max *= 2; } } return salt_max; } void *default_benchmark_esalt (MAYBE_UNUSED const hashconfig_t *hashconfig, MAYBE_UNUSED const user_options_t *user_options, MAYBE_UNUSED const user_options_extra_t *user_options_extra) { void *esalt = (void *) hcmalloc (hashconfig->esalt_size); return esalt; } void *default_benchmark_hook_salt (MAYBE_UNUSED const hashconfig_t *hashconfig, MAYBE_UNUSED const user_options_t *user_options, MAYBE_UNUSED const user_options_extra_t *user_options_extra) { void *hook_salt = (void *) hcmalloc (hashconfig->hook_salt_size); return hook_salt; } const char *default_benchmark_mask (MAYBE_UNUSED const hashconfig_t *hashconfig, MAYBE_UNUSED const user_options_t *user_options, MAYBE_UNUSED const user_options_extra_t *user_options_extra) { const char *mask = "?b?b?b?b?b?b?b"; return mask; } salt_t *default_benchmark_salt (MAYBE_UNUSED const hashconfig_t *hashconfig, MAYBE_UNUSED const user_options_t *user_options, MAYBE_UNUSED const user_options_extra_t *user_options_extra) { salt_t *salt = (salt_t *) hcmalloc (sizeof (salt_t)); salt->salt_len = 8; salt->salt_iter = 1; return salt; } u32 default_opti_type (MAYBE_UNUSED const hashconfig_t *hashconfig, MAYBE_UNUSED const user_options_t *user_options, MAYBE_UNUSED const user_options_extra_t *user_options_extra) { const u32 opti_type = 0; return opti_type; } u64 default_opts_type (MAYBE_UNUSED const hashconfig_t *hashconfig, MAYBE_UNUSED const user_options_t *user_options, MAYBE_UNUSED const user_options_extra_t *user_options_extra) { const u64 opts_type = 0; return opts_type; } u64 default_kern_type (MAYBE_UNUSED const hashconfig_t *hashconfig, MAYBE_UNUSED const user_options_t *user_options, MAYBE_UNUSED const user_options_extra_t *user_options_extra) { const u64 kern_type = 0; return kern_type; } u64 default_tmp_size (MAYBE_UNUSED const hashconfig_t *hashconfig, MAYBE_UNUSED const user_options_t *user_options, MAYBE_UNUSED const user_options_extra_t *user_options_extra) { const u64 tmp_size = 4; return tmp_size; } u64 default_esalt_size (MAYBE_UNUSED const hashconfig_t *hashconfig, MAYBE_UNUSED const user_options_t *user_options, MAYBE_UNUSED const user_options_extra_t *user_options_extra) { const u64 esalt_size = 0; return esalt_size; } u32 default_forced_kernel_threads (MAYBE_UNUSED const hashconfig_t *hashconfig, MAYBE_UNUSED const user_options_t *user_options, MAYBE_UNUSED const user_options_extra_t *user_options_extra) { const u32 forced_kernel_threads = user_options->kernel_threads; return forced_kernel_threads; } u32 default_forced_kernel_loops (MAYBE_UNUSED const hashconfig_t *hashconfig, MAYBE_UNUSED const user_options_t *user_options, MAYBE_UNUSED const user_options_extra_t *user_options_extra) { const u32 forced_kernel_loops = user_options->kernel_loops; return forced_kernel_loops; } u32 default_salt_type (MAYBE_UNUSED const hashconfig_t *hashconfig, MAYBE_UNUSED const user_options_t *user_options, MAYBE_UNUSED const user_options_extra_t *user_options_extra) { const u32 salt_type = SALT_TYPE_NONE; return salt_type; } u64 default_hook_salt_size (MAYBE_UNUSED const hashconfig_t *hashconfig, MAYBE_UNUSED const user_options_t *user_options, MAYBE_UNUSED const user_options_extra_t *user_options_extra) { const u64 hook_salt_size = 0; return hook_salt_size; } u64 default_hook_size (MAYBE_UNUSED const hashconfig_t *hashconfig, MAYBE_UNUSED const user_options_t *user_options, MAYBE_UNUSED const user_options_extra_t *user_options_extra) { const u64 hook_size = 4; return hook_size; } char default_separator (MAYBE_UNUSED const hashconfig_t *hashconfig, MAYBE_UNUSED const user_options_t *user_options, MAYBE_UNUSED const user_options_extra_t *user_options_extra) { return user_options->separator; } const char *default_st_hash (MAYBE_UNUSED const hashconfig_t *hashconfig, MAYBE_UNUSED const user_options_t *user_options, MAYBE_UNUSED const user_options_extra_t *user_options_extra) { return ""; } const char *default_st_pass (MAYBE_UNUSED const hashconfig_t *hashconfig, MAYBE_UNUSED const user_options_t *user_options, MAYBE_UNUSED const user_options_extra_t *user_options_extra) { return ST_PASS_HASHCAT_PLAIN; } bool default_dictstat_disable (MAYBE_UNUSED const hashconfig_t *hashconfig, MAYBE_UNUSED const user_options_t *user_options, MAYBE_UNUSED const user_options_extra_t *user_options_extra) { const bool dictstat_disable = false; return dictstat_disable; } bool default_warmup_disable (MAYBE_UNUSED const hashconfig_t *hashconfig, MAYBE_UNUSED const user_options_t *user_options, MAYBE_UNUSED const user_options_extra_t *user_options_extra) { const bool warmup_disable = false; return warmup_disable; } // migrate void seven_zip_hook_func (hc_device_param_t *device_param, void *hook_salts_buf, const u32 salt_pos, const u64 pws_cnt) { seven_zip_hook_t *hook_items = (seven_zip_hook_t *) device_param->hooks_buf; seven_zip_hook_salt_t *seven_zips = (seven_zip_hook_salt_t *) hook_salts_buf; seven_zip_hook_salt_t *seven_zip = &seven_zips[salt_pos]; u8 data_type = seven_zip->data_type; u32 *data_buf = seven_zip->data_buf; u32 unpack_size = seven_zip->unpack_size; for (u64 pw_pos = 0; pw_pos < pws_cnt; pw_pos++) { // this hook data needs to be updated (the "hook_success" variable): seven_zip_hook_t *hook_item = &hook_items[pw_pos]; const u8 *ukey = (const u8 *) hook_item->ukey; // init AES AES_KEY aes_key; memset (&aes_key, 0, sizeof (aes_key)); AES_set_decrypt_key (ukey, 256, &aes_key); int aes_len = seven_zip->aes_len; u32 data[4]; u32 out [4]; u32 iv [4]; iv[0] = seven_zip->iv_buf[0]; iv[1] = seven_zip->iv_buf[1]; iv[2] = seven_zip->iv_buf[2]; iv[3] = seven_zip->iv_buf[3]; u32 out_full[81882]; // if aes_len > 16 we need to loop int i = 0; int j = 0; for (i = 0, j = 0; i < aes_len - 16; i += 16, j += 4) { data[0] = data_buf[j + 0]; data[1] = data_buf[j + 1]; data[2] = data_buf[j + 2]; data[3] = data_buf[j + 3]; AES_decrypt (&aes_key, (u8*) data, (u8*) out); out[0] ^= iv[0]; out[1] ^= iv[1]; out[2] ^= iv[2]; out[3] ^= iv[3]; iv[0] = data[0]; iv[1] = data[1]; iv[2] = data[2]; iv[3] = data[3]; out_full[j + 0] = out[0]; out_full[j + 1] = out[1]; out_full[j + 2] = out[2]; out_full[j + 3] = out[3]; } // we need to run it at least once: data[0] = data_buf[j + 0]; data[1] = data_buf[j + 1]; data[2] = data_buf[j + 2]; data[3] = data_buf[j + 3]; AES_decrypt (&aes_key, (u8*) data, (u8*) out); out[0] ^= iv[0]; out[1] ^= iv[1]; out[2] ^= iv[2]; out[3] ^= iv[3]; out_full[j + 0] = out[0]; out_full[j + 1] = out[1]; out_full[j + 2] = out[2]; out_full[j + 3] = out[3]; /* * check the CRC32 "hash" */ u32 seven_zip_crc = seven_zip->crc; u32 crc; if (data_type == 0) // uncompressed { crc = cpu_crc32_buffer ((u8 *) out_full, unpack_size); } else { u32 crc_len = seven_zip->crc_len; char *coder_attributes = seven_zip->coder_attributes; // input buffers and length u8 *compressed_data = (u8 *) out_full; SizeT compressed_data_len = aes_len; // output buffers and length unsigned char *decompressed_data; decompressed_data = (unsigned char *) hcmalloc (crc_len); SizeT decompressed_data_len = crc_len; int ret; if (data_type == 1) // LZMA1 { ret = hc_lzma1_decompress (compressed_data, &compressed_data_len, decompressed_data, &decompressed_data_len, coder_attributes); } else // we only support LZMA2 in addition to LZMA1 { ret = hc_lzma2_decompress (compressed_data, &compressed_data_len, decompressed_data, &decompressed_data_len, coder_attributes); } if (ret != SZ_OK) { hook_item->hook_success = 0; hcfree (decompressed_data); continue; } crc = cpu_crc32_buffer (decompressed_data, crc_len); hcfree (decompressed_data); } if (crc == seven_zip_crc) { hook_item->hook_success = 1; } else { hook_item->hook_success = 0; } } } void to_hccapx_t (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, hccapx_t *hccapx, const u32 salt_pos, const u32 digest_pos) { const hashes_t *hashes = hashcat_ctx->hashes; const salt_t *salts_buf = hashes->salts_buf; const void *esalts_buf = hashes->esalts_buf; memset (hccapx, 0, sizeof (hccapx_t)); hccapx->signature = HCCAPX_SIGNATURE; hccapx->version = HCCAPX_VERSION; const salt_t *salt = &salts_buf[salt_pos]; const u32 digest_cur = salt->digests_offset + digest_pos; hccapx->essid_len = salt->salt_len; memcpy (hccapx->essid, salt->salt_buf, hccapx->essid_len); wpa_eapol_t *wpa_eapols = (wpa_eapol_t *) esalts_buf; wpa_eapol_t *wpa_eapol = &wpa_eapols[digest_cur]; hccapx->message_pair = wpa_eapol->message_pair; hccapx->keyver = wpa_eapol->keyver; hccapx->eapol_len = wpa_eapol->eapol_len; if (wpa_eapol->keyver != 1) { u32 eapol_tmp[64] = { 0 }; for (u32 i = 0; i < 64; i++) { eapol_tmp[i] = byte_swap_32 (wpa_eapol->eapol[i]); } memcpy (hccapx->eapol, eapol_tmp, wpa_eapol->eapol_len); } else { memcpy (hccapx->eapol, wpa_eapol->eapol, wpa_eapol->eapol_len); } memcpy (hccapx->mac_ap, wpa_eapol->orig_mac_ap, 6); memcpy (hccapx->mac_sta, wpa_eapol->orig_mac_sta, 6); memcpy (hccapx->nonce_ap, wpa_eapol->orig_nonce_ap, 32); memcpy (hccapx->nonce_sta, wpa_eapol->orig_nonce_sta, 32); if (wpa_eapol->keyver != 1) { u32 digest_tmp[4]; digest_tmp[0] = byte_swap_32 (wpa_eapol->keymic[0]); digest_tmp[1] = byte_swap_32 (wpa_eapol->keymic[1]); digest_tmp[2] = byte_swap_32 (wpa_eapol->keymic[2]); digest_tmp[3] = byte_swap_32 (wpa_eapol->keymic[3]); memcpy (hccapx->keymic, digest_tmp, 16); } else { memcpy (hccapx->keymic, wpa_eapol->keymic, 16); } } int check_old_hccap (const char *hashfile) { FILE *fp = fopen (hashfile, "rb"); if (fp == NULL) return -1; u32 signature; const size_t nread = hc_fread (&signature, sizeof (u32), 1, fp); fclose (fp); if (nread != 1) return -1; if (signature == HCCAPX_SIGNATURE) return 0; return 1; } int luks_parse_hash (u8 *input_buf, u32 input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, MAYBE_UNUSED hashconfig_t *hashconfig, const int keyslot_idx) { u32 *digest = (u32 *) hash_buf->digest; salt_t *salt = hash_buf->salt; luks_t *luks = (luks_t *) hash_buf->esalt; if (input_len == 0) return (PARSER_HASH_LENGTH); FILE *fp = fopen ((const char *) input_buf, "rb"); if (fp == NULL) return (PARSER_HASH_FILE); struct luks_phdr hdr; const size_t nread = hc_fread (&hdr, sizeof (hdr), 1, fp); if (nread != 1) { fclose (fp); return (PARSER_LUKS_FILE_SIZE); } // copy digest which we're not using ;) u32 *mkDigest_ptr = (u32 *) hdr.mkDigest; digest[0] = mkDigest_ptr[0]; digest[1] = mkDigest_ptr[1]; digest[2] = mkDigest_ptr[2]; digest[3] = mkDigest_ptr[3]; digest[4] = mkDigest_ptr[4]; digest[5] = 0; digest[6] = 0; digest[7] = 0; // verify the content char luks_magic[6] = LUKS_MAGIC; if (memcmp (hdr.magic, luks_magic, LUKS_MAGIC_L) != 0) { fclose (fp); return (PARSER_LUKS_MAGIC); } if (byte_swap_16 (hdr.version) != 1) { fclose (fp); return (PARSER_LUKS_VERSION); } if (strcmp (hdr.cipherName, "aes") == 0) { luks->cipher_type = HC_LUKS_CIPHER_TYPE_AES; } else if (strcmp (hdr.cipherName, "serpent") == 0) { luks->cipher_type = HC_LUKS_CIPHER_TYPE_SERPENT; } else if (strcmp (hdr.cipherName, "twofish") == 0) { luks->cipher_type = HC_LUKS_CIPHER_TYPE_TWOFISH; } else { fclose (fp); return (PARSER_LUKS_CIPHER_TYPE); } if (strcmp (hdr.cipherMode, "cbc-essiv:sha256") == 0) { luks->cipher_mode = HC_LUKS_CIPHER_MODE_CBC_ESSIV; } else if (strcmp (hdr.cipherMode, "cbc-plain") == 0) { luks->cipher_mode = HC_LUKS_CIPHER_MODE_CBC_PLAIN; } else if (strcmp (hdr.cipherMode, "cbc-plain64") == 0) { luks->cipher_mode = HC_LUKS_CIPHER_MODE_CBC_PLAIN; } else if (strcmp (hdr.cipherMode, "xts-plain") == 0) { luks->cipher_mode = HC_LUKS_CIPHER_MODE_XTS_PLAIN; } else if (strcmp (hdr.cipherMode, "xts-plain64") == 0) { luks->cipher_mode = HC_LUKS_CIPHER_MODE_XTS_PLAIN; } else { fclose (fp); return (PARSER_LUKS_CIPHER_MODE); } if (strcmp (hdr.hashSpec, "sha1") == 0) { luks->hash_type = HC_LUKS_HASH_TYPE_SHA1; } else if (strcmp (hdr.hashSpec, "sha256") == 0) { luks->hash_type = HC_LUKS_HASH_TYPE_SHA256; } else if (strcmp (hdr.hashSpec, "sha512") == 0) { luks->hash_type = HC_LUKS_HASH_TYPE_SHA512; } else if (strcmp (hdr.hashSpec, "ripemd160") == 0) { luks->hash_type = HC_LUKS_HASH_TYPE_RIPEMD160; } else if (strcmp (hdr.hashSpec, "whirlpool") == 0) { luks->hash_type = HC_LUKS_HASH_TYPE_WHIRLPOOL; } else { fclose (fp); return (PARSER_LUKS_HASH_TYPE); } const u32 keyBytes = byte_swap_32 (hdr.keyBytes); if (keyBytes == 16) { luks->key_size = HC_LUKS_KEY_SIZE_128; } else if (keyBytes == 32) { luks->key_size = HC_LUKS_KEY_SIZE_256; } else if (keyBytes == 64) { luks->key_size = HC_LUKS_KEY_SIZE_512; } else { fclose (fp); return (PARSER_LUKS_KEY_SIZE); } // find the correct kernel based on hash and cipher // we need to do this kind of check, otherwise an eventual matching hash from the potfile overwrites the kern_type with an eventual invalid one if (hashconfig->kern_type == (u32) -1) { if ((luks->hash_type == HC_LUKS_HASH_TYPE_SHA1) && (luks->cipher_type == HC_LUKS_CIPHER_TYPE_AES)) { hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_LUKS_SHA1_AES; } else if ((luks->hash_type == HC_LUKS_HASH_TYPE_SHA1) && (luks->cipher_type == HC_LUKS_CIPHER_TYPE_SERPENT)) { hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_LUKS_SHA1_SERPENT; } else if ((luks->hash_type == HC_LUKS_HASH_TYPE_SHA1) && (luks->cipher_type == HC_LUKS_CIPHER_TYPE_TWOFISH)) { hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_LUKS_SHA1_TWOFISH; } else if ((luks->hash_type == HC_LUKS_HASH_TYPE_SHA256) && (luks->cipher_type == HC_LUKS_CIPHER_TYPE_AES)) { hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_LUKS_SHA256_AES; } else if ((luks->hash_type == HC_LUKS_HASH_TYPE_SHA256) && (luks->cipher_type == HC_LUKS_CIPHER_TYPE_SERPENT)) { hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_LUKS_SHA256_SERPENT; } else if ((luks->hash_type == HC_LUKS_HASH_TYPE_SHA256) && (luks->cipher_type == HC_LUKS_CIPHER_TYPE_TWOFISH)) { hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_LUKS_SHA256_TWOFISH; } else if ((luks->hash_type == HC_LUKS_HASH_TYPE_SHA512) && (luks->cipher_type == HC_LUKS_CIPHER_TYPE_AES)) { hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_LUKS_SHA512_AES; } else if ((luks->hash_type == HC_LUKS_HASH_TYPE_SHA512) && (luks->cipher_type == HC_LUKS_CIPHER_TYPE_SERPENT)) { hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_LUKS_SHA512_SERPENT; } else if ((luks->hash_type == HC_LUKS_HASH_TYPE_SHA512) && (luks->cipher_type == HC_LUKS_CIPHER_TYPE_TWOFISH)) { hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_LUKS_SHA512_TWOFISH; } else if ((luks->hash_type == HC_LUKS_HASH_TYPE_RIPEMD160) && (luks->cipher_type == HC_LUKS_CIPHER_TYPE_AES)) { hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_LUKS_RIPEMD160_AES; } else if ((luks->hash_type == HC_LUKS_HASH_TYPE_RIPEMD160) && (luks->cipher_type == HC_LUKS_CIPHER_TYPE_SERPENT)) { hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_LUKS_RIPEMD160_SERPENT; } else if ((luks->hash_type == HC_LUKS_HASH_TYPE_RIPEMD160) && (luks->cipher_type == HC_LUKS_CIPHER_TYPE_TWOFISH)) { hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_LUKS_RIPEMD160_TWOFISH; } else if ((luks->hash_type == HC_LUKS_HASH_TYPE_WHIRLPOOL) && (luks->cipher_type == HC_LUKS_CIPHER_TYPE_AES)) { hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_LUKS_WHIRLPOOL_AES; } else if ((luks->hash_type == HC_LUKS_HASH_TYPE_WHIRLPOOL) && (luks->cipher_type == HC_LUKS_CIPHER_TYPE_SERPENT)) { hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_LUKS_WHIRLPOOL_SERPENT; } else if ((luks->hash_type == HC_LUKS_HASH_TYPE_WHIRLPOOL) && (luks->cipher_type == HC_LUKS_CIPHER_TYPE_TWOFISH)) { hashconfig->kern_type = KERN_TYPE_LUKS_WHIRLPOOL_TWOFISH; } else { fclose (fp); return (PARSER_LUKS_HASH_CIPHER); } } else { if ((hashconfig->kern_type == KERN_TYPE_LUKS_SHA1_AES) && (luks->hash_type == HC_LUKS_HASH_TYPE_SHA1) && (luks->cipher_type == HC_LUKS_CIPHER_TYPE_AES)) { // OK } else if ((hashconfig->kern_type == KERN_TYPE_LUKS_SHA1_SERPENT) && (luks->hash_type == HC_LUKS_HASH_TYPE_SHA1) && (luks->cipher_type == HC_LUKS_CIPHER_TYPE_SERPENT)) { // OK } else if ((hashconfig->kern_type == KERN_TYPE_LUKS_SHA1_TWOFISH) && (luks->hash_type == HC_LUKS_HASH_TYPE_SHA1) && (luks->cipher_type == HC_LUKS_CIPHER_TYPE_TWOFISH)) { // OK } else if ((hashconfig->kern_type == KERN_TYPE_LUKS_SHA256_AES) && (luks->hash_type == HC_LUKS_HASH_TYPE_SHA256) && (luks->cipher_type == HC_LUKS_CIPHER_TYPE_AES)) { // OK } else if ((hashconfig->kern_type == KERN_TYPE_LUKS_SHA256_SERPENT) && (luks->hash_type == HC_LUKS_HASH_TYPE_SHA256) && (luks->cipher_type == HC_LUKS_CIPHER_TYPE_SERPENT)) { // OK } else if ((hashconfig->kern_type == KERN_TYPE_LUKS_SHA256_TWOFISH) && (luks->hash_type == HC_LUKS_HASH_TYPE_SHA256) && (luks->cipher_type == HC_LUKS_CIPHER_TYPE_TWOFISH)) { // OK } else if ((hashconfig->kern_type == KERN_TYPE_LUKS_SHA512_AES) && (luks->hash_type == HC_LUKS_HASH_TYPE_SHA512) && (luks->cipher_type == HC_LUKS_CIPHER_TYPE_AES)) { // OK } else if ((hashconfig->kern_type == KERN_TYPE_LUKS_SHA512_SERPENT) && (luks->hash_type == HC_LUKS_HASH_TYPE_SHA512) && (luks->cipher_type == HC_LUKS_CIPHER_TYPE_SERPENT)) { // OK } else if ((hashconfig->kern_type == KERN_TYPE_LUKS_SHA512_TWOFISH) && (luks->hash_type == HC_LUKS_HASH_TYPE_SHA512) && (luks->cipher_type == HC_LUKS_CIPHER_TYPE_TWOFISH)) { // OK } else if ((hashconfig->kern_type == KERN_TYPE_LUKS_RIPEMD160_AES) && (luks->hash_type == HC_LUKS_HASH_TYPE_RIPEMD160) && (luks->cipher_type == HC_LUKS_CIPHER_TYPE_AES)) { // OK } else if ((hashconfig->kern_type == KERN_TYPE_LUKS_RIPEMD160_SERPENT) && (luks->hash_type == HC_LUKS_HASH_TYPE_RIPEMD160) && (luks->cipher_type == HC_LUKS_CIPHER_TYPE_SERPENT)) { // OK } else if ((hashconfig->kern_type == KERN_TYPE_LUKS_RIPEMD160_TWOFISH) && (luks->hash_type == HC_LUKS_HASH_TYPE_RIPEMD160) && (luks->cipher_type == HC_LUKS_CIPHER_TYPE_TWOFISH)) { // OK } else if ((hashconfig->kern_type == KERN_TYPE_LUKS_WHIRLPOOL_AES) && (luks->hash_type == HC_LUKS_HASH_TYPE_WHIRLPOOL) && (luks->cipher_type == HC_LUKS_CIPHER_TYPE_AES)) { // OK } else if ((hashconfig->kern_type == KERN_TYPE_LUKS_WHIRLPOOL_SERPENT) && (luks->hash_type == HC_LUKS_HASH_TYPE_WHIRLPOOL) && (luks->cipher_type == HC_LUKS_CIPHER_TYPE_SERPENT)) { // OK } else if ((hashconfig->kern_type == KERN_TYPE_LUKS_WHIRLPOOL_TWOFISH) && (luks->hash_type == HC_LUKS_HASH_TYPE_WHIRLPOOL) && (luks->cipher_type == HC_LUKS_CIPHER_TYPE_TWOFISH)) { // OK } else { fclose (fp); return (PARSER_LUKS_HASH_CIPHER); } } // verify the selected keyslot informations const u32 active = byte_swap_32 (hdr.keyblock[keyslot_idx].active); const u32 stripes = byte_swap_32 (hdr.keyblock[keyslot_idx].stripes); if (active != LUKS_KEY_ENABLED) { fclose (fp); return (PARSER_LUKS_KEY_DISABLED); } if (stripes != LUKS_STRIPES) { fclose (fp); return (PARSER_LUKS_KEY_STRIPES); } // configure the salt (not esalt) u32 *passwordSalt_ptr = (u32 *) hdr.keyblock[keyslot_idx].passwordSalt; salt->salt_buf[0] = passwordSalt_ptr[0]; salt->salt_buf[1] = passwordSalt_ptr[1]; salt->salt_buf[2] = passwordSalt_ptr[2]; salt->salt_buf[3] = passwordSalt_ptr[3]; salt->salt_buf[4] = passwordSalt_ptr[4]; salt->salt_buf[5] = passwordSalt_ptr[5]; salt->salt_buf[6] = passwordSalt_ptr[6]; salt->salt_buf[7] = passwordSalt_ptr[7]; salt->salt_len = LUKS_SALTSIZE; const u32 passwordIterations = byte_swap_32 (hdr.keyblock[keyslot_idx].passwordIterations); salt->salt_iter = passwordIterations - 1; // Load AF data for this keyslot into esalt const u32 keyMaterialOffset = byte_swap_32 (hdr.keyblock[keyslot_idx].keyMaterialOffset); const int rc_seek1 = fseeko (fp, keyMaterialOffset * 512, SEEK_SET); if (rc_seek1 == -1) { fclose (fp); return (PARSER_LUKS_FILE_SIZE); } const size_t nread2 = hc_fread (luks->af_src_buf, keyBytes, stripes, fp); if (nread2 != stripes) { fclose (fp); return (PARSER_LUKS_FILE_SIZE); } // finally, copy some encrypted payload data for entropy check const u32 payloadOffset = byte_swap_32 (hdr.payloadOffset); const int rc_seek2 = fseeko (fp, payloadOffset * 512, SEEK_SET); if (rc_seek2 == -1) { fclose (fp); return (PARSER_LUKS_FILE_SIZE); } const size_t nread3 = hc_fread (luks->ct_buf, sizeof (u32), 128, fp); if (nread3 != 128) { fclose (fp); return (PARSER_LUKS_FILE_SIZE); } // that should be it, close the fp fclose (fp); return (PARSER_OK); }