#!/usr/bin/env perl ## ## Author......: See docs/credits.txt ## License.....: MIT ## use strict; use warnings; # # Helper functions # sub read_bytes { my $handle = shift; my $size = shift; my $data = ""; read ($handle, $data, $size); # this function is very strict: # it only returns something if all the bytes can be read if (length ($data) != $size) { die "ERROR: Couldn't read data from the file. Maybe incorrect file format?\n"; } return $data; } # # Start # if (scalar (@ARGV) != 1) { die "usage: $0 file.txt.aes\n"; } my $file_name = $ARGV[0]; my $file_handle; if (! open ($file_handle, "<", $file_name)) { die "ERROR: Couldn't open file '$file_name'\n"; } binmode ($file_handle); # Signature: my $signature = read_bytes ($file_handle, 3); if ($signature ne "AES") { die "ERROR: The file doesn't seem to be a correct aescrypt file (signature mismatch)\n"; } # Version my $version = read_bytes ($file_handle, 1); if ($version ne "\x02") { die "ERROR: Currently only aescrypt file version 2 is supported by this script\n"; } read_bytes ($file_handle, 1); # reservered/skip (normally should be just \x00) # Loop over the extensions until we got extension size 0 my $extension_size = read_bytes ($file_handle, 2); while ($extension_size ne "\x00\x00") { my $skip_size = unpack ("S>", $extension_size); # 16-bit lengths read_bytes ($file_handle, $skip_size); # skip the extension $extension_size = read_bytes ($file_handle, 2); } # IV (for KDF) my $iv = read_bytes ($file_handle, 16); # IV (encrypted IV for AES decryption) my $iv_enc = read_bytes ($file_handle, 16); # key_enc my $key_enc = read_bytes ($file_handle, 32); # HMAC my $hmac = read_bytes ($file_handle, 32); # # Hex conversion # $iv = unpack ("H*", $iv); $iv_enc = unpack ("H*", $iv_enc); $key_enc = unpack ("H*", $key_enc); $hmac = unpack ("H*", $hmac); # # Final output # print sprintf ("\$aescrypt\$1*%s*%s*%s*%s\n", $iv, $iv_enc, $key_enc, $hmac); # # Cleanup # close ($file_handle); exit (0);