/** * Author......: See docs/credits.txt * License.....: MIT */ #include "inc_vendor.h" #include "inc_types.h" #include "inc_platform.h" #include "inc_common.h" #include "inc_hash_blake2s.h" DECLSPEC u32 blake2s_rot16_S (const u32 a) { vconv32_t in; in.v32 = a; vconv32_t out; out.v16.a = in.v16.b; out.v16.b = in.v16.a; return out.v32; } DECLSPEC u32x blake2s_rot16 (const u32x a) { u32x r; #if VECT_SIZE == 1 r = blake2s_rot16_S (a); #endif #if VECT_SIZE >= 2 r.s0 = blake2s_rot16_S (a.s0); r.s1 = blake2s_rot16_S (a.s1); #endif #if VECT_SIZE >= 4 r.s2 = blake2s_rot16_S (a.s2); r.s3 = blake2s_rot16_S (a.s3); #endif #if VECT_SIZE >= 8 r.s4 = blake2s_rot16_S (a.s4); r.s5 = blake2s_rot16_S (a.s5); r.s6 = blake2s_rot16_S (a.s6); r.s7 = blake2s_rot16_S (a.s7); #endif #if VECT_SIZE >= 16 r.s8 = blake2s_rot16_S (a.s8); r.s9 = blake2s_rot16_S (a.s9); r.sa = blake2s_rot16_S (a.sa); r.sb = blake2s_rot16_S (a.sb); r.sc = blake2s_rot16_S (a.sc); r.sd = blake2s_rot16_S (a.sd); r.se = blake2s_rot16_S (a.se); r.sf = blake2s_rot16_S (a.sf); #endif return r; } DECLSPEC u32 blake2s_rot08_S (const u32 a) { #if defined IS_NV vconv32_t in; in.v32 = a; vconv32_t out; out.v32 = hc_byte_perm_S (in.v32, in.v32, 0x0321); return out.v32; #elif (defined IS_AMD || defined IS_HIP) && HAS_VPERM == 1 vconv32_t in; in.v32 = a; vconv32_t out; out.v32 = hc_byte_perm_S (in.v32, in.v32, 0x00030201); return out.v32; #else return hc_rotr32_S (a, 8); #endif } DECLSPEC u32x blake2s_rot08 (const u32x a) { u32x r; #if VECT_SIZE == 1 r = blake2s_rot08_S (a); #endif #if VECT_SIZE >= 2 r.s0 = blake2s_rot08_S (a.s0); r.s1 = blake2s_rot08_S (a.s1); #endif #if VECT_SIZE >= 4 r.s2 = blake2s_rot08_S (a.s2); r.s3 = blake2s_rot08_S (a.s3); #endif #if VECT_SIZE >= 8 r.s4 = blake2s_rot08_S (a.s4); r.s5 = blake2s_rot08_S (a.s5); r.s6 = blake2s_rot08_S (a.s6); r.s7 = blake2s_rot08_S (a.s7); #endif #if VECT_SIZE >= 16 r.s8 = blake2s_rot08_S (a.s8); r.s9 = blake2s_rot08_S (a.s9); r.sa = blake2s_rot08_S (a.sa); r.sb = blake2s_rot08_S (a.sb); r.sc = blake2s_rot08_S (a.sc); r.sd = blake2s_rot08_S (a.sd); r.se = blake2s_rot08_S (a.se); r.sf = blake2s_rot08_S (a.sf); #endif return r; } DECLSPEC void blake2s_transform (PRIVATE_AS u32 *h, PRIVATE_AS const u32 *m, const int len, const u32 f0) { const u32 t0 = len; u32 v[16]; v[ 0] = h[0]; v[ 1] = h[1]; v[ 2] = h[2]; v[ 3] = h[3]; v[ 4] = h[4]; v[ 5] = h[5]; v[ 6] = h[6]; v[ 7] = h[7]; v[ 8] = BLAKE2S_IV_00; v[ 9] = BLAKE2S_IV_01; v[10] = BLAKE2S_IV_02; v[11] = BLAKE2S_IV_03; v[12] = BLAKE2S_IV_04 ^ t0; v[13] = BLAKE2S_IV_05; // ^ t1; v[14] = BLAKE2S_IV_06 ^ f0; v[15] = BLAKE2S_IV_07; // ^ f1; BLAKE2S_ROUND ( 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15); BLAKE2S_ROUND (14, 10, 4, 8, 9, 15, 13, 6, 1, 12, 0, 2, 11, 7, 5, 3); BLAKE2S_ROUND (11, 8, 12, 0, 5, 2, 15, 13, 10, 14, 3, 6, 7, 1, 9, 4); BLAKE2S_ROUND ( 7, 9, 3, 1, 13, 12, 11, 14, 2, 6, 5, 10, 4, 0, 15, 8); BLAKE2S_ROUND ( 9, 0, 5, 7, 2, 4, 10, 15, 14, 1, 11, 12, 6, 8, 3, 13); BLAKE2S_ROUND ( 2, 12, 6, 10, 0, 11, 8, 3, 4, 13, 7, 5, 15, 14, 1, 9); BLAKE2S_ROUND (12, 5, 1, 15, 14, 13, 4, 10, 0, 7, 6, 3, 9, 2, 8, 11); BLAKE2S_ROUND (13, 11, 7, 14, 12, 1, 3, 9, 5, 0, 15, 4, 8, 6, 2, 10); BLAKE2S_ROUND ( 6, 15, 14, 9, 11, 3, 0, 8, 12, 2, 13, 7, 1, 4, 10, 5); BLAKE2S_ROUND (10, 2, 8, 4, 7, 6, 1, 5, 15, 11, 9, 14, 3, 12, 13 , 0); h[0] = h[0] ^ v[0] ^ v[ 8]; h[1] = h[1] ^ v[1] ^ v[ 9]; h[2] = h[2] ^ v[2] ^ v[10]; h[3] = h[3] ^ v[3] ^ v[11]; h[4] = h[4] ^ v[4] ^ v[12]; h[5] = h[5] ^ v[5] ^ v[13]; h[6] = h[6] ^ v[6] ^ v[14]; h[7] = h[7] ^ v[7] ^ v[15]; } DECLSPEC void blake2s_init (PRIVATE_AS blake2s_ctx_t *ctx) { ctx->h[0] = BLAKE2S_IV_00 ^ 0x01010020; // default output length: 0x20 = 32 bytes ctx->h[1] = BLAKE2S_IV_01; ctx->h[2] = BLAKE2S_IV_02; ctx->h[3] = BLAKE2S_IV_03; ctx->h[4] = BLAKE2S_IV_04; ctx->h[5] = BLAKE2S_IV_05; ctx->h[6] = BLAKE2S_IV_06; ctx->h[7] = BLAKE2S_IV_07; ctx->m[ 0] = 0; ctx->m[ 1] = 0; ctx->m[ 2] = 0; ctx->m[ 3] = 0; ctx->m[ 4] = 0; ctx->m[ 5] = 0; ctx->m[ 6] = 0; ctx->m[ 7] = 0; ctx->m[ 8] = 0; ctx->m[ 9] = 0; ctx->m[10] = 0; ctx->m[11] = 0; ctx->m[12] = 0; ctx->m[13] = 0; ctx->m[14] = 0; ctx->m[15] = 0; ctx->len = 0; } DECLSPEC void blake2s_update_64 (PRIVATE_AS blake2s_ctx_t *ctx, PRIVATE_AS u32 *w0, PRIVATE_AS u32 *w1, PRIVATE_AS u32 *w2, PRIVATE_AS u32 *w3, const int len) { if (len == 0) return; const int pos = ctx->len & 63; if (pos == 0) { if (ctx->len > 0) // if new block (pos == 0) AND the (old) len is not zero => transform { blake2s_transform (ctx->h, ctx->m, ctx->len, BLAKE2S_UPDATE); } ctx->m[ 0] = w0[0]; ctx->m[ 1] = w0[1]; ctx->m[ 2] = w0[2]; ctx->m[ 3] = w0[3]; ctx->m[ 4] = w1[0]; ctx->m[ 5] = w1[1]; ctx->m[ 6] = w1[2]; ctx->m[ 7] = w1[3]; ctx->m[ 8] = w2[0]; ctx->m[ 9] = w2[1]; ctx->m[10] = w2[2]; ctx->m[11] = w2[3]; ctx->m[12] = w3[0]; ctx->m[13] = w3[1]; ctx->m[14] = w3[2]; ctx->m[15] = w3[3]; } else { if ((pos + len) <= 64) { switch_buffer_by_offset_le_S (w0, w1, w2, w3, pos); ctx->m[ 0] |= w0[0]; ctx->m[ 1] |= w0[1]; ctx->m[ 2] |= w0[2]; ctx->m[ 3] |= w0[3]; ctx->m[ 4] |= w1[0]; ctx->m[ 5] |= w1[1]; ctx->m[ 6] |= w1[2]; ctx->m[ 7] |= w1[3]; ctx->m[ 8] |= w2[0]; ctx->m[ 9] |= w2[1]; ctx->m[10] |= w2[2]; ctx->m[11] |= w2[3]; ctx->m[12] |= w3[0]; ctx->m[13] |= w3[1]; ctx->m[14] |= w3[2]; ctx->m[15] |= w3[3]; } else { u32 c0[4] = { 0 }; u32 c1[4] = { 0 }; u32 c2[4] = { 0 }; u32 c3[4] = { 0 }; switch_buffer_by_offset_carry_le_S (w0, w1, w2, w3, c0, c1, c2, c3, pos); ctx->m[ 0] |= w0[0]; ctx->m[ 1] |= w0[1]; ctx->m[ 2] |= w0[2]; ctx->m[ 3] |= w0[3]; ctx->m[ 4] |= w1[0]; ctx->m[ 5] |= w1[1]; ctx->m[ 6] |= w1[2]; ctx->m[ 7] |= w1[3]; ctx->m[ 8] |= w2[0]; ctx->m[ 9] |= w2[1]; ctx->m[10] |= w2[2]; ctx->m[11] |= w2[3]; ctx->m[12] |= w3[0]; ctx->m[13] |= w3[1]; ctx->m[14] |= w3[2]; ctx->m[15] |= w3[3]; // len must be a multiple of 64 (not ctx->len) for BLAKE2S_UPDATE: const u32 cur_len = ((ctx->len + len) / 64) * 64; blake2s_transform (ctx->h, ctx->m, cur_len, BLAKE2S_UPDATE); ctx->m[ 0] = c0[0]; ctx->m[ 1] = c0[1]; ctx->m[ 2] = c0[2]; ctx->m[ 3] = c0[3]; ctx->m[ 4] = c1[0]; ctx->m[ 5] = c1[1]; ctx->m[ 6] = c1[2]; ctx->m[ 7] = c1[3]; ctx->m[ 8] = c2[0]; ctx->m[ 9] = c2[1]; ctx->m[10] = c2[2]; ctx->m[11] = c2[3]; ctx->m[12] = c3[0]; ctx->m[13] = c3[1]; ctx->m[14] = c3[2]; ctx->m[15] = c3[3]; } } ctx->len += len; } DECLSPEC void blake2s_update (PRIVATE_AS blake2s_ctx_t *ctx, PRIVATE_AS const u32 *w, const int len) { u32 w0[4]; u32 w1[4]; u32 w2[4]; u32 w3[4]; const int limit = (const int) len - 64; // int type needed, could be negative int pos1; int pos4; for (pos1 = 0, pos4 = 0; pos1 < limit; pos1 += 64, pos4 += 16) { w0[0] = w[pos4 + 0]; w0[1] = w[pos4 + 1]; w0[2] = w[pos4 + 2]; w0[3] = w[pos4 + 3]; w1[0] = w[pos4 + 4]; w1[1] = w[pos4 + 5]; w1[2] = w[pos4 + 6]; w1[3] = w[pos4 + 7]; w2[0] = w[pos4 + 8]; w2[1] = w[pos4 + 9]; w2[2] = w[pos4 + 10]; w2[3] = w[pos4 + 11]; w3[0] = w[pos4 + 12]; w3[1] = w[pos4 + 13]; w3[2] = w[pos4 + 14]; w3[3] = w[pos4 + 15]; blake2s_update_64 (ctx, w0, w1, w2, w3, 64); } w0[0] = w[pos4 + 0]; w0[1] = w[pos4 + 1]; w0[2] = w[pos4 + 2]; w0[3] = w[pos4 + 3]; w1[0] = w[pos4 + 4]; w1[1] = w[pos4 + 5]; w1[2] = w[pos4 + 6]; w1[3] = w[pos4 + 7]; w2[0] = w[pos4 + 8]; w2[1] = w[pos4 + 9]; w2[2] = w[pos4 + 10]; w2[3] = w[pos4 + 11]; w3[0] = w[pos4 + 12]; w3[1] = w[pos4 + 13]; w3[2] = w[pos4 + 14]; w3[3] = w[pos4 + 15]; blake2s_update_64 (ctx, w0, w1, w2, w3, len - (u32) pos1); } DECLSPEC void blake2s_update_global (PRIVATE_AS blake2s_ctx_t *ctx, GLOBAL_AS const u32 *w, const int len) { u32 w0[4]; u32 w1[4]; u32 w2[4]; u32 w3[4]; const int limit = (const int) len - 64; // int type needed, could be negative int pos1; int pos4; for (pos1 = 0, pos4 = 0; pos1 < limit; pos1 += 64, pos4 += 16) { w0[0] = w[pos4 + 0]; w0[1] = w[pos4 + 1]; w0[2] = w[pos4 + 2]; w0[3] = w[pos4 + 3]; w1[0] = w[pos4 + 4]; w1[1] = w[pos4 + 5]; w1[2] = w[pos4 + 6]; w1[3] = w[pos4 + 7]; w2[0] = w[pos4 + 8]; w2[1] = w[pos4 + 9]; w2[2] = w[pos4 + 10]; w2[3] = w[pos4 + 11]; w3[0] = w[pos4 + 12]; w3[1] = w[pos4 + 13]; w3[2] = w[pos4 + 14]; w3[3] = w[pos4 + 15]; blake2s_update_64 (ctx, w0, w1, w2, w3, 64); } w0[0] = w[pos4 + 0]; w0[1] = w[pos4 + 1]; w0[2] = w[pos4 + 2]; w0[3] = w[pos4 + 3]; w1[0] = w[pos4 + 4]; w1[1] = w[pos4 + 5]; w1[2] = w[pos4 + 6]; w1[3] = w[pos4 + 7]; w2[0] = w[pos4 + 8]; w2[1] = w[pos4 + 9]; w2[2] = w[pos4 + 10]; w2[3] = w[pos4 + 11]; w3[0] = w[pos4 + 12]; w3[1] = w[pos4 + 13]; w3[2] = w[pos4 + 14]; w3[3] = w[pos4 + 15]; blake2s_update_64 (ctx, w0, w1, w2, w3, len - (u32) pos1); } DECLSPEC void blake2s_final (PRIVATE_AS blake2s_ctx_t *ctx) { blake2s_transform (ctx->h, ctx->m, ctx->len, BLAKE2S_FINAL); } DECLSPEC void blake2s_transform_vector (PRIVATE_AS u32x *h, PRIVATE_AS const u32x *m, const u32x len, const u32 f0) { const u32x t0 = len; u32x v[16]; v[ 0] = h[0]; v[ 1] = h[1]; v[ 2] = h[2]; v[ 3] = h[3]; v[ 4] = h[4]; v[ 5] = h[5]; v[ 6] = h[6]; v[ 7] = h[7]; v[ 8] = BLAKE2S_IV_00; v[ 9] = BLAKE2S_IV_01; v[10] = BLAKE2S_IV_02; v[11] = BLAKE2S_IV_03; v[12] = BLAKE2S_IV_04 ^ t0; v[13] = BLAKE2S_IV_05; // ^ t1; v[14] = BLAKE2S_IV_06 ^ f0; v[15] = BLAKE2S_IV_07; // ^ f1; BLAKE2S_ROUND_VECTOR ( 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15); BLAKE2S_ROUND_VECTOR (14, 10, 4, 8, 9, 15, 13, 6, 1, 12, 0, 2, 11, 7, 5, 3); BLAKE2S_ROUND_VECTOR (11, 8, 12, 0, 5, 2, 15, 13, 10, 14, 3, 6, 7, 1, 9, 4); BLAKE2S_ROUND_VECTOR ( 7, 9, 3, 1, 13, 12, 11, 14, 2, 6, 5, 10, 4, 0, 15, 8); BLAKE2S_ROUND_VECTOR ( 9, 0, 5, 7, 2, 4, 10, 15, 14, 1, 11, 12, 6, 8, 3, 13); BLAKE2S_ROUND_VECTOR ( 2, 12, 6, 10, 0, 11, 8, 3, 4, 13, 7, 5, 15, 14, 1, 9); BLAKE2S_ROUND_VECTOR (12, 5, 1, 15, 14, 13, 4, 10, 0, 7, 6, 3, 9, 2, 8, 11); BLAKE2S_ROUND_VECTOR (13, 11, 7, 14, 12, 1, 3, 9, 5, 0, 15, 4, 8, 6, 2, 10); BLAKE2S_ROUND_VECTOR ( 6, 15, 14, 9, 11, 3, 0, 8, 12, 2, 13, 7, 1, 4, 10, 5); BLAKE2S_ROUND_VECTOR (10, 2, 8, 4, 7, 6, 1, 5, 15, 11, 9, 14, 3, 12, 13 , 0); h[0] = h[0] ^ v[0] ^ v[ 8]; h[1] = h[1] ^ v[1] ^ v[ 9]; h[2] = h[2] ^ v[2] ^ v[10]; h[3] = h[3] ^ v[3] ^ v[11]; h[4] = h[4] ^ v[4] ^ v[12]; h[5] = h[5] ^ v[5] ^ v[13]; h[6] = h[6] ^ v[6] ^ v[14]; h[7] = h[7] ^ v[7] ^ v[15]; } DECLSPEC void blake2s_init_vector (PRIVATE_AS blake2s_ctx_vector_t *ctx) { ctx->h[0] = BLAKE2S_IV_00 ^ 0x01010020; // default output length: 0x20 = 32 bytes ctx->h[1] = BLAKE2S_IV_01; ctx->h[2] = BLAKE2S_IV_02; ctx->h[3] = BLAKE2S_IV_03; ctx->h[4] = BLAKE2S_IV_04; ctx->h[5] = BLAKE2S_IV_05; ctx->h[6] = BLAKE2S_IV_06; ctx->h[7] = BLAKE2S_IV_07; ctx->m[ 0] = 0; ctx->m[ 1] = 0; ctx->m[ 2] = 0; ctx->m[ 3] = 0; ctx->m[ 4] = 0; ctx->m[ 5] = 0; ctx->m[ 6] = 0; ctx->m[ 7] = 0; ctx->m[ 8] = 0; ctx->m[ 9] = 0; ctx->m[10] = 0; ctx->m[11] = 0; ctx->m[12] = 0; ctx->m[13] = 0; ctx->m[14] = 0; ctx->m[15] = 0; ctx->len = 0; } DECLSPEC void blake2s_init_vector_from_scalar (PRIVATE_AS blake2s_ctx_vector_t *ctx, PRIVATE_AS blake2s_ctx_t *ctx0) { ctx->h[0] = ctx0->h[0]; ctx->h[1] = ctx0->h[1]; ctx->h[2] = ctx0->h[2]; ctx->h[3] = ctx0->h[3]; ctx->h[4] = ctx0->h[4]; ctx->h[5] = ctx0->h[5]; ctx->h[6] = ctx0->h[6]; ctx->h[7] = ctx0->h[7]; ctx->m[ 0] = ctx0->m[ 0]; ctx->m[ 1] = ctx0->m[ 1]; ctx->m[ 2] = ctx0->m[ 2]; ctx->m[ 3] = ctx0->m[ 3]; ctx->m[ 4] = ctx0->m[ 4]; ctx->m[ 5] = ctx0->m[ 5]; ctx->m[ 6] = ctx0->m[ 6]; ctx->m[ 7] = ctx0->m[ 7]; ctx->m[ 8] = ctx0->m[ 8]; ctx->m[ 9] = ctx0->m[ 9]; ctx->m[10] = ctx0->m[10]; ctx->m[11] = ctx0->m[11]; ctx->m[12] = ctx0->m[12]; ctx->m[13] = ctx0->m[13]; ctx->m[14] = ctx0->m[14]; ctx->m[15] = ctx0->m[15]; ctx->len = ctx0->len; } DECLSPEC void blake2s_update_vector_64 (PRIVATE_AS blake2s_ctx_vector_t *ctx, PRIVATE_AS u32x *w0, PRIVATE_AS u32x *w1, PRIVATE_AS u32x *w2, PRIVATE_AS u32x *w3, const int len) { if (len == 0) return; const int pos = ctx->len & 63; if (pos == 0) { if (ctx->len > 0) // if new block (pos == 0) AND the (old) len is not zero => transform { blake2s_transform_vector (ctx->h, ctx->m, (u32x) ctx->len, BLAKE2S_UPDATE); } ctx->m[ 0] = w0[0]; ctx->m[ 1] = w0[1]; ctx->m[ 2] = w0[2]; ctx->m[ 3] = w0[3]; ctx->m[ 4] = w1[0]; ctx->m[ 5] = w1[1]; ctx->m[ 6] = w1[2]; ctx->m[ 7] = w1[3]; ctx->m[ 8] = w2[0]; ctx->m[ 9] = w2[1]; ctx->m[10] = w2[2]; ctx->m[11] = w2[3]; ctx->m[12] = w3[0]; ctx->m[13] = w3[1]; ctx->m[14] = w3[2]; ctx->m[15] = w3[3]; } else { if ((pos + len) <= 64) { switch_buffer_by_offset_le (w0, w1, w2, w3, pos); ctx->m[ 0] |= w0[0]; ctx->m[ 1] |= w0[1]; ctx->m[ 2] |= w0[2]; ctx->m[ 3] |= w0[3]; ctx->m[ 4] |= w1[0]; ctx->m[ 5] |= w1[1]; ctx->m[ 6] |= w1[2]; ctx->m[ 7] |= w1[3]; ctx->m[ 8] |= w2[0]; ctx->m[ 9] |= w2[1]; ctx->m[10] |= w2[2]; ctx->m[11] |= w2[3]; ctx->m[12] |= w3[0]; ctx->m[13] |= w3[1]; ctx->m[14] |= w3[2]; ctx->m[15] |= w3[3]; } else { u32x c0[4] = { 0 }; u32x c1[4] = { 0 }; u32x c2[4] = { 0 }; u32x c3[4] = { 0 }; switch_buffer_by_offset_carry_le (w0, w1, w2, w3, c0, c1, c2, c3, pos); ctx->m[ 0] |= w0[0]; ctx->m[ 1] |= w0[1]; ctx->m[ 2] |= w0[2]; ctx->m[ 3] |= w0[3]; ctx->m[ 4] |= w1[0]; ctx->m[ 5] |= w1[1]; ctx->m[ 6] |= w1[2]; ctx->m[ 7] |= w1[3]; ctx->m[ 8] |= w2[0]; ctx->m[ 9] |= w2[1]; ctx->m[10] |= w2[2]; ctx->m[11] |= w2[3]; ctx->m[12] |= w3[0]; ctx->m[13] |= w3[1]; ctx->m[14] |= w3[2]; ctx->m[15] |= w3[3]; // len must be a multiple of 64 (not ctx->len) for BLAKE2S_UPDATE: const u32x cur_len = ((ctx->len + len) / 64) * 64; blake2s_transform_vector (ctx->h, ctx->m, cur_len, BLAKE2S_UPDATE); ctx->m[ 0] = c0[0]; ctx->m[ 1] = c0[1]; ctx->m[ 2] = c0[2]; ctx->m[ 3] = c0[3]; ctx->m[ 4] = c1[0]; ctx->m[ 5] = c1[1]; ctx->m[ 6] = c1[2]; ctx->m[ 7] = c1[3]; ctx->m[ 8] = c2[0]; ctx->m[ 9] = c2[1]; ctx->m[10] = c2[2]; ctx->m[11] = c2[3]; ctx->m[12] = c3[0]; ctx->m[13] = c3[1]; ctx->m[14] = c3[2]; ctx->m[15] = c3[3]; } } ctx->len += len; } DECLSPEC void blake2s_update_vector (PRIVATE_AS blake2s_ctx_vector_t *ctx, PRIVATE_AS const u32x *w, const int len) { u32x w0[4]; u32x w1[4]; u32x w2[4]; u32x w3[4]; const int limit = (const int) len - 64; // int type needed, could be negative int pos1; int pos4; for (pos1 = 0, pos4 = 0; pos1 < limit; pos1 += 64, pos4 += 16) { w0[0] = w[pos4 + 0]; w0[1] = w[pos4 + 1]; w0[2] = w[pos4 + 2]; w0[3] = w[pos4 + 3]; w1[0] = w[pos4 + 4]; w1[1] = w[pos4 + 5]; w1[2] = w[pos4 + 6]; w1[3] = w[pos4 + 7]; w2[0] = w[pos4 + 8]; w2[1] = w[pos4 + 9]; w2[2] = w[pos4 + 10]; w2[3] = w[pos4 + 11]; w3[0] = w[pos4 + 12]; w3[1] = w[pos4 + 13]; w3[2] = w[pos4 + 14]; w3[3] = w[pos4 + 15]; blake2s_update_vector_64 (ctx, w0, w1, w2, w3, 64); } w0[0] = w[pos4 + 0]; w0[1] = w[pos4 + 1]; w0[2] = w[pos4 + 2]; w0[3] = w[pos4 + 3]; w1[0] = w[pos4 + 4]; w1[1] = w[pos4 + 5]; w1[2] = w[pos4 + 6]; w1[3] = w[pos4 + 7]; w2[0] = w[pos4 + 8]; w2[1] = w[pos4 + 9]; w2[2] = w[pos4 + 10]; w2[3] = w[pos4 + 11]; w3[0] = w[pos4 + 12]; w3[1] = w[pos4 + 13]; w3[2] = w[pos4 + 14]; w3[3] = w[pos4 + 15]; blake2s_update_vector_64 (ctx, w0, w1, w2, w3, len - (u32) pos1); } DECLSPEC void blake2s_final_vector (PRIVATE_AS blake2s_ctx_vector_t *ctx) { blake2s_transform_vector (ctx->h, ctx->m, (u32x) ctx->len, BLAKE2S_FINAL); }