oclHashcat build documentation
# Revision:
* 1.1

# Authors:
* Gabriele Gristina <<matrix@hashcat.net>>
* Christoph Heuwieser <<dropdead@hashcat.net>>

# Dependencies

To compile **oclHashcat** the following third party libraries are required:

- ADL_SDK v8.0 ( http://developer.amd.com/tools-and-sdks/graphics-development/display-library-adl-sdk/ )
- GDK v352_55 ( https://developer.nvidia.com/gpu-deployment-kit )
- NVIDIA Driver v352.21 ( https://www.nvidia.com/download/driverResults.aspx/86390/en-us )
- NVAPI R352 ( https://developer.nvidia.com/nvapi )
- AMD-APP-SDK v3.0 ( http://developer.amd.com/tools-and-sdks/opencl-zone/amd-accelerated-parallel-processing-app-sdk/ )

To be able to compile the ocl binaries, it is required to have the latest stable driver from AMD installed.
(fglxr must be installed and initialized)


The next thing to do is download all the third party libraries listed above and put these files into the *deps/tmp* directory.

The following files are needed inside the *deps/tmp* directory:
# Building oclHashcat
First get a copy of **oclHashcat** repository

$ git clone https://github.com/hashcat/oclHashcat.git
Install the dependencies

$ cd oclHashcat
$ sudo ./tools/deps.sh

Run "make all"

$ make all

Useful tricks:
- build only *Linux* binaries
$ make linux
- build only *Windows* binaries
$ make windows

Enjoy your fresh **oclHashcat** binaries ;)