/** * Author......: See docs/credits.txt * License.....: MIT */ #include "common.h" #include "types.h" #include "modules.h" #include "bitops.h" #include "convert.h" #include "shared.h" #include "emu_inc_hash_sha512.h" #include "memory.h" static const u32 ATTACK_EXEC = ATTACK_EXEC_OUTSIDE_KERNEL; static const u32 DGST_POS0 = 0; static const u32 DGST_POS1 = 1; static const u32 DGST_POS2 = 2; static const u32 DGST_POS3 = 3; static const u32 DGST_SIZE = DGST_SIZE_8_16; static const u32 HASH_CATEGORY = HASH_CATEGORY_OS; static const char *HASH_NAME = "QNX 7 /etc/shadow (SHA512)"; static const u64 KERN_TYPE = 7100; static const u32 OPTI_TYPE = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE | OPTI_TYPE_USES_BITS_64 | OPTI_TYPE_SLOW_HASH_SIMD_LOOP; static const u64 OPTS_TYPE = OPTS_TYPE_STOCK_MODULE | OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_LE | OPTS_TYPE_ST_BASE64; static const u32 SALT_TYPE = SALT_TYPE_EMBEDDED; static const char *ST_PASS = "hashcat"; static const char *ST_HASH = "@S@vm2nBGHes6QkXra0f74XmouSiRzjYD3r/0py+txv0Kr8A4hCPMGFHoZqr41JFiYcJPPOeIheqFseMyLyw/15Pw==@NDY2MDEwNjk3YjBjYzM2MzliMzc3Mzc0ZTNiMTAzNzE="; u32 module_attack_exec (MAYBE_UNUSED const hashconfig_t *hashconfig, MAYBE_UNUSED const user_options_t *user_options, MAYBE_UNUSED const user_options_extra_t *user_options_extra) { return ATTACK_EXEC; } u32 module_dgst_pos0 (MAYBE_UNUSED const hashconfig_t *hashconfig, MAYBE_UNUSED const user_options_t *user_options, MAYBE_UNUSED const user_options_extra_t *user_options_extra) { return DGST_POS0; } u32 module_dgst_pos1 (MAYBE_UNUSED const hashconfig_t *hashconfig, MAYBE_UNUSED const user_options_t *user_options, MAYBE_UNUSED const user_options_extra_t *user_options_extra) { return DGST_POS1; } u32 module_dgst_pos2 (MAYBE_UNUSED const hashconfig_t *hashconfig, MAYBE_UNUSED const user_options_t *user_options, MAYBE_UNUSED const user_options_extra_t *user_options_extra) { return DGST_POS2; } u32 module_dgst_pos3 (MAYBE_UNUSED const hashconfig_t *hashconfig, MAYBE_UNUSED const user_options_t *user_options, MAYBE_UNUSED const user_options_extra_t *user_options_extra) { return DGST_POS3; } u32 module_dgst_size (MAYBE_UNUSED const hashconfig_t *hashconfig, MAYBE_UNUSED const user_options_t *user_options, MAYBE_UNUSED const user_options_extra_t *user_options_extra) { return DGST_SIZE; } u32 module_hash_category (MAYBE_UNUSED const hashconfig_t *hashconfig, MAYBE_UNUSED const user_options_t *user_options, MAYBE_UNUSED const user_options_extra_t *user_options_extra) { return HASH_CATEGORY; } const char *module_hash_name (MAYBE_UNUSED const hashconfig_t *hashconfig, MAYBE_UNUSED const user_options_t *user_options, MAYBE_UNUSED const user_options_extra_t *user_options_extra) { return HASH_NAME; } u64 module_kern_type (MAYBE_UNUSED const hashconfig_t *hashconfig, MAYBE_UNUSED const user_options_t *user_options, MAYBE_UNUSED const user_options_extra_t *user_options_extra) { return KERN_TYPE; } u32 module_opti_type (MAYBE_UNUSED const hashconfig_t *hashconfig, MAYBE_UNUSED const user_options_t *user_options, MAYBE_UNUSED const user_options_extra_t *user_options_extra) { return OPTI_TYPE; } u64 module_opts_type (MAYBE_UNUSED const hashconfig_t *hashconfig, MAYBE_UNUSED const user_options_t *user_options, MAYBE_UNUSED const user_options_extra_t *user_options_extra) { return OPTS_TYPE; } u32 module_salt_type (MAYBE_UNUSED const hashconfig_t *hashconfig, MAYBE_UNUSED const user_options_t *user_options, MAYBE_UNUSED const user_options_extra_t *user_options_extra) { return SALT_TYPE; } const char *module_st_hash (MAYBE_UNUSED const hashconfig_t *hashconfig, MAYBE_UNUSED const user_options_t *user_options, MAYBE_UNUSED const user_options_extra_t *user_options_extra) { return ST_HASH; } const char *module_st_pass (MAYBE_UNUSED const hashconfig_t *hashconfig, MAYBE_UNUSED const user_options_t *user_options, MAYBE_UNUSED const user_options_extra_t *user_options_extra) { return ST_PASS; } typedef struct pbkdf2_sha512 { u32 salt_buf[64]; } pbkdf2_sha512_t; typedef struct pbkdf2_sha512_tmp { u64 ipad[8]; u64 opad[8]; u64 dgst[16]; u64 out[16]; } pbkdf2_sha512_tmp_t; u64 module_esalt_size (MAYBE_UNUSED const hashconfig_t *hashconfig, MAYBE_UNUSED const user_options_t *user_options, MAYBE_UNUSED const user_options_extra_t *user_options_extra) { const u64 esalt_size = (const u64) sizeof (pbkdf2_sha512_t); return esalt_size; } u64 module_tmp_size (MAYBE_UNUSED const hashconfig_t *hashconfig, MAYBE_UNUSED const user_options_t *user_options, MAYBE_UNUSED const user_options_extra_t *user_options_extra) { const u64 tmp_size = (const u64) sizeof (pbkdf2_sha512_tmp_t); return tmp_size; } static const int ROUNDS_QNX = 4096; static const int HASH_SIZE = 64; int module_hash_decode (MAYBE_UNUSED const hashconfig_t *hashconfig, MAYBE_UNUSED void *digest_buf, MAYBE_UNUSED salt_t *salt, MAYBE_UNUSED void *esalt_buf, MAYBE_UNUSED void *hook_salt_buf, MAYBE_UNUSED hashinfo_t *hash_info, const char *line_buf, MAYBE_UNUSED const int line_len) { u64 *digest = (u64 *) digest_buf; pbkdf2_sha512_t *pbkdf2_sha512 = (pbkdf2_sha512_t *) esalt_buf; hc_token_t token; memset (&token, 0, sizeof (hc_token_t)); token.token_cnt = 4; // @digest@hash@salt // @digest,iterations@hash@salt token.sep[0] = '@'; token.len[0] = 0; token.attr[0] = TOKEN_ATTR_FIXED_LENGTH; token.sep[1] = '@'; token.len_min[1] = 1; token.len_max[1] = 8; token.attr[1] = TOKEN_ATTR_VERIFY_LENGTH; token.sep[2] = '@'; token.len_min[2] = 64; token.len_max[2] = 100; token.attr[2] = TOKEN_ATTR_VERIFY_LENGTH | TOKEN_ATTR_VERIFY_BASE64A; token.sep[3] = '@'; token.len_min[3] = 16; token.len_max[3] = 60; token.attr[3] = TOKEN_ATTR_VERIFY_LENGTH | TOKEN_ATTR_VERIFY_BASE64A; const int rc_tokenizer = input_tokenizer ((const u8 *) line_buf, line_len, &token); if (rc_tokenizer != PARSER_OK) return (rc_tokenizer); u8 tmp_buf[512]; memset (tmp_buf, 0, sizeof (tmp_buf)); // check hash type if (token.buf[1][0] != 'S') return (PARSER_SIGNATURE_UNMATCHED); // check iter u32 iter = ROUNDS_QNX; if (token.len[1] > 1) { if (token.buf[1][1] != ',') return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED); iter = hc_strtoul ((const char *) token.buf[1] + 2, NULL, 10); } salt->salt_iter = iter - 1; // iter++; the additional round is added in the init kernel // salt const u8 *salt_pos = token.buf[3]; const int salt_len = token.len[3]; memset (tmp_buf, 0, sizeof (tmp_buf)); const int decoded_salt_len = base64_decode (base64_to_int, salt_pos, salt_len, tmp_buf); if (decoded_salt_len < 1) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); if (decoded_salt_len > 256) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); memcpy (salt->salt_buf, tmp_buf, decoded_salt_len); salt->salt_len = decoded_salt_len; memcpy (pbkdf2_sha512->salt_buf, tmp_buf, decoded_salt_len); // hash const u8 *hash_pos = token.buf[2]; const int hash_len = token.len[2]; const int decoded_hash_len = base64_decode (base64_to_int, hash_pos, hash_len, tmp_buf); if (decoded_hash_len != HASH_SIZE) return (PARSER_SALT_LENGTH); memcpy (digest, tmp_buf, decoded_hash_len); digest[0] = byte_swap_64 (digest[0]); digest[1] = byte_swap_64 (digest[1]); digest[2] = byte_swap_64 (digest[2]); digest[3] = byte_swap_64 (digest[3]); digest[4] = byte_swap_64 (digest[4]); digest[5] = byte_swap_64 (digest[5]); digest[6] = byte_swap_64 (digest[6]); digest[7] = byte_swap_64 (digest[7]); return (PARSER_OK); } int module_hash_encode (MAYBE_UNUSED const hashconfig_t *hashconfig, MAYBE_UNUSED const void *digest_buf, MAYBE_UNUSED const salt_t *salt, MAYBE_UNUSED const void *esalt_buf, MAYBE_UNUSED const void *hook_salt_buf, MAYBE_UNUSED const hashinfo_t *hash_info, char *line_buf, MAYBE_UNUSED const int line_size) { const u64 *digest = (const u64 *) digest_buf; const pbkdf2_sha512_t *pbkdf2_sha512 = (const pbkdf2_sha512_t *) esalt_buf; // need missing example for custom iterator count // salt u8 salt_buf[512] = { 0 }; base64_encode (int_to_base64, (const u8 *) pbkdf2_sha512->salt_buf, (const int) salt->salt_len, salt_buf); // hash u64 hash_tmp[8]; hash_tmp[0] = byte_swap_64 (digest[0]); hash_tmp[1] = byte_swap_64 (digest[1]); hash_tmp[2] = byte_swap_64 (digest[2]); hash_tmp[3] = byte_swap_64 (digest[3]); hash_tmp[4] = byte_swap_64 (digest[4]); hash_tmp[5] = byte_swap_64 (digest[5]); hash_tmp[6] = byte_swap_64 (digest[6]); hash_tmp[7] = byte_swap_64 (digest[7]); u8 hash_buf[512] = { 0 }; base64_encode (int_to_base64, (const u8 *) hash_tmp, (const int) 64, hash_buf); // out u8 *out_buf = (u8 *) line_buf; const int out_len = snprintf ((char *) out_buf, line_size, "@S@%s@%s", hash_buf, salt_buf); return out_len; } void module_init (module_ctx_t *module_ctx) { module_ctx->module_context_size = MODULE_CONTEXT_SIZE_CURRENT; module_ctx->module_interface_version = MODULE_INTERFACE_VERSION_CURRENT; module_ctx->module_attack_exec = module_attack_exec; module_ctx->module_benchmark_esalt = MODULE_DEFAULT; module_ctx->module_benchmark_hook_salt = MODULE_DEFAULT; module_ctx->module_benchmark_mask = MODULE_DEFAULT; module_ctx->module_benchmark_charset = MODULE_DEFAULT; module_ctx->module_benchmark_salt = MODULE_DEFAULT; module_ctx->module_build_plain_postprocess = MODULE_DEFAULT; module_ctx->module_deep_comp_kernel = MODULE_DEFAULT; module_ctx->module_deprecated_notice = MODULE_DEFAULT; module_ctx->module_dgst_pos0 = module_dgst_pos0; module_ctx->module_dgst_pos1 = module_dgst_pos1; module_ctx->module_dgst_pos2 = module_dgst_pos2; module_ctx->module_dgst_pos3 = module_dgst_pos3; module_ctx->module_dgst_size = module_dgst_size; module_ctx->module_dictstat_disable = MODULE_DEFAULT; module_ctx->module_esalt_size = module_esalt_size; module_ctx->module_extra_buffer_size = MODULE_DEFAULT; module_ctx->module_extra_tmp_size = MODULE_DEFAULT; module_ctx->module_extra_tuningdb_block = MODULE_DEFAULT; module_ctx->module_forced_outfile_format = MODULE_DEFAULT; module_ctx->module_hash_binary_count = MODULE_DEFAULT; module_ctx->module_hash_binary_parse = MODULE_DEFAULT; module_ctx->module_hash_binary_save = MODULE_DEFAULT; module_ctx->module_hash_decode_postprocess = MODULE_DEFAULT; module_ctx->module_hash_decode_potfile = MODULE_DEFAULT; module_ctx->module_hash_decode_zero_hash = MODULE_DEFAULT; module_ctx->module_hash_decode = module_hash_decode; module_ctx->module_hash_encode_status = MODULE_DEFAULT; module_ctx->module_hash_encode_potfile = MODULE_DEFAULT; module_ctx->module_hash_encode = module_hash_encode; module_ctx->module_hash_init_selftest = MODULE_DEFAULT; module_ctx->module_hash_mode = MODULE_DEFAULT; module_ctx->module_hash_category = module_hash_category; module_ctx->module_hash_name = module_hash_name; module_ctx->module_hashes_count_min = MODULE_DEFAULT; module_ctx->module_hashes_count_max = MODULE_DEFAULT; module_ctx->module_hlfmt_disable = MODULE_DEFAULT; module_ctx->module_hook_extra_param_size = MODULE_DEFAULT; module_ctx->module_hook_extra_param_init = MODULE_DEFAULT; module_ctx->module_hook_extra_param_term = MODULE_DEFAULT; module_ctx->module_hook12 = MODULE_DEFAULT; module_ctx->module_hook23 = MODULE_DEFAULT; module_ctx->module_hook_salt_size = MODULE_DEFAULT; module_ctx->module_hook_size = MODULE_DEFAULT; module_ctx->module_jit_build_options = MODULE_DEFAULT; module_ctx->module_jit_cache_disable = MODULE_DEFAULT; module_ctx->module_kernel_accel_max = MODULE_DEFAULT; module_ctx->module_kernel_accel_min = MODULE_DEFAULT; module_ctx->module_kernel_loops_max = MODULE_DEFAULT; module_ctx->module_kernel_loops_min = MODULE_DEFAULT; module_ctx->module_kernel_threads_max = MODULE_DEFAULT; module_ctx->module_kernel_threads_min = MODULE_DEFAULT; module_ctx->module_kern_type = module_kern_type; module_ctx->module_kern_type_dynamic = MODULE_DEFAULT; module_ctx->module_opti_type = module_opti_type; module_ctx->module_opts_type = module_opts_type; module_ctx->module_outfile_check_disable = MODULE_DEFAULT; module_ctx->module_outfile_check_nocomp = MODULE_DEFAULT; module_ctx->module_potfile_custom_check = MODULE_DEFAULT; module_ctx->module_potfile_disable = MODULE_DEFAULT; module_ctx->module_potfile_keep_all_hashes = MODULE_DEFAULT; module_ctx->module_pwdump_column = MODULE_DEFAULT; module_ctx->module_pw_max = MODULE_DEFAULT; module_ctx->module_pw_min = MODULE_DEFAULT; module_ctx->module_salt_max = MODULE_DEFAULT; module_ctx->module_salt_min = MODULE_DEFAULT; module_ctx->module_salt_type = module_salt_type; module_ctx->module_separator = MODULE_DEFAULT; module_ctx->module_st_hash = module_st_hash; module_ctx->module_st_pass = module_st_pass; module_ctx->module_tmp_size = module_tmp_size; module_ctx->module_unstable_warning = MODULE_DEFAULT; module_ctx->module_warmup_disable = MODULE_DEFAULT; }