/** * Author......: See docs/credits.txt * License.....: MIT */ #include "common.h" #include "types.h" #include "memory.h" #include "event.h" #include "convert.h" #include "thread.h" #include "timer.h" #include "status.h" #include "restore.h" #include "shared.h" #include "hwmon.h" #include "interface.h" #include "outfile.h" #include "terminal.h" #include "hashcat.h" static const size_t TERMINAL_LINE_LENGTH = 79; static const char *PROMPT_ACTIVE = "[s]tatus [p]ause [b]ypass [c]heckpoint [q]uit => "; static const char *PROMPT_PAUSED = "[s]tatus [r]esume [b]ypass [c]heckpoint [q]uit => "; void welcome_screen (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, const char *version_tag) { const user_options_t *user_options = hashcat_ctx->user_options; if (user_options->quiet == true) return; if (user_options->keyspace == true) return; if (user_options->stdout_flag == true) return; if (user_options->show == true) return; if (user_options->left == true) return; if (user_options->benchmark == true) { if (user_options->machine_readable == false) { event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, "%s (%s) starting in benchmark mode...", PROGNAME, version_tag); event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, NULL); if (user_options->workload_profile_chgd == false) { event_log_advice (hashcat_ctx, "Benchmarking uses hand-optimized kernel code by default."); event_log_advice (hashcat_ctx, "You can use it in your cracking session by setting the -O option."); event_log_advice (hashcat_ctx, "Note: Using optimized kernel code limits the maximum supported password length."); event_log_advice (hashcat_ctx, "To disable the optimized kernel code in benchmark mode, use the -w option."); event_log_advice (hashcat_ctx, NULL); } } else { event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, "# version: %s", version_tag); } } else if (user_options->restore == true) { event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, "%s (%s) starting in restore mode...", PROGNAME, version_tag); event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, NULL); } else if (user_options->speed_only == true) { event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, "%s (%s) starting in speed-only mode...", PROGNAME, version_tag); event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, NULL); } else if (user_options->progress_only == true) { event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, "%s (%s) starting in progress-only mode...", PROGNAME, version_tag); event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, NULL); } else { event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, "%s (%s) starting...", PROGNAME, version_tag); event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, NULL); } } void goodbye_screen (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, const time_t proc_start, const time_t proc_stop) { const user_options_t *user_options = hashcat_ctx->user_options; if (user_options->quiet == true) return; if (user_options->keyspace == true) return; if (user_options->stdout_flag == true) return; if (user_options->show == true) return; if (user_options->left == true) return; char start_buf[32]; memset (start_buf, 0, sizeof (start_buf)); char stop_buf[32]; memset (start_buf, 0, sizeof (stop_buf)); event_log_info_nn (hashcat_ctx, "Started: %s", ctime_r (&proc_start, start_buf)); event_log_info_nn (hashcat_ctx, "Stopped: %s", ctime_r (&proc_stop, stop_buf)); } int setup_console () { #if defined (_WIN) SetConsoleWindowSize (132); if (_setmode (_fileno (stdin), _O_BINARY) == -1) { __mingw_fprintf (stderr, "%s: %m", "stdin"); return -1; } if (_setmode (_fileno (stdout), _O_BINARY) == -1) { __mingw_fprintf (stderr, "%s: %m", "stdin"); return -1; } if (_setmode (_fileno (stderr), _O_BINARY) == -1) { __mingw_fprintf (stderr, "%s: %m", "stdin"); return -1; } #endif return 0; } void send_prompt (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx) { const status_ctx_t *status_ctx = hashcat_ctx->status_ctx; if (status_ctx->devices_status == STATUS_PAUSED) { fprintf (stdout, "%s", PROMPT_PAUSED); } else { fprintf (stdout, "%s", PROMPT_ACTIVE); } fflush (stdout); } void clear_prompt (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx) { const status_ctx_t *status_ctx = hashcat_ctx->status_ctx; size_t prompt_sz = 0; if (status_ctx->devices_status == STATUS_PAUSED) { prompt_sz = strlen (PROMPT_PAUSED); } else { prompt_sz = strlen (PROMPT_ACTIVE); } fputc ('\r', stdout); for (size_t i = 0; i < prompt_sz; i++) { fputc (' ', stdout); } fputc ('\r', stdout); fflush (stdout); } static void keypress (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx) { status_ctx_t *status_ctx = hashcat_ctx->status_ctx; user_options_t *user_options = hashcat_ctx->user_options; // this is required, because some of the variables down there are not initialized at that point while (status_ctx->devices_status == STATUS_INIT) usleep (100000); const bool quiet = user_options->quiet; tty_break (); while (status_ctx->shutdown_outer == false) { int ch = tty_getchar (); if (ch == -1) break; if (ch == 0) continue; //https://github.com/hashcat/hashcat/issues/302 //#if defined (_POSIX) //if (ch != '\n') //#endif hc_thread_mutex_lock (status_ctx->mux_display); event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, NULL); switch (ch) { case 's': case '\r': case '\n': event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, NULL); status_display (hashcat_ctx); event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, NULL); if (quiet == false) send_prompt (hashcat_ctx); break; case 'b': event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, NULL); bypass (hashcat_ctx); event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, "Next dictionary / mask in queue selected. Bypassing current one."); event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, NULL); if (quiet == false) send_prompt (hashcat_ctx); break; case 'p': if (status_ctx->devices_status != STATUS_PAUSED) { event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, NULL); SuspendThreads (hashcat_ctx); if (status_ctx->devices_status == STATUS_PAUSED) { event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, "Paused"); } event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, NULL); } if (quiet == false) send_prompt (hashcat_ctx); break; case 'r': if (status_ctx->devices_status == STATUS_PAUSED) { event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, NULL); ResumeThreads (hashcat_ctx); if (status_ctx->devices_status != STATUS_PAUSED) { event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, "Resumed"); } event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, NULL); } if (quiet == false) send_prompt (hashcat_ctx); break; case 'c': event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, NULL); stop_at_checkpoint (hashcat_ctx); if (status_ctx->checkpoint_shutdown == true) { event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, "Checkpoint enabled. Will quit at next restore-point update."); } else { event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, "Checkpoint disabled. Restore-point updates will no longer be monitored."); } event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, NULL); if (quiet == false) send_prompt (hashcat_ctx); break; case 'q': event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, NULL); myquit (hashcat_ctx); break; default: if (quiet == false) send_prompt (hashcat_ctx); break; } //https://github.com/hashcat/hashcat/issues/302 //#if defined (_POSIX) //if (ch != '\n') //#endif hc_thread_mutex_unlock (status_ctx->mux_display); } tty_fix (); } HC_API_CALL void *thread_keypress (void *p) { hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx = (hashcat_ctx_t *) p; keypress (hashcat_ctx); return NULL; } #if defined (_WIN) void SetConsoleWindowSize (const int x) { HANDLE h = GetStdHandle (STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE); if (h == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return; CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO bufferInfo; if (!GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo (h, &bufferInfo)) return; SMALL_RECT *sr = &bufferInfo.srWindow; sr->Right = MAX (sr->Right, x - 1); COORD co; co.X = sr->Right + 1; co.Y = 9999; if (!SetConsoleScreenBufferSize (h, co)) return; if (!SetConsoleWindowInfo (h, TRUE, sr)) return; } #endif #if defined (__linux__) || defined (__CYGWIN__) static struct termios savemodes; static int havemodes = 0; int tty_break() { struct termios modmodes; if (tcgetattr (fileno (stdin), &savemodes) < 0) return -1; havemodes = 1; modmodes = savemodes; modmodes.c_lflag &= ~ICANON; modmodes.c_cc[VMIN] = 1; modmodes.c_cc[VTIME] = 0; return tcsetattr (fileno (stdin), TCSANOW, &modmodes); } int tty_getchar() { fd_set rfds; FD_ZERO (&rfds); FD_SET (fileno (stdin), &rfds); struct timeval tv; tv.tv_sec = 1; tv.tv_usec = 0; int retval = select (1, &rfds, NULL, NULL, &tv); if (retval == 0) return 0; if (retval == -1) return -1; return getchar(); } int tty_fix() { if (!havemodes) return 0; return tcsetattr (fileno (stdin), TCSADRAIN, &savemodes); } #endif #if defined (__APPLE__) || defined (__FreeBSD__) static struct termios savemodes; static int havemodes = 0; int tty_break() { struct termios modmodes; if (ioctl (fileno (stdin), TIOCGETA, &savemodes) < 0) return -1; havemodes = 1; modmodes = savemodes; modmodes.c_lflag &= ~ICANON; modmodes.c_cc[VMIN] = 1; modmodes.c_cc[VTIME] = 0; return ioctl (fileno (stdin), TIOCSETAW, &modmodes); } int tty_getchar() { fd_set rfds; FD_ZERO (&rfds); FD_SET (fileno (stdin), &rfds); struct timeval tv; tv.tv_sec = 1; tv.tv_usec = 0; int retval = select (1, &rfds, NULL, NULL, &tv); if (retval == 0) return 0; if (retval == -1) return -1; return getchar(); } int tty_fix() { if (!havemodes) return 0; return ioctl (fileno (stdin), TIOCSETAW, &savemodes); } #endif #if defined (_WIN) static DWORD saveMode = 0; int tty_break() { HANDLE stdinHandle = GetStdHandle (STD_INPUT_HANDLE); GetConsoleMode (stdinHandle, &saveMode); SetConsoleMode (stdinHandle, ENABLE_PROCESSED_INPUT); return 0; } int tty_getchar() { HANDLE stdinHandle = GetStdHandle (STD_INPUT_HANDLE); DWORD rc = WaitForSingleObject (stdinHandle, 1000); if (rc == WAIT_TIMEOUT) return 0; if (rc == WAIT_ABANDONED) return -1; if (rc == WAIT_FAILED) return -1; // The whole ReadConsoleInput () part is a workaround. // For some unknown reason, maybe a mingw bug, a random signal // is sent to stdin which unblocks WaitForSingleObject () and sets rc 0. // Then it wants to read with getche () a keyboard input // which has never been made. INPUT_RECORD buf[100]; DWORD num = 0; memset (buf, 0, sizeof (buf)); ReadConsoleInput (stdinHandle, buf, 100, &num); FlushConsoleInputBuffer (stdinHandle); for (DWORD i = 0; i < num; i++) { if (buf[i].EventType != KEY_EVENT) continue; KEY_EVENT_RECORD KeyEvent = buf[i].Event.KeyEvent; if (KeyEvent.bKeyDown != TRUE) continue; return KeyEvent.uChar.AsciiChar; } return 0; } int tty_fix() { HANDLE stdinHandle = GetStdHandle (STD_INPUT_HANDLE); SetConsoleMode (stdinHandle, saveMode); return 0; } #endif void compress_terminal_line_length (char *out_buf, const size_t keep_from_beginning, const size_t keep_from_end) { const size_t target_len = TERMINAL_LINE_LENGTH - keep_from_beginning; const size_t out_len = strlen (out_buf); if (out_len < target_len) return; char *ptr1 = out_buf + target_len - 3 - keep_from_end; char *ptr2 = out_buf + out_len - keep_from_end; *ptr1++ = '.'; *ptr1++ = '.'; *ptr1++ = '.'; for (size_t i = 0; i < keep_from_end; i++) { *ptr1++ = *ptr2++; } *ptr1 = 0; } void example_hashes (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx) { folder_config_t *folder_config = hashcat_ctx->folder_config; user_options_t *user_options = hashcat_ctx->user_options; if (user_options->hash_mode_chgd == true) { const int rc = hashconfig_init (hashcat_ctx); if (rc == 0) { hashconfig_t *hashconfig = hashcat_ctx->hashconfig; event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, "MODE: %u", hashconfig->hash_mode); event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, "TYPE: %s", hashconfig->hash_name); if ((hashconfig->st_hash != NULL) && (hashconfig->st_pass != NULL)) { event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, "HASH: %s", hashconfig->st_hash); if (need_hexify ((const u8 *) hashconfig->st_pass, strlen (hashconfig->st_pass), user_options->separator, 0)) { char tmp_buf[HCBUFSIZ_LARGE]; int tmp_len = 0; tmp_buf[tmp_len++] = '$'; tmp_buf[tmp_len++] = 'H'; tmp_buf[tmp_len++] = 'E'; tmp_buf[tmp_len++] = 'X'; tmp_buf[tmp_len++] = '['; exec_hexify ((const u8 *) hashconfig->st_pass, strlen (hashconfig->st_pass), (u8 *) tmp_buf + tmp_len); tmp_len += strlen (hashconfig->st_pass) * 2; tmp_buf[tmp_len++] = ']'; tmp_buf[tmp_len++] = 0; event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, "PASS: %s", tmp_buf); } else { event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, "PASS: %s", hashconfig->st_pass); } } else { event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, "HASH: not stored"); event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, "PASS: not stored"); } event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, NULL); } hashconfig_destroy (hashcat_ctx); } else { char *modulefile = (char *) hcmalloc (HCBUFSIZ_TINY); for (int i = 0; i < MODULE_HASH_MODES_MAXIMUM; i++) { user_options->hash_mode = i; module_filename (folder_config, i, modulefile, HCBUFSIZ_TINY); if (hc_path_exist (modulefile) == false) continue; const int rc = hashconfig_init (hashcat_ctx); if (rc == 0) { hashconfig_t *hashconfig = hashcat_ctx->hashconfig; event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, "MODE: %u", hashconfig->hash_mode); event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, "TYPE: %s", hashconfig->hash_name); if ((hashconfig->st_hash != NULL) && (hashconfig->st_pass != NULL)) { event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, "HASH: %s", hashconfig->st_hash); if (need_hexify ((const u8 *) hashconfig->st_pass, strlen (hashconfig->st_pass), user_options->separator, 0)) { char tmp_buf[HCBUFSIZ_LARGE]; int tmp_len = 0; tmp_buf[tmp_len++] = '$'; tmp_buf[tmp_len++] = 'H'; tmp_buf[tmp_len++] = 'E'; tmp_buf[tmp_len++] = 'X'; tmp_buf[tmp_len++] = '['; exec_hexify ((const u8 *) hashconfig->st_pass, strlen (hashconfig->st_pass), (u8 *) tmp_buf + tmp_len); tmp_len += strlen (hashconfig->st_pass) * 2; tmp_buf[tmp_len++] = ']'; tmp_buf[tmp_len++] = 0; event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, "PASS: %s", tmp_buf); } else { event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, "PASS: %s", hashconfig->st_pass); } } else { event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, "HASH: not stored"); event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, "PASS: not stored"); } event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, NULL); } hashconfig_destroy (hashcat_ctx); } hcfree (modulefile); } } void opencl_info (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx) { const opencl_ctx_t *opencl_ctx = hashcat_ctx->opencl_ctx; event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, "OpenCL Info:"); event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, NULL); cl_uint platforms_cnt = opencl_ctx->platforms_cnt; cl_platform_id *platforms = opencl_ctx->platforms; char **platforms_vendor = opencl_ctx->platforms_vendor; char **platforms_name = opencl_ctx->platforms_name; char **platforms_version = opencl_ctx->platforms_version; cl_uint devices_cnt = opencl_ctx->devices_cnt; for (cl_uint platforms_idx = 0; platforms_idx < platforms_cnt; platforms_idx++) { cl_platform_id platform_id = platforms[platforms_idx]; char *platform_vendor = platforms_vendor[platforms_idx]; char *platform_name = platforms_name[platforms_idx]; char *platform_version = platforms_version[platforms_idx]; event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, "Platform ID #%u", platforms_idx + 1); event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, " Vendor : %s", platform_vendor); event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, " Name : %s", platform_name); event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, " Version : %s", platform_version); event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, NULL); for (cl_uint devices_idx = 0; devices_idx < devices_cnt; devices_idx++) { const hc_device_param_t *device_param = opencl_ctx->devices_param + devices_idx; if (device_param->platform != platform_id) continue; cl_device_type device_type = device_param->device_type; cl_uint device_vendor_id = device_param->device_vendor_id; char *device_vendor = device_param->device_vendor; char *device_name = device_param->device_name; u32 device_processors = device_param->device_processors; u32 device_maxclock_frequency = device_param->device_maxclock_frequency; u64 device_maxmem_alloc = device_param->device_maxmem_alloc; u64 device_global_mem = device_param->device_global_mem; char *device_opencl_version = device_param->device_opencl_version; char *device_version = device_param->device_version; char *driver_version = device_param->driver_version; event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, " Device ID #%u", devices_idx + 1); event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, " Type : %s", ((device_type & CL_DEVICE_TYPE_CPU) ? "CPU" : ((device_type & CL_DEVICE_TYPE_GPU) ? "GPU" : "Accelerator"))); event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, " Vendor ID : %u", device_vendor_id); event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, " Vendor : %s", device_vendor); event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, " Name : %s", device_name); event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, " Version : %s", device_version); event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, " Processor(s) : %u", device_processors); event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, " Clock : %u", device_maxclock_frequency); event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, " Memory : %" PRIu64 "/%" PRIu64 " MB allocatable", device_maxmem_alloc / 1024 / 1024, device_global_mem / 1024 / 1024); event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, " OpenCL Version : %s", device_opencl_version); event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, " Driver Version : %s", driver_version); event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, NULL); } } } void opencl_info_compact (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx) { const opencl_ctx_t *opencl_ctx = hashcat_ctx->opencl_ctx; const user_options_t *user_options = hashcat_ctx->user_options; if (user_options->quiet == true) return; if (user_options->machine_readable == true) return; cl_uint platforms_cnt = opencl_ctx->platforms_cnt; cl_platform_id *platforms = opencl_ctx->platforms; char **platforms_vendor = opencl_ctx->platforms_vendor; bool *platforms_skipped = opencl_ctx->platforms_skipped; cl_uint devices_cnt = opencl_ctx->devices_cnt; for (cl_uint platforms_idx = 0; platforms_idx < platforms_cnt; platforms_idx++) { cl_platform_id platform_id = platforms[platforms_idx]; char *platform_vendor = platforms_vendor[platforms_idx]; bool platform_skipped = platforms_skipped[platforms_idx]; if (platform_skipped == false) { const size_t len = event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, "OpenCL Platform #%u: %s", platforms_idx + 1, platform_vendor); char line[HCBUFSIZ_TINY]; memset (line, '=', len); line[len] = 0; event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, "%s", line); } else { event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, "OpenCL Platform #%u: %s, skipped or no OpenCL compatible devices found.", platforms_idx + 1, platform_vendor); } for (cl_uint devices_idx = 0; devices_idx < devices_cnt; devices_idx++) { const hc_device_param_t *device_param = opencl_ctx->devices_param + devices_idx; if (device_param->platform != platform_id) continue; char *device_name = device_param->device_name; u32 device_processors = device_param->device_processors; u64 device_maxmem_alloc = device_param->device_maxmem_alloc; u64 device_global_mem = device_param->device_global_mem; if (device_param->skipped == false) { event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, "* Device #%u: %s, %" PRIu64 "/%" PRIu64 " MB allocatable, %uMCU", devices_idx + 1, device_name, device_maxmem_alloc / 1024 / 1024, device_global_mem / 1024 / 1024, device_processors); } else { event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, "* Device #%u: %s, skipped.", devices_idx + 1, device_name); } } event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, NULL); } } void status_display_machine_readable (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx) { const hwmon_ctx_t *hwmon_ctx = hashcat_ctx->hwmon_ctx; hashcat_status_t *hashcat_status = (hashcat_status_t *) hcmalloc (sizeof (hashcat_status_t)); const int rc_status = hashcat_get_status (hashcat_ctx, hashcat_status); if (rc_status == -1) { hcfree (hashcat_status); return; } printf ("STATUS\t%d\t", hashcat_status->status_number); printf ("SPEED\t"); for (int device_id = 0; device_id < hashcat_status->device_info_cnt; device_id++) { const device_info_t *device_info = hashcat_status->device_info_buf + device_id; if (device_info->skipped_dev == true) continue; printf ("%" PRIu64 "\t", (u64) (device_info->hashes_msec_dev * 1000)); // that 1\t is for backward compatibility printf ("1000\t"); } printf ("EXEC_RUNTIME\t"); for (int device_id = 0; device_id < hashcat_status->device_info_cnt; device_id++) { const device_info_t *device_info = hashcat_status->device_info_buf + device_id; if (device_info->skipped_dev == true) continue; printf ("%f\t", device_info->exec_msec_dev); } printf ("CURKU\t%" PRIu64 "\t", hashcat_status->restore_point); printf ("PROGRESS\t%" PRIu64 "\t%" PRIu64 "\t", hashcat_status->progress_cur_relative_skip, hashcat_status->progress_end_relative_skip); printf ("RECHASH\t%d\t%d\t", hashcat_status->digests_done, hashcat_status->digests_cnt); printf ("RECSALT\t%d\t%d\t", hashcat_status->salts_done, hashcat_status->salts_cnt); if (hwmon_ctx->enabled == true) { printf ("TEMP\t"); for (int device_id = 0; device_id < hashcat_status->device_info_cnt; device_id++) { const device_info_t *device_info = hashcat_status->device_info_buf + device_id; if (device_info->skipped_dev == true) continue; const int temp = hm_get_temperature_with_device_id (hashcat_ctx, device_id); printf ("%d\t", temp); } } printf ("REJECTED\t%" PRIu64 "\t", hashcat_status->progress_rejected); printf ("UTIL\t"); for (int device_id = 0; device_id < hashcat_status->device_info_cnt; device_id++) { const device_info_t *device_info = hashcat_status->device_info_buf + device_id; if (device_info->skipped_dev == true) continue; // ok, little cheat here again... const int util = hm_get_utilization_with_device_id (hashcat_ctx, device_id); printf ("%d\t", util); } hc_fwrite (EOL, strlen (EOL), 1, stdout); fflush (stdout); status_status_destroy (hashcat_ctx, hashcat_status); hcfree (hashcat_status); } void status_display (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx) { const hashconfig_t *hashconfig = hashcat_ctx->hashconfig; const hwmon_ctx_t *hwmon_ctx = hashcat_ctx->hwmon_ctx; const user_options_t *user_options = hashcat_ctx->user_options; if (user_options->machine_readable == true) { status_display_machine_readable (hashcat_ctx); return; } hashcat_status_t *hashcat_status = (hashcat_status_t *) hcmalloc (sizeof (hashcat_status_t)); const int rc_status = hashcat_get_status (hashcat_ctx, hashcat_status); if (rc_status == -1) { hcfree (hashcat_status); return; } /** * show something */ #ifdef WITH_BRAIN if (user_options->brain_client == true) { event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, "Session..........: %s (Brain Session/Attack:0x%08x/0x%08x)", hashcat_status->session, hashcat_status->brain_session, hashcat_status->brain_attack); } else { event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, "Session..........: %s", hashcat_status->session); } #else event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, "Session..........: %s", hashcat_status->session); #endif event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, "Status...........: %s", hashcat_status->status_string); event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, "Hash.Name........: %s", hashcat_status->hash_name); event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, "Hash.Target......: %s", hashcat_status->hash_target); event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, "Time.Started.....: %s (%s)", hashcat_status->time_started_absolute, hashcat_status->time_started_relative); event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, "Time.Estimated...: %s (%s)", hashcat_status->time_estimated_absolute, hashcat_status->time_estimated_relative); switch (hashcat_status->guess_mode) { case GUESS_MODE_STRAIGHT_FILE: event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, "Guess.Base.......: File (%s)", hashcat_status->guess_base); break; case GUESS_MODE_STRAIGHT_FILE_RULES_FILE: event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, "Guess.Base.......: File (%s)", hashcat_status->guess_base); event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, "Guess.Mod........: Rules (%s)", hashcat_status->guess_mod); break; case GUESS_MODE_STRAIGHT_FILE_RULES_GEN: event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, "Guess.Base.......: File (%s)", hashcat_status->guess_base); event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, "Guess.Mod........: Rules (Generated)"); break; case GUESS_MODE_STRAIGHT_STDIN: event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, "Guess.Base.......: Pipe"); break; case GUESS_MODE_STRAIGHT_STDIN_RULES_FILE: event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, "Guess.Base.......: Pipe"); event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, "Guess.Mod........: Rules (%s)", hashcat_status->guess_mod); break; case GUESS_MODE_STRAIGHT_STDIN_RULES_GEN: event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, "Guess.Base.......: Pipe"); event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, "Guess.Mod........: Rules (Generated)"); break; case GUESS_MODE_COMBINATOR_BASE_LEFT: event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, "Guess.Base.......: File (%s), Left Side", hashcat_status->guess_base); event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, "Guess.Mod........: File (%s), Right Side", hashcat_status->guess_mod); break; case GUESS_MODE_COMBINATOR_BASE_RIGHT: event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, "Guess.Base.......: File (%s), Right Side", hashcat_status->guess_base); event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, "Guess.Mod........: File (%s), Left Side", hashcat_status->guess_mod); break; case GUESS_MODE_MASK: event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, "Guess.Mask.......: %s [%d]", hashcat_status->guess_base, hashcat_status->guess_mask_length); break; case GUESS_MODE_MASK_CS: event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, "Guess.Mask.......: %s [%d]", hashcat_status->guess_base, hashcat_status->guess_mask_length); event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, "Guess.Charset....: %s ", hashcat_status->guess_charset); break; case GUESS_MODE_HYBRID1: event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, "Guess.Base.......: File (%s), Left Side", hashcat_status->guess_base); event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, "Guess.Mod........: Mask (%s) [%d], Right Side", hashcat_status->guess_mod, hashcat_status->guess_mask_length); break; case GUESS_MODE_HYBRID1_CS: event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, "Guess.Base.......: File (%s), Left Side", hashcat_status->guess_base); event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, "Guess.Mod........: Mask (%s) [%d], Right Side", hashcat_status->guess_mod, hashcat_status->guess_mask_length); event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, "Guess.Charset....: %s", hashcat_status->guess_charset); break; case GUESS_MODE_HYBRID2: if (hashconfig->opti_type & OPTI_TYPE_OPTIMIZED_KERNEL) { event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, "Guess.Base.......: Mask (%s) [%d], Left Side", hashcat_status->guess_base, hashcat_status->guess_mask_length); event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, "Guess.Mod........: File (%s), Right Side", hashcat_status->guess_mod); } else { event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, "Guess.Base.......: File (%s), Right Side", hashcat_status->guess_base); event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, "Guess.Mod........: Mask (%s) [%d], Left Side", hashcat_status->guess_mod, hashcat_status->guess_mask_length); } break; case GUESS_MODE_HYBRID2_CS: if (hashconfig->opti_type & OPTI_TYPE_OPTIMIZED_KERNEL) { event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, "Guess.Base.......: Mask (%s) [%d], Left Side", hashcat_status->guess_base, hashcat_status->guess_mask_length); event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, "Guess.Mod........: File (%s), Right Side", hashcat_status->guess_mod); event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, "Guess.Charset....: %s", hashcat_status->guess_charset); } else { event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, "Guess.Base.......: File (%s), Right Side", hashcat_status->guess_base); event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, "Guess.Mod........: Mask (%s) [%d], Left Side", hashcat_status->guess_mod, hashcat_status->guess_mask_length); event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, "Guess.Charset....: %s", hashcat_status->guess_charset); } break; } switch (hashcat_status->guess_mode) { case GUESS_MODE_STRAIGHT_FILE: event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, "Guess.Queue......: %d/%d (%.02f%%)", hashcat_status->guess_base_offset, hashcat_status->guess_base_count, hashcat_status->guess_base_percent); break; case GUESS_MODE_STRAIGHT_FILE_RULES_FILE: event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, "Guess.Queue......: %d/%d (%.02f%%)", hashcat_status->guess_base_offset, hashcat_status->guess_base_count, hashcat_status->guess_base_percent); break; case GUESS_MODE_STRAIGHT_FILE_RULES_GEN: event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, "Guess.Queue......: %d/%d (%.02f%%)", hashcat_status->guess_base_offset, hashcat_status->guess_base_count, hashcat_status->guess_base_percent); break; case GUESS_MODE_MASK: event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, "Guess.Queue......: %d/%d (%.02f%%)", hashcat_status->guess_base_offset, hashcat_status->guess_base_count, hashcat_status->guess_base_percent); break; case GUESS_MODE_MASK_CS: event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, "Guess.Queue......: %d/%d (%.02f%%)", hashcat_status->guess_base_offset, hashcat_status->guess_base_count, hashcat_status->guess_base_percent); break; case GUESS_MODE_HYBRID1: event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, "Guess.Queue.Base.: %d/%d (%.02f%%)", hashcat_status->guess_base_offset, hashcat_status->guess_base_count, hashcat_status->guess_base_percent); event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, "Guess.Queue.Mod..: %d/%d (%.02f%%)", hashcat_status->guess_mod_offset, hashcat_status->guess_mod_count, hashcat_status->guess_mod_percent); break; case GUESS_MODE_HYBRID2: event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, "Guess.Queue.Base.: %d/%d (%.02f%%)", hashcat_status->guess_base_offset, hashcat_status->guess_base_count, hashcat_status->guess_base_percent); event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, "Guess.Queue.Mod..: %d/%d (%.02f%%)", hashcat_status->guess_mod_offset, hashcat_status->guess_mod_count, hashcat_status->guess_mod_percent); break; } for (int device_id = 0; device_id < hashcat_status->device_info_cnt; device_id++) { const device_info_t *device_info = hashcat_status->device_info_buf + device_id; if (device_info->skipped_dev == true) continue; event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, "Speed.#%d.........: %9sH/s (%0.2fms) @ Accel:%d Loops:%d Thr:%d Vec:%d", device_id + 1, device_info->speed_sec_dev, device_info->exec_msec_dev, device_info->kernel_accel_dev, device_info->kernel_loops_dev, device_info->kernel_threads_dev, device_info->vector_width_dev); } if (hashcat_status->device_info_active > 1) { event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, "Speed.#*.........: %9sH/s", hashcat_status->speed_sec_all); } event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, "Recovered........: %d/%d (%.2f%%) Digests, %d/%d (%.2f%%) Salts", hashcat_status->digests_done, hashcat_status->digests_cnt, hashcat_status->digests_percent, hashcat_status->salts_done, hashcat_status->salts_cnt, hashcat_status->salts_percent); if (hashcat_status->digests_cnt > 1000) { event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, "Recovered/Time...: %s", hashcat_status->cpt); } switch (hashcat_status->progress_mode) { case PROGRESS_MODE_KEYSPACE_KNOWN: event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, "Progress.........: %" PRIu64 "/%" PRIu64 " (%.02f%%)", hashcat_status->progress_cur_relative_skip, hashcat_status->progress_end_relative_skip, hashcat_status->progress_finished_percent); event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, "Rejected.........: %" PRIu64 "/%" PRIu64 " (%.02f%%)", hashcat_status->progress_rejected, hashcat_status->progress_cur_relative_skip, hashcat_status->progress_rejected_percent); break; case PROGRESS_MODE_KEYSPACE_UNKNOWN: event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, "Progress.........: %" PRIu64, hashcat_status->progress_cur_relative_skip); event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, "Rejected.........: %" PRIu64, hashcat_status->progress_rejected); break; } #ifdef WITH_BRAIN if (user_options->brain_client == true) { for (int device_id = 0; device_id < hashcat_status->device_info_cnt; device_id++) { const device_info_t *device_info = hashcat_status->device_info_buf + device_id; if (device_info->skipped_dev == true) continue; if (device_info->brain_link_status_dev == BRAIN_LINK_STATUS_CONNECTED) { event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, "Brain.Link.#%d....: RX: %sB (%sbps), TX: %sB (%sbps), idle", device_id + 1, device_info->brain_link_recv_bytes_dev, device_info->brain_link_recv_bytes_sec_dev, device_info->brain_link_send_bytes_dev, device_info->brain_link_send_bytes_sec_dev); } else if (device_info->brain_link_status_dev == BRAIN_LINK_STATUS_RECEIVING) { event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, "Brain.Link.#%d....: RX: %sB (%sbps), TX: %sB (%sbps), receiving", device_id + 1, device_info->brain_link_recv_bytes_dev, device_info->brain_link_recv_bytes_sec_dev, device_info->brain_link_send_bytes_dev, device_info->brain_link_send_bytes_sec_dev); } else if (device_info->brain_link_status_dev == BRAIN_LINK_STATUS_SENDING) { event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, "Brain.Link.#%d....: RX: %sB (%sbps), TX: %sB (%sbps), sending", device_id + 1, device_info->brain_link_recv_bytes_dev, device_info->brain_link_recv_bytes_sec_dev, device_info->brain_link_send_bytes_dev, device_info->brain_link_send_bytes_sec_dev); } else { if ((device_info->brain_link_time_recv_dev > 0) && (device_info->brain_link_time_send_dev > 0)) { event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, "Brain.Link.#%d....: RX: %sB (%sbps), TX: %sB (%sbps)", device_id + 1, device_info->brain_link_recv_bytes_dev, device_info->brain_link_recv_bytes_sec_dev, device_info->brain_link_send_bytes_dev, device_info->brain_link_send_bytes_sec_dev); } else { event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, "Brain.Link.#%d....: N/A", device_id + 1); } } } } #endif switch (hashcat_status->progress_mode) { case PROGRESS_MODE_KEYSPACE_KNOWN: event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, "Restore.Point....: %" PRIu64 "/%" PRIu64 " (%.02f%%)", hashcat_status->restore_point, hashcat_status->restore_total, hashcat_status->restore_percent); break; case PROGRESS_MODE_KEYSPACE_UNKNOWN: event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, "Restore.Point....: %" PRIu64, hashcat_status->restore_point); break; } for (int device_id = 0; device_id < hashcat_status->device_info_cnt; device_id++) { const device_info_t *device_info = hashcat_status->device_info_buf + device_id; if (device_info->skipped_dev == true) continue; event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, "Restore.Sub.#%d...: Salt:%d Amplifier:%d-%d Iteration:%d-%d", device_id + 1, device_info->salt_pos_dev, device_info->innerloop_pos_dev, device_info->innerloop_pos_dev + device_info->innerloop_left_dev, device_info->iteration_pos_dev, device_info->iteration_pos_dev + device_info->iteration_left_dev); } for (int device_id = 0; device_id < hashcat_status->device_info_cnt; device_id++) { const device_info_t *device_info = hashcat_status->device_info_buf + device_id; if (device_info->skipped_dev == true) continue; if (device_info->guess_candidates_dev == NULL) continue; event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, "Candidates.#%d....: %s", device_id + 1, device_info->guess_candidates_dev); } if (hwmon_ctx->enabled == true) { for (int device_id = 0; device_id < hashcat_status->device_info_cnt; device_id++) { const device_info_t *device_info = hashcat_status->device_info_buf + device_id; if (device_info->skipped_dev == true) continue; if (device_info->hwmon_dev == NULL) continue; event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, "Hardware.Mon.#%d..: %s", device_id + 1, device_info->hwmon_dev); } } status_status_destroy (hashcat_ctx, hashcat_status); hcfree (hashcat_status); } void status_benchmark_machine_readable (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx) { hashconfig_t *hashconfig = hashcat_ctx->hashconfig; const u32 hash_mode = hashconfig->hash_mode; hashcat_status_t *hashcat_status = (hashcat_status_t *) hcmalloc (sizeof (hashcat_status_t)); const int rc_status = hashcat_get_status (hashcat_ctx, hashcat_status); if (rc_status == -1) { hcfree (hashcat_status); return; } for (int device_id = 0; device_id < hashcat_status->device_info_cnt; device_id++) { const device_info_t *device_info = hashcat_status->device_info_buf + device_id; if (device_info->skipped_dev == true) continue; event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, "%d:%u:%d:%d:%.2f:%" PRIu64, device_id + 1, hash_mode, device_info->corespeed_dev, device_info->memoryspeed_dev, device_info->exec_msec_dev, (u64) (device_info->hashes_msec_dev_benchmark * 1000)); } status_status_destroy (hashcat_ctx, hashcat_status); hcfree (hashcat_status); } void status_benchmark (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx) { const user_options_t *user_options = hashcat_ctx->user_options; if (user_options->machine_readable == true) { status_benchmark_machine_readable (hashcat_ctx); return; } hashcat_status_t *hashcat_status = (hashcat_status_t *) hcmalloc (sizeof (hashcat_status_t)); const int rc_status = hashcat_get_status (hashcat_ctx, hashcat_status); if (rc_status == -1) { hcfree (hashcat_status); return; } for (int device_id = 0; device_id < hashcat_status->device_info_cnt; device_id++) { const device_info_t *device_info = hashcat_status->device_info_buf + device_id; if (device_info->skipped_dev == true) continue; event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, "Speed.#%d.........: %9sH/s (%0.2fms) @ Accel:%d Loops:%d Thr:%d Vec:%d", device_id + 1, device_info->speed_sec_dev, device_info->exec_msec_dev, device_info->kernel_accel_dev, device_info->kernel_loops_dev, device_info->kernel_threads_dev, device_info->vector_width_dev); } if (hashcat_status->device_info_active > 1) { event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, "Speed.#*.........: %9sH/s", hashcat_status->speed_sec_all); } status_status_destroy (hashcat_ctx, hashcat_status); hcfree (hashcat_status); } void status_speed_machine_readable (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx) { hashcat_status_t *hashcat_status = (hashcat_status_t *) hcmalloc (sizeof (hashcat_status_t)); const int rc_status = hashcat_get_status (hashcat_ctx, hashcat_status); if (rc_status == -1) { hcfree (hashcat_status); return; } for (int device_id = 0; device_id < hashcat_status->device_info_cnt; device_id++) { const device_info_t *device_info = hashcat_status->device_info_buf + device_id; if (device_info->skipped_dev == true) continue; event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, "%d:%" PRIu64, device_id + 1, (u64) (device_info->hashes_msec_dev_benchmark * 1000)); } status_status_destroy (hashcat_ctx, hashcat_status); hcfree (hashcat_status); } void status_speed (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx) { const user_options_t *user_options = hashcat_ctx->user_options; if (user_options->machine_readable == true) { status_speed_machine_readable (hashcat_ctx); return; } hashcat_status_t *hashcat_status = (hashcat_status_t *) hcmalloc (sizeof (hashcat_status_t)); const int rc_status = hashcat_get_status (hashcat_ctx, hashcat_status); if (rc_status == -1) { hcfree (hashcat_status); return; } for (int device_id = 0; device_id < hashcat_status->device_info_cnt; device_id++) { const device_info_t *device_info = hashcat_status->device_info_buf + device_id; if (device_info->skipped_dev == true) continue; event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, "Speed.#%d.........: %9sH/s (%0.2fms)", device_id + 1, device_info->speed_sec_dev, device_info->exec_msec_dev); } if (hashcat_status->device_info_active > 1) { event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, "Speed.#*.........: %9sH/s", hashcat_status->speed_sec_all); } status_status_destroy (hashcat_ctx, hashcat_status); hcfree (hashcat_status); } void status_progress_machine_readable (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx) { hashcat_status_t *hashcat_status = (hashcat_status_t *) hcmalloc (sizeof (hashcat_status_t)); const int rc_status = hashcat_get_status (hashcat_ctx, hashcat_status); if (rc_status == -1) { hcfree (hashcat_status); return; } for (int device_id = 0; device_id < hashcat_status->device_info_cnt; device_id++) { const device_info_t *device_info = hashcat_status->device_info_buf + device_id; if (device_info->skipped_dev == true) continue; event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, "%d:%" PRIu64 ":%0.2f", device_id + 1, device_info->progress_dev, device_info->runtime_msec_dev); } status_status_destroy (hashcat_ctx, hashcat_status); hcfree (hashcat_status); } void status_progress (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx) { const user_options_t *user_options = hashcat_ctx->user_options; if (user_options->machine_readable == true) { status_progress_machine_readable (hashcat_ctx); return; } hashcat_status_t *hashcat_status = (hashcat_status_t *) hcmalloc (sizeof (hashcat_status_t)); const int rc_status = hashcat_get_status (hashcat_ctx, hashcat_status); if (rc_status == -1) { hcfree (hashcat_status); return; } for (int device_id = 0; device_id < hashcat_status->device_info_cnt; device_id++) { const device_info_t *device_info = hashcat_status->device_info_buf + device_id; if (device_info->skipped_dev == true) continue; event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, "Progress.#%d......: %" PRIu64, device_id + 1, device_info->progress_dev); } for (int device_id = 0; device_id < hashcat_status->device_info_cnt; device_id++) { const device_info_t *device_info = hashcat_status->device_info_buf + device_id; if (device_info->skipped_dev == true) continue; event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, "Runtime.#%d.......: %0.2fms", device_id + 1, device_info->runtime_msec_dev); } status_status_destroy (hashcat_ctx, hashcat_status); hcfree (hashcat_status); }