#!/usr/bin/env perl ## ## Author......: See docs/credits.txt ## License.....: MIT ## use strict; use warnings; use Digest::SHA qw (sha256); use Crypt::CBC; sub module_constraints { [[0, 56], [8, 8], [-1, -1], [-1, -1], [-1, -1]] } my $BUF_SIZE = 0x10000; sub module_generate_hash { my $word = shift; my $salt = shift; my $data = shift; my $comb = $salt . $word; my $len = length ($comb); my $buf = ""; for (my $i = 0; $i < $BUF_SIZE; $i += $len) { $buf .= $comb; } # IMPORTANT: we need to truncate the buffer to $BUF_SIZE: $buf = substr ($buf, 0, $BUF_SIZE); my $key = sha256 ($buf); my $aes = Crypt::CBC->new ({ cipher => "Crypt::Rijndael", key => $key, iv => "\x00" x 16, keysize => 32, literal_key => 1, header => "none", padding => "none" }); if (defined ($data)) # decrypt { my $plain_text = $aes->decrypt ($data); my $part1 = substr ($plain_text, 0, 64); my $part2 = substr ($plain_text, 64, 32); my $hash = sha256 ($part1); if ($hash ne $part2) # wrong => fake the data { $data = "\x00" x length ($data); # 64 + 32 = 96 } } else # encrypt { $data = random_bytes (64); my $hash = sha256 ($data); $data = $aes->encrypt ($data . $hash); } return sprintf ("\$bcve\$3\$08\$%s\$%s", unpack ("H*", $salt), unpack ("H*", $data)); } sub module_verify_hash { my $line = shift; my $idx1 = index ($line, ':'); return if ($idx1 < 1); my $hash = substr ($line, 0, $idx1); my $word = substr ($line, $idx1 + 1); return if (substr ($hash, 0, 8) ne "\$bcve\$3\$"); $idx1 = index ($hash, '$', 8); return if ($idx1 < 1); # crypto type my $crypto_type = substr ($hash, 8, $idx1 - 8); return unless ($crypto_type eq "08"); # salt my $idx2 = index ($hash, '$', $idx1 + 1); my $salt = substr ($hash, $idx1 + 1, $idx2 - $idx1 - 1); return unless ($salt =~ m/^[0-9a-fA-F]+$/); # data my $data = substr ($hash, $idx2 + 1); return unless ($data =~ m/^[0-9a-fA-F]+$/); # convert to hex: $salt = pack ("H*", $salt); $data = pack ("H*", $data); my $word_packed = pack_if_HEX_notation ($word); my $new_hash = module_generate_hash ($word_packed, $salt, $data); return ($new_hash, $word); } 1;