#include "rar.hpp" MKDIR_CODE MakeDir(const wchar *Name,bool SetAttr,uint Attr) { #ifdef _WIN_ALL // Windows automatically removes dots and spaces in the end of directory // name. So we detect such names and process them with \\?\ prefix. wchar *LastChar=PointToLastChar(Name); bool Special=*LastChar=='.' || *LastChar==' '; BOOL RetCode=Special ? FALSE : CreateDirectory(Name,NULL); if (RetCode==0 && !FileExist(Name)) { wchar LongName[NM]; if (GetWinLongPath(Name,LongName,ASIZE(LongName))) RetCode=CreateDirectory(LongName,NULL); } if (RetCode!=0) // Non-zero return code means success for CreateDirectory. { if (SetAttr) SetFileAttr(Name,Attr); return MKDIR_SUCCESS; } int ErrCode=GetLastError(); if (ErrCode==ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND || ErrCode==ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND) return MKDIR_BADPATH; return MKDIR_ERROR; #elif defined(_UNIX) char NameA[NM]; WideToChar(Name,NameA,ASIZE(NameA)); mode_t uattr=SetAttr ? (mode_t)Attr:0777; int ErrCode=mkdir(NameA,uattr); if (ErrCode==-1) return errno==ENOENT ? MKDIR_BADPATH:MKDIR_ERROR; return MKDIR_SUCCESS; #else return MKDIR_ERROR; #endif } bool CreatePath(const wchar *Path,bool SkipLastName,bool Silent) { if (Path==NULL || *Path==0) return false; #if defined(_WIN_ALL) || defined(_EMX) uint DirAttr=0; #else uint DirAttr=0777; #endif bool Success=true; for (const wchar *s=Path;*s!=0;s++) { wchar DirName[NM]; if (s-Path>=ASIZE(DirName)) break; // Process all kinds of path separators, so user can enter Unix style // path in Windows or Windows in Unix. s>Path check avoids attempting // creating an empty directory for paths starting from path separator. if (IsPathDiv(*s) && s>Path) { #ifdef _WIN_ALL // We must not attempt to create "D:" directory, because first // CreateDirectory will fail, so we'll use \\?\D:, which forces Wine // to create "D:" directory. if (s==Path+2 && Path[1]==':') continue; #endif wcsncpy(DirName,Path,s-Path); DirName[s-Path]=0; Success=MakeDir(DirName,true,DirAttr)==MKDIR_SUCCESS; if (Success && !Silent) { mprintf(St(MCreatDir),DirName); mprintf(L" %s",St(MOk)); } } } if (!SkipLastName && !IsPathDiv(*PointToLastChar(Path))) Success=MakeDir(Path,true,DirAttr)==MKDIR_SUCCESS; return Success; } void SetDirTime(const wchar *Name,RarTime *ftm,RarTime *ftc,RarTime *fta) { #if defined(_WIN_ALL) bool sm=ftm!=NULL && ftm->IsSet(); bool sc=ftc!=NULL && ftc->IsSet(); bool sa=fta!=NULL && fta->IsSet(); uint DirAttr=GetFileAttr(Name); bool ResetAttr=(DirAttr!=0xffffffff && (DirAttr & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY)!=0); if (ResetAttr) SetFileAttr(Name,0); HANDLE hFile=CreateFile(Name,GENERIC_WRITE,FILE_SHARE_READ|FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL,OPEN_EXISTING,FILE_FLAG_BACKUP_SEMANTICS,NULL); if (hFile==INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { wchar LongName[NM]; if (GetWinLongPath(Name,LongName,ASIZE(LongName))) hFile=CreateFile(LongName,GENERIC_WRITE,FILE_SHARE_READ|FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL,OPEN_EXISTING,FILE_FLAG_BACKUP_SEMANTICS,NULL); } if (hFile==INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return; FILETIME fm,fc,fa; if (sm) ftm->GetWinFT(&fm); if (sc) ftc->GetWinFT(&fc); if (sa) fta->GetWinFT(&fa); SetFileTime(hFile,sc ? &fc:NULL,sa ? &fa:NULL,sm ? &fm:NULL); CloseHandle(hFile); if (ResetAttr) SetFileAttr(Name,DirAttr); #endif #if defined(_UNIX) || defined(_EMX) File::SetCloseFileTimeByName(Name,ftm,fta); #endif } bool IsRemovable(const wchar *Name) { #if defined(_WIN_ALL) wchar Root[NM]; GetPathRoot(Name,Root,ASIZE(Root)); int Type=GetDriveType(*Root!=0 ? Root:NULL); return Type==DRIVE_REMOVABLE || Type==DRIVE_CDROM; #else return false; #endif } #ifndef SFX_MODULE int64 GetFreeDisk(const wchar *Name) { #ifdef _WIN_ALL wchar Root[NM]; GetFilePath(Name,Root,ASIZE(Root)); ULARGE_INTEGER uiTotalSize,uiTotalFree,uiUserFree; uiUserFree.u.LowPart=uiUserFree.u.HighPart=0; if (GetDiskFreeSpaceEx(*Root!=0 ? Root:NULL,&uiUserFree,&uiTotalSize,&uiTotalFree) && uiUserFree.u.HighPart<=uiTotalFree.u.HighPart) return INT32TO64(uiUserFree.u.HighPart,uiUserFree.u.LowPart); return 0; #elif defined(_UNIX) wchar Root[NM]; GetFilePath(Name,Root,ASIZE(Root)); char RootA[NM]; WideToChar(Root,RootA,ASIZE(RootA)); struct statvfs sfs; if (statvfs(*RootA!=0 ? RootA:".",&sfs)!=0) return 0; int64 FreeSize=sfs.f_bsize; FreeSize=FreeSize*sfs.f_bavail; return FreeSize; #else return 0; #endif } #endif #if defined(_WIN_ALL) && !defined(SFX_MODULE) && !defined(SILENT) // Return 'true' for FAT and FAT32, so we can adjust the maximum supported // file size to 4 GB for these file systems. bool IsFAT(const wchar *Name) { wchar Root[NM]; GetPathRoot(Name,Root,ASIZE(Root)); wchar FileSystem[MAX_PATH+1]; if (GetVolumeInformation(Root,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL,FileSystem,ASIZE(FileSystem))) return wcscmp(FileSystem,L"FAT")==0 || wcscmp(FileSystem,L"FAT32")==0; return false; } #endif bool FileExist(const wchar *Name) { #ifdef _WIN_ALL return GetFileAttr(Name)!=0xffffffff; #elif defined(ENABLE_ACCESS) char NameA[NM]; WideToChar(Name,NameA,ASIZE(NameA)); return access(NameA,0)==0; #else FindData FD; return FindFile::FastFind(Name,&FD); #endif } bool WildFileExist(const wchar *Name) { if (IsWildcard(Name)) { FindFile Find; Find.SetMask(Name); FindData fd; return Find.Next(&fd); } return FileExist(Name); } bool IsDir(uint Attr) { #ifdef _WIN_ALL return Attr!=0xffffffff && (Attr & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)!=0; #endif #if defined(_UNIX) return (Attr & 0xF000)==0x4000; #endif } bool IsUnreadable(uint Attr) { #if defined(_UNIX) && defined(S_ISFIFO) && defined(S_ISSOCK) && defined(S_ISCHR) return S_ISFIFO(Attr) || S_ISSOCK(Attr) || S_ISCHR(Attr); #endif return false; } bool IsLink(uint Attr) { #ifdef _UNIX return (Attr & 0xF000)==0xA000; #elif defined(_WIN_ALL) return (Attr & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_REPARSE_POINT)!=0; #else return false; #endif } bool IsDeleteAllowed(uint FileAttr) { #ifdef _WIN_ALL return (FileAttr & (FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY|FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM|FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN))==0; #else return (FileAttr & (S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR))==(S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR); #endif } void PrepareToDelete(const wchar *Name) { #if defined(_WIN_ALL) || defined(_EMX) SetFileAttr(Name,0); #endif #ifdef _UNIX if (Name!=NULL) { char NameA[NM]; WideToChar(Name,NameA,ASIZE(NameA)); chmod(NameA,S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR|S_IXUSR); } #endif } uint GetFileAttr(const wchar *Name) { #ifdef _WIN_ALL DWORD Attr=GetFileAttributes(Name); if (Attr==0xffffffff) { wchar LongName[NM]; if (GetWinLongPath(Name,LongName,ASIZE(LongName))) Attr=GetFileAttributes(LongName); } return Attr; #else char NameA[NM]; WideToChar(Name,NameA,ASIZE(NameA)); struct stat st; if (stat(NameA,&st)!=0) return 0; return st.st_mode; #endif } bool SetFileAttr(const wchar *Name,uint Attr) { #ifdef _WIN_ALL bool Success=SetFileAttributes(Name,Attr)!=0; if (!Success) { wchar LongName[NM]; if (GetWinLongPath(Name,LongName,ASIZE(LongName))) Success=SetFileAttributes(LongName,Attr)!=0; } return Success; #elif defined(_UNIX) char NameA[NM]; WideToChar(Name,NameA,ASIZE(NameA)); return chmod(NameA,(mode_t)Attr)==0; #else return false; #endif } wchar *MkTemp(wchar *Name,size_t MaxSize) { size_t Length=wcslen(Name); RarTime CurTime; CurTime.SetCurrentTime(); // We cannot use CurTime.GetWin() as is, because its lowest bits can // have low informational value, like being a zero or few fixed numbers. uint Random=(uint)(CurTime.GetWin()/100000); // Using PID we guarantee that different RAR copies use different temp names // even if started in exactly the same time. uint PID=0; #ifdef _WIN_ALL PID=(uint)GetCurrentProcessId(); #elif defined(_UNIX) PID=(uint)getpid(); #endif for (uint Attempt=0;;Attempt++) { uint Ext=Random%50000+Attempt; wchar RndText[50]; swprintf(RndText,ASIZE(RndText),L"%u.%03u",PID,Ext); if (Length+wcslen(RndText)>=MaxSize || Attempt==1000) return NULL; wcsncpyz(Name+Length,RndText,MaxSize-Length); if (!FileExist(Name)) break; } return Name; } #if !defined(SFX_MODULE) void CalcFileSum(File *SrcFile,uint *CRC32,byte *Blake2,uint Threads,int64 Size,uint Flags) { int64 SavePos=SrcFile->Tell(); #ifndef SILENT int64 FileLength=Size==INT64NDF ? SrcFile->FileLength() : Size; #endif if ((Flags & (CALCFSUM_SHOWTEXT|CALCFSUM_SHOWPERCENT))!=0) uiMsg(UIEVENT_FILESUMSTART); if ((Flags & CALCFSUM_CURPOS)==0) SrcFile->Seek(0,SEEK_SET); const size_t BufSize=0x100000; Array Data(BufSize); DataHash HashCRC,HashBlake2; HashCRC.Init(HASH_CRC32,Threads); HashBlake2.Init(HASH_BLAKE2,Threads); int64 BlockCount=0; int64 TotalRead=0; while (true) { size_t SizeToRead; if (Size==INT64NDF) // If we process the entire file. SizeToRead=BufSize; // Then always attempt to read the entire buffer. else SizeToRead=(size_t)Min((int64)BufSize,Size); int ReadSize=SrcFile->Read(&Data[0],SizeToRead); if (ReadSize==0) break; TotalRead+=ReadSize; if ((++BlockCount & 0xf)==0) { #ifndef SILENT if ((Flags & CALCFSUM_SHOWPROGRESS)!=0) { // Update only the current file progress in WinRAR, set the total to 0 // to keep it as is. It looks better for WinRAR. uiExtractProgress(TotalRead,FileLength,0,0); } else { if ((Flags & CALCFSUM_SHOWPERCENT)!=0) uiMsg(UIEVENT_FILESUMPROGRESS,ToPercent(TotalRead,FileLength)); } #endif Wait(); } if (CRC32!=NULL) HashCRC.Update(&Data[0],ReadSize); if (Blake2!=NULL) HashBlake2.Update(&Data[0],ReadSize); if (Size!=INT64NDF) Size-=ReadSize; } SrcFile->Seek(SavePos,SEEK_SET); if ((Flags & CALCFSUM_SHOWPERCENT)!=0) uiMsg(UIEVENT_FILESUMEND); if (CRC32!=NULL) *CRC32=HashCRC.GetCRC32(); if (Blake2!=NULL) { HashValue Result; HashBlake2.Result(&Result); memcpy(Blake2,Result.Digest,sizeof(Result.Digest)); } } #endif bool RenameFile(const wchar *SrcName,const wchar *DestName) { #ifdef _WIN_ALL bool Success=MoveFile(SrcName,DestName)!=0; if (!Success) { wchar LongName1[NM],LongName2[NM]; if (GetWinLongPath(SrcName,LongName1,ASIZE(LongName1)) && GetWinLongPath(DestName,LongName2,ASIZE(LongName2))) Success=MoveFile(LongName1,LongName2)!=0; } return Success; #else char SrcNameA[NM],DestNameA[NM]; WideToChar(SrcName,SrcNameA,ASIZE(SrcNameA)); WideToChar(DestName,DestNameA,ASIZE(DestNameA)); bool Success=rename(SrcNameA,DestNameA)==0; return Success; #endif } bool DelFile(const wchar *Name) { #ifdef _WIN_ALL bool Success=DeleteFile(Name)!=0; if (!Success) { wchar LongName[NM]; if (GetWinLongPath(Name,LongName,ASIZE(LongName))) Success=DeleteFile(LongName)!=0; } return Success; #else char NameA[NM]; WideToChar(Name,NameA,ASIZE(NameA)); bool Success=remove(NameA)==0; return Success; #endif } bool DelDir(const wchar *Name) { #ifdef _WIN_ALL bool Success=RemoveDirectory(Name)!=0; if (!Success) { wchar LongName[NM]; if (GetWinLongPath(Name,LongName,ASIZE(LongName))) Success=RemoveDirectory(LongName)!=0; } return Success; #else char NameA[NM]; WideToChar(Name,NameA,ASIZE(NameA)); bool Success=rmdir(NameA)==0; return Success; #endif } #if defined(_WIN_ALL) && !defined(SFX_MODULE) bool SetFileCompression(const wchar *Name,bool State) { HANDLE hFile=CreateFile(Name,FILE_READ_DATA|FILE_WRITE_DATA, FILE_SHARE_READ|FILE_SHARE_WRITE,NULL,OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_FLAG_BACKUP_SEMANTICS|FILE_FLAG_SEQUENTIAL_SCAN,NULL); if (hFile==INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { wchar LongName[NM]; if (GetWinLongPath(Name,LongName,ASIZE(LongName))) hFile=CreateFile(LongName,FILE_READ_DATA|FILE_WRITE_DATA, FILE_SHARE_READ|FILE_SHARE_WRITE,NULL,OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_FLAG_BACKUP_SEMANTICS|FILE_FLAG_SEQUENTIAL_SCAN,NULL); } if (hFile==INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return false; SHORT NewState=State ? COMPRESSION_FORMAT_DEFAULT:COMPRESSION_FORMAT_NONE; DWORD Result; int RetCode=DeviceIoControl(hFile,FSCTL_SET_COMPRESSION,&NewState, sizeof(NewState),NULL,0,&Result,NULL); CloseHandle(hFile); return RetCode!=0; } void ResetFileCache(const wchar *Name) { // To reset file cache in Windows it is enough to open it with // FILE_FLAG_NO_BUFFERING and then close it. HANDLE hSrc=CreateFile(Name,GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ|FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL,OPEN_EXISTING,FILE_FLAG_NO_BUFFERING,NULL); if (hSrc!=INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) CloseHandle(hSrc); } #endif