Adds support for the Russian cipher specified in GOST R 34.12-2015, also
known as Kuznyechik (Grasshopper).
- Add Kuznyechik header decryption checks to all VeraCrypt kernels
- Add test containers for available Kuznyechik cipher combinations
The test scripts have grown to be quite big (over 15000 lines) and
are hard to navigate. There are multiple if branches with over
40 conditional checks chained together. This commit solves some of
those issues.
- Unite big repetetive if conditions into clean array lookups
- Move 'install help' commands to a separate shell script
- Adjust array lookup in to behave more intuitive
- Add comments at key points to simplify navigation
- Code formatting
Hardware Monitor: Renamed --gpu-temp-disable to --hwmon-disable
Fixed invalid warnings about throttling in case --hwmon-disable was used
Implement HMAC based on GOST 34.11-2012 Streebog-512 as well as a test
case for it. Both the PyGOST + hmac python module and the VeraCrypt HMAC
for Streebog-512 were used as references. The kernels expect the digests
to be in big-endian order according to the RFC examples for Streebog.
Fix two bugs from commit 224315dd62.
- Add hash-mode 11850: HMAC-Streebog-512 (key = $pass), big-endian
- Add test case for hash-mode 11850
- Bugfix for a3-pure Streebog kernels (modes 11700 and 11800)
- Rename a few Streebog constants in interface.h
Complete Streebog support with pure kernels that allow for passwords
longer than 64 characters. Provide generic inc_hash_streebog files
for future Streebog-based hash modes (HMAC, PBKDF2, VeraCrypt).
Include streebog support in the test suite. For this, python module
PyGOST is needed. Also add clarification to hash mode description
stating that Streebog hashes are expected in big-endian byte order.
There are several implementations, including PyGOST, which default
to little-endian byte order, while the RFC examples are big-endian.
- Add pure kernels for hash-mode 11700 (Streebog-256)
- Add pure kernels for hash-mode 11800 (Streebog-512)
- Tests: Add hash-modes 11700 (Streebog-256) and 11800 (Streebog-512)
Added hash-mode 16801 = WPA-PMKID-PMK
Renamed lot's of existing WPA related variables to WPA-EAPOL in order to distinguish them with WPA-PMKID variables
Renamed pure kernels to default kernels
Replaced long option --length-limit-disable with --optimized-kernel-enable
Replaced short option -L with -O
Set --optimized-kernel-enable to unset by default