diff --git a/OpenCL/m03910_a0.cl b/OpenCL/m03910_a0.cl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..13ebfed7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/OpenCL/m03910_a0.cl
@@ -0,0 +1,780 @@
+ * Author......: See docs/credits.txt
+ * License.....: MIT
+ */
+#define _MD5_
+#define NEW_SIMD_CODE
+#include "inc_vendor.cl"
+#include "inc_hash_constants.h"
+#include "inc_hash_functions.cl"
+#include "inc_types.cl"
+#include "inc_common.cl"
+#include "inc_rp.h"
+#include "inc_rp.cl"
+#include "inc_simd.cl"
+#if   VECT_SIZE == 1
+#define uint_to_hex_lower8(i) (u32x) (l_bin2asc[(i)])
+#elif VECT_SIZE == 2
+#define uint_to_hex_lower8(i) (u32x) (l_bin2asc[(i).s0], l_bin2asc[(i).s1])
+#elif VECT_SIZE == 4
+#define uint_to_hex_lower8(i) (u32x) (l_bin2asc[(i).s0], l_bin2asc[(i).s1], l_bin2asc[(i).s2], l_bin2asc[(i).s3])
+#elif VECT_SIZE == 8
+#define uint_to_hex_lower8(i) (u32x) (l_bin2asc[(i).s0], l_bin2asc[(i).s1], l_bin2asc[(i).s2], l_bin2asc[(i).s3], l_bin2asc[(i).s4], l_bin2asc[(i).s5], l_bin2asc[(i).s6], l_bin2asc[(i).s7])
+#elif VECT_SIZE == 16
+#define uint_to_hex_lower8(i) (u32x) (l_bin2asc[(i).s0], l_bin2asc[(i).s1], l_bin2asc[(i).s2], l_bin2asc[(i).s3], l_bin2asc[(i).s4], l_bin2asc[(i).s5], l_bin2asc[(i).s6], l_bin2asc[(i).s7], l_bin2asc[(i).s8], l_bin2asc[(i).s9], l_bin2asc[(i).sa], l_bin2asc[(i).sb], l_bin2asc[(i).sc], l_bin2asc[(i).sd], l_bin2asc[(i).se], l_bin2asc[(i).sf])
+__kernel void m03910_m04 (__global pw_t *pws, __global const kernel_rule_t *rules_buf, __global const comb_t *combs_buf, __global const bf_t *bfs_buf, __global void *tmps, __global void *hooks, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s1_a, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s1_b, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s1_c, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s1_d, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s2_a, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s2_b, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s2_c, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s2_d, __global plain_t *plains_buf, __global const digest_t *digests_buf, __global u32 *hashes_shown, __global const salt_t *salt_bufs, __global const void *esalt_bufs, __global u32 *d_return_buf, __global u32 *d_scryptV0_buf, __global u32 *d_scryptV1_buf, __global u32 *d_scryptV2_buf, __global u32 *d_scryptV3_buf, const u32 bitmap_mask, const u32 bitmap_shift1, const u32 bitmap_shift2, const u32 salt_pos, const u32 loop_pos, const u32 loop_cnt, const u32 il_cnt, const u32 digests_cnt, const u32 digests_offset, const u32 combs_mode, const u32 gid_max)
+  /**
+   * modifier
+   */
+  const u32 gid = get_global_id (0);
+  const u32 lid = get_local_id (0);
+  const u32 lsz = get_local_size (0);
+  /**
+   * bin2asc table
+   */
+  __local u32 l_bin2asc[256];
+  for (u32 i = lid; i < 256; i += lsz)
+  {
+    const u32 i0 = (i >> 0) & 15;
+    const u32 i1 = (i >> 4) & 15;
+    l_bin2asc[i] = ((i0 < 10) ? '0' + i0 : 'a' - 10 + i0) << 8
+                 | ((i1 < 10) ? '0' + i1 : 'a' - 10 + i1) << 0;
+  }
+  barrier (CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
+  if (gid >= gid_max) return;
+  /**
+   * base
+   */
+  u32 pw_buf0[4];
+  u32 pw_buf1[4];
+  pw_buf0[0] = pws[gid].i[0];
+  pw_buf0[1] = pws[gid].i[1];
+  pw_buf0[2] = pws[gid].i[2];
+  pw_buf0[3] = pws[gid].i[3];
+  pw_buf1[0] = pws[gid].i[4];
+  pw_buf1[1] = pws[gid].i[5];
+  pw_buf1[2] = pws[gid].i[6];
+  pw_buf1[3] = pws[gid].i[7];
+  const u32 pw_len = pws[gid].pw_len;
+  /**
+   * salt
+   */
+  u32 salt_buf0[4];
+  u32 salt_buf1[4];
+  u32 salt_buf2[4];
+  u32 salt_buf3[4];
+  salt_buf0[0] = salt_bufs[salt_pos].salt_buf_pc[0];
+  salt_buf0[1] = salt_bufs[salt_pos].salt_buf_pc[1];
+  salt_buf0[2] = salt_bufs[salt_pos].salt_buf_pc[2];
+  salt_buf0[3] = salt_bufs[salt_pos].salt_buf_pc[3];
+  salt_buf1[0] = salt_bufs[salt_pos].salt_buf_pc[4];
+  salt_buf1[1] = salt_bufs[salt_pos].salt_buf_pc[5];
+  salt_buf1[2] = salt_bufs[salt_pos].salt_buf_pc[6];
+  salt_buf1[3] = salt_bufs[salt_pos].salt_buf_pc[7];
+  salt_buf2[0] = 0;
+  salt_buf2[1] = 0;
+  salt_buf2[2] = 0;
+  salt_buf2[3] = 0;
+  salt_buf3[0] = 0;
+  salt_buf3[1] = 0;
+  salt_buf3[2] = 0;
+  salt_buf3[3] = 0;
+  const u32 salt_len = salt_bufs[salt_pos].salt_len;
+  /**
+   * loop
+   */
+  for (u32 il_pos = 0; il_pos < il_cnt; il_pos += VECT_SIZE)
+  {
+    u32x w0[4] = { 0 };
+    u32x w1[4] = { 0 };
+    u32x w2[4] = { 0 };
+    u32x w3[4] = { 0 };
+    const u32x out_len = apply_rules_vect (pw_buf0, pw_buf1, pw_len, rules_buf, il_pos, w0, w1);
+    append_0x80_2x4_VV (w0, w1, out_len);
+    w3[2] = out_len * 8;
+    w3[3] = 0;
+    u32x a = MD5M_A;
+    u32x b = MD5M_B;
+    u32x c = MD5M_C;
+    u32x d = MD5M_D;
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, a, b, c, d, w0[0], MD5C00, MD5S00);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, d, a, b, c, w0[1], MD5C01, MD5S01);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, c, d, a, b, w0[2], MD5C02, MD5S02);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, b, c, d, a, w0[3], MD5C03, MD5S03);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, a, b, c, d, w1[0], MD5C04, MD5S00);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, d, a, b, c, w1[1], MD5C05, MD5S01);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, c, d, a, b, w1[2], MD5C06, MD5S02);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, b, c, d, a, w1[3], MD5C07, MD5S03);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, a, b, c, d, w2[0], MD5C08, MD5S00);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, d, a, b, c, w2[1], MD5C09, MD5S01);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, c, d, a, b, w2[2], MD5C0a, MD5S02);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, b, c, d, a, w2[3], MD5C0b, MD5S03);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, a, b, c, d, w3[0], MD5C0c, MD5S00);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, d, a, b, c, w3[1], MD5C0d, MD5S01);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, c, d, a, b, w3[2], MD5C0e, MD5S02);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, b, c, d, a, w3[3], MD5C0f, MD5S03);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, a, b, c, d, w0[1], MD5C10, MD5S10);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, d, a, b, c, w1[2], MD5C11, MD5S11);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, c, d, a, b, w2[3], MD5C12, MD5S12);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, b, c, d, a, w0[0], MD5C13, MD5S13);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, a, b, c, d, w1[1], MD5C14, MD5S10);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, d, a, b, c, w2[2], MD5C15, MD5S11);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, c, d, a, b, w3[3], MD5C16, MD5S12);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, b, c, d, a, w1[0], MD5C17, MD5S13);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, a, b, c, d, w2[1], MD5C18, MD5S10);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, d, a, b, c, w3[2], MD5C19, MD5S11);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, c, d, a, b, w0[3], MD5C1a, MD5S12);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, b, c, d, a, w2[0], MD5C1b, MD5S13);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, a, b, c, d, w3[1], MD5C1c, MD5S10);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, d, a, b, c, w0[2], MD5C1d, MD5S11);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, c, d, a, b, w1[3], MD5C1e, MD5S12);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, b, c, d, a, w3[0], MD5C1f, MD5S13);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , a, b, c, d, w1[1], MD5C20, MD5S20);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , d, a, b, c, w2[0], MD5C21, MD5S21);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , c, d, a, b, w2[3], MD5C22, MD5S22);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , b, c, d, a, w3[2], MD5C23, MD5S23);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , a, b, c, d, w0[1], MD5C24, MD5S20);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , d, a, b, c, w1[0], MD5C25, MD5S21);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , c, d, a, b, w1[3], MD5C26, MD5S22);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , b, c, d, a, w2[2], MD5C27, MD5S23);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , a, b, c, d, w3[1], MD5C28, MD5S20);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , d, a, b, c, w0[0], MD5C29, MD5S21);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , c, d, a, b, w0[3], MD5C2a, MD5S22);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , b, c, d, a, w1[2], MD5C2b, MD5S23);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , a, b, c, d, w2[1], MD5C2c, MD5S20);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , d, a, b, c, w3[0], MD5C2d, MD5S21);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , c, d, a, b, w3[3], MD5C2e, MD5S22);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , b, c, d, a, w0[2], MD5C2f, MD5S23);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , a, b, c, d, w0[0], MD5C30, MD5S30);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , d, a, b, c, w1[3], MD5C31, MD5S31);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , c, d, a, b, w3[2], MD5C32, MD5S32);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , b, c, d, a, w1[1], MD5C33, MD5S33);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , a, b, c, d, w3[0], MD5C34, MD5S30);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , d, a, b, c, w0[3], MD5C35, MD5S31);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , c, d, a, b, w2[2], MD5C36, MD5S32);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , b, c, d, a, w0[1], MD5C37, MD5S33);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , a, b, c, d, w2[0], MD5C38, MD5S30);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , d, a, b, c, w3[3], MD5C39, MD5S31);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , c, d, a, b, w1[2], MD5C3a, MD5S32);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , b, c, d, a, w3[1], MD5C3b, MD5S33);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , a, b, c, d, w1[0], MD5C3c, MD5S30);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , d, a, b, c, w2[3], MD5C3d, MD5S31);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , c, d, a, b, w0[2], MD5C3e, MD5S32);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , b, c, d, a, w2[1], MD5C3f, MD5S33);
+    a += MD5M_A;
+    b += MD5M_B;
+    c += MD5M_C;
+    d += MD5M_D;
+    w0[0] = uint_to_hex_lower8 ((a >>  0) & 255) <<  0
+          | uint_to_hex_lower8 ((a >>  8) & 255) << 16;
+    w0[1] = uint_to_hex_lower8 ((a >> 16) & 255) <<  0
+          | uint_to_hex_lower8 ((a >> 24) & 255) << 16;
+    w0[2] = uint_to_hex_lower8 ((b >>  0) & 255) <<  0
+          | uint_to_hex_lower8 ((b >>  8) & 255) << 16;
+    w0[3] = uint_to_hex_lower8 ((b >> 16) & 255) <<  0
+          | uint_to_hex_lower8 ((b >> 24) & 255) << 16;
+    w1[0] = uint_to_hex_lower8 ((c >>  0) & 255) <<  0
+          | uint_to_hex_lower8 ((c >>  8) & 255) << 16;
+    w1[1] = uint_to_hex_lower8 ((c >> 16) & 255) <<  0
+          | uint_to_hex_lower8 ((c >> 24) & 255) << 16;
+    w1[2] = uint_to_hex_lower8 ((d >>  0) & 255) <<  0
+          | uint_to_hex_lower8 ((d >>  8) & 255) << 16;
+    w1[3] = uint_to_hex_lower8 ((d >> 16) & 255) <<  0
+          | uint_to_hex_lower8 ((d >> 24) & 255) << 16;
+    w2[0] = salt_buf0[0];
+    w2[1] = salt_buf0[1];
+    w2[2] = salt_buf0[2];
+    w2[3] = salt_buf0[3];
+    w3[0] = salt_buf1[0];
+    w3[1] = salt_buf1[1];
+    w3[2] = salt_buf1[2];
+    w3[3] = salt_buf1[3];
+    a = MD5M_A;
+    b = MD5M_B;
+    c = MD5M_C;
+    d = MD5M_D;
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, a, b, c, d, w0[0], MD5C00, MD5S00);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, d, a, b, c, w0[1], MD5C01, MD5S01);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, c, d, a, b, w0[2], MD5C02, MD5S02);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, b, c, d, a, w0[3], MD5C03, MD5S03);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, a, b, c, d, w1[0], MD5C04, MD5S00);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, d, a, b, c, w1[1], MD5C05, MD5S01);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, c, d, a, b, w1[2], MD5C06, MD5S02);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, b, c, d, a, w1[3], MD5C07, MD5S03);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, a, b, c, d, w2[0], MD5C08, MD5S00);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, d, a, b, c, w2[1], MD5C09, MD5S01);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, c, d, a, b, w2[2], MD5C0a, MD5S02);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, b, c, d, a, w2[3], MD5C0b, MD5S03);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, a, b, c, d, w3[0], MD5C0c, MD5S00);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, d, a, b, c, w3[1], MD5C0d, MD5S01);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, c, d, a, b, w3[2], MD5C0e, MD5S02);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, b, c, d, a, w3[3], MD5C0f, MD5S03);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, a, b, c, d, w0[1], MD5C10, MD5S10);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, d, a, b, c, w1[2], MD5C11, MD5S11);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, c, d, a, b, w2[3], MD5C12, MD5S12);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, b, c, d, a, w0[0], MD5C13, MD5S13);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, a, b, c, d, w1[1], MD5C14, MD5S10);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, d, a, b, c, w2[2], MD5C15, MD5S11);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, c, d, a, b, w3[3], MD5C16, MD5S12);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, b, c, d, a, w1[0], MD5C17, MD5S13);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, a, b, c, d, w2[1], MD5C18, MD5S10);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, d, a, b, c, w3[2], MD5C19, MD5S11);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, c, d, a, b, w0[3], MD5C1a, MD5S12);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, b, c, d, a, w2[0], MD5C1b, MD5S13);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, a, b, c, d, w3[1], MD5C1c, MD5S10);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, d, a, b, c, w0[2], MD5C1d, MD5S11);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, c, d, a, b, w1[3], MD5C1e, MD5S12);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, b, c, d, a, w3[0], MD5C1f, MD5S13);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , a, b, c, d, w1[1], MD5C20, MD5S20);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , d, a, b, c, w2[0], MD5C21, MD5S21);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , c, d, a, b, w2[3], MD5C22, MD5S22);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , b, c, d, a, w3[2], MD5C23, MD5S23);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , a, b, c, d, w0[1], MD5C24, MD5S20);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , d, a, b, c, w1[0], MD5C25, MD5S21);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , c, d, a, b, w1[3], MD5C26, MD5S22);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , b, c, d, a, w2[2], MD5C27, MD5S23);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , a, b, c, d, w3[1], MD5C28, MD5S20);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , d, a, b, c, w0[0], MD5C29, MD5S21);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , c, d, a, b, w0[3], MD5C2a, MD5S22);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , b, c, d, a, w1[2], MD5C2b, MD5S23);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , a, b, c, d, w2[1], MD5C2c, MD5S20);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , d, a, b, c, w3[0], MD5C2d, MD5S21);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , c, d, a, b, w3[3], MD5C2e, MD5S22);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , b, c, d, a, w0[2], MD5C2f, MD5S23);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , a, b, c, d, w0[0], MD5C30, MD5S30);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , d, a, b, c, w1[3], MD5C31, MD5S31);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , c, d, a, b, w3[2], MD5C32, MD5S32);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , b, c, d, a, w1[1], MD5C33, MD5S33);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , a, b, c, d, w3[0], MD5C34, MD5S30);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , d, a, b, c, w0[3], MD5C35, MD5S31);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , c, d, a, b, w2[2], MD5C36, MD5S32);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , b, c, d, a, w0[1], MD5C37, MD5S33);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , a, b, c, d, w2[0], MD5C38, MD5S30);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , d, a, b, c, w3[3], MD5C39, MD5S31);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , c, d, a, b, w1[2], MD5C3a, MD5S32);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , b, c, d, a, w3[1], MD5C3b, MD5S33);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , a, b, c, d, w1[0], MD5C3c, MD5S30);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , d, a, b, c, w2[3], MD5C3d, MD5S31);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , c, d, a, b, w0[2], MD5C3e, MD5S32);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , b, c, d, a, w2[1], MD5C3f, MD5S33);
+    const u32x r_a = a + MD5M_A;
+    const u32x r_b = b + MD5M_B;
+    const u32x r_c = c + MD5M_C;
+    const u32x r_d = d + MD5M_D;
+    const u32x r_00 = 0x80;
+    const u32x r_14 = 64 * 8;
+    a = r_a;
+    b = r_b;
+    c = r_c;
+    d = r_d;
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, a, b, c, d, r_00, MD5C00, MD5S00);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Fo, d, a, b, c,       MD5C01, MD5S01);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Fo, c, d, a, b,       MD5C02, MD5S02);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Fo, b, c, d, a,       MD5C03, MD5S03);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Fo, a, b, c, d,       MD5C04, MD5S00);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Fo, d, a, b, c,       MD5C05, MD5S01);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Fo, c, d, a, b,       MD5C06, MD5S02);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Fo, b, c, d, a,       MD5C07, MD5S03);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Fo, a, b, c, d,       MD5C08, MD5S00);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Fo, d, a, b, c,       MD5C09, MD5S01);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Fo, c, d, a, b,       MD5C0a, MD5S02);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Fo, b, c, d, a,       MD5C0b, MD5S03);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Fo, a, b, c, d,       MD5C0c, MD5S00);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Fo, d, a, b, c,       MD5C0d, MD5S01);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, c, d, a, b, r_14, MD5C0e, MD5S02);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Fo, b, c, d, a,       MD5C0f, MD5S03);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Go, a, b, c, d,       MD5C10, MD5S10);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Go, d, a, b, c,       MD5C11, MD5S11);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Go, c, d, a, b,       MD5C12, MD5S12);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, b, c, d, a, r_00, MD5C13, MD5S13);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Go, a, b, c, d,       MD5C14, MD5S10);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Go, d, a, b, c,       MD5C15, MD5S11);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Go, c, d, a, b,       MD5C16, MD5S12);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Go, b, c, d, a,       MD5C17, MD5S13);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Go, a, b, c, d,       MD5C18, MD5S10);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, d, a, b, c, r_14, MD5C19, MD5S11);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Go, c, d, a, b,       MD5C1a, MD5S12);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Go, b, c, d, a,       MD5C1b, MD5S13);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Go, a, b, c, d,       MD5C1c, MD5S10);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Go, d, a, b, c,       MD5C1d, MD5S11);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Go, c, d, a, b,       MD5C1e, MD5S12);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Go, b, c, d, a,       MD5C1f, MD5S13);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_H , a, b, c, d,       MD5C20, MD5S20);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_H , d, a, b, c,       MD5C21, MD5S21);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_H , c, d, a, b,       MD5C22, MD5S22);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , b, c, d, a, r_14, MD5C23, MD5S23);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_H , a, b, c, d,       MD5C24, MD5S20);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_H , d, a, b, c,       MD5C25, MD5S21);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_H , c, d, a, b,       MD5C26, MD5S22);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_H , b, c, d, a,       MD5C27, MD5S23);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_H , a, b, c, d,       MD5C28, MD5S20);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , d, a, b, c, r_00, MD5C29, MD5S21);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_H , c, d, a, b,       MD5C2a, MD5S22);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_H , b, c, d, a,       MD5C2b, MD5S23);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_H , a, b, c, d,       MD5C2c, MD5S20);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_H , d, a, b, c,       MD5C2d, MD5S21);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_H , c, d, a, b,       MD5C2e, MD5S22);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_H , b, c, d, a,       MD5C2f, MD5S23);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , a, b, c, d, r_00, MD5C30, MD5S30);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_I , d, a, b, c,       MD5C31, MD5S31);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , c, d, a, b, r_14, MD5C32, MD5S32);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_I , b, c, d, a,       MD5C33, MD5S33);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_I , a, b, c, d,       MD5C34, MD5S30);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_I , d, a, b, c,       MD5C35, MD5S31);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_I , c, d, a, b,       MD5C36, MD5S32);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_I , b, c, d, a,       MD5C37, MD5S33);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_I , a, b, c, d,       MD5C38, MD5S30);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_I , d, a, b, c,       MD5C39, MD5S31);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_I , c, d, a, b,       MD5C3a, MD5S32);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_I , b, c, d, a,       MD5C3b, MD5S33);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_I , a, b, c, d,       MD5C3c, MD5S30);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_I , d, a, b, c,       MD5C3d, MD5S31);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_I , c, d, a, b,       MD5C3e, MD5S32);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_I , b, c, d, a,       MD5C3f, MD5S33);
+    a += r_a;
+    b += r_b;
+    c += r_c;
+    d += r_d;
+    COMPARE_M_SIMD (a, d, c, b);
+  }
+__kernel void m03910_m08 (__global pw_t *pws, __global const kernel_rule_t *rules_buf, __global const comb_t *combs_buf, __global const bf_t *bfs_buf, __global void *tmps, __global void *hooks, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s1_a, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s1_b, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s1_c, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s1_d, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s2_a, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s2_b, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s2_c, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s2_d, __global plain_t *plains_buf, __global const digest_t *digests_buf, __global u32 *hashes_shown, __global const salt_t *salt_bufs, __global const void *esalt_bufs, __global u32 *d_return_buf, __global u32 *d_scryptV0_buf, __global u32 *d_scryptV1_buf, __global u32 *d_scryptV2_buf, __global u32 *d_scryptV3_buf, const u32 bitmap_mask, const u32 bitmap_shift1, const u32 bitmap_shift2, const u32 salt_pos, const u32 loop_pos, const u32 loop_cnt, const u32 il_cnt, const u32 digests_cnt, const u32 digests_offset, const u32 combs_mode, const u32 gid_max)
+__kernel void m03910_m16 (__global pw_t *pws, __global const kernel_rule_t *rules_buf, __global const comb_t *combs_buf, __global const bf_t *bfs_buf, __global void *tmps, __global void *hooks, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s1_a, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s1_b, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s1_c, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s1_d, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s2_a, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s2_b, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s2_c, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s2_d, __global plain_t *plains_buf, __global const digest_t *digests_buf, __global u32 *hashes_shown, __global const salt_t *salt_bufs, __global const void *esalt_bufs, __global u32 *d_return_buf, __global u32 *d_scryptV0_buf, __global u32 *d_scryptV1_buf, __global u32 *d_scryptV2_buf, __global u32 *d_scryptV3_buf, const u32 bitmap_mask, const u32 bitmap_shift1, const u32 bitmap_shift2, const u32 salt_pos, const u32 loop_pos, const u32 loop_cnt, const u32 il_cnt, const u32 digests_cnt, const u32 digests_offset, const u32 combs_mode, const u32 gid_max)
+__kernel void m03910_s04 (__global pw_t *pws, __global const kernel_rule_t *rules_buf, __global const comb_t *combs_buf, __global const bf_t *bfs_buf, __global void *tmps, __global void *hooks, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s1_a, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s1_b, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s1_c, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s1_d, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s2_a, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s2_b, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s2_c, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s2_d, __global plain_t *plains_buf, __global const digest_t *digests_buf, __global u32 *hashes_shown, __global const salt_t *salt_bufs, __global const void *esalt_bufs, __global u32 *d_return_buf, __global u32 *d_scryptV0_buf, __global u32 *d_scryptV1_buf, __global u32 *d_scryptV2_buf, __global u32 *d_scryptV3_buf, const u32 bitmap_mask, const u32 bitmap_shift1, const u32 bitmap_shift2, const u32 salt_pos, const u32 loop_pos, const u32 loop_cnt, const u32 il_cnt, const u32 digests_cnt, const u32 digests_offset, const u32 combs_mode, const u32 gid_max)
+  /**
+   * modifier
+   */
+  const u32 gid = get_global_id (0);
+  const u32 lid = get_local_id (0);
+  const u32 lsz = get_local_size (0);
+  /**
+   * bin2asc table
+   */
+  __local u32 l_bin2asc[256];
+  for (u32 i = lid; i < 256; i += lsz)
+  {
+    const u32 i0 = (i >> 0) & 15;
+    const u32 i1 = (i >> 4) & 15;
+    l_bin2asc[i] = ((i0 < 10) ? '0' + i0 : 'a' - 10 + i0) << 8
+                 | ((i1 < 10) ? '0' + i1 : 'a' - 10 + i1) << 0;
+  }
+  barrier (CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
+  if (gid >= gid_max) return;
+  /**
+   * base
+   */
+  u32 pw_buf0[4];
+  u32 pw_buf1[4];
+  pw_buf0[0] = pws[gid].i[0];
+  pw_buf0[1] = pws[gid].i[1];
+  pw_buf0[2] = pws[gid].i[2];
+  pw_buf0[3] = pws[gid].i[3];
+  pw_buf1[0] = pws[gid].i[4];
+  pw_buf1[1] = pws[gid].i[5];
+  pw_buf1[2] = pws[gid].i[6];
+  pw_buf1[3] = pws[gid].i[7];
+  const u32 pw_len = pws[gid].pw_len;
+  /**
+   * salt
+   */
+  u32 salt_buf0[4];
+  u32 salt_buf1[4];
+  u32 salt_buf2[4];
+  u32 salt_buf3[4];
+  salt_buf0[0] = salt_bufs[salt_pos].salt_buf_pc[0];
+  salt_buf0[1] = salt_bufs[salt_pos].salt_buf_pc[1];
+  salt_buf0[2] = salt_bufs[salt_pos].salt_buf_pc[2];
+  salt_buf0[3] = salt_bufs[salt_pos].salt_buf_pc[3];
+  salt_buf1[0] = salt_bufs[salt_pos].salt_buf_pc[4];
+  salt_buf1[1] = salt_bufs[salt_pos].salt_buf_pc[5];
+  salt_buf1[2] = salt_bufs[salt_pos].salt_buf_pc[6];
+  salt_buf1[3] = salt_bufs[salt_pos].salt_buf_pc[7];
+  salt_buf2[0] = 0;
+  salt_buf2[1] = 0;
+  salt_buf2[2] = 0;
+  salt_buf2[3] = 0;
+  salt_buf3[0] = 0;
+  salt_buf3[1] = 0;
+  salt_buf3[2] = 0;
+  salt_buf3[3] = 0;
+  const u32 salt_len = salt_bufs[salt_pos].salt_len;
+  /**
+   * digest
+   */
+  const u32 search[4] =
+  {
+    digests_buf[digests_offset].digest_buf[DGST_R0],
+    digests_buf[digests_offset].digest_buf[DGST_R1],
+    digests_buf[digests_offset].digest_buf[DGST_R2],
+    digests_buf[digests_offset].digest_buf[DGST_R3]
+  };
+  /**
+   * loop
+   */
+  for (u32 il_pos = 0; il_pos < il_cnt; il_pos += VECT_SIZE)
+  {
+    u32x w0[4] = { 0 };
+    u32x w1[4] = { 0 };
+    u32x w2[4] = { 0 };
+    u32x w3[4] = { 0 };
+    const u32x out_len = apply_rules_vect (pw_buf0, pw_buf1, pw_len, rules_buf, il_pos, w0, w1);
+    append_0x80_2x4_VV (w0, w1, out_len);
+    w3[2] = out_len * 8;
+    w3[3] = 0;
+    u32x a = MD5M_A;
+    u32x b = MD5M_B;
+    u32x c = MD5M_C;
+    u32x d = MD5M_D;
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, a, b, c, d, w0[0], MD5C00, MD5S00);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, d, a, b, c, w0[1], MD5C01, MD5S01);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, c, d, a, b, w0[2], MD5C02, MD5S02);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, b, c, d, a, w0[3], MD5C03, MD5S03);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, a, b, c, d, w1[0], MD5C04, MD5S00);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, d, a, b, c, w1[1], MD5C05, MD5S01);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, c, d, a, b, w1[2], MD5C06, MD5S02);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, b, c, d, a, w1[3], MD5C07, MD5S03);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, a, b, c, d, w2[0], MD5C08, MD5S00);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, d, a, b, c, w2[1], MD5C09, MD5S01);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, c, d, a, b, w2[2], MD5C0a, MD5S02);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, b, c, d, a, w2[3], MD5C0b, MD5S03);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, a, b, c, d, w3[0], MD5C0c, MD5S00);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, d, a, b, c, w3[1], MD5C0d, MD5S01);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, c, d, a, b, w3[2], MD5C0e, MD5S02);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, b, c, d, a, w3[3], MD5C0f, MD5S03);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, a, b, c, d, w0[1], MD5C10, MD5S10);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, d, a, b, c, w1[2], MD5C11, MD5S11);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, c, d, a, b, w2[3], MD5C12, MD5S12);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, b, c, d, a, w0[0], MD5C13, MD5S13);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, a, b, c, d, w1[1], MD5C14, MD5S10);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, d, a, b, c, w2[2], MD5C15, MD5S11);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, c, d, a, b, w3[3], MD5C16, MD5S12);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, b, c, d, a, w1[0], MD5C17, MD5S13);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, a, b, c, d, w2[1], MD5C18, MD5S10);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, d, a, b, c, w3[2], MD5C19, MD5S11);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, c, d, a, b, w0[3], MD5C1a, MD5S12);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, b, c, d, a, w2[0], MD5C1b, MD5S13);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, a, b, c, d, w3[1], MD5C1c, MD5S10);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, d, a, b, c, w0[2], MD5C1d, MD5S11);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, c, d, a, b, w1[3], MD5C1e, MD5S12);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, b, c, d, a, w3[0], MD5C1f, MD5S13);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , a, b, c, d, w1[1], MD5C20, MD5S20);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , d, a, b, c, w2[0], MD5C21, MD5S21);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , c, d, a, b, w2[3], MD5C22, MD5S22);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , b, c, d, a, w3[2], MD5C23, MD5S23);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , a, b, c, d, w0[1], MD5C24, MD5S20);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , d, a, b, c, w1[0], MD5C25, MD5S21);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , c, d, a, b, w1[3], MD5C26, MD5S22);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , b, c, d, a, w2[2], MD5C27, MD5S23);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , a, b, c, d, w3[1], MD5C28, MD5S20);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , d, a, b, c, w0[0], MD5C29, MD5S21);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , c, d, a, b, w0[3], MD5C2a, MD5S22);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , b, c, d, a, w1[2], MD5C2b, MD5S23);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , a, b, c, d, w2[1], MD5C2c, MD5S20);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , d, a, b, c, w3[0], MD5C2d, MD5S21);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , c, d, a, b, w3[3], MD5C2e, MD5S22);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , b, c, d, a, w0[2], MD5C2f, MD5S23);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , a, b, c, d, w0[0], MD5C30, MD5S30);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , d, a, b, c, w1[3], MD5C31, MD5S31);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , c, d, a, b, w3[2], MD5C32, MD5S32);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , b, c, d, a, w1[1], MD5C33, MD5S33);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , a, b, c, d, w3[0], MD5C34, MD5S30);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , d, a, b, c, w0[3], MD5C35, MD5S31);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , c, d, a, b, w2[2], MD5C36, MD5S32);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , b, c, d, a, w0[1], MD5C37, MD5S33);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , a, b, c, d, w2[0], MD5C38, MD5S30);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , d, a, b, c, w3[3], MD5C39, MD5S31);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , c, d, a, b, w1[2], MD5C3a, MD5S32);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , b, c, d, a, w3[1], MD5C3b, MD5S33);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , a, b, c, d, w1[0], MD5C3c, MD5S30);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , d, a, b, c, w2[3], MD5C3d, MD5S31);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , c, d, a, b, w0[2], MD5C3e, MD5S32);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , b, c, d, a, w2[1], MD5C3f, MD5S33);
+    a += MD5M_A;
+    b += MD5M_B;
+    c += MD5M_C;
+    d += MD5M_D;
+    w0[0] = uint_to_hex_lower8 ((a >>  0) & 255) <<  0
+          | uint_to_hex_lower8 ((a >>  8) & 255) << 16;
+    w0[1] = uint_to_hex_lower8 ((a >> 16) & 255) <<  0
+          | uint_to_hex_lower8 ((a >> 24) & 255) << 16;
+    w0[2] = uint_to_hex_lower8 ((b >>  0) & 255) <<  0
+          | uint_to_hex_lower8 ((b >>  8) & 255) << 16;
+    w0[3] = uint_to_hex_lower8 ((b >> 16) & 255) <<  0
+          | uint_to_hex_lower8 ((b >> 24) & 255) << 16;
+    w1[0] = uint_to_hex_lower8 ((c >>  0) & 255) <<  0
+          | uint_to_hex_lower8 ((c >>  8) & 255) << 16;
+    w1[1] = uint_to_hex_lower8 ((c >> 16) & 255) <<  0
+          | uint_to_hex_lower8 ((c >> 24) & 255) << 16;
+    w1[2] = uint_to_hex_lower8 ((d >>  0) & 255) <<  0
+          | uint_to_hex_lower8 ((d >>  8) & 255) << 16;
+    w1[3] = uint_to_hex_lower8 ((d >> 16) & 255) <<  0
+          | uint_to_hex_lower8 ((d >> 24) & 255) << 16;
+    w2[0] = salt_buf0[0];
+    w2[1] = salt_buf0[1];
+    w2[2] = salt_buf0[2];
+    w2[3] = salt_buf0[3];
+    w3[0] = salt_buf1[0];
+    w3[1] = salt_buf1[1];
+    w3[2] = salt_buf1[2];
+    w3[3] = salt_buf1[3];
+    a = MD5M_A;
+    b = MD5M_B;
+    c = MD5M_C;
+    d = MD5M_D;
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, a, b, c, d, w0[0], MD5C00, MD5S00);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, d, a, b, c, w0[1], MD5C01, MD5S01);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, c, d, a, b, w0[2], MD5C02, MD5S02);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, b, c, d, a, w0[3], MD5C03, MD5S03);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, a, b, c, d, w1[0], MD5C04, MD5S00);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, d, a, b, c, w1[1], MD5C05, MD5S01);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, c, d, a, b, w1[2], MD5C06, MD5S02);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, b, c, d, a, w1[3], MD5C07, MD5S03);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, a, b, c, d, w2[0], MD5C08, MD5S00);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, d, a, b, c, w2[1], MD5C09, MD5S01);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, c, d, a, b, w2[2], MD5C0a, MD5S02);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, b, c, d, a, w2[3], MD5C0b, MD5S03);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, a, b, c, d, w3[0], MD5C0c, MD5S00);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, d, a, b, c, w3[1], MD5C0d, MD5S01);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, c, d, a, b, w3[2], MD5C0e, MD5S02);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, b, c, d, a, w3[3], MD5C0f, MD5S03);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, a, b, c, d, w0[1], MD5C10, MD5S10);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, d, a, b, c, w1[2], MD5C11, MD5S11);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, c, d, a, b, w2[3], MD5C12, MD5S12);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, b, c, d, a, w0[0], MD5C13, MD5S13);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, a, b, c, d, w1[1], MD5C14, MD5S10);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, d, a, b, c, w2[2], MD5C15, MD5S11);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, c, d, a, b, w3[3], MD5C16, MD5S12);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, b, c, d, a, w1[0], MD5C17, MD5S13);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, a, b, c, d, w2[1], MD5C18, MD5S10);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, d, a, b, c, w3[2], MD5C19, MD5S11);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, c, d, a, b, w0[3], MD5C1a, MD5S12);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, b, c, d, a, w2[0], MD5C1b, MD5S13);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, a, b, c, d, w3[1], MD5C1c, MD5S10);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, d, a, b, c, w0[2], MD5C1d, MD5S11);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, c, d, a, b, w1[3], MD5C1e, MD5S12);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, b, c, d, a, w3[0], MD5C1f, MD5S13);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , a, b, c, d, w1[1], MD5C20, MD5S20);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , d, a, b, c, w2[0], MD5C21, MD5S21);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , c, d, a, b, w2[3], MD5C22, MD5S22);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , b, c, d, a, w3[2], MD5C23, MD5S23);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , a, b, c, d, w0[1], MD5C24, MD5S20);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , d, a, b, c, w1[0], MD5C25, MD5S21);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , c, d, a, b, w1[3], MD5C26, MD5S22);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , b, c, d, a, w2[2], MD5C27, MD5S23);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , a, b, c, d, w3[1], MD5C28, MD5S20);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , d, a, b, c, w0[0], MD5C29, MD5S21);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , c, d, a, b, w0[3], MD5C2a, MD5S22);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , b, c, d, a, w1[2], MD5C2b, MD5S23);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , a, b, c, d, w2[1], MD5C2c, MD5S20);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , d, a, b, c, w3[0], MD5C2d, MD5S21);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , c, d, a, b, w3[3], MD5C2e, MD5S22);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , b, c, d, a, w0[2], MD5C2f, MD5S23);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , a, b, c, d, w0[0], MD5C30, MD5S30);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , d, a, b, c, w1[3], MD5C31, MD5S31);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , c, d, a, b, w3[2], MD5C32, MD5S32);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , b, c, d, a, w1[1], MD5C33, MD5S33);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , a, b, c, d, w3[0], MD5C34, MD5S30);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , d, a, b, c, w0[3], MD5C35, MD5S31);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , c, d, a, b, w2[2], MD5C36, MD5S32);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , b, c, d, a, w0[1], MD5C37, MD5S33);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , a, b, c, d, w2[0], MD5C38, MD5S30);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , d, a, b, c, w3[3], MD5C39, MD5S31);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , c, d, a, b, w1[2], MD5C3a, MD5S32);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , b, c, d, a, w3[1], MD5C3b, MD5S33);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , a, b, c, d, w1[0], MD5C3c, MD5S30);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , d, a, b, c, w2[3], MD5C3d, MD5S31);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , c, d, a, b, w0[2], MD5C3e, MD5S32);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , b, c, d, a, w2[1], MD5C3f, MD5S33);
+    const u32x r_a = a + MD5M_A;
+    const u32x r_b = b + MD5M_B;
+    const u32x r_c = c + MD5M_C;
+    const u32x r_d = d + MD5M_D;
+    const u32x r_00 = 0x80;
+    const u32x r_14 = 64 * 8;
+    a = r_a;
+    b = r_b;
+    c = r_c;
+    d = r_d;
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, a, b, c, d, r_00, MD5C00, MD5S00);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Fo, d, a, b, c,       MD5C01, MD5S01);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Fo, c, d, a, b,       MD5C02, MD5S02);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Fo, b, c, d, a,       MD5C03, MD5S03);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Fo, a, b, c, d,       MD5C04, MD5S00);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Fo, d, a, b, c,       MD5C05, MD5S01);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Fo, c, d, a, b,       MD5C06, MD5S02);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Fo, b, c, d, a,       MD5C07, MD5S03);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Fo, a, b, c, d,       MD5C08, MD5S00);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Fo, d, a, b, c,       MD5C09, MD5S01);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Fo, c, d, a, b,       MD5C0a, MD5S02);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Fo, b, c, d, a,       MD5C0b, MD5S03);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Fo, a, b, c, d,       MD5C0c, MD5S00);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Fo, d, a, b, c,       MD5C0d, MD5S01);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, c, d, a, b, r_14, MD5C0e, MD5S02);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Fo, b, c, d, a,       MD5C0f, MD5S03);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Go, a, b, c, d,       MD5C10, MD5S10);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Go, d, a, b, c,       MD5C11, MD5S11);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Go, c, d, a, b,       MD5C12, MD5S12);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, b, c, d, a, r_00, MD5C13, MD5S13);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Go, a, b, c, d,       MD5C14, MD5S10);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Go, d, a, b, c,       MD5C15, MD5S11);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Go, c, d, a, b,       MD5C16, MD5S12);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Go, b, c, d, a,       MD5C17, MD5S13);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Go, a, b, c, d,       MD5C18, MD5S10);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, d, a, b, c, r_14, MD5C19, MD5S11);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Go, c, d, a, b,       MD5C1a, MD5S12);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Go, b, c, d, a,       MD5C1b, MD5S13);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Go, a, b, c, d,       MD5C1c, MD5S10);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Go, d, a, b, c,       MD5C1d, MD5S11);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Go, c, d, a, b,       MD5C1e, MD5S12);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Go, b, c, d, a,       MD5C1f, MD5S13);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_H , a, b, c, d,       MD5C20, MD5S20);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_H , d, a, b, c,       MD5C21, MD5S21);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_H , c, d, a, b,       MD5C22, MD5S22);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , b, c, d, a, r_14, MD5C23, MD5S23);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_H , a, b, c, d,       MD5C24, MD5S20);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_H , d, a, b, c,       MD5C25, MD5S21);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_H , c, d, a, b,       MD5C26, MD5S22);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_H , b, c, d, a,       MD5C27, MD5S23);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_H , a, b, c, d,       MD5C28, MD5S20);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , d, a, b, c, r_00, MD5C29, MD5S21);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_H , c, d, a, b,       MD5C2a, MD5S22);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_H , b, c, d, a,       MD5C2b, MD5S23);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_H , a, b, c, d,       MD5C2c, MD5S20);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_H , d, a, b, c,       MD5C2d, MD5S21);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_H , c, d, a, b,       MD5C2e, MD5S22);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_H , b, c, d, a,       MD5C2f, MD5S23);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , a, b, c, d, r_00, MD5C30, MD5S30);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_I , d, a, b, c,       MD5C31, MD5S31);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , c, d, a, b, r_14, MD5C32, MD5S32);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_I , b, c, d, a,       MD5C33, MD5S33);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_I , a, b, c, d,       MD5C34, MD5S30);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_I , d, a, b, c,       MD5C35, MD5S31);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_I , c, d, a, b,       MD5C36, MD5S32);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_I , b, c, d, a,       MD5C37, MD5S33);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_I , a, b, c, d,       MD5C38, MD5S30);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_I , d, a, b, c,       MD5C39, MD5S31);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_I , c, d, a, b,       MD5C3a, MD5S32);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_I , b, c, d, a,       MD5C3b, MD5S33);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_I , a, b, c, d,       MD5C3c, MD5S30);
+    if (MATCHES_NONE_VS ((a + r_a), search[0])) continue;
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_I , d, a, b, c,       MD5C3d, MD5S31);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_I , c, d, a, b,       MD5C3e, MD5S32);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_I , b, c, d, a,       MD5C3f, MD5S33);
+    a += r_a;
+    b += r_b;
+    c += r_c;
+    d += r_d;
+    COMPARE_S_SIMD (a, d, c, b);
+  }
+__kernel void m03910_s08 (__global pw_t *pws, __global const kernel_rule_t *rules_buf, __global const comb_t *combs_buf, __global const bf_t *bfs_buf, __global void *tmps, __global void *hooks, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s1_a, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s1_b, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s1_c, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s1_d, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s2_a, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s2_b, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s2_c, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s2_d, __global plain_t *plains_buf, __global const digest_t *digests_buf, __global u32 *hashes_shown, __global const salt_t *salt_bufs, __global const void *esalt_bufs, __global u32 *d_return_buf, __global u32 *d_scryptV0_buf, __global u32 *d_scryptV1_buf, __global u32 *d_scryptV2_buf, __global u32 *d_scryptV3_buf, const u32 bitmap_mask, const u32 bitmap_shift1, const u32 bitmap_shift2, const u32 salt_pos, const u32 loop_pos, const u32 loop_cnt, const u32 il_cnt, const u32 digests_cnt, const u32 digests_offset, const u32 combs_mode, const u32 gid_max)
+__kernel void m03910_s16 (__global pw_t *pws, __global const kernel_rule_t *rules_buf, __global const comb_t *combs_buf, __global const bf_t *bfs_buf, __global void *tmps, __global void *hooks, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s1_a, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s1_b, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s1_c, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s1_d, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s2_a, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s2_b, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s2_c, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s2_d, __global plain_t *plains_buf, __global const digest_t *digests_buf, __global u32 *hashes_shown, __global const salt_t *salt_bufs, __global const void *esalt_bufs, __global u32 *d_return_buf, __global u32 *d_scryptV0_buf, __global u32 *d_scryptV1_buf, __global u32 *d_scryptV2_buf, __global u32 *d_scryptV3_buf, const u32 bitmap_mask, const u32 bitmap_shift1, const u32 bitmap_shift2, const u32 salt_pos, const u32 loop_pos, const u32 loop_cnt, const u32 il_cnt, const u32 digests_cnt, const u32 digests_offset, const u32 combs_mode, const u32 gid_max)
diff --git a/OpenCL/m03910_a1.cl b/OpenCL/m03910_a1.cl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..44e1d8b4b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/OpenCL/m03910_a1.cl
@@ -0,0 +1,896 @@
+ * Author......: See docs/credits.txt
+ * License.....: MIT
+ */
+#define _MD5_
+#define NEW_SIMD_CODE
+#include "inc_vendor.cl"
+#include "inc_hash_constants.h"
+#include "inc_hash_functions.cl"
+#include "inc_types.cl"
+#include "inc_common.cl"
+#include "inc_simd.cl"
+#if   VECT_SIZE == 1
+#define uint_to_hex_lower8(i) (u32x) (l_bin2asc[(i)])
+#elif VECT_SIZE == 2
+#define uint_to_hex_lower8(i) (u32x) (l_bin2asc[(i).s0], l_bin2asc[(i).s1])
+#elif VECT_SIZE == 4
+#define uint_to_hex_lower8(i) (u32x) (l_bin2asc[(i).s0], l_bin2asc[(i).s1], l_bin2asc[(i).s2], l_bin2asc[(i).s3])
+#elif VECT_SIZE == 8
+#define uint_to_hex_lower8(i) (u32x) (l_bin2asc[(i).s0], l_bin2asc[(i).s1], l_bin2asc[(i).s2], l_bin2asc[(i).s3], l_bin2asc[(i).s4], l_bin2asc[(i).s5], l_bin2asc[(i).s6], l_bin2asc[(i).s7])
+#elif VECT_SIZE == 16
+#define uint_to_hex_lower8(i) (u32x) (l_bin2asc[(i).s0], l_bin2asc[(i).s1], l_bin2asc[(i).s2], l_bin2asc[(i).s3], l_bin2asc[(i).s4], l_bin2asc[(i).s5], l_bin2asc[(i).s6], l_bin2asc[(i).s7], l_bin2asc[(i).s8], l_bin2asc[(i).s9], l_bin2asc[(i).sa], l_bin2asc[(i).sb], l_bin2asc[(i).sc], l_bin2asc[(i).sd], l_bin2asc[(i).se], l_bin2asc[(i).sf])
+__kernel void m03910_m04 (__global pw_t *pws, __global const kernel_rule_t *rules_buf, __global const comb_t *combs_buf, __global const bf_t *bfs_buf, __global void *tmps, __global void *hooks, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s1_a, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s1_b, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s1_c, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s1_d, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s2_a, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s2_b, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s2_c, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s2_d, __global plain_t *plains_buf, __global const digest_t *digests_buf, __global u32 *hashes_shown, __global const salt_t *salt_bufs, __global const void *esalt_bufs, __global u32 *d_return_buf, __global u32 *d_scryptV0_buf, __global u32 *d_scryptV1_buf, __global u32 *d_scryptV2_buf, __global u32 *d_scryptV3_buf, const u32 bitmap_mask, const u32 bitmap_shift1, const u32 bitmap_shift2, const u32 salt_pos, const u32 loop_pos, const u32 loop_cnt, const u32 il_cnt, const u32 digests_cnt, const u32 digests_offset, const u32 combs_mode, const u32 gid_max)
+  /**
+   * modifier
+   */
+  const u32 gid = get_global_id (0);
+  const u32 lid = get_local_id (0);
+  const u32 lsz = get_local_size (0);
+  /**
+   * bin2asc table
+   */
+  __local u32 l_bin2asc[256];
+  for (u32 i = lid; i < 256; i += lsz)
+  {
+    const u32 i0 = (i >> 0) & 15;
+    const u32 i1 = (i >> 4) & 15;
+    l_bin2asc[i] = ((i0 < 10) ? '0' + i0 : 'a' - 10 + i0) << 8
+                 | ((i1 < 10) ? '0' + i1 : 'a' - 10 + i1) << 0;
+  }
+  barrier (CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
+  if (gid >= gid_max) return;
+  /**
+   * base
+   */
+  u32 pw_buf0[4];
+  u32 pw_buf1[4];
+  pw_buf0[0] = pws[gid].i[0];
+  pw_buf0[1] = pws[gid].i[1];
+  pw_buf0[2] = pws[gid].i[2];
+  pw_buf0[3] = pws[gid].i[3];
+  pw_buf1[0] = pws[gid].i[4];
+  pw_buf1[1] = pws[gid].i[5];
+  pw_buf1[2] = pws[gid].i[6];
+  pw_buf1[3] = pws[gid].i[7];
+  const u32 pw_l_len = pws[gid].pw_len;
+  /**
+   * salt
+   */
+  u32 salt_buf0[4];
+  u32 salt_buf1[4];
+  u32 salt_buf2[4];
+  u32 salt_buf3[4];
+  salt_buf0[0] = salt_bufs[salt_pos].salt_buf_pc[0];
+  salt_buf0[1] = salt_bufs[salt_pos].salt_buf_pc[1];
+  salt_buf0[2] = salt_bufs[salt_pos].salt_buf_pc[2];
+  salt_buf0[3] = salt_bufs[salt_pos].salt_buf_pc[3];
+  salt_buf1[0] = salt_bufs[salt_pos].salt_buf_pc[4];
+  salt_buf1[1] = salt_bufs[salt_pos].salt_buf_pc[5];
+  salt_buf1[2] = salt_bufs[salt_pos].salt_buf_pc[6];
+  salt_buf1[3] = salt_bufs[salt_pos].salt_buf_pc[7];
+  salt_buf2[0] = 0;
+  salt_buf2[1] = 0;
+  salt_buf2[2] = 0;
+  salt_buf2[3] = 0;
+  salt_buf3[0] = 0;
+  salt_buf3[1] = 0;
+  salt_buf3[2] = 0;
+  salt_buf3[3] = 0;
+  const u32 salt_len = salt_bufs[salt_pos].salt_len;
+  /**
+   * loop
+   */
+  for (u32 il_pos = 0; il_pos < il_cnt; il_pos += VECT_SIZE)
+  {
+    const u32x pw_r_len = pwlenx_create_combt (combs_buf, il_pos);
+    const u32x pw_len = pw_l_len + pw_r_len;
+    /**
+     * concat password candidate
+     */
+    u32x wordl0[4] = { 0 };
+    u32x wordl1[4] = { 0 };
+    u32x wordl2[4] = { 0 };
+    u32x wordl3[4] = { 0 };
+    wordl0[0] = pw_buf0[0];
+    wordl0[1] = pw_buf0[1];
+    wordl0[2] = pw_buf0[2];
+    wordl0[3] = pw_buf0[3];
+    wordl1[0] = pw_buf1[0];
+    wordl1[1] = pw_buf1[1];
+    wordl1[2] = pw_buf1[2];
+    wordl1[3] = pw_buf1[3];
+    u32x wordr0[4] = { 0 };
+    u32x wordr1[4] = { 0 };
+    u32x wordr2[4] = { 0 };
+    u32x wordr3[4] = { 0 };
+    wordr0[0] = ix_create_combt (combs_buf, il_pos, 0);
+    wordr0[1] = ix_create_combt (combs_buf, il_pos, 1);
+    wordr0[2] = ix_create_combt (combs_buf, il_pos, 2);
+    wordr0[3] = ix_create_combt (combs_buf, il_pos, 3);
+    wordr1[0] = ix_create_combt (combs_buf, il_pos, 4);
+    wordr1[1] = ix_create_combt (combs_buf, il_pos, 5);
+    wordr1[2] = ix_create_combt (combs_buf, il_pos, 6);
+    wordr1[3] = ix_create_combt (combs_buf, il_pos, 7);
+    if (combs_mode == COMBINATOR_MODE_BASE_LEFT)
+    {
+      switch_buffer_by_offset_le_VV (wordr0, wordr1, wordr2, wordr3, pw_l_len);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      switch_buffer_by_offset_le_VV (wordl0, wordl1, wordl2, wordl3, pw_r_len);
+    }
+    u32x w0[4];
+    u32x w1[4];
+    u32x w2[4];
+    u32x w3[4];
+    w0[0] = wordl0[0] | wordr0[0];
+    w0[1] = wordl0[1] | wordr0[1];
+    w0[2] = wordl0[2] | wordr0[2];
+    w0[3] = wordl0[3] | wordr0[3];
+    w1[0] = wordl1[0] | wordr1[0];
+    w1[1] = wordl1[1] | wordr1[1];
+    w1[2] = wordl1[2] | wordr1[2];
+    w1[3] = wordl1[3] | wordr1[3];
+    w2[0] = wordl2[0] | wordr2[0];
+    w2[1] = wordl2[1] | wordr2[1];
+    w2[2] = wordl2[2] | wordr2[2];
+    w2[3] = wordl2[3] | wordr2[3];
+    w3[0] = wordl3[0] | wordr3[0];
+    w3[1] = wordl3[1] | wordr3[1];
+    w3[2] = pw_len * 8;
+    w3[3] = 0;
+    /**
+     * md5
+     */
+    u32x a = MD5M_A;
+    u32x b = MD5M_B;
+    u32x c = MD5M_C;
+    u32x d = MD5M_D;
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, a, b, c, d, w0[0], MD5C00, MD5S00);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, d, a, b, c, w0[1], MD5C01, MD5S01);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, c, d, a, b, w0[2], MD5C02, MD5S02);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, b, c, d, a, w0[3], MD5C03, MD5S03);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, a, b, c, d, w1[0], MD5C04, MD5S00);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, d, a, b, c, w1[1], MD5C05, MD5S01);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, c, d, a, b, w1[2], MD5C06, MD5S02);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, b, c, d, a, w1[3], MD5C07, MD5S03);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, a, b, c, d, w2[0], MD5C08, MD5S00);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, d, a, b, c, w2[1], MD5C09, MD5S01);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, c, d, a, b, w2[2], MD5C0a, MD5S02);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, b, c, d, a, w2[3], MD5C0b, MD5S03);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, a, b, c, d, w3[0], MD5C0c, MD5S00);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, d, a, b, c, w3[1], MD5C0d, MD5S01);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, c, d, a, b, w3[2], MD5C0e, MD5S02);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, b, c, d, a, w3[3], MD5C0f, MD5S03);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, a, b, c, d, w0[1], MD5C10, MD5S10);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, d, a, b, c, w1[2], MD5C11, MD5S11);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, c, d, a, b, w2[3], MD5C12, MD5S12);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, b, c, d, a, w0[0], MD5C13, MD5S13);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, a, b, c, d, w1[1], MD5C14, MD5S10);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, d, a, b, c, w2[2], MD5C15, MD5S11);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, c, d, a, b, w3[3], MD5C16, MD5S12);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, b, c, d, a, w1[0], MD5C17, MD5S13);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, a, b, c, d, w2[1], MD5C18, MD5S10);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, d, a, b, c, w3[2], MD5C19, MD5S11);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, c, d, a, b, w0[3], MD5C1a, MD5S12);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, b, c, d, a, w2[0], MD5C1b, MD5S13);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, a, b, c, d, w3[1], MD5C1c, MD5S10);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, d, a, b, c, w0[2], MD5C1d, MD5S11);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, c, d, a, b, w1[3], MD5C1e, MD5S12);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, b, c, d, a, w3[0], MD5C1f, MD5S13);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , a, b, c, d, w1[1], MD5C20, MD5S20);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , d, a, b, c, w2[0], MD5C21, MD5S21);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , c, d, a, b, w2[3], MD5C22, MD5S22);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , b, c, d, a, w3[2], MD5C23, MD5S23);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , a, b, c, d, w0[1], MD5C24, MD5S20);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , d, a, b, c, w1[0], MD5C25, MD5S21);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , c, d, a, b, w1[3], MD5C26, MD5S22);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , b, c, d, a, w2[2], MD5C27, MD5S23);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , a, b, c, d, w3[1], MD5C28, MD5S20);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , d, a, b, c, w0[0], MD5C29, MD5S21);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , c, d, a, b, w0[3], MD5C2a, MD5S22);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , b, c, d, a, w1[2], MD5C2b, MD5S23);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , a, b, c, d, w2[1], MD5C2c, MD5S20);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , d, a, b, c, w3[0], MD5C2d, MD5S21);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , c, d, a, b, w3[3], MD5C2e, MD5S22);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , b, c, d, a, w0[2], MD5C2f, MD5S23);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , a, b, c, d, w0[0], MD5C30, MD5S30);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , d, a, b, c, w1[3], MD5C31, MD5S31);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , c, d, a, b, w3[2], MD5C32, MD5S32);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , b, c, d, a, w1[1], MD5C33, MD5S33);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , a, b, c, d, w3[0], MD5C34, MD5S30);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , d, a, b, c, w0[3], MD5C35, MD5S31);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , c, d, a, b, w2[2], MD5C36, MD5S32);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , b, c, d, a, w0[1], MD5C37, MD5S33);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , a, b, c, d, w2[0], MD5C38, MD5S30);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , d, a, b, c, w3[3], MD5C39, MD5S31);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , c, d, a, b, w1[2], MD5C3a, MD5S32);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , b, c, d, a, w3[1], MD5C3b, MD5S33);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , a, b, c, d, w1[0], MD5C3c, MD5S30);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , d, a, b, c, w2[3], MD5C3d, MD5S31);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , c, d, a, b, w0[2], MD5C3e, MD5S32);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , b, c, d, a, w2[1], MD5C3f, MD5S33);
+    a += MD5M_A;
+    b += MD5M_B;
+    c += MD5M_C;
+    d += MD5M_D;
+    w0[0] = uint_to_hex_lower8 ((a >>  0) & 255) <<  0
+          | uint_to_hex_lower8 ((a >>  8) & 255) << 16;
+    w0[1] = uint_to_hex_lower8 ((a >> 16) & 255) <<  0
+          | uint_to_hex_lower8 ((a >> 24) & 255) << 16;
+    w0[2] = uint_to_hex_lower8 ((b >>  0) & 255) <<  0
+          | uint_to_hex_lower8 ((b >>  8) & 255) << 16;
+    w0[3] = uint_to_hex_lower8 ((b >> 16) & 255) <<  0
+          | uint_to_hex_lower8 ((b >> 24) & 255) << 16;
+    w1[0] = uint_to_hex_lower8 ((c >>  0) & 255) <<  0
+          | uint_to_hex_lower8 ((c >>  8) & 255) << 16;
+    w1[1] = uint_to_hex_lower8 ((c >> 16) & 255) <<  0
+          | uint_to_hex_lower8 ((c >> 24) & 255) << 16;
+    w1[2] = uint_to_hex_lower8 ((d >>  0) & 255) <<  0
+          | uint_to_hex_lower8 ((d >>  8) & 255) << 16;
+    w1[3] = uint_to_hex_lower8 ((d >> 16) & 255) <<  0
+          | uint_to_hex_lower8 ((d >> 24) & 255) << 16;
+    w2[0] = salt_buf0[0];
+    w2[1] = salt_buf0[1];
+    w2[2] = salt_buf0[2];
+    w2[3] = salt_buf0[3];
+    w3[0] = salt_buf1[0];
+    w3[1] = salt_buf1[1];
+    w3[2] = salt_buf1[2];
+    w3[3] = salt_buf1[3];
+    a = MD5M_A;
+    b = MD5M_B;
+    c = MD5M_C;
+    d = MD5M_D;
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, a, b, c, d, w0[0], MD5C00, MD5S00);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, d, a, b, c, w0[1], MD5C01, MD5S01);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, c, d, a, b, w0[2], MD5C02, MD5S02);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, b, c, d, a, w0[3], MD5C03, MD5S03);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, a, b, c, d, w1[0], MD5C04, MD5S00);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, d, a, b, c, w1[1], MD5C05, MD5S01);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, c, d, a, b, w1[2], MD5C06, MD5S02);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, b, c, d, a, w1[3], MD5C07, MD5S03);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, a, b, c, d, w2[0], MD5C08, MD5S00);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, d, a, b, c, w2[1], MD5C09, MD5S01);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, c, d, a, b, w2[2], MD5C0a, MD5S02);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, b, c, d, a, w2[3], MD5C0b, MD5S03);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, a, b, c, d, w3[0], MD5C0c, MD5S00);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, d, a, b, c, w3[1], MD5C0d, MD5S01);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, c, d, a, b, w3[2], MD5C0e, MD5S02);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, b, c, d, a, w3[3], MD5C0f, MD5S03);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, a, b, c, d, w0[1], MD5C10, MD5S10);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, d, a, b, c, w1[2], MD5C11, MD5S11);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, c, d, a, b, w2[3], MD5C12, MD5S12);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, b, c, d, a, w0[0], MD5C13, MD5S13);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, a, b, c, d, w1[1], MD5C14, MD5S10);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, d, a, b, c, w2[2], MD5C15, MD5S11);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, c, d, a, b, w3[3], MD5C16, MD5S12);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, b, c, d, a, w1[0], MD5C17, MD5S13);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, a, b, c, d, w2[1], MD5C18, MD5S10);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, d, a, b, c, w3[2], MD5C19, MD5S11);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, c, d, a, b, w0[3], MD5C1a, MD5S12);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, b, c, d, a, w2[0], MD5C1b, MD5S13);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, a, b, c, d, w3[1], MD5C1c, MD5S10);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, d, a, b, c, w0[2], MD5C1d, MD5S11);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, c, d, a, b, w1[3], MD5C1e, MD5S12);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, b, c, d, a, w3[0], MD5C1f, MD5S13);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , a, b, c, d, w1[1], MD5C20, MD5S20);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , d, a, b, c, w2[0], MD5C21, MD5S21);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , c, d, a, b, w2[3], MD5C22, MD5S22);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , b, c, d, a, w3[2], MD5C23, MD5S23);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , a, b, c, d, w0[1], MD5C24, MD5S20);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , d, a, b, c, w1[0], MD5C25, MD5S21);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , c, d, a, b, w1[3], MD5C26, MD5S22);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , b, c, d, a, w2[2], MD5C27, MD5S23);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , a, b, c, d, w3[1], MD5C28, MD5S20);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , d, a, b, c, w0[0], MD5C29, MD5S21);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , c, d, a, b, w0[3], MD5C2a, MD5S22);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , b, c, d, a, w1[2], MD5C2b, MD5S23);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , a, b, c, d, w2[1], MD5C2c, MD5S20);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , d, a, b, c, w3[0], MD5C2d, MD5S21);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , c, d, a, b, w3[3], MD5C2e, MD5S22);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , b, c, d, a, w0[2], MD5C2f, MD5S23);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , a, b, c, d, w0[0], MD5C30, MD5S30);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , d, a, b, c, w1[3], MD5C31, MD5S31);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , c, d, a, b, w3[2], MD5C32, MD5S32);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , b, c, d, a, w1[1], MD5C33, MD5S33);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , a, b, c, d, w3[0], MD5C34, MD5S30);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , d, a, b, c, w0[3], MD5C35, MD5S31);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , c, d, a, b, w2[2], MD5C36, MD5S32);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , b, c, d, a, w0[1], MD5C37, MD5S33);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , a, b, c, d, w2[0], MD5C38, MD5S30);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , d, a, b, c, w3[3], MD5C39, MD5S31);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , c, d, a, b, w1[2], MD5C3a, MD5S32);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , b, c, d, a, w3[1], MD5C3b, MD5S33);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , a, b, c, d, w1[0], MD5C3c, MD5S30);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , d, a, b, c, w2[3], MD5C3d, MD5S31);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , c, d, a, b, w0[2], MD5C3e, MD5S32);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , b, c, d, a, w2[1], MD5C3f, MD5S33);
+    const u32x r_a = a + MD5M_A;
+    const u32x r_b = b + MD5M_B;
+    const u32x r_c = c + MD5M_C;
+    const u32x r_d = d + MD5M_D;
+    const u32x r_00 = 0x80;
+    const u32x r_14 = 64 * 8;
+    a = r_a;
+    b = r_b;
+    c = r_c;
+    d = r_d;
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, a, b, c, d, r_00, MD5C00, MD5S00);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Fo, d, a, b, c,       MD5C01, MD5S01);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Fo, c, d, a, b,       MD5C02, MD5S02);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Fo, b, c, d, a,       MD5C03, MD5S03);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Fo, a, b, c, d,       MD5C04, MD5S00);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Fo, d, a, b, c,       MD5C05, MD5S01);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Fo, c, d, a, b,       MD5C06, MD5S02);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Fo, b, c, d, a,       MD5C07, MD5S03);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Fo, a, b, c, d,       MD5C08, MD5S00);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Fo, d, a, b, c,       MD5C09, MD5S01);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Fo, c, d, a, b,       MD5C0a, MD5S02);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Fo, b, c, d, a,       MD5C0b, MD5S03);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Fo, a, b, c, d,       MD5C0c, MD5S00);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Fo, d, a, b, c,       MD5C0d, MD5S01);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, c, d, a, b, r_14, MD5C0e, MD5S02);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Fo, b, c, d, a,       MD5C0f, MD5S03);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Go, a, b, c, d,       MD5C10, MD5S10);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Go, d, a, b, c,       MD5C11, MD5S11);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Go, c, d, a, b,       MD5C12, MD5S12);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, b, c, d, a, r_00, MD5C13, MD5S13);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Go, a, b, c, d,       MD5C14, MD5S10);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Go, d, a, b, c,       MD5C15, MD5S11);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Go, c, d, a, b,       MD5C16, MD5S12);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Go, b, c, d, a,       MD5C17, MD5S13);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Go, a, b, c, d,       MD5C18, MD5S10);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, d, a, b, c, r_14, MD5C19, MD5S11);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Go, c, d, a, b,       MD5C1a, MD5S12);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Go, b, c, d, a,       MD5C1b, MD5S13);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Go, a, b, c, d,       MD5C1c, MD5S10);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Go, d, a, b, c,       MD5C1d, MD5S11);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Go, c, d, a, b,       MD5C1e, MD5S12);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Go, b, c, d, a,       MD5C1f, MD5S13);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_H , a, b, c, d,       MD5C20, MD5S20);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_H , d, a, b, c,       MD5C21, MD5S21);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_H , c, d, a, b,       MD5C22, MD5S22);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , b, c, d, a, r_14, MD5C23, MD5S23);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_H , a, b, c, d,       MD5C24, MD5S20);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_H , d, a, b, c,       MD5C25, MD5S21);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_H , c, d, a, b,       MD5C26, MD5S22);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_H , b, c, d, a,       MD5C27, MD5S23);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_H , a, b, c, d,       MD5C28, MD5S20);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , d, a, b, c, r_00, MD5C29, MD5S21);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_H , c, d, a, b,       MD5C2a, MD5S22);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_H , b, c, d, a,       MD5C2b, MD5S23);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_H , a, b, c, d,       MD5C2c, MD5S20);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_H , d, a, b, c,       MD5C2d, MD5S21);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_H , c, d, a, b,       MD5C2e, MD5S22);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_H , b, c, d, a,       MD5C2f, MD5S23);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , a, b, c, d, r_00, MD5C30, MD5S30);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_I , d, a, b, c,       MD5C31, MD5S31);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , c, d, a, b, r_14, MD5C32, MD5S32);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_I , b, c, d, a,       MD5C33, MD5S33);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_I , a, b, c, d,       MD5C34, MD5S30);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_I , d, a, b, c,       MD5C35, MD5S31);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_I , c, d, a, b,       MD5C36, MD5S32);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_I , b, c, d, a,       MD5C37, MD5S33);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_I , a, b, c, d,       MD5C38, MD5S30);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_I , d, a, b, c,       MD5C39, MD5S31);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_I , c, d, a, b,       MD5C3a, MD5S32);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_I , b, c, d, a,       MD5C3b, MD5S33);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_I , a, b, c, d,       MD5C3c, MD5S30);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_I , d, a, b, c,       MD5C3d, MD5S31);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_I , c, d, a, b,       MD5C3e, MD5S32);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_I , b, c, d, a,       MD5C3f, MD5S33);
+    a += r_a;
+    b += r_b;
+    c += r_c;
+    d += r_d;
+    COMPARE_M_SIMD (a, d, c, b);
+  }
+__kernel void m03910_m08 (__global pw_t *pws, __global const kernel_rule_t *rules_buf, __global const comb_t *combs_buf, __global const bf_t *bfs_buf, __global void *tmps, __global void *hooks, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s1_a, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s1_b, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s1_c, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s1_d, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s2_a, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s2_b, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s2_c, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s2_d, __global plain_t *plains_buf, __global const digest_t *digests_buf, __global u32 *hashes_shown, __global const salt_t *salt_bufs, __global const void *esalt_bufs, __global u32 *d_return_buf, __global u32 *d_scryptV0_buf, __global u32 *d_scryptV1_buf, __global u32 *d_scryptV2_buf, __global u32 *d_scryptV3_buf, const u32 bitmap_mask, const u32 bitmap_shift1, const u32 bitmap_shift2, const u32 salt_pos, const u32 loop_pos, const u32 loop_cnt, const u32 il_cnt, const u32 digests_cnt, const u32 digests_offset, const u32 combs_mode, const u32 gid_max)
+__kernel void m03910_m16 (__global pw_t *pws, __global const kernel_rule_t *rules_buf, __global const comb_t *combs_buf, __global const bf_t *bfs_buf, __global void *tmps, __global void *hooks, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s1_a, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s1_b, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s1_c, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s1_d, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s2_a, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s2_b, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s2_c, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s2_d, __global plain_t *plains_buf, __global const digest_t *digests_buf, __global u32 *hashes_shown, __global const salt_t *salt_bufs, __global const void *esalt_bufs, __global u32 *d_return_buf, __global u32 *d_scryptV0_buf, __global u32 *d_scryptV1_buf, __global u32 *d_scryptV2_buf, __global u32 *d_scryptV3_buf, const u32 bitmap_mask, const u32 bitmap_shift1, const u32 bitmap_shift2, const u32 salt_pos, const u32 loop_pos, const u32 loop_cnt, const u32 il_cnt, const u32 digests_cnt, const u32 digests_offset, const u32 combs_mode, const u32 gid_max)
+__kernel void m03910_s04 (__global pw_t *pws, __global const kernel_rule_t *rules_buf, __global const comb_t *combs_buf, __global const bf_t *bfs_buf, __global void *tmps, __global void *hooks, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s1_a, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s1_b, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s1_c, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s1_d, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s2_a, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s2_b, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s2_c, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s2_d, __global plain_t *plains_buf, __global const digest_t *digests_buf, __global u32 *hashes_shown, __global const salt_t *salt_bufs, __global const void *esalt_bufs, __global u32 *d_return_buf, __global u32 *d_scryptV0_buf, __global u32 *d_scryptV1_buf, __global u32 *d_scryptV2_buf, __global u32 *d_scryptV3_buf, const u32 bitmap_mask, const u32 bitmap_shift1, const u32 bitmap_shift2, const u32 salt_pos, const u32 loop_pos, const u32 loop_cnt, const u32 il_cnt, const u32 digests_cnt, const u32 digests_offset, const u32 combs_mode, const u32 gid_max)
+  /**
+   * modifier
+   */
+  const u32 gid = get_global_id (0);
+  const u32 lid = get_local_id (0);
+  const u32 lsz = get_local_size (0);
+  /**
+   * bin2asc table
+   */
+  __local u32 l_bin2asc[256];
+  for (u32 i = lid; i < 256; i += lsz)
+  {
+    const u32 i0 = (i >> 0) & 15;
+    const u32 i1 = (i >> 4) & 15;
+    l_bin2asc[i] = ((i0 < 10) ? '0' + i0 : 'a' - 10 + i0) << 8
+                 | ((i1 < 10) ? '0' + i1 : 'a' - 10 + i1) << 0;
+  }
+  barrier (CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
+  if (gid >= gid_max) return;
+  /**
+   * base
+   */
+  u32 pw_buf0[4];
+  u32 pw_buf1[4];
+  pw_buf0[0] = pws[gid].i[0];
+  pw_buf0[1] = pws[gid].i[1];
+  pw_buf0[2] = pws[gid].i[2];
+  pw_buf0[3] = pws[gid].i[3];
+  pw_buf1[0] = pws[gid].i[4];
+  pw_buf1[1] = pws[gid].i[5];
+  pw_buf1[2] = pws[gid].i[6];
+  pw_buf1[3] = pws[gid].i[7];
+  const u32 pw_l_len = pws[gid].pw_len;
+  /**
+   * salt
+   */
+  u32 salt_buf0[4];
+  u32 salt_buf1[4];
+  u32 salt_buf2[4];
+  u32 salt_buf3[4];
+  salt_buf0[0] = salt_bufs[salt_pos].salt_buf_pc[0];
+  salt_buf0[1] = salt_bufs[salt_pos].salt_buf_pc[1];
+  salt_buf0[2] = salt_bufs[salt_pos].salt_buf_pc[2];
+  salt_buf0[3] = salt_bufs[salt_pos].salt_buf_pc[3];
+  salt_buf1[0] = salt_bufs[salt_pos].salt_buf_pc[4];
+  salt_buf1[1] = salt_bufs[salt_pos].salt_buf_pc[5];
+  salt_buf1[2] = salt_bufs[salt_pos].salt_buf_pc[6];
+  salt_buf1[3] = salt_bufs[salt_pos].salt_buf_pc[7];
+  salt_buf2[0] = 0;
+  salt_buf2[1] = 0;
+  salt_buf2[2] = 0;
+  salt_buf2[3] = 0;
+  salt_buf3[0] = 0;
+  salt_buf3[1] = 0;
+  salt_buf3[2] = 0;
+  salt_buf3[3] = 0;
+  const u32 salt_len = salt_bufs[salt_pos].salt_len;
+  /**
+   * digest
+   */
+  const u32 search[4] =
+  {
+    digests_buf[digests_offset].digest_buf[DGST_R0],
+    digests_buf[digests_offset].digest_buf[DGST_R1],
+    digests_buf[digests_offset].digest_buf[DGST_R2],
+    digests_buf[digests_offset].digest_buf[DGST_R3]
+  };
+  /**
+   * loop
+   */
+  for (u32 il_pos = 0; il_pos < il_cnt; il_pos += VECT_SIZE)
+  {
+    const u32x pw_r_len = pwlenx_create_combt (combs_buf, il_pos);
+    const u32x pw_len = pw_l_len + pw_r_len;
+    /**
+     * concat password candidate
+     */
+    u32x wordl0[4] = { 0 };
+    u32x wordl1[4] = { 0 };
+    u32x wordl2[4] = { 0 };
+    u32x wordl3[4] = { 0 };
+    wordl0[0] = pw_buf0[0];
+    wordl0[1] = pw_buf0[1];
+    wordl0[2] = pw_buf0[2];
+    wordl0[3] = pw_buf0[3];
+    wordl1[0] = pw_buf1[0];
+    wordl1[1] = pw_buf1[1];
+    wordl1[2] = pw_buf1[2];
+    wordl1[3] = pw_buf1[3];
+    u32x wordr0[4] = { 0 };
+    u32x wordr1[4] = { 0 };
+    u32x wordr2[4] = { 0 };
+    u32x wordr3[4] = { 0 };
+    wordr0[0] = ix_create_combt (combs_buf, il_pos, 0);
+    wordr0[1] = ix_create_combt (combs_buf, il_pos, 1);
+    wordr0[2] = ix_create_combt (combs_buf, il_pos, 2);
+    wordr0[3] = ix_create_combt (combs_buf, il_pos, 3);
+    wordr1[0] = ix_create_combt (combs_buf, il_pos, 4);
+    wordr1[1] = ix_create_combt (combs_buf, il_pos, 5);
+    wordr1[2] = ix_create_combt (combs_buf, il_pos, 6);
+    wordr1[3] = ix_create_combt (combs_buf, il_pos, 7);
+    if (combs_mode == COMBINATOR_MODE_BASE_LEFT)
+    {
+      switch_buffer_by_offset_le_VV (wordr0, wordr1, wordr2, wordr3, pw_l_len);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      switch_buffer_by_offset_le_VV (wordl0, wordl1, wordl2, wordl3, pw_r_len);
+    }
+    u32x w0[4];
+    u32x w1[4];
+    u32x w2[4];
+    u32x w3[4];
+    w0[0] = wordl0[0] | wordr0[0];
+    w0[1] = wordl0[1] | wordr0[1];
+    w0[2] = wordl0[2] | wordr0[2];
+    w0[3] = wordl0[3] | wordr0[3];
+    w1[0] = wordl1[0] | wordr1[0];
+    w1[1] = wordl1[1] | wordr1[1];
+    w1[2] = wordl1[2] | wordr1[2];
+    w1[3] = wordl1[3] | wordr1[3];
+    w2[0] = wordl2[0] | wordr2[0];
+    w2[1] = wordl2[1] | wordr2[1];
+    w2[2] = wordl2[2] | wordr2[2];
+    w2[3] = wordl2[3] | wordr2[3];
+    w3[0] = wordl3[0] | wordr3[0];
+    w3[1] = wordl3[1] | wordr3[1];
+    w3[2] = pw_len * 8;
+    w3[3] = 0;
+    /**
+     * md5
+     */
+    u32x a = MD5M_A;
+    u32x b = MD5M_B;
+    u32x c = MD5M_C;
+    u32x d = MD5M_D;
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, a, b, c, d, w0[0], MD5C00, MD5S00);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, d, a, b, c, w0[1], MD5C01, MD5S01);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, c, d, a, b, w0[2], MD5C02, MD5S02);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, b, c, d, a, w0[3], MD5C03, MD5S03);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, a, b, c, d, w1[0], MD5C04, MD5S00);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, d, a, b, c, w1[1], MD5C05, MD5S01);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, c, d, a, b, w1[2], MD5C06, MD5S02);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, b, c, d, a, w1[3], MD5C07, MD5S03);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, a, b, c, d, w2[0], MD5C08, MD5S00);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, d, a, b, c, w2[1], MD5C09, MD5S01);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, c, d, a, b, w2[2], MD5C0a, MD5S02);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, b, c, d, a, w2[3], MD5C0b, MD5S03);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, a, b, c, d, w3[0], MD5C0c, MD5S00);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, d, a, b, c, w3[1], MD5C0d, MD5S01);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, c, d, a, b, w3[2], MD5C0e, MD5S02);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, b, c, d, a, w3[3], MD5C0f, MD5S03);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, a, b, c, d, w0[1], MD5C10, MD5S10);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, d, a, b, c, w1[2], MD5C11, MD5S11);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, c, d, a, b, w2[3], MD5C12, MD5S12);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, b, c, d, a, w0[0], MD5C13, MD5S13);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, a, b, c, d, w1[1], MD5C14, MD5S10);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, d, a, b, c, w2[2], MD5C15, MD5S11);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, c, d, a, b, w3[3], MD5C16, MD5S12);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, b, c, d, a, w1[0], MD5C17, MD5S13);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, a, b, c, d, w2[1], MD5C18, MD5S10);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, d, a, b, c, w3[2], MD5C19, MD5S11);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, c, d, a, b, w0[3], MD5C1a, MD5S12);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, b, c, d, a, w2[0], MD5C1b, MD5S13);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, a, b, c, d, w3[1], MD5C1c, MD5S10);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, d, a, b, c, w0[2], MD5C1d, MD5S11);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, c, d, a, b, w1[3], MD5C1e, MD5S12);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, b, c, d, a, w3[0], MD5C1f, MD5S13);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , a, b, c, d, w1[1], MD5C20, MD5S20);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , d, a, b, c, w2[0], MD5C21, MD5S21);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , c, d, a, b, w2[3], MD5C22, MD5S22);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , b, c, d, a, w3[2], MD5C23, MD5S23);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , a, b, c, d, w0[1], MD5C24, MD5S20);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , d, a, b, c, w1[0], MD5C25, MD5S21);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , c, d, a, b, w1[3], MD5C26, MD5S22);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , b, c, d, a, w2[2], MD5C27, MD5S23);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , a, b, c, d, w3[1], MD5C28, MD5S20);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , d, a, b, c, w0[0], MD5C29, MD5S21);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , c, d, a, b, w0[3], MD5C2a, MD5S22);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , b, c, d, a, w1[2], MD5C2b, MD5S23);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , a, b, c, d, w2[1], MD5C2c, MD5S20);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , d, a, b, c, w3[0], MD5C2d, MD5S21);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , c, d, a, b, w3[3], MD5C2e, MD5S22);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , b, c, d, a, w0[2], MD5C2f, MD5S23);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , a, b, c, d, w0[0], MD5C30, MD5S30);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , d, a, b, c, w1[3], MD5C31, MD5S31);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , c, d, a, b, w3[2], MD5C32, MD5S32);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , b, c, d, a, w1[1], MD5C33, MD5S33);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , a, b, c, d, w3[0], MD5C34, MD5S30);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , d, a, b, c, w0[3], MD5C35, MD5S31);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , c, d, a, b, w2[2], MD5C36, MD5S32);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , b, c, d, a, w0[1], MD5C37, MD5S33);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , a, b, c, d, w2[0], MD5C38, MD5S30);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , d, a, b, c, w3[3], MD5C39, MD5S31);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , c, d, a, b, w1[2], MD5C3a, MD5S32);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , b, c, d, a, w3[1], MD5C3b, MD5S33);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , a, b, c, d, w1[0], MD5C3c, MD5S30);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , d, a, b, c, w2[3], MD5C3d, MD5S31);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , c, d, a, b, w0[2], MD5C3e, MD5S32);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , b, c, d, a, w2[1], MD5C3f, MD5S33);
+    a += MD5M_A;
+    b += MD5M_B;
+    c += MD5M_C;
+    d += MD5M_D;
+    w0[0] = uint_to_hex_lower8 ((a >>  0) & 255) <<  0
+          | uint_to_hex_lower8 ((a >>  8) & 255) << 16;
+    w0[1] = uint_to_hex_lower8 ((a >> 16) & 255) <<  0
+          | uint_to_hex_lower8 ((a >> 24) & 255) << 16;
+    w0[2] = uint_to_hex_lower8 ((b >>  0) & 255) <<  0
+          | uint_to_hex_lower8 ((b >>  8) & 255) << 16;
+    w0[3] = uint_to_hex_lower8 ((b >> 16) & 255) <<  0
+          | uint_to_hex_lower8 ((b >> 24) & 255) << 16;
+    w1[0] = uint_to_hex_lower8 ((c >>  0) & 255) <<  0
+          | uint_to_hex_lower8 ((c >>  8) & 255) << 16;
+    w1[1] = uint_to_hex_lower8 ((c >> 16) & 255) <<  0
+          | uint_to_hex_lower8 ((c >> 24) & 255) << 16;
+    w1[2] = uint_to_hex_lower8 ((d >>  0) & 255) <<  0
+          | uint_to_hex_lower8 ((d >>  8) & 255) << 16;
+    w1[3] = uint_to_hex_lower8 ((d >> 16) & 255) <<  0
+          | uint_to_hex_lower8 ((d >> 24) & 255) << 16;
+    w2[0] = salt_buf0[0];
+    w2[1] = salt_buf0[1];
+    w2[2] = salt_buf0[2];
+    w2[3] = salt_buf0[3];
+    w3[0] = salt_buf1[0];
+    w3[1] = salt_buf1[1];
+    w3[2] = salt_buf1[2];
+    w3[3] = salt_buf1[3];
+    a = MD5M_A;
+    b = MD5M_B;
+    c = MD5M_C;
+    d = MD5M_D;
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, a, b, c, d, w0[0], MD5C00, MD5S00);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, d, a, b, c, w0[1], MD5C01, MD5S01);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, c, d, a, b, w0[2], MD5C02, MD5S02);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, b, c, d, a, w0[3], MD5C03, MD5S03);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, a, b, c, d, w1[0], MD5C04, MD5S00);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, d, a, b, c, w1[1], MD5C05, MD5S01);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, c, d, a, b, w1[2], MD5C06, MD5S02);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, b, c, d, a, w1[3], MD5C07, MD5S03);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, a, b, c, d, w2[0], MD5C08, MD5S00);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, d, a, b, c, w2[1], MD5C09, MD5S01);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, c, d, a, b, w2[2], MD5C0a, MD5S02);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, b, c, d, a, w2[3], MD5C0b, MD5S03);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, a, b, c, d, w3[0], MD5C0c, MD5S00);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, d, a, b, c, w3[1], MD5C0d, MD5S01);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, c, d, a, b, w3[2], MD5C0e, MD5S02);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, b, c, d, a, w3[3], MD5C0f, MD5S03);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, a, b, c, d, w0[1], MD5C10, MD5S10);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, d, a, b, c, w1[2], MD5C11, MD5S11);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, c, d, a, b, w2[3], MD5C12, MD5S12);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, b, c, d, a, w0[0], MD5C13, MD5S13);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, a, b, c, d, w1[1], MD5C14, MD5S10);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, d, a, b, c, w2[2], MD5C15, MD5S11);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, c, d, a, b, w3[3], MD5C16, MD5S12);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, b, c, d, a, w1[0], MD5C17, MD5S13);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, a, b, c, d, w2[1], MD5C18, MD5S10);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, d, a, b, c, w3[2], MD5C19, MD5S11);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, c, d, a, b, w0[3], MD5C1a, MD5S12);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, b, c, d, a, w2[0], MD5C1b, MD5S13);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, a, b, c, d, w3[1], MD5C1c, MD5S10);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, d, a, b, c, w0[2], MD5C1d, MD5S11);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, c, d, a, b, w1[3], MD5C1e, MD5S12);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, b, c, d, a, w3[0], MD5C1f, MD5S13);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , a, b, c, d, w1[1], MD5C20, MD5S20);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , d, a, b, c, w2[0], MD5C21, MD5S21);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , c, d, a, b, w2[3], MD5C22, MD5S22);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , b, c, d, a, w3[2], MD5C23, MD5S23);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , a, b, c, d, w0[1], MD5C24, MD5S20);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , d, a, b, c, w1[0], MD5C25, MD5S21);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , c, d, a, b, w1[3], MD5C26, MD5S22);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , b, c, d, a, w2[2], MD5C27, MD5S23);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , a, b, c, d, w3[1], MD5C28, MD5S20);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , d, a, b, c, w0[0], MD5C29, MD5S21);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , c, d, a, b, w0[3], MD5C2a, MD5S22);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , b, c, d, a, w1[2], MD5C2b, MD5S23);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , a, b, c, d, w2[1], MD5C2c, MD5S20);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , d, a, b, c, w3[0], MD5C2d, MD5S21);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , c, d, a, b, w3[3], MD5C2e, MD5S22);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , b, c, d, a, w0[2], MD5C2f, MD5S23);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , a, b, c, d, w0[0], MD5C30, MD5S30);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , d, a, b, c, w1[3], MD5C31, MD5S31);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , c, d, a, b, w3[2], MD5C32, MD5S32);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , b, c, d, a, w1[1], MD5C33, MD5S33);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , a, b, c, d, w3[0], MD5C34, MD5S30);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , d, a, b, c, w0[3], MD5C35, MD5S31);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , c, d, a, b, w2[2], MD5C36, MD5S32);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , b, c, d, a, w0[1], MD5C37, MD5S33);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , a, b, c, d, w2[0], MD5C38, MD5S30);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , d, a, b, c, w3[3], MD5C39, MD5S31);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , c, d, a, b, w1[2], MD5C3a, MD5S32);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , b, c, d, a, w3[1], MD5C3b, MD5S33);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , a, b, c, d, w1[0], MD5C3c, MD5S30);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , d, a, b, c, w2[3], MD5C3d, MD5S31);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , c, d, a, b, w0[2], MD5C3e, MD5S32);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , b, c, d, a, w2[1], MD5C3f, MD5S33);
+    const u32x r_a = a + MD5M_A;
+    const u32x r_b = b + MD5M_B;
+    const u32x r_c = c + MD5M_C;
+    const u32x r_d = d + MD5M_D;
+    const u32x r_00 = 0x80;
+    const u32x r_14 = 64 * 8;
+    a = r_a;
+    b = r_b;
+    c = r_c;
+    d = r_d;
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, a, b, c, d, r_00, MD5C00, MD5S00);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Fo, d, a, b, c,       MD5C01, MD5S01);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Fo, c, d, a, b,       MD5C02, MD5S02);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Fo, b, c, d, a,       MD5C03, MD5S03);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Fo, a, b, c, d,       MD5C04, MD5S00);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Fo, d, a, b, c,       MD5C05, MD5S01);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Fo, c, d, a, b,       MD5C06, MD5S02);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Fo, b, c, d, a,       MD5C07, MD5S03);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Fo, a, b, c, d,       MD5C08, MD5S00);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Fo, d, a, b, c,       MD5C09, MD5S01);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Fo, c, d, a, b,       MD5C0a, MD5S02);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Fo, b, c, d, a,       MD5C0b, MD5S03);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Fo, a, b, c, d,       MD5C0c, MD5S00);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Fo, d, a, b, c,       MD5C0d, MD5S01);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, c, d, a, b, r_14, MD5C0e, MD5S02);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Fo, b, c, d, a,       MD5C0f, MD5S03);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Go, a, b, c, d,       MD5C10, MD5S10);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Go, d, a, b, c,       MD5C11, MD5S11);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Go, c, d, a, b,       MD5C12, MD5S12);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, b, c, d, a, r_00, MD5C13, MD5S13);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Go, a, b, c, d,       MD5C14, MD5S10);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Go, d, a, b, c,       MD5C15, MD5S11);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Go, c, d, a, b,       MD5C16, MD5S12);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Go, b, c, d, a,       MD5C17, MD5S13);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Go, a, b, c, d,       MD5C18, MD5S10);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, d, a, b, c, r_14, MD5C19, MD5S11);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Go, c, d, a, b,       MD5C1a, MD5S12);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Go, b, c, d, a,       MD5C1b, MD5S13);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Go, a, b, c, d,       MD5C1c, MD5S10);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Go, d, a, b, c,       MD5C1d, MD5S11);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Go, c, d, a, b,       MD5C1e, MD5S12);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Go, b, c, d, a,       MD5C1f, MD5S13);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_H , a, b, c, d,       MD5C20, MD5S20);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_H , d, a, b, c,       MD5C21, MD5S21);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_H , c, d, a, b,       MD5C22, MD5S22);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , b, c, d, a, r_14, MD5C23, MD5S23);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_H , a, b, c, d,       MD5C24, MD5S20);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_H , d, a, b, c,       MD5C25, MD5S21);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_H , c, d, a, b,       MD5C26, MD5S22);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_H , b, c, d, a,       MD5C27, MD5S23);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_H , a, b, c, d,       MD5C28, MD5S20);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , d, a, b, c, r_00, MD5C29, MD5S21);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_H , c, d, a, b,       MD5C2a, MD5S22);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_H , b, c, d, a,       MD5C2b, MD5S23);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_H , a, b, c, d,       MD5C2c, MD5S20);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_H , d, a, b, c,       MD5C2d, MD5S21);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_H , c, d, a, b,       MD5C2e, MD5S22);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_H , b, c, d, a,       MD5C2f, MD5S23);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , a, b, c, d, r_00, MD5C30, MD5S30);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_I , d, a, b, c,       MD5C31, MD5S31);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , c, d, a, b, r_14, MD5C32, MD5S32);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_I , b, c, d, a,       MD5C33, MD5S33);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_I , a, b, c, d,       MD5C34, MD5S30);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_I , d, a, b, c,       MD5C35, MD5S31);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_I , c, d, a, b,       MD5C36, MD5S32);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_I , b, c, d, a,       MD5C37, MD5S33);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_I , a, b, c, d,       MD5C38, MD5S30);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_I , d, a, b, c,       MD5C39, MD5S31);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_I , c, d, a, b,       MD5C3a, MD5S32);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_I , b, c, d, a,       MD5C3b, MD5S33);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_I , a, b, c, d,       MD5C3c, MD5S30);
+    if (MATCHES_NONE_VS ((a + r_a), search[0])) continue;
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_I , d, a, b, c,       MD5C3d, MD5S31);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_I , c, d, a, b,       MD5C3e, MD5S32);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_I , b, c, d, a,       MD5C3f, MD5S33);
+    a += r_a;
+    b += r_b;
+    c += r_c;
+    d += r_d;
+    COMPARE_S_SIMD (a, d, c, b);
+  }
+__kernel void m03910_s08 (__global pw_t *pws, __global const kernel_rule_t *rules_buf, __global const comb_t *combs_buf, __global const bf_t *bfs_buf, __global void *tmps, __global void *hooks, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s1_a, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s1_b, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s1_c, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s1_d, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s2_a, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s2_b, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s2_c, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s2_d, __global plain_t *plains_buf, __global const digest_t *digests_buf, __global u32 *hashes_shown, __global const salt_t *salt_bufs, __global const void *esalt_bufs, __global u32 *d_return_buf, __global u32 *d_scryptV0_buf, __global u32 *d_scryptV1_buf, __global u32 *d_scryptV2_buf, __global u32 *d_scryptV3_buf, const u32 bitmap_mask, const u32 bitmap_shift1, const u32 bitmap_shift2, const u32 salt_pos, const u32 loop_pos, const u32 loop_cnt, const u32 il_cnt, const u32 digests_cnt, const u32 digests_offset, const u32 combs_mode, const u32 gid_max)
+__kernel void m03910_s16 (__global pw_t *pws, __global const kernel_rule_t *rules_buf, __global const comb_t *combs_buf, __global const bf_t *bfs_buf, __global void *tmps, __global void *hooks, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s1_a, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s1_b, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s1_c, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s1_d, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s2_a, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s2_b, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s2_c, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s2_d, __global plain_t *plains_buf, __global const digest_t *digests_buf, __global u32 *hashes_shown, __global const salt_t *salt_bufs, __global const void *esalt_bufs, __global u32 *d_return_buf, __global u32 *d_scryptV0_buf, __global u32 *d_scryptV1_buf, __global u32 *d_scryptV2_buf, __global u32 *d_scryptV3_buf, const u32 bitmap_mask, const u32 bitmap_shift1, const u32 bitmap_shift2, const u32 salt_pos, const u32 loop_pos, const u32 loop_cnt, const u32 il_cnt, const u32 digests_cnt, const u32 digests_offset, const u32 combs_mode, const u32 gid_max)
diff --git a/OpenCL/m03910_a3.cl b/OpenCL/m03910_a3.cl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0fd282ae5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/OpenCL/m03910_a3.cl
@@ -0,0 +1,1146 @@
+ * Author......: See docs/credits.txt
+ * License.....: MIT
+ */
+#define _MD5_
+#define NEW_SIMD_CODE
+#include "inc_vendor.cl"
+#include "inc_hash_constants.h"
+#include "inc_hash_functions.cl"
+#include "inc_types.cl"
+#include "inc_common.cl"
+#include "inc_simd.cl"
+#if   VECT_SIZE == 1
+#define uint_to_hex_lower8(i) (u32x) (l_bin2asc[(i)])
+#elif VECT_SIZE == 2
+#define uint_to_hex_lower8(i) (u32x) (l_bin2asc[(i).s0], l_bin2asc[(i).s1])
+#elif VECT_SIZE == 4
+#define uint_to_hex_lower8(i) (u32x) (l_bin2asc[(i).s0], l_bin2asc[(i).s1], l_bin2asc[(i).s2], l_bin2asc[(i).s3])
+#elif VECT_SIZE == 8
+#define uint_to_hex_lower8(i) (u32x) (l_bin2asc[(i).s0], l_bin2asc[(i).s1], l_bin2asc[(i).s2], l_bin2asc[(i).s3], l_bin2asc[(i).s4], l_bin2asc[(i).s5], l_bin2asc[(i).s6], l_bin2asc[(i).s7])
+#elif VECT_SIZE == 16
+#define uint_to_hex_lower8(i) (u32x) (l_bin2asc[(i).s0], l_bin2asc[(i).s1], l_bin2asc[(i).s2], l_bin2asc[(i).s3], l_bin2asc[(i).s4], l_bin2asc[(i).s5], l_bin2asc[(i).s6], l_bin2asc[(i).s7], l_bin2asc[(i).s8], l_bin2asc[(i).s9], l_bin2asc[(i).sa], l_bin2asc[(i).sb], l_bin2asc[(i).sc], l_bin2asc[(i).sd], l_bin2asc[(i).se], l_bin2asc[(i).sf])
+static void m03910m (u32 w0[4], u32 w1[4], u32 w2[4], u32 w3[4], const u32 pw_len, __global pw_t *pws, __global const kernel_rule_t *rules_buf, __global const comb_t *combs_buf, __global const bf_t *bfs_buf, __global void *tmps, __global void *hooks, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s1_a, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s1_b, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s1_c, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s1_d, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s2_a, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s2_b, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s2_c, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s2_d, __global plain_t *plains_buf, __global const digest_t *digests_buf, __global u32 *hashes_shown, __global const salt_t *salt_bufs, __global const void *esalt_bufs, __global u32 *d_return_buf, __global u32 *d_scryptV0_buf, __global u32 *d_scryptV1_buf, __global u32 *d_scryptV2_buf, __global u32 *d_scryptV3_buf, const u32 bitmap_mask, const u32 bitmap_shift1, const u32 bitmap_shift2, const u32 salt_pos, const u32 loop_pos, const u32 loop_cnt, const u32 il_cnt, const u32 digests_cnt, const u32 digests_offset, __local u32 *l_bin2asc)
+  /**
+   * modifier
+   */
+  const u32 gid = get_global_id (0);
+  const u32 lid = get_local_id (0);
+  /**
+   * salt
+   */
+  u32 salt_buf0[4];
+  u32 salt_buf1[4];
+  u32 salt_buf2[4];
+  u32 salt_buf3[4];
+  salt_buf0[0] = salt_bufs[salt_pos].salt_buf_pc[0];
+  salt_buf0[1] = salt_bufs[salt_pos].salt_buf_pc[1];
+  salt_buf0[2] = salt_bufs[salt_pos].salt_buf_pc[2];
+  salt_buf0[3] = salt_bufs[salt_pos].salt_buf_pc[3];
+  salt_buf1[0] = salt_bufs[salt_pos].salt_buf_pc[4];
+  salt_buf1[1] = salt_bufs[salt_pos].salt_buf_pc[5];
+  salt_buf1[2] = salt_bufs[salt_pos].salt_buf_pc[6];
+  salt_buf1[3] = salt_bufs[salt_pos].salt_buf_pc[7];
+  salt_buf2[0] = 0;
+  salt_buf2[1] = 0;
+  salt_buf2[2] = 0;
+  salt_buf2[3] = 0;
+  salt_buf3[0] = 0;
+  salt_buf3[1] = 0;
+  salt_buf3[2] = 0;
+  salt_buf3[3] = 0;
+  const u32 salt_len = salt_bufs[salt_pos].salt_len;
+  /**
+   * loop
+   */
+  u32 w0l = w0[0];
+  for (u32 il_pos = 0; il_pos < il_cnt; il_pos += VECT_SIZE)
+  {
+    const u32x w0r = ix_create_bft (bfs_buf, il_pos);
+    const u32x w0lr = w0l | w0r;
+    u32x w0_t[4];
+    u32x w1_t[4];
+    u32x w2_t[4];
+    u32x w3_t[4];
+    w0_t[0] = w0lr;
+    w0_t[1] = w0[1];
+    w0_t[2] = w0[2];
+    w0_t[3] = w0[3];
+    w1_t[0] = w1[0];
+    w1_t[1] = w1[1];
+    w1_t[2] = w1[2];
+    w1_t[3] = w1[3];
+    w2_t[0] = w2[0];
+    w2_t[1] = w2[1];
+    w2_t[2] = w2[2];
+    w2_t[3] = w2[3];
+    w3_t[0] = w3[0];
+    w3_t[1] = w3[1];
+    w3_t[2] = w3[2];
+    w3_t[3] = w3[3];
+    /**
+     * md5
+     */
+    u32x a = MD5M_A;
+    u32x b = MD5M_B;
+    u32x c = MD5M_C;
+    u32x d = MD5M_D;
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, a, b, c, d, w0_t[0], MD5C00, MD5S00);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, d, a, b, c, w0_t[1], MD5C01, MD5S01);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, c, d, a, b, w0_t[2], MD5C02, MD5S02);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, b, c, d, a, w0_t[3], MD5C03, MD5S03);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, a, b, c, d, w1_t[0], MD5C04, MD5S00);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, d, a, b, c, w1_t[1], MD5C05, MD5S01);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, c, d, a, b, w1_t[2], MD5C06, MD5S02);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, b, c, d, a, w1_t[3], MD5C07, MD5S03);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, a, b, c, d, w2_t[0], MD5C08, MD5S00);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, d, a, b, c, w2_t[1], MD5C09, MD5S01);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, c, d, a, b, w2_t[2], MD5C0a, MD5S02);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, b, c, d, a, w2_t[3], MD5C0b, MD5S03);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, a, b, c, d, w3_t[0], MD5C0c, MD5S00);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, d, a, b, c, w3_t[1], MD5C0d, MD5S01);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, c, d, a, b, w3_t[2], MD5C0e, MD5S02);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, b, c, d, a, w3_t[3], MD5C0f, MD5S03);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, a, b, c, d, w0_t[1], MD5C10, MD5S10);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, d, a, b, c, w1_t[2], MD5C11, MD5S11);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, c, d, a, b, w2_t[3], MD5C12, MD5S12);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, b, c, d, a, w0_t[0], MD5C13, MD5S13);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, a, b, c, d, w1_t[1], MD5C14, MD5S10);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, d, a, b, c, w2_t[2], MD5C15, MD5S11);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, c, d, a, b, w3_t[3], MD5C16, MD5S12);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, b, c, d, a, w1_t[0], MD5C17, MD5S13);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, a, b, c, d, w2_t[1], MD5C18, MD5S10);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, d, a, b, c, w3_t[2], MD5C19, MD5S11);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, c, d, a, b, w0_t[3], MD5C1a, MD5S12);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, b, c, d, a, w2_t[0], MD5C1b, MD5S13);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, a, b, c, d, w3_t[1], MD5C1c, MD5S10);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, d, a, b, c, w0_t[2], MD5C1d, MD5S11);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, c, d, a, b, w1_t[3], MD5C1e, MD5S12);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, b, c, d, a, w3_t[0], MD5C1f, MD5S13);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , a, b, c, d, w1_t[1], MD5C20, MD5S20);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , d, a, b, c, w2_t[0], MD5C21, MD5S21);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , c, d, a, b, w2_t[3], MD5C22, MD5S22);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , b, c, d, a, w3_t[2], MD5C23, MD5S23);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , a, b, c, d, w0_t[1], MD5C24, MD5S20);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , d, a, b, c, w1_t[0], MD5C25, MD5S21);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , c, d, a, b, w1_t[3], MD5C26, MD5S22);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , b, c, d, a, w2_t[2], MD5C27, MD5S23);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , a, b, c, d, w3_t[1], MD5C28, MD5S20);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , d, a, b, c, w0_t[0], MD5C29, MD5S21);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , c, d, a, b, w0_t[3], MD5C2a, MD5S22);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , b, c, d, a, w1_t[2], MD5C2b, MD5S23);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , a, b, c, d, w2_t[1], MD5C2c, MD5S20);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , d, a, b, c, w3_t[0], MD5C2d, MD5S21);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , c, d, a, b, w3_t[3], MD5C2e, MD5S22);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , b, c, d, a, w0_t[2], MD5C2f, MD5S23);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , a, b, c, d, w0_t[0], MD5C30, MD5S30);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , d, a, b, c, w1_t[3], MD5C31, MD5S31);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , c, d, a, b, w3_t[2], MD5C32, MD5S32);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , b, c, d, a, w1_t[1], MD5C33, MD5S33);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , a, b, c, d, w3_t[0], MD5C34, MD5S30);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , d, a, b, c, w0_t[3], MD5C35, MD5S31);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , c, d, a, b, w2_t[2], MD5C36, MD5S32);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , b, c, d, a, w0_t[1], MD5C37, MD5S33);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , a, b, c, d, w2_t[0], MD5C38, MD5S30);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , d, a, b, c, w3_t[3], MD5C39, MD5S31);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , c, d, a, b, w1_t[2], MD5C3a, MD5S32);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , b, c, d, a, w3_t[1], MD5C3b, MD5S33);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , a, b, c, d, w1_t[0], MD5C3c, MD5S30);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , d, a, b, c, w2_t[3], MD5C3d, MD5S31);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , c, d, a, b, w0_t[2], MD5C3e, MD5S32);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , b, c, d, a, w2_t[1], MD5C3f, MD5S33);
+    a += MD5M_A;
+    b += MD5M_B;
+    c += MD5M_C;
+    d += MD5M_D;
+    w0_t[0] = uint_to_hex_lower8 ((a >>  0) & 255) <<  0
+            | uint_to_hex_lower8 ((a >>  8) & 255) << 16;
+    w0_t[1] = uint_to_hex_lower8 ((a >> 16) & 255) <<  0
+            | uint_to_hex_lower8 ((a >> 24) & 255) << 16;
+    w0_t[2] = uint_to_hex_lower8 ((b >>  0) & 255) <<  0
+            | uint_to_hex_lower8 ((b >>  8) & 255) << 16;
+    w0_t[3] = uint_to_hex_lower8 ((b >> 16) & 255) <<  0
+            | uint_to_hex_lower8 ((b >> 24) & 255) << 16;
+    w1_t[0] = uint_to_hex_lower8 ((c >>  0) & 255) <<  0
+            | uint_to_hex_lower8 ((c >>  8) & 255) << 16;
+    w1_t[1] = uint_to_hex_lower8 ((c >> 16) & 255) <<  0
+            | uint_to_hex_lower8 ((c >> 24) & 255) << 16;
+    w1_t[2] = uint_to_hex_lower8 ((d >>  0) & 255) <<  0
+            | uint_to_hex_lower8 ((d >>  8) & 255) << 16;
+    w1_t[3] = uint_to_hex_lower8 ((d >> 16) & 255) <<  0
+            | uint_to_hex_lower8 ((d >> 24) & 255) << 16;
+    w2_t[0] = salt_buf0[0];
+    w2_t[1] = salt_buf0[1];
+    w2_t[2] = salt_buf0[2];
+    w2_t[3] = salt_buf0[3];
+    w3_t[0] = salt_buf1[0];
+    w3_t[1] = salt_buf1[1];
+    w3_t[2] = salt_buf1[2];
+    w3_t[3] = salt_buf1[3];
+    a = MD5M_A;
+    b = MD5M_B;
+    c = MD5M_C;
+    d = MD5M_D;
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, a, b, c, d, w0_t[0], MD5C00, MD5S00);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, d, a, b, c, w0_t[1], MD5C01, MD5S01);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, c, d, a, b, w0_t[2], MD5C02, MD5S02);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, b, c, d, a, w0_t[3], MD5C03, MD5S03);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, a, b, c, d, w1_t[0], MD5C04, MD5S00);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, d, a, b, c, w1_t[1], MD5C05, MD5S01);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, c, d, a, b, w1_t[2], MD5C06, MD5S02);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, b, c, d, a, w1_t[3], MD5C07, MD5S03);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, a, b, c, d, w2_t[0], MD5C08, MD5S00);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, d, a, b, c, w2_t[1], MD5C09, MD5S01);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, c, d, a, b, w2_t[2], MD5C0a, MD5S02);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, b, c, d, a, w2_t[3], MD5C0b, MD5S03);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, a, b, c, d, w3_t[0], MD5C0c, MD5S00);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, d, a, b, c, w3_t[1], MD5C0d, MD5S01);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, c, d, a, b, w3_t[2], MD5C0e, MD5S02);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, b, c, d, a, w3_t[3], MD5C0f, MD5S03);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, a, b, c, d, w0_t[1], MD5C10, MD5S10);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, d, a, b, c, w1_t[2], MD5C11, MD5S11);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, c, d, a, b, w2_t[3], MD5C12, MD5S12);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, b, c, d, a, w0_t[0], MD5C13, MD5S13);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, a, b, c, d, w1_t[1], MD5C14, MD5S10);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, d, a, b, c, w2_t[2], MD5C15, MD5S11);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, c, d, a, b, w3_t[3], MD5C16, MD5S12);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, b, c, d, a, w1_t[0], MD5C17, MD5S13);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, a, b, c, d, w2_t[1], MD5C18, MD5S10);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, d, a, b, c, w3_t[2], MD5C19, MD5S11);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, c, d, a, b, w0_t[3], MD5C1a, MD5S12);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, b, c, d, a, w2_t[0], MD5C1b, MD5S13);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, a, b, c, d, w3_t[1], MD5C1c, MD5S10);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, d, a, b, c, w0_t[2], MD5C1d, MD5S11);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, c, d, a, b, w1_t[3], MD5C1e, MD5S12);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, b, c, d, a, w3_t[0], MD5C1f, MD5S13);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , a, b, c, d, w1_t[1], MD5C20, MD5S20);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , d, a, b, c, w2_t[0], MD5C21, MD5S21);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , c, d, a, b, w2_t[3], MD5C22, MD5S22);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , b, c, d, a, w3_t[2], MD5C23, MD5S23);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , a, b, c, d, w0_t[1], MD5C24, MD5S20);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , d, a, b, c, w1_t[0], MD5C25, MD5S21);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , c, d, a, b, w1_t[3], MD5C26, MD5S22);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , b, c, d, a, w2_t[2], MD5C27, MD5S23);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , a, b, c, d, w3_t[1], MD5C28, MD5S20);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , d, a, b, c, w0_t[0], MD5C29, MD5S21);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , c, d, a, b, w0_t[3], MD5C2a, MD5S22);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , b, c, d, a, w1_t[2], MD5C2b, MD5S23);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , a, b, c, d, w2_t[1], MD5C2c, MD5S20);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , d, a, b, c, w3_t[0], MD5C2d, MD5S21);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , c, d, a, b, w3_t[3], MD5C2e, MD5S22);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , b, c, d, a, w0_t[2], MD5C2f, MD5S23);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , a, b, c, d, w0_t[0], MD5C30, MD5S30);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , d, a, b, c, w1_t[3], MD5C31, MD5S31);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , c, d, a, b, w3_t[2], MD5C32, MD5S32);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , b, c, d, a, w1_t[1], MD5C33, MD5S33);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , a, b, c, d, w3_t[0], MD5C34, MD5S30);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , d, a, b, c, w0_t[3], MD5C35, MD5S31);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , c, d, a, b, w2_t[2], MD5C36, MD5S32);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , b, c, d, a, w0_t[1], MD5C37, MD5S33);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , a, b, c, d, w2_t[0], MD5C38, MD5S30);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , d, a, b, c, w3_t[3], MD5C39, MD5S31);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , c, d, a, b, w1_t[2], MD5C3a, MD5S32);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , b, c, d, a, w3_t[1], MD5C3b, MD5S33);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , a, b, c, d, w1_t[0], MD5C3c, MD5S30);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , d, a, b, c, w2_t[3], MD5C3d, MD5S31);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , c, d, a, b, w0_t[2], MD5C3e, MD5S32);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , b, c, d, a, w2_t[1], MD5C3f, MD5S33);
+    const u32x r_a = a + MD5M_A;
+    const u32x r_b = b + MD5M_B;
+    const u32x r_c = c + MD5M_C;
+    const u32x r_d = d + MD5M_D;
+    const u32x r_00 = 0x80;
+    const u32x r_14 = 64 * 8;
+    a = r_a;
+    b = r_b;
+    c = r_c;
+    d = r_d;
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, a, b, c, d, r_00, MD5C00, MD5S00);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Fo, d, a, b, c,       MD5C01, MD5S01);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Fo, c, d, a, b,       MD5C02, MD5S02);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Fo, b, c, d, a,       MD5C03, MD5S03);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Fo, a, b, c, d,       MD5C04, MD5S00);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Fo, d, a, b, c,       MD5C05, MD5S01);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Fo, c, d, a, b,       MD5C06, MD5S02);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Fo, b, c, d, a,       MD5C07, MD5S03);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Fo, a, b, c, d,       MD5C08, MD5S00);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Fo, d, a, b, c,       MD5C09, MD5S01);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Fo, c, d, a, b,       MD5C0a, MD5S02);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Fo, b, c, d, a,       MD5C0b, MD5S03);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Fo, a, b, c, d,       MD5C0c, MD5S00);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Fo, d, a, b, c,       MD5C0d, MD5S01);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, c, d, a, b, r_14, MD5C0e, MD5S02);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Fo, b, c, d, a,       MD5C0f, MD5S03);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Go, a, b, c, d,       MD5C10, MD5S10);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Go, d, a, b, c,       MD5C11, MD5S11);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Go, c, d, a, b,       MD5C12, MD5S12);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, b, c, d, a, r_00, MD5C13, MD5S13);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Go, a, b, c, d,       MD5C14, MD5S10);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Go, d, a, b, c,       MD5C15, MD5S11);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Go, c, d, a, b,       MD5C16, MD5S12);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Go, b, c, d, a,       MD5C17, MD5S13);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Go, a, b, c, d,       MD5C18, MD5S10);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, d, a, b, c, r_14, MD5C19, MD5S11);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Go, c, d, a, b,       MD5C1a, MD5S12);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Go, b, c, d, a,       MD5C1b, MD5S13);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Go, a, b, c, d,       MD5C1c, MD5S10);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Go, d, a, b, c,       MD5C1d, MD5S11);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Go, c, d, a, b,       MD5C1e, MD5S12);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Go, b, c, d, a,       MD5C1f, MD5S13);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_H , a, b, c, d,       MD5C20, MD5S20);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_H , d, a, b, c,       MD5C21, MD5S21);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_H , c, d, a, b,       MD5C22, MD5S22);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , b, c, d, a, r_14, MD5C23, MD5S23);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_H , a, b, c, d,       MD5C24, MD5S20);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_H , d, a, b, c,       MD5C25, MD5S21);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_H , c, d, a, b,       MD5C26, MD5S22);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_H , b, c, d, a,       MD5C27, MD5S23);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_H , a, b, c, d,       MD5C28, MD5S20);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , d, a, b, c, r_00, MD5C29, MD5S21);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_H , c, d, a, b,       MD5C2a, MD5S22);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_H , b, c, d, a,       MD5C2b, MD5S23);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_H , a, b, c, d,       MD5C2c, MD5S20);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_H , d, a, b, c,       MD5C2d, MD5S21);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_H , c, d, a, b,       MD5C2e, MD5S22);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_H , b, c, d, a,       MD5C2f, MD5S23);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , a, b, c, d, r_00, MD5C30, MD5S30);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_I , d, a, b, c,       MD5C31, MD5S31);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , c, d, a, b, r_14, MD5C32, MD5S32);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_I , b, c, d, a,       MD5C33, MD5S33);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_I , a, b, c, d,       MD5C34, MD5S30);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_I , d, a, b, c,       MD5C35, MD5S31);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_I , c, d, a, b,       MD5C36, MD5S32);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_I , b, c, d, a,       MD5C37, MD5S33);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_I , a, b, c, d,       MD5C38, MD5S30);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_I , d, a, b, c,       MD5C39, MD5S31);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_I , c, d, a, b,       MD5C3a, MD5S32);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_I , b, c, d, a,       MD5C3b, MD5S33);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_I , a, b, c, d,       MD5C3c, MD5S30);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_I , d, a, b, c,       MD5C3d, MD5S31);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_I , c, d, a, b,       MD5C3e, MD5S32);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_I , b, c, d, a,       MD5C3f, MD5S33);
+    a += r_a;
+    b += r_b;
+    c += r_c;
+    d += r_d;
+    COMPARE_M_SIMD (a, d, c, b);
+  }
+static void m03910s (u32 w0[4], u32 w1[4], u32 w2[4], u32 w3[4], const u32 pw_len, __global pw_t *pws, __global const kernel_rule_t *rules_buf, __global const comb_t *combs_buf, __global const bf_t *bfs_buf, __global void *tmps, __global void *hooks, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s1_a, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s1_b, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s1_c, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s1_d, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s2_a, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s2_b, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s2_c, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s2_d, __global plain_t *plains_buf, __global const digest_t *digests_buf, __global u32 *hashes_shown, __global const salt_t *salt_bufs, __global const void *esalt_bufs, __global u32 *d_return_buf, __global u32 *d_scryptV0_buf, __global u32 *d_scryptV1_buf, __global u32 *d_scryptV2_buf, __global u32 *d_scryptV3_buf, const u32 bitmap_mask, const u32 bitmap_shift1, const u32 bitmap_shift2, const u32 salt_pos, const u32 loop_pos, const u32 loop_cnt, const u32 il_cnt, const u32 digests_cnt, const u32 digests_offset, __local u32 *l_bin2asc)
+  /**
+   * modifier
+   */
+  const u32 gid = get_global_id (0);
+  const u32 lid = get_local_id (0);
+  /**
+   * salt
+   */
+  u32 salt_buf0[4];
+  u32 salt_buf1[4];
+  u32 salt_buf2[4];
+  u32 salt_buf3[4];
+  salt_buf0[0] = salt_bufs[salt_pos].salt_buf_pc[0];
+  salt_buf0[1] = salt_bufs[salt_pos].salt_buf_pc[1];
+  salt_buf0[2] = salt_bufs[salt_pos].salt_buf_pc[2];
+  salt_buf0[3] = salt_bufs[salt_pos].salt_buf_pc[3];
+  salt_buf1[0] = salt_bufs[salt_pos].salt_buf_pc[4];
+  salt_buf1[1] = salt_bufs[salt_pos].salt_buf_pc[5];
+  salt_buf1[2] = salt_bufs[salt_pos].salt_buf_pc[6];
+  salt_buf1[3] = salt_bufs[salt_pos].salt_buf_pc[7];
+  salt_buf2[0] = 0;
+  salt_buf2[1] = 0;
+  salt_buf2[2] = 0;
+  salt_buf2[3] = 0;
+  salt_buf3[0] = 0;
+  salt_buf3[1] = 0;
+  salt_buf3[2] = 0;
+  salt_buf3[3] = 0;
+  const u32 salt_len = salt_bufs[salt_pos].salt_len;
+  /**
+   * digest
+   */
+  const u32 search[4] =
+  {
+    digests_buf[digests_offset].digest_buf[DGST_R0],
+    digests_buf[digests_offset].digest_buf[DGST_R1],
+    digests_buf[digests_offset].digest_buf[DGST_R2],
+    digests_buf[digests_offset].digest_buf[DGST_R3]
+  };
+  /**
+   * loop
+   */
+  u32 w0l = w0[0];
+  for (u32 il_pos = 0; il_pos < il_cnt; il_pos += VECT_SIZE)
+  {
+    const u32x w0r = ix_create_bft (bfs_buf, il_pos);
+    const u32x w0lr = w0l | w0r;
+    u32x w0_t[4];
+    u32x w1_t[4];
+    u32x w2_t[4];
+    u32x w3_t[4];
+    w0_t[0] = w0lr;
+    w0_t[1] = w0[1];
+    w0_t[2] = w0[2];
+    w0_t[3] = w0[3];
+    w1_t[0] = w1[0];
+    w1_t[1] = w1[1];
+    w1_t[2] = w1[2];
+    w1_t[3] = w1[3];
+    w2_t[0] = w2[0];
+    w2_t[1] = w2[1];
+    w2_t[2] = w2[2];
+    w2_t[3] = w2[3];
+    w3_t[0] = w3[0];
+    w3_t[1] = w3[1];
+    w3_t[2] = w3[2];
+    w3_t[3] = w3[3];
+    /**
+     * md5
+     */
+    u32x a = MD5M_A;
+    u32x b = MD5M_B;
+    u32x c = MD5M_C;
+    u32x d = MD5M_D;
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, a, b, c, d, w0_t[0], MD5C00, MD5S00);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, d, a, b, c, w0_t[1], MD5C01, MD5S01);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, c, d, a, b, w0_t[2], MD5C02, MD5S02);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, b, c, d, a, w0_t[3], MD5C03, MD5S03);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, a, b, c, d, w1_t[0], MD5C04, MD5S00);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, d, a, b, c, w1_t[1], MD5C05, MD5S01);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, c, d, a, b, w1_t[2], MD5C06, MD5S02);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, b, c, d, a, w1_t[3], MD5C07, MD5S03);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, a, b, c, d, w2_t[0], MD5C08, MD5S00);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, d, a, b, c, w2_t[1], MD5C09, MD5S01);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, c, d, a, b, w2_t[2], MD5C0a, MD5S02);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, b, c, d, a, w2_t[3], MD5C0b, MD5S03);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, a, b, c, d, w3_t[0], MD5C0c, MD5S00);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, d, a, b, c, w3_t[1], MD5C0d, MD5S01);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, c, d, a, b, w3_t[2], MD5C0e, MD5S02);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, b, c, d, a, w3_t[3], MD5C0f, MD5S03);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, a, b, c, d, w0_t[1], MD5C10, MD5S10);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, d, a, b, c, w1_t[2], MD5C11, MD5S11);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, c, d, a, b, w2_t[3], MD5C12, MD5S12);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, b, c, d, a, w0_t[0], MD5C13, MD5S13);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, a, b, c, d, w1_t[1], MD5C14, MD5S10);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, d, a, b, c, w2_t[2], MD5C15, MD5S11);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, c, d, a, b, w3_t[3], MD5C16, MD5S12);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, b, c, d, a, w1_t[0], MD5C17, MD5S13);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, a, b, c, d, w2_t[1], MD5C18, MD5S10);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, d, a, b, c, w3_t[2], MD5C19, MD5S11);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, c, d, a, b, w0_t[3], MD5C1a, MD5S12);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, b, c, d, a, w2_t[0], MD5C1b, MD5S13);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, a, b, c, d, w3_t[1], MD5C1c, MD5S10);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, d, a, b, c, w0_t[2], MD5C1d, MD5S11);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, c, d, a, b, w1_t[3], MD5C1e, MD5S12);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, b, c, d, a, w3_t[0], MD5C1f, MD5S13);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , a, b, c, d, w1_t[1], MD5C20, MD5S20);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , d, a, b, c, w2_t[0], MD5C21, MD5S21);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , c, d, a, b, w2_t[3], MD5C22, MD5S22);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , b, c, d, a, w3_t[2], MD5C23, MD5S23);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , a, b, c, d, w0_t[1], MD5C24, MD5S20);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , d, a, b, c, w1_t[0], MD5C25, MD5S21);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , c, d, a, b, w1_t[3], MD5C26, MD5S22);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , b, c, d, a, w2_t[2], MD5C27, MD5S23);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , a, b, c, d, w3_t[1], MD5C28, MD5S20);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , d, a, b, c, w0_t[0], MD5C29, MD5S21);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , c, d, a, b, w0_t[3], MD5C2a, MD5S22);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , b, c, d, a, w1_t[2], MD5C2b, MD5S23);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , a, b, c, d, w2_t[1], MD5C2c, MD5S20);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , d, a, b, c, w3_t[0], MD5C2d, MD5S21);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , c, d, a, b, w3_t[3], MD5C2e, MD5S22);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , b, c, d, a, w0_t[2], MD5C2f, MD5S23);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , a, b, c, d, w0_t[0], MD5C30, MD5S30);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , d, a, b, c, w1_t[3], MD5C31, MD5S31);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , c, d, a, b, w3_t[2], MD5C32, MD5S32);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , b, c, d, a, w1_t[1], MD5C33, MD5S33);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , a, b, c, d, w3_t[0], MD5C34, MD5S30);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , d, a, b, c, w0_t[3], MD5C35, MD5S31);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , c, d, a, b, w2_t[2], MD5C36, MD5S32);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , b, c, d, a, w0_t[1], MD5C37, MD5S33);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , a, b, c, d, w2_t[0], MD5C38, MD5S30);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , d, a, b, c, w3_t[3], MD5C39, MD5S31);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , c, d, a, b, w1_t[2], MD5C3a, MD5S32);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , b, c, d, a, w3_t[1], MD5C3b, MD5S33);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , a, b, c, d, w1_t[0], MD5C3c, MD5S30);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , d, a, b, c, w2_t[3], MD5C3d, MD5S31);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , c, d, a, b, w0_t[2], MD5C3e, MD5S32);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , b, c, d, a, w2_t[1], MD5C3f, MD5S33);
+    a += MD5M_A;
+    b += MD5M_B;
+    c += MD5M_C;
+    d += MD5M_D;
+    w0_t[0] = uint_to_hex_lower8 ((a >>  0) & 255) <<  0
+            | uint_to_hex_lower8 ((a >>  8) & 255) << 16;
+    w0_t[1] = uint_to_hex_lower8 ((a >> 16) & 255) <<  0
+            | uint_to_hex_lower8 ((a >> 24) & 255) << 16;
+    w0_t[2] = uint_to_hex_lower8 ((b >>  0) & 255) <<  0
+            | uint_to_hex_lower8 ((b >>  8) & 255) << 16;
+    w0_t[3] = uint_to_hex_lower8 ((b >> 16) & 255) <<  0
+            | uint_to_hex_lower8 ((b >> 24) & 255) << 16;
+    w1_t[0] = uint_to_hex_lower8 ((c >>  0) & 255) <<  0
+            | uint_to_hex_lower8 ((c >>  8) & 255) << 16;
+    w1_t[1] = uint_to_hex_lower8 ((c >> 16) & 255) <<  0
+            | uint_to_hex_lower8 ((c >> 24) & 255) << 16;
+    w1_t[2] = uint_to_hex_lower8 ((d >>  0) & 255) <<  0
+            | uint_to_hex_lower8 ((d >>  8) & 255) << 16;
+    w1_t[3] = uint_to_hex_lower8 ((d >> 16) & 255) <<  0
+            | uint_to_hex_lower8 ((d >> 24) & 255) << 16;
+    w2_t[0] = salt_buf0[0];
+    w2_t[1] = salt_buf0[1];
+    w2_t[2] = salt_buf0[2];
+    w2_t[3] = salt_buf0[3];
+    w3_t[0] = salt_buf1[0];
+    w3_t[1] = salt_buf1[1];
+    w3_t[2] = salt_buf1[2];
+    w3_t[3] = salt_buf1[3];
+    a = MD5M_A;
+    b = MD5M_B;
+    c = MD5M_C;
+    d = MD5M_D;
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, a, b, c, d, w0_t[0], MD5C00, MD5S00);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, d, a, b, c, w0_t[1], MD5C01, MD5S01);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, c, d, a, b, w0_t[2], MD5C02, MD5S02);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, b, c, d, a, w0_t[3], MD5C03, MD5S03);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, a, b, c, d, w1_t[0], MD5C04, MD5S00);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, d, a, b, c, w1_t[1], MD5C05, MD5S01);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, c, d, a, b, w1_t[2], MD5C06, MD5S02);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, b, c, d, a, w1_t[3], MD5C07, MD5S03);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, a, b, c, d, w2_t[0], MD5C08, MD5S00);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, d, a, b, c, w2_t[1], MD5C09, MD5S01);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, c, d, a, b, w2_t[2], MD5C0a, MD5S02);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, b, c, d, a, w2_t[3], MD5C0b, MD5S03);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, a, b, c, d, w3_t[0], MD5C0c, MD5S00);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, d, a, b, c, w3_t[1], MD5C0d, MD5S01);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, c, d, a, b, w3_t[2], MD5C0e, MD5S02);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, b, c, d, a, w3_t[3], MD5C0f, MD5S03);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, a, b, c, d, w0_t[1], MD5C10, MD5S10);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, d, a, b, c, w1_t[2], MD5C11, MD5S11);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, c, d, a, b, w2_t[3], MD5C12, MD5S12);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, b, c, d, a, w0_t[0], MD5C13, MD5S13);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, a, b, c, d, w1_t[1], MD5C14, MD5S10);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, d, a, b, c, w2_t[2], MD5C15, MD5S11);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, c, d, a, b, w3_t[3], MD5C16, MD5S12);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, b, c, d, a, w1_t[0], MD5C17, MD5S13);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, a, b, c, d, w2_t[1], MD5C18, MD5S10);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, d, a, b, c, w3_t[2], MD5C19, MD5S11);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, c, d, a, b, w0_t[3], MD5C1a, MD5S12);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, b, c, d, a, w2_t[0], MD5C1b, MD5S13);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, a, b, c, d, w3_t[1], MD5C1c, MD5S10);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, d, a, b, c, w0_t[2], MD5C1d, MD5S11);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, c, d, a, b, w1_t[3], MD5C1e, MD5S12);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, b, c, d, a, w3_t[0], MD5C1f, MD5S13);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , a, b, c, d, w1_t[1], MD5C20, MD5S20);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , d, a, b, c, w2_t[0], MD5C21, MD5S21);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , c, d, a, b, w2_t[3], MD5C22, MD5S22);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , b, c, d, a, w3_t[2], MD5C23, MD5S23);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , a, b, c, d, w0_t[1], MD5C24, MD5S20);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , d, a, b, c, w1_t[0], MD5C25, MD5S21);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , c, d, a, b, w1_t[3], MD5C26, MD5S22);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , b, c, d, a, w2_t[2], MD5C27, MD5S23);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , a, b, c, d, w3_t[1], MD5C28, MD5S20);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , d, a, b, c, w0_t[0], MD5C29, MD5S21);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , c, d, a, b, w0_t[3], MD5C2a, MD5S22);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , b, c, d, a, w1_t[2], MD5C2b, MD5S23);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , a, b, c, d, w2_t[1], MD5C2c, MD5S20);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , d, a, b, c, w3_t[0], MD5C2d, MD5S21);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , c, d, a, b, w3_t[3], MD5C2e, MD5S22);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , b, c, d, a, w0_t[2], MD5C2f, MD5S23);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , a, b, c, d, w0_t[0], MD5C30, MD5S30);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , d, a, b, c, w1_t[3], MD5C31, MD5S31);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , c, d, a, b, w3_t[2], MD5C32, MD5S32);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , b, c, d, a, w1_t[1], MD5C33, MD5S33);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , a, b, c, d, w3_t[0], MD5C34, MD5S30);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , d, a, b, c, w0_t[3], MD5C35, MD5S31);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , c, d, a, b, w2_t[2], MD5C36, MD5S32);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , b, c, d, a, w0_t[1], MD5C37, MD5S33);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , a, b, c, d, w2_t[0], MD5C38, MD5S30);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , d, a, b, c, w3_t[3], MD5C39, MD5S31);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , c, d, a, b, w1_t[2], MD5C3a, MD5S32);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , b, c, d, a, w3_t[1], MD5C3b, MD5S33);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , a, b, c, d, w1_t[0], MD5C3c, MD5S30);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , d, a, b, c, w2_t[3], MD5C3d, MD5S31);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , c, d, a, b, w0_t[2], MD5C3e, MD5S32);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , b, c, d, a, w2_t[1], MD5C3f, MD5S33);
+    const u32x r_a = a + MD5M_A;
+    const u32x r_b = b + MD5M_B;
+    const u32x r_c = c + MD5M_C;
+    const u32x r_d = d + MD5M_D;
+    const u32x r_00 = 0x80;
+    const u32x r_14 = 64 * 8;
+    a = r_a;
+    b = r_b;
+    c = r_c;
+    d = r_d;
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, a, b, c, d, r_00, MD5C00, MD5S00);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Fo, d, a, b, c,       MD5C01, MD5S01);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Fo, c, d, a, b,       MD5C02, MD5S02);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Fo, b, c, d, a,       MD5C03, MD5S03);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Fo, a, b, c, d,       MD5C04, MD5S00);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Fo, d, a, b, c,       MD5C05, MD5S01);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Fo, c, d, a, b,       MD5C06, MD5S02);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Fo, b, c, d, a,       MD5C07, MD5S03);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Fo, a, b, c, d,       MD5C08, MD5S00);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Fo, d, a, b, c,       MD5C09, MD5S01);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Fo, c, d, a, b,       MD5C0a, MD5S02);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Fo, b, c, d, a,       MD5C0b, MD5S03);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Fo, a, b, c, d,       MD5C0c, MD5S00);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Fo, d, a, b, c,       MD5C0d, MD5S01);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Fo, c, d, a, b, r_14, MD5C0e, MD5S02);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Fo, b, c, d, a,       MD5C0f, MD5S03);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Go, a, b, c, d,       MD5C10, MD5S10);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Go, d, a, b, c,       MD5C11, MD5S11);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Go, c, d, a, b,       MD5C12, MD5S12);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, b, c, d, a, r_00, MD5C13, MD5S13);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Go, a, b, c, d,       MD5C14, MD5S10);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Go, d, a, b, c,       MD5C15, MD5S11);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Go, c, d, a, b,       MD5C16, MD5S12);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Go, b, c, d, a,       MD5C17, MD5S13);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Go, a, b, c, d,       MD5C18, MD5S10);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_Go, d, a, b, c, r_14, MD5C19, MD5S11);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Go, c, d, a, b,       MD5C1a, MD5S12);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Go, b, c, d, a,       MD5C1b, MD5S13);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Go, a, b, c, d,       MD5C1c, MD5S10);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Go, d, a, b, c,       MD5C1d, MD5S11);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Go, c, d, a, b,       MD5C1e, MD5S12);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_Go, b, c, d, a,       MD5C1f, MD5S13);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_H , a, b, c, d,       MD5C20, MD5S20);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_H , d, a, b, c,       MD5C21, MD5S21);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_H , c, d, a, b,       MD5C22, MD5S22);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , b, c, d, a, r_14, MD5C23, MD5S23);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_H , a, b, c, d,       MD5C24, MD5S20);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_H , d, a, b, c,       MD5C25, MD5S21);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_H , c, d, a, b,       MD5C26, MD5S22);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_H , b, c, d, a,       MD5C27, MD5S23);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_H , a, b, c, d,       MD5C28, MD5S20);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_H , d, a, b, c, r_00, MD5C29, MD5S21);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_H , c, d, a, b,       MD5C2a, MD5S22);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_H , b, c, d, a,       MD5C2b, MD5S23);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_H , a, b, c, d,       MD5C2c, MD5S20);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_H , d, a, b, c,       MD5C2d, MD5S21);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_H , c, d, a, b,       MD5C2e, MD5S22);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_H , b, c, d, a,       MD5C2f, MD5S23);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , a, b, c, d, r_00, MD5C30, MD5S30);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_I , d, a, b, c,       MD5C31, MD5S31);
+    MD5_STEP (MD5_I , c, d, a, b, r_14, MD5C32, MD5S32);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_I , b, c, d, a,       MD5C33, MD5S33);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_I , a, b, c, d,       MD5C34, MD5S30);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_I , d, a, b, c,       MD5C35, MD5S31);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_I , c, d, a, b,       MD5C36, MD5S32);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_I , b, c, d, a,       MD5C37, MD5S33);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_I , a, b, c, d,       MD5C38, MD5S30);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_I , d, a, b, c,       MD5C39, MD5S31);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_I , c, d, a, b,       MD5C3a, MD5S32);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_I , b, c, d, a,       MD5C3b, MD5S33);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_I , a, b, c, d,       MD5C3c, MD5S30);
+    if (MATCHES_NONE_VS ((a + r_a), search[0])) continue;
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_I , d, a, b, c,       MD5C3d, MD5S31);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_I , c, d, a, b,       MD5C3e, MD5S32);
+    MD5_STEP0(MD5_I , b, c, d, a,       MD5C3f, MD5S33);
+    a += r_a;
+    b += r_b;
+    c += r_c;
+    d += r_d;
+    COMPARE_S_SIMD (a, d, c, b);
+  }
+__kernel void m03910_m04 (__global pw_t *pws, __global const kernel_rule_t *rules_buf, __global const comb_t *combs_buf, __global const bf_t *bfs_buf, __global void *tmps, __global void *hooks, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s1_a, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s1_b, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s1_c, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s1_d, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s2_a, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s2_b, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s2_c, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s2_d, __global plain_t *plains_buf, __global const digest_t *digests_buf, __global u32 *hashes_shown, __global const salt_t *salt_bufs, __global const void *esalt_bufs, __global u32 *d_return_buf, __global u32 *d_scryptV0_buf, __global u32 *d_scryptV1_buf, __global u32 *d_scryptV2_buf, __global u32 *d_scryptV3_buf, const u32 bitmap_mask, const u32 bitmap_shift1, const u32 bitmap_shift2, const u32 salt_pos, const u32 loop_pos, const u32 loop_cnt, const u32 il_cnt, const u32 digests_cnt, const u32 digests_offset, const u32 combs_mode, const u32 gid_max)
+  /**
+   * base
+   */
+  const u32 gid = get_global_id (0);
+  const u32 lid = get_local_id (0);
+  const u32 lsz = get_local_size (0);
+  /**
+   * modifier
+   */
+  u32 w0[4];
+  w0[0] = pws[gid].i[ 0];
+  w0[1] = pws[gid].i[ 1];
+  w0[2] = pws[gid].i[ 2];
+  w0[3] = pws[gid].i[ 3];
+  u32 w1[4];
+  w1[0] = 0;
+  w1[1] = 0;
+  w1[2] = 0;
+  w1[3] = 0;
+  u32 w2[4];
+  w2[0] = 0;
+  w2[1] = 0;
+  w2[2] = 0;
+  w2[3] = 0;
+  u32 w3[4];
+  w3[0] = 0;
+  w3[1] = 0;
+  w3[2] = pws[gid].i[14];
+  w3[3] = 0;
+  const u32 pw_len = pws[gid].pw_len;
+  /**
+   * bin2asc table
+   */
+  __local u32 l_bin2asc[256];
+  for (u32 i = lid; i < 256; i += lsz)
+  {
+    const u32 i0 = (i >> 0) & 15;
+    const u32 i1 = (i >> 4) & 15;
+    l_bin2asc[i] = ((i0 < 10) ? '0' + i0 : 'a' - 10 + i0) << 8
+                 | ((i1 < 10) ? '0' + i1 : 'a' - 10 + i1) << 0;
+  }
+  barrier (CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
+  if (gid >= gid_max) return;
+  /**
+   * main
+   */
+  m03910m (w0, w1, w2, w3, pw_len, pws, rules_buf, combs_buf, bfs_buf, tmps, hooks, bitmaps_buf_s1_a, bitmaps_buf_s1_b, bitmaps_buf_s1_c, bitmaps_buf_s1_d, bitmaps_buf_s2_a, bitmaps_buf_s2_b, bitmaps_buf_s2_c, bitmaps_buf_s2_d, plains_buf, digests_buf, hashes_shown, salt_bufs, esalt_bufs, d_return_buf, d_scryptV0_buf, d_scryptV1_buf, d_scryptV2_buf, d_scryptV3_buf, bitmap_mask, bitmap_shift1, bitmap_shift2, salt_pos, loop_pos, loop_cnt, il_cnt, digests_cnt, digests_offset, l_bin2asc);
+__kernel void m03910_m08 (__global pw_t *pws, __global const kernel_rule_t *rules_buf, __global const comb_t *combs_buf, __global const bf_t *bfs_buf, __global void *tmps, __global void *hooks, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s1_a, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s1_b, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s1_c, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s1_d, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s2_a, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s2_b, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s2_c, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s2_d, __global plain_t *plains_buf, __global const digest_t *digests_buf, __global u32 *hashes_shown, __global const salt_t *salt_bufs, __global const void *esalt_bufs, __global u32 *d_return_buf, __global u32 *d_scryptV0_buf, __global u32 *d_scryptV1_buf, __global u32 *d_scryptV2_buf, __global u32 *d_scryptV3_buf, const u32 bitmap_mask, const u32 bitmap_shift1, const u32 bitmap_shift2, const u32 salt_pos, const u32 loop_pos, const u32 loop_cnt, const u32 il_cnt, const u32 digests_cnt, const u32 digests_offset, const u32 combs_mode, const u32 gid_max)
+  /**
+   * base
+   */
+  const u32 gid = get_global_id (0);
+  const u32 lid = get_local_id (0);
+  const u32 lsz = get_local_size (0);
+  /**
+   * modifier
+   */
+  u32 w0[4];
+  w0[0] = pws[gid].i[ 0];
+  w0[1] = pws[gid].i[ 1];
+  w0[2] = pws[gid].i[ 2];
+  w0[3] = pws[gid].i[ 3];
+  u32 w1[4];
+  w1[0] = pws[gid].i[ 4];
+  w1[1] = pws[gid].i[ 5];
+  w1[2] = pws[gid].i[ 6];
+  w1[3] = pws[gid].i[ 7];
+  u32 w2[4];
+  w2[0] = 0;
+  w2[1] = 0;
+  w2[2] = 0;
+  w2[3] = 0;
+  u32 w3[4];
+  w3[0] = 0;
+  w3[1] = 0;
+  w3[2] = pws[gid].i[14];
+  w3[3] = 0;
+  const u32 pw_len = pws[gid].pw_len;
+  /**
+   * bin2asc table
+   */
+  __local u32 l_bin2asc[256];
+  for (u32 i = lid; i < 256; i += lsz)
+  {
+    const u32 i0 = (i >> 0) & 15;
+    const u32 i1 = (i >> 4) & 15;
+    l_bin2asc[i] = ((i0 < 10) ? '0' + i0 : 'a' - 10 + i0) << 8
+                 | ((i1 < 10) ? '0' + i1 : 'a' - 10 + i1) << 0;
+  }
+  barrier (CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
+  if (gid >= gid_max) return;
+  /**
+   * main
+   */
+  m03910m (w0, w1, w2, w3, pw_len, pws, rules_buf, combs_buf, bfs_buf, tmps, hooks, bitmaps_buf_s1_a, bitmaps_buf_s1_b, bitmaps_buf_s1_c, bitmaps_buf_s1_d, bitmaps_buf_s2_a, bitmaps_buf_s2_b, bitmaps_buf_s2_c, bitmaps_buf_s2_d, plains_buf, digests_buf, hashes_shown, salt_bufs, esalt_bufs, d_return_buf, d_scryptV0_buf, d_scryptV1_buf, d_scryptV2_buf, d_scryptV3_buf, bitmap_mask, bitmap_shift1, bitmap_shift2, salt_pos, loop_pos, loop_cnt, il_cnt, digests_cnt, digests_offset, l_bin2asc);
+__kernel void m03910_m16 (__global pw_t *pws, __global const kernel_rule_t *rules_buf, __global const comb_t *combs_buf, __global const bf_t *bfs_buf, __global void *tmps, __global void *hooks, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s1_a, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s1_b, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s1_c, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s1_d, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s2_a, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s2_b, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s2_c, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s2_d, __global plain_t *plains_buf, __global const digest_t *digests_buf, __global u32 *hashes_shown, __global const salt_t *salt_bufs, __global const void *esalt_bufs, __global u32 *d_return_buf, __global u32 *d_scryptV0_buf, __global u32 *d_scryptV1_buf, __global u32 *d_scryptV2_buf, __global u32 *d_scryptV3_buf, const u32 bitmap_mask, const u32 bitmap_shift1, const u32 bitmap_shift2, const u32 salt_pos, const u32 loop_pos, const u32 loop_cnt, const u32 il_cnt, const u32 digests_cnt, const u32 digests_offset, const u32 combs_mode, const u32 gid_max)
+  /**
+   * base
+   */
+  const u32 gid = get_global_id (0);
+  const u32 lid = get_local_id (0);
+  const u32 lsz = get_local_size (0);
+  /**
+   * modifier
+   */
+  u32 w0[4];
+  w0[0] = pws[gid].i[ 0];
+  w0[1] = pws[gid].i[ 1];
+  w0[2] = pws[gid].i[ 2];
+  w0[3] = pws[gid].i[ 3];
+  u32 w1[4];
+  w1[0] = pws[gid].i[ 4];
+  w1[1] = pws[gid].i[ 5];
+  w1[2] = pws[gid].i[ 6];
+  w1[3] = pws[gid].i[ 7];
+  u32 w2[4];
+  w2[0] = pws[gid].i[ 8];
+  w2[1] = pws[gid].i[ 9];
+  w2[2] = pws[gid].i[10];
+  w2[3] = pws[gid].i[11];
+  u32 w3[4];
+  w3[0] = pws[gid].i[12];
+  w3[1] = pws[gid].i[13];
+  w3[2] = pws[gid].i[14];
+  w3[3] = pws[gid].i[15];
+  const u32 pw_len = pws[gid].pw_len;
+  /**
+   * bin2asc table
+   */
+  __local u32 l_bin2asc[256];
+  for (u32 i = lid; i < 256; i += lsz)
+  {
+    const u32 i0 = (i >> 0) & 15;
+    const u32 i1 = (i >> 4) & 15;
+    l_bin2asc[i] = ((i0 < 10) ? '0' + i0 : 'a' - 10 + i0) << 8
+                 | ((i1 < 10) ? '0' + i1 : 'a' - 10 + i1) << 0;
+  }
+  barrier (CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
+  if (gid >= gid_max) return;
+  /**
+   * main
+   */
+  m03910m (w0, w1, w2, w3, pw_len, pws, rules_buf, combs_buf, bfs_buf, tmps, hooks, bitmaps_buf_s1_a, bitmaps_buf_s1_b, bitmaps_buf_s1_c, bitmaps_buf_s1_d, bitmaps_buf_s2_a, bitmaps_buf_s2_b, bitmaps_buf_s2_c, bitmaps_buf_s2_d, plains_buf, digests_buf, hashes_shown, salt_bufs, esalt_bufs, d_return_buf, d_scryptV0_buf, d_scryptV1_buf, d_scryptV2_buf, d_scryptV3_buf, bitmap_mask, bitmap_shift1, bitmap_shift2, salt_pos, loop_pos, loop_cnt, il_cnt, digests_cnt, digests_offset, l_bin2asc);
+__kernel void m03910_s04 (__global pw_t *pws, __global const kernel_rule_t *rules_buf, __global const comb_t *combs_buf, __global const bf_t *bfs_buf, __global void *tmps, __global void *hooks, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s1_a, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s1_b, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s1_c, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s1_d, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s2_a, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s2_b, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s2_c, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s2_d, __global plain_t *plains_buf, __global const digest_t *digests_buf, __global u32 *hashes_shown, __global const salt_t *salt_bufs, __global const void *esalt_bufs, __global u32 *d_return_buf, __global u32 *d_scryptV0_buf, __global u32 *d_scryptV1_buf, __global u32 *d_scryptV2_buf, __global u32 *d_scryptV3_buf, const u32 bitmap_mask, const u32 bitmap_shift1, const u32 bitmap_shift2, const u32 salt_pos, const u32 loop_pos, const u32 loop_cnt, const u32 il_cnt, const u32 digests_cnt, const u32 digests_offset, const u32 combs_mode, const u32 gid_max)
+  /**
+   * base
+   */
+  const u32 gid = get_global_id (0);
+  const u32 lid = get_local_id (0);
+  const u32 lsz = get_local_size (0);
+  /**
+   * modifier
+   */
+  u32 w0[4];
+  w0[0] = pws[gid].i[ 0];
+  w0[1] = pws[gid].i[ 1];
+  w0[2] = pws[gid].i[ 2];
+  w0[3] = pws[gid].i[ 3];
+  u32 w1[4];
+  w1[0] = 0;
+  w1[1] = 0;
+  w1[2] = 0;
+  w1[3] = 0;
+  u32 w2[4];
+  w2[0] = 0;
+  w2[1] = 0;
+  w2[2] = 0;
+  w2[3] = 0;
+  u32 w3[4];
+  w3[0] = 0;
+  w3[1] = 0;
+  w3[2] = pws[gid].i[14];
+  w3[3] = 0;
+  const u32 pw_len = pws[gid].pw_len;
+  /**
+   * bin2asc table
+   */
+  __local u32 l_bin2asc[256];
+  for (u32 i = lid; i < 256; i += lsz)
+  {
+    const u32 i0 = (i >> 0) & 15;
+    const u32 i1 = (i >> 4) & 15;
+    l_bin2asc[i] = ((i0 < 10) ? '0' + i0 : 'a' - 10 + i0) << 8
+                 | ((i1 < 10) ? '0' + i1 : 'a' - 10 + i1) << 0;
+  }
+  barrier (CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
+  if (gid >= gid_max) return;
+  /**
+   * main
+   */
+  m03910s (w0, w1, w2, w3, pw_len, pws, rules_buf, combs_buf, bfs_buf, tmps, hooks, bitmaps_buf_s1_a, bitmaps_buf_s1_b, bitmaps_buf_s1_c, bitmaps_buf_s1_d, bitmaps_buf_s2_a, bitmaps_buf_s2_b, bitmaps_buf_s2_c, bitmaps_buf_s2_d, plains_buf, digests_buf, hashes_shown, salt_bufs, esalt_bufs, d_return_buf, d_scryptV0_buf, d_scryptV1_buf, d_scryptV2_buf, d_scryptV3_buf, bitmap_mask, bitmap_shift1, bitmap_shift2, salt_pos, loop_pos, loop_cnt, il_cnt, digests_cnt, digests_offset, l_bin2asc);
+__kernel void m03910_s08 (__global pw_t *pws, __global const kernel_rule_t *rules_buf, __global const comb_t *combs_buf, __global const bf_t *bfs_buf, __global void *tmps, __global void *hooks, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s1_a, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s1_b, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s1_c, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s1_d, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s2_a, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s2_b, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s2_c, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s2_d, __global plain_t *plains_buf, __global const digest_t *digests_buf, __global u32 *hashes_shown, __global const salt_t *salt_bufs, __global const void *esalt_bufs, __global u32 *d_return_buf, __global u32 *d_scryptV0_buf, __global u32 *d_scryptV1_buf, __global u32 *d_scryptV2_buf, __global u32 *d_scryptV3_buf, const u32 bitmap_mask, const u32 bitmap_shift1, const u32 bitmap_shift2, const u32 salt_pos, const u32 loop_pos, const u32 loop_cnt, const u32 il_cnt, const u32 digests_cnt, const u32 digests_offset, const u32 combs_mode, const u32 gid_max)
+  /**
+   * base
+   */
+  const u32 gid = get_global_id (0);
+  const u32 lid = get_local_id (0);
+  const u32 lsz = get_local_size (0);
+  /**
+   * modifier
+   */
+  u32 w0[4];
+  w0[0] = pws[gid].i[ 0];
+  w0[1] = pws[gid].i[ 1];
+  w0[2] = pws[gid].i[ 2];
+  w0[3] = pws[gid].i[ 3];
+  u32 w1[4];
+  w1[0] = pws[gid].i[ 4];
+  w1[1] = pws[gid].i[ 5];
+  w1[2] = pws[gid].i[ 6];
+  w1[3] = pws[gid].i[ 7];
+  u32 w2[4];
+  w2[0] = 0;
+  w2[1] = 0;
+  w2[2] = 0;
+  w2[3] = 0;
+  u32 w3[4];
+  w3[0] = 0;
+  w3[1] = 0;
+  w3[2] = pws[gid].i[14];
+  w3[3] = 0;
+  const u32 pw_len = pws[gid].pw_len;
+  /**
+   * bin2asc table
+   */
+  __local u32 l_bin2asc[256];
+  for (u32 i = lid; i < 256; i += lsz)
+  {
+    const u32 i0 = (i >> 0) & 15;
+    const u32 i1 = (i >> 4) & 15;
+    l_bin2asc[i] = ((i0 < 10) ? '0' + i0 : 'a' - 10 + i0) << 8
+                 | ((i1 < 10) ? '0' + i1 : 'a' - 10 + i1) << 0;
+  }
+  barrier (CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
+  if (gid >= gid_max) return;
+  /**
+   * main
+   */
+  m03910s (w0, w1, w2, w3, pw_len, pws, rules_buf, combs_buf, bfs_buf, tmps, hooks, bitmaps_buf_s1_a, bitmaps_buf_s1_b, bitmaps_buf_s1_c, bitmaps_buf_s1_d, bitmaps_buf_s2_a, bitmaps_buf_s2_b, bitmaps_buf_s2_c, bitmaps_buf_s2_d, plains_buf, digests_buf, hashes_shown, salt_bufs, esalt_bufs, d_return_buf, d_scryptV0_buf, d_scryptV1_buf, d_scryptV2_buf, d_scryptV3_buf, bitmap_mask, bitmap_shift1, bitmap_shift2, salt_pos, loop_pos, loop_cnt, il_cnt, digests_cnt, digests_offset, l_bin2asc);
+__kernel void m03910_s16 (__global pw_t *pws, __global const kernel_rule_t *rules_buf, __global const comb_t *combs_buf, __global const bf_t *bfs_buf, __global void *tmps, __global void *hooks, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s1_a, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s1_b, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s1_c, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s1_d, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s2_a, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s2_b, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s2_c, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s2_d, __global plain_t *plains_buf, __global const digest_t *digests_buf, __global u32 *hashes_shown, __global const salt_t *salt_bufs, __global const void *esalt_bufs, __global u32 *d_return_buf, __global u32 *d_scryptV0_buf, __global u32 *d_scryptV1_buf, __global u32 *d_scryptV2_buf, __global u32 *d_scryptV3_buf, const u32 bitmap_mask, const u32 bitmap_shift1, const u32 bitmap_shift2, const u32 salt_pos, const u32 loop_pos, const u32 loop_cnt, const u32 il_cnt, const u32 digests_cnt, const u32 digests_offset, const u32 combs_mode, const u32 gid_max)
+  /**
+   * base
+   */
+  const u32 gid = get_global_id (0);
+  const u32 lid = get_local_id (0);
+  const u32 lsz = get_local_size (0);
+  /**
+   * modifier
+   */
+  u32 w0[4];
+  w0[0] = pws[gid].i[ 0];
+  w0[1] = pws[gid].i[ 1];
+  w0[2] = pws[gid].i[ 2];
+  w0[3] = pws[gid].i[ 3];
+  u32 w1[4];
+  w1[0] = pws[gid].i[ 4];
+  w1[1] = pws[gid].i[ 5];
+  w1[2] = pws[gid].i[ 6];
+  w1[3] = pws[gid].i[ 7];
+  u32 w2[4];
+  w2[0] = pws[gid].i[ 8];
+  w2[1] = pws[gid].i[ 9];
+  w2[2] = pws[gid].i[10];
+  w2[3] = pws[gid].i[11];
+  u32 w3[4];
+  w3[0] = pws[gid].i[12];
+  w3[1] = pws[gid].i[13];
+  w3[2] = pws[gid].i[14];
+  w3[3] = pws[gid].i[15];
+  const u32 pw_len = pws[gid].pw_len;
+  /**
+   * bin2asc table
+   */
+  __local u32 l_bin2asc[256];
+  for (u32 i = lid; i < 256; i += lsz)
+  {
+    const u32 i0 = (i >> 0) & 15;
+    const u32 i1 = (i >> 4) & 15;
+    l_bin2asc[i] = ((i0 < 10) ? '0' + i0 : 'a' - 10 + i0) << 8
+                 | ((i1 < 10) ? '0' + i1 : 'a' - 10 + i1) << 0;
+  }
+  barrier (CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);
+  if (gid >= gid_max) return;
+  /**
+   * main
+   */
+  m03910s (w0, w1, w2, w3, pw_len, pws, rules_buf, combs_buf, bfs_buf, tmps, hooks, bitmaps_buf_s1_a, bitmaps_buf_s1_b, bitmaps_buf_s1_c, bitmaps_buf_s1_d, bitmaps_buf_s2_a, bitmaps_buf_s2_b, bitmaps_buf_s2_c, bitmaps_buf_s2_d, plains_buf, digests_buf, hashes_shown, salt_bufs, esalt_bufs, d_return_buf, d_scryptV0_buf, d_scryptV1_buf, d_scryptV2_buf, d_scryptV3_buf, bitmap_mask, bitmap_shift1, bitmap_shift2, salt_pos, loop_pos, loop_cnt, il_cnt, digests_cnt, digests_offset, l_bin2asc);
diff --git a/docs/changes.txt b/docs/changes.txt
index 7b9c0c6cb..aa76d7d0d 100644
--- a/docs/changes.txt
+++ b/docs/changes.txt
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
 - Added hash-mode  1411 = SSHA-256(Base64), LDAP {SSHA256}
+- Added hash-mode  3910 = md5(md5($pass).md5($salt))
 - Added hash-mode  4010 = md5($salt.md5($salt.$pass))
 - Added hash-mode  4110 = md5($salt.md5($pass.$salt))
 - Added hash-mode  4520 = sha1($salt.sha1($pass))
diff --git a/docs/readme.txt b/docs/readme.txt
index 11bf6604e..0d2405419 100644
--- a/docs/readme.txt
+++ b/docs/readme.txt
@@ -64,6 +64,7 @@ NVidia users require "NVIDIA Driver" (367.x or later)
 - md5($salt.md5($salt.$pass))
 - md5($salt.md5($pass.$salt))
 - md5(md5($pass))
+- md5(md5($pass).md5($salt))
 - md5(strtoupper(md5($pass)))
 - md5(sha1($pass))
 - sha1($pass.$salt)
diff --git a/extra/tab_completion/hashcat.sh b/extra/tab_completion/hashcat.sh
index ae759b093..d21742ad2 100644
--- a/extra/tab_completion/hashcat.sh
+++ b/extra/tab_completion/hashcat.sh
@@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ _hashcat ()
   local VERSION=3.30
-  local HASH_MODES="0 10 11 12 20 21 22 23 30 40 50 60 100 101 110 111 112 120 121 122 124 130 131 132 133 140 141 150 160 200 300 400 500 501 900 1000 1100 1400 1410 1411 1420 1421 1430 1440 1441 1450 1460 1500 1600 1700 1710 1711 1720 1722 1730 1731 1740 1750 1760 1800 2100 2400 2410 2500 2600 2611 2612 2711 2811 3000 3100 3200 3710 3711 3800 4010 4110 4300 4400 4500 4520 4521 4522 4700 4800 4900 5000 5100 5200 5300 5400 5500 5600 5700 5800 6000 6100 6211 6212 6213 6221 6222 6223 6231 6232 6233 6241 6242 6243 6300 6400 6500 6600 6700 6800 6900 7000 7100 7200 7300 7400 7500 7700 7800 7900 8000 8100 8200 8300 8400 8500 8600 8700 8800 8900 9000 9100 9200 9300 9400 9500 9600 9700 9710 9720 9800 9810 9820 9900 10000 10100 10200 10300 10400 10410 10420 10500 10600 10700 10800 10900 11000 11100 11200 11300 11400 11500 11600 11700 11800 11900 12000 12100 12200 12300 12400 12500 12600 12700 12800 12900 13000 13100 13200 13300 13400 13500 13600 13800 13900 14000 14100 14700 14800 14900 15000"
+  local HASH_MODES="0 10 11 12 20 21 22 23 30 40 50 60 100 101 110 111 112 120 121 122 124 130 131 132 133 140 141 150 160 200 300 400 500 501 900 1000 1100 1400 1410 1411 1420 1421 1430 1440 1441 1450 1460 1500 1600 1700 1710 1711 1720 1722 1730 1731 1740 1750 1760 1800 2100 2400 2410 2500 2600 2611 2612 2711 2811 3000 3100 3200 3710 3711 3800 3910 4010 4110 4300 4400 4500 4520 4521 4522 4700 4800 4900 5000 5100 5200 5300 5400 5500 5600 5700 5800 6000 6100 6211 6212 6213 6221 6222 6223 6231 6232 6233 6241 6242 6243 6300 6400 6500 6600 6700 6800 6900 7000 7100 7200 7300 7400 7500 7700 7800 7900 8000 8100 8200 8300 8400 8500 8600 8700 8800 8900 9000 9100 9200 9300 9400 9500 9600 9700 9710 9720 9800 9810 9820 9900 10000 10100 10200 10300 10400 10410 10420 10500 10600 10700 10800 10900 11000 11100 11200 11300 11400 11500 11600 11700 11800 11900 12000 12100 12200 12300 12400 12500 12600 12700 12800 12900 13000 13100 13200 13300 13400 13500 13600 13800 13900 14000 14100 14700 14800 14900 15000"
   local ATTACK_MODES="0 1 3 6 7"
   local OUTFILE_FORMATS="1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15"
   local OPENCL_DEVICE_TYPES="1 2 3"
diff --git a/include/interface.h b/include/interface.h
index 500db4bfa..642e38417 100644
--- a/include/interface.h
+++ b/include/interface.h
@@ -1349,6 +1349,7 @@ typedef enum kern_type
   KERN_TYPE_BCRYPT                  = 3200,
   KERN_TYPE_MD5_SLT_MD5_PW          = 3710,
   KERN_TYPE_MD5_SLT_PW_SLT          = 3800,
+  KERN_TYPE_MD55_PWSLT              = 3910,
   KERN_TYPE_MD5_SLT_MD5_SLT_PW      = 4010,
   KERN_TYPE_MD5_SLT_MD5_PW_SLT      = 4110,
   KERN_TYPE_MD5U5                   = 4300,
diff --git a/include/types.h b/include/types.h
index e607da77a..69a1f622c 100644
--- a/include/types.h
+++ b/include/types.h
@@ -363,12 +363,13 @@ typedef enum opts_type
   OPTS_TYPE_ST_GENERATE_BE    = (1 << 22),
   OPTS_TYPE_ST_HEX            = (1 << 23),
   OPTS_TYPE_ST_BASE64         = (1 << 24),
-  OPTS_TYPE_HASH_COPY         = (1 << 25),
-  OPTS_TYPE_HOOK12            = (1 << 26),
-  OPTS_TYPE_HOOK23            = (1 << 27),
-  OPTS_TYPE_INIT2             = (1 << 28),
-  OPTS_TYPE_LOOP2             = (1 << 29),
+  OPTS_TYPE_ST_HASH_MD5       = (1 << 25),
+  OPTS_TYPE_HASH_COPY         = (1 << 26),
+  OPTS_TYPE_HOOK12            = (1 << 27),
+  OPTS_TYPE_HOOK23            = (1 << 28),
+  OPTS_TYPE_INIT2             = (1 << 29),
+  OPTS_TYPE_LOOP2             = (1 << 30),
 } opts_type_t;
diff --git a/src/interface.c b/src/interface.c
index 7a43f76ec..052352ddc 100644
--- a/src/interface.c
+++ b/src/interface.c
@@ -127,6 +127,7 @@ static const char HT_03200[] = "bcrypt, Blowfish(OpenBSD)";
 static const char HT_03710[] = "md5($salt.md5($pass))";
 static const char HT_03711[] = "Mediawiki B type";
 static const char HT_03800[] = "md5($salt.$pass.$salt)";
+static const char HT_03910[] = "md5(md5($pass).md5($salt))";
 static const char HT_04010[] = "md5($salt.md5($salt.$pass))";
 static const char HT_04110[] = "md5($salt.md5($pass.$salt))";
 static const char HT_04300[] = "md5(strtoupper(md5($pass)))";
@@ -2142,6 +2143,30 @@ static u32 parse_and_store_salt (u8 *out, u8 *in, u32 salt_len, MAYBE_UNUSED con
   return (salt_len);
+static void precompute_salt_md5 (u8 *salt, u32 salt_len, u8 *salt_pc)
+  u32 salt_pc_block[16] = { 0 };
+  u8 *salt_pc_block_ptr = (u8 *) salt_pc_block;
+  memcpy (salt_pc_block_ptr, salt, salt_len);
+  salt_pc_block_ptr[salt_len] = 0x80;
+  salt_pc_block[14] = salt_len * 8;
+  u32 salt_pc_digest[4] = { MD5M_A, MD5M_B, MD5M_C, MD5M_D };
+  md5_64 (salt_pc_block, salt_pc_digest);
+  u8 *salt_buf_pc_ptr = salt_pc;
+  u32_to_hex_lower (salt_pc_digest[0], salt_buf_pc_ptr +  0);
+  u32_to_hex_lower (salt_pc_digest[1], salt_buf_pc_ptr +  8);
+  u32_to_hex_lower (salt_pc_digest[2], salt_buf_pc_ptr + 16);
+  u32_to_hex_lower (salt_pc_digest[3], salt_buf_pc_ptr + 24);
 int bcrypt_parse_hash (u8 *input_buf, u32 input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, MAYBE_UNUSED const hashconfig_t *hashconfig)
   if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_3200) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_3200)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH);
@@ -3242,6 +3267,8 @@ int md5s_parse_hash (u8 *input_buf, u32 input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, MAYBE_UNUSE
     if ((input_len < DISPLAY_LEN_MIN_10) || (input_len > DISPLAY_LEN_MAX_10)) return (PARSER_GLOBAL_LENGTH);
+  const u32 opti_type = hashconfig->opti_type;
   u32 *digest = (u32 *) hash_buf->digest;
   salt_t *salt = hash_buf->salt;
@@ -3253,10 +3280,13 @@ int md5s_parse_hash (u8 *input_buf, u32 input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, MAYBE_UNUSE
   digest[2] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[16]);
   digest[3] = hex_to_u32 ((const u8 *) &input_buf[24]);
-  digest[0] -= MD5M_A;
-  digest[1] -= MD5M_B;
-  digest[2] -= MD5M_C;
-  digest[3] -= MD5M_D;
+  {
+    digest[0] -= MD5M_A;
+    digest[1] -= MD5M_B;
+    digest[2] -= MD5M_C;
+    digest[3] -= MD5M_D;
+  }
   if (input_buf[32] != hashconfig->separator) return (PARSER_SEPARATOR_UNMATCHED);
@@ -3272,6 +3302,13 @@ int md5s_parse_hash (u8 *input_buf, u32 input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, MAYBE_UNUSE
   salt->salt_len = salt_len;
+  if (hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_ST_HASH_MD5)
+  {
+    // precompute md5 of the salt
+    precompute_salt_md5 (salt_buf_ptr, salt_len, (u8 *) salt->salt_buf_pc);
+  }
   return (PARSER_OK);
@@ -4084,28 +4121,9 @@ int ipb2_parse_hash (u8 *input_buf, u32 input_len, hash_t *hash_buf, MAYBE_UNUSE
   salt->salt_len = salt_len;
-  // precomput first md5
+  // precompute md5 of the salt
-  u32 salt_pc_block[16] = { 0 };
-  u8 *salt_pc_block_ptr = (u8 *) salt_pc_block;
-  memcpy (salt_pc_block_ptr, salt_buf_ptr, salt_len);
-  salt_pc_block_ptr[salt_len] = 0x80;
-  salt_pc_block[14] = salt_len * 8;
-  u32 salt_pc_digest[4] = { MD5M_A, MD5M_B, MD5M_C, MD5M_D };
-  md5_64 (salt_pc_block, salt_pc_digest);
-  u8 *salt_buf_pc_ptr = (u8 *) salt->salt_buf_pc;
-  u32_to_hex_lower (salt_pc_digest[0], salt_buf_pc_ptr +  0);
-  u32_to_hex_lower (salt_pc_digest[1], salt_buf_pc_ptr +  8);
-  u32_to_hex_lower (salt_pc_digest[2], salt_buf_pc_ptr + 16);
-  u32_to_hex_lower (salt_pc_digest[3], salt_buf_pc_ptr + 24);
+  precompute_salt_md5 (salt_buf_ptr, salt_len, (u8 *) salt->salt_buf_pc);
   return (PARSER_OK);
@@ -14526,6 +14544,7 @@ char *strhashtype (const u32 hash_mode)
     case  3710: return ((char *) HT_03710);
     case  3711: return ((char *) HT_03711);
     case  3800: return ((char *) HT_03800);
+    case  3910: return ((char *) HT_03910);
     case  4010: return ((char *) HT_04010);
     case  4110: return ((char *) HT_04110);
     case  4300: return ((char *) HT_04300);
@@ -19523,6 +19542,7 @@ int hashconfig_init (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx)
                  hashconfig->salt_type      = SALT_TYPE_INTERN;
                  hashconfig->attack_exec    = ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL;
                  hashconfig->opts_type      = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_LE
+                                            | OPTS_TYPE_ST_HASH_MD5
                                             | OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADD80
                                             | OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADDBITS14;
                  hashconfig->kern_type      = KERN_TYPE_MD55_SLTPW;
@@ -19644,6 +19664,27 @@ int hashconfig_init (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx)
                  hashconfig->dgst_pos3      = 1;
+    case  3910:  hashconfig->hash_type      = HASH_TYPE_MD5;
+                 hashconfig->salt_type      = SALT_TYPE_INTERN;
+                 hashconfig->attack_exec    = ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL;
+                 hashconfig->opts_type      = OPTS_TYPE_PT_GENERATE_LE
+                                            | OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADD80
+                                            | OPTS_TYPE_PT_ADDBITS14
+                                            | OPTS_TYPE_ST_HASH_MD5
+                                            | OPTS_TYPE_ST_ADD80
+                                            | OPTS_TYPE_ST_ADDBITS14;
+                 hashconfig->kern_type      = KERN_TYPE_MD55_PWSLT;
+                 hashconfig->dgst_size      = DGST_SIZE_4_4;
+                 hashconfig->parse_func     = md5s_parse_hash;
+                 hashconfig->opti_type      = OPTI_TYPE_ZERO_BYTE
+                                            | OPTI_TYPE_PRECOMPUTE_INIT
+                                            | OPTI_TYPE_EARLY_SKIP;
+                 hashconfig->dgst_pos0      = 0;
+                 hashconfig->dgst_pos1      = 3;
+                 hashconfig->dgst_pos2      = 2;
+                 hashconfig->dgst_pos3      = 1;
+                 break;
     case  4010:  hashconfig->hash_type      = HASH_TYPE_MD5;
                  hashconfig->salt_type      = SALT_TYPE_INTERN;
                  hashconfig->attack_exec    = ATTACK_EXEC_INSIDE_KERNEL;
diff --git a/src/usage.c b/src/usage.c
index 2b4f658c2..305937131 100644
--- a/src/usage.c
+++ b/src/usage.c
@@ -136,6 +136,7 @@ static const char *USAGE_BIG[] =
   "   4010 | md5($salt.md5($salt.$pass))                      | Raw Hash, Salted and / or Iterated",
   "   4110 | md5($salt.md5($pass.$salt))                      | Raw Hash, Salted and / or Iterated",
   "   2600 | md5(md5($pass))                                  | Raw Hash, Salted and / or Iterated",
+  "   3910 | md5(md5($pass).md5($salt))                       | Raw Hash, Salted and / or Iterated",
   "   4300 | md5(strtoupper(md5($pass)))                      | Raw Hash, Salted and / or Iterated",
   "   4400 | md5(sha1($pass))                                 | Raw Hash, Salted and / or Iterated",
   "    110 | sha1($pass.$salt)                                | Raw Hash, Salted and / or Iterated",
diff --git a/tools/test.sh b/tools/test.sh
index 4c44cde8d..5a341333c 100755
--- a/tools/test.sh
+++ b/tools/test.sh
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ TDIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )"
 # missing hash types: 5200,6251,6261,6271,6281
-HASH_TYPES="0 10 11 12 20 21 22 23 30 40 50 60 100 101 110 111 112 120 121 122 125 130 131 132 133 140 141 150 160 200 300 400 500 900 1000 1100 1300 1400 1410 1411 1420 1430 1440 1441 1450 1460 1500 1600 1700 1710 1711 1720 1722 1730 1731 1740 1750 1760 1800 2100 2400 2410 2500 2600 2611 2612 2711 2811 3000 3100 3200 3710 3711 3800 4010 4110 4300 4400 4500 4520 4521 4522 4700 4800 4900 5000 5100 5300 5400 5500 5600 5700 5800 6000 6100 6211 6212 6213 6221 6222 6223 6231 6232 6233 6241 6242 6243 6300 6400 6500 6600 6700 6800 6900 7000 7100 7200 7300 7400 7500 7700 7800 7900 8000 8100 8200 8300 8400 8500 8600 8700 8900 9100 9200 9300 9400 9500 9600 9700 9800 9900 10000 10100 10200 10300 10400 10500 10600 10700 10800 10900 11000 11100 11200 11300 11400 11500 11600 11900 12000 12100 12200 12300 12400 12600 12800 12900 13000 13100 13200 13300 13400 13500 13600 13800 14000 14100 14400 14600 14700 14800 14900 99999 15000"
+HASH_TYPES="0 10 11 12 20 21 22 23 30 40 50 60 100 101 110 111 112 120 121 122 125 130 131 132 133 140 141 150 160 200 300 400 500 900 1000 1100 1300 1400 1410 1411 1420 1430 1440 1441 1450 1460 1500 1600 1700 1710 1711 1720 1722 1730 1731 1740 1750 1760 1800 2100 2400 2410 2500 2600 2611 2612 2711 2811 3000 3100 3200 3710 3711 3800 3910 4010 4110 4300 4400 4500 4520 4521 4522 4700 4800 4900 5000 5100 5300 5400 5500 5600 5700 5800 6000 6100 6211 6212 6213 6221 6222 6223 6231 6232 6233 6241 6242 6243 6300 6400 6500 6600 6700 6800 6900 7000 7100 7200 7300 7400 7500 7700 7800 7900 8000 8100 8200 8300 8400 8500 8600 8700 8900 9100 9200 9300 9400 9500 9600 9700 9800 9900 10000 10100 10200 10300 10400 10500 10600 10700 10800 10900 11000 11100 11200 11300 11400 11500 11600 11900 12000 12100 12200 12300 12400 12600 12800 12900 13000 13100 13200 13300 13400 13500 13600 13800 14000 14100 14400 14600 14700 14800 14900 99999 15000"
 #ATTACK_MODES="0 1 3 6 7"
 ATTACK_MODES="0 1 3 7"