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* Authors.....: Jens Steube <>
* License.....: MIT
#ifndef _THREAD_H
#define _THREAD_H
#ifdef _POSIX
#include <pthread.h>
#include <semaphore.h>
#endif // _POSIX
#ifdef _WIN
#include <windows.h>
#endif // _WIN
#ifdef _WIN
typedef HANDLE hc_thread_t;
typedef CRITICAL_SECTION hc_thread_mutex_t;
#elif _POSIX
typedef pthread_t hc_thread_t;
typedef pthread_mutex_t hc_thread_mutex_t;
#ifdef _WIN
#define hc_thread_create(t,f,a) t = CreateThread (NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE) &f, a, 0, NULL)
#define hc_thread_wait(n,a) for (uint i = 0; i < n; i++) WaitForSingleObject ((a)[i], INFINITE)
#define hc_thread_exit(t) ExitThread (t)
#define hc_thread_mutex_lock(m) EnterCriticalSection (&m)
#define hc_thread_mutex_unlock(m) LeaveCriticalSection (&m)
#define hc_thread_mutex_init(m) InitializeCriticalSection (&m)
#define hc_thread_mutex_delete(m) DeleteCriticalSection (&m)
#elif _POSIX
#define hc_thread_create(t,f,a) pthread_create (&t, NULL, f, a)
#define hc_thread_wait(n,a) for (uint i = 0; i < n; i++) pthread_join ((a)[i], NULL)
#define hc_thread_exit(t) pthread_exit (&t)
#define hc_thread_mutex_lock(m) pthread_mutex_lock (&m)
#define hc_thread_mutex_unlock(m) pthread_mutex_unlock (&m)
#define hc_thread_mutex_init(m) pthread_mutex_init (&m, NULL)
#define hc_thread_mutex_delete(m) pthread_mutex_destroy (&m)
#endif // _THREAD_H