You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

129 lines
12 KiB

* Author......: See docs/credits.txt
* License.....: MIT
#ifndef _BACKEND_H
#define _BACKEND_H
#include <stdio.h>
#include <errno.h>
static const char CL_VENDOR_AMD1[] = "Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.";
static const char CL_VENDOR_AMD2[] = "AuthenticAMD";
static const char CL_VENDOR_AMD_USE_INTEL[] = "GenuineIntel";
static const char CL_VENDOR_APPLE[] = "Apple";
static const char CL_VENDOR_APPLE_USE_AMD[] = "AMD";
static const char CL_VENDOR_APPLE_USE_NV[] = "NVIDIA";
static const char CL_VENDOR_APPLE_USE_INTEL[] = "Intel Inc.";
static const char CL_VENDOR_INTEL_BEIGNET[] = "Intel";
static const char CL_VENDOR_INTEL_SDK[] = "Intel(R) Corporation";
static const char CL_VENDOR_MESA[] = "Mesa";
static const char CL_VENDOR_NV[] = "NVIDIA Corporation";
static const char CL_VENDOR_POCL[] = "The pocl project";
int cuda_init (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx);
void cuda_close (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx);
int nvrtc_init (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx);
void nvrtc_close (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx);
int ocl_init (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx);
void ocl_close (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx);
int hc_nvrtcCreateProgram (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, nvrtcProgram *prog, const char *src, const char *name, int numHeaders, const char * const *headers, const char * const *includeNames);
int hc_nvrtcDestroyProgram (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, nvrtcProgram *prog);
int hc_nvrtcCompileProgram (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, nvrtcProgram prog, int numOptions, const char * const *options);
int hc_nvrtcGetProgramLogSize (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, nvrtcProgram prog, size_t *logSizeRet);
int hc_nvrtcGetProgramLog (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, nvrtcProgram prog, char *log);
int hc_nvrtcGetPTXSize (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, nvrtcProgram prog, size_t *ptxSizeRet);
int hc_nvrtcGetPTX (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, nvrtcProgram prog, char *ptx);
int hc_cuInit (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, unsigned int Flags);
int hc_cuDeviceGetAttribute (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, int *pi, CUdevice_attribute attrib, CUdevice dev);
int hc_cuDeviceGetCount (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, int *count);
int hc_cuDeviceGet (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, CUdevice *device, int ordinal);
int hc_cuDeviceGetName (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, char *name, int len, CUdevice dev);
int hc_cuDeviceTotalMem (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, size_t *bytes, CUdevice dev);
int hc_cuDriverGetVersion (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, int *driverVersion);
int hc_cuCtxCreate (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, CUcontext *pctx, unsigned int flags, CUdevice dev);
int hc_cuCtxDestroy (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, CUcontext ctx);
int hc_cuModuleLoadDataEx (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, CUmodule *module, const void *image, unsigned int numOptions, CUjit_option *options, void **optionValues);
int hc_cuModuleUnload (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, CUmodule hmod);
int hc_cuCtxSetCurrent (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, CUcontext ctx);
int hc_clBuildProgram (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, cl_program program, cl_uint num_devices, const cl_device_id *device_list, const char *options, void (CL_CALLBACK *pfn_notify) (cl_program program, void *user_data), void *user_data);
int hc_clCreateBuffer (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, cl_context context, cl_mem_flags flags, size_t size, void *host_ptr, cl_mem *mem);
int hc_clCreateCommandQueue (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, cl_context context, cl_device_id device, cl_command_queue_properties properties, cl_command_queue *command_queue);
int hc_clCreateContext (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, const cl_context_properties *properties, cl_uint num_devices, const cl_device_id *devices, void (CL_CALLBACK *pfn_notify) (const char *errinfo, const void *private_info, size_t cb, void *user_data), void *user_data, cl_context *context);
int hc_clCreateKernel (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, cl_program program, const char *kernel_name, cl_kernel *kernel);
int hc_clCreateProgramWithBinary (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, cl_context context, cl_uint num_devices, const cl_device_id *device_list, const size_t *lengths, const unsigned char **binaries, cl_int *binary_status, cl_program *program);
int hc_clCreateProgramWithSource (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, cl_context context, cl_uint count, const char **strings, const size_t *lengths, cl_program *program);
int hc_clEnqueueCopyBuffer (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, cl_command_queue command_queue, cl_mem src_buffer, cl_mem dst_buffer, size_t src_offset, size_t dst_offset, size_t size, cl_uint num_events_in_wait_list, const cl_event *event_wait_list, cl_event *event);
int hc_clEnqueueMapBuffer (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, cl_command_queue command_queue, cl_mem buffer, cl_bool blocking_map, cl_map_flags map_flags, size_t offset, size_t cb, cl_uint num_events_in_wait_list, const cl_event *event_wait_list, cl_event *event, void **buf);
int hc_clEnqueueNDRangeKernel (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, cl_command_queue command_queue, cl_kernel kernel, cl_uint work_dim, const size_t *global_work_offset, const size_t *global_work_size, const size_t *local_work_size, cl_uint num_events_in_wait_list, const cl_event *event_wait_list, cl_event *event);
int hc_clEnqueueReadBuffer (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, cl_command_queue command_queue, cl_mem buffer, cl_bool blocking_read, size_t offset, size_t size, void *ptr, cl_uint num_events_in_wait_list, const cl_event *event_wait_list, cl_event *event);
int hc_clEnqueueUnmapMemObject (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, cl_command_queue command_queue, cl_mem memobj, void *mapped_ptr, cl_uint num_events_in_wait_list, const cl_event *event_wait_list, cl_event *event);
int hc_clEnqueueWriteBuffer (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, cl_command_queue command_queue, cl_mem buffer, cl_bool blocking_write, size_t offset, size_t size, const void *ptr, cl_uint num_events_in_wait_list, const cl_event *event_wait_list, cl_event *event);
int hc_clFinish (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, cl_command_queue command_queue);
int hc_clFlush (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, cl_command_queue command_queue);
int hc_clGetDeviceIDs (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, cl_platform_id platform, cl_device_type device_type, cl_uint num_entries, cl_device_id *devices, cl_uint *num_devices);
int hc_clGetDeviceInfo (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, cl_device_id device, cl_device_info param_name, size_t param_value_size, void *param_value, size_t *param_value_size_ret);
int hc_clGetEventInfo (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, cl_event event, cl_event_info param_name, size_t param_value_size, void *param_value, size_t *param_value_size_ret);
int hc_clGetEventProfilingInfo (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, cl_event event, cl_profiling_info param_name, size_t param_value_size, void *param_value, size_t *param_value_size_ret);
int hc_clGetKernelWorkGroupInfo (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, cl_kernel kernel, cl_device_id device, cl_kernel_work_group_info param_name, size_t param_value_size, void *param_value, size_t *param_value_size_ret);
int hc_clGetPlatformIDs (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, cl_uint num_entries, cl_platform_id *platforms, cl_uint *num_platforms);
int hc_clGetPlatformInfo (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, cl_platform_id platform, cl_platform_info param_name, size_t param_value_size, void *param_value, size_t *param_value_size_ret);
int hc_clGetProgramBuildInfo (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, cl_program program, cl_device_id device, cl_program_build_info param_name, size_t param_value_size, void *param_value, size_t *param_value_size_ret);
int hc_clGetProgramInfo (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, cl_program program, cl_program_info param_name, size_t param_value_size, void *param_value, size_t * param_value_size_ret);
int hc_clReleaseCommandQueue (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, cl_command_queue command_queue);
int hc_clReleaseContext (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, cl_context context);
int hc_clReleaseEvent (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, cl_event event);
int hc_clReleaseKernel (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, cl_kernel kernel);
int hc_clReleaseMemObject (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, cl_mem mem);
int hc_clReleaseProgram (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, cl_program program);
int hc_clSetKernelArg (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, cl_kernel kernel, cl_uint arg_index, size_t arg_size, const void *arg_value);
int hc_clWaitForEvents (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, cl_uint num_events, const cl_event *event_list);
int gidd_to_pw_t (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, hc_device_param_t *device_param, const u64 gidd, pw_t *pw);
int choose_kernel (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, hc_device_param_t *device_param, const u32 highest_pw_len, const u64 pws_cnt, const u32 fast_iteration, const u32 salt_pos);
void rebuild_pws_compressed_append (hc_device_param_t *device_param, const u64 pws_cnt, const u8 chr);
int run_kernel (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, hc_device_param_t *device_param, const u32 kern_run, const u64 num, const u32 event_update, const u32 iteration);
int run_kernel_mp (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, hc_device_param_t *device_param, const u32 kern_run, const u64 num);
int run_kernel_tm (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, hc_device_param_t *device_param);
int run_kernel_amp (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, hc_device_param_t *device_param, const u64 num);
int run_kernel_atinit (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, hc_device_param_t *device_param, cl_mem buf, const u64 num);
int run_kernel_memset (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, hc_device_param_t *device_param, cl_mem buf, const u32 value, const u64 size);
int run_kernel_bzero (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, hc_device_param_t *device_param, cl_mem buf, const u64 size);
int run_kernel_decompress (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, hc_device_param_t *device_param, const u64 num);
int run_copy (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, hc_device_param_t *device_param, const u64 pws_cnt);
int run_cracker (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, hc_device_param_t *device_param, const u64 pws_cnt);
void generate_source_kernel_filename (const bool slow_candidates, const u32 attack_exec, const u32 attack_kern, const u32 kern_type, const u32 opti_type, char *shared_dir, char *source_file);
void generate_cached_kernel_filename (const bool slow_candidates, const u32 attack_exec, const u32 attack_kern, const u32 kern_type, const u32 opti_type, char *profile_dir, const char *device_name_chksum, char *cached_file);
void generate_source_kernel_mp_filename (const u32 opti_type, const u64 opts_type, char *shared_dir, char *source_file);
void generate_cached_kernel_mp_filename (const u32 opti_type, const u64 opts_type, char *profile_dir, const char *device_name_chksum, char *cached_file);
void generate_source_kernel_amp_filename (const u32 attack_kern, char *shared_dir, char *source_file);
void generate_cached_kernel_amp_filename (const u32 attack_kern, char *profile_dir, const char *device_name_chksum, char *cached_file);
int backend_ctx_init (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx);
void backend_ctx_destroy (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx);
int backend_ctx_devices_init (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, const int comptime);
void backend_ctx_devices_destroy (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx);
void backend_ctx_devices_sync_tuning (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx);
void backend_ctx_devices_update_power (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx);
void backend_ctx_devices_kernel_loops (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx);
int backend_session_begin (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx);
void backend_session_destroy (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx);
void backend_session_reset (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx);
int backend_session_update_combinator (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx);
int backend_session_update_mp (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx);
int backend_session_update_mp_rl (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, const u32 css_cnt_l, const u32 css_cnt_r);
#endif // _BACKEND_H