You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

947 lines
44 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (C) 2020 GNS3 Technologies Inc.
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
import pytest
import uuid
from pathlib import Path
from fastapi import FastAPI, status
from httpx import AsyncClient
from gns3server.controller import Controller
pytestmark = pytest.mark.asyncio
class TestTemplateRoutes:
async def test_route_exist(self, app: FastAPI, client: AsyncClient) -> None:
new_template = {"base_script_file": "vpcs_base_config.txt",
"category": "guest",
"console_auto_start": False,
"console_type": "telnet",
"default_name_format": "PC{0}",
"name": "VPCS_TEST",
"compute_id": "local",
"symbol": ":/symbols/vpcs_guest.svg",
"template_type": "vpcs"}
response = await"create_template"), json=new_template)
assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_201_CREATED
assert response.json()["template_id"] is not None
async def test_template_list(self, app: FastAPI, client: AsyncClient) -> None:
response = await client.get(app.url_path_for("get_templates"))
assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_200_OK
assert len(response.json()) > 0
async def test_template_get(self, app: FastAPI, client: AsyncClient) -> None:
template_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
params = {"template_id": template_id,
"name": "VPCS_TEST",
"compute_id": "local",
"template_type": "vpcs"}
response = await"create_template"), json=params)
assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_201_CREATED
response = await client.get(app.url_path_for("get_template", template_id=template_id))
assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_200_OK
assert response.json()["template_id"] == template_id
async def test_template_create_wrong_type(self, app: FastAPI, client: AsyncClient, controller: Controller) -> None:
params = {"name": "VPCS_TEST",
"compute_id": "local",
"template_type": "invalid_template_type"}
response = await"create_template"), json=params)
assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_422_UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY
async def test_template_update(self, app: FastAPI, client: AsyncClient) -> None:
template_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
params = {"template_id": template_id,
"name": "VPCS_TEST",
"compute_id": "local",
"template_type": "vpcs"}
response = await"create_template"), json=params)
assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_201_CREATED
response = await client.get(app.url_path_for("get_template", template_id=template_id))
assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_200_OK
assert response.json()["template_id"] == template_id
params["name"] = "VPCS_TEST_RENAMED"
response = await client.put(app.url_path_for("update_template", template_id=template_id), json=params)
assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_200_OK
assert response.json()["name"] == "VPCS_TEST_RENAMED"
async def test_template_delete(self, app: FastAPI, client: AsyncClient, controller: Controller) -> None:
template_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
params = {"template_id": template_id,
"name": "VPCS_TEST",
"compute_id": "local",
"template_type": "vpcs"}
response = await"create_template"), json=params)
assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_201_CREATED
response = await client.delete(app.url_path_for("delete_template", template_id=template_id))
assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_204_NO_CONTENT
# async def test_create_node_from_template(self, controller_api, controller, project):
# id = str(uuid.uuid4())
# controller.template_manager._templates = {id: Template(id, {
# "template_type": "qemu",
# "category": 0,
# "name": "test",
# "symbol": "guest.svg",
# "default_name_format": "{name}-{0}",
# "compute_id": ""
# })}
# with asyncio_patch("gns3server.controller.project.Project.add_node_from_template", return_value={"name": "test", "node_type": "qemu", "compute_id": ""}) as mock:
# response = await"/projects/{}/templates/{}".format(, id), {
# "x": 42,
# "y": 12
# })
# mock.assert_called_with(id, x=42, y=12, compute_id=None)
# assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_201_CREATED
class TestDuplicateTemplates:
async def test_template_duplicate(self, app: FastAPI, client: AsyncClient, controller: Controller) -> None:
template_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
params = {"template_id": template_id,
"name": "VPCS_TEST",
"compute_id": "local",
"template_type": "vpcs"}
response = await"create_template"), json=params)
assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_201_CREATED
response = await"duplicate_template", template_id=template_id))
assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_201_CREATED
assert response.json()["template_id"] != template_id
for param, value in params.items():
assert response.json()[param] == value
response = await client.get(app.url_path_for("get_templates"))
assert len(response.json()) == 9 # includes builtin templates
async def test_template_duplicate_invalid_template_id(
app: FastAPI,
client: AsyncClient,
controller: Controller
) -> None:
template_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
response = await"duplicate_template", template_id=template_id))
assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND
class TestBuiltinTemplates:
async def test_list_builtin_templates(self, app: FastAPI, client: AsyncClient, controller: Controller) -> None:
response = await client.get(app.url_path_for("get_templates"))
assert len(response.json()) == 7 # there currently are 7 built-in templates
async def test_get_builtin_template(self, app: FastAPI, client: AsyncClient, controller: Controller) -> None:
template_id = str(BUILTIN_TEMPLATES[0]["template_id"]) # take the first built-in template
response = await client.get(app.url_path_for("get_template", template_id=template_id))
assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_200_OK
assert response.json()["template_id"] == template_id
async def test_update_builtin_template(self, app: FastAPI, client: AsyncClient, controller: Controller) -> None:
template_id = str(BUILTIN_TEMPLATES[0]["template_id"]) # take the first built-in template
params = {"name": "RENAME_BUILTIN_TEMPLATE"}
response = await client.put(app.url_path_for("update_template", template_id=template_id), json=params)
assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN
async def test_duplicate_builtin_template(self, app: FastAPI, client: AsyncClient, controller: Controller) -> None:
template_id = str(BUILTIN_TEMPLATES[0]["template_id"]) # take the first built-in template
response = await"duplicate_template", template_id=template_id))
assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN
async def test_delete_builtin_template(self, app: FastAPI, client: AsyncClient, controller: Controller) -> None:
template_id = str(BUILTIN_TEMPLATES[0]["template_id"]) # take the first built-in template
response = await client.delete(app.url_path_for("delete_template", template_id=template_id))
assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN
class TestDynamipsTemplate:
async def test_c7200_dynamips_template_create(self, app: FastAPI, client: AsyncClient) -> None:
params = {"name": "Cisco c7200 template",
"platform": "c7200",
"compute_id": "local",
"image": "c7200-adventerprisek9-mz.124-24.T5.image",
"template_type": "dynamips"}
response = await"create_template"), json=params)
assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_201_CREATED
assert response.json()["template_id"] is not None
expected_response = {"template_type": "dynamips",
"auto_delete_disks": False,
"builtin": False,
"category": "router",
"compute_id": "local",
"console_auto_start": False,
"console_type": "telnet",
"default_name_format": "R{0}",
"disk0": 0,
"disk1": 0,
"exec_area": 64,
"idlemax": 500,
"idlepc": "",
"idlesleep": 30,
"image": "c7200-adventerprisek9-mz.124-24.T5.image",
"mac_addr": "",
"midplane": "vxr",
"mmap": True,
"name": "Cisco c7200 template",
"npe": "npe-400",
"nvram": 512,
"platform": "c7200",
"private_config": "",
"ram": 512,
"sparsemem": True,
"startup_config": "ios_base_startup-config.txt",
"symbol": ":/symbols/router.svg",
"system_id": "FTX0945W0MY"}
for item, value in expected_response.items():
assert response.json().get(item) == value
async def test_c3745_dynamips_template_create(self, app: FastAPI, client: AsyncClient) -> None:
params = {"name": "Cisco c3745 template",
"platform": "c3745",
"compute_id": "local",
"image": "c3745-adventerprisek9-mz.124-25d.image",
"template_type": "dynamips"}
response = await"create_template"), json=params)
assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_201_CREATED
assert response.json()["template_id"] is not None
expected_response = {"template_type": "dynamips",
"auto_delete_disks": False,
"builtin": False,
"category": "router",
"compute_id": "local",
"console_auto_start": False,
"console_type": "telnet",
"default_name_format": "R{0}",
"disk0": 0,
"disk1": 0,
"exec_area": 64,
"idlemax": 500,
"idlepc": "",
"idlesleep": 30,
"image": "c3745-adventerprisek9-mz.124-25d.image",
"mac_addr": "",
"mmap": True,
"name": "Cisco c3745 template",
"iomem": 5,
"nvram": 256,
"platform": "c3745",
"private_config": "",
"ram": 256,
"sparsemem": True,
"startup_config": "ios_base_startup-config.txt",
"symbol": ":/symbols/router.svg",
"system_id": "FTX0945W0MY"}
for item, value in expected_response.items():
assert response.json().get(item) == value
async def test_c3725_dynamips_template_create(self, app: FastAPI, client: AsyncClient) -> None:
params = {"name": "Cisco c3725 template",
"platform": "c3725",
"compute_id": "local",
"image": "c3725-adventerprisek9-mz.124-25d.image",
"template_type": "dynamips"}
response = await"create_template"), json=params)
assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_201_CREATED
assert response.json()["template_id"] is not None
expected_response = {"template_type": "dynamips",
"auto_delete_disks": False,
"builtin": False,
"category": "router",
"compute_id": "local",
"console_auto_start": False,
"console_type": "telnet",
"default_name_format": "R{0}",
"disk0": 0,
"disk1": 0,
"exec_area": 64,
"idlemax": 500,
"idlepc": "",
"idlesleep": 30,
"image": "c3725-adventerprisek9-mz.124-25d.image",
"mac_addr": "",
"mmap": True,
"name": "Cisco c3725 template",
"iomem": 5,
"nvram": 256,
"platform": "c3725",
"private_config": "",
"ram": 128,
"sparsemem": True,
"startup_config": "ios_base_startup-config.txt",
"symbol": ":/symbols/router.svg",
"system_id": "FTX0945W0MY"}
for item, value in expected_response.items():
assert response.json().get(item) == value
async def test_c3600_dynamips_template_create(self, app: FastAPI, client: AsyncClient) -> None:
params = {"name": "Cisco c3600 template",
"platform": "c3600",
"chassis": "3660",
"compute_id": "local",
"image": "c3660-a3jk9s-mz.124-25d.image",
"template_type": "dynamips"}
response = await"create_template"), json=params)
assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_201_CREATED
assert response.json()["template_id"] is not None
expected_response = {"template_type": "dynamips",
"auto_delete_disks": False,
"builtin": False,
"category": "router",
"compute_id": "local",
"console_auto_start": False,
"console_type": "telnet",
"default_name_format": "R{0}",
"disk0": 0,
"disk1": 0,
"exec_area": 64,
"idlemax": 500,
"idlepc": "",
"idlesleep": 30,
"image": "c3660-a3jk9s-mz.124-25d.image",
"mac_addr": "",
"mmap": True,
"name": "Cisco c3600 template",
"iomem": 5,
"nvram": 128,
"platform": "c3600",
"chassis": "3660",
"private_config": "",
"ram": 192,
"sparsemem": True,
"startup_config": "ios_base_startup-config.txt",
"symbol": ":/symbols/router.svg",
"system_id": "FTX0945W0MY"}
for item, value in expected_response.items():
assert response.json().get(item) == value
async def test_c3600_dynamips_template_create_wrong_chassis(self, app: FastAPI, client: AsyncClient) -> None:
params = {"name": "Cisco c3600 template",
"platform": "c3600",
"chassis": "3650",
"compute_id": "local",
"image": "c3660-a3jk9s-mz.124-25d.image",
"template_type": "dynamips"}
response = await"create_template"), json=params)
assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST
async def test_c2691_dynamips_template_create(self, app: FastAPI, client: AsyncClient) -> None:
params = {"name": "Cisco c2691 template",
"platform": "c2691",
"compute_id": "local",
"image": "c2691-adventerprisek9-mz.124-25d.image",
"template_type": "dynamips"}
response = await"create_template"), json=params)
assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_201_CREATED
assert response.json()["template_id"] is not None
expected_response = {"template_type": "dynamips",
"auto_delete_disks": False,
"builtin": False,
"category": "router",
"compute_id": "local",
"console_auto_start": False,
"console_type": "telnet",
"default_name_format": "R{0}",
"disk0": 0,
"disk1": 0,
"exec_area": 64,
"idlemax": 500,
"idlepc": "",
"idlesleep": 30,
"image": "c2691-adventerprisek9-mz.124-25d.image",
"mac_addr": "",
"mmap": True,
"name": "Cisco c2691 template",
"iomem": 5,
"nvram": 256,
"platform": "c2691",
"private_config": "",
"ram": 192,
"sparsemem": True,
"startup_config": "ios_base_startup-config.txt",
"symbol": ":/symbols/router.svg",
"system_id": "FTX0945W0MY"}
for item, value in expected_response.items():
assert response.json().get(item) == value
async def test_c2600_dynamips_template_create(self, app: FastAPI, client: AsyncClient) -> None:
params = {"name": "Cisco c2600 template",
"platform": "c2600",
"chassis": "2651XM",
"compute_id": "local",
"image": "c2600-adventerprisek9-mz.124-25d.image",
"template_type": "dynamips"}
response = await"create_template"), json=params)
assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_201_CREATED
assert response.json()["template_id"] is not None
expected_response = {"template_type": "dynamips",
"auto_delete_disks": False,
"builtin": False,
"category": "router",
"compute_id": "local",
"console_auto_start": False,
"console_type": "telnet",
"default_name_format": "R{0}",
"disk0": 0,
"disk1": 0,
"exec_area": 64,
"idlemax": 500,
"idlepc": "",
"idlesleep": 30,
"image": "c2600-adventerprisek9-mz.124-25d.image",
"mac_addr": "",
"mmap": True,
"name": "Cisco c2600 template",
"iomem": 15,
"nvram": 128,
"platform": "c2600",
"chassis": "2651XM",
"private_config": "",
"ram": 160,
"sparsemem": True,
"startup_config": "ios_base_startup-config.txt",
"symbol": ":/symbols/router.svg",
"system_id": "FTX0945W0MY"}
for item, value in expected_response.items():
assert response.json().get(item) == value
async def test_c2600_dynamips_template_create_wrong_chassis(self, app: FastAPI, client: AsyncClient) -> None:
params = {"name": "Cisco c2600 template",
"platform": "c2600",
"chassis": "2660XM",
"compute_id": "local",
"image": "c2600-adventerprisek9-mz.124-25d.image",
"template_type": "dynamips"}
response = await"create_template"), json=params)
assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST
async def test_c1700_dynamips_template_create(self, app: FastAPI, client: AsyncClient) -> None:
params = {"name": "Cisco c1700 template",
"platform": "c1700",
"chassis": "1760",
"compute_id": "local",
"image": "c1700-adventerprisek9-mz.124-25d.image",
"template_type": "dynamips"}
response = await"create_template"), json=params)
assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_201_CREATED
assert response.json()["template_id"] is not None
expected_response = {"template_type": "dynamips",
"auto_delete_disks": False,
"builtin": False,
"category": "router",
"compute_id": "local",
"console_auto_start": False,
"console_type": "telnet",
"default_name_format": "R{0}",
"disk0": 0,
"disk1": 0,
"exec_area": 64,
"idlemax": 500,
"idlepc": "",
"idlesleep": 30,
"image": "c1700-adventerprisek9-mz.124-25d.image",
"mac_addr": "",
"mmap": True,
"name": "Cisco c1700 template",
"iomem": 15,
"nvram": 128,
"platform": "c1700",
"chassis": "1760",
"private_config": "",
"ram": 160,
"sparsemem": False,
"startup_config": "ios_base_startup-config.txt",
"symbol": ":/symbols/router.svg",
"system_id": "FTX0945W0MY"}
for item, value in expected_response.items():
assert response.json().get(item) == value
async def test_c1700_dynamips_template_create_wrong_chassis(self, app: FastAPI, client: AsyncClient) -> None:
params = {"name": "Cisco c1700 template",
"platform": "c1700",
"chassis": "1770",
"compute_id": "local",
"image": "c1700-adventerprisek9-mz.124-25d.image",
"template_type": "dynamips"}
response = await"create_template"), json=params)
assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST
async def test_dynamips_template_create_wrong_platform(self, app: FastAPI, client: AsyncClient) -> None:
params = {"name": "Cisco c3900 template",
"platform": "c3900",
"compute_id": "local",
"image": "c3900-test.124-25d.image",
"template_type": "dynamips"}
response = await"create_template"), json=params)
assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST
class TestIOUTemplate:
async def test_iou_template_create(self, app: FastAPI, client: AsyncClient) -> None:
image_path = str(Path("/path/to/i86bi_linux-ipbase-ms-12.4.bin"))
params = {"name": "IOU template",
"compute_id": "local",
"path": image_path,
"template_type": "iou"}
response = await"create_template"), json=params)
assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_201_CREATED
assert response.json()["template_id"] is not None
expected_response = {"template_type": "iou",
"builtin": False,
"category": "router",
"compute_id": "local",
"console_auto_start": False,
"console_type": "telnet",
"default_name_format": "IOU{0}",
"ethernet_adapters": 2,
"name": "IOU template",
"nvram": 128,
"path": image_path,
"private_config": "",
"ram": 256,
"serial_adapters": 2,
"startup_config": "iou_l3_base_startup-config.txt",
"symbol": ":/symbols/multilayer_switch.svg",
"use_default_iou_values": True,
"l1_keepalives": False}
for item, value in expected_response.items():
assert response.json().get(item) == value
class TestDockerTemplate:
async def test_docker_template_create(self, app: FastAPI, client: AsyncClient) -> None:
params = {"name": "Docker template",
"compute_id": "local",
"image": "gns3/endhost:latest",
"template_type": "docker"}
response = await"create_template"), json=params)
assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_201_CREATED
assert response.json()["template_id"] is not None
expected_response = {"adapters": 1,
"template_type": "docker",
"builtin": False,
"category": "guest",
"compute_id": "local",
"console_auto_start": False,
"console_http_path": "/",
"console_http_port": 80,
"console_resolution": "1024x768",
"console_type": "telnet",
"default_name_format": "{name}-{0}",
"environment": "",
"extra_hosts": "",
"image": "gns3/endhost:latest",
"name": "Docker template",
"start_command": "",
"symbol": ":/symbols/docker_guest.svg",
"custom_adapters": []}
for item, value in expected_response.items():
assert response.json().get(item) == value
class TestQemuTemplate:
async def test_qemu_template_create(self, app: FastAPI, client: AsyncClient) -> None:
params = {"name": "Qemu template",
"compute_id": "local",
"platform": "i386",
"hda_disk_image": "IOSvL2-",
"ram": 512,
"template_type": "qemu"}
response = await"create_template"), json=params)
assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_201_CREATED
assert response.json()["template_id"] is not None
expected_response = {"adapter_type": "e1000",
"adapters": 1,
"template_type": "qemu",
"bios_image": "",
"boot_priority": "c",
"builtin": False,
"category": "guest",
"cdrom_image": "",
"compute_id": "local",
"console_auto_start": False,
"console_type": "telnet",
"cpu_throttling": 0,
"cpus": 1,
"default_name_format": "{name}-{0}",
"first_port_name": "",
"hda_disk_image": "IOSvL2-",
"hda_disk_interface": "none",
"hdb_disk_image": "",
"hdb_disk_interface": "none",
"hdc_disk_image": "",
"hdc_disk_interface": "none",
"hdd_disk_image": "",
"hdd_disk_interface": "none",
"initrd": "",
"kernel_command_line": "",
"kernel_image": "",
"legacy_networking": False,
"linked_clone": True,
"mac_address": "",
"name": "Qemu template",
"on_close": "power_off",
"options": "",
"platform": "i386",
"port_name_format": "Ethernet{0}",
"port_segment_size": 0,
"process_priority": "normal",
"qemu_path": "",
"ram": 512,
"symbol": ":/symbols/qemu_guest.svg",
"usage": "",
"custom_adapters": []}
for item, value in expected_response.items():
assert response.json().get(item) == value
class TestVMwareTemplate:
async def test_vmware_template_create(self, app: FastAPI, client: AsyncClient) -> None:
vmx_path = str(Path("/path/to/vm.vmx"))
params = {"name": "VMware template",
"compute_id": "local",
"template_type": "vmware",
"vmx_path": vmx_path}
response = await"create_template"), json=params)
assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_201_CREATED
assert response.json()["template_id"] is not None
expected_response = {"adapter_type": "e1000",
"adapters": 1,
"template_type": "vmware",
"builtin": False,
"category": "guest",
"compute_id": "local",
"console_auto_start": False,
"console_type": "none",
"default_name_format": "{name}-{0}",
"first_port_name": "",
"headless": False,
"linked_clone": False,
"name": "VMware template",
"on_close": "power_off",
"port_name_format": "Ethernet{0}",
"port_segment_size": 0,
"symbol": ":/symbols/vmware_guest.svg",
"use_any_adapter": False,
"vmx_path": vmx_path,
"custom_adapters": []}
for item, value in expected_response.items():
assert response.json().get(item) == value
class TestVirtualBoxTemplate:
async def test_virtualbox_template_create(self, app: FastAPI, client: AsyncClient) -> None:
params = {"name": "VirtualBox template",
"compute_id": "local",
"template_type": "virtualbox",
"vmname": "My VirtualBox VM"}
response = await"create_template"), json=params)
assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_201_CREATED
assert response.json()["template_id"] is not None
expected_response = {"adapter_type": "Intel PRO/1000 MT Desktop (82540EM)",
"adapters": 1,
"template_type": "virtualbox",
"builtin": False,
"category": "guest",
"compute_id": "local",
"console_auto_start": False,
"console_type": "none",
"default_name_format": "{name}-{0}",
"first_port_name": "",
"headless": False,
"linked_clone": False,
"name": "VirtualBox template",
"on_close": "power_off",
"port_name_format": "Ethernet{0}",
"port_segment_size": 0,
"ram": 256,
"symbol": ":/symbols/vbox_guest.svg",
"use_any_adapter": False,
"vmname": "My VirtualBox VM",
"custom_adapters": []}
for item, value in expected_response.items():
assert response.json().get(item) == value
class TestVPCSTemplate:
async def test_vpcs_template_create(self, app: FastAPI, client: AsyncClient) -> None:
params = {"name": "VPCS template",
"compute_id": "local",
"template_type": "vpcs"}
response = await"create_template"), json=params)
assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_201_CREATED
assert response.json()["template_id"] is not None
expected_response = {"template_type": "vpcs",
"base_script_file": "vpcs_base_config.txt",
"builtin": False,
"category": "guest",
"compute_id": "local",
"console_auto_start": False,
"console_type": "telnet",
"default_name_format": "PC{0}",
"name": "VPCS template",
"symbol": ":/symbols/vpcs_guest.svg"}
for item, value in expected_response.items():
assert response.json().get(item) == value
class TestEthernetSwitchTemplate:
async def test_ethernet_switch_template_create(self, app: FastAPI, client: AsyncClient) -> None:
params = {"name": "Ethernet switch template",
"compute_id": "local",
"template_type": "ethernet_switch"}
response = await"create_template"), json=params)
assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_201_CREATED
assert response.json()["template_id"] is not None
expected_response = {"template_type": "ethernet_switch",
"builtin": False,
"category": "switch",
"compute_id": "local",
"console_type": "none",
"default_name_format": "Switch{0}",
"name": "Ethernet switch template",
"ports_mapping": [{"ethertype": "0x8100",
"name": "Ethernet0",
"port_number": 0,
"type": "access",
"vlan": 1
{"ethertype": "0x8100",
"name": "Ethernet1",
"port_number": 1,
"type": "access",
"vlan": 1
{"ethertype": "0x8100",
"name": "Ethernet2",
"port_number": 2,
"type": "access",
"vlan": 1
{"ethertype": "0x8100",
"name": "Ethernet3",
"port_number": 3,
"type": "access",
"vlan": 1
{"ethertype": "0x8100",
"name": "Ethernet4",
"port_number": 4,
"type": "access",
"vlan": 1
{"ethertype": "0x8100",
"name": "Ethernet5",
"port_number": 5,
"type": "access",
"vlan": 1
{"ethertype": "0x8100",
"name": "Ethernet6",
"port_number": 6,
"type": "access",
"vlan": 1
{"ethertype": "0x8100",
"name": "Ethernet7",
"port_number": 7,
"type": "access",
"vlan": 1
"symbol": ":/symbols/ethernet_switch.svg"}
for item, value in expected_response.items():
assert response.json().get(item) == value
class TestHubTemplate:
async def test_ethernet_hub_template_create(self, app: FastAPI, client: AsyncClient) -> None:
params = {"name": "Ethernet hub template",
"compute_id": "local",
"template_type": "ethernet_hub"}
response = await"create_template"), json=params)
assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_201_CREATED
assert response.json()["template_id"] is not None
expected_response = {"ports_mapping": [{"port_number": 0,
"name": "Ethernet0"
{"port_number": 1,
"name": "Ethernet1"
{"port_number": 2,
"name": "Ethernet2"
{"port_number": 3,
"name": "Ethernet3"
{"port_number": 4,
"name": "Ethernet4"
{"port_number": 5,
"name": "Ethernet5"
{"port_number": 6,
"name": "Ethernet6"
{"port_number": 7,
"name": "Ethernet7"
"compute_id": "local",
"name": "Ethernet hub template",
"symbol": ":/symbols/hub.svg",
"default_name_format": "Hub{0}",
"template_type": "ethernet_hub",
"category": "switch",
"builtin": False}
for item, value in expected_response.items():
assert response.json().get(item) == value
class TestCloudTemplate:
async def test_cloud_template_create(self, app: FastAPI, client: AsyncClient) -> None:
params = {"name": "Cloud template",
"compute_id": "local",
"template_type": "cloud"}
response = await"create_template"), json=params)
assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_201_CREATED
assert response.json()["template_id"] is not None
expected_response = {"template_type": "cloud",
"builtin": False,
"category": "guest",
"compute_id": "local",
"default_name_format": "Cloud{0}",
"name": "Cloud template",
"ports_mapping": [],
"symbol": ":/symbols/cloud.svg",
"remote_console_host": "",
"remote_console_port": 23,
"remote_console_type": "none",
"remote_console_http_path": "/"}
for item, value in expected_response.items():
assert response.json().get(item) == value