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# Copyright (C) 2015 GNS3 Technologies Inc.
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
Docker container instance.
import sys
import asyncio
import shutil
import psutil
import shlex
import aiohttp
import subprocess
import os
import re
from gns3server.utils.asyncio.telnet_server import AsyncioTelnetServer
from gns3server.utils.asyncio.raw_command_server import AsyncioRawCommandServer
from gns3server.utils.asyncio import wait_for_file_creation
from gns3server.utils.asyncio import monitor_process
from gns3server.utils.get_resource import get_resource
from gns3server.utils.hostname import is_rfc1123_hostname_valid
from gns3server.compute.ubridge.ubridge_error import UbridgeError, UbridgeNamespaceError
from ..base_node import BaseNode
from ..adapters.ethernet_adapter import EthernetAdapter
from ..nios.nio_udp import NIOUDP
from .docker_error import DockerError, DockerHttp304Error, DockerHttp404Error
import logging
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class DockerVM(BaseNode):
Docker container implementation.
:param name: Docker container name
:param node_id: Node identifier
:param project: Project instance
:param manager: Manager instance
:param image: Docker image
:param console: TCP console port
:param console_type: console type
:param aux: TCP aux console port
:param aux_type: auxiliary console type
:param console_resolution: Resolution of the VNC display
:param console_http_port: Port to redirect HTTP queries
:param console_http_path: Url part with the path of the web interface
:param extra_hosts: Hosts which will be written into /etc/hosts into docker conainer
:param extra_volumes: Additional directories to make persistent
def __init__(
if not is_rfc1123_hostname_valid(name):
raise DockerError(f"'{name}' is an invalid name to create a Docker node")
name, node_id, project, manager, console=console, console_type=console_type, aux=aux, aux_type=aux_type
# force the latest image if no version is specified
if ":" not in image:
image = f"{image}:latest"
self._image = image
self._start_command = start_command
self._environment = environment
self._cid = None
self._ethernet_adapters = []
self._temporary_directory = None
self._telnet_servers = []
self._xvfb_process = None
self._vnc_process = None
self._vncconfig_process = None
self._console_resolution = console_resolution
self._console_http_path = console_http_path
self._console_http_port = console_http_port
self._console_websocket = None
self._extra_hosts = extra_hosts
self._extra_volumes = extra_volumes or []
self._memory = memory
self._cpus = cpus
self._permissions_fixed = True
self._display = None
self._closing = False
self._volumes = []
# Keep a list of created bridge
self._bridges = set()
if adapters is None:
self.adapters = 1
self.adapters = adapters
"{module}: {name} [{image}] initialized.".format(
module=self.manager.module_name, name=self.name, image=self._image
def asdict(self):
return {
"name": self._name,
"usage": self.usage,
"node_id": self._id,
"container_id": self._cid,
"project_id": self._project.id,
"image": self._image,
"adapters": self.adapters,
"console": self.console,
"console_type": self.console_type,
"console_resolution": self.console_resolution,
"console_http_port": self.console_http_port,
"console_http_path": self.console_http_path,
"aux": self.aux,
"aux_type": self.aux_type,
"start_command": self.start_command,
"status": self.status,
"environment": self.environment,
"node_directory": self.working_path,
"extra_hosts": self.extra_hosts,
"extra_volumes": self.extra_volumes,
"memory": self.memory,
"cpus": self.cpus,
def _get_free_display_port(self):
Search a free display port
display = 100
if not os.path.exists("/tmp/.X11-unix/"):
return display
while True:
if not os.path.exists(f"/tmp/.X11-unix/X{display}"):
return display
display += 1
def name(self, new_name):
Sets the name of this Qemu VM.
:param new_name: name
if not is_rfc1123_hostname_valid(new_name):
raise DockerError(f"'{new_name}' is an invalid name to rename Docker container '{self._name}'")
super(DockerVM, DockerVM).name.__set__(self, new_name)
def ethernet_adapters(self):
return self._ethernet_adapters
def start_command(self):
return self._start_command
def start_command(self, command):
if command:
command = command.strip()
if command is None or len(command) == 0:
self._start_command = None
self._start_command = command
def console_resolution(self):
return self._console_resolution
def console_resolution(self, resolution):
self._console_resolution = resolution
def console_http_path(self):
return self._console_http_path
def console_http_path(self, path):
self._console_http_path = path
def console_http_port(self):
return self._console_http_port
def console_http_port(self, port):
self._console_http_port = port
def environment(self):
return self._environment
def environment(self, command):
self._environment = command
def extra_hosts(self):
return self._extra_hosts
def extra_hosts(self, extra_hosts):
self._extra_hosts = extra_hosts
def extra_volumes(self):
return self._extra_volumes
def extra_volumes(self, extra_volumes):
self._extra_volumes = extra_volumes
def memory(self):
return self._memory
def memory(self, memory):
self._memory = memory
def cpus(self):
return self._cpus
def cpus(self, cpus):
self._cpus = cpus
async def _get_container_state(self):
Returns the container state (e.g. running, paused etc.)
:returns: state
:rtype: str
result = await self.manager.query("GET", f"containers/{self._cid}/json")
except DockerError:
return "exited"
if result["State"]["Paused"]:
return "paused"
if result["State"]["Running"]:
return "running"
return "exited"
async def _get_image_information(self):
:returns: Dictionary information about the container image
result = await self.manager.query("GET", f"images/{self._image}/json")
return result
def _mount_binds(self, image_info):
:returns: Return the path that we need to map to local folders
resources = get_resource("compute/docker/resources")
if not os.path.exists(resources):
raise DockerError(f"{resources} is missing, can't start Docker container")
binds = [f"{resources}:/gns3:ro"]
# We mount our own etc/network
except OSError as e:
raise DockerError(f"Could not create network config in the container: {e}")
volumes = ["/etc/network"]
volumes.extend((image_info.get("Config", {}).get("Volumes") or {}).keys())
for volume in self._extra_volumes:
if not volume.strip() or volume[0] != "/" or volume.find("..") >= 0:
raise DockerError(
f"Persistent volume '{volume}' has invalid format. It must start with a '/' and not contain '..'."
self._volumes = []
# define lambdas for validation checks
nf = lambda x: re.sub(r"//+", "/", (x if x.endswith("/") else x + "/"))
generalises = lambda v1, v2: nf(v2).startswith(nf(v1))
for volume in volumes:
# remove any mount that is equal or more specific, then append this one
self._volumes = list(filter(lambda v: not generalises(volume, v), self._volumes))
# if there is nothing more general, append this mount
if not [v for v in self._volumes if generalises(v, volume)]:
for volume in self._volumes:
source = os.path.join(self.working_dir, os.path.relpath(volume, "/"))
os.makedirs(source, exist_ok=True)
return binds
def _create_network_config(self):
If network config is empty we create a sample config
path = os.path.join(self.working_dir, "etc", "network")
os.makedirs(path, exist_ok=True)
open(os.path.join(path, ".gns3_perms"), "a").close()
os.makedirs(os.path.join(path, "if-up.d"), exist_ok=True)
os.makedirs(os.path.join(path, "if-down.d"), exist_ok=True)
os.makedirs(os.path.join(path, "if-pre-up.d"), exist_ok=True)
os.makedirs(os.path.join(path, "if-post-down.d"), exist_ok=True)
os.makedirs(os.path.join(path, "interfaces.d"), exist_ok=True)
if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, "interfaces")):
with open(os.path.join(path, "interfaces"), "w+") as f:
# This is a sample network config, please uncomment lines to configure the network
# Uncomment this line to load custom interface files
# source /etc/network/interfaces.d/*
for adapter in range(0, self.adapters):
# Static config for eth{adapter}
#auto eth{adapter}
#iface eth{adapter} inet static
#\taddress 192.168.{adapter}.2
#\tgateway 192.168.{adapter}.1
#\tup echo nameserver 192.168.{adapter}.1 > /etc/resolv.conf
# DHCP config for eth{adapter}
#auto eth{adapter}
#iface eth{adapter} inet dhcp
#\thostname {hostname}
""".format(adapter=adapter, hostname=self._name))
return path
async def create(self):
Creates the Docker container.
image_infos = await self._get_image_information()
except DockerHttp404Error:
log.info(f"Image '{self._image}' is missing, pulling it from Docker hub...")
await self.pull_image(self._image)
image_infos = await self._get_image_information()
if image_infos is None:
raise DockerError(f"Cannot get information for image '{self._image}', please try again.")
available_cpus = psutil.cpu_count(logical=True)
if self._cpus > available_cpus:
raise DockerError(
f"You have allocated too many CPUs for the Docker container "
f"(max available is {available_cpus} CPUs)"
params = {
"Hostname": self._name,
"Image": self._image,
"NetworkDisabled": True,
"Tty": True,
"OpenStdin": True,
"StdinOnce": False,
"HostConfig": {
"CapAdd": ["ALL"],
"Privileged": True,
"Binds": self._mount_binds(image_infos),
"Memory": self._memory * (1024 * 1024), # convert memory to bytes
"NanoCpus": int(self._cpus * 1e9), # convert cpus to nano cpus
"Volumes": {},
"Env": ["container=docker"], # Systemd compliant: https://github.com/GNS3/gns3-server/issues/573
"Cmd": [],
"Entrypoint": image_infos.get("Config", {"Entrypoint": []}).get("Entrypoint"),
if params["Entrypoint"] is None:
params["Entrypoint"] = []
if self._start_command:
params["Cmd"] = shlex.split(self._start_command)
except ValueError as e:
raise DockerError(f"Invalid start command '{self._start_command}': {e}")
if len(params["Cmd"]) == 0:
params["Cmd"] = image_infos.get("Config", {"Cmd": []}).get("Cmd")
if params["Cmd"] is None:
params["Cmd"] = []
if len(params["Cmd"]) == 0 and len(params["Entrypoint"]) == 0:
params["Cmd"] = ["/bin/sh"]
params["Entrypoint"].insert(0, "/gns3/init.sh") # FIXME /gns3/init.sh is not found?
# Give the information to the container on how many interface should be inside
params["Env"].append(f"GNS3_MAX_ETHERNET=eth{self.adapters - 1}")
# Give the information to the container the list of volume path mounted
# Pass user configured for image to init script
if image_infos.get("Config", {"User": ""}).get("User"):
params["User"] = "root"
params["Env"].append("GNS3_USER={}".format(image_infos.get("Config", {"User": ""})["User"]))
variables = self.project.variables
if not variables:
variables = []
for var in variables:
formatted = self._format_env(variables, var.get("value", ""))
params["Env"].append("{}={}".format(var["name"], formatted))
if self._environment:
for e in self._environment.strip().split("\n"):
e = e.strip()
if e.split("=")[0] == "":
self.project.emit("log.warning", {"message": f"{self.name} has invalid environment variable: {e}"})
if not e.startswith("GNS3_"):
formatted = self._format_env(variables, e)
vm_name = self._name.replace(",", ",,")
project_path = self.project.path.replace(",", ",,")
formatted = formatted.replace("%vm-name%", '"' + vm_name.replace('"', '\\"') + '"')
formatted = formatted.replace("%vm-id%", self._id)
formatted = formatted.replace("%project-id%", self.project.id)
formatted = formatted.replace("%project-path%", '"' + project_path.replace('"', '\\"') + '"')
if self._console_type == "vnc":
await self._start_vnc()
) # To fix a Qt issue: https://github.com/GNS3/gns3-server/issues/556
if self._extra_hosts:
extra_hosts = self._format_extra_hosts(self._extra_hosts)
if extra_hosts:
result = await self.manager.query("POST", "containers/create", data=params)
self._cid = result["Id"]
log.info(f"Docker container '{self._name}' [{self._id}] created")
return True
def _format_env(self, variables, env):
for variable in variables:
env = env.replace("${" + variable["name"] + "}", variable.get("value", ""))
return env
def _format_extra_hosts(self, extra_hosts):
lines = [h.strip() for h in self._extra_hosts.split("\n") if h.strip() != ""]
hosts = []
for host in lines:
hostname, ip = host.split(":")
hostname = hostname.strip()
ip = ip.strip()
if hostname and ip:
hosts.append((hostname, ip))
except ValueError:
raise DockerError(f"Can't apply `ExtraHosts`, wrong format: {extra_hosts}")
return "\n".join([f"{h[1]}\t{h[0]}" for h in hosts])
async def update(self):
Destroy an recreate the container with the new settings
# We need to save the console and state and restore it
console = self.console
aux = self.aux
state = await self._get_container_state()
# reset the docker container, but don't release the NIO UDP ports
await self.reset(False)
await self.create()
self.console = console
self.aux = aux
if state == "running":
await self.start()
async def start(self):
Starts this Docker container.
state = await self._get_container_state()
except DockerHttp404Error:
raise DockerError(
"Docker container '{name}' with ID {cid} does not exist or is not ready yet. Please try again in a few seconds.".format(
name=self.name, cid=self._cid
if state == "paused":
await self.unpause()
elif state == "running":
if self._console_type == "vnc" and not self._vnc_process:
# restart the vnc process in case it had previously crashed
await self._start_vnc_process(restart=True)
monitor_process(self._vnc_process, self._vnc_callback)
await self._clean_servers()
await self.manager.query("POST", f"containers/{self._cid}/start")
self._namespace = await self._get_namespace()
await self._start_ubridge(require_privileged_access=True)
for adapter_number in range(0, self.adapters):
nio = self._ethernet_adapters[adapter_number].get_nio(0)
async with self.manager.ubridge_lock:
await self._add_ubridge_connection(nio, adapter_number)
except UbridgeNamespaceError:
log.error("Container %s failed to start", self.name)
await self.stop()
# The container can crash soon after the start, this means we can not move the interface to the container namespace
logdata = await self._get_log()
for line in logdata.split("\n"):
raise DockerError(logdata)
if self.console_type == "telnet":
await self._start_console()
elif self.console_type == "http" or self.console_type == "https":
await self._start_http()
if self.aux_type != "none":
await self._start_aux()
self._permissions_fixed = False
self.status = "started"
"Docker container '{name}' [{image}] started listen for {console_type} on {console}".format(
name=self._name, image=self._image, console=self.console, console_type=self.console_type
async def _start_aux(self):
Start an auxiliary console
# We can not use the API because docker doesn't expose a websocket api for exec
# https://github.com/GNS3/gns3-gui/issues/1039
process = await asyncio.subprocess.create_subprocess_exec(
f"docker exec -i -t {self._cid} /gns3/bin/busybox sh -c 'while true; do TERM=vt100 /gns3/bin/busybox sh; done'",
except OSError as e:
raise DockerError(f"Could not start auxiliary console process: {e}")
server = AsyncioTelnetServer(reader=process.stdout, writer=process.stdin, binary=True, echo=True)
await asyncio.start_server(server.run, self._manager.port_manager.console_host, self.aux)
except OSError as e:
raise DockerError(
f"Could not start Telnet server on socket {self._manager.port_manager.console_host}:{self.aux}: {e}"
log.debug(f"Docker container '{self.name}' started listen for auxiliary telnet on {self.aux}")
async def _fix_permissions(self):
Because docker run as root we need to fix permission and ownership to allow user to interact
with it from their filesystem and do operation like file delete
state = await self._get_container_state()
log.info(f"Docker container '{self._name}' fix ownership, state = {state}")
if state == "stopped" or state == "exited":
# We need to restart it to fix permissions
await self.manager.query("POST", f"containers/{self._cid}/start")
for volume in self._volumes:
"Docker container '{name}' [{image}] fix ownership on {path}".format(
name=self._name, image=self._image, path=volume
process = await asyncio.subprocess.create_subprocess_exec(
'/gns3/bin/busybox find "{path}" -depth -print0'
" | /gns3/bin/busybox xargs -0 /gns3/bin/busybox stat -c '%a:%u:%g:%n' > \"{path}/.gns3_perms\""
' && /gns3/bin/busybox chmod -R u+rX "{path}"'
' && /gns3/bin/busybox chown {uid}:{gid} -R "{path}"'.format(
uid=os.getuid(), gid=os.getgid(), path=volume
except OSError as e:
raise DockerError(f"Could not fix permissions for {volume}: {e}")
await process.wait()
self._permissions_fixed = True
async def _start_vnc_process(self, restart=False):
Starts the VNC process.
self._display = self._get_free_display_port()
tigervnc_path = shutil.which("Xtigervnc") or shutil.which("Xvnc")
if not (tigervnc_path or shutil.which("Xvfb") and shutil.which("x11vnc")):
raise DockerError("Please install TigerVNC (recommended) or Xvfb + x11vnc before using VNC support")
if tigervnc_path:
with open(os.path.join(self.working_dir, "vnc.log"), "w") as fd:
self._vnc_process = await asyncio.create_subprocess_exec(tigervnc_path,
"-extension", "MIT-SHM",
"-geometry", self._console_resolution,
"-depth", "16",
"-interface", self._manager.port_manager.console_host,
"-rfbport", str(self.console),
"-SecurityTypes", "None",
stdout=fd, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
if restart is False:
self._xvfb_process = await asyncio.create_subprocess_exec("Xvfb",
"-nolisten", "tcp",
"-extension", "MIT-SHM",
"-screen", "0",
self._console_resolution + "x16")
# We pass a port for TCPV6 due to a crash in X11VNC if not here: https://github.com/GNS3/gns3-server/issues/569
with open(os.path.join(self.working_dir, "vnc.log"), "w") as fd:
self._vnc_process = await asyncio.create_subprocess_exec("x11vnc",
"-geometry", self._console_resolution,
"-display", "WAIT:{}".format(self._display),
"-rfbport", str(self.console),
"-rfbportv6", str(self.console),
"-listen", self._manager.port_manager.console_host,
stdout=fd, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
async def _start_vnc(self):
Starts a VNC server for this container
self._display = self._get_free_display_port()
tigervnc_path = shutil.which("Xtigervnc") or shutil.which("Xvnc")
if not (tigervnc_path or shutil.which("Xvfb") and shutil.which("x11vnc")):
raise DockerError("Please install TigerVNC server (recommended) or Xvfb + x11vnc before using VNC support")
await self._start_vnc_process()
x11_socket = os.path.join("/tmp/.X11-unix/", f"X{self._display}")
await wait_for_file_creation(x11_socket)
except asyncio.TimeoutError:
raise DockerError(f'x11 socket file "{x11_socket}" does not exist')
if not hasattr(sys, "_called_from_test") or not sys._called_from_test:
# Start vncconfig for tigervnc clipboard support, connection available only after socket creation.
tigervncconfig_path = shutil.which("vncconfig")
if tigervnc_path and tigervncconfig_path:
self._vncconfig_process = await asyncio.create_subprocess_exec(
tigervncconfig_path, "-display", f":{self._display}", "-nowin"
# sometimes the VNC process can crash
monitor_process(self._vnc_process, self._vnc_callback)
def _vnc_callback(self, returncode):
Called when the process has stopped.
:param returncode: Process returncode
if returncode != 0 and self._closing is False:
"message": f"The vnc process has stopped with return code {returncode} for node '{self.name}'. Please restart this node."
self._vnc_process = None
async def _start_http(self):
Starts an HTTP tunnel to container localhost. It's not perfect
but the only way we have to inject network packet is using nc.
log.debug("Forward HTTP for %s to %d", self.name, self._console_http_port)
command = [
# We replace host and port in the server answer otherwise some link could be broken
server = AsyncioRawCommandServer(
b"://", # {{HOST}} mean client host
await asyncio.start_server(server.run, self._manager.port_manager.console_host, self.console)
async def _window_size_changed_callback(self, columns, rows):
Called when the console window size has been changed.
(when naws is enabled in the Telnet server)
:param columns: number of columns
:param rows: number of rows
# resize the container TTY.
await self._manager.query("POST", f"containers/{self._cid}/resize?h={rows}&w={columns}")
async def _start_console(self):
Starts streaming the console via telnet
class InputStream:
def __init__(self):
self._data = b""
def write(self, data):
self._data += data
async def drain(self):
if not self.ws.closed:
await self.ws.send_bytes(self._data)
self._data = b""
output_stream = asyncio.StreamReader()
input_stream = InputStream()
telnet = AsyncioTelnetServer(
await asyncio.start_server(telnet.run, self._manager.port_manager.console_host, self.console)
except OSError as e:
raise DockerError(
f"Could not start Telnet server on socket {self._manager.port_manager.console_host}:{self.console}: {e}"
self._console_websocket = await self.manager.websocket_query(
input_stream.ws = self._console_websocket
output_stream.feed_data(self.name.encode() + b" console is now available... Press RETURN to get started.\r\n")
asyncio.ensure_future(self._read_console_output(self._console_websocket, output_stream))
async def _read_console_output(self, ws, out):
Reads Websocket and forward it to the telnet
:param ws: Websocket connection
:param out: Output stream
while True:
msg = await ws.receive()
if msg.type == aiohttp.WSMsgType.TEXT:
elif msg.type == aiohttp.WSMsgType.BINARY:
elif msg.type == aiohttp.WSMsgType.ERROR:
log.critical(f"Docker WebSocket Error: {ws.exception()}")
await ws.close()
await self.stop()
async def reset_console(self):
Reset the console.
await self._clean_servers()
await self._start_console()
async def is_running(self):
Checks if the container is running.
:returns: True or False
:rtype: bool
state = await self._get_container_state()
if state == "running":
return True
if self.status == "started": # The container crashed we need to clean
await self.stop()
return False
async def restart(self):
Restart this Docker container.
await self.manager.query("POST", f"containers/{self._cid}/restart")
log.info("Docker container '{name}' [{image}] restarted".format(name=self._name, image=self._image))
async def _clean_servers(self):
Clean the list of running console servers
if len(self._telnet_servers) > 0:
for telnet_server in self._telnet_servers:
await telnet_server.wait_closed()
self._telnet_servers = []
async def stop(self):
Stops this Docker container.
await self._clean_servers()
await self._stop_ubridge()
state = await self._get_container_state()
except DockerHttp404Error:
self.status = "stopped"
if state == "paused":
await self.unpause()
if not self._permissions_fixed:
await self._fix_permissions()
state = await self._get_container_state()
if state != "stopped" or state != "exited":
# t=5 number of seconds to wait before killing the container
await self.manager.query("POST", f"containers/{self._cid}/stop", params={"t": 5})
log.info(f"Docker container '{self._name}' [{self._image}] stopped")
except DockerHttp304Error:
# Container is already stopped
# Ignore runtime error because when closing the server
except RuntimeError as e:
log.debug(f"Docker runtime error when closing: {str(e)}")
self.status = "stopped"
async def pause(self):
Pauses this Docker container.
await self.manager.query("POST", f"containers/{self._cid}/pause")
self.status = "suspended"
log.info(f"Docker container '{self._name}' [{self._image}] paused")
async def unpause(self):
Unpauses this Docker container.
await self.manager.query("POST", f"containers/{self._cid}/unpause")
self.status = "started"
log.info(f"Docker container '{self._name}' [{self._image}] unpaused")
async def close(self):
Closes this Docker container.
self._closing = True
if not (await super().close()):
return False
await self.reset()
async def reset(self, release_nio_udp_ports=True):
state = await self._get_container_state()
if state == "paused" or state == "running":
await self.stop()
if self.console_type == "vnc":
if self._vncconfig_process:
await self._vncconfig_process.wait()
except ProcessLookupError:
if self._vnc_process:
await self._vnc_process.wait()
except ProcessLookupError:
if self._xvfb_process:
await self._xvfb_process.wait()
except ProcessLookupError:
if self._display:
display = f"/tmp/.X11-unix/X{self._display}"
if os.path.exists(display):
except OSError as e:
log.warning(f"Could not remove display {display}: {e}")
# v – 1/True/true or 0/False/false, Remove the volumes associated to the container. Default false.
# force - 1/True/true or 0/False/false, Kill then remove the container. Default false.
await self.manager.query("DELETE", f"containers/{self._cid}", params={"force": 1, "v": 1})
except DockerError:
log.info("Docker container '{name}' [{image}] removed".format(name=self._name, image=self._image))
if release_nio_udp_ports:
for adapter in self._ethernet_adapters:
if adapter is not None:
for nio in adapter.ports.values():
if nio and isinstance(nio, NIOUDP):
self.manager.port_manager.release_udp_port(nio.lport, self._project)
# Ignore runtime error because when closing the server
except (DockerHttp404Error, RuntimeError) as e:
log.debug(f"Docker error when closing: {str(e)}")
async def _add_ubridge_connection(self, nio, adapter_number):
Creates a connection in uBridge.
:param nio: NIO instance or None if it's a dummy interface (if an interface is missing in ubridge you can't see it via ifconfig in the container)
:param adapter_number: adapter number
adapter = self._ethernet_adapters[adapter_number]
except IndexError:
raise DockerError(
"Adapter {adapter_number} doesn't exist on Docker container '{name}'".format(
name=self.name, adapter_number=adapter_number
for index in range(4096):
if f"tap-gns3-e{index}" not in psutil.net_if_addrs():
adapter.host_ifc = f"tap-gns3-e{str(index)}"
if adapter.host_ifc is None:
raise DockerError(
"Adapter {adapter_number} couldn't allocate interface on Docker container '{name}'. Too many Docker interfaces already exists".format(
name=self.name, adapter_number=adapter_number
bridge_name = f"bridge{adapter_number}"
await self._ubridge_send(f"bridge create {bridge_name}")
await self._ubridge_send(
"bridge add_nio_tap bridge{adapter_number} {hostif}".format(
adapter_number=adapter_number, hostif=adapter.host_ifc
log.debug("Move container %s adapter %s to namespace %s", self.name, adapter.host_ifc, self._namespace)
await self._ubridge_send(
"docker move_to_ns {ifc} {ns} eth{adapter}".format(
ifc=adapter.host_ifc, ns=self._namespace, adapter=adapter_number
except UbridgeError as e:
raise UbridgeNamespaceError(e)
if nio:
await self._connect_nio(adapter_number, nio)
async def _get_namespace(self):
result = await self.manager.query("GET", f"containers/{self._cid}/json")
return int(result["State"]["Pid"])
async def _connect_nio(self, adapter_number, nio):
bridge_name = f"bridge{adapter_number}"
await self._ubridge_send(
"bridge add_nio_udp {bridge_name} {lport} {rhost} {rport}".format(
bridge_name=bridge_name, lport=nio.lport, rhost=nio.rhost, rport=nio.rport
if nio.capturing:
await self._ubridge_send(
'bridge start_capture {bridge_name} "{pcap_file}"'.format(
bridge_name=bridge_name, pcap_file=nio.pcap_output_file
await self._ubridge_send(f"bridge start {bridge_name}")
await self._ubridge_apply_filters(bridge_name, nio.filters)
async def adapter_add_nio_binding(self, adapter_number, nio):
Adds an adapter NIO binding.
:param adapter_number: adapter number
:param nio: NIO instance to add to the slot/port
adapter = self._ethernet_adapters[adapter_number]
except IndexError:
raise DockerError(
"Adapter {adapter_number} doesn't exist on Docker container '{name}'".format(
name=self.name, adapter_number=adapter_number
if self.status == "started" and self.ubridge:
await self._connect_nio(adapter_number, nio)
adapter.add_nio(0, nio)
"Docker container '{name}' [{id}]: {nio} added to adapter {adapter_number}".format(
name=self.name, id=self._id, nio=nio, adapter_number=adapter_number
async def adapter_update_nio_binding(self, adapter_number, nio):
Update an adapter NIO binding.
:param adapter_number: adapter number
:param nio: NIO instance to update the adapter
if self.ubridge:
bridge_name = f"bridge{adapter_number}"
if bridge_name in self._bridges:
await self._ubridge_apply_filters(bridge_name, nio.filters)
async def adapter_remove_nio_binding(self, adapter_number):
Removes an adapter NIO binding.
:param adapter_number: adapter number
:returns: NIO instance
adapter = self._ethernet_adapters[adapter_number]
except IndexError:
raise DockerError(
"Adapter {adapter_number} doesn't exist on Docker VM '{name}'".format(
name=self.name, adapter_number=adapter_number
await self.stop_capture(adapter_number)
if self.ubridge:
nio = adapter.get_nio(0)
bridge_name = f"bridge{adapter_number}"
await self._ubridge_send(f"bridge stop {bridge_name}")
await self._ubridge_send(
"bridge remove_nio_udp bridge{adapter} {lport} {rhost} {rport}".format(
adapter=adapter_number, lport=nio.lport, rhost=nio.rhost, rport=nio.rport
"Docker VM '{name}' [{id}]: {nio} removed from adapter {adapter_number}".format(
name=self.name, id=self.id, nio=adapter.host_ifc, adapter_number=adapter_number
def get_nio(self, adapter_number):
Gets an adapter NIO binding.
:param adapter_number: adapter number
:returns: NIO instance
adapter = self._ethernet_adapters[adapter_number]
except KeyError:
raise DockerError(
"Adapter {adapter_number} doesn't exist on Docker VM '{name}'".format(
name=self.name, adapter_number=adapter_number
nio = adapter.get_nio(0)
if not nio:
raise DockerError(f"Adapter {adapter_number} is not connected")
return nio
def adapters(self):
Returns the number of Ethernet adapters for this Docker VM.
:returns: number of adapters
:rtype: int
return len(self._ethernet_adapters)
def adapters(self, adapters):
Sets the number of Ethernet adapters for this Docker container.
:param adapters: number of adapters
if len(self._ethernet_adapters) == adapters:
for adapter_number in range(0, adapters):
'Docker container "{name}" [{id}]: number of Ethernet adapters changed to {adapters}'.format(
name=self._name, id=self._id, adapters=adapters
async def pull_image(self, image):
Pulls an image from Docker repository
def callback(msg):
self.project.emit("log.info", {"message": msg})
await self.manager.pull_image(image, progress_callback=callback)
async def _start_ubridge_capture(self, adapter_number, output_file):
Starts a packet capture in uBridge.
:param adapter_number: adapter number
:param output_file: PCAP destination file for the capture
adapter = f"bridge{adapter_number}"
if not self.ubridge:
raise DockerError("Cannot start the packet capture: uBridge is not running")
await self._ubridge_send(f'bridge start_capture {adapter} "{output_file}"')
async def _stop_ubridge_capture(self, adapter_number):
Stops a packet capture in uBridge.
:param adapter_number: adapter number
adapter = f"bridge{adapter_number}"
if not self.ubridge:
raise DockerError("Cannot stop the packet capture: uBridge is not running")
await self._ubridge_send(f"bridge stop_capture {adapter}")
async def start_capture(self, adapter_number, output_file):
Starts a packet capture.
:param adapter_number: adapter number
:param output_file: PCAP destination file for the capture
nio = self.get_nio(adapter_number)
if nio.capturing:
raise DockerError(f"Packet capture is already activated on adapter {adapter_number}")
if self.status == "started" and self.ubridge:
await self._start_ubridge_capture(adapter_number, output_file)
"Docker VM '{name}' [{id}]: starting packet capture on adapter {adapter_number}".format(
name=self.name, id=self.id, adapter_number=adapter_number
async def stop_capture(self, adapter_number):
Stops a packet capture.
:param adapter_number: adapter number
nio = self.get_nio(adapter_number)
if not nio.capturing:
if self.status == "started" and self.ubridge:
await self._stop_ubridge_capture(adapter_number)
"Docker VM '{name}' [{id}]: stopping packet capture on adapter {adapter_number}".format(
name=self.name, id=self.id, adapter_number=adapter_number
async def _get_log(self):
Returns the log from the container
:returns: string
result = await self.manager.query("GET", f"containers/{self._cid}/logs", params={"stderr": 1, "stdout": 1})
return result
async def delete(self):
Deletes the VM (including all its files).
await self.close()
await super().delete()