mirror of https://github.com/GNS3/gns3-server synced 2024-10-10 09:58:55 +00:00

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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2015 GNS3 Technologies Inc.
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import sys
import os
import stat
import logging
import aiohttp
import shutil
import asyncio
import tempfile
import psutil
import platform
from gns3server.utils.interfaces import interfaces
from ..compute.port_manager import PortManager
from ..utils.asyncio import wait_run_in_executor, locked_coroutine
from ..utils.asyncio.telnet_server import AsyncioTelnetServer
from ..ubridge.hypervisor import Hypervisor
from ..ubridge.ubridge_error import UbridgeError
from .nios.nio_udp import NIOUDP
from .error import NodeError
from ..config import Config
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class BaseNode:
Base node implementation.
:param name: name of this node
:param node_id: Node instance identifier
:param project: Project instance
:param manager: parent node manager
:param console: TCP console port
:param aux: TCP aux console port
:param allocate_aux: Boolean if true will allocate an aux console port
:param linked_clone: The node base image is duplicate/overlay (Each node data are independent)
:param wrap_console: The console is wrapped using AsyncioTelnetServer
def __init__(self, name, node_id, project, manager, console=None, console_type="telnet", aux=None, allocate_aux=False, linked_clone=True, wrap_console=False):
self._name = name
self._usage = ""
self._id = node_id
self._linked_clone = linked_clone
self._project = project
self._manager = manager
self._console = console
self._aux = aux
self._console_type = console_type
self._temporary_directory = None
self._hw_virtualization = False
self._ubridge_hypervisor = None
self._closed = False
self._node_status = "stopped"
self._command_line = ""
self._allocate_aux = allocate_aux
self._wrap_console = wrap_console
self._wrapper_telnet_server = None
# check if the node will use uBridge or not
server_config = Config.instance().get_section_config("Server")
self._use_ubridge = server_config.getboolean("use_ubridge")
if self._console is not None:
if console_type == "vnc":
self._console = self._manager.port_manager.reserve_tcp_port(self._console, self._project, port_range_start=5900, port_range_end=6000)
self._console = self._manager.port_manager.reserve_tcp_port(self._console, self._project)
# We need to allocate aux before giving a random console port
if self._aux is not None:
self._aux = self._manager.port_manager.reserve_tcp_port(self._aux, self._project)
if self._console is None:
if console_type == "vnc":
# VNC is a special case and the range must be 5900-6000
self._console = self._manager.port_manager.get_free_tcp_port(self._project, port_range_start=5900, port_range_end=6000)
self._console = self._manager.port_manager.get_free_tcp_port(self._project)
if self._wrap_console:
self._internal_console_port = self._manager.port_manager.get_free_tcp_port(self._project)
if self._aux is None and allocate_aux:
self._aux = self._manager.port_manager.get_free_tcp_port(self._project)
log.debug("{module}: {name} [{id}] initialized. Console port {console}".format(module=self.manager.module_name,
def __del__(self):
if hasattr(self, "_temporary_directory") and self._temporary_directory is not None:
if os.path.exists(self._temporary_directory):
shutil.rmtree(self._temporary_directory, ignore_errors=True)
def linked_clone(self):
return self._linked_clone
def linked_clone(self, val):
self._linked_clone = val
def status(self):
Returns current node status
return self._node_status
def status(self, status):
self._node_status = status
def updated(self):
Sends an updated event
self.project.emit("node.updated", self)
def command_line(self):
Returns command used to start the node
return self._command_line
def command_line(self, command_line):
self._command_line = command_line
def project(self):
Returns the node current project.
:returns: Project instance.
return self._project
def name(self):
Returns the name for this node.
:returns: name
return self._name
def name(self, new_name):
Sets the name of this node.
:param new_name: name
log.info("{module}: {name} [{id}] renamed to {new_name}".format(module=self.manager.module_name,
self._name = new_name
def usage(self):
Returns the usage for this node.
:returns: usage
return self._usage
def usage(self, new_usage):
Sets the usage of this node.
:param new_usage: usage
self._usage = new_usage
def id(self):
Returns the ID for this node.
:returns: Node identifier (string)
return self._id
def manager(self):
Returns the manager for this node.
:returns: instance of manager
return self._manager
def working_dir(self):
Return the node working directory
return self._project.node_working_directory(self)
def temporary_directory(self):
if self._temporary_directory is None:
self._temporary_directory = tempfile.mkdtemp()
except OSError as e:
raise NodeError("Can't create temporary directory: {}".format(e))
return self._temporary_directory
def create(self):
Creates the node.
log.info("{module}: {name} [{id}] created".format(module=self.manager.module_name,
def delete(self):
Delete the node (including all its files).
def set_rw(operation, name, exc):
os.chmod(name, stat.S_IWRITE)
directory = self.project.node_working_directory(self)
if os.path.exists(directory):
yield from wait_run_in_executor(shutil.rmtree, directory, onerror=set_rw)
except OSError as e:
raise aiohttp.web.HTTPInternalServerError(text="Could not delete the node working directory: {}".format(e))
def start(self):
Starts the node process.
raise NotImplementedError
def stop(self):
Stop the node process.
if self._wrapper_telnet_server:
yield from self._wrapper_telnet_server.wait_closed()
self.status = "stopped"
def suspend(self):
Suspends the node process.
raise NotImplementedError
def close(self):
Close the node process.
if self._closed:
return False
log.info("{module}: '{name}' [{id}]: is closing".format(module=self.manager.module_name,
if self._console:
self._manager.port_manager.release_tcp_port(self._console, self._project)
self._console = None
if self._wrap_console:
self._manager.port_manager.release_tcp_port(self._internal_console_port, self._project)
self._internal_console_port = None
if self._aux:
self._manager.port_manager.release_tcp_port(self._aux, self._project)
self._aux = None
self._closed = True
return True
def start_wrap_console(self):
Start a telnet proxy for the console allowing multiple client
connected at the same time
if not self._wrap_console or self._console_type != "telnet":
remaining_trial = 60
while True:
(reader, writer) = yield from asyncio.open_connection(host="", port=self._internal_console_port)
except (OSError, ConnectionRefusedError) as e:
if remaining_trial <= 0:
raise e
yield from asyncio.sleep(0.1)
remaining_trial -= 1
yield from AsyncioTelnetServer.write_client_intro(writer, echo=True)
server = AsyncioTelnetServer(reader=reader, writer=writer, binary=True, echo=True)
self._wrapper_telnet_server = yield from asyncio.start_server(server.run, self._manager.port_manager.console_host, self.console)
def allocate_aux(self):
:returns: Boolean allocate or not an aux console
return self._allocate_aux
def allocate_aux(self, allocate_aux):
:returns: Boolean allocate or not an aux console
self._allocate_aux = allocate_aux
def aux(self):
Returns the aux console port of this node.
:returns: aux console port
return self._aux
def aux(self, aux):
Changes the aux port
:params aux: Console port (integer) or None to free the port
if aux == self._aux:
if self._aux:
self._manager.port_manager.release_tcp_port(self._aux, self._project)
self._aux = None
if aux is not None:
self._aux = self._manager.port_manager.reserve_tcp_port(aux, self._project)
log.info("{module}: '{name}' [{id}]: aux port set to {port}".format(module=self.manager.module_name,
def console(self):
Returns the console port of this node.
:returns: console port
return self._console
def console(self, console):
Changes the console port
:params console: Console port (integer) or None to free the port
if console == self._console:
if self._console_type == "vnc" and console is not None and console < 5900:
raise NodeError("VNC console require a port superior or equal to 5900 currently it's {}".format(console))
if self._console:
self._manager.port_manager.release_tcp_port(self._console, self._project)
self._console = None
if console is not None:
if self.console_type == "vnc":
self._console = self._manager.port_manager.reserve_tcp_port(console, self._project, port_range_start=5900, port_range_end=6000)
self._console = self._manager.port_manager.reserve_tcp_port(console, self._project)
log.info("{module}: '{name}' [{id}]: console port set to {port}".format(module=self.manager.module_name,
def console_type(self):
Returns the console type for this node.
:returns: console type (string)
return self._console_type
def console_type(self, console_type):
Sets the console type for this node.
:param console_type: console type (string)
if console_type != self._console_type:
# get a new port if the console type change
self._manager.port_manager.release_tcp_port(self._console, self._project)
if console_type == "vnc":
# VNC is a special case and the range must be 5900-6000
self._console = self._manager.port_manager.get_free_tcp_port(self._project, 5900, 6000)
self._console = self._manager.port_manager.get_free_tcp_port(self._project)
self._console_type = console_type
log.info("{module}: '{name}' [{id}]: console type set to {console_type}".format(module=self.manager.module_name,
def use_ubridge(self):
Returns if uBridge is used for this node or not
:returns: boolean
return self._use_ubridge
def ubridge(self):
Returns the uBridge hypervisor.
:returns: path to uBridge
if self._ubridge_hypervisor and not self._ubridge_hypervisor.is_running():
self._ubridge_hypervisor = None
return self._ubridge_hypervisor
def ubridge(self, ubride_hypervisor):
Set an uBridge hypervisor.
:param ubride_hypervisor: uBridge hypervisor
self._ubridge_hypervisor = ubride_hypervisor
def ubridge_path(self):
Returns the uBridge executable path.
:returns: path to uBridge
path = self._manager.config.get_section_config("Server").get("ubridge_path", "ubridge")
path = shutil.which(path)
return path
def _ubridge_send(self, command):
Sends a command to uBridge hypervisor.
:param command: command to send
if not self._ubridge_hypervisor or not self._ubridge_hypervisor.is_running():
raise NodeError("Cannot send command '{}': uBridge is not running".format(command))
yield from self._ubridge_hypervisor.send(command)
except UbridgeError as e:
raise UbridgeError("{}: {}".format(e, self._ubridge_hypervisor.read_stdout()))
def _start_ubridge(self):
Starts uBridge (handles connections to and from this node).
# Prevent us to start multiple ubridge
if self._ubridge_hypervisor and self._ubridge_hypervisor.is_running():
if self.ubridge_path is None:
raise NodeError("uBridge is not available, path doesn't exist, or you just installed GNS3 and need to restart your user session to refresh user permissions.")
if not self._manager.has_privileged_access(self.ubridge_path):
raise NodeError("uBridge requires root access or the capability to interact with network adapters")
server_config = self._manager.config.get_section_config("Server")
server_host = server_config.get("host")
if not self.ubridge:
self._ubridge_hypervisor = Hypervisor(self._project, self.ubridge_path, self.working_dir, server_host)
log.info("Starting new uBridge hypervisor {}:{}".format(self._ubridge_hypervisor.host, self._ubridge_hypervisor.port))
yield from self._ubridge_hypervisor.start()
log.info("Hypervisor {}:{} has successfully started".format(self._ubridge_hypervisor.host, self._ubridge_hypervisor.port))
yield from self._ubridge_hypervisor.connect()
def _stop_ubridge(self):
Stops uBridge.
if self._ubridge_hypervisor and self._ubridge_hypervisor.is_running():
log.info("Stopping uBridge hypervisor {}:{}".format(self._ubridge_hypervisor.host, self._ubridge_hypervisor.port))
yield from self._ubridge_hypervisor.stop()
self._ubridge_hypervisor = None
def _add_ubridge_udp_connection(self, bridge_name, source_nio, destination_nio):
Creates an UDP connection in uBridge.
:param bridge_name: bridge name in uBridge
:param source_nio: source NIO instance
:param destination_nio: destination NIO instance
yield from self._ubridge_send("bridge create {name}".format(name=bridge_name))
if not isinstance(destination_nio, NIOUDP):
raise NodeError("Destination NIO is not UDP")
yield from self._ubridge_send('bridge add_nio_udp {name} {lport} {rhost} {rport}'.format(name=bridge_name,
yield from self._ubridge_send('bridge add_nio_udp {name} {lport} {rhost} {rport}'.format(name=bridge_name,
if destination_nio.capturing:
yield from self._ubridge_send('bridge start_capture {name} "{pcap_file}"'.format(name=bridge_name,
yield from self._ubridge_send('bridge start {name}'.format(name=bridge_name))
def _add_ubridge_ethernet_connection(self, bridge_name, ethernet_interface, block_host_traffic=True):
Creates a connection with an Ethernet interface in uBridge.
:param bridge_name: bridge name in uBridge
:param ethernet_interface: Ethernet interface name
:param block_host_traffic: block network traffic originating from the host OS (Windows only)
if sys.platform.startswith("linux"):
# on Linux we use RAW sockets
yield from self._ubridge_send('bridge add_nio_linux_raw {name} "{interface}"'.format(name=bridge_name, interface=ethernet_interface))
elif sys.platform.startswith("win"):
# on Windows we use Winpcap/Npcap
windows_interfaces = interfaces()
npf_id = None
source_mac = None
for interface in windows_interfaces:
# Winpcap/Npcap uses a NPF ID to identify an interface on Windows
if "netcard" in interface and ethernet_interface in interface["netcard"]:
npf_id = interface["id"]
source_mac = interface["mac_address"]
elif ethernet_interface in interface["name"]:
npf_id = interface["id"]
source_mac = interface["mac_address"]
if npf_id:
yield from self._ubridge_send('bridge add_nio_ethernet {name} "{interface}"'.format(name=bridge_name,
raise NodeError("Could not find NPF id for interface {}".format(ethernet_interface))
if block_host_traffic:
if source_mac:
yield from self._ubridge_send('bridge set_pcap_filter {name} "not ether src {mac}"'.format(name=bridge_name, mac=source_mac))
log.warn("Could not block host network traffic on {} (no MAC address found)".format(ethernet_interface))
# on other platforms we just rely on the pcap library
yield from self._ubridge_send('bridge add_nio_ethernet {name} "{interface}"'.format(name=bridge_name, interface=ethernet_interface))
def _create_local_udp_tunnel(self):
Creates a local UDP tunnel (pair of 2 NIOs, one for each direction)
:returns: source NIO and destination NIO.
m = PortManager.instance()
lport = m.get_free_udp_port(self.project)
rport = m.get_free_udp_port(self.project)
source_nio_settings = {'lport': lport, 'rhost': '', 'rport': rport, 'type': 'nio_udp'}
destination_nio_settings = {'lport': rport, 'rhost': '', 'rport': lport, 'type': 'nio_udp'}
source_nio = self.manager.create_nio(source_nio_settings)
destination_nio = self.manager.create_nio(destination_nio_settings)
log.info("{module}: '{name}' [{id}]:local UDP tunnel created between port {port1} and {port2}".format(module=self.manager.module_name,
return source_nio, destination_nio
def hw_virtualization(self):
Returns either the node is using hardware virtualization or not.
:return: boolean
return self._hw_virtualization
def check_available_ram(self, requested_ram):
Sends a warning notification if there is not enough RAM on the system to allocate requested RAM.
:param requested_ram: requested amount of RAM in MB
available_ram = int(psutil.virtual_memory().available / (1024 * 1024))
percentage_left = psutil.virtual_memory().percent
if requested_ram > available_ram:
message = '"{}" requires {}MB of RAM to run but there is only {}MB - {}% of RAM left on "{}"'.format(self.name,
self.project.emit("log.warning", {"message": message})