You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

21 lines
678 B

curl -i -X PUT 'http://localhost:8000/projects/ef58b29e-59df-42c0-9492-5a766a13cb62' -d '{"path": "/private/var/folders/3s/r2wbv07n7wg4vrsn874lmxxh0000gn/T/pytest-3783/test_update_path_project_non_l0"}'
PUT /projects/ef58b29e-59df-42c0-9492-5a766a13cb62 HTTP/1.1
"path": "/private/var/folders/3s/r2wbv07n7wg4vrsn874lmxxh0000gn/T/pytest-3783/test_update_path_project_non_l0"
HTTP/1.1 403
CONNECTION: keep-alive
CONTENT-TYPE: application/json
DATE: Thu, 08 Jan 2015 16:09:15 GMT
SERVER: Python/3.4 GNS3/1.3.dev1
X-ROUTE: /v1/projects/{project_id}
"message": "You are not allowed to modify the project directory location",
"status": 403