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# Copyright (C) 2014 GNS3 Technologies Inc.
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
VirtualBox VM instance.
import re
import os
import sys
import json
import uuid
import shlex
import shutil
import asyncio
import tempfile
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from gns3server.utils import parse_version
from gns3server.utils.asyncio.telnet_server import AsyncioTelnetServer
from gns3server.utils.asyncio.serial import asyncio_open_serial
from gns3server.utils.asyncio import locking
from gns3server.compute.virtualbox.virtualbox_error import VirtualBoxError
from gns3server.compute.nios.nio_udp import NIOUDP
from gns3server.compute.adapters.ethernet_adapter import EthernetAdapter
from gns3server.compute.base_node import BaseNode
if sys.platform.startswith("win"):
import msvcrt
import win32file
import logging
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class VirtualBoxVM(BaseNode):
VirtualBox VM implementation.
def __init__(
name, node_id, project, manager, console=console, linked_clone=linked_clone, console_type=console_type
self._uuid = None # UUID in VirtualBox
self._maximum_adapters = 8
self._system_properties = {}
self._telnet_server = None
self._local_udp_tunnels = {}
# VirtualBox settings
self._adapters = adapters
self._ethernet_adapters = {}
self._headless = False
self._on_close = "power_off"
self._vmname = vmname
self._use_any_adapter = False
self._ram = 0
self._adapter_type = "Intel PRO/1000 MT Desktop (82540EM)"
def asdict(self):
json = {
"name": self.name,
"usage": self.usage,
"node_id": self.id,
"console": self.console,
"console_type": self.console_type,
"project_id": self.project.id,
"vmname": self.vmname,
"headless": self.headless,
"on_close": self.on_close,
"adapters": self._adapters,
"adapter_type": self.adapter_type,
"ram": self.ram,
"status": self.status,
"use_any_adapter": self.use_any_adapter,
"linked_clone": self.linked_clone,
if self.linked_clone:
json["node_directory"] = self.working_path
json["node_directory"] = None
return json
def ethernet_adapters(self):
return self._ethernet_adapters
async def _get_system_properties(self):
properties = await self.manager.execute("list", ["systemproperties"])
for prop in properties:
name, value = prop.split(":", 1)
except ValueError:
self._system_properties[name.strip()] = value.strip()
async def _get_vm_state(self):
Returns the VM state (e.g. running, paused etc.)
:returns: state (string)
results = await self.manager.execute("showvminfo", [self._uuid, "--machinereadable"])
for info in results:
if "=" in info:
name, value = info.split("=", 1)
if name == "VMState":
return value.strip('"')
raise VirtualBoxError(f"Could not get VM state for {self._vmname}")
async def _control_vm(self, params):
Change setting in this VM when running.
:param params: params to use with sub-command controlvm
:returns: result of the command.
args = shlex.split(params)
result = await self.manager.execute("controlvm", [self._uuid] + args)
return result
async def _modify_vm(self, params):
Change setting in this VM when not running.
:param params: params to use with sub-command modifyvm
args = shlex.split(params)
await self.manager.execute("modifyvm", [self._uuid] + args)
async def _check_duplicate_linked_clone(self):
Without linked clone two VM using the same image can't run
at the same time.
To avoid issue like false detection when a project close
and another open we try multiple times.
trial = 0
while True:
found = False
for node in self.manager.nodes:
if node != self and node.vmname == self.vmname:
found = True
if node.project != self.project:
if trial >= 30:
raise VirtualBoxError(
f"Sorry a node without the linked clone setting enabled can only be used once on your server.\n{self.vmname} is already used by {node.name} in project {self.project.name}"
if trial >= 5:
raise VirtualBoxError(
f"Sorry a node without the linked clone setting enabled can only be used once on your server.\n{self.vmname} is already used by {node.name} in this project"
if not found:
trial += 1
await asyncio.sleep(1)
async def _refresh_vm_uuid(self):
vm_info = await self._get_vm_info()
self._uuid = vm_info.get("UUID", self._uuid)
if not self._uuid:
raise VirtualBoxError(f"Could not find any UUID for VM '{self._vmname}'")
if "memory" in vm_info:
self._ram = int(vm_info["memory"])
async def create(self):
if not self.linked_clone:
await self._check_duplicate_linked_clone()
await self._get_system_properties()
if "API version" not in self._system_properties:
raise VirtualBoxError(f"Can't access to VirtualBox API version:\n{self._system_properties}")
if parse_version(self._system_properties["API version"]) < parse_version("4_3"):
raise VirtualBoxError("The VirtualBox API version is lower than 4.3")
log.info(f"VirtualBox VM '{self.name}' [{self.id}] created")
if self.linked_clone:
if self.id and os.path.isdir(os.path.join(self.working_dir, self._vmname)):
await self.manager.execute("registervm", [self._linked_vbox_file()])
await self._refresh_vm_uuid()
await self._reattach_linked_hdds()
await self._refresh_vm_uuid()
await self._create_linked_clone()
await self._refresh_vm_uuid()
if self._adapters:
await self.set_adapters(self._adapters)
def _linked_vbox_file(self):
return os.path.join(self.working_dir, self._vmname, self._vmname + ".vbox")
def _patch_vm_uuid(self):
Fix the VM uuid in the case of linked clone
if os.path.exists(self._linked_vbox_file()):
tree = ET.parse(self._linked_vbox_file())
except ET.ParseError:
raise VirtualBoxError(
"Cannot modify VirtualBox linked nodes file. "
"File {} is corrupted.".format(self._linked_vbox_file())
except OSError as e:
raise VirtualBoxError(f"Cannot modify VirtualBox linked nodes file '{self._linked_vbox_file()}': {e}")
machine = tree.getroot().find("{http://www.virtualbox.org/}Machine")
if machine is not None and machine.get("uuid") != "{" + self.id + "}":
for image in tree.getroot().findall("{http://www.virtualbox.org/}Image"):
currentSnapshot = machine.get("currentSnapshot")
if currentSnapshot:
newSnapshot = re.sub(r"\{.*\}", "{" + str(uuid.uuid4()) + "}", currentSnapshot)
os.path.join(self.working_dir, self._vmname, "Snapshots", currentSnapshot) + ".vdi",
os.path.join(self.working_dir, self._vmname, "Snapshots", newSnapshot) + ".vdi",
image.set("uuid", newSnapshot)
machine.set("uuid", "{" + self.id + "}")
async def check_hw_virtualization(self):
Returns either hardware virtualization is activated or not.
:returns: boolean
vm_info = await self._get_vm_info()
if "hwvirtex" in vm_info and vm_info["hwvirtex"] == "on":
return True
return False
async def start(self):
Starts this VirtualBox VM.
if self.status == "started":
# resume the VM if it is paused
vm_state = await self._get_vm_state()
if vm_state == "paused":
await self.resume()
# VM must be powered off to start it
if vm_state == "saved":
result = await self.manager.execute("guestproperty", ["get", self._uuid, "SavedByGNS3"])
if result == ["No value set!"]:
raise VirtualBoxError("VirtualBox VM was not saved from GNS3")
await self.manager.execute("guestproperty", ["delete", self._uuid, "SavedByGNS3"])
elif vm_state == "poweroff":
await self._set_network_options()
await self._set_serial_console()
raise VirtualBoxError(f"VirtualBox VM '{self.name}' is not powered off (current state is '{vm_state}')")
# check if there is enough RAM to run
args = [self._uuid]
if self._headless:
args.extend(["--type", "headless"])
result = await self.manager.execute("startvm", args)
self.status = "started"
log.info(f"VirtualBox VM '{self.name}' [{self.id}] started")
log.debug(f"Start result: {result}")
# add a guest property to let the VM know about the GNS3 name
await self.manager.execute("guestproperty", ["set", self._uuid, "NameInGNS3", self.name])
# add a guest property to let the VM know about the GNS3 project directory
await self.manager.execute("guestproperty", ["set", self._uuid, "ProjectDirInGNS3", self.working_dir])
await self._start_ubridge()
for adapter_number in range(0, self._adapters):
nio = self._ethernet_adapters[adapter_number].get_nio(0)
if nio:
await self.add_ubridge_udp_connection(
f"VBOX-{self._id}-{adapter_number}", self._local_udp_tunnels[adapter_number][1], nio
await self._start_console()
if await self.check_hw_virtualization():
self._hw_virtualization = True
async def stop(self):
Stops this VirtualBox VM.
self._hw_virtualization = False
await self._stop_ubridge()
await self._stop_remote_console()
vm_state = await self._get_vm_state()
log.info(f"Stopping VirtualBox VM '{self.name}' [{self.id}] (current state is {vm_state})")
if vm_state in ("running", "paused"):
if self.on_close == "save_vm_state":
# add a guest property to know the VM has been saved
await self.manager.execute("guestproperty", ["set", self._uuid, "SavedByGNS3", "yes"])
result = await self._control_vm("savestate")
self.status = "stopped"
log.debug(f"Stop result: {result}")
elif self.on_close == "shutdown_signal":
# use ACPI to shutdown the VM
result = await self._control_vm("acpipowerbutton")
trial = 0
while True:
vm_state = await self._get_vm_state()
if vm_state == "poweroff":
await asyncio.sleep(1)
trial += 1
if trial >= 120:
await self._control_vm("poweroff")
self.status = "stopped"
log.debug(f"ACPI shutdown result: {result}")
# power off the VM
result = await self._control_vm("poweroff")
self.status = "stopped"
log.debug(f"Stop result: {result}")
elif vm_state == "aborted":
self.status = "stopped"
if self.status == "stopped":
log.info(f"VirtualBox VM '{self.name}' [{self.id}] stopped")
await asyncio.sleep(0.5) # give some time for VirtualBox to unlock the VM
if self.on_close != "save_vm_state":
# do some cleaning when the VM is powered off
# deactivate the first serial port
await self._modify_vm("--uart1 off")
except VirtualBoxError as e:
log.warning(f"Could not deactivate the first serial port: {e}")
for adapter_number in range(0, self._adapters):
nio = self._ethernet_adapters[adapter_number].get_nio(0)
if nio:
await self._modify_vm(f"--nictrace{adapter_number + 1} off")
await self._modify_vm(f"--cableconnected{adapter_number + 1} off")
await self._modify_vm(f"--nic{adapter_number + 1} null")
await super().stop()
async def suspend(self):
Suspends this VirtualBox VM.
vm_state = await self._get_vm_state()
if vm_state == "running":
await self._control_vm("pause")
self.status = "suspended"
log.info(f"VirtualBox VM '{self.name}' [{self.id}] suspended")
"VirtualBox VM '{name}' [{id}] cannot be suspended, current state: {state}".format(
name=self.name, id=self.id, state=vm_state
async def resume(self):
Resumes this VirtualBox VM.
await self._control_vm("resume")
self.status = "started"
log.info(f"VirtualBox VM '{self.name}' [{self.id}] resumed")
async def reload(self):
Reloads this VirtualBox VM.
result = await self._control_vm("reset")
log.info(f"VirtualBox VM '{self.name}' [{self.id}] reloaded")
log.debug(f"Reload result: {result}")
async def _get_all_hdd_files(self):
hdds = []
properties = await self.manager.execute("list", ["hdds"])
for prop in properties:
name, value = prop.split(":", 1)
except ValueError:
if name.strip() == "Location":
return hdds
async def _reattach_linked_hdds(self):
Reattach linked cloned hard disks.
hdd_info_file = os.path.join(self.working_dir, self._vmname, "hdd_info.json")
with open(hdd_info_file, encoding="utf-8") as f:
hdd_table = json.load(f)
except (ValueError, OSError) as e:
# The VM has never be started
for hdd_info in hdd_table:
hdd_file = os.path.join(self.working_dir, self._vmname, "Snapshots", hdd_info["hdd"])
if os.path.exists(hdd_file):
"VirtualBox VM '{name}' [{id}] attaching HDD {controller} {port} {device} {medium}".format(
await self._storage_attach(
'--storagectl "{}" --port {} --device {} --type hdd --medium "{}"'.format(
hdd_info["controller"], hdd_info["port"], hdd_info["device"], hdd_file
except VirtualBoxError as e:
"VirtualBox VM '{name}' [{id}] error reattaching HDD {controller} {port} {device} {medium}: {error}".format(
async def save_linked_hdds_info(self):
Save linked cloned hard disks information.
:returns: disk table information
hdd_table = []
if self.linked_clone:
if os.path.exists(self.working_dir):
hdd_files = await self._get_all_hdd_files()
vm_info = await self._get_vm_info()
for entry, value in vm_info.items():
match = re.search(
r"^([\s\w]+)\-(\d)\-(\d)$", entry
) # match Controller-PortNumber-DeviceNumber entry
if match:
controller = match.group(1)
port = match.group(2)
device = match.group(3)
if value in hdd_files and os.path.exists(
os.path.join(self.working_dir, self._vmname, "Snapshots", os.path.basename(value))
"VirtualBox VM '{name}' [{id}] detaching HDD {controller} {port} {device}".format(
name=self.name, id=self.id, controller=controller, port=port, device=device
"hdd": os.path.basename(value),
"controller": controller,
"port": port,
"device": device,
if hdd_table:
hdd_info_file = os.path.join(self.working_dir, self._vmname, "hdd_info.json")
with open(hdd_info_file, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f:
json.dump(hdd_table, f, indent=4)
except OSError as e:
"VirtualBox VM '{name}' [{id}] could not write HHD info file: {error}".format(
name=self.name, id=self.id, error=e.strerror
return hdd_table
async def close(self):
Closes this VirtualBox VM.
if self._closed:
# VM is already closed
if not (await super().close()):
return False
log.debug(f"VirtualBox VM '{self.name}' [{self.id}] is closing")
if self._console:
self._manager.port_manager.release_tcp_port(self._console, self._project)
self._console = None
for adapter in self._ethernet_adapters.values():
if adapter is not None:
for nio in adapter.ports.values():
if nio and isinstance(nio, NIOUDP):
self.manager.port_manager.release_udp_port(nio.lport, self._project)
for udp_tunnel in self._local_udp_tunnels.values():
self.manager.port_manager.release_udp_port(udp_tunnel[0].lport, self._project)
self.manager.port_manager.release_udp_port(udp_tunnel[1].lport, self._project)
self._local_udp_tunnels = {}
self.on_close = "power_off"
await self.stop()
if self.linked_clone:
hdd_table = await self.save_linked_hdds_info()
for hdd in hdd_table.copy():
"VirtualBox VM '{name}' [{id}] detaching HDD {controller} {port} {device}".format(
name=self.name, id=self.id, controller=hdd["controller"], port=hdd["port"], device=hdd["device"]
await self._storage_attach(
'--storagectl "{}" --port {} --device {} --type hdd --medium none'.format(
hdd["controller"], hdd["port"], hdd["device"]
except VirtualBoxError as e:
"VirtualBox VM '{name}' [{id}] error detaching HDD {controller} {port} {device}: {error}".format(
log.info(f"VirtualBox VM '{self.name}' [{self.id}] unregistering")
await self.manager.execute("unregistervm", [self._name])
log.info(f"VirtualBox VM '{self.name}' [{self.id}] closed")
self._closed = True
def headless(self):
Returns either the VM will start in headless mode
:returns: boolean
return self._headless
def headless(self, headless):
Sets either the VM will start in headless mode
:param headless: boolean
if headless:
log.info(f"VirtualBox VM '{self.name}' [{self.id}] has enabled the headless mode")
log.info(f"VirtualBox VM '{self.name}' [{self.id}] has disabled the headless mode")
self._headless = headless
def on_close(self):
Returns the action to execute when the VM is stopped/closed
:returns: string
return self._on_close
def on_close(self, on_close):
Sets the action to execute when the VM is stopped/closed
:param on_close: string
log.info(f'VirtualBox VM "{self._name}" [{self._id}] set the close action to "{on_close}"')
self._on_close = on_close
def ram(self):
Returns the amount of RAM allocated to this VirtualBox VM.
:returns: amount RAM in MB (integer)
return self._ram
async def set_ram(self, ram):
Set the amount of RAM allocated to this VirtualBox VM.
:param ram: amount RAM in MB (integer)
if ram == 0:
await self._modify_vm(f"--memory {ram}")
log.info(f"VirtualBox VM '{self.name}' [{self.id}] has set amount of RAM to {ram}")
self._ram = ram
def vmname(self):
Returns the VirtualBox VM name.
:returns: VirtualBox VM name
return self._vmname
async def set_vmname(self, vmname):
Renames the VirtualBox VM.
:param vmname: VirtualBox VM name
if vmname == self._vmname:
if self.linked_clone:
if self.status == "started":
raise VirtualBoxError(f"Cannot change the name of running VM {self._name}")
# We can't rename a VM to name that already exists
vms = await self.manager.list_vms(allow_clone=True)
if vmname in [vm["vmname"] for vm in vms]:
raise VirtualBoxError(f"Cannot change the name to {vmname}, it is already used in VirtualBox")
await self._modify_vm(f'--name "{vmname}"')
log.info(f"VirtualBox VM '{self.name}' [{self.id}] has set the VM name to '{vmname}'")
self._vmname = vmname
def adapters(self):
Returns the number of adapters configured for this VirtualBox VM.
:returns: number of adapters
return self._adapters
async def set_adapters(self, adapters):
Sets the number of Ethernet adapters for this VirtualBox VM instance.
:param adapters: number of adapters
# check for the maximum adapters supported by the VM
vm_info = await self._get_vm_info()
chipset = "piix3" # default chipset for VirtualBox VMs
self._maximum_adapters = 8 # default maximum network adapter count for PIIX3 chipset
if "chipset" in vm_info:
chipset = vm_info["chipset"]
max_adapter_string = f"Maximum {chipset.upper()} Network Adapter count"
if max_adapter_string in self._system_properties:
self._maximum_adapters = int(self._system_properties[max_adapter_string])
except ValueError:
f"Could not convert system property to integer: {max_adapter_string} = {self._system_properties[max_adapter_string]}"
log.warning(f"Could not find system property '{max_adapter_string}' for chipset {chipset}")
"VirtualBox VM '{name}' [{id}] can have a maximum of {max} network adapters for chipset {chipset}".format(
name=self.name, id=self.id, max=self._maximum_adapters, chipset=chipset.upper()
if adapters > self._maximum_adapters:
raise VirtualBoxError(
"The configured {} chipset limits the VM to {} network adapters. The chipset can be changed outside GNS3 in the VirtualBox VM settings.".format(
chipset.upper(), self._maximum_adapters
for adapter_number in range(0, adapters):
self._ethernet_adapters[adapter_number] = EthernetAdapter()
self._adapters = len(self._ethernet_adapters)
"VirtualBox VM '{name}' [{id}] has changed the number of Ethernet adapters to {adapters}".format(
name=self.name, id=self.id, adapters=adapters
def use_any_adapter(self):
Returns either GNS3 can use any VirtualBox adapter on this instance.
:returns: boolean
return self._use_any_adapter
def use_any_adapter(self, use_any_adapter):
Allows GNS3 to use any VirtualBox adapter on this instance.
:param use_any_adapter: boolean
if use_any_adapter:
log.info(f"VirtualBox VM '{self.name}' [{self.id}] is allowed to use any adapter")
log.info(f"VirtualBox VM '{self.name}' [{self.id}] is not allowed to use any adapter")
self._use_any_adapter = use_any_adapter
def adapter_type(self):
Returns the adapter type for this VirtualBox VM instance.
:returns: adapter type (string)
return self._adapter_type
def adapter_type(self, adapter_type):
Sets the adapter type for this VirtualBox VM instance.
:param adapter_type: adapter type (string)
self._adapter_type = adapter_type
"VirtualBox VM '{name}' [{id}]: adapter type changed to {adapter_type}".format(
name=self.name, id=self.id, adapter_type=adapter_type
async def _get_vm_info(self):
Returns this VM info.
:returns: dict of info
vm_info = {}
results = await self.manager.execute(
"showvminfo", ["--machinereadable", "--", self._vmname]
) # "--" is to protect against vm names containing the "-" character
for info in results:
name, value = info.split("=", 1)
except ValueError:
vm_info[name.strip('"')] = value.strip('"')
return vm_info
def _get_pipe_name(self):
Returns the pipe name to create a serial connection.
:returns: pipe path (string)
if sys.platform.startswith("win"):
pipe_name = fr"\\.\pipe\gns3_vbox\{self.id}"
pipe_name = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), "gns3_vbox", f"{self.id}")
os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(pipe_name), exist_ok=True)
except OSError as e:
raise VirtualBoxError(f"Could not create the VirtualBox pipe directory: {e}")
return pipe_name
async def _set_serial_console(self):
Configures the first serial port to allow a serial console connection.
# activate the first serial port
await self._modify_vm("--uart1 0x3F8 4")
# set server mode with a pipe on the first serial port
pipe_name = self._get_pipe_name()
args = [self._uuid, "--uartmode1", "server", pipe_name]
await self.manager.execute("modifyvm", args)
async def _storage_attach(self, params):
Change storage medium in this VM.
:param params: params to use with sub-command storageattach
args = shlex.split(params)
await self.manager.execute("storageattach", [self._uuid] + args)
async def _get_nic_attachements(self, maximum_adapters):
Returns NIC attachements.
:param maximum_adapters: maximum number of supported adapters
:returns: list of adapters with their Attachment setting (NAT, bridged etc.)
nics = []
vm_info = await self._get_vm_info()
for adapter_number in range(0, maximum_adapters):
entry = f"nic{adapter_number + 1}"
if entry in vm_info:
value = vm_info[entry]
return nics
async def _set_network_options(self):
Configures network options.
nic_attachments = await self._get_nic_attachements(self._maximum_adapters)
for adapter_number in range(0, self._adapters):
attachment = nic_attachments[adapter_number]
if attachment == "null":
# disconnect the cable if no backend is attached.
await self._modify_vm(f"--cableconnected{adapter_number + 1} off")
if attachment == "none":
# set the backend to null to avoid a difference in the number of interfaces in the Guest.
await self._modify_vm(f"--nic{adapter_number + 1} null")
await self._modify_vm(f"--cableconnected{adapter_number + 1} off")
# use a local UDP tunnel to connect to uBridge instead
if adapter_number not in self._local_udp_tunnels:
self._local_udp_tunnels[adapter_number] = self._create_local_udp_tunnel()
nio = self._local_udp_tunnels[adapter_number][0]
if nio:
if not self._use_any_adapter and attachment in ("nat", "bridged", "intnet", "hostonly", "natnetwork"):
await self._modify_vm(f"--nictrace{adapter_number + 1} off")
custom_adapter = self._get_custom_adapter_settings(adapter_number)
adapter_type = custom_adapter.get("adapter_type", self._adapter_type)
vbox_adapter_type = "82540EM"
if adapter_type == "PCnet-PCI II (Am79C970A)":
vbox_adapter_type = "Am79C970A"
if adapter_type == "PCNet-FAST III (Am79C973)":
vbox_adapter_type = "Am79C973"
if adapter_type == "Intel PRO/1000 MT Desktop (82540EM)":
vbox_adapter_type = "82540EM"
if adapter_type == "Intel PRO/1000 T Server (82543GC)":
vbox_adapter_type = "82543GC"
if adapter_type == "Intel PRO/1000 MT Server (82545EM)":
vbox_adapter_type = "82545EM"
if adapter_type == "Paravirtualized Network (virtio-net)":
vbox_adapter_type = "virtio"
args = [self._uuid, f"--nictype{adapter_number + 1}", vbox_adapter_type]
await self.manager.execute("modifyvm", args)
if isinstance(nio, NIOUDP):
log.debug(f"setting UDP params on adapter {adapter_number}")
await self._modify_vm(f"--nic{adapter_number + 1} generic")
await self._modify_vm(f"--nicgenericdrv{adapter_number + 1} UDPTunnel")
await self._modify_vm(f"--nicproperty{adapter_number + 1} sport={nio.lport}")
await self._modify_vm(f"--nicproperty{adapter_number + 1} dest={nio.rhost}")
await self._modify_vm(f"--nicproperty{adapter_number + 1} dport={nio.rport}")
if nio.suspend:
await self._modify_vm(f"--cableconnected{adapter_number + 1} off")
await self._modify_vm(f"--cableconnected{adapter_number + 1} on")
if nio.capturing:
await self._modify_vm(f"--nictrace{adapter_number + 1} on")
await self._modify_vm(f'--nictracefile{adapter_number + 1} "{nio.pcap_output_file}"')
if not self._ethernet_adapters[adapter_number].get_nio(0):
await self._modify_vm(f"--cableconnected{adapter_number + 1} off")
for adapter_number in range(self._adapters, self._maximum_adapters):
log.debug(f"disabling remaining adapter {adapter_number}")
await self._modify_vm(f"--nic{adapter_number + 1} none")
async def _create_linked_clone(self):
Creates a new linked clone.
gns3_snapshot_exists = False
vm_info = await self._get_vm_info()
for entry, value in vm_info.items():
if entry.startswith("SnapshotName") and value == "GNS3 Linked Base for clones":
gns3_snapshot_exists = True
if not gns3_snapshot_exists:
result = await self.manager.execute("snapshot", [self._uuid, "take", "GNS3 Linked Base for clones"])
log.debug(f"GNS3 snapshot created: {result}")
args = [
"GNS3 Linked Base for clones",
result = await self.manager.execute("clonevm", args)
log.debug(f"VirtualBox VM: {result} cloned")
# refresh the UUID and vmname to match with the clone
self._vmname = self._name
await self._refresh_vm_uuid()
await self.manager.execute("setextradata", [self._uuid, "GNS3/Clone", "yes"])
# We create a reset snapshot in order to simplify life of user who want to rollback their VM
# Warning: Do not document this it's seem buggy we keep it because Raizo students use it.
args = [self._uuid, "take", "reset"]
result = await self.manager.execute("snapshot", args)
log.debug(f"Snapshot 'reset' created: {result}")
# It seem sometimes this failed due to internal race condition of Vbox
# we have no real explanation of this.
except VirtualBoxError:
log.warning("Snapshot 'reset' not created")
os.makedirs(os.path.join(self.working_dir, self._vmname), exist_ok=True)
async def _start_console(self):
Starts remote console support for this VM.
if self.console and self.console_type == "telnet":
pipe_name = self._get_pipe_name()
self._remote_pipe = await asyncio_open_serial(pipe_name)
except OSError as e:
raise VirtualBoxError(f"Could not open serial pipe '{pipe_name}': {e}")
server = AsyncioTelnetServer(reader=self._remote_pipe, writer=self._remote_pipe, binary=True, echo=True)
self._telnet_server = await asyncio.start_server(
server.run, self._manager.port_manager.console_host, self.console
except OSError as e:
"message": f"Could not start Telnet server on socket {self._manager.port_manager.console_host}:{self.console}: {e}"
async def _stop_remote_console(self):
Stops remote console support for this VM.
if self._telnet_server:
await self._telnet_server.wait_closed()
self._telnet_server = None
async def reset_console(self):
Reset the console.
await self._stop_remote_console()
await self._start_console()
def console_type(self, new_console_type):
Sets the console type for this VirtualBox VM.
:param new_console_type: console type (string)
if self.is_running() and self.console_type != new_console_type:
raise VirtualBoxError(f'"{self._name}" must be stopped to change the console type to {new_console_type}')
super(VirtualBoxVM, VirtualBoxVM).console_type.__set__(self, new_console_type)
async def adapter_add_nio_binding(self, adapter_number, nio):
Adds an adapter NIO binding.
:param adapter_number: adapter number
:param nio: NIO instance to add to the slot/port
adapter = self._ethernet_adapters[adapter_number]
except KeyError:
raise VirtualBoxError(
"Adapter {adapter_number} doesn't exist on VirtualBox VM '{name}'".format(
name=self.name, adapter_number=adapter_number
# check if trying to connect to a nat, bridged, host-only or any other special adapter
nic_attachments = await self._get_nic_attachements(self._maximum_adapters)
attachment = nic_attachments[adapter_number]
if attachment in ("nat", "bridged", "intnet", "hostonly", "natnetwork"):
if not self._use_any_adapter:
raise VirtualBoxError(
"Attachment '{attachment}' is already configured on adapter {adapter_number}. "
"Please remove it or allow VirtualBox VM '{name}' to use any adapter.".format(
attachment=attachment, adapter_number=adapter_number, name=self.name
elif self.is_running():
# dynamically configure an UDP tunnel attachment if the VM is already running
local_nio = self._local_udp_tunnels[adapter_number][0]
if local_nio and isinstance(local_nio, NIOUDP):
await self._control_vm(f"nic{adapter_number + 1} generic UDPTunnel")
await self._control_vm(f"nicproperty{adapter_number + 1} sport={local_nio.lport}")
await self._control_vm(f"nicproperty{adapter_number + 1} dest={local_nio.rhost}")
await self._control_vm(f"nicproperty{adapter_number + 1} dport={local_nio.rport}")
await self._control_vm(f"setlinkstate{adapter_number + 1} on")
if self.is_running():
await self.add_ubridge_udp_connection(
f"VBOX-{self._id}-{adapter_number}", self._local_udp_tunnels[adapter_number][1], nio
except KeyError:
raise VirtualBoxError(
"Adapter {adapter_number} doesn't exist on VirtualBox VM '{name}'".format(
name=self.name, adapter_number=adapter_number
await self._control_vm(f"setlinkstate{adapter_number + 1} on")
adapter.add_nio(0, nio)
"VirtualBox VM '{name}' [{id}]: {nio} added to adapter {adapter_number}".format(
name=self.name, id=self.id, nio=nio, adapter_number=adapter_number
async def adapter_update_nio_binding(self, adapter_number, nio):
Update an adapter NIO binding.
:param adapter_number: adapter number
:param nio: NIO instance to update on the adapter
if self.is_running():
await self.update_ubridge_udp_connection(
f"VBOX-{self._id}-{adapter_number}", self._local_udp_tunnels[adapter_number][1], nio
if nio.suspend:
await self._control_vm(f"setlinkstate{adapter_number + 1} off")
await self._control_vm(f"setlinkstate{adapter_number + 1} on")
except IndexError:
raise VirtualBoxError(
'Adapter {adapter_number} does not exist on VirtualBox VM "{name}"'.format(
name=self._name, adapter_number=adapter_number
async def adapter_remove_nio_binding(self, adapter_number):
Removes an adapter NIO binding.
:param adapter_number: adapter number
:returns: NIO instance
adapter = self._ethernet_adapters[adapter_number]
except KeyError:
raise VirtualBoxError(
"Adapter {adapter_number} doesn't exist on VirtualBox VM '{name}'".format(
name=self.name, adapter_number=adapter_number
await self.stop_capture(adapter_number)
if self.is_running():
await self._ubridge_send("bridge delete {name}".format(name=f"VBOX-{self._id}-{adapter_number}"))
vm_state = await self._get_vm_state()
if vm_state == "running":
await self._control_vm(f"setlinkstate{adapter_number + 1} off")
nio = adapter.get_nio(0)
if isinstance(nio, NIOUDP):
self.manager.port_manager.release_udp_port(nio.lport, self._project)
"VirtualBox VM '{name}' [{id}]: {nio} removed from adapter {adapter_number}".format(
name=self.name, id=self.id, nio=nio, adapter_number=adapter_number
return nio
def get_nio(self, adapter_number):
Gets an adapter NIO binding.
:param adapter_number: adapter number
:returns: NIO instance
adapter = self.ethernet_adapters[adapter_number]
except KeyError:
raise VirtualBoxError(
"Adapter {adapter_number} doesn't exist on VirtualBox VM '{name}'".format(
name=self.name, adapter_number=adapter_number
nio = adapter.get_nio(0)
if not nio:
raise VirtualBoxError(f"Adapter {adapter_number} is not connected")
return nio
def is_running(self):
:returns: True if the vm is not stopped
return self.ubridge is not None
async def start_capture(self, adapter_number, output_file):
Starts a packet capture.
:param adapter_number: adapter number
:param output_file: PCAP destination file for the capture
nio = self.get_nio(adapter_number)
if nio.capturing:
raise VirtualBoxError(f"Packet capture is already activated on adapter {adapter_number}")
if self.ubridge:
await self._ubridge_send(
'bridge start_capture {name} "{output_file}"'.format(
name=f"VBOX-{self._id}-{adapter_number}", output_file=output_file
"VirtualBox VM '{name}' [{id}]: starting packet capture on adapter {adapter_number}".format(
name=self.name, id=self.id, adapter_number=adapter_number
async def stop_capture(self, adapter_number):
Stops a packet capture.
:param adapter_number: adapter number
nio = self.get_nio(adapter_number)
if not nio.capturing:
if self.ubridge:
await self._ubridge_send("bridge stop_capture {name}".format(name=f"VBOX-{self._id}-{adapter_number}"))
"VirtualBox VM '{name}' [{id}]: stopping packet capture on adapter {adapter_number}".format(
name=self.name, id=self.id, adapter_number=adapter_number