mirror of https://github.com/GNS3/gns3-server synced 2024-10-20 06:49:06 +00:00
2020-06-16 01:57:16 -07:00

278 lines
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import pytest
import asyncio
import tempfile
import shutil
import weakref
from aiohttp import web
from unittest.mock import MagicMock, patch
from pathlib import Path
from gns3server.web.route import Route
from gns3server.controller import Controller
from gns3server.config import Config
from gns3server.compute import MODULES
from gns3server.compute.port_manager import PortManager
from gns3server.compute.project_manager import ProjectManager
# this import will register all handlers
from gns3server.handlers import *
from .handlers.api.base import Query
sys._called_from_test = True
sys.original_platform = sys.platform
@pytest.mark.skipif(not sys.platform.startswith("win"), reason="asyncio.ProactorEventLoop() is Only supported on Windows")
def loop(request):
"""Return an event loop and destroy it at the end of test"""
loop = asyncio.ProactorEventLoop()
asyncio.set_event_loop(loop) # Replace main loop to avoid conflict between tests
yield loop
async def http_client(aiohttp_client):
app = web.Application()
app['websockets'] = weakref.WeakSet()
for method, route, handler in Route.get_routes():
app.router.add_route(method, route, handler)
return await aiohttp_client(app)
def controller_config_path(tmpdir):
return str(tmpdir / "config" / "gns3_controller.conf")
def controller(tmpdir, controller_config_path):
Controller._instance = None
controller = Controller.instance()
os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(controller_config_path), exist_ok=True)
controller._config_file = controller_config_path
controller._config_loaded = True
return controller
def compute(controller):
compute = MagicMock()
compute.id = "example.com"
controller._computes = {"example.com": compute}
return compute
async def project(loop, tmpdir, controller):
return await controller.add_project(name="Test")
def compute_project(tmpdir):
return ProjectManager.instance().create_project(project_id="a1e920ca-338a-4e9f-b363-aa607b09dd80")
def compute_api(http_client):
Return an helper allowing you to call the hypervisor API via HTTP
return Query(http_client, prefix="/compute", api_version=2)
def controller_api(http_client, controller):
Return an helper allowing you to call the server API without any prefix
return Query(http_client, api_version=2)
def config():
config = Config.instance()
return config
def images_dir(config):
Get the location of images
path = config.get_section_config("Server").get("images_path")
os.makedirs(path, exist_ok=True)
os.makedirs(os.path.join(path, "QEMU"))
os.makedirs(os.path.join(path, "IOU"))
return path
def symbols_dir(config):
Get the location of symbols
path = config.get_section_config("Server").get("symbols_path")
os.makedirs(path, exist_ok=True)
return path
def projects_dir(config):
Get the location of images
path = config.get_section_config("Server").get("projects_path")
os.makedirs(path, exist_ok=True)
return path
def port_manager():
"""An instance of port manager"""
PortManager._instance = None
p = PortManager.instance()
p.console_host = ""
return p
def free_console_port(port_manager, compute_project):
"""Get a free TCP port"""
# In case of already use ports we will raise an exception
port = port_manager.get_free_tcp_port(compute_project)
# We release the port immediately in order to allow
# the test do whatever the test want
port_manager.release_tcp_port(port, compute_project)
return port
def darwin_platform():
Change sys.plaform to Darwin
old_platform = sys.platform
sys.platform = "darwin10.10"
sys.plaform = old_platform
def windows_platform():
Change sys.platform to Windows
old_platform = sys.platform
sys.platform = "win10"
sys.plaform = old_platform
def linux_platform():
Change sys.platform to Linux
old_platform = sys.platform
sys.platform = "linuxdebian"
sys.plaform = old_platform
def on_gns3vm(linux_platform):
Mock the hostname to emulate the GNS3 VM
with patch("gns3server.utils.interfaces.interfaces", return_value=[
{"name": "eth0", "special": False, "type": "ethernet"},
{"name": "eth1", "special": False, "type": "ethernet"},
{"name": "virbr0", "special": True, "type": "ethernet"}]):
with patch("socket.gethostname", return_value="gns3vm"):
def ethernet_device():
import psutil
return sorted(psutil.net_if_addrs().keys())[0]
def ubridge_path(config):
Get the location of a fake ubridge
path = config.get_section_config("Server").get("ubridge_path")
os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(path), exist_ok=True)
open(path, 'w+').close()
return path
def run_around_tests(monkeypatch, config, port_manager):#port_manager, controller, config):
This setup a temporary project file environment around tests
tmppath = tempfile.mkdtemp()
for module in MODULES:
module._instance = None
os.makedirs(os.path.join(tmppath, 'projects'))
config.set("Server", "projects_path", os.path.join(tmppath, 'projects'))
config.set("Server", "symbols_path", os.path.join(tmppath, 'symbols'))
config.set("Server", "images_path", os.path.join(tmppath, 'images'))
config.set("Server", "appliances_path", os.path.join(tmppath, 'appliances'))
config.set("Server", "ubridge_path", os.path.join(tmppath, 'bin', 'ubridge'))
config.set("Server", "auth", False)
# Prevent executions of the VM if we forgot to mock something
config.set("VirtualBox", "vboxmanage_path", tmppath)
config.set("VPCS", "vpcs_path", tmppath)
config.set("VMware", "vmrun_path", tmppath)
config.set("Dynamips", "dynamips_path", tmppath)
# Force turn off KVM because it's not available on CI
config.set("Qemu", "enable_kvm", False)
monkeypatch.setattr("gns3server.utils.path.get_default_project_directory", lambda *args: os.path.join(tmppath, 'projects'))
# Force sys.platform to the original value. Because it seem not be restore correctly at each tests
sys.platform = sys.original_platform
# An helper should not raise Exception
except BaseException: