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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2016 GNS3 Technologies Inc.
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import sys
import subprocess
from ...error import NodeError
from ...base_node import BaseNode
from ...nios.nio_udp import NIOUDP
from ....ubridge.ubridge_error import UbridgeError
import gns3server.utils.interfaces
import gns3server.utils.asyncio
import logging
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class Cloud(BaseNode):
:param name: name for this cloud
:param node_id: Node identifier
:param project: Project instance
:param manager: Parent VM Manager
def __init__(self, name, node_id, project, manager, ports=None):
super().__init__(name, node_id, project, manager)
self._nios = {}
self._remote_console_host = ""
self._remote_console_port = 23
self._remote_console_type = "none"
self._remote_console_http_path = "/"
# Populate the cloud with host interfaces if it is not configured
if not ports or len(ports) == 0:
self._ports_mapping = []
for interface in self._interfaces():
if not interface["special"]:
"interface": interface["name"],
"type": interface["type"],
"port_number": len(self._ports_mapping),
"name": interface["name"]
port_number = 0
for port in ports:
port["port_number"] = port_number
port_number += 1
self._ports_mapping = ports
def nios(self):
return self._nios
def _interfaces(self):
return gns3server.utils.interfaces.interfaces()
def __json__(self):
host_interfaces = []
network_interfaces = gns3server.utils.interfaces.interfaces()
for interface in network_interfaces:
host_interfaces.append({"name": interface["name"],
"type": interface["type"],
"special": interface["special"]})
return {"name": self.name,
"node_id": self.id,
"project_id": self.project.id,
"remote_console_host": self.remote_console_host,
"remote_console_port": self.remote_console_port,
"remote_console_type": self.remote_console_type,
"remote_console_http_path": self.remote_console_http_path,
"ports_mapping": self._ports_mapping,
"interfaces": host_interfaces,
"status": self.status,
"node_directory": self.working_path
def remote_console_host(self):
Returns the remote console host for this cloud.
:returns: remote console host
return self._remote_console_host
def remote_console_host(self, remote_console_host):
Sets the remote console host for this cloud.
:param remote_console_host: remote console host
self._remote_console_host = remote_console_host
def remote_console_port(self):
Returns the remote console port for this cloud.
:returns: remote console port
return self._remote_console_port
def remote_console_port(self, remote_console_port):
Sets the remote console port for this cloud.
:param remote_console_port: remote console port
self._remote_console_port = remote_console_port
def remote_console_type(self):
Returns the remote console type for this cloud.
:returns: remote console host
return self._remote_console_type
def remote_console_type(self, remote_console_type):
Sets the remote console type for this cloud.
:param remote_console_type: remote console type
self._remote_console_type = remote_console_type
def remote_console_http_path(self):
Returns the remote console HTTP path for this cloud.
:returns: remote console HTTP path
return self._remote_console_http_path
def remote_console_http_path(self, remote_console_http_path):
Sets the remote console HTTP path for this cloud.
:param remote_console_http_path: remote console HTTP path
self._remote_console_http_path = remote_console_http_path
def ports_mapping(self):
Ports on this cloud.
:returns: ports info
return self._ports_mapping
def ports_mapping(self, ports):
Set the ports on this cloud.
:param ports: ports info
if ports != self._ports_mapping:
if len(self._nios) > 0:
raise NodeError("Cannot modify a cloud that is already connected.")
port_number = 0
for port in ports:
port["port_number"] = port_number
port_number += 1
self._ports_mapping = ports
async def create(self):
Creates this cloud.
await self.start()
log.info('Cloud "{name}" [{id}] has been created'.format(name=self._name, id=self._id))
async def start(self):
Starts this cloud.
if self.status != "started":
if self._ubridge_hypervisor and self._ubridge_hypervisor.is_running():
await self._stop_ubridge()
await self._start_ubridge()
for port_number in self._nios:
if self._nios[port_number]:
await self._add_ubridge_connection(self._nios[port_number], port_number)
except (UbridgeError, NodeError) as e:
self.status = "stopped"
raise e
self.status = "started"
async def close(self):
Closes this cloud.
if not (await super().close()):
return False
for nio in self._nios.values():
if nio and isinstance(nio, NIOUDP):
self.manager.port_manager.release_udp_port(nio.lport, self._project)
await self._stop_ubridge()
log.info('Cloud "{name}" [{id}] has been closed'.format(name=self._name, id=self._id))
async def _is_wifi_adapter_osx(self, adapter_name):
Detects a Wifi adapter on Mac.
output = await gns3server.utils.asyncio.subprocess_check_output("networksetup", "-listallhardwareports")
except (OSError, subprocess.SubprocessError) as e:
log.warning("Could not execute networksetup: {}".format(e))
return False
is_wifi = False
for line in output.splitlines():
if is_wifi:
if adapter_name == line.replace("Device: ", ""):
return True
is_wifi = False
if 'Wi-Fi' in line:
is_wifi = True
return False
async def _add_ubridge_connection(self, nio, port_number):
Creates a connection in uBridge.
:param nio: NIO instance
:param port_number: port number
port_info = None
for port in self._ports_mapping:
if port["port_number"] == port_number:
port_info = port
if not port_info:
raise NodeError("Port {port_number} doesn't exist on cloud '{name}'".format(name=self.name,
bridge_name = "{}-{}".format(self._id, port_number)
await self._ubridge_send("bridge create {name}".format(name=bridge_name))
if not isinstance(nio, NIOUDP):
raise NodeError("Source NIO is not UDP")
await self._ubridge_send('bridge add_nio_udp {name} {lport} {rhost} {rport}'.format(name=bridge_name,
await self._ubridge_apply_filters(bridge_name, nio.filters)
if port_info["type"] in ("ethernet", "tap"):
if not self.manager.has_privileged_access(self.ubridge_path):
raise NodeError("uBridge requires root access or the capability to interact with Ethernet and TAP adapters")
if sys.platform.startswith("win"):
await self._add_ubridge_ethernet_connection(bridge_name, port_info["interface"])
if port_info["type"] == "ethernet":
network_interfaces = [interface["name"] for interface in self._interfaces()]
if not port_info["interface"] in network_interfaces:
raise NodeError("Interface '{}' could not be found on this system, please update '{}'".format(port_info["interface"], self.name))
if sys.platform.startswith("linux"):
await self._add_linux_ethernet(port_info, bridge_name)
elif sys.platform.startswith("darwin"):
await self._add_osx_ethernet(port_info, bridge_name)
await self._add_windows_ethernet(port_info, bridge_name)
elif port_info["type"] == "tap":
await self._ubridge_send('bridge add_nio_tap {name} "{interface}"'.format(name=bridge_name, interface=port_info["interface"]))
elif port_info["type"] == "udp":
await self._ubridge_send('bridge add_nio_udp {name} {lport} {rhost} {rport}'.format(name=bridge_name,
if nio.capturing:
await self._ubridge_send('bridge start_capture {name} "{pcap_file}"'.format(name=bridge_name,
await self._ubridge_send('bridge start {name}'.format(name=bridge_name))
async def _add_linux_ethernet(self, port_info, bridge_name):
Connects an Ethernet interface on Linux using raw sockets.
A TAP is used if the interface is a bridge
interface = port_info["interface"]
if gns3server.utils.interfaces.is_interface_bridge(interface):
network_interfaces = [interface["name"] for interface in self._interfaces()]
i = 0
while True:
tap = "gns3tap{}-{}".format(i, port_info["port_number"])
if tap not in network_interfaces:
i += 1
await self._ubridge_send('bridge add_nio_tap "{name}" "{interface}"'.format(name=bridge_name, interface=tap))
await self._ubridge_send('brctl addif "{interface}" "{tap}"'.format(tap=tap, interface=interface))
await self._ubridge_send('bridge add_nio_linux_raw {name} "{interface}"'.format(name=bridge_name, interface=interface))
async def _add_osx_ethernet(self, port_info, bridge_name):
Connects an Ethernet interface on OSX using libpcap.
# Wireless adapters are not well supported by the libpcap on OSX
if (await self._is_wifi_adapter_osx(port_info["interface"])):
raise NodeError("Connecting to a Wireless adapter is not supported on Mac OS")
if port_info["interface"].startswith("vmnet"):
# Use a special NIO to connect to VMware vmnet interfaces on OSX (libpcap doesn't support them)
await self._ubridge_send('bridge add_nio_fusion_vmnet {name} "{interface}"'.format(name=bridge_name,
if not gns3server.utils.interfaces.has_netmask(port_info["interface"]):
raise NodeError("Interface {} has no netmask, interface down?".format(port_info["interface"]))
await self._ubridge_send('bridge add_nio_ethernet {name} "{interface}"'.format(name=bridge_name, interface=port_info["interface"]))
async def _add_windows_ethernet(self, port_info, bridge_name):
Connects an Ethernet interface on Windows.
if not gns3server.utils.interfaces.has_netmask(port_info["interface"]):
raise NodeError("Interface {} has no netmask, interface down?".format(port_info["interface"]))
await self._ubridge_send('bridge add_nio_ethernet {name} "{interface}"'.format(name=bridge_name, interface=port_info["interface"]))
async def add_nio(self, nio, port_number):
Adds a NIO as new port on this cloud.
:param nio: NIO instance to add
:param port_number: port to allocate for the NIO
if port_number in self._nios:
raise NodeError("Port {} isn't free".format(port_number))
log.info('Cloud "{name}" [{id}]: NIO {nio} bound to port {port}'.format(name=self._name,
await self.start()
await self._add_ubridge_connection(nio, port_number)
self._nios[port_number] = nio
except (NodeError, UbridgeError) as e:
await self._stop_ubridge()
self.status = "stopped"
self._nios[port_number] = nio
self.project.emit("log.error", {"message": str(e)})
async def update_nio(self, port_number, nio):
Update an nio on this node
:param nio: NIO instance to add
:param port_number: port to allocate for the NIO
bridge_name = "{}-{}".format(self._id, port_number)
if self._ubridge_hypervisor and self._ubridge_hypervisor.is_running():
await self._ubridge_apply_filters(bridge_name, nio.filters)
async def _delete_ubridge_connection(self, port_number):
Deletes a connection in uBridge.
:param port_number: adapter number
bridge_name = "{}-{}".format(self._id, port_number)
await self._ubridge_send("bridge delete {name}".format(name=bridge_name))
async def remove_nio(self, port_number):
Removes the specified NIO as member of cloud.
:param port_number: allocated port number
:returns: the NIO that was bound to the allocated port
if port_number not in self._nios:
raise NodeError("Port {} is not allocated".format(port_number))
await self.stop_capture(port_number)
nio = self._nios[port_number]
if isinstance(nio, NIOUDP):
self.manager.port_manager.release_udp_port(nio.lport, self._project)
log.info('Cloud "{name}" [{id}]: NIO {nio} removed from port {port}'.format(name=self._name,
del self._nios[port_number]
if self._ubridge_hypervisor and self._ubridge_hypervisor.is_running():
await self._delete_ubridge_connection(port_number)
await self.start()
return nio
def get_nio(self, port_number):
Gets a port NIO binding.
:param port_number: port number
:returns: NIO instance
if not [port["port_number"] for port in self._ports_mapping if port_number == port["port_number"]]:
raise NodeError("Port {port_number} doesn't exist on cloud '{name}'".format(name=self.name,
if port_number not in self._nios:
raise NodeError("Port {} is not connected".format(port_number))
nio = self._nios[port_number]
return nio
async def start_capture(self, port_number, output_file, data_link_type="DLT_EN10MB"):
Starts a packet capture.
:param port_number: allocated port number
:param output_file: PCAP destination file for the capture
:param data_link_type: PCAP data link type (DLT_*), default is DLT_EN10MB
nio = self.get_nio(port_number)
if nio.capturing:
raise NodeError("Packet capture is already activated on port {port_number}".format(port_number=port_number))
bridge_name = "{}-{}".format(self._id, port_number)
await self._ubridge_send('bridge start_capture {name} "{output_file}"'.format(name=bridge_name,
log.info("Cloud '{name}' [{id}]: starting packet capture on port {port_number}".format(name=self.name,
async def stop_capture(self, port_number):
Stops a packet capture.
:param port_number: allocated port number
nio = self.get_nio(port_number)
if not nio.capturing:
bridge_name = "{}-{}".format(self._id, port_number)
await self._ubridge_send("bridge stop_capture {name}".format(name=bridge_name))
log.info("Cloud'{name}' [{id}]: stopping packet capture on port {port_number}".format(name=self.name,