""" Exception classes for CloudCtrl classes. """ class ApiError(Exception): """ Raised when the server returns 500 Compute Error. """ pass class BadRequest(Exception): """ Raised when the server returns 400 Bad Request. """ pass class ComputeFault(Exception): """ Raised when the server returns 400|500 Compute Fault. """ pass class Forbidden(Exception): """ Raised when the server returns 403 Forbidden. """ pass class ItemNotFound(Exception): """ Raised when the server returns 404 Not Found. """ pass class KeyPairExists(Exception): """ Raised when the server returns 409 Conflict Key pair exists. """ pass class MethodNotAllowed(Exception): """ Raised when the server returns 405 Method Not Allowed. """ pass class OverLimit(Exception): """ Raised when the server returns 413 Over Limit. """ pass class ServerCapacityUnavailable(Exception): """ Raised when the server returns 503 Server Capacity Uavailable. """ pass class ServiceUnavailable(Exception): """ Raised when the server returns 503 Service Unavailable. """ pass class Unauthorized(Exception): """ Raised when the server returns 401 Unauthorized. """ pass