/v2/compute/projects/{project_id}/cloud/nodes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .. contents:: POST /v2/compute/projects/**{project_id}**/cloud/nodes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Create a new cloud instance Parameters ********** - **project_id**: Project UUID Response status codes ********************** - **400**: Invalid request - **201**: Instance created - **409**: Conflict Input ******* Types +++++++++ HostInterfaces ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Interfaces on this host .. raw:: html
Name Mandatory Type Description
name string Interface name
special boolean If true the interface is non standard (firewire for example)
type enum Possible values: ethernet, tap
Body +++++++++ .. raw:: html
Name Mandatory Type Description
interfaces array
name string Cloud name
node_id Node UUID
ports_mapping array
remote_console_host ['string'] Remote console host or IP
remote_console_http_path string Path of the remote web interface
remote_console_port ['integer', 'null'] Console TCP port
remote_console_type enum Possible values: telnet, vnc, spice, http, https, none
Output ******* .. raw:: html
Name Mandatory Type Description
interfaces array
name string Cloud name
node_directory string Path to the VM working directory
node_id string Node UUID
ports_mapping array
project_id string Project UUID
remote_console_host ['string'] Remote console host or IP
remote_console_http_path string Path of the remote web interface
remote_console_port ['integer', 'null'] Console TCP port
remote_console_type enum Possible values: telnet, vnc, spice, http, https, none
status enum Possible values: started, stopped, suspended
Sample session *************** .. literalinclude:: ../../../examples/compute_post_projectsprojectidcloudnodes.txt