#!/usr/bin/env python # # Copyright (C) 2016 GNS3 Technologies Inc. # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . import os import sys import json import uuid import socket import shutil import aiohttp try: import importlib_resources except ImportError: from importlib import resources as importlib_resources from ..config import Config from .project import Project from .template import Template from .appliance import Appliance from .appliance_manager import ApplianceManager from .template_manager import TemplateManager from .compute import Compute, ComputeError from .notification import Notification from .symbols import Symbols from ..version import __version__ from .topology import load_topology from .gns3vm import GNS3VM from .gns3vm.gns3_vm_error import GNS3VMError from gns3server import configs as gns3_configs import logging log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class Controller: """ The controller is responsible to manage one or more computes. """ def __init__(self): self._computes = {} self._projects = {} self._notification = Notification(self) self.gns3vm = GNS3VM(self) self.symbols = Symbols() self._ssl_context = None self._appliance_manager = ApplianceManager() self._template_manager = TemplateManager() self._iou_license_settings = {"iourc_content": "", "license_check": True} self._config_loaded = False self._config_file = Config.instance().controller_config log.info("Load controller configuration file {}".format(self._config_file)) async def start(self): log.info("Controller is starting") self._load_base_files() server_config = Config.instance().get_section_config("Server") Config.instance().listen_for_config_changes(self._update_config) host = server_config.get("host", "localhost") port = server_config.getint("port", 3080) # clients will use the IP they use to connect to # the controller if console_host is console_host = host if host == "": host = "" name = socket.gethostname() if name == "gns3vm": name = "Main server" computes = self._load_controller_settings() from gns3server.web.web_server import WebServer self._ssl_context = WebServer.instance(host=host, port=port).ssl_context() protocol = server_config.get("protocol", "http") if self._ssl_context and protocol != "https": log.warning("Protocol changed to 'https' for local compute because SSL is enabled".format(port)) protocol = "https" try: self._local_server = await self.add_compute(compute_id="local", name=name, protocol=protocol, host=host, console_host=console_host, port=port, user=server_config.get("user", ""), password=server_config.get("password", ""), force=True, ssl_context=self._ssl_context) except aiohttp.web.HTTPConflict: log.fatal("Cannot access to the local server, make sure something else is not running on the TCP port {}".format(port)) sys.exit(1) for c in computes: try: await self.add_compute(**c) except (aiohttp.web.HTTPError, KeyError): pass # Skip not available servers at loading try: await self.gns3vm.auto_start_vm() except GNS3VMError as e: log.warning(str(e)) await self.load_projects() await self._project_auto_open() def ssl_context(self): """ Returns the SSL context for the server. """ return self._ssl_context def _update_config(self): """ Call this when the server configuration file changes. """ if self._local_server: server_config = Config.instance().get_section_config("Server") self._local_server.user = server_config.get("user") self._local_server.password = server_config.get("password") async def stop(self): log.info("Controller is stopping") for project in self._projects.values(): await project.close() for compute in self._computes.values(): try: await compute.close() # We don't care if a compute is down at this step except (ComputeError, aiohttp.web.HTTPError, OSError): pass await self.gns3vm.exit_vm() #self.save() self._computes = {} self._projects = {} async def reload(self): log.info("Controller is reloading") self._load_controller_settings() # remove all projects deleted from disk. for project in self._projects.copy().values(): if not os.path.exists(project.path) or not os.listdir(project.path): log.info(f"Project '{project.name}' doesn't exist on the disk anymore, closing...") await project.close() self.remove_project(project) await self.load_projects() await self._project_auto_open() def check_can_write_config(self): """ Check if the controller configuration can be written on disk :returns: boolean """ try: os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(self._config_file), exist_ok=True) if not os.access(self._config_file, os.W_OK): raise aiohttp.web.HTTPConflict(text="Change rejected, cannot write to controller configuration file '{}'".format(self._config_file)) except OSError as e: raise aiohttp.web.HTTPConflict(text="Change rejected: {}".format(e)) def save(self): """ Save the controller configuration on disk """ if self._config_loaded is False: return controller_settings = {"computes": [], "templates": [], "gns3vm": self.gns3vm.__json__(), "iou_license": self._iou_license_settings, "appliances_etag": self._appliance_manager.appliances_etag, "version": __version__} for template in self._template_manager.templates.values(): if not template.builtin: controller_settings["templates"].append(template.__json__()) for compute in self._computes.values(): if compute.id != "local" and compute.id != "vm": controller_settings["computes"].append({"host": compute.host, "name": compute.name, "port": compute.port, "protocol": compute.protocol, "user": compute.user, "password": compute.password, "compute_id": compute.id}) try: os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(self._config_file), exist_ok=True) with open(self._config_file, 'w+') as f: json.dump(controller_settings, f, indent=4) except OSError as e: log.error("Cannot write controller configuration file '{}': {}".format(self._config_file, e)) def _load_controller_settings(self): """ Reload the controller configuration from disk """ try: if not os.path.exists(self._config_file): self._config_loaded = True self.save() with open(self._config_file) as f: controller_settings = json.load(f) except (OSError, ValueError) as e: log.critical("Cannot load configuration file '{}': {}".format(self._config_file, e)) return [] # load GNS3 VM settings if "gns3vm" in controller_settings: gns3_vm_settings = controller_settings["gns3vm"] if "port" not in gns3_vm_settings: # port setting was added in version 2.2.8 # the default port was 3080 before this gns3_vm_settings["port"] = 3080 self.gns3vm.settings = gns3_vm_settings # load the IOU license settings if "iou_license" in controller_settings: self._iou_license_settings = controller_settings["iou_license"] self._appliance_manager.install_builtin_appliances() self._appliance_manager.appliances_etag = controller_settings.get("appliances_etag") self._appliance_manager.load_appliances() self._template_manager.load_templates(controller_settings.get("templates")) self._config_loaded = True return controller_settings.get("computes", []) async def load_projects(self): """ Preload the list of projects from disk """ server_config = Config.instance().get_section_config("Server") projects_path = os.path.expanduser(server_config.get("projects_path", "~/GNS3/projects")) os.makedirs(projects_path, exist_ok=True) try: for project_path in os.listdir(projects_path): project_dir = os.path.join(projects_path, project_path) if os.path.isdir(project_dir): for file in os.listdir(project_dir): if file.endswith(".gns3"): try: await self.load_project(os.path.join(project_dir, file), load=False) except (aiohttp.web.HTTPConflict, aiohttp.web.HTTPNotFound, NotImplementedError): pass # Skip not compatible projects except OSError as e: log.error(str(e)) def _load_base_files(self): """ At startup we copy base file to the user location to allow them to customize it """ dst_path = self.configs_path() try: if hasattr(sys, "frozen") and sys.platform.startswith("win"): resource_path = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.executable), "configs")) for filename in os.listdir(resource_path): if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(dst_path, filename)): shutil.copy(os.path.join(resource_path, filename), os.path.join(dst_path, filename)) else: for entry in importlib_resources.files(gns3_configs).iterdir(): if entry.is_file(): full_path = os.path.join(dst_path, entry.name) if not os.path.exists(full_path): log.debug(f"Installing base config file {entry.name} to {full_path}") shutil.copy(str(entry), os.path.join(dst_path, entry.name)) except OSError as e: log.error(f"Could not install base config files to {dst_path}: {e}") def images_path(self): """ Get the image storage directory """ server_config = Config.instance().get_section_config("Server") images_path = os.path.expanduser(server_config.get("images_path", "~/GNS3/images")) os.makedirs(images_path, exist_ok=True) return images_path def configs_path(self): """ Get the configs storage directory """ server_config = Config.instance().get_section_config("Server") configs_path = os.path.expanduser(server_config.get("configs_path", "~/GNS3/configs")) os.makedirs(configs_path, exist_ok=True) return configs_path async def add_compute(self, compute_id=None, name=None, force=False, connect=True, **kwargs): """ Add a server to the dictionary of computes controlled by this controller :param compute_id: Compute identifier :param name: Compute name :param force: True skip security check :param connect: True connect to the compute immediately :param kwargs: See the documentation of Compute """ if compute_id not in self._computes: # We disallow to create from the outside the local and VM server if (compute_id == 'local' or compute_id == 'vm') and not force: return None # It seem we have error with a gns3vm imported as a remote server and conflict # with GNS3 VM settings. That's why we ignore server name gns3vm if name == 'gns3vm': return None for compute in self._computes.values(): if name and compute.name == name and not force: raise aiohttp.web.HTTPConflict(text='Compute name "{}" already exists'.format(name)) compute = Compute(compute_id=compute_id, controller=self, name=name, **kwargs) self._computes[compute.id] = compute self.save() if connect: await compute.connect() self.notification.controller_emit("compute.created", compute.__json__()) return compute else: if connect: await self._computes[compute_id].connect() self.notification.controller_emit("compute.updated", self._computes[compute_id].__json__()) return self._computes[compute_id] async def close_compute_projects(self, compute): """ Close projects running on a compute """ for project in self._projects.values(): if compute in project.computes: await project.close() def compute_has_open_project(self, compute): """ Check is compute has a project opened. :returns: True if a project is open """ for project in self._projects.values(): if compute in project.computes and project.status == "opened": return True return False async def delete_compute(self, compute_id): """ Delete a compute node. Project using this compute will be close :param compute_id: Compute identifier """ try: compute = self.get_compute(compute_id) except aiohttp.web.HTTPNotFound: return await self.close_compute_projects(compute) await compute.close() del self._computes[compute_id] self.save() self.notification.controller_emit("compute.deleted", compute.__json__()) @property def notification(self): """ The notification system """ return self._notification @property def computes(self): """ :returns: The dictionary of computes managed by this controller """ return self._computes def get_compute(self, compute_id): """ Returns a compute or raise a 404 error. """ try: return self._computes[compute_id] except KeyError: if compute_id == "vm": raise aiohttp.web.HTTPNotFound(text="Cannot use a node on the GNS3 VM server with the GNS3 VM not configured") raise aiohttp.web.HTTPNotFound(text="Compute ID {} doesn't exist".format(compute_id)) def has_compute(self, compute_id): """ Return True if the compute exist in the controller """ return compute_id in self._computes async def add_project(self, project_id=None, name=None, path=None, **kwargs): """ Creates a project or returns an existing project :param project_id: Project ID :param name: Project name :param kwargs: See the documentation of Project """ if project_id not in self._projects: for project in self._projects.values(): if name and project.name == name: if path and path == project.path: raise aiohttp.web.HTTPConflict(text='Project "{}" already exists in location "{}"'.format(name, path)) else: raise aiohttp.web.HTTPConflict(text='Project "{}" already exists'.format(name)) project = Project(project_id=project_id, controller=self, name=name, path=path, **kwargs) self._projects[project.id] = project return self._projects[project.id] return self._projects[project_id] def get_project(self, project_id): """ Returns a project or raise a 404 error. """ try: return self._projects[project_id] except KeyError: raise aiohttp.web.HTTPNotFound(text="Project ID {} doesn't exist".format(project_id)) async def get_loaded_project(self, project_id): """ Returns a project or raise a 404 error. If project is not finished to load wait for it """ project = self.get_project(project_id) await project.wait_loaded() return project def remove_project(self, project): if project.id in self._projects: del self._projects[project.id] async def load_project(self, path, load=True): """ Load a project from a .gns3 :param path: Path of the .gns3 :param load: Load the topology """ topo_data = load_topology(path) topo_data.pop("topology") topo_data.pop("version") topo_data.pop("revision") topo_data.pop("type") if topo_data["project_id"] in self._projects: project = self._projects[topo_data["project_id"]] else: project = await self.add_project(path=os.path.dirname(path), status="closed", filename=os.path.basename(path), **topo_data) if load or project.auto_open: await project.open() return project async def _project_auto_open(self): """ Auto open the project with auto open enable """ for project in self._projects.values(): if project.auto_open: await project.open() def get_free_project_name(self, base_name): """ Generate a free project name base on the base name """ names = [p.name for p in self._projects.values()] if base_name not in names: return base_name i = 1 projects_path = self.projects_directory() while True: new_name = "{}-{}".format(base_name, i) if new_name not in names and not os.path.exists(os.path.join(projects_path, new_name)): break i += 1 if i > 1000000: raise aiohttp.web.HTTPConflict(text="A project name could not be allocated (node limit reached?)") return new_name @property def projects(self): """ :returns: The dictionary of projects managed by the controller """ return self._projects @property def appliance_manager(self): """ :returns: Appliance Manager instance """ return self._appliance_manager @property def template_manager(self): """ :returns: Template Manager instance """ return self._template_manager @property def iou_license(self): """ :returns: The dictionary of IOU license settings """ return self._iou_license_settings def projects_directory(self): server_config = Config.instance().get_section_config("Server") return os.path.expanduser(server_config.get("projects_path", "~/GNS3/projects")) @staticmethod def instance(): """ Singleton to return only on instance of Controller. :returns: instance of Controller """ if not hasattr(Controller, '_instance') or Controller._instance is None: Controller._instance = Controller() return Controller._instance async def autoidlepc(self, compute_id, platform, image, ram): """ Compute and IDLE PC value for an image :param compute_id: ID of the compute where the idlepc operation need to run :param platform: Platform type :param image: Image to use :param ram: amount of RAM to use """ compute = self.get_compute(compute_id) for project in list(self._projects.values()): if project.name == "AUTOIDLEPC": await project.delete() self.remove_project(project) project = await self.add_project(name="AUTOIDLEPC") node = await project.add_node(compute, "AUTOIDLEPC", str(uuid.uuid4()), node_type="dynamips", platform=platform, image=image, ram=ram) res = await node.dynamips_auto_idlepc() await project.delete() self.remove_project(project) return res async def compute_ports(self, compute_id): """ Get the ports used by a compute. :param compute_id: ID of the compute """ compute = self.get_compute(compute_id) response = await compute.get("/network/ports") return response.json