#!/usr/bin/env python # # Copyright (C) 2018 GNS3 Technologies Inc. # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . import sys import logging import asyncio import psutil import ipaddress from .base_gns3_vm import BaseGNS3VM from .gns3_vm_error import GNS3VMError log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class HyperVGNS3VM(BaseGNS3VM): _HYPERV_VM_STATE_ENABLED = 2 _HYPERV_VM_STATE_DISABLED = 3 _HYPERV_VM_STATE_SHUTDOWN = 4 _HYPERV_VM_STATE_PAUSED = 9 _WMI_JOB_STATUS_STARTED = 4096 _WMI_JOB_STATE_RUNNING = 4 _WMI_JOB_STATE_COMPLETED = 7 def __init__(self, controller): self._engine = "hyper-v" super().__init__(controller) self._conn = None self._vm = None self._management = None self._wmi = None def _check_requirements(self): """ Checks if the GNS3 VM can run on Hyper-V. """ if not sys.platform.startswith("win"): raise GNS3VMError("Hyper-V is only supported on Windows") if sys.getwindowsversion().platform_version[0] < 10: raise GNS3VMError("Windows 10/Windows Server 2016 or a later version is required to run Hyper-V with nested virtualization enabled (version {} detected)".format(sys.getwindowsversion().platform_version[0])) is_windows_10 = sys.getwindowsversion().platform_version[0] == 10 and sys.getwindowsversion().platform_version[1] == 0 if is_windows_10 and sys.getwindowsversion().platform_version[2] < 14393: raise GNS3VMError("Hyper-V with nested virtualization is only supported on Windows 10 Anniversary Update (build 10.0.14393) or later") try: import pythoncom pythoncom.CoInitialize() import wmi self._wmi = wmi conn = self._wmi.WMI() except self._wmi.x_wmi as e: raise GNS3VMError("Could not connect to WMI: {}".format(e)) if not conn.Win32_ComputerSystem()[0].HypervisorPresent: raise GNS3VMError("Hyper-V is not installed or activated") if conn.Win32_Processor()[0].Manufacturer != "GenuineIntel": if is_windows_10 and conn.Win32_Processor()[0].Manufacturer == "AuthenticAMD": if sys.getwindowsversion().platform_version[2] < 19640: raise GNS3VMError("Windows 10 (build 10.0.19640) or later is required by Hyper-V to support nested virtualization with AMD processors") else: raise GNS3VMError("An Intel processor is required by Hyper-V to support nested virtualization on this version of Windows") # This is not reliable #if not conn.Win32_Processor()[0].VirtualizationFirmwareEnabled: # raise GNS3VMError("Nested Virtualization (VT-x) is not enabled on this system") def _connect(self): """ Connects to local host using WMI. """ self._check_requirements() try: self._conn = self._wmi.WMI(namespace=r"root\virtualization\v2") except self._wmi.x_wmi as e: raise GNS3VMError("Could not connect to WMI: {}".format(e)) if not self._conn.Msvm_VirtualSystemManagementService(): raise GNS3VMError("The Windows account running GNS3 does not have the required permissions for Hyper-V") self._management = self._conn.Msvm_VirtualSystemManagementService()[0] def _find_vm(self, vm_name): """ Finds a Hyper-V VM. """ if self._conn is None: self._connect() vms = self._conn.Msvm_ComputerSystem(ElementName=vm_name) nb_vms = len(vms) if nb_vms == 0: return None elif nb_vms > 1: raise GNS3VMError("Duplicate VM name found for {}".format(vm_name)) else: return vms[0] def _is_running(self): """ Checks if the VM is running. """ if self._vm is not None and self._vm.EnabledState == HyperVGNS3VM._HYPERV_VM_STATE_ENABLED: return True return False def _get_vm_setting_data(self, vm): """ Gets the VM settings. :param vm: VM instance """ vm_settings = vm.associators(wmi_result_class='Msvm_VirtualSystemSettingData') return [s for s in vm_settings if s.VirtualSystemType == 'Microsoft:Hyper-V:System:Realized'][0] def _get_vm_resources(self, vm, resource_class): """ Gets specific VM resource. :param vm: VM instance :param resource_class: resource class name """ setting_data = self._get_vm_setting_data(vm) return setting_data.associators(wmi_result_class=resource_class) def _set_vcpus_ram(self, vcpus, ram): """ Set the number of vCPU cores and amount of RAM for the GNS3 VM. :param vcpus: number of vCPU cores :param ram: amount of RAM """ available_vcpus = psutil.cpu_count(logical=False) if vcpus > available_vcpus: raise GNS3VMError("You have allocated too many vCPUs for the GNS3 VM! (max available is {} vCPUs)".format(available_vcpus)) try: mem_settings = self._get_vm_resources(self._vm, 'Msvm_MemorySettingData')[0] cpu_settings = self._get_vm_resources(self._vm, 'Msvm_ProcessorSettingData')[0] mem_settings.VirtualQuantity = ram mem_settings.Reservation = ram mem_settings.Limit = ram self._management.ModifyResourceSettings(ResourceSettings=[mem_settings.GetText_(1)]) cpu_settings.VirtualQuantity = vcpus cpu_settings.Reservation = vcpus cpu_settings.Limit = 100000 # use 100% of CPU cpu_settings.ExposeVirtualizationExtensions = True # allow the VM to use nested virtualization self._management.ModifyResourceSettings(ResourceSettings=[cpu_settings.GetText_(1)]) log.info("GNS3 VM vCPU count set to {} and RAM amount set to {}".format(vcpus, ram)) except Exception as e: raise GNS3VMError("Could not set to {} and RAM amount set to {}: {}".format(vcpus, ram, e)) async def list(self): """ List all Hyper-V VMs """ if self._conn is None or self._management is None: self._connect() vms = [] try: for vm in self._conn.Msvm_ComputerSystem(): if vm.ElementName != self._management.SystemName: vms.append({"vmname": vm.ElementName}) except self._wmi.x_wmi as e: raise GNS3VMError("Could not list Hyper-V VMs: {}".format(e)) return vms def _get_wmi_obj(self, path): """ Gets the WMI object. """ return self._wmi.WMI(moniker=path.replace('\\', '/')) async def _set_state(self, state): """ Set the desired state of the VM """ if not self._vm: self._vm = self._find_vm(self.vmname) if not self._vm: raise GNS3VMError("Could not find Hyper-V VM {}".format(self.vmname)) job_path, ret = self._vm.RequestStateChange(state) if ret == HyperVGNS3VM._WMI_JOB_STATUS_STARTED: job = self._get_wmi_obj(job_path) while job.JobState == HyperVGNS3VM._WMI_JOB_STATE_RUNNING: await asyncio.sleep(0.1) job = self._get_wmi_obj(job_path) if job.JobState != HyperVGNS3VM._WMI_JOB_STATE_COMPLETED: raise GNS3VMError("Error while changing state: {}".format(job.ErrorSummaryDescription)) elif ret != 0 or ret != 32775: raise GNS3VMError("Failed to change state to {}".format(state)) async def _is_vm_network_active(self): """ Check if WMI is updated with VM virtual network adapters and wait until their count becomes > 0 ProtocolIFType Unknown (0) Other (1) IPv4 (4096) IPv6 (4097) IPv4/v6 (4098) """ wql = "SELECT * FROM Msvm_GuestNetworkAdapterConfiguration WHERE InstanceID like \ 'Microsoft:GuestNetwork\\" + self._vm.Name + "%' and ProtocolIFType > 0 " nic_count = len(self._conn.query(wql)) while nic_count == 0: await asyncio.sleep(0.1) # 100ms nic_count = len(self._conn.query(wql)) async def start(self): """ Starts the GNS3 VM. """ self._vm = self._find_vm(self.vmname) if not self._vm: raise GNS3VMError("Could not find Hyper-V VM {}".format(self.vmname)) if not self._is_running(): log.info("Update GNS3 VM settings (CPU and RAM)") # set the number of vCPUs and amount of RAM self._set_vcpus_ram(self.vcpus, self.ram) # start the VM try: await self._set_state(HyperVGNS3VM._HYPERV_VM_STATE_ENABLED) except GNS3VMError as e: raise GNS3VMError("Failed to start the GNS3 VM: {}".format(e)) log.info("GNS3 VM has been started") # check if VM network is active await self._is_vm_network_active() # Get the guest IP address # LIS (Linux Integration Services) must be installed on the guest # See https://oitibs.com/hyper-v-lis-on-ubuntu-18-04/ for details. trial = 120 guest_ip_address = "" log.info("Waiting for GNS3 VM IP") ports = self._get_vm_resources(self._vm, 'Msvm_EthernetPortAllocationSettingData') vnics = self._get_vm_resources(self._vm, 'Msvm_SyntheticEthernetPortSettingData') while True: for port in ports: try: vnic = [v for v in vnics if port.Parent == v.path_()][0] except IndexError: continue config = vnic.associators(wmi_result_class='Msvm_GuestNetworkAdapterConfiguration') ip_addresses = config[0].IPAddresses for ip_address in ip_addresses: # take the first valid IPv4 address try: ipaddress.IPv4Address(ip_address) guest_ip_address = ip_address except ipaddress.AddressValueError: continue if len(ip_addresses): guest_ip_address = ip_addresses[0] break trial -= 1 if guest_ip_address: break elif trial == 0: raise GNS3VMError("Could not find guest IP address for {}".format(self.vmname)) await asyncio.sleep(1) self.ip_address = guest_ip_address log.info("GNS3 VM IP address set to {}".format(guest_ip_address)) self.running = True async def suspend(self): """ Suspends the GNS3 VM. """ try: await self._set_state(HyperVGNS3VM._HYPERV_VM_STATE_PAUSED) except GNS3VMError as e: raise GNS3VMError("Failed to suspend the GNS3 VM: {}".format(e)) log.info("GNS3 VM has been suspended") self.running = False async def stop(self): """ Stops the GNS3 VM. """ try: await self._set_state(HyperVGNS3VM._HYPERV_VM_STATE_SHUTDOWN) except GNS3VMError as e: raise GNS3VMError("Failed to stop the GNS3 VM: {}".format(e)) log.info("GNS3 VM has been stopped") self.running = False