#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (C) 2021 GNS3 Technologies Inc.
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

import os
import pytest
import hashlib

from sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio import AsyncSession
from fastapi import FastAPI, status
from httpx import AsyncClient
from tests.utils import AsyncioMagicMock

from gns3server.controller import Controller
from gns3server.db.repositories.images import ImagesRepository
from gns3server.db.repositories.templates import TemplatesRepository
from gns3server.compute.qemu import Qemu

pytestmark = pytest.mark.asyncio

def iou_32_bit_image(tmpdir) -> str:
    Create a fake IOU image on disk

    path = os.path.join(tmpdir, "iou_32bit.bin")
    with open(path, "wb+") as f:
    return path

def iou_64_bit_image(tmpdir) -> str:
    Create a fake IOU image on disk

    path = os.path.join(tmpdir, "iou_64bit.bin")
    with open(path, "wb+") as f:
    return path

def ios_image(tmpdir) -> str:
    Create a fake IOS image on disk

    path = os.path.join(tmpdir, "ios_image.bin")
    with open(path, "wb+") as f:
    return path

def qcow2_image(tmpdir) -> str:
    Create a fake Qemu qcow2 image on disk

    path = os.path.join(tmpdir, "image.qcow2")
    with open(path, "wb+") as f:
    return path

def invalid_image(tmpdir) -> str:
    Create a fake invalid image on disk

    path = os.path.join(tmpdir, "invalid_image.bin")
    with open(path, "wb+") as f:
    return path

def empty_image(tmpdir) -> str:
    Create a fake empty image on disk

    path = os.path.join(tmpdir, "empty_image.bin")
    with open(path, "wb+") as f:
    return path

class TestImageRoutes:

    async def test_create_image(self, app: FastAPI, client: AsyncClient, images_dir) -> None:

        Qemu.instance().create_disk_image = AsyncioMagicMock()
        path = os.path.join(os.path.join(images_dir, "QEMU", "new_image.qcow2"))
        with open(path, "wb+") as f:
        image_name = os.path.basename(path)
        response = await client.post(
            app.url_path_for("create_qemu_image", image_path=image_name), json={"format": "qcow2", "size": 30})
        assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_201_CREATED

        "image_type, fixture_name, valid_request",
            ("iou", "iou_32_bit_image", True),
            ("iou", "iou_64_bit_image", True),
            ("iou", "invalid_image", False),
            ("ios", "ios_image", True),
            ("ios", "invalid_image", False),
            ("qemu", "qcow2_image", True),
            ("qemu", "empty_image", False)
    async def test_upload_image(
            app: FastAPI,
            client: AsyncClient,
            images_dir: str,
            image_type: str,
            fixture_name: str,
            valid_request: bool,
    ) -> None:

        image_path = request.getfixturevalue(fixture_name)
        image_name = os.path.basename(image_path)
        image_checksum = hashlib.md5()
        with open(image_path, "rb") as f:
            image_data = f.read()

        response = await client.post(
            app.url_path_for("upload_image", image_path=image_name),

        if valid_request:
            assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_201_CREATED
            assert response.json()["filename"] == image_name
            assert response.json()["checksum"] == image_checksum.hexdigest()
            assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(images_dir, image_type.upper(), image_name))
            assert response.status_code != status.HTTP_201_CREATED

    async def test_image_list(self, app: FastAPI, client: AsyncClient) -> None:

        response = await client.get(app.url_path_for("get_images"))
        assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_200_OK
        assert len(response.json()) == 5  # 4 valid images uploaded before + 1 created

    async def test_image_get(self, app: FastAPI, client: AsyncClient, qcow2_image: str) -> None:

        image_name = os.path.basename(qcow2_image)
        response = await client.get(app.url_path_for("get_image", image_path=image_name))
        assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_200_OK
        assert response.json()["filename"] == image_name

    async def test_same_image_is_uploaded(self, app: FastAPI, client: AsyncClient, qcow2_image: str) -> None:

        image_name = os.path.basename(qcow2_image)
        with open(qcow2_image, "rb") as f:
            image_data = f.read()
        response = await client.post(
            app.url_path_for("upload_image", image_path=image_name),
        assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_201_CREATED

    async def test_image_delete(self, app: FastAPI, client: AsyncClient, qcow2_image: str) -> None:

        image_name = os.path.basename(qcow2_image)
        response = await client.delete(app.url_path_for("delete_image", image_path=image_name))
        assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_204_NO_CONTENT

    async def test_not_found_image(self, app: FastAPI, client: AsyncClient, qcow2_image: str) -> None:

        image_name = os.path.basename(qcow2_image)
        response = await client.get(app.url_path_for("get_image", image_path=image_name))
        assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND

    async def test_image_deleted_on_disk(self, app: FastAPI, client: AsyncClient, images_dir: str, qcow2_image: str) -> None:

        image_name = os.path.basename(qcow2_image)
        with open(qcow2_image, "rb") as f:
            image_data = f.read()
        response = await client.post(
            app.url_path_for("upload_image", image_path=image_name),
        assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_201_CREATED

        response = await client.delete(app.url_path_for("delete_image", image_path=image_name))
        assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_204_NO_CONTENT
        assert not os.path.exists(os.path.join(images_dir, "QEMU", image_name))

        "subdir, expected_result",
            ("subdir", status.HTTP_201_CREATED),
            ("subdir", status.HTTP_201_CREATED),
            ("subdir2", status.HTTP_201_CREATED),
    async def test_upload_image_subdir(
            app: FastAPI,
            client: AsyncClient,
            images_dir: str,
            qcow2_image: str,
            subdir: str,
            expected_result: int,
            db_session: AsyncSession
    ) -> None:

        image_name = os.path.basename(qcow2_image)
        with open(qcow2_image, "rb") as f:
            image_data = f.read()
        image_path = os.path.join(subdir, image_name)
        response = await client.post(
            app.url_path_for("upload_image", image_path=image_path),
        assert response.status_code == expected_result

    async def test_image_delete_multiple_match(
            app: FastAPI,
            client: AsyncClient,
            qcow2_image: str
    ) -> None:

        image_name = os.path.basename(qcow2_image)
        response = await client.delete(app.url_path_for("delete_image", image_path=image_name))
        assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST

    async def test_image_delete_with_subdir(
            app: FastAPI,
            client: AsyncClient,
            qcow2_image: str
    ) -> None:

        image_name = os.path.basename(qcow2_image)
        image_path = os.path.join("subdir", image_name)
        response = await client.delete(app.url_path_for("delete_image", image_path=image_path))
        assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_204_NO_CONTENT

    async def test_prune_images(self, app: FastAPI, client: AsyncClient, db_session: AsyncSession) -> None:

        response = await client.post(app.url_path_for("prune_images"))
        assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_204_NO_CONTENT

        images_repo = ImagesRepository(db_session)
        images_in_db = await images_repo.get_images()
        assert len(images_in_db) == 0

    async def test_image_upload_create_appliance(
            self, app: FastAPI,
            client: AsyncClient,
            db_session: AsyncSession,
            controller: Controller
    ) -> None:

        controller.appliance_manager.load_appliances()  # make sure appliances are loaded
        image_path = "tests/resources/empty30G.qcow2"
        image_name = os.path.basename(image_path)
        with open(image_path, "rb") as f:
            image_data = f.read()
        response = await client.post(
            app.url_path_for("upload_image", image_path=image_name),
            params={"install_appliances": "true"},
        assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_201_CREATED

        templates_repo = TemplatesRepository(db_session)
        templates = await templates_repo.get_templates()
        assert len(templates) == 1
        assert templates[0].name == "Empty VM"
        assert templates[0].version == "30G"