from gns3server.modules.dynamips import NIO_UDP from gns3server.modules.dynamips import NIO_UDP_auto from gns3server.modules.dynamips import NIO_FIFO from gns3server.modules.dynamips import NIO_Mcast from gns3server.modules.dynamips import NIO_Null from gns3server.modules.dynamips import DynamipsError import pytest # TODO: test UNIX, TAP, VDE, generic Ethernet and Linux Ethernet NIOs def test_nio_udp(hypervisor): nio1 = NIO_UDP(hypervisor, 10001, "", 10002) assert nio1.lport == 10001 nio2 = NIO_UDP(hypervisor, 10002, "", 10001) assert nio2.lport == 10002 nio1.delete() nio2.delete() def test_nio_udp_auto(hypervisor): nio1 = NIO_UDP_auto(hypervisor, "", 10001, 10010) assert nio1.lport == 10001 nio2 = NIO_UDP_auto(hypervisor, "", 10001, 10010) assert nio2.lport == 10002 nio1.connect("", nio2.lport) nio2.connect("", nio1.lport) nio1.delete() nio2.delete() def test_nio_fifo(hypervisor): nio1 = NIO_FIFO(hypervisor) nio2 = NIO_FIFO(hypervisor) nio1.crossconnect(nio2) assert nio1.list() nio1.delete() nio2.delete() def test_nio_mcast(hypervisor): nio1 = NIO_Mcast(hypervisor, "", 10001) assert == "" assert nio1.port == 10001 nio1.ttl = 254 assert nio1.ttl == 254 nio2 = NIO_UDP(hypervisor, 10002, "", 10001) nio1.delete() nio2.delete() def test_nio_null(hypervisor): nio = NIO_Null(hypervisor) assert nio.list() nio.delete() def test_rename_nio(hypervisor): nio = NIO_Null(hypervisor) assert"nio_null") nio.rename("test") assert == "test" nio.delete() def test_debug_nio(hypervisor): nio = NIO_Null(hypervisor) nio.debug(1) nio.debug(0) nio.delete() def test_bind_unbind_filter(hypervisor): nio = NIO_Null(hypervisor) nio.bind_filter("both", "freq_drop") assert nio.input_filter == ("freq_drop", None) assert nio.output_filter == ("freq_drop", None) nio.unbind_filter("both") nio.bind_filter("in", "capture") assert nio.input_filter == ("capture", None) nio.unbind_filter("in") nio.delete() def test_bind_unknown_filter(hypervisor): nio = NIO_Null(hypervisor) with pytest.raises(DynamipsError): nio.bind_filter("both", "my_filter") nio.delete() def test_unbind_with_no_filter_applied(hypervisor): nio = NIO_Null(hypervisor) with pytest.raises(DynamipsError): nio.unbind_filter("out") nio.delete() def test_setup_filter(hypervisor): nio = NIO_Null(hypervisor) nio.bind_filter("in", "freq_drop") nio.setup_filter("in", "5") # drop every 5th packet assert nio.input_filter == ("freq_drop", "5") nio.unbind_filter("in") nio.delete() def test_get_stats(hypervisor): nio = NIO_Null(hypervisor) assert nio.get_stats() == "0 0 0 0" # nothing has been transmitted or received nio.delete() def test_reset_stats(hypervisor): nio = NIO_Null(hypervisor) nio.reset_stats() nio.delete() def test_set_bandwidth(hypervisor): nio = NIO_Null(hypervisor) assert nio.bandwidth == None # no constraint by default nio.set_bandwidth(1000) # bandwidth = 1000 Kb/s assert nio.bandwidth == 1000 nio.delete()