
.. contents::

POST /v1/projects/**{project_id}**/qemu/vms/**{vm_id}**/adapters/**{adapter_number:\d+}**/ports/**{port_number:\d+}**/nio
Add a NIO to a Qemu VM instance

- **adapter_number**: Network adapter where the nio is located
- **project_id**: UUID for the project
- **vm_id**: UUID for the instance
- **port_number**: Port on the adapter (always 0)

Response status codes
- **400**: Invalid request
- **201**: NIO created
- **404**: Instance doesn't exist

Sample session

.. literalinclude:: ../../examples/post_projectsprojectidqemuvmsvmidadaptersadapternumberdportsportnumberdnio.txt

DELETE /v1/projects/**{project_id}**/qemu/vms/**{vm_id}**/adapters/**{adapter_number:\d+}**/ports/**{port_number:\d+}**/nio
Remove a NIO from a Qemu VM instance

- **adapter_number**: Network adapter where the nio is located
- **project_id**: UUID for the project
- **vm_id**: UUID for the instance
- **port_number**: Port on the adapter (always 0)

Response status codes
- **400**: Invalid request
- **404**: Instance doesn't exist
- **204**: NIO deleted

Sample session

.. literalinclude:: ../../examples/delete_projectsprojectidqemuvmsvmidadaptersadapternumberdportsportnumberdnio.txt