{ "name": "DANOS", "category": "router", "description": "The Disaggregated Network Operating System (DANOS) project enables community collaboration across network hardware, forwarding, and operating system layers. DANOS is initially based on AT&T’s “dNOS” software framework of a more open, cost-effective and flexible alternative to traditional networking equipment. As part of The Linux Foundation, it now incorporates contributions from complementary open source communities in building a standardized distributed Network Operating System (NOS) to speed the adoption and use of white boxes in a service provider’s infrastructure.", "vendor_name": "Linux", "vendor_url": "https://www.danosproject.org/", "documentation_url": "https://danosproject.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/DAN/pages/753667/DANOS+1908", "product_name": "DANOS", "product_url": "https://www.danosproject.org/", "registry_version": 4, "status": "stable", "symbol": ":/symbols/affinity/circle/gray/router_cloud.svg", "maintainer": "GNS3 Team", "maintainer_email": "developers@gns3.net", "usage": "Default username/password is vyatta/vyatta. DANOS will live boot and drop into a shell. DANOS can then be installed inside the VM by typing install image. Defaults to using a telnet console, but the vnc console can provide additional help if it's not booting.", "port_name_format": "dp0p{1}s{0}", "qemu": { "cpus": 2, "adapter_type": "virtio-net-pci", "adapters": 3, "ram": 4096, "arch": "x86_64", "console_type": "telnet", "boot_priority": "dc", "kvm": "allow", "options": "-cpu host" }, "images": [ { "filename": "danos-1908-amd64-vrouter.iso", "version": "1908", "md5sum": "e850b6aa2859de1075c11b9149fa50f4", "filesize": 409993216, "download_url": "https://danosproject.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/DAN/pages/753667/DANOS+1908", "direct_download_url": "http://repos.danosproject.org.s3-website-us-west-1.amazonaws.com/images/danos-1908-amd64-vrouter.iso" }, { "filename": "empty8G.qcow2", "version": "1.0", "md5sum": "f1d2c25b6990f99bd05b433ab603bdb4", "filesize": 197120, "download_url": "https://sourceforge.net/projects/gns-3/files/Empty%20Qemu%20disk/", "direct_download_url": "https://sourceforge.net/projects/gns-3/files/Empty%20Qemu%20disk/empty8G.qcow2/download" } ], "versions": [ { "name": "danos-1908-amd64-vrouter", "images": { "hda_disk_image": "empty8G.qcow2", "cdrom_image": "danos-1908-amd64-vrouter.iso" } } ] }