# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright (C) 2015 GNS3 Technologies Inc. # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . import sys import json import urllib import asyncio import aiohttp import logging import urllib import traceback import jsonschema log = logging.getLogger(__name__) from ..compute.error import NodeError, ImageMissingError from ..controller.controller_error import ControllerError from ..ubridge.ubridge_error import UbridgeError from ..controller.gns3_vm_error import GNS3VMError from .response import Response from ..crash_report import CrashReport from ..config import Config @asyncio.coroutine def parse_request(request, input_schema, raw): """Parse body of request and raise HTTP errors in case of problems""" content_length = request.content_length if content_length is not None and content_length > 0 and not raw: body = yield from request.read() try: request.json = json.loads(body.decode('utf-8')) except ValueError as e: request.json = {"malformed_json": body.decode('utf-8')} raise aiohttp.web.HTTPBadRequest(text="Invalid JSON {}".format(e)) else: request.json = {} # Parse the query string if len(request.query_string) > 0: for (k, v) in urllib.parse.parse_qs(request.query_string).items(): request.json[k] = v[0] if input_schema: try: jsonschema.validate(request.json, input_schema) except jsonschema.ValidationError as e: log.error("Invalid input query. JSON schema error: {}".format(e.message)) raise aiohttp.web.HTTPBadRequest(text="Invalid JSON: {} in schema: {}".format( e.message, json.dumps(e.schema))) return request class Route(object): """ Decorator adding: * json schema verification * routing inside handlers * documentation information about endpoints """ _routes = [] _documentation = {} _node_locks = {} @classmethod def get(cls, path, *args, **kw): return cls._route('GET', path, *args, **kw) @classmethod def post(cls, path, *args, **kw): return cls._route('POST', path, *args, **kw) @classmethod def put(cls, path, *args, **kw): return cls._route('PUT', path, *args, **kw) @classmethod def delete(cls, path, *args, **kw): return cls._route('DELETE', path, *args, **kw) @classmethod def authenticate(cls, request, route, server_config): """ Ask user for authentication :returns: Response if you need to auth the user otherwise None """ if not server_config.getboolean("auth", False): return user = server_config.get("user", "").strip() password = server_config.get("password", "").strip() if len(user) == 0: return if "AUTHORIZATION" in request.headers: if request.headers["AUTHORIZATION"] == aiohttp.helpers.BasicAuth(user, password).encode(): return log.error("Invalid auth. Username should %s", user) response = Response(request=request, route=route) response.set_status(401) response.headers["WWW-Authenticate"] = 'Basic realm="GNS3 server"' # Force close the keep alive. Work around a Qt issue where Qt timeout instead of handling the 401 # this happen only for the first query send by the client. response.force_close() return response @classmethod def _route(cls, method, path, *args, **kw): # This block is executed only the first time output_schema = kw.get("output", {}) input_schema = kw.get("input", {}) api_version = kw.get("api_version", 2) raw = kw.get("raw", False) def register(func): # Add the type of server to the route if "controller" in func.__module__: route = "/v{version}{path}".format(path=path, version=api_version) elif "compute" in func.__module__: route = "/v{version}/compute{path}".format(path=path, version=api_version) else: route = path # Compute metadata for the documentation if api_version: handler = func.__module__.replace("_handler", "").replace("gns3server.handlers.api.", "") cls._documentation.setdefault(handler, {}) cls._documentation[handler].setdefault(route, {"api_version": api_version, "controller": kw.get("controller", False), "methods": []}) cls._documentation[handler][route]["methods"].append({ "method": method, "status_codes": kw.get("status_codes", {200: "OK"}), "parameters": kw.get("parameters", {}), "output_schema": output_schema, "input_schema": input_schema, "description": kw.get("description", ""), }) func = asyncio.coroutine(func) @asyncio.coroutine def control_schema(request): # This block is executed at each method call server_config = Config.instance().get_section_config("Server") # Authenticate response = cls.authenticate(request, route, server_config) if response: return response try: # Non API call if api_version is None or raw is True: response = Response(request=request, route=route, output_schema=output_schema) request = yield from parse_request(request, None, raw) yield from func(request, response) return response # API call if "controller" in func.__module__ and server_config.getboolean("controller", False) is False: raise aiohttp.web.HTTPForbidden(text="The server is not a controller") request = yield from parse_request(request, input_schema, raw) record_file = server_config.get("record") if record_file: try: with open(record_file, "a", encoding="utf-8") as f: f.write("curl -X {} 'http://{}{}' -d '{}'".format(request.method, request.host, request.path_qs, json.dumps(request.json))) f.write("\n") except OSError as e: log.warn("Could not write to the record file {}: {}".format(record_file, e)) response = Response(request=request, route=route, output_schema=output_schema) yield from func(request, response) except aiohttp.web.HTTPBadRequest as e: response = Response(request=request, route=route) response.set_status(e.status) response.json({"message": e.text, "status": e.status, "path": route, "request": request.json, "method": request.method}) except aiohttp.web.HTTPException as e: response = Response(request=request, route=route) response.set_status(e.status) response.json({"message": e.text, "status": e.status}) except (ControllerError, GNS3VMError) as e: log.error("Controller error detected: {type}".format(type=type(e)), exc_info=1) response = Response(request=request, route=route) response.set_status(409) response.json({"message": str(e), "status": 409}) except (NodeError, UbridgeError) as e: log.error("Node error detected: {type}".format(type=e.__class__.__name__), exc_info=1) response = Response(request=request, route=route) response.set_status(409) response.json({"message": str(e), "status": 409, "exception": e.__class__.__name__}) except (ImageMissingError) as e: log.error("Image missing error detected: {}".format(e.image)) response = Response(request=request, route=route) response.set_status(409) response.json({"message": str(e), "status": 409, "image": e.image, "exception": e.__class__.__name__}) except asyncio.futures.CancelledError as e: response = Response(request=request, route=route) response.set_status(408) response.json({"message": "Request canceled", "status": 408}) except aiohttp.ClientDisconnectedError: log.warn("Client disconnected") response = Response(request=request, route=route) response.set_status(408) response.json({"message": "Client disconnected", "status": 408}) except ConnectionResetError: log.error("Client connection reset") response = Response(request=request, route=route) response.set_status(408) response.json({"message": "Connection reset", "status": 408}) except Exception as e: log.error("Uncaught exception detected: {type}".format(type=type(e)), exc_info=1) response = Response(request=request, route=route) response.set_status(500) CrashReport.instance().capture_exception(request) exc_type, exc_value, exc_tb = sys.exc_info() lines = traceback.format_exception(exc_type, exc_value, exc_tb) if api_version is not None: tb = "".join(lines) response.json({"message": tb, "status": 500}) else: tb = "\n".join(lines) response.html("

Internal error

".format(tb)) return response @asyncio.coroutine def node_concurrency(request): """ To avoid strange effect we prevent concurrency between the same instance of the node """ if "node_id" in request.match_info: node_id = request.match_info.get("node_id") if "compute" in request.path: type = "compute" else: type = "controller" lock_key = "{}:{}:{}".format(type, request.match_info["project_id"], node_id) cls._node_locks.setdefault(lock_key, {"lock": asyncio.Lock(), "concurrency": 0}) cls._node_locks[lock_key]["concurrency"] += 1 with (yield from cls._node_locks[lock_key]["lock"]): response = yield from control_schema(request) cls._node_locks[lock_key]["concurrency"] -= 1 # No more waiting requests, garbage collect the lock if cls._node_locks[lock_key]["concurrency"] <= 0: del cls._node_locks[lock_key] else: response = yield from control_schema(request) return response cls._routes.append((method, route, node_concurrency)) return node_concurrency return register @classmethod def get_routes(cls): return cls._routes @classmethod def get_documentation(cls): return cls._documentation