certifi>=2023.7.22 jsonschema>=4.17.3,<4.18; python_version >= '3.7' jsonschema==3.2.0; python_version < '3.7' # v3.2.0 is the last version to support Python 3.6 aiohttp>=3.8.4,<3.9 aiohttp-cors>=0.7.0,<0.8 aiofiles>=23.1.0,<23.2; python_version >= '3.7' aiofiles==0.8.0; python_version < '3.7' # v0.8.0 is the last version to support Python 3.6 Jinja2>=3.1.2,<3.2; python_version >= '3.7' Jinja2==3.0.3; python_version < '3.7' # v3.0.3 is the last version to support Python 3.6 sentry-sdk==1.29.2,<1.30 psutil==5.9.5 async-timeout>=4.0.2,<4.1 distro>=1.8.0 py-cpuinfo>=9.0.0,<10.0 importlib-resources>=1.3; python_version <= '3.9' setuptools>=60.8.1; python_version >= '3.7' setuptools==59.6.0; python_version < '3.7' # v59.6.0 is the last version to support Python 3.6