#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (C) 2016 GNS3 Technologies Inc.
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

import os
import pytest
import aiohttp
import asyncio
from unittest.mock import MagicMock

from gns3server.controller.link import Link
from gns3server.controller.node import Node
from gns3server.controller.ports.ethernet_port import EthernetPort
from gns3server.controller.ports.serial_port import SerialPort
from gns3server.controller.compute import Compute
from gns3server.controller.project import Project

from tests.utils import AsyncioBytesIO, AsyncioMagicMock

def project(controller):
    return Project(controller=controller, name="Test")

def compute():
    return Compute("example.com", controller=MagicMock())

def link(async_run, project, compute):
    node1 = Node(project, compute, "node1", node_type="qemu")
    node1._ports = [EthernetPort("E0", 0, 0, 4)]
    node2 = Node(project, compute, "node2", node_type="qemu")
    node2._ports = [EthernetPort("E0", 0, 1, 3)]

    link = Link(project)
    link.create = AsyncioMagicMock()
    async_run(link.add_node(node1, 0, 4))
    async_run(link.add_node(node2, 1, 3))
    return link

def test_eq(project, link, controller):
    assert link == Link(project, link_id=link.id)
    assert link != "a"
    assert link != Link(project)

def test_add_node(async_run, project, compute):
    node1 = Node(project, compute, "node1", node_type="qemu")
    node1._ports = [EthernetPort("E0", 0, 0, 4)]

    link = Link(project)
    link.create = AsyncioMagicMock()
    link._project.controller.notification.emit = MagicMock()
    project.dump = AsyncioMagicMock()
    async_run(link.add_node(node1, 0, 4))
    assert link._nodes == [
            "node": node1,
            "adapter_number": 0,
            "port_number": 4,
            'label': {
                'y': -10,
                'text': '0/4',
                'x': -10,
                'rotation': 0,
                'style': 'font-size: 10; font-style: Verdana'
    assert project.dump.called
    assert not link._project.controller.notification.emit.called

    assert not link.create.called

    # We call link.created only when both side are created
    node2 = Node(project, compute, "node2", node_type="qemu")
    node2._ports = [EthernetPort("E0", 0, 0, 4)]
    async_run(link.add_node(node2, 0, 4))

    assert link.create.called
    link._project.controller.notification.emit.assert_called_with("link.created", link.__json__())

def test_add_node_cloud(async_run, project, compute):
    node1 = Node(project, compute, "node1", node_type="qemu")
    node1._ports = [EthernetPort("E0", 0, 0, 4)]
    node2 = Node(project, compute, "node2", node_type="cloud")
    node2._ports = [EthernetPort("E0", 0, 0, 4)]

    link = Link(project)
    link.create = AsyncioMagicMock()
    link._project.controller.notification.emit = MagicMock()

    async_run(link.add_node(node1, 0, 4))
    async_run(link.add_node(node2, 0, 4))

def test_add_node_cloud_to_cloud(async_run, project, compute):
    Cloud to cloud connection is not allowed
    node1 = Node(project, compute, "node1", node_type="cloud")
    node1._ports = [EthernetPort("E0", 0, 0, 4)]
    node2 = Node(project, compute, "node2", node_type="cloud")
    node2._ports = [EthernetPort("E0", 0, 0, 4)]

    link = Link(project)
    link.create = AsyncioMagicMock()
    link._project.controller.notification.emit = MagicMock()

    async_run(link.add_node(node1, 0, 4))
    with pytest.raises(aiohttp.web.HTTPConflict):
        async_run(link.add_node(node2, 0, 4))

def test_add_node_same_node(async_run, project, compute):
    Connection to the same node is not allowed
    node1 = Node(project, compute, "node1", node_type="qemu")
    node1._ports = [EthernetPort("E0", 0, 0, 4), EthernetPort("E1", 0, 0, 5)]

    link = Link(project)
    link.create = AsyncioMagicMock()
    link._project.controller.notification.emit = MagicMock()

    async_run(link.add_node(node1, 0, 4))
    with pytest.raises(aiohttp.web.HTTPConflict):
        async_run(link.add_node(node1, 0, 5))

def test_add_node_serial_to_ethernet(async_run, project, compute):
    Serial to ethernet connection is not allowed
    node1 = Node(project, compute, "node1", node_type="qemu")
    node1._ports = [EthernetPort("E0", 0, 0, 4)]
    node2 = Node(project, compute, "node2", node_type="qemu")
    node2._ports = [SerialPort("E0", 0, 0, 4)]

    link = Link(project)
    link.create = AsyncioMagicMock()
    link._project.controller.notification.emit = MagicMock()

    async_run(link.add_node(node1, 0, 4))
    with pytest.raises(aiohttp.web.HTTPConflict):
        async_run(link.add_node(node2, 0, 4))

def test_json(async_run, project, compute, link):
    node1 = Node(project, compute, "node1", node_type="qemu")
    node1._ports = [EthernetPort("E0", 0, 0, 4)]
    node2 = Node(project, compute, "node2", node_type="qemu")
    node2._ports = [EthernetPort("E0", 0, 1, 3)]

    link = Link(project)
    link.create = AsyncioMagicMock()
    async_run(link.add_node(node1, 0, 4))
    async_run(link.add_node(node2, 1, 3))
    assert link.__json__() == {
        "link_id": link.id,
        "project_id": project.id,
        "nodes": [
                "node_id": node1.id,
                "adapter_number": 0,
                "port_number": 4,
                'label': {
                    'y': -10,
                    'text': '0/4',
                    'x': -10,
                    'rotation': 0,
                    'style': 'font-size: 10; font-style: Verdana'
                "node_id": node2.id,
                "adapter_number": 1,
                "port_number": 3,
                'label': {
                    'y': -10,
                    'text': '1/3',
                    'x': -10,
                    'rotation': 0,
                    'style': 'font-size: 10; font-style: Verdana'
        "link_type": "ethernet",
        "capturing": False,
        "capture_file_name": None,
        "capture_file_path": None
    assert link.__json__(topology_dump=True) == {
        "link_id": link.id,
        "nodes": [
                "node_id": node1.id,
                "adapter_number": 0,
                "port_number": 4,
                'label': {
                    'y': -10,
                    'text': '0/4',
                    'x': -10,
                    'rotation': 0,
                    'style': 'font-size: 10; font-style: Verdana'
                "node_id": node2.id,
                "adapter_number": 1,
                "port_number": 3,
                'label': {
                    'y': -10,
                    'text': '1/3',
                    'x': -10,
                    'rotation': 0,
                    'style': 'font-size: 10; font-style: Verdana'

def test_json_serial_link(async_run, project, compute, link):
    node1 = Node(project, compute, "node1", node_type="qemu")
    node1._ports = [SerialPort("S0", 0, 0, 4)]
    node2 = Node(project, compute, "node2", node_type="qemu")
    node2._ports = [SerialPort("S0", 0, 1, 3)]

    link = Link(project)
    link.create = AsyncioMagicMock()
    async_run(link.add_node(node1, 0, 4))
    async_run(link.add_node(node2, 1, 3))
    assert link.__json__()["link_type"] == "serial"

def test_start_streaming_pcap(link, async_run, tmpdir, project):
    def fake_reader():
        output = AsyncioBytesIO()
        yield from output.write(b"hello")
        return output

    link._capture_file_name = "test.pcap"
    link._capturing = True
    link.read_pcap_from_source = fake_reader
    with open(os.path.join(project.captures_directory, "test.pcap"), "rb") as f:
        c = f.read()
        assert c == b"hello"

def test_default_capture_file_name(project, compute, async_run):
    node1 = Node(project, compute, "Hello@", node_type="qemu")
    node1._ports = [EthernetPort("E0", 0, 0, 4)]
    node2 = Node(project, compute, "w0.rld", node_type="qemu")
    node2._ports = [EthernetPort("E0", 0, 1, 3)]

    link = Link(project)
    link.create = AsyncioMagicMock()
    async_run(link.add_node(node1, 0, 4))
    async_run(link.add_node(node2, 1, 3))
    assert link.default_capture_file_name() == "Hello_0-4_to_w0rld_1-3.pcap"

def test_start_capture(link, async_run, tmpdir, project, controller):
    def fake_reader():
        return AsyncioBytesIO()

    link.read_pcap_from_source = fake_reader
    controller._notification = MagicMock()
    assert link._capturing
    assert link._capture_file_name == "test.pcap"
    controller._notification.emit.assert_called_with("link.updated", link.__json__())

def test_stop_capture(link, async_run, tmpdir, project, controller):
    link._capturing = True
    controller._notification = MagicMock()
    assert link._capturing is False
    controller._notification.emit.assert_called_with("link.updated", link.__json__())