from gns3server.modules.dynamips import ATMBridge from gns3server.modules.dynamips import NIO_Null from gns3server.modules.dynamips import DynamipsError import pytest @pytest.fixture def atm_bridge(request, hypervisor): atm_bridge = ATMBridge(hypervisor, "ATM bridge") request.addfinalizer(atm_bridge.delete) return atm_bridge def test_atm_bridge_exists(atm_bridge): assert atm_bridge.list() def test_rename_atm_bridge(atm_bridge): = "new ATM bridge" assert == "new ATM bridge" def test_add_remove_nio(atm_bridge): nio = NIO_Null(atm_bridge.hypervisor) atm_bridge.add_nio(nio, 0) # add NIO on port 0 assert atm_bridge.nios atm_bridge.remove_nio(0) # remove NIO from port 0 nio.delete() def test_add_nio_already_allocated_port(atm_bridge): nio = NIO_Null(atm_bridge.hypervisor) atm_bridge.add_nio(nio, 0) # add NIO on port 0 with pytest.raises(DynamipsError): atm_bridge.add_nio(nio, 0) nio.delete() def test_remove_nio_non_allocated_port(atm_bridge): with pytest.raises(DynamipsError): atm_bridge.remove_nio(0) # remove NIO from port 0 def test_bridge(atm_bridge): nio1 = NIO_Null(atm_bridge.hypervisor) atm_bridge.add_nio(nio1, 0) # add NIO on port 0 (Ethernet NIO) nio2 = NIO_Null(atm_bridge.hypervisor) atm_bridge.add_nio(nio1, 1) # add NIO on port 1 (ATM NIO) atm_bridge.configure(0, 1, 10, 10) # configure Ethernet port 0 -> ATM port 1 with VC 10:10 assert atm_bridge.mapping[0] == (1, 10, 10) atm_bridge.unconfigure() atm_bridge.remove_nio(0) atm_bridge.remove_nio(1) nio1.delete() nio2.delete()