#!/usr/bin/env python # # Copyright (C) 2016 GNS3 Technologies Inc. # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . import os import html import json import copy import uuid import glob import shutil import zipfile import aiohttp import jsonschema from ..version import __version__ from ..schemas.topology import TOPOLOGY_SCHEMA from ..schemas import dynamips_vm from ..utils.qt import qt_font_to_style from ..compute.dynamips import PLATFORMS_DEFAULT_RAM import logging log = logging.getLogger(__name__) GNS3_FILE_FORMAT_REVISION = 9 def _check_topology_schema(topo): try: jsonschema.validate(topo, TOPOLOGY_SCHEMA) # Check the nodes property against compute schemas for node in topo["topology"].get("nodes", []): schema = None if node["node_type"] == "dynamips": schema = copy.deepcopy(dynamips_vm.VM_CREATE_SCHEMA) if schema: # Properties send to compute but in an other place in topology delete_properties = ["name", "node_id"] for prop in delete_properties: del schema["properties"][prop] schema["required"] = [p for p in schema["required"] if p not in delete_properties] jsonschema.validate(node.get("properties", {}), schema) except jsonschema.ValidationError as e: error = "Invalid data in topology file: {} in schema: {}".format( e.message, json.dumps(e.schema)) log.debug(error) raise aiohttp.web.HTTPConflict(text=error) def project_to_topology(project): """ :return: A dictionary with the topology ready to dump to a .gns3 """ data = { "project_id": project.id, "name": project.name, "auto_start": project.auto_start, "auto_open": project.auto_open, "auto_close": project.auto_close, "scene_width": project.scene_width, "scene_height": project.scene_height, "zoom": project.zoom, "show_layers": project.show_layers, "snap_to_grid": project.snap_to_grid, "show_grid": project.show_grid, "grid_size": project.grid_size, "drawing_grid_size": project.drawing_grid_size, "show_interface_labels": project.show_interface_labels, "variables": project.variables, "supplier": project.supplier, "topology": { "nodes": [], "links": [], "computes": [], "drawings": [] }, "type": "topology", "revision": GNS3_FILE_FORMAT_REVISION, "version": __version__ } for node in project.nodes.values(): if hasattr(node, "__json__"): data["topology"]["nodes"].append(node.__json__(topology_dump=True)) else: data["topology"]["nodes"].append(node) for link in project.links.values(): if hasattr(link, "__json__"): data["topology"]["links"].append(link.__json__(topology_dump=True)) else: data["topology"]["links"].append(link) for drawing in project.drawings.values(): if hasattr(drawing, "__json__"): data["topology"]["drawings"].append(drawing.__json__(topology_dump=True)) else: data["topology"]["drawings"].append(drawing) for compute in project.computes: if hasattr(compute, "__json__"): compute = compute.__json__(topology_dump=True) if compute["compute_id"] not in ("vm", "local", ): data["topology"]["computes"].append(compute) elif isinstance(compute, dict): data["topology"]["computes"].append(compute) _check_topology_schema(data) return data def load_topology(path): """ Open a topology file, patch it for last GNS3 release and return it """ log.debug("Read topology %s", path) try: with open(path, encoding="utf-8") as f: topo = json.load(f) except (OSError, UnicodeDecodeError, ValueError) as e: raise aiohttp.web.HTTPConflict(text="Could not load topology {}: {}".format(path, str(e))) if topo.get("revision", 0) > GNS3_FILE_FORMAT_REVISION: raise aiohttp.web.HTTPConflict(text="This project was created with more recent version of GNS3 (file revision: {}). Please upgrade GNS3 to version {} or later".format(topo["revision"], topo["version"])) changed = False if "revision" not in topo or topo["revision"] < GNS3_FILE_FORMAT_REVISION: # Convert the topology if this is an old one but backup the file first try: shutil.copy(path, path + ".backup{}".format(topo.get("revision", 0))) except OSError as e: raise aiohttp.web.HTTPConflict(text="Can't write backup of the topology {}: {}".format(path, str(e))) changed = True # update the version because we converted the topology topo["version"] = __version__ if "revision" not in topo or topo["revision"] < 5: topo = _convert_1_3_later(topo, path) # Version before GNS3 2.0 alpha 4 if topo["revision"] < 6: topo = _convert_2_0_0_alpha(topo, path) # Version before GNS3 2.0 beta 3 if topo["revision"] < 7: topo = _convert_2_0_0_beta_2(topo, path) # Version before GNS3 2.1 if topo["revision"] < 8: topo = _convert_2_0_0(topo, path) # Version before GNS3 2.1 if topo["revision"] < 9: topo = _convert_2_1_0(topo, path) # Version GNS3 2.2 dev (for project created with 2.2dev). # Appliance ID has been replaced by Template ID if topo["revision"] == 9: for node in topo.get("topology", {}).get("nodes", []): if "appliance_id" in node: node["template_id"] = node["appliance_id"] del node["appliance_id"] # make sure console_type is not None but "none" string if "console_type" in node and node["console_type"] is None: node["console_type"] = "none" # make sure we can open a project with empty variable name variables = topo.get("variables") if variables: topo["variables"] = [var for var in variables if var.get("name")] try: _check_topology_schema(topo) except aiohttp.web.HTTPConflict as e: log.error("Can't load the topology %s", path) raise e if changed: try: with open(path, "w+", encoding="utf-8") as f: json.dump(topo, f, indent=4, sort_keys=True) except OSError as e: raise aiohttp.web.HTTPConflict(text="Can't write the topology {}: {}".format(path, str(e))) return topo def _convert_2_1_0(topo, topo_path): """ Convert topologies from GNS3 2.1.x to 2.2 Changes: * Removed acpi_shutdown option from Qemu, VMware and VirtualBox """ topo["revision"] = 9 if "grid_size" in topo: # drawing_grid_size should be the same size as grid_size # to avoid overlapping grids topo["drawing_grid_size"] = topo["grid_size"] for node in topo.get("topology", {}).get("nodes", []): # make sure console_type is not None but "none" string if "console_type" in node and node["console_type"] is None: node["console_type"] = "none" if "properties" in node: if node["node_type"] in ("qemu", "vmware", "virtualbox"): if "acpi_shutdown" in node["properties"]: if node["properties"]["acpi_shutdown"] is True: node["properties"]["on_close"] = "save_vm_sate" else: node["properties"]["on_close"] = "power_off" del node["properties"]["acpi_shutdown"] if "save_vm_state" in node["properties"]: del node["properties"]["save_vm_state"] return topo def _convert_2_0_0(topo, topo_path): """ Convert topologies from GNS3 2.0.0 to 2.1 Changes: * Remove startup_script_path from VPCS and base config file for IOU and Dynamips """ topo["revision"] = 8 for node in topo.get("topology", {}).get("nodes", []): if "properties" in node: if node["node_type"] == "vpcs": if "startup_script_path" in node["properties"]: del node["properties"]["startup_script_path"] if "startup_script" in node["properties"]: del node["properties"]["startup_script"] elif node["node_type"] == "dynamips" or node["node_type"] == "iou": if "startup_config" in node["properties"]: del node["properties"]["startup_config"] if "private_config" in node["properties"]: del node["properties"]["private_config"] if "startup_config_content" in node["properties"]: del node["properties"]["startup_config_content"] if "private_config_content" in node["properties"]: del node["properties"]["private_config_content"] return topo def _convert_2_0_0_beta_2(topo, topo_path): """ Convert topologies from GNS3 2.0.0 beta 2 to beta 3. Changes: * Node id folders for dynamips """ topo_dir = os.path.dirname(topo_path) topo["revision"] = 7 for node in topo.get("topology", {}).get("nodes", []): if node["node_type"] == "dynamips": node_id = node["node_id"] dynamips_id = node["properties"]["dynamips_id"] dynamips_dir = os.path.join(topo_dir, "project-files", "dynamips") node_dir = os.path.join(dynamips_dir, node_id) try: os.makedirs(os.path.join(node_dir, "configs"), exist_ok=True) for path in glob.glob(os.path.join(glob.escape(dynamips_dir), "*_i{}_*".format(dynamips_id))): shutil.move(path, os.path.join(node_dir, os.path.basename(path))) for path in glob.glob(os.path.join(glob.escape(dynamips_dir), "configs", "i{}_*".format(dynamips_id))): shutil.move(path, os.path.join(node_dir, "configs", os.path.basename(path))) except OSError as e: raise aiohttp.web.HTTPConflict(text="Can't convert project {}: {}".format(topo_path, str(e))) return topo def _convert_2_0_0_alpha(topo, topo_path): """ Convert topologies from GNS3 2.0.0 alpha to 2.0.0 final. Changes: * No more serial console * No more option for VMware / VirtualBox remote console (always use telnet) """ topo["revision"] = 6 for node in topo.get("topology", {}).get("nodes", []): if node.get("console_type") == "serial": node["console_type"] = "telnet" if node["node_type"] in ("vmware", "virtualbox"): prop = node.get("properties") if "enable_remote_console" in prop: del prop["enable_remote_console"] return topo def _convert_1_3_later(topo, topo_path): """ Convert topologies from 1_3 to the new file format Look in tests/topologies/README.rst for instructions to test changes here """ topo_dir = os.path.dirname(topo_path) _convert_snapshots(topo_dir) new_topo = { "type": "topology", "revision": 5, "version": __version__, "auto_start": topo.get("auto_start", False), "name": topo["name"], "project_id": topo.get("project_id"), "topology": { "links": [], "drawings": [], "computes": [], "nodes": [] } } if new_topo["project_id"] is None: new_topo["project_id"] = str(uuid.uuid4()) # Could arrive for topologues with drawing only if "topology" not in topo: return new_topo topo = topo["topology"] # Create computes server_id_to_compute_id = {} for server in topo.get("servers", []): compute = { "host": server.get("host", "localhost"), "port": server.get("port", 3080), "protocol": server.get("protocol", "http") } if server["local"]: compute["compute_id"] = "local" compute["name"] = "Local" elif server.get("vm", False): compute["compute_id"] = "vm" compute["name"] = "GNS3 VM" else: compute["name"] = "Remote {}".format(server["id"]) compute["compute_id"] = str(uuid.uuid4()) server_id_to_compute_id[server["id"]] = compute["compute_id"] new_topo["topology"]["computes"].append(compute) # Create nodes ports = {} node_id_to_node_uuid = {} for old_node in topo.get("nodes", []): node = {} node["console"] = old_node["properties"].get("console", None) try: node["compute_id"] = server_id_to_compute_id[old_node["server_id"]] except KeyError: node["compute_id"] = "local" node["console_type"] = old_node["properties"].get("console_type", "telnet") if "label" in old_node: node["name"] = old_node["label"]["text"] node["label"] = _convert_label(old_node["label"]) else: node["name"] = old_node["properties"]["name"] node["node_id"] = old_node.get("vm_id", str(uuid.uuid4())) node["symbol"] = old_node.get("symbol", None) # Compatibility with <= 1.3 if node["symbol"] is None and "default_symbol" in old_node: if old_node["default_symbol"].endswith("normal.svg"): node["symbol"] = old_node["default_symbol"][:-11] + ".svg" else: node["symbol"] = old_node["default_symbol"] node["x"] = int(old_node["x"]) node["y"] = int(old_node["y"]) node["z"] = int(old_node.get("z", 1)) node["port_name_format"] = old_node.get("port_name_format", "Ethernet{0}") node["port_segment_size"] = int(old_node.get("port_segment_size", "0")) node["first_port_name"] = old_node.get("first_port_name") node["properties"] = {} # Some old dynamips node don't have type if "type" not in old_node: old_node["type"] = old_node["properties"]["platform"].upper() if old_node["type"] == "VPCSDevice": node["node_type"] = "vpcs" elif old_node["type"] == "QemuVM": node = _convert_qemu_node(node, old_node) elif old_node["type"] == "DockerVM": node["node_type"] = "docker" if node["symbol"] is None: node["symbol"] = ":/symbols/docker_guest.svg" elif old_node["type"] == "ATMSwitch": node["node_type"] = "atm_switch" node["symbol"] = ":/symbols/atm_switch.svg" node["console_type"] = None elif old_node["type"] == "EthernetHub": node["node_type"] = "ethernet_hub" node["console_type"] = None node["symbol"] = ":/symbols/hub.svg" node["properties"]["ports_mapping"] = [] for port in old_node.get("ports", []): node["properties"]["ports_mapping"].append({ "name": "Ethernet{}".format(port["port_number"] - 1), "port_number": port["port_number"] - 1 }) elif old_node["type"] == "EthernetSwitch": node["node_type"] = "ethernet_switch" node["symbol"] = ":/symbols/ethernet_switch.svg" node["console_type"] = None node["properties"]["ports_mapping"] = [] for port in old_node.get("ports", []): node["properties"]["ports_mapping"].append({ "name": "Ethernet{}".format(port["port_number"] - 1), "port_number": port["port_number"] - 1, "type": port["type"], "vlan": port["vlan"] }) elif old_node["type"] == "FrameRelaySwitch": node["node_type"] = "frame_relay_switch" node["symbol"] = ":/symbols/frame_relay_switch.svg" node["console_type"] = None elif old_node["type"].upper() in ["C1700", "C2600", "C2691", "C3600", "C3620", "C3640", "C3660", "C3725", "C3745", "C7200", "EtherSwitchRouter"]: if node["symbol"] is None: node["symbol"] = ":/symbols/router.svg" node["node_type"] = "dynamips" node["properties"]["dynamips_id"] = old_node.get("dynamips_id") if "platform" not in node["properties"] and old_node["type"].upper().startswith("C"): node["properties"]["platform"] = old_node["type"].lower() if node["properties"]["platform"].startswith("c36"): node["properties"]["platform"] = "c3600" if "ram" not in node["properties"] and old_node["type"].startswith("C"): node["properties"]["ram"] = PLATFORMS_DEFAULT_RAM[old_node["type"].lower()] elif old_node["type"] == "VMwareVM": node["node_type"] = "vmware" node["properties"]["linked_clone"] = old_node.get("linked_clone", False) if node["symbol"] is None: node["symbol"] = ":/symbols/vmware_guest.svg" elif old_node["type"] == "VirtualBoxVM": node["node_type"] = "virtualbox" node["properties"]["linked_clone"] = old_node.get("linked_clone", False) if node["symbol"] is None: node["symbol"] = ":/symbols/vbox_guest.svg" elif old_node["type"] == "IOUDevice": node["node_type"] = "iou" node["port_name_format"] = old_node.get("port_name_format", "Ethernet{segment0}/{port0}") node["port_segment_size"] = int(old_node.get("port_segment_size", "4")) if node["symbol"] is None: if "l2" in node["properties"].get("path", ""): node["symbol"] = ":/symbols/multilayer_switch.svg" else: node["symbol"] = ":/symbols/router.svg" elif old_node["type"] == "Cloud": symbol = old_node.get("symbol", ":/symbols/cloud.svg") old_node["ports"] = _create_cloud(node, old_node, symbol) elif old_node["type"] == "Host": symbol = old_node.get("symbol", ":/symbols/computer.svg") old_node["ports"] = _create_cloud(node, old_node, symbol) else: raise aiohttp.web.HTTPConflict(text="Conversion of {} is not supported".format(old_node["type"])) for prop in old_node.get("properties", {}): if prop not in ["console", "name", "console_type", "console_host", "use_ubridge"]: node["properties"][prop] = old_node["properties"][prop] node_id_to_node_uuid[old_node["id"]] = node["node_id"] for port in old_node.get("ports", []): if node["node_type"] in ("ethernet_hub", "ethernet_switch"): port["port_number"] -= 1 ports[port["id"]] = port new_topo["topology"]["nodes"].append(node) # Create links for old_link in topo.get("links", []): try: nodes = [] source_node = { "adapter_number": ports[old_link["source_port_id"]].get("adapter_number", 0), "port_number": ports[old_link["source_port_id"]].get("port_number", 0), "node_id": node_id_to_node_uuid[old_link["source_node_id"]] } nodes.append(source_node) destination_node = { "adapter_number": ports[old_link["destination_port_id"]].get("adapter_number", 0), "port_number": ports[old_link["destination_port_id"]].get("port_number", 0), "node_id": node_id_to_node_uuid[old_link["destination_node_id"]] } nodes.append(destination_node) except KeyError: continue link = { "link_id": str(uuid.uuid4()), "nodes": nodes } new_topo["topology"]["links"].append(link) # Ellipse for ellipse in topo.get("ellipses", []): svg = ''.format( height=int(ellipse["height"]), width=int(ellipse["width"]), cx=int(ellipse["width"] / 2), cy=int(ellipse["height"] / 2), rx=int(ellipse["width"] / 2), ry=int(ellipse["height"] / 2), fill=ellipse.get("color", "#ffffff"), border_style=_convert_border_style(ellipse) ) new_ellipse = { "drawing_id": str(uuid.uuid4()), "x": int(ellipse["x"]), "y": int(ellipse["y"]), "z": int(ellipse.get("z", 0)), "rotation": int(ellipse.get("rotation", 0)), "svg": svg } new_topo["topology"]["drawings"].append(new_ellipse) # Notes for note in topo.get("notes", []): font_info = note.get("font", "TypeWriter,10,-1,5,75,0,0,0,0,0").split(",") if font_info[4] == "75": weight = "bold" else: weight = "normal" if font_info[5] == "1": style = "italic" else: style = "normal" svg = '{text}'.format( height=int(font_info[1]) * 2, width=int(font_info[1]) * len(note["text"]), fill="#" + note.get("color", "#00000000")[-6:], opacity=round(1.0 / 255 * int(note.get("color", "#ffffffff")[:3][-2:], base=16), 2), # Extract the alpha channel from the hexa version family=font_info[0], size=int(font_info[1]), weight=weight, style=style, text=html.escape(note["text"]) ) new_note = { "drawing_id": str(uuid.uuid4()), "x": int(note["x"]), "y": int(note["y"]), "z": int(note.get("z", 0)), "rotation": int(note.get("rotation", 0)), "svg": svg } new_topo["topology"]["drawings"].append(new_note) # Images for image in topo.get("images", []): img_path = image["path"] # Absolute image path are rewrite to project specific image if os.path.abspath(img_path): try: os.makedirs(os.path.join(topo_dir, "images"), exist_ok=True) shutil.copy(img_path, os.path.join(topo_dir, "images", os.path.basename(img_path))) except OSError: pass new_image = { "drawing_id": str(uuid.uuid4()), "x": int(image["x"]), "y": int(image["y"]), "z": int(image.get("z", 0)), "rotation": int(image.get("rotation", 0)), "svg": os.path.basename(img_path) } new_topo["topology"]["drawings"].append(new_image) # Rectangles for rectangle in topo.get("rectangles", []): svg = ''.format( height=int(rectangle["height"]), width=int(rectangle["width"]), fill=rectangle.get("color", "#ffffff"), border_style=_convert_border_style(rectangle) ) new_rectangle = { "drawing_id": str(uuid.uuid4()), "x": int(rectangle["x"]), "y": int(rectangle["y"]), "z": int(rectangle.get("z", 0)), "rotation": int(rectangle.get("rotation", 0)), "svg": svg } new_topo["topology"]["drawings"].append(new_rectangle) # Convert instructions.txt to README.txt instructions_path = os.path.join(topo_dir, "instructions.txt") readme_path = os.path.join(topo_dir, "README.txt") if os.path.exists(instructions_path) and not os.path.exists(readme_path): shutil.move(instructions_path, readme_path) return new_topo def _convert_border_style(element): QT_DASH_TO_SVG = { 2: "25, 25", 3: "5, 25", 4: "5, 25, 25", 5: "25, 25, 5, 25, 5" } border_style = int(element.get("border_style", 0)) style = "" if border_style == 1: # No border return "" elif border_style == 0: pass # Solid line else: style += 'stroke-dasharray="{}" '.format(QT_DASH_TO_SVG[border_style]) style += 'stroke="{stroke}" stroke-width="{stroke_width}"'.format( stroke=element.get("border_color", "#000000"), stroke_width=element.get("border_width", 2) ) return style def _convert_label(label): """ Convert a label from 1.X to the new format """ style = qt_font_to_style(label.get("font"), label.get("color")) return { "text": html.escape(label["text"]), "rotation": 0, "style": style, "x": int(label["x"]), "y": int(label["y"]) } def _create_cloud(node, old_node, icon): node["node_type"] = "cloud" node["symbol"] = icon node["console_type"] = None node["console"] = None del old_node["properties"]["nios"] ports = [] keep_ports = [] for old_port in old_node.get("ports", []): if old_port["name"].startswith("nio_gen_eth"): port_type = "ethernet" elif old_port["name"].startswith("nio_gen_linux"): port_type = "ethernet" elif old_port["name"].startswith("nio_tap"): port_type = "tap" elif old_port["name"].startswith("nio_udp"): port_type = "udp" elif old_port["name"].startswith("nio_nat"): continue else: raise aiohttp.web.HTTPConflict(text="The conversion of cloud with {} is not supported".format(old_port["name"])) if port_type == "udp": try: _, lport, rhost, rport = old_port["name"].split(":") except ValueError: raise aiohttp.web.HTTPConflict(text="UDP tunnel using IPV6 is not supported in cloud") port = { "name": "UDP tunnel {}".format(len(ports) + 1), "port_number": len(ports) + 1, "type": port_type, "lport": int(lport), "rhost": rhost, "rport": int(rport) } else: port = { "interface": old_port["name"].split(":")[1], "name": old_port["name"].split(":")[1], "port_number": len(ports) + 1, "type": port_type } keep_ports.append(old_port) ports.append(port) node["properties"]["ports_mapping"] = ports node["properties"]["interfaces"] = [] return keep_ports def _convert_snapshots(topo_dir): """ Convert 1.x snapshot to the new format """ old_snapshots_dir = os.path.join(topo_dir, "project-files", "snapshots") if os.path.exists(old_snapshots_dir): new_snapshots_dir = os.path.join(topo_dir, "snapshots") os.makedirs(new_snapshots_dir, exist_ok=True) for snapshot in os.listdir(old_snapshots_dir): snapshot_dir = os.path.join(old_snapshots_dir, snapshot) if os.path.isdir(snapshot_dir): is_gns3_topo = False # In .gns3project fileformat the .gns3 should be name project.gns3 for file in os.listdir(snapshot_dir): if file.endswith(".gns3"): shutil.move(os.path.join(snapshot_dir, file), os.path.join(snapshot_dir, "project.gns3")) is_gns3_topo = True if is_gns3_topo: snapshot_arc = os.path.join(new_snapshots_dir, snapshot + ".gns3project") with zipfile.ZipFile(snapshot_arc, 'w', allowZip64=True) as myzip: for root, dirs, files in os.walk(snapshot_dir): for file in files: myzip.write(os.path.join(root, file), os.path.relpath(os.path.join(root, file), snapshot_dir), compress_type=zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) shutil.rmtree(old_snapshots_dir) def _convert_qemu_node(node, old_node): """ Convert qemu node from 1.X to 2.0 """ # In 2.0 the internet VM is replaced by the NAT node if old_node.get("properties", {}).get("hda_disk_image_md5sum") == "8ebc5a6ec53a1c05b7aa101b5ceefe31": node["console"] = None node["console_type"] = None node["node_type"] = "nat" del old_node["properties"] node["properties"] = { "ports": [ { "interface": "eth1", "name": "nat0", "port_number": 0, "type": "ethernet" } ] } if node["symbol"] is None: node["symbol"] = ":/symbols/cloud.svg" return node node["node_type"] = "qemu" if node["symbol"] is None: node["symbol"] = ":/symbols/qemu_guest.svg" return node