Communications =============== All the communication are done over HTTP using JSON. Errors ====== In case of error a standard HTTP error is raise and you got a JSON like that .. code-block:: json { "status": 409, "message": "Conflict" } Sample session using curl ========================= .. warning:: Beware the output of this sample is truncated in order to simplify the understanding. Please read the documentation for the exact output. You can check the server version with a simple curl command: .. code-block:: shell-session # curl "http://localhost:3080/v2/version"" { "version": "2.0.0dev1" } The next step is to create a project. .. code-block:: shell-session # curl -X POST "http://localhost:3080/v2/projects" -d '{"name": "test"}' { "name": "test", "path": null, "project_id": "994d95b6-7dd4-467b-898c-14cf34900b7b", "temporary": false } With this project id we can now create two VPCS Node. .. code-block:: shell-session # curl -X POST "http://localhost:3080/v2/projects/994d95b6-7dd4-467b-898c-14cf34900b7b/vms" -d '{"name": "VPCS 1", "vm_type": "vpcs"}' { "console": 2000, "name": "VPCS 1", "project_id": "42f9feee-3217-4104-981e-85d5f0a806ec", "vm_id": "24d2e16b-fbef-4259-ae34-7bc21a41ee28" }% # curl -X POST "http://localhost:3080/v1/projects/42f9feee-3217-4104-981e-85d5f0a806ec/vpcs/vms" -d '{"name": "VPCS 2"}' { "console": 2001, "name": "VPCS 2", "vm_id": "daefc24a-103c-4717-8e01-6517d931c1ae" } Now we need to link the two VPCS. The first step is to allocate on the remote servers two UDP ports. .. code-block:: shell-session # curl -X POST "http://localhost:3080/v1/projects/42f9feee-3217-4104-981e-85d5f0a806ec/ports/udp" -d '{}' { "udp_port": 10000 } # curl -X POST "http://localhost:3080/v1/projects/42f9feee-3217-4104-981e-85d5f0a806ec/ports/udp" -d '{}' { "udp_port": 10001 } We can create the bidirectionnal communication between the two VPCS. The communication is made by creating two UDP tunnels. .. code-block:: shell-session # curl -X POST "http://localhost:3080/v1/projects/42f9feee-3217-4104-981e-85d5f0a806ec/vpcs/vms/24d2e16b-fbef-4259-ae34-7bc21a41ee28/adapters/0/ports/0/nio" -d '{"lport": 10000, "rhost": "", "rport": 10001, "type": "nio_udp"}' { "lport": 10000, "rhost": "", "rport": 10001, "type": "nio_udp" } # curl -X POST "http://localhost:3080/v1/projects/42f9feee-3217-4104-981e-85d5f0a806ec/vpcs/vms/daefc24a-103c-4717-8e01-6517d931c1ae/adapters/0/ports/0/nio" -d '{"lport": 10001, "rhost": "", "rport": 10000, "type": "nio_udp"}' { "lport": 10001, "rhost": "", "rport": 10000, "type": "nio_udp" } Now we can start the two Node .. code-block:: shell-session # curl -X POST "http://localhost:3080/v1/projects/42f9feee-3217-4104-981e-85d5f0a806ec/vpcs/vms/24d2e16b-fbef-4259-ae34-7bc21a41ee28/start" -d "{}" # curl -X POST "http://localhost:3080/v1/projects/42f9feee-3217-4104-981e-85d5f0a806ec/vpcs/vms/daefc24a-103c-4717-8e01-6517d931c1ae/start" -d '{}' Everything should be started now. You can connect via telnet to the different Node. The port is the field console in the create Node request. .. code-block:: shell-session # telnet 2000 Trying Connected to localhost. Escape character is '^]'. Welcome to Virtual PC Simulator, version 0.6 Dedicated to Daling. Build time: Dec 29 2014 12:51:46 Copyright (c) 2007-2014, Paul Meng ( All rights reserved. VPCS is free software, distributed under the terms of the "BSD" licence. Source code and license can be found at For more information, please visit Press '?' to get help. VPCS> ip Checking for duplicate address... PC1 : VPCS> disconnect Good-bye Connection closed by foreign host. # telnet 2001 telnet 2001 Trying Connected to localhost. Escape character is '^]'. Welcome to Virtual PC Simulator, version 0.6 Dedicated to Daling. Build time: Dec 29 2014 12:51:46 Copyright (c) 2007-2014, Paul Meng ( All rights reserved. VPCS is free software, distributed under the terms of the "BSD" licence. Source code and license can be found at For more information, please visit Press '?' to get help. VPCS> ip Checking for duplicate address... PC1 : VPCS> ping 84 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.179 ms 84 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.218 ms 84 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=0.190 ms 84 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=64 time=0.198 ms 84 bytes from icmp_seq=5 ttl=64 time=0.185 ms VPCS> disconnect Good-bye Connection closed by foreign host. Limitations ============ Concurrency ------------ A node can't process multiple request in the same time. But you can make multiple request on multiple node. It's transparent for the client when the first request on a Node start a lock is acquire for this node id and released for the next request at the end. You can safely send all the requests in the same time and let the server manage an efficent concurrency. We think it can be a little slower for some operations, but it's remove a big complexity for the client due to the fact only some command on some node can be concurrent. Authentication ----------------- You can use HTTP basic auth to protect the access to the API. And run the API over HTTPS. Notifications ============= You can receive notification from the server if you listen the HTTP stream /notifications or the websocket. The available notification are: * ping * node.created * node.updated * node.deleted * log.error * log.warning * Previous versions ================= API version 1 ------------- Shipped with GNS3 1.3 and 1.4. This API doesn't support the controller system.