# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright (C) 2014 GNS3 Technologies Inc. # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . """ IOU server module. """ import os import sys import base64 import tempfile from gns3server.modules import IModule from gns3server.config import Config from .iou_device import IOUDevice from .iou_error import IOUError from .nios.nio_udp import NIO_UDP import gns3server.jsonrpc as jsonrpc import logging log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class IOU(IModule): """ IOU module. :param name: module name :param args: arguments for the module :param kwargs: named arguments for the module """ def __init__(self, name, *args, **kwargs): if not sys.platform.startswith("linux"): raise IOUError("Sorry the IOU module only works on Linux") # get the iouyap location config = Config.instance() iou_config = config.get_section_config(name.upper()) self._iouyap = iou_config.get("iouyap") if not self._iouyap: for path in os.environ["PATH"].split(":"): if "iouyap" in os.listdir(path) and os.access("iouyap", os.X_OK): self._iouyap = os.path.join(path, "iouyap") break if not self._iouyap or not os.path.exists(self._iouyap): raise IOUError("iouyap binary couldn't be found!") if not os.access(self._iouyap, os.X_OK): raise IOUError("iouyap is not executable") # a new process start when calling IModule IModule.__init__(self, name, *args, **kwargs) self._remote_server = False self._iou_instances = {} self._console_start_port_range = 4001 self._console_end_port_range = 4512 self._current_console_port = self._console_start_port_range self._udp_start_port_range = 30001 self._udp_end_port_range = 40001 self._current_udp_port = self._udp_start_port_range self._host = "" #FIXME: used by ZeroMQ... self._projects_dir = kwargs["projects_dir"] self._tempdir = kwargs["temp_dir"] self._working_dir = self._projects_dir self._iourc = "" #self._callback = self.add_periodic_callback(self.test, 1000) #self._callback.start() def stop(self): """ Properly stops the module. """ # delete all IOU instances for iou_id in self._iou_instances: iou_instance = self._iou_instances[iou_id] iou_instance.delete() IModule.stop(self) # this will stop the I/O loop @IModule.route("iou.reset") def reset(self, request): """ Resets the module. :param request: JSON request """ # delete all IOU instances for iou_id in self._iou_instances: iou_instance = self._iou_instances[iou_id] iou_instance.delete() # resets the instance IDs IOUDevice.reset() self._iou_instances.clear() self._remote_server = False self._current_console_port = self._console_start_port_range self._current_udp_port = self._udp_start_port_range log.info("IOU module has been reset") @IModule.route("iou.settings") def settings(self, request): """ Set or update settings. Mandatory request parameters: - iourc (base64 encoded iourc file) Optional request parameters: - working_dir (path to a working directory) - console_start_port_range - console_end_port_range - udp_start_port_range - udp_end_port_range :param request: JSON request """ if request == None: self.send_param_error() return if "iourc" in request: base64iourc = base64.decodestring(request["iourc"].encode("utf-8")) try: with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) as f: log.info("saving iourc file content to {}".format(f.name)) f.write(base64iourc) self._iourc = f.name except EnvironmentError as e: raise IOUError("Could not save iourc file to {}: {}".format(f.name, e)) if "working_dir" in request and self._working_dir != request["working_dir"]: self._working_dir = request["working_dir"] log.info("this server is local with working directory path to {}".format(self._working_dir)) for iou_id in self._iou_instances: iou_instance = self._iou_instances[iou_id] iou_instance.working_dir = self._working_dir else: self._remote_server = True log.info("this server is remote") self._working_dir = self._projects_dir if "console_start_port_range" in request and "console_end_port_range" in request: self._console_start_port_range = request["console_start_port_range"] self._console_end_port_range = request["console_end_port_range"] if "udp_start_port_range" in request and "udp_end_port_range" in request: self._udp_start_port_range = request["udp_start_port_range"] self._udp_end_port_range = request["udp_end_port_range"] log.debug("received request {}".format(request)) @IModule.route("iou.create") def iou_create(self, request): """ Creates a new IOU instance. Optional request parameters: - name (IOU name) - path (path to the IOU executable) Response parameters: - id (IOU instance identifier) - name (IOU name) :param request: JSON request """ #TODO: JSON schema validation for the request name = None if request and "name" in request: name = request["name"] iou_path = request["path"] try: iou_instance = IOUDevice(iou_path, self._working_dir, name=name) # find a console port if self._current_console_port >= self._console_end_port_range: self._current_console_port = self._console_start_port_range iou_instance.console = IOUDevice.find_unused_port(self._current_console_port, self._console_end_port_range, self._host) self._current_console_port += 1 except IOUError as e: self.send_custom_error(str(e)) return response = {"name": iou_instance.name, "id": iou_instance.id} defaults = iou_instance.defaults() response.update(defaults) self._iou_instances[iou_instance.id] = iou_instance self.send_response(response) @IModule.route("iou.delete") def iou_delete(self, request): """ Deletes an IOU instance. Mandatory request parameters: - id (IOU instance identifier) Response parameters: - same as original request :param request: JSON request """ if request == None: self.send_param_error() return #TODO: JSON schema validation for the request log.debug("received request {}".format(request)) iou_id = request["id"] iou_instance = self._iou_instances[iou_id] try: iou_instance.delete() del self._iou_instances[iou_id] except IOUError as e: self.send_custom_error(str(e)) return self.send_response(request) @IModule.route("iou.update") def iou_update(self, request): """ Updates an IOU instance Mandatory request parameters: - id (IOU instance identifier) Optional request parameters: - any setting to update - startup_config_base64 (startup-config base64 encoded) Response parameters: - same as original request :param request: JSON request """ if request == None: self.send_param_error() return #TODO: JSON schema validation for the request log.debug("received request {}".format(request)) iou_id = request["id"] iou_instance = self._iou_instances[iou_id] try: # a new startup-config has been pushed if "startup_config_base64" in request: config = base64.decodestring(request["startup_config_base64"].encode("utf-8")).decode("utf-8") config = "!\n" + config.replace("\r", "") config = config.replace('%h', iou_instance.name) config_path = os.path.join(iou_instance.working_dir, "startup-config") try: with open(config_path, "w") as f: log.info("saving startup-config to {}".format(config_path)) f.write(config) except EnvironmentError as e: raise IOUError("Could not save the configuration {}: {}".format(config_path, e)) request["startup_config"] = os.path.basename(config_path) if "startup_config" in request: iou_instance.startup_config = request["startup_config"] except IOUError as e: self.send_custom_error(str(e)) return for name, value in request.items(): if hasattr(iou_instance, name) and getattr(iou_instance, name) != value: try: setattr(iou_instance, name, value) except IOUError as e: self.send_custom_error(str(e)) return self.send_response(request) @IModule.route("iou.start") def vm_start(self, request): """ Starts an IOU instance. Mandatory request parameters: - id (IOU instance identifier) Response parameters: - same as original request :param request: JSON request """ if request == None: self.send_param_error() return #TODO: JSON schema validation for the request log.debug("received request {}".format(request)) iou_id = request["id"] iou_instance = self._iou_instances[iou_id] try: log.debug("starting IOU with command: {}".format(iou_instance.command())) iou_instance.iouyap = self._iouyap iou_instance.iourc = self._iourc iou_instance.start() except IOUError as e: self.send_custom_error(str(e)) return self.send_response(request) @IModule.route("iou.stop") def vm_stop(self, request): """ Stops an IOU instance. Mandatory request parameters: - id (IOU instance identifier) Response parameters: - same as original request :param request: JSON request """ if request == None: self.send_param_error() return #TODO: JSON schema validation for the request log.debug("received request {}".format(request)) iou_id = request["id"] iou_instance = self._iou_instances[iou_id] try: iou_instance.stop() except IOUError as e: self.send_custom_error(str(e)) return self.send_response(request) @IModule.route("iou.allocate_udp_port") def allocate_udp_port(self, request): """ Allocates a UDP port in order to create an UDP NIO. Mandatory request parameters: - id (IOU identifier) - port_id (unique port identifier) Response parameters: - port_id (unique port identifier) - lhost (local host address) - lport (allocated local port) :param request: JSON request """ if request == None: self.send_param_error() return #TODO: JSON schema validation for the request log.debug("received request {}".format(request)) iou_id = request["id"] iou_instance = self._iou_instances[iou_id] try: # find a UDP port if self._current_udp_port >= self._udp_end_port_range: self._current_udp_port = self._udp_start_port_range port = IOUDevice.find_unused_port(self._current_udp_port, self._udp_end_port_range, host=self._host, socket_type="UDP") self._current_udp_port += 1 log.info("{} [id={}] has allocated UDP port {} with host {}".format(iou_instance .name, iou_instance .id, port, self._host)) response = {"lport": port, "lhost": self._host} except IOUError as e: self.send_custom_error(str(e)) return response["port_id"] = request["port_id"] self.send_response(response) @IModule.route("iou.add_nio") def add_nio(self, request): """ Adds an NIO (Network Input/Output) for an IOU instance. Mandatory request parameters: - id (IOU instance identifier) - slot (slot number) - port (port number) - port_id (unique port identifier) - nio (nio type, one of the following) - "NIO_UDP" - lport (local port) - rhost (remote host) - rport (remote port) Response parameters: - same as original request :param request: JSON request """ if request == None: self.send_param_error() return #TODO: JSON schema validation for the request log.debug("received request {}".format(request)) iou_id = request["id"] iou_instance = self._iou_instances[iou_id] slot = request["slot"] port = request["port"] try: nio = None #TODO: support for TAP and Ethernet NIOs if request["nio"] == "NIO_UDP": lport = request["lport"] rhost = request["rhost"] rport = request["rport"] nio = NIO_UDP(lport, rhost, rport) if not nio: raise IOUError("Requested NIO doesn't exist or is not supported: {}".format(request["nio"])) except IOUError as e: self.send_custom_error(str(e)) return try: iou_instance.slot_add_nio_binding(slot, port, nio) except IOUError as e: self.send_custom_error(str(e)) return # for now send back the original request self.send_response(request) @IModule.route("iou.delete_nio") def delete_nio(self, request): """ Deletes an NIO (Network Input/Output). Mandatory request parameters: - id (IOU instance identifier) - slot (slot identifier) - port (port identifier) Response parameters: - same as original request :param request: JSON request """ if request == None: self.send_param_error() return #TODO: JSON schema validation for the request log.debug("received request {}".format(request)) iou_id = request["id"] iou_instance = self._iou_instances[iou_id] slot = request["slot"] port = request["port"] try: iou_instance.slot_remove_nio_binding(slot, port) except IOUError as e: self.send_custom_error(str(e)) return # for now send back the original request self.send_response(request) @IModule.route("iou.echo") def echo(self, request): """ Echo end point for testing purposes. :param request: JSON request """ if request == None: self.send_param_error() else: log.debug("received request {}".format(request)) self.send_response(request)