# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright (C) 2015 GNS3 Technologies Inc. # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . """ VPCS VM management (creates command line, processes, files etc.) in order to run a VPCS VM. """ import os import sys import socket import subprocess import signal import re import asyncio import shutil from gns3server.utils.asyncio import wait_for_process_termination from gns3server.utils.asyncio import monitor_process from gns3server.utils.asyncio import subprocess_check_output from gns3server.utils import parse_version from .vpcs_error import VPCSError from ..adapters.ethernet_adapter import EthernetAdapter from ..nios.nio_udp import NIOUDP from ..base_node import BaseNode import logging log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class VPCSVM(BaseNode): module_name = 'vpcs' """ VPCS VM implementation. :param name: VPCS VM name :param node_id: Node identifier :param project: Project instance :param manager: Manager instance :param console: TCP console port :param startup_script: content of the startup script file """ def __init__(self, name, node_id, project, manager, console=None, console_type="telnet", startup_script=None): super().__init__(name, node_id, project, manager, console=console, console_type=console_type, wrap_console=True) self._process = None self._vpcs_stdout_file = "" self._vpcs_version = None self._started = False self._local_udp_tunnel = None # VPCS settings if startup_script is not None and not self.script_file: # We disallow override at startup self.startup_script = startup_script self._ethernet_adapter = EthernetAdapter() # one adapter with 1 Ethernet interface @property def ethernet_adapter(self): return self._ethernet_adapter async def close(self): """ Closes this VPCS VM. """ if not (await super().close()): return False nio = self._ethernet_adapter.get_nio(0) if isinstance(nio, NIOUDP): self.manager.port_manager.release_udp_port(nio.lport, self._project) if self._local_udp_tunnel: self.manager.port_manager.release_udp_port(self._local_udp_tunnel[0].lport, self._project) self.manager.port_manager.release_udp_port(self._local_udp_tunnel[1].lport, self._project) self._local_udp_tunnel = None await self._stop_ubridge() if self.is_running(): self._terminate_process() return True async def _check_requirements(self): """ Check if VPCS is available with the correct version. """ path = self._vpcs_path() if not path: raise VPCSError("No path to a VPCS executable has been set") # This raise an error if ubridge is not available self.ubridge_path if not os.path.isfile(path): raise VPCSError("VPCS program '{}' is not accessible".format(path)) if not os.access(path, os.X_OK): raise VPCSError("VPCS program '{}' is not executable".format(path)) await self._check_vpcs_version() def __json__(self): return {"name": self.name, "node_id": self.id, "node_directory": self.working_path, "status": self.status, "console": self._console, "console_type": self._console_type, "project_id": self.project.id, "command_line": self.command_line} def _vpcs_path(self): """ Returns the VPCS executable path. :returns: path to VPCS """ vpcs_path = self._manager.config.get_section_config("VPCS").get("vpcs_path", "vpcs") if not os.path.isabs(vpcs_path): vpcs_path = shutil.which(vpcs_path) return vpcs_path @BaseNode.name.setter def name(self, new_name): """ Sets the name of this VPCS VM. :param new_name: name """ if self.script_file: content = self.startup_script content = content.replace(self._name, new_name) escaped_name = new_name.replace('\\', '') content = re.sub(r"^set pcname .+$", "set pcname " + escaped_name, content, flags=re.MULTILINE) self.startup_script = content super(VPCSVM, VPCSVM).name.__set__(self, new_name) @property def startup_script(self): """ Returns the content of the current startup script """ script_file = self.script_file if script_file is None: return None try: with open(script_file, "rb") as f: return f.read().decode("utf-8", errors="replace") except OSError as e: raise VPCSError('Cannot read the startup script file "{}": {}'.format(script_file, e)) @startup_script.setter def startup_script(self, startup_script): """ Updates the startup script. :param startup_script: content of the startup script """ try: startup_script_path = os.path.join(self.working_dir, 'startup.vpc') with open(startup_script_path, "w+", encoding='utf-8') as f: if startup_script is None: f.write('') else: startup_script = startup_script.replace("%h", self._name) f.write(startup_script) except OSError as e: raise VPCSError('Cannot write the startup script file "{}": {}'.format(startup_script_path, e)) async def _check_vpcs_version(self): """ Checks if the VPCS executable version is >= 0.8b or == 0.6.1. """ try: output = await subprocess_check_output(self._vpcs_path(), "-v", cwd=self.working_dir) match = re.search(r"Welcome to Virtual PC Simulator, version ([0-9a-z\.]+)", output) if match: version = match.group(1) self._vpcs_version = parse_version(version) if self._vpcs_version < parse_version("0.6.1"): raise VPCSError("VPCS executable version must be >= 0.6.1 but not a 0.8") else: raise VPCSError("Could not determine the VPCS version for {}".format(self._vpcs_path())) except (OSError, subprocess.SubprocessError) as e: raise VPCSError("Error while looking for the VPCS version: {}".format(e)) async def start(self): """ Starts the VPCS process. """ await self._check_requirements() if not self.is_running(): nio = self._ethernet_adapter.get_nio(0) command = self._build_command() try: log.info("Starting VPCS: {}".format(command)) self._vpcs_stdout_file = os.path.join(self.working_dir, "vpcs.log") log.info("Logging to {}".format(self._vpcs_stdout_file)) flags = 0 if sys.platform.startswith("win32"): flags = subprocess.CREATE_NEW_PROCESS_GROUP with open(self._vpcs_stdout_file, "w", encoding="utf-8") as fd: self.command_line = ' '.join(command) self._process = await asyncio.create_subprocess_exec(*command, stdout=fd, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, cwd=self.working_dir, creationflags=flags) monitor_process(self._process, self._termination_callback) await self._start_ubridge() if nio: await self.add_ubridge_udp_connection("VPCS-{}".format(self._id), self._local_udp_tunnel[1], nio) await self.start_wrap_console() log.info("VPCS instance {} started PID={}".format(self.name, self._process.pid)) self._started = True self.status = "started" except (OSError, subprocess.SubprocessError) as e: vpcs_stdout = self.read_vpcs_stdout() log.error("Could not start VPCS {}: {}\n{}".format(self._vpcs_path(), e, vpcs_stdout)) raise VPCSError("Could not start VPCS {}: {}\n{}".format(self._vpcs_path(), e, vpcs_stdout)) async def _termination_callback(self, returncode): """ Called when the process has stopped. :param returncode: Process returncode """ if self._started: log.info("VPCS process has stopped, return code: %d", returncode) self._started = False self.status = "stopped" self._process = None await self._stop_ubridge() await super().stop() if returncode != 0: self.project.emit("log.error", {"message": "VPCS process has stopped, return code: {}\n{}".format(returncode, self.read_vpcs_stdout())}) async def stop(self): """ Stops the VPCS process. """ await self._stop_ubridge() if self.is_running(): self._terminate_process() if self._process.returncode is None: try: await wait_for_process_termination(self._process, timeout=3) except asyncio.TimeoutError: if self._process.returncode is None: try: self._process.kill() except OSError as e: log.error("Cannot stop the VPCS process: {}".format(e)) if self._process.returncode is None: log.warning('VPCS VM "{}" with PID={} is still running'.format(self._name, self._process.pid)) self._process = None self._started = False await super().stop() async def reload(self): """ Reloads the VPCS process (stop & start). """ await self.stop() await self.start() def _terminate_process(self): """ Terminate the process if running """ log.info("Stopping VPCS instance {} PID={}".format(self.name, self._process.pid)) if sys.platform.startswith("win32"): try: self._process.send_signal(signal.CTRL_BREAK_EVENT) except (SystemError, OSError): pass else: try: self._process.terminate() # Sometime the process may already be dead when we garbage collect except ProcessLookupError: pass def read_vpcs_stdout(self): """ Reads the standard output of the VPCS process. Only use when the process has been stopped or has crashed. """ output = "" if self._vpcs_stdout_file: try: with open(self._vpcs_stdout_file, "rb") as file: output = file.read().decode("utf-8", errors="replace") except OSError as e: log.warning("Could not read {}: {}".format(self._vpcs_stdout_file, e)) return output def is_running(self): """ Checks if the VPCS process is running :returns: True or False """ if self._process and self._process.returncode is None: return True return False @BaseNode.console_type.setter def console_type(self, new_console_type): """ Sets the console type for this VPCS VM. :param new_console_type: console type (string) """ if self.is_running() and self.console_type != new_console_type: raise VPCSError('"{name}" must be stopped to change the console type to {new_console_type}'.format(name=self._name, new_console_type=new_console_type)) super(VPCSVM, VPCSVM).console_type.__set__(self, new_console_type) async def port_add_nio_binding(self, port_number, nio): """ Adds a port NIO binding. :param port_number: port number :param nio: NIO instance to add to the slot/port """ if not self._ethernet_adapter.port_exists(port_number): raise VPCSError("Port {port_number} doesn't exist on adapter {adapter}".format(adapter=self._ethernet_adapter, port_number=port_number)) if self.is_running(): await self.add_ubridge_udp_connection("VPCS-{}".format(self._id), self._local_udp_tunnel[1], nio) self._ethernet_adapter.add_nio(port_number, nio) log.info('VPCS "{name}" [{id}]: {nio} added to port {port_number}'.format(name=self._name, id=self.id, nio=nio, port_number=port_number)) return nio async def port_update_nio_binding(self, port_number, nio): """ Updates a port NIO binding. :param port_number: port number :param nio: NIO instance to update on the slot/port """ if not self._ethernet_adapter.port_exists(port_number): raise VPCSError("Port {port_number} doesn't exist on adapter {adapter}".format(adapter=self._ethernet_adapter, port_number=port_number)) if self.is_running(): await self.update_ubridge_udp_connection("VPCS-{}".format(self._id), self._local_udp_tunnel[1], nio) async def port_remove_nio_binding(self, port_number): """ Removes a port NIO binding. :param port_number: port number :returns: NIO instance """ if not self._ethernet_adapter.port_exists(port_number): raise VPCSError("Port {port_number} doesn't exist on adapter {adapter}".format(adapter=self._ethernet_adapter, port_number=port_number)) await self.stop_capture(port_number) if self.is_running(): await self._ubridge_send("bridge delete {name}".format(name="VPCS-{}".format(self._id))) nio = self._ethernet_adapter.get_nio(port_number) if isinstance(nio, NIOUDP): self.manager.port_manager.release_udp_port(nio.lport, self._project) self._ethernet_adapter.remove_nio(port_number) log.info('VPCS "{name}" [{id}]: {nio} removed from port {port_number}'.format(name=self._name, id=self.id, nio=nio, port_number=port_number)) return nio def get_nio(self, port_number): """ Gets a port NIO binding. :param port_number: port number :returns: NIO instance """ if not self._ethernet_adapter.port_exists(port_number): raise VPCSError("Port {port_number} doesn't exist on adapter {adapter}".format(adapter=self._ethernet_adapter, port_number=port_number)) nio = self._ethernet_adapter.get_nio(port_number) if not nio: raise VPCSError("Port {} is not connected".format(port_number)) return nio async def start_capture(self, port_number, output_file): """ Starts a packet capture. :param port_number: port number :param output_file: PCAP destination file for the capture """ nio = self.get_nio(port_number) if nio.capturing: raise VPCSError("Packet capture is already active on port {port_number}".format(port_number=port_number)) nio.start_packet_capture(output_file) if self.ubridge: await self._ubridge_send('bridge start_capture {name} "{output_file}"'.format(name="VPCS-{}".format(self._id), output_file=output_file)) log.info("VPCS '{name}' [{id}]: starting packet capture on port {port_number}".format(name=self.name, id=self.id, port_number=port_number)) async def stop_capture(self, port_number): """ Stops a packet capture. :param port_number: port number """ nio = self.get_nio(port_number) if not nio.capturing: return nio.stop_packet_capture() if self.ubridge: await self._ubridge_send('bridge stop_capture {name}'.format(name="VPCS-{}".format(self._id))) log.info("VPCS '{name}' [{id}]: stopping packet capture on port {port_number}".format(name=self.name, id=self.id, port_number=port_number)) def _build_command(self): """ Command to start the VPCS process. (to be passed to subprocess.Popen()) VPCS command line: usage: vpcs [options] [scriptfile] Option: -h print this help then exit -v print version information then exit -i num number of vpc instances to start (default is 9) -p port run as a daemon listening on the tcp 'port' -m num start byte of ether address, default from 0 -r file load and execute script file compatible with older versions, DEPRECATED. -e tap mode, using /dev/tapx by default (linux only) -u udp mode, default udp mode options: -s port local udp base port, default from 20000 -c port remote udp base port (dynamips udp port), default from 30000 -t ip remote host IP, default tap mode options: -d vm device name, works only when -i is set to 1 hypervisor mode option: -H port run as the hypervisor listening on the tcp 'port' If no 'scriptfile' specified, vpcs will read and execute the file named 'startup.vpc' if it exsits in the current directory. """ command = [self._vpcs_path()] command.extend(["-p", str(self._internal_console_port)]) # listen to console port command.extend(["-m", str(self._manager.get_mac_id(self.id))]) # the unique ID is used to set the MAC address offset command.extend(["-i", "1"]) # option to start only one VPC instance command.extend(["-F"]) # option to avoid the daemonization of VPCS if self._vpcs_version >= parse_version("0.8b"): command.extend(["-R"]) # disable the relay feature of VPCS (starting with VPCS 0.8) else: log.warning("The VPCS relay feature could not be disabled because the VPCS version is below 0.8b") # use the local UDP tunnel to uBridge instead if not self._local_udp_tunnel: self._local_udp_tunnel = self._create_local_udp_tunnel() nio = self._local_udp_tunnel[0] if nio and isinstance(nio, NIOUDP): # UDP tunnel command.extend(["-s", str(nio.lport)]) # source UDP port command.extend(["-c", str(nio.rport)]) # destination UDP port try: command.extend(["-t", socket.gethostbyname(nio.rhost)]) # destination host, we need to resolve the hostname because VPCS doesn't support it except socket.gaierror as e: raise VPCSError("Can't resolve hostname {}".format(nio.rhost)) if self.script_file: command.extend([os.path.basename(self.script_file)]) return command @property def script_file(self): """ Returns the startup script file for this VPCS VM. :returns: path to startup script file """ # use the default VPCS file if it exists path = os.path.join(self.working_dir, 'startup.vpc') if os.path.exists(path): return path else: return None