# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright (C) 2014 GNS3 Technologies Inc. # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . import socket import asyncio import asyncio.subprocess import struct import logging log = logging.getLogger(__name__) # Mostly from https://code.google.com/p/miniboa/source/browse/trunk/miniboa/telnet.py # Telnet Commands SE = 240 # End of sub-negotiation parameters NOP = 241 # No operation DATMK = 242 # Data stream portion of a sync. BREAK = 243 # NVT Character BRK IP = 244 # Interrupt Process AO = 245 # Abort Output AYT = 246 # Are you there EC = 247 # Erase Character EL = 248 # Erase Line GA = 249 # The Go Ahead Signal SB = 250 # Sub-option to follow WILL = 251 # Will; request or confirm option begin WONT = 252 # Wont; deny option request DO = 253 # Do = Request or confirm remote option DONT = 254 # Don't = Demand or confirm option halt IAC = 255 # Interpret as Command SEND = 1 # Sub-process negotiation SEND command IS = 0 # Sub-process negotiation IS command # Telnet Options BINARY = 0 # Transmit Binary ECHO = 1 # Echo characters back to sender RECON = 2 # Reconnection SGA = 3 # Suppress Go-Ahead TMARK = 6 # Timing Mark TTYPE = 24 # Terminal Type NAWS = 31 # Negotiate About Window Size LINEMO = 34 # Line Mode READ_SIZE = 1024 class TelnetConnection(object): """Default implementation of telnet connection which may but may not be used.""" def __init__(self, reader, writer, window_size_changed_callback=None): self.is_closing = False self._reader = reader self._writer = writer self._window_size_changed_callback = window_size_changed_callback @property def reader(self): return self._reader @property def writer(self): return self._writer async def connected(self): """Method called when client is connected""" pass async def disconnected(self): """Method called when client is disconnecting""" pass async def window_size_changed(self, columns, rows): """Method called when window size changed, only can occur when `naws` flag is enable in server configuration.""" if self._window_size_changed_callback: await self._window_size_changed_callback(columns, rows) async def feed(self, data): """ Handles incoming data :return: """ def send(self, data): """ Sending data back to client :return: """ data = data.decode().replace("\n", "\r\n") self.writer.write(data.encode()) def close(self): """ Closes current connection :return: """ self.is_closing = True class AsyncioTelnetServer: MAX_NEGOTIATION_READ = 10 def __init__(self, reader=None, writer=None, binary=True, echo=False, naws=False, window_size_changed_callback=None, connection_factory=None): """ Initializes telnet server :param naws when True make a window size negotiation :param connection_factory: when set it's possible to inject own implementation of connection """ assert connection_factory is None or (connection_factory is not None and reader is None and writer is None), \ "Please use either reader and writer either connection_factory, otherwise duplicate data may be produced." self._reader = reader self._writer = writer self._connections = dict() self._lock = asyncio.Lock() self._reader_process = None self._current_read = None self._window_size_changed_callback = window_size_changed_callback self._binary = binary # If echo is true when the client send data # the data is echo on his terminal by telnet otherwise # it's our job (or the wrapped app) to send back the data self._echo = echo self._naws = naws def default_connection_factory(reader, writer, window_size_changed_callback): return TelnetConnection(reader, writer, window_size_changed_callback) if connection_factory is None: connection_factory = default_connection_factory self._connection_factory = connection_factory @staticmethod async def write_client_intro(writer, echo=False): # Send initial telnet session opening if echo: writer.write(bytes([IAC, WILL, ECHO])) else: writer.write(bytes([ IAC, WONT, ECHO, IAC, DONT, ECHO])) await writer.drain() async def _write_intro(self, writer, binary=False, echo=False, naws=False): # Send initial telnet session opening if echo: writer.write(bytes([IAC, WILL, ECHO])) else: writer.write(bytes([ IAC, WONT, ECHO, IAC, DONT, ECHO])) if binary: writer.write(bytes([ IAC, WILL, SGA, IAC, WILL, BINARY, IAC, DO, BINARY])) else: writer.write(bytes([ IAC, WONT, SGA, IAC, DONT, SGA, IAC, WONT, BINARY, IAC, DONT, BINARY])) if naws: writer.write(bytes([ IAC, DO, NAWS ])) await writer.drain() async def run(self, network_reader, network_writer): sock = network_writer.get_extra_info("socket") sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_KEEPALIVE, 1) sock.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_TCP, socket.TCP_NODELAY, 1) #log.debug("New connection from {}".format(sock.getpeername())) # Keep track of connected clients connection = self._connection_factory(network_reader, network_writer, self._window_size_changed_callback) self._connections[network_writer] = connection try: await self._write_intro(network_writer, echo=self._echo, binary=self._binary, naws=self._naws) await connection.connected() await self._process(network_reader, network_writer, connection) except ConnectionError: async with self._lock: network_writer.close() if self._reader_process == network_reader: self._reader_process = None # Cancel current read from this reader if self._current_read is not None: self._current_read.cancel() await connection.disconnected() del self._connections[network_writer] async def close(self): for writer, connection in self._connections.items(): try: writer.write_eof() await writer.drain() except (AttributeError, ConnectionError): continue async def client_connected_hook(self): pass async def _get_reader(self, network_reader): """ Get a reader or None if another reader is already reading. """ async with self._lock: if self._reader_process is None: self._reader_process = network_reader if self._reader: if self._reader_process == network_reader: self._current_read = asyncio.ensure_future(self._reader.read(READ_SIZE)) return self._current_read return None async def _process(self, network_reader, network_writer, connection): network_read = asyncio.ensure_future(network_reader.read(READ_SIZE)) reader_read = await self._get_reader(network_reader) while True: if reader_read is None: reader_read = await self._get_reader(network_reader) if reader_read is None: done, pending = await asyncio.wait( [ network_read, ], timeout=1, return_when=asyncio.FIRST_COMPLETED) else: done, pending = await asyncio.wait( [ network_read, reader_read ], return_when=asyncio.FIRST_COMPLETED) for coro in done: data = coro.result() if coro == network_read: if network_reader.at_eof(): raise ConnectionResetError() network_read = asyncio.ensure_future(network_reader.read(READ_SIZE)) if IAC in data: data = await self._IAC_parser(data, network_reader, network_writer, connection) if len(data) == 0: continue if not self._binary: data = data.replace(b"\r\n", b"\n") if self._writer: self._writer.write(data) await self._writer.drain() await connection.feed(data) if connection.is_closing: raise ConnectionResetError() elif coro == reader_read: if self._reader and self._reader.at_eof(): raise ConnectionResetError() reader_read = await self._get_reader(network_reader) # Replicate the output on all clients for connection in self._connections.values(): connection.writer.write(data) await connection.writer.drain() async def _read(self, cmd, buffer, location, reader): """ Reads next op from the buffer or reader""" try: op = buffer[location] cmd.append(op) return op except IndexError: op = await reader.read(1) buffer.extend(op) cmd.append(buffer[location]) return op async def _negotiate(self, data, connection): """ Performs negotiation commands""" command, payload = data[0], data[1:] if command == NAWS: if len(payload) == 4: columns, rows = struct.unpack(str('!HH'), bytes(payload)) await connection.window_size_changed(columns, rows) else: log.warning('Wrong number of NAWS bytes') else: log.debug("Not supported negotiation sequence, received {} bytes", len(data)) async def _IAC_parser(self, buf, network_reader, network_writer, connection): """ Processes and removes any Telnet commands from the buffer. :param buf: buffer :returns: buffer minus Telnet commands """ skip_to = 0 while True: # Locate an IAC to process iac_loc = buf.find(IAC, skip_to) if iac_loc < 0: break # Get the TELNET command iac_cmd = bytearray([IAC]) try: iac_cmd.append(buf[iac_loc + 1]) except IndexError: d = await network_reader.read(1) buf.extend(d) iac_cmd.append(buf[iac_loc + 1]) # Is this just a 2-byte TELNET command? if iac_cmd[1] not in [WILL, WONT, DO, DONT, SB]: if iac_cmd[1] == AYT: log.debug("Telnet server received Are-You-There (AYT)") network_writer.write(b'\r\nYour Are-You-There received. I am here.\r\n') elif iac_cmd[1] == IAC: # It's data, not an IAC iac_cmd.pop() # This prevents the 0xff from being # interrupted as yet another IAC skip_to = iac_loc + 1 log.debug("Received IAC IAC") elif iac_cmd[1] == NOP: pass else: log.debug("Unhandled telnet command: " "{0:#x} {1:#x}".format(*iac_cmd)) elif iac_cmd[1] == SB: # starts negotiation commands negotiation = [] for pos in range(2, self.MAX_NEGOTIATION_READ): op = await self._read(iac_cmd, buf, iac_loc + pos, network_reader) negotiation.append(op) if op == SE: # ends negotiation commands break # SE command is followed by IAC, remove the last two operations from stack await self._negotiate(negotiation[0:-2], connection) # This must be a 3-byte TELNET command else: try: iac_cmd.append(buf[iac_loc + 2]) except IndexError: d = await network_reader.read(1) buf.extend(d) iac_cmd.append(buf[iac_loc + 2]) # We do ECHO, SGA, and BINARY. Period. if iac_cmd[1] == DO: if iac_cmd[2] not in [ECHO, SGA, BINARY]: network_writer.write(bytes([IAC, WONT, iac_cmd[2]])) log.debug("Telnet WON'T {:#x}".format(iac_cmd[2])) else: if iac_cmd[2] == SGA: if self._binary: network_writer.write(bytes([IAC, WILL, iac_cmd[2]])) else: network_writer.write(bytes([IAC, WONT, iac_cmd[2]])) log.debug("Telnet WON'T {:#x}".format(iac_cmd[2])) elif iac_cmd[1] == DONT: log.debug("Unhandled DONT telnet command: " "{0:#x} {1:#x} {2:#x}".format(*iac_cmd)) elif iac_cmd[1] == WILL: if iac_cmd[2] not in [BINARY, NAWS]: log.debug("Unhandled WILL telnet command: " "{0:#x} {1:#x} {2:#x}".format(*iac_cmd)) elif iac_cmd[1] == WONT: log.debug("Unhandled WONT telnet command: " "{0:#x} {1:#x} {2:#x}".format(*iac_cmd)) else: log.debug("Unhandled telnet command: " "{0:#x} {1:#x} {2:#x}".format(*iac_cmd)) # Remove the entire TELNET command from the buffer buf = buf.replace(iac_cmd, b'', 1) await network_writer.drain() # Return the new copy of the buffer, minus telnet commands return buf if __name__ == '__main__': logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() process = loop.run_until_complete(asyncio.ensure_future(asyncio.subprocess.create_subprocess_exec("/bin/sh", "-i", stdout=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE, stderr=asyncio.subprocess.STDOUT, stdin=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE))) server = AsyncioTelnetServer(reader=process.stdout, writer=process.stdin, binary=False, echo=False) coro = asyncio.start_server(server.run, '', 4444, loop=loop) s = loop.run_until_complete(coro) try: loop.run_forever() except KeyboardInterrupt: pass # Close the server s.close() loop.run_until_complete(s.wait_closed()) loop.close()