#!/usr/bin/env python # # Copyright (C) 2016 GNS3 Technologies Inc. # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . import ipaddress import aiohttp import asyncio import socket import json import uuid import sys import os import io from ..utils import parse_version from ..utils.images import scan_for_images from ..controller.controller_error import ControllerError from ..config import Config from ..version import __version__ import logging log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class ComputeError(ControllerError): pass class ComputeConflict(aiohttp.web.HTTPConflict): """ Raise when the compute send a 409 that we can handle :param response: The response of the compute """ def __init__(self, response): super().__init__(text=response["message"]) self.response = response class Timeout(aiohttp.Timeout): """ Could be removed with aiohttp 0.22 that support None timeout """ def __enter__(self): if self._timeout: return super().__enter__() return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): if self._timeout: return super().__exit__(exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb) return self class Compute: """ A GNS3 compute. """ def __init__(self, compute_id, controller=None, protocol="http", host="localhost", port=3080, user=None, password=None, name=None): self._http_session = None assert controller is not None log.info("Create compute %s", compute_id) if compute_id is None: self._id = str(uuid.uuid4()) else: self._id = compute_id self.protocol = protocol self.host = host self.port = port self._user = None self._password = None self._connected = False self._closed = False # Close mean we are destroying the compute node self._controller = controller self._set_auth(user, password) self._cpu_usage_percent = None self._memory_usage_percent = None self._capabilities = { "version": None, "node_types": [] } self.name = name # Websocket for notifications self._ws = None # Cache of interfaces on remote host self._interfaces_cache = None def _session(self): if self._http_session is None or self._http_session.closed is True: self._http_session = aiohttp.ClientSession() return self._http_session def __del__(self): if self._http_session: self._http_session.close() def _set_auth(self, user, password): """ Set authentication parameters """ if user is None or len(user.strip()) == 0: self._user = None self._password = None self._auth = None else: self._user = user.strip() if password: self._password = password.strip() self._auth = aiohttp.BasicAuth(self._user, self._password) else: self._password = None self._auth = aiohttp.BasicAuth(self._user, "") @asyncio.coroutine def interfaces(self): """ Get the list of network on compute """ if not self._interfaces_cache: response = yield from self.get("/network/interfaces") self._interfaces_cache = response.json return self._interfaces_cache @asyncio.coroutine def update(self, **kwargs): for kw in kwargs: setattr(self, kw, kwargs[kw]) if self._http_session: self._http_session.close() self._connected = False self._controller.notification.emit("compute.updated", self.__json__()) self._controller.save() @asyncio.coroutine def close(self): self._connected = False if self._http_session: self._http_session.close() if self._ws: yield from self._ws.close() self._ws = None self._closed = True @property def name(self): """ :returns: Compute name """ return self._name @name.setter def name(self, name): if name is not None: self._name = name else: if self._user: user = self._user # Due to random user generated by 1.4 it's common to have a very long user if len(user) > 14: user = user[:11] + "..." self._name = "{}://{}@{}:{}".format(self._protocol, user, self._host, self._port) else: self._name = "{}://{}:{}".format(self._protocol, self._host, self._port) @property def connected(self): """ :returns: True if compute node is connected """ return self._connected @property def id(self): """ :returns: Compute identifier (string) """ return self._id @property def host(self): """ :returns: Compute host (string) """ return self._host @property def host_ip(self): """ Return the IP associated to the host """ return socket.gethostbyname(self._host) @host.setter def host(self, host): self._host = host @property def port(self): """ :returns: Compute port (integer) """ return self._port @port.setter def port(self, port): self._port = port @property def protocol(self): """ :returns: Compute protocol (string) """ return self._protocol @protocol.setter def protocol(self, protocol): self._protocol = protocol @property def user(self): return self._user @user.setter def user(self, value): self._set_auth(value, self._password) @property def password(self): return self._password @password.setter def password(self, value): self._set_auth(self._user, value) @property def cpu_usage_percent(self): return self._cpu_usage_percent @property def memory_usage_percent(self): return self._memory_usage_percent def __json__(self, topology_dump=False): """ :param topology_dump: Filter to keep only properties require for saving on disk """ if topology_dump: return { "compute_id": self._id, "name": self._name, "protocol": self._protocol, "host": self._host, "port": self._port } return { "compute_id": self._id, "name": self._name, "protocol": self._protocol, "host": self._host, "port": self._port, "user": self._user, "connected": self._connected, "cpu_usage_percent": self._cpu_usage_percent, "memory_usage_percent": self._memory_usage_percent, "capabilities": self._capabilities } @asyncio.coroutine def download_file(self, project, path): """ Read file of a project and download it :param project: A project object :param path: The path of the file in the project :returns: A file stream """ url = self._getUrl("/projects/{}/files/{}".format(project.id, path)) response = yield from self._session().request("GET", url, auth=self._auth) if response.status == 404: raise aiohttp.web.HTTPNotFound(text="{} not found on compute".format(path)) return response.content @asyncio.coroutine def stream_file(self, project, path): """ Read file of a project and stream it :param project: A project object :param path: The path of the file in the project :returns: A file stream """ # Due to Python 3.4 limitation we can't use with and asyncio # https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0492/ # that why we wrap the answer class StreamResponse: def __init__(self, response): self._response = response def __enter__(self): return self._response.content def __exit__(self): self._response.close() url = self._getUrl("/projects/{}/stream/{}".format(project.id, path)) response = yield from self._session().request("GET", url, auth=self._auth) if response.status == 404: raise aiohttp.web.HTTPNotFound(text="{} not found on compute".format(path)) return StreamResponse(response) @asyncio.coroutine def http_query(self, method, path, data=None, **kwargs): if not self._connected: if self._id == "vm" and not self._controller.gns3vm.running: yield from self._controller.gns3vm.start() yield from self.connect() if not self._connected: raise aiohttp.web.HTTPConflict(text="Can't connect to {}".format(self._name)) response = yield from self._run_http_query(method, path, data=data, **kwargs) return response @asyncio.coroutine def connect(self): """ Check if remote server is accessible """ if not self._connected and not self._closed: try: response = yield from self._run_http_query("GET", "/capabilities") except (aiohttp.errors.ClientOSError, aiohttp.errors.ClientRequestError, aiohttp.ClientResponseError): # Try to reconnect after 2 seconds if server unavailable only if not during tests (otherwise we create a ressources usage bomb) if not hasattr(sys, "_called_from_test") or not sys._called_from_test: asyncio.get_event_loop().call_later(2, lambda: asyncio.async(self.connect())) return if "version" not in response.json: self._http_session.close() raise aiohttp.web.HTTPConflict(text="The server {} is not a GNS3 server".format(self._id)) self._capabilities = response.json if parse_version(__version__)[:2] != parse_version(response.json["version"])[:2]: self._http_session.close() raise aiohttp.web.HTTPConflict(text="The server {} versions are not compatible {} != {}".format(self._id, __version__, response.json["version"])) self._notifications = asyncio.gather(self._connect_notification()) self._connected = True self._controller.notification.emit("compute.updated", self.__json__()) @asyncio.coroutine def _connect_notification(self): """ Connect to the notification stream """ try: self._ws = yield from self._session().ws_connect(self._getUrl("/notifications/ws"), auth=self._auth) except aiohttp.errors.WSServerHandshakeError: self._ws = None while self._ws is not None: try: response = yield from self._ws.receive() except aiohttp.errors.WSServerHandshakeError: self._ws = None break if response.tp == aiohttp.MsgType.closed or response.tp == aiohttp.MsgType.error: self._connected = False break msg = json.loads(response.data) action = msg.pop("action") event = msg.pop("event") if action == "ping": self._cpu_usage_percent = event["cpu_usage_percent"] self._memory_usage_percent = event["memory_usage_percent"] self._controller.notification.emit("compute.updated", self.__json__()) else: self._controller.notification.dispatch(action, event, compute_id=self.id) if self._ws: yield from self._ws.close() # Try to reconnect after 1 seconds if server unavailable only if not during tests (otherwise we create a ressources usage bomb) if not hasattr(sys, "_called_from_test") or not sys._called_from_test: asyncio.get_event_loop().call_later(1, lambda: asyncio.async(self.connect())) self._ws = None self._cpu_usage_percent = None self._memory_usage_percent = None self._controller.notification.emit("compute.updated", self.__json__()) def _getUrl(self, path): return "{}://{}:{}/v2/compute{}".format(self._protocol, self._host, self._port, path) @asyncio.coroutine def _run_http_query(self, method, path, data=None, timeout=10, raw=False): with Timeout(timeout): url = self._getUrl(path) headers = {} headers['content-type'] = 'application/json' chunked = False if data == {}: data = None elif data is not None: if hasattr(data, '__json__'): data = json.dumps(data.__json__()) # Stream the request elif isinstance(data, aiohttp.streams.StreamReader) or isinstance(data, io.BufferedIOBase) or isinstance(data, bytes): chunked = True headers['content-type'] = 'application/octet-stream' else: data = json.dumps(data) response = yield from self._session().request(method, url, headers=headers, data=data, auth=self._auth, chunked=chunked) body = yield from response.read() if body and not raw: body = body.decode() if response.status >= 300: # Try to decode the GNS3 error if body and not raw: try: msg = json.loads(body)["message"] except (KeyError, ValueError): msg = body else: msg = "" if response.status == 400: raise aiohttp.web.HTTPBadRequest(text="Bad request {} {}".format(url, body)) elif response.status == 401: raise aiohttp.web.HTTPUnauthorized(text="Invalid authentication for compute {}".format(self.id)) elif response.status == 403: raise aiohttp.web.HTTPForbidden(text=msg) elif response.status == 404: raise aiohttp.web.HTTPNotFound(text=msg) elif response.status == 409: try: raise ComputeConflict(json.loads(body)) # If the 409 doesn't come from a GNS3 server except ValueError: raise aiohttp.web.HTTPConflict(text=msg) elif response.status == 500: raise aiohttp.web.HTTPInternalServerError(text="Internal server error {}".format(url)) elif response.status == 503: raise aiohttp.web.HTTPServiceUnavailable(text="Service unavailable {} {}".format(url, body)) else: raise NotImplementedError("{} status code is not supported".format(response.status)) if body and len(body): if raw: response.body = body else: try: response.json = json.loads(body) except ValueError: raise aiohttp.web.HTTPConflict(text="The server {} is not a GNS3 server".format(self._id)) else: response.json = {} response.body = b"" return response @asyncio.coroutine def get(self, path, **kwargs): return (yield from self.http_query("GET", path, **kwargs)) @asyncio.coroutine def post(self, path, data={}, **kwargs): response = yield from self.http_query("POST", path, data, **kwargs) return response @asyncio.coroutine def put(self, path, data={}, **kwargs): response = yield from self.http_query("PUT", path, data, **kwargs) return response @asyncio.coroutine def delete(self, path, **kwargs): return (yield from self.http_query("DELETE", path, **kwargs)) @asyncio.coroutine def forward(self, method, type, path, data=None): """ Forward a call to the emulator on compute """ res = yield from self.http_query(method, "/{}/{}".format(type, path), data=data, timeout=None) return res.json @asyncio.coroutine def images(self, type): """ Return the list of images available for this type on controller and on the compute node. """ images = [] res = yield from self.http_query("GET", "/{}/images".format(type), timeout=120) images = res.json if type in ["qemu", "dynamips", "iou"]: for path in scan_for_images(type): image = os.path.basename(path) if image not in [i['filename'] for i in images]: images.append({"filename": image, "path": image}) return images @asyncio.coroutine def list_files(self, project): """ List files in the project on computes """ path = "/projects/{}/files".format(project.id) res = yield from self.http_query("GET", path, timeout=120) return res.json @asyncio.coroutine def get_ip_on_same_subnet(self, other_compute): """ Try to found the best ip for communication from one compute to another :returns: Tuple (ip_for_this_compute, ip_for_other_compute) """ if other_compute == self: return (self.host_ip, self.host_ip) this_compute_interfaces = yield from self.interfaces() other_compute_interfaces = yield from other_compute.interfaces() # Sort interface to put the compute host in first position # we guess that if user specified this host it could have a reason (VMware Nat / Host only interface) this_compute_interfaces = sorted(this_compute_interfaces, key=lambda i: i["ip_address"] != self.host_ip) other_compute_interfaces = sorted(other_compute_interfaces, key=lambda i: i["ip_address"] != other_compute.host_ip) for this_interface in this_compute_interfaces: if len(this_interface["ip_address"]) == 0: continue this_network = ipaddress.ip_network("{}/{}".format(this_interface["ip_address"], this_interface["netmask"]), strict=False) for other_interface in other_compute_interfaces: if len(other_interface["ip_address"]) == 0: continue # Avoid stuff like if other_interface["ip_address"] == this_interface["ip_address"]: continue other_network = ipaddress.ip_network("{}/{}".format(other_interface["ip_address"], other_interface["netmask"]), strict=False) if this_network.overlaps(other_network): return (this_interface["ip_address"], other_interface["ip_address"]) raise ValueError("No common subnet for compute {} and {}".format(self.name, other_compute.name))