Update README.md

grossmj 2 years ago
parent e897ab6163
commit 3edfa53e9e

@ -1,165 +1,134 @@
# GNS3-server
# GNS3 server repository
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This is the GNS3 server repository.
The GNS3 server manages emulators such as Dynamips, VirtualBox or Qemu/KVM.
The GNS3 server manages emulators and other virtualization software such as Dynamips, Qemu/KVM, Docker, VPCS, VirtualBox and VMware Workstation.
Clients like the [GNS3 GUI](https://github.com/GNS3/gns3-gui/) and the [GNS3 Web UI](https://github.com/GNS3/gns3-web-ui>) control the server using a HTTP REST API.
## Software dependencies
## Installation
In addition to Python dependencies listed in a section below, other software may be required, recommended or optional.
These instructions are for using GNS3, please see below for development.
* [uBridge](https://github.com/GNS3/ubridge/) is required, it interconnects the nodes.
* [Dynamips](https://github.com/GNS3/dynamips/) is required for running IOS routers (using real IOS images) as well as the internal switches and hubs.
* [VPCS](https://github.com/GNS3/vpcs/) is recommended, it is a builtin node simulating a very simple computer to perform connectivity tests using ping, traceroute etc.
* Qemu is strongly recommended on Linux, as most node types are based on Qemu, for example Cisco IOSv and Arista vEOS.
* libvirt is recommended (Linux only), as it's needed for the NAT cloud.
* Docker is optional (Linux only), some nodes are based on Docker.
* mtools is recommended to support data transfer to/from QEMU VMs using virtual disks.
* i386-libraries of libc and libcrypto are optional (Linux only), they are only needed to run IOU based nodes.
### Docker support
### Windows & macOS
Docker support needs the script program (`bsdutils` or `util-linux` package), when running a docker VM and a static busybox during installation (python3 setup.py install / pip3 install / package creation).
Please use our [Windows installer or DMG package](https://gns3.com/software/download) to install the stable build along with the GNS3 VM.
Note that as of GNS3 version above 3.0, you must run the server using the GNS3 VM or on a Linux system (remote, cloud or virtual machine).
## Branches
### Linux
### master
#### Ubuntu based distributions
master is the next stable release, you can test it in your day-to -day activities.
Bug fixes or small improvements pull requests go here.
We build and test packages for actively supported Ubuntu versions.
Other distros based on Ubuntu, like Mint, should also be supported.
Development brand for the next major release
Packages can be installed from our Personal Package Archives (PPA) repository:
**Never** use this branch for production. Pull requests for major new features go here.
sudo apt update
sudo apt install software-properties-common
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:gns3/ppa
sudo apt update
sudo apt install gns3-gui gns3-server
## Linux
#### Other Linux distributions
GNS3 is perhaps packaged for your distribution:
GNS3 is often packaged for other distributions by third-parties:
* [Gentoo](https://packages.gentoo.org/package/net-misc/gns3-server)
* [Alpine](https://pkgs.alpinelinux.org/package/v3.10/community/x86_64/gns3-server)
* [NixOS](https://search.nixos.org/packages?channel=21.11&from=0&size=50&sort=relevance&type=packages&query=gns3-server)
#### PyPi
### Linux (Debian based)
The following instructions have been tested with Ubuntu and Mint.
You must be connected to the Internet in order to install the dependencies.
You may use PyPi in case no package is provided, or you would like to do a manual installation:
### Dependencies:
- Python >= 3.6, setuptools and the ones listed in [requirements.txt](https://github.com/GNS3/gns3-server/blob/3.0/requirements.txt>)
The following commands will install some of these dependencies:
* https://pypi.org/project/gns3-server/
* https://pypi.org/project/gns3-gui/
sudo apt-get install python3-setuptools
python3 -m pip install gns3-gui
python3 -m pip install gns3-server
Finally, these commands will install the server as well as the rest of the dependencies:
The downside of this method is you will have to manually install all dependencies (see below).
cd gns3-server-master
python3 -m venv venv-gns3server
source venv-gns3server/bin/activate
sudo python3 setup.py install
python3 -m gns3server --local
Please see our [documentation](https://docs.gns3.com/docs/getting-started/installation/linux) for more details.
To run tests use:
python3 -m pytest tests
### Software dependencies
## Docker container
In addition to Python dependencies, other software may be required, recommended or optional.
For development, you can run the GNS3 server in a container
bash scripts/docker_dev_server.sh
## Run as daemon (Unix only)
* [uBridge](https://github.com/GNS3/ubridge/) is required, it interconnects the nodes.
* [Dynamips](https://github.com/GNS3/dynamips/) is required for running IOS routers (using real IOS images) as well as the internal switches and hubs.
* [VPCS](https://github.com/GNS3/vpcs/) is recommended, it is a builtin node simulating a very simple computer to perform connectivity tests using ping, traceroute etc.
* Qemu is strongly recommended as most node types are based on Qemu, for example Cisco IOSv and Arista vEOS.
* libvirt is recommended as it's needed for the NAT cloud.
* Docker is optional, some nodes are based on Docker.
* mtools is recommended to support data transfer to/from QEMU VMs using virtual disks.
* i386-libraries of libc and libcrypto are optional, they are only needed to run IOU based nodes.
You will find init sample scripts for various systems
inside the init directory.
Note that Docker needs the script program (`bsdutils` or `util-linux` package), when running a Docker VM and a static busybox during installation (python3 setup.py install / pip3 install / package creation).
Useful options:
## Development
* `--daemon`: start process as a daemon
* `--log logfile`: store output in a logfile
* `--pid pidfile`: store the pid of the running process in a file and prevent double execution
### Setting up
All init scripts require the creation of a GNS3 user. You can change it to another user.
These commands will install the server as well as all Python dependencies:
sudo adduser gns3
git clone https://github.com/GNS3/gns3-server
cd gns3-server
git checkout 3.0
python3 -m venv venv-gns3server
source venv-gns3server/bin/activate
python3 setup.py install
python3 -m gns3server --local
### systemd
You will have to manually install other software dependencies (see above), for Dynamips, VPCS and uBridge the easiest is to install from our PPA.
### Docker container
You need to copy init/gns3.service.systemd to /lib/systemd/system/gns3.service
Alternatively, you can run the GNS3 server in a container
sudo chown root /lib/systemd/system/gns3.service
sudo systemctl start gns3
bash scripts/docker_dev_server.sh
## Windows
Please use our [Windows installer](https://community.gns3.com/software/download) to install the stable build along with the GNS3 VM
### Mac OS X
Please use our [DMG package](https://community.gns3.com/software/download) for a simple installation along with the GNS3 VM (VMware Fusion is recommended)
## SSL
### Running tests
If you want enable SSL support on GNS3 you can generate a self-signed certificate:
First, install the development dependencies:
bash gns3server/cert_utils/create_cert.sh
python3 -m pip install -r dev-requirements.txt
This command will put the files in ~/.config/GNS3/ssl
After you can start the server in SSL mode with:
Then run the tests using pytest:
python gns3server/main.py --certfile ~/.config/GNS3/ssl/server.cert --certkey ~/.config/GNS3/ssl/server.key --ssl
python3 -m pytest -vv tests/
Or in your gns3_server.conf by adding in the Server section:
### API documentation
The API documentation can be accessed when running the server locally:
### Running tests
* On `http://IP:PORT/docs` to see with Swagger UI (i.e. `http://localhost:3080/docs`)
* On `http://IP:PORT/redoc` to see with ReDoc (i.e. `http://localhost:3080/redoc`)
First, install the development dependencies
The documentation can also be viewed [online](http://apiv3.gns3.net) however it may not be the most up-to-date version since it needs manually synchronization with the current code. Also, you cannot use this to interact with a GNS3 server.
python3 -m pip install -r dev-requirements.txt
### Branches
Then run the tests using pytest
#### master
python3 -m pytest -vv tests/
master is the next stable release, you can test it in your day-to -day activities.
Bug fixes or small improvements pull requests go here.
## Security issues
3.x development brand for the next major release.
Please contact us at security@gns3.net
**Never** use this branch for production. Pull requests for major new features go here.