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2021-06-03 06:10:12 +00:00
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (C) 2021 GNS3 Technologies Inc.
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import pytest
import pytest_asyncio
2021-06-03 06:10:12 +00:00
from fastapi import FastAPI, status
from httpx import AsyncClient
from sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio import AsyncSession
from gns3server.db.repositories.rbac import RbacRepository
from gns3server.db.repositories.users import UsersRepository
from gns3server.schemas.controller.rbac import ACECreate
2021-06-03 06:10:12 +00:00
from gns3server.db.models import User
pytestmark = pytest.mark.asyncio
# @pytest_asyncio.fixture
# async def project_ace(db_session: AsyncSession):
# group_id = (await UsersRepository(db_session).get_user_group_by_name("Users")).user_group_id
# role_id = (await RbacRepository(db_session).get_role_by_name("User")).role_id
# ace = ACECreate(
# path="/projects",
# ace_type="group",
# propagate=False,
# group_id=str(group_id),
# role_id=str(role_id)
# )
# await RbacRepository(db_session).create_ace(ace)
class TestPrivileges:
"privilege, path, result",
("User.Allocate", "/users", False),
("Project.Allocate", "/projects", False),
("Project.Allocate", "/projects", True),
("Project.Audit", "/projects/e451ad73-2519-4f83-87fe-a8e821792d44", True),
("Project.Audit", "/templates", False),
("Template.Audit", "/templates", True),
("Template.Allocate", "/templates", False),
("Compute.Audit", "/computes", True),
("Compute.Audit", "/computes/local", True),
("Symbol.Audit", "/symbols", True),
("Symbol.Audit", "/symbols/default_symbols", True),
async def test_default_privileges_user_group(
test_user: User,
db_session: AsyncSession,
privilege: str,
path: str,
result: bool
) -> None:
# add an ACE for path
if result:
group_id = (await UsersRepository(db_session).get_user_group_by_name("Users")).user_group_id
role_id = (await RbacRepository(db_session).get_role_by_name("User")).role_id
ace = ACECreate(
await RbacRepository(db_session).create_ace(ace)
authorized = await RbacRepository(db_session).check_user_has_privilege(test_user.user_id, path, privilege)
assert authorized == result
async def test_propagate(self, test_user: User, db_session: AsyncSession):
privilege = "Project.Audit"
path = "/projects/44929147-47bb-460a-90ae-c782c4dbb6ef"
authorized = await RbacRepository(db_session).check_user_has_privilege(test_user.user_id, path, privilege)
assert authorized is False
ace = await RbacRepository(db_session).get_ace_by_path("/projects")
ace.propagate = True
await db_session.commit()
authorized = await RbacRepository(db_session).check_user_has_privilege(test_user.user_id, path, privilege)
assert authorized is True
async def test_allowed(self, test_user: User, db_session: AsyncSession):
ace = await RbacRepository(db_session).get_ace_by_path("/projects")
ace.allowed = False
ace.propagate = True
await db_session.commit()
privilege = "Project.Audit"
path = "/projects/44929147-47bb-460a-90ae-c782c4dbb6ef"
authorized = await RbacRepository(db_session).check_user_has_privilege(test_user.user_id, path, privilege)
assert authorized is False
# privileges on deeper levels replace those inherited from an upper level.
group_id = (await UsersRepository(db_session).get_user_group_by_name("Users")).user_group_id
role_id = (await RbacRepository(db_session).get_role_by_name("User")).role_id
ace = ACECreate(
await RbacRepository(db_session).create_ace(ace)
authorized = await RbacRepository(db_session).check_user_has_privilege(test_user.user_id, path, privilege)
assert authorized is True
# class TestProjectsWithRbac:
# async def test_admin_create_project(self, app: FastAPI, client: AsyncClient):
# params = {"name": "Admin project"}
# response = await client.post(app.url_path_for("create_project"), json=params)
# assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_201_CREATED
# async def test_user_only_access_own_projects(
# self,
# app: FastAPI,
# authorized_client: AsyncClient,
# project_ace,
# test_user: User,
# db_session: AsyncSession
# ) -> None:
# params = {"name": "User project"}
# response = await authorized_client.post(app.url_path_for("create_project"), json=params)
# assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_201_CREATED
# project_id = response.json()["project_id"]
# rbac_repo = RbacRepository(db_session)
# permissions_in_db = await rbac_repo.get_user_permissions(test_user.user_id)
# assert len(permissions_in_db) == 1
# assert permissions_in_db[0].path == f"/projects/{project_id}/*"
# response = await authorized_client.get(app.url_path_for("get_projects"))
# assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_200_OK
# projects = response.json()
# assert len(projects) == 1
# async def test_admin_access_all_projects(self, app: FastAPI, client: AsyncClient):
# response = await client.get(app.url_path_for("get_projects"))
# assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_200_OK
# projects = response.json()
# assert len(projects) == 2
# async def test_admin_user_give_permission_on_project(
# self,
# app: FastAPI,
# client: AsyncClient,
# test_user: User
# ):
# response = await client.get(app.url_path_for("get_projects"))
# assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_200_OK
# projects = response.json()
# project_id = None
# for project in projects:
# if project["name"] == "Admin project":
# project_id = project["project_id"]
# break
# new_permission = {
# "methods": ["GET"],
# "path": f"/projects/{project_id}",
# "action": "ALLOW"
# }
# response = await client.post(app.url_path_for("create_permission"), json=new_permission)
# assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_201_CREATED
# permission_id = response.json()["permission_id"]
# response = await client.put(
# app.url_path_for(
# "add_permission_to_user",
# user_id=test_user.user_id,
# permission_id=permission_id
# )
# )
# assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_204_NO_CONTENT
# async def test_user_access_admin_project(
# self,
# app: FastAPI,
# authorized_client: AsyncClient,
# test_user: User,
# db_session: AsyncSession
# ) -> None:
# response = await authorized_client.get(app.url_path_for("get_projects"))
# assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_200_OK
# projects = response.json()
# assert len(projects) == 2
# class TestTemplatesWithRbac:
# async def test_admin_create_template(self, app: FastAPI, client: AsyncClient):
# new_template = {"base_script_file": "vpcs_base_config.txt",
# "category": "guest",
# "console_auto_start": False,
# "console_type": "telnet",
# "default_name_format": "PC{0}",
# "compute_id": "local",
# "symbol": ":/symbols/vpcs_guest.svg",
# "template_type": "vpcs"}
# response = await client.post(app.url_path_for("create_template"), json=new_template)
# assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_201_CREATED
# async def test_user_only_access_own_templates(
# self, app: FastAPI,
# authorized_client: AsyncClient,
# test_user: User,
# db_session: AsyncSession
# ) -> None:
# new_template = {"base_script_file": "vpcs_base_config.txt",
# "category": "guest",
# "console_auto_start": False,
# "console_type": "telnet",
# "default_name_format": "PC{0}",
# "compute_id": "local",
# "symbol": ":/symbols/vpcs_guest.svg",
# "template_type": "vpcs"}
# response = await authorized_client.post(app.url_path_for("create_template"), json=new_template)
# assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_201_CREATED
# template_id = response.json()["template_id"]
# rbac_repo = RbacRepository(db_session)
# permissions_in_db = await rbac_repo.get_user_permissions(test_user.user_id)
# assert len(permissions_in_db) == 1
# assert permissions_in_db[0].path == f"/templates/{template_id}/*"
# response = await authorized_client.get(app.url_path_for("get_templates"))
# assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_200_OK
# templates = [template for template in response.json() if template["builtin"] is False]
# assert len(templates) == 1
# async def test_admin_access_all_templates(self, app: FastAPI, client: AsyncClient):
# response = await client.get(app.url_path_for("get_templates"))
# assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_200_OK
# templates = [template for template in response.json() if template["builtin"] is False]
# assert len(templates) == 2